Monthly Notices of the RAS 464
February(I) 2017
- 2017MNRAS.464.3775B
- Galactoseismology and the local density of dark matter.
- Banik, N. (1) ; Widrow, L.M. ; Dodelson, S. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3784F
- On the estimation and detection of the Rees-Sciama effect.
- Fullana, M.J. ; Arnau, J.V. ; Thacker, R.J. ; Couchman, H.M.P. ; Saez, D. (5)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3796T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/464/3796)
- Pattern recognition in the ALFALFA.70 and Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: a catalogue of ∼500 000 H I gas fraction estimates based on artificial neural networks.
- Teimoorinia, H. ; Ellison, S.L. ; Patton, D.R.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3812F
- Variations of the stellar initial mass function in semi-analytical models: implications for the mass assembly and the chemical enrichment of galaxies in the GAEA model.
- Fontanot, F. ; De Lucia, G. ; Hirschmann, M. ; Bruzual, G. ; Charlot, S. ; Zibetti, S.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3825P
- Orbits of massive satellite galaxies - I. A close look at the Large Magellanic Cloud and a new orbital history for M33.
- Patel, E. ; Besla, G. ; Sohn, S.T.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3850D
- Angular momentum evolution of galaxies in EAGLE.
- del Lagos, C. P (1) (2) ; Theuns, T. ; Stevens, A.R.H. ; Cortese, L. ; Padilla, N.D. (6) ; Davis, T.A. ; Contreras, S. ; Croton, D.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3871S
- Testing multimass dynamical models of star clusters with real data: mass segregation in three Galactic globular clusters.
- Sollima, A. (1) ; Dalessandro, E. (1) ; Beccari, G. ; Pallanca, C.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3882W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/464/3882)
- Incidence of WISE-selected obscured AGNs in major mergers and interactions from the SDSS.
- Weston, M.E. ; McIntosh, D.H. ; Brodwin, M. ; Mann, J. (1) ; Cooper, A. (1) ; McConnell, A. ; Nielsen, J.L. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3907R
- The influence of neutrinos on r-process nucleosynthesis in the ejecta of black hole-neutron star mergers.
- Roberts, L.F. ; Lippuner, J. ; Duez, M.D. ; Faber, J.A. ; Foucart, F. ; Lombardi, J.C. ; Ning, S. ; Ott, C.D. ; Ponce, M. (6)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3920S
- Circumstellar dust, PAHs and stellar populations in early-type galaxies: insights from GALEX and WISE.
- Simonian, G.V. ; Martini, P. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3937G
- Tidal heating of young super-Earth atmospheres.
- Ginzburg, S.; Sari, R.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3945Z
- Extended transiting discs and rings around planets and brown dwarfs: theoretical constraints.
- Zanazzi, J.J.; Lai, D.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3955G
- Long-term monitoring of Ark 120 with Swift.
- Gliozzi, M. ; Papadakis, I.E. (2) ; Grupe, D. ; Brinkmann, W.P. ; Rath, C.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3965W
- The core-degenerate scenario for the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae.
- Wang, B. (1) (2) ; Zhou, W.-H. (2) ; Zuo, Z.-Y. ; Li, Y.-B. ; Luo, X. ; Zhang, J.-J. (1) ; Liu, D.-D. (1) (2) ; Wu, C.-Y. (1) (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3972L
- Simultaneous Swift and Rapid Eye Mount telescope observations of the blazar PKS 0537-441.
- Li, X.-P. ; Luo, Y.-H. ; Zhang, Li (2) ; Yang, C. ; Yang, H.-T. ; Cai, Y.
- 2017MNRAS.464.3991H
- Looking for dark matter trails in colliding galaxy clusters.
- Harvey, D. ; Robertson, A. ; Massey, R. ; Kneib, J.-P. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.3998O
- Turbulence velocity profiling for high sensitivity and vertical-resolution atmospheric characterization with Stereo-SCIDAR.
- Osborn, J.; Butterley, T.; Townson, M.J.; Reeves, A.P.; Morris, T.J.; Wilson, R.W.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4008P
- Constraining a halo model for cosmological neutral hydrogen.
- Padmanabhan, H.; Refregier, A.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4018S
- Structure of radiation-dominated gravitoturbulent quasar discs.
- Shadmehri, M. ; Khajenabi, F. ; Dib, S. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4028I
- The effect of a wider initial separation on common envelope binary interaction simulations.
- Iaconi, R. ; Reichardt, T. ; Staff, J. (1) ; De Marco, O. ; Passy, J.-C. ; Price, D. ; Wurster, J. (4) ; Herwig, F.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4045K
- Cosmology from large-scale galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data.
- Kwan, J. ; Sanchez, C. ; Clampitt, J. ; Blazek, J. ; Crocce, M. ; Jain, B. ; Zuntz, J. ; Amara, A. ; Becker, M.R. (7) ; Bernstein, G.M. ; Bonnett, C. ; DeRose, J. (7) ; Dodelson, S. (9) (10) ; Eifler, T.F. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Giannantonio, T. (13) ; Gruen, D. (8) ; Hartley, W.G. ; Kacprzak, T. ; Kirk, D. ; Krause, E. ; MacCrann, N. ; Miquel, R. (2) ; Park, Y. ; Ross, A.J. ; Rozo, E. ; Rykoff, E.S. (8) ; Sheldon, E. ; Troxel, M.A. ; Wechsler, R.H. (7) (8) ; Abbott, T.M.C. ; Abdalla, F.B. (17) ; Allam, S. ; Benoit-Levy, A. (23) (17) ; Brooks, D. ; Burke, D.L. (8) ; Rosell, A.C. (25) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (27) ; Cunha, C.E. ; D'Andrea, C.B. (29) ; da Costa, L.N. (25) ; Desai, S. (32) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (32) ; Doel, P. ; Evrard, A.E. (33) ; Fernandez, E. ; Finley, D.A. ; Flaugher, B. ; Fosalba, P. ; Frieman, J. (9) ; Gerdes, D.W. ; Gruendl, R.A. (27) ; Gutierrez, G. ; Honscheid, K. (3) ; James, D.J. ; Jarvis, M. ; Kuehn, K. ; Lahav, O. ; Lima, M. (37) ; Maia, M.A.G. (25) ; Marshall, J.L. ; Martini, P. (3) ; Melchior, P. ; Mohr, J.J. (32) (31) ; Nichol, R.C. ; Nord, B. ; Plazas, A.A. ; Reil, K. ; Romer, A.K. ; Roodman, A. (8) ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. (44) ; Suchyta, E. (1) ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; Vikram, V. ; Walker, A.R. ; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4063R
- Galileo disposal strategy: stability, chaos and predictability.
- Rosengren, A.J. (1) ; Daquin, J. (3) ; Tsiganis, K. ; Alessi, E.M. ; Deleflie, F. ; Rossi, A. ; Valsecchi, G.B. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4077B
- MOCCA-SURVEY database I. Accreting white dwarf binary systems in globular clusters - II. Cataclysmic variables - progenitors and population at birth.
- Belloni, D. (1) ; Giersz, M. ; Rocha-Pinto, H.J. ; Leigh, N.W.C. ; Askar, A.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4096L
- Probing the multiscale interplay between gravity and turbulence - power-law-like gravitational energy spectra of the Orion Complex.
- Li, G.-X. ; Burkert, A. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4107G
- QUIJOTE scientific results - II. Polarisation measurements of the microwave emission in the Galactic molecular complexes W43 and W47 and supernova remnant W44.
- Genova-Santos, R. (1) ; Rubino-Martin, J.A. (1) ; Pelaez-Santos, A. (1) ; Poidevin, F. (1) ; Rebolo, R. (1) (2) ; Vignaga, R. (1) ; Artal, E. ; Harper, S. ; Hoyland, R. ; Lasenby, A. (6) ; Martinez-Gonzalez, E. ; Piccirillo, L. ; Tramonte, D. (1) ; Watson, R.A.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4133R
- Orbital and superorbital monitoring of the Be/X-ray binary A0538-66: constraints on the system parameters.
- Rajoelimanana, A.F. ; Charles, P.A. (2) (3) ; Meintjes, P.J. ; Townsend, L.J. ; Schurch, M.P.E. ; Udalski, A.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4145H
- Erratum: Seeding the Galactic Centre gas stream: gravitational instabilities set the initial conditions for the formation of protocluster clouds.
- Henshaw, J.D. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Kruijssen, J.M.D. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4146C
- Linear spectropolarimetry of polarimetric standard stars with VLT/FORS2.
- Cikota, A. ; Patat, F. ; Cikota, S. ; Faran, T.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4160D
- A statistical investigation of the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation.
- Desmond, H. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4176W
- Galaxy Zoo: morphological classifications for 120 000 galaxies in HST legacy imaging.
- Willett, K.W. (1) ; Galloway, M.A. ; Bamford, S.P. ; Lintott, C.J. ; Masters, K.L. (5) ; Scarlata, C. ; Simmons, B.D. (4) ; Beck, M. ; Cardamone, C.N. ; Cheung, E. ; Edmondson, E.M. ; Fortson, L.F. ; Griffith, R.L. (10) ; Haussler, B. (4) (12) ; Han, A. ; Hart, R. ; Melvin, T. ; Parrish, M. ; Schawinski, K. ; Smethurst, R.J. ; Smith, A.M. (4) (15)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4204C
- The EAGLE simulations: atomic hydrogen associated with galaxies.
- Crain, R.A. ; Bahe, Y.M. ; del Lagos, C.P. (3) ; Rahmati, A. ; Schaye, J. ; McCarthy, I.G. ; Marasco, A. ; Bower, R.G. ; Schaller, M. ; Theuns, T. ; van der Hulst, T.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4227R
- Tracing the origin of the AGN fuelling reservoir in MCG-6-30-15.
- Raimundo, S.I. ; Davies, R.I. ; Canning, R.E.A. (3) ; Celotti, A. (5) (6) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Gandhi, P.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4247W
- High-temperature condensate clouds in super-hot Jupiter atmospheres.
- Wakeford, H.R. ; Visscher, C. ; Lewis, N.K. ; Kataria, T. ; Marley, M.S. ; Fortney, J.J. ; Mandell, A.M.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4255P
- The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: first results from SCUBA-2 observations of the Cepheus Flare region.
- Pattle, K. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; Kirk, J.M. ; Di Francesco, J. (2) ; Kirk, H. ; Mottram, J.C. (4) ; Keown, J. ; Buckle, J. (6) ; Beaulieu, S.F. ; Berry, D.S. ; Broekhoven-Fiene, H. ; Currie, M.J. ; Fich, M. ; Hatchell, J. ; Jenness, T. (9) ; Johnstone, D. (2) (3) ; Nutter, D. ; Pineda, J.E. (13) (14) ; Quinn, C. ; Salji, C. (6) ; Tisi, S. ; Walker-Smith, S. (6) ; Hogerheijde, M.R. ; Bastien, P. ; Bresnahan, D. ; Butner, H. ; Chen, M. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Coude, S. ; Davis, C.J. ; Drabek-Maunder, E. ; Duarte-Cabral, A. ; Fiege, J. ; Friberg, P. ; Friesen, R. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Graves, S. ; Greaves, J. ; Gregson, J. (23) ; Holland, W. (25) ; Joncas, G. ; Knee, L.B.G. ; Mairs, S. ; Marsh, K. ; Matthews, B.C. (2) ; Moriarty-Schieven, G. ; Mowat, C. ; Rawlings, J. ; Richer, J. (6) ; Robertson, D. ; Rosolowsky, E. ; Rumble, D. ; Sadavoy, S. ; Thomas, H. ; Tothill, N. ; Viti, S. ; White, G.J. (23) ; Wouterloot, J. ; Yates, J. ; Zhu, M.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4282A
- A pebbles accretion model with chemistry and implications for the Solar system.
- Ali-Dib, M. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4299F
- A possible long-term activity cycle for ι Horologii: First results from SPI-HKα project.
- Flores, M.G. (1) (2) ; Buccino, A.P. (3) (4) ; Saffe, C.E. (1) (2) ; Mauas, P.J.D. (3) (4)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4306N
- Resolving the blazar CGRaBS J0809+5341 in the presence of telescope systematics.
- Natarajan, I. ; Paragi, Z. ; Zwart, J. (1) ; Perkins, S. ; Smirnov, O. (4) ; van der Heyden, K.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4318N
- Supernova enrichment of planetary systems in low-mass star clusters.
- Nicholson, R.B.; Parker, R.J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4325Y
- First multicolour polarimetry of TeV γ-ray binary HESS J0632+057 close to periastron passage.
- Yudin, R.V. ; Potter, S.B. ; Townsend, L.J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4331N
- A Ks-band-selected catalogue of objects in the ALHAMBRA survey.
- Nieves-Seoane, L. (1) (2) ; Fernandez-Soto, A. (1) ; Arnalte-Mur, P. (2) ; Molino, A. ; Stefanon, M. ; Ferreras, I. ; Ascaso, B. ; Ballesteros, F.J. ; Cristobal-Hornillos, D. ; Lopez-Sanjuan, C. ; Hurtado-Gil, L. (1) ; Marquez, I. ; Masegosa, J. ; Aguerri, J.A.L. (11) ; Alfaro, E. ; Aparicio-Villegas, T. ; Benitez, N. ; Broadhurst, T. (14) ; Cabrera-Cano, J. ; Castander, F.J. ; Cepa, J. (11) ; Cervino, M. (10) (11) ; Gonzalez Delgado, R.M. ; Husillos, C. ; Infante, L. ; Martinez, V.J. (2) (3) ; Moles, M. (9) ; del Olmo, A. ; Perea, J. ; Povic, M. ; Prada, F. (10) (19) ; Quintana, J.M. ; Troncoso-Iribarren, P. ; Viironen, K.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4349B
- I-Love-Q relations for white dwarf stars.
- Boshkayev, K. (1) ; Quevedo, H. (2) ; Zhami, B.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4360M
- A relationship between halo mass, cooling, active galactic nuclei heating and the co-evolution of massive black holes.
- Main, R.A. (1) (2) ; McNamara, B.R. (1) (4) ; Nulsen, P.E.J. (5) ; Russell, H.R. (1) ; Vantyghem, A.N.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4383B
- The influence of dust grain porosity on the analysis of debris disc observations.
- Brunngraber, R. ; Wolf, S. ; Kirchschlager, F. ; Ertel, S. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4390P
- Probing the surface magnetic field structure in RX J1856.5-3754.
- Popov, S.B. ; Taverna, R. ; Turolla, R. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4399D
- Flares in gamma-ray bursts: disc fragmentation and evolution.
- Dall'Osso, S. ; Perna, R. ; Tanaka, T.L. ; Margutti, R. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4408S
- A thorough analysis of the short- and mid-term activity-related variations in the solar acoustic frequencies.
- Santos, A.R.G. (1) (2) ; Cunha, M.S. (1) ; Avelino, P.P. (1) ; Chaplin, W.J. (3) ; Campante, T.L. (3)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4415C
- Explaining the unusual line profiles of SN 2006gy.
- Chugai, N.N.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4420S
- Galaxy Zoo: quantitative visual morphological classifications for 48 000 galaxies from CANDELS.
- Simmons, B.D. (1) (2) ; Lintott, C. ; Willett, K.W. (4) ; Masters, K.L. (6) ; Kartaltepe, J.S. ; Haussler, B. (1) (9) ; Kaviraj, S. (9) ; Krawczyk, C. ; Kruk, S.J. ; McIntosh, D.H. ; Smethurst, R.J. ; Nichol, R.C. (6) ; Scarlata, C. ; Schawinski, K. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Almaini, O. ; Ferguson, H.C. ; Fortson, L. ; Hartley, W. ; Kocevski, D. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Mortlock, A. ; Newman, J.A. ; Bamford, S.P. ; Grogin, N.A. ; Lucas, R.A. ; Hathi, N.P. ; McGrath, E. ; Peth, M. ; Pforr, J. (18) ; Rizer, Z. ; Wuyts, S. ; Barro, G. ; Bell, E.F. ; Castellano, M. ; Dahlen, T. ; Dekel, A. ; Ownsworth, J. ; Faber, S.M. ; Finkelstein, S.L. ; Fontana, A. ; Galametz, A. ; Grutzbauch, R. (14) ; Koo, D. ; Lotz, J. ; Mobasher, B. ; Mozena, M. ; Salvato, M. ; Wiklind, T.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4448W
- Testing cosmic ray acceleration with radio relics: a high-resolution study using MHD and tracers.
- Wittor, D.; Vazza, F.; Bruggen, M.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4463K
- Star-galaxy classification using deep convolutional neural networks.
- Kim, E.J. ; Brunner, R.J. (1) (2) (3)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4476C
- Early observations of the nearby Type Ia supernova SN 2015F.
- Cartier, R. ; Sullivan, M. ; Firth, R.E. ; Pignata, G. (2) ; Mazzali, P. (4) ; Maguire, K. ; Childress, M.J. ; Arcavi, I. (7) ; Ashall, C. ; Bassett, B. (9) (10) ; Crawford, S.M. ; Frohmaier, C. ; Galbany, L. (12) ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Hosseinzadeh, G. (7) ; Howell, D.A. (7) ; Inserra, C. ; Johansson, J. ; Kasai, E.K. (9) (10) (11) ; McCully, C. (7) ; Prajs, S. ; Prentice, S. ; Schulze, S. (3) ; Smartt, S.J. ; Smith, K.W. ; Smith, M. ; Valenti, S. (7) ; Young, D.R.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4495G
- The nearby spiral density-wave structure of the Galaxy: line-of-sight and longitudinal velocities of 223 Cepheids.
- Griv, E. ; Hou, L.-G. ; Jiang, I.-G. ; Ngeow, C.-C.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4509Y
- Stability of compact stars in αR2 + β(RγδTγδ) gravity.
- Yousaf, Z.; Bhatti, M.Z.-U.-H.; Farwa, U.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4520B
- Substructure and galaxy formation in the Copernicus Complexio warm dark matter simulations.
- Bose, S. ; Hellwing, W.A. (2) ; Frenk, C.S. ; Jenkins, A. ; Lovell, M.R. (4) ; Helly, J.C. ; Li, B. ; Gonzalez-Perez, V. ; Gao, L. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4534Q
- Chromospheric polarimetry through multiline observations of the 850-nm spectral region.
- Quintero Noda, C. ; Shimizu, T. ; Katsukawa, Y. ; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J. ; Carlsson, M. ; Anan, T. ; Oba, T. ; Ichimoto, K. (2) ; Suematsu, Y.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4544P
- Erratum: An accretion disc instability induced by a temperature sensitive α parameter.
- Potter, W.J.; Balbus, S.A.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4545B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/464/4545)
- Galaxy gas as obscurer - I. GRBs x-ray galaxies and find an N_ H_3∝M_*_ relation.
- Buchner, J. (1) ; Schulze, S. (1) ; Bauer, F.E. (1) (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4567T
- General relativistic radiative transfer code in rotating black hole space-time: ARTIST.
- Takahashi, R. ; Umemura, M.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4586P
- X-ray-selected broad absorption line quasi-stellar objects.
- Page, M.J. ; Carrera, F.J. ; Ceballos, M. ; Corral, A. ; Ebrero, J. ; Esquej, P. ; Krumpe, M. ; Mateos, S. ; Rosen, S. ; Schwope, A. ; Streblyanska, A. ; Symeonidis, M. ; Tedds, J.A. ; Watson, M.G.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4593T
- Do the stellar populations of the brightest two group galaxies depend on the magnitude gap?
- Trevisan, M. ; Mamon, G.A. ; Khosroshahi, H.G. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4611F
- The SLUGGS Survey: stellar masses and effective radii of early-type galaxies from Spitzer Space Telescope 3.6 µm imaging.
- Forbes, D.A. ; Sinpetru, L. ; Savorgnan, G. ; Romanowsky, A.J. (3) ; Usher, C. ; Brodie, J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4624S
- GRB 110715A: the peculiar multiwavelength evolution of the first afterglow detected by ALMA.
- Sanchez-Ramirez, R. (1) (2) ; Hancock, P.J. (4) ; Johannesson, G. ; Murphy, T. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A. (1) ; Gorosabel, J. (1) (2) ; Kann, D.A. (8) ; Kruhler, T. (9) ; Oates, S.R. (1) ; Japelj, J. ; Thone, C.C. ; Lundgren, A.; Perley, D.A. ; Malesani, D. ; de Gregorio Monsalvo, I. (10) ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. ; D'Elia, V. (14) ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Garcia-Appadoo, D. (10) ; Goldoni, P. ; Greiner, J. (9) ; Hu, Y.-D. ; Jelinek, M. (1) ; Jeong, S. (1) ; Kamble, A. ; Klose, S. ; Kuin, N.P.M. ; Llorente, A. ; Martin, S. (10) ; Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A. ; Rossi, A. ; Schady, P. ; Sparre, M. ; Sudilovsky, V. ; Tello, J.C. ; Updike, A. ; Wiersema, K. ; Zhang, B.-B. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4641S
- Global numerical simulations of the rise of vortex-mediated pulsar glitches in full general relativity.
- Sourie, A. ; Chamel, N. ; Novak, J. ; Oertel, M.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4658S
- Quantifying lost information due to covariance matrix estimation in parameter inference.
- Sellentin, E.; Heavens, A.F.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4666G
- Relation between halo spin and cosmic-web filaments at z ≃ 3.
- Gonzalez, R.E. (1) ; Prieto, J. ; Padilla, N. (1) ; Jimenez, R. (4)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4673C
- An evolutionary channel towards the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658.
- Chen, W.-C. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4680D
- Herschel-ATLAS: revealing dust build-up and decline across gas, dust and stellar mass selected samples - I. Scaling relations.
- De Vis, P. (1) ; Dunne, L. (3) ; Maddox, S. (3) ; Gomez, H.L. ; Clark, C.J.R. ; Bauer, A.E. ; Viaene, S. ; Schofield, S.P. ; Baes, M. ; Baker, A.J. ; Bourne, N. ; Driver, S.P. ; Dye, S. ; Eales, S.A. ; Furlanetto, C. (8) ; Ivison, R.J. (4) ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Rowlands, K. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Valiante, E. ; Wright, A.H.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4706S
- Delayed triggering of radio active galactic nuclei in gas-rich minor mergers in the local Universe.
- Shabala, S.S. ; Deller, A. ; Kaviraj, S. ; Middelberg, E. ; Turner, R.J. ; Ting, Y.S. ; Allison, J.R. ; Davis, T.A. (3)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4721F
- A spectroscopic survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X-Shooter - II. Accretion diagnostic lines.
- Fairlamb, J.R. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Mendigutia, I. ; Ilee, J.D. ; van den Ancker, M.E.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4736F
- Size matters: abundance matching, galaxy sizes, and the Tully-Fisher relation in EAGLE.
- Ferrero, I. (1) ; Navarro, J.F. ; Abadi, M.G. (1) ; Sales, L.V. ; Bower, R.G. ; Crain, R.A. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Schaller, M. ; Schaye, J. ; Theuns, T.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4747C
- SKA weak lensing - III. Added value of multiwavelength synergies for the mitigation of systematics.
- Camera, S. ; Harrison, I. ; Bonaldi, A. (1) ; Brown, M.L.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4761H
- Toroidal figures of equilibrium from a second-order accurate, accelerated SCF method with subgrid approach.
- Hure, J.-M. (1) ; Hersant, F. (1)
- 2017MNRAS.464.4777H
- Parametrizing the time variation of the 'surface term' of stellar p-mode frequencies: application to helioseismic data.
- Howe, R. ; Basu, S. ; Davies, G.R. (1) ; Ball, W.H. (4) ; Chaplin, W.J. (1) ; Elsworth, Y. (1) ; Komm, R.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4789M
- Dominant dark matter and a counter-rotating disc: MUSE view of the low-luminosity S0 galaxy NGC 5102.
- Mitzkus, M. ; Cappellari, M. ; Walcher, C.J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4807H
- Measuring the 2D baryon acoustic oscillation signal of galaxies in WiggleZ: cosmological constraints.
- Hinton, S.R. (1) ; Kazin, E. (2) ; Davis, T.M. (1) ; Blake, C. (2) ; Brough, S. ; Colless, M. ; Couch, W.J. ; Drinkwater, M.J. ; Glazebrook, K. ; Jurek, R.J. ; Parkinson, D. (1) ; Pimbblet, K.A. (7) (8) ; Poole, G.B. ; Pracy, M. ; Woods, D.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4823B
- Zooming into the Cosmic Horseshoe: new insights on the lens profile and the source shape.
- Bellagamba, F. ; Tessore, N. (1) ; Metcalf, R.B.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4835O
- Structure and physical conditions in the Huygens region of the Orion nebula.
- O'Dell, C.R. ; Ferland, G.J. ; Peimbert, M.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4858K
- Architecture of the Andromeda galaxy: a quantitative analysis of clustering in the inner stellar halo.
- Kafle, P.R. ; Sharma, S. ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Driver, S.P.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4866O
- The metal enrichment of passive galaxies in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation.
- Okamoto, T. ; Nagashima, M. ; Lacey, C.G. ; Frenk, C.S.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4875B
- Probing acceleration and turbulence at relativistic shocks in blazar jets.
- Baring, M.G. ; Bottcher, M. ; Summerlin, E.J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4895G
- Learning about the magnetar Swift J1834.9-0846 from its wind nebula.
- Granot, J. ; Gill, R. ; Younes, G. ; Gelfand, J. ; Harding, A. ; Kouveliotou, C. ; Baring, M.G.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4927S
- The distribution and kinematics of interstellar O VI in the Milky Way.
- Sarma, R. ; Pathak, A. ; Murthy, J. ; Sarma, J.K.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4938W
- Erasing the Milky Way: new cleaning technique applied to GBT intensity mapping data.
- Wolz, L. (1) ; Blake, C. ; Abdalla, F.B. ; Anderson, C.J. ; Chang, T.-C. ; Li, Y.-C. ; Masui, K.W. (8) ; Switzer, E. ; Pen, U.-L. ; Voytek, T.C. ; Yadav, J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4950M
- Efficient photonic reformatting of celestial light for diffraction-limited spectroscopy.
- MacLachlan, D.G. ; Harris, R.J. ; Gris-Sanchez, I. ; Morris, T.J. ; Choudhury, D. ; Gendron, E. ; Basden, A.G. ; Spaleniak, I. ; Arriola, A. ; Birks, T.A. ; Allington-Smith, J.R. ; Thomson, R.R.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4958R
- Modelling the thermal X-ray emission around the Galactic Centre from colliding Wolf-Rayet winds.
- Russell, C.M.P. ; Wang, Q.D. ; Cuadra, J.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4966H – (Tables: III/278)
- Double stars with wide separations in the AGK3 - II. The wide binaries and the multiple systems*.
- Halbwachs, J.-L. ; Mayor, M. ; Udry, S.
- 2017MNRAS.464.4977K
- The evolution of the star formation rate function and cosmic star formation rate density of galaxies at z ∼ 1-4.
- Katsianis, A. (1) ; Tescari, E. (2) ; Blanc, G. ; Sargent, M.
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- Improved measurement of the spectral index of the diffuse radio background between 90 and 190 MHz.
- Mozdzen, T.J. ; Bowman, J.D. ; Monsalve, R.A. (1) ; Rogers, A.E.E.
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- Origin of asymmetries in X-ray emission lines from the blast wave of the 2014 outburst of nova V745 Sco.
- Orlando, S. ; Drake, J.J. ; Miceli, M. (1)
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- Polarization of Rayleigh scattered Lyα in active galactic nuclei.
- Chang, S.-J. ; Lee, H.-W. ; Yang, Y. (2)
- 2017MNRAS.464.5028H
- Exact analytical solutions for ADAFs.
- Habibi, A. ; Abbassi, S. (1) ; Shadmehri, M.
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