Monthly Notices of the RAS 463
November(III) 2016

A large difference in the progenitor masses of active and passive galaxies in the EAGLE simulation.
Clauwens, B. (1) ; Franx, M. ; Schaye, J.
Selection bias in dynamically measured supermassive black hole samples: consequences for pulsar timing arrays.
Sesana, A. ; Shankar, F. ; Bernardi, M. ; Sheth, R.K.
An information theory based search for homogeneity on the largest accessible scale.
Sarkar, S.; Pandey, B.
Gaps in globular cluster streams: giant molecular clouds can cause them too.
Amorisco, N.C. (1) ; Gomez, F.A. ; Vegetti, S. ; White, S.D.M.
Three-lane and multilane signatures of planets in planetesimal discs.
Demidova, T.V. ; Shevchenko, I.I. (1)
Orphan γ-ray flares from relativistic blobs encountering luminous stars.
Banasinski, P.; Bednarek, W.; Sitarek, J.
When and where did GW150914 form?
Lamberts, A. ; Garrison-Kimmel, S. ; Clausen, D.R. (1) ; Hopkins, P.F. (1)
Optical and radio astrometry of the galaxy associated with FRB 150418.
Bassa, C.G. ; Beswick, R. ; Tingay, S.J. (3) ; Keane, E.F. (5) (6) ; Bhandari, S. (6) ; Johnston, S. ; Totani, T. ; Tominaga, N. (10) ; Yasuda, N. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Barr, E.D. ; Kramer, M. (12) ; Possenti, A.
Which bulges are favoured by barred S0 galaxies?
Barway, S. ; Saha, K. ; Vaghmare, K. ; Kembhavi, A.K.
Meta-stable low-level accretion rate states or neutron star crust cooling in the Be/X-ray transients V0332+53 and 4U 0115+63.
Wijnands, R. ; Degenaar, N. (1)
SHARP - II. Mass structure in strong lenses is not necessarily dark matter substructure: a flux ratio anomaly from an edge-on disc in B1555+375.
Hsueh, J.-W. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Vegetti, S. ; McKean, J.P. (3) ; Spingola, C. ; Auger, M.W. ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Lagattuta, D.J.
Upper limits on the 21 cm power spectrum at z = 5.9 from quasar absorption line spectroscopy.
Pober, J.C. ; Greig, B. ; Mesinger, A.
Definitive test of the Rh = ct universe using redshift drift.
Melia, F.
Did high-energy astrophysical sources contribute to Martian atmospheric loss?
Atri, D.
NIHAO X: reconciling the local galaxy velocity function with cold dark matter via mock H I observations.
Maccio, A.V. (1) ; Udrescu, S.M. ; Dutton, A.A. ; Obreja, A. ; Wang, L. ; Stinson, G.R. ; Kang, Xi
ALMA observations of the vibrationally excited rotational CO transition v = 1, J = 3 - 2 towards five AGB stars.
Khouri, T. ; Vlemmings, W.H.T. ; Ramstedt, S. ; Lombaert, R. ; Maercker, M. ; De Beck, E.
Linking fluid and kinetic scales in solar wind turbulence.
Telloni, D. ; Bruno, R.
Discovery of hard phase lags in the pulsed emission of GRO J1744-28.
D'Ai, A. ; Burderi, L. ; Di Salvo, T. ; Iaria, R. ; Pintore, F. ; Riggio, A. ; Sanna, A.
Polarized synchrotron emission from the equatorial current sheet in gamma-ray pulsars.
Cerutti, B. ; Mortier, J. ; Philippov, A.A.
Are there two types of pulsars?
Contopoulos, I. (1)
On the origin of the HLX-1 outbursts.
Sun, M. (1) ; Gu, W.-M. (1) ; Yan, Z. (3) ; Wu, Q. ; Liu, T. (1) (5)
If it does not kill them, it makes them stronger: collisional evolution of star clusters with tidal shocks.
Gieles, M.; Renaud, F.
The intrinsic line width of the Fe K α line of AGN.
Liu, J.
The problematic growth of dust in high-redshift galaxies.
Ferrara, A. ; Viti, S. ; Ceccarelli, C. (3)
Highly enriched 7Be in the ejecta of Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 2 (V5668 Sgr) and the Galactic 7Li origin.
Molaro, P. ; Izzo, L. ; Mason, E. ; Bonifacio, P. ; Della Valle, M. (4)
Seeding the Galactic Centre gas stream: gravitational instabilities set the initial conditions for the formation of protocluster clouds.
Henshaw, J.D. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Kruijssen, J.M.D. (2)
Implications of solar wind measurements for solar models and composition.
Serenelli, A. ; Scott, P. ; Villante, F.L. (3) ; Vincent, A.C. ; Asplund, M. ; Basu, S. ; Grevesse, N. (8) ; Pena-Garay, C. (10)
SEDEBLEND: a new method for deblending spectral energy distributions in confused imaging.
MacKenzie, T.P. ; Scott, D. ; Swinbank, M.
2016MNRAS.463...24L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/463/24)
A high fraction of double-peaked narrow emission lines in powerful active galactic nuclei.
Lyu, Y. ; Liu, X. (2)
Contamination from a nearby star cannot explain the anomalous transmission spectrum of the ultrashort period giant planet WASP-103 b.
Southworth, J.; Evans, D.F.
Transiting planet candidates with ASTEP 400 at Dome C, Antarctica.
Mekarnia, D. ; Guillot, T. ; Rivet, J.-P. ; Schmider, F.-X. ; Abe, L. ; Goncalves, I. ; Agabi, A. ; Crouzet, N. ; Fruth, T. (3) ; Barbieri, M. ; Bayliss, D.D.R. ; Zhou, G. ; Aristidi, E. ; Szulagyi, J. ; Daban, J.-B. ; Fantei-Caujolle, Y. ; Gouvret, C. ; Erikson, A. ; Rauer, H. ; Bouchy, F. ; Gerakis, J. ; Bouchez, G.
Resolving flows around black holes: the impact of gas angular momentum.
Curtis, M.; Sijacki, D.
The soft X-ray spectrum of the high-mass X-ray binary V0332+53 in quiescence.
Elshamouty, K.G. ; Heinke, C.O. ; Chouinard, R. (1)
Gravitational and mass distribution effects on stationary superwinds.
Anorve-Zeferino, G.A.
The number and size of subhalo-induced gaps in stellar streams.
Erkal, D. ; Belokurov, V. ; Bovy, Jo ; Sanders, J.L.
Strongly time-variable ultraviolet metal-line emission from the circum-galactic medium of high-redshift galaxies.
Sravan, N. ; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A. ; van de Voort, F. (2) ; Keres, D. ; Muratov, A.L. ; Hopkins, P.F. ; Feldmann, R. ; Quataert, E. ; Murray, N.
Global multifluid simulations of the magnetorotational instability in radially stratified protoplanetary discs.
Rodgers-Lee, D. (1) ; Ray, T.P. (1) ; Downes, T.P. (3)
Investigating the structure and fragmentation of a highly filamentary IRDC.
Henshaw, J.D. (1) ; Caselli, P. ; Fontani, F. ; Jimenez-Serra, I. (5) ; Tan, J.C. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Pineda, J.E. ; Parker, R.J. ; Barnes, A.T.
The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the link between angular momentum and optical morphology.
Cortese, L. ; Fogarty, L.M.R. (2) ; Bekki, K. ; van de Sande, J. ; Couch, W. ; Catinella, B. ; Colless, M. (3) ; Obreschkow, D. (1) ; Taranu, D. (1) ; Tescari, E. (3) ; Barat, D. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Bloom, J. ; Bryant, J.J. (2) (3) ; Cluver, M. ; Croom, S.M. (2) ; Drinkwater, M.J. (3) ; d'Eugenio, F. ; Konstantopoulos, I.S. (4) ; Lopez-Sanchez, A. (4) ; Mahajan, S. ; Scott, N. (2) ; Tonini, C. ; Wong, O.I. ; Allen, J.T. (2) ; Brough, S. (3) ; Goodwin, M. ; Green, A.W. ; Ho, I.-T. (5) ; Kelvin, L.S. ; Lawrence, J.S. ; Lorente, N.P.F. ; Medling, A.M. ; Owers, M.S. (4) ; Richards, S. (2) (3) ; Sharp, R. (3) ; Sweet, S.M.
The Swift-BAT monitoring reveals a long-term decay of the cyclotron line energy in Vela X-1.
La Parola, V.; Cusumano, G.; Segreto, A.; D'Ai, A.
Modelling the inner debris disc of HR 8799.
Contro, B. (1) ; Horner, J. (3) ; Wittenmyer, R.A. (2) (3) ; Marshall, J.P. (2) ; Hinse, T.C. (3) (5)
Constraining the mass-richness relationship of redMaPPer clusters with angular clustering.
Baxter, E.J. ; Rozo, E. ; Jain, B. ; Rykoff, E. (3) ; Wechsler, R.H. (3)
Intrinsic alignments in redMaPPer clusters - I. Central galaxy alignments and angular segregation of satellites.
Huang, H.-J. ; Mandelbaum, R. ; Freeman, P.E. (1) ; Chen, Y.-C. (1) (2) ; Rozo, E. ; Rykoff, E. ; Baxter, E.J.
Variabilities of gamma-ray bursts from black hole hyper-accretion discs.
Lin, D.-B. (1) ; Lu, Z.-J. (1) ; Mu, H.-J. ; Liu, T. (3) ; Hou, S.-J. ; Lu, J. (1) ; Gu, W.-M. ; Liang, E.-W. (1)
Erratum: Environmental regulation of cloud and star formation in galactic bars.
Renaud, F. ; Bournaud, F. ; Emsellem, E. (3) ; Agertz, O. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Combes, F. ; Elmegreen, B. ; Kraljic, K. ; Motte, F. ; Teyssier, R.
Free-free and H42α emission from the dusty starburst within NGC 4945 as observed by ALMA.
Bendo, G.J. (1) ; Henkel, C. (3) ; D'Cruze, M.J. ; Dickinson, C. ; Fuller, G.A. (1) ; Karim, A.
The clustering of dark matter haloes: scale-dependent bias on quasi-linear scales.
Jose, C. (1) ; Lacey, C.G. ; Baugh, C.M.
Evolution of forced shear flows in polytropic atmospheres: a comparison of forcing methods and energetics.
Witzke, V. ; Silvers, L.J. ; Favier, B.
2016MNRAS.463..296L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/463/296)
Slow-blue nuclear hypervariables in PanSTARRS-1.
Lawrence, A. ; Bruce, A.G. ; MacLeod, C. ; Gezari, S. ; Elvis, M. ; Ward, M. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Smith, K.W. ; Wright, D. ; Fraser, M. (5) ; Marshall, P. ; Kaiser, N. ; Burgett, W. ; Magnier, E. ; Tonry, J. ; Chambers, K. ; Wainscoat, R. ; Waters, C. ; Price, P. ; Metcalfe, N. ; Valenti, S. ; Kotak, R. ; Mead, A. ; Inserra, C. ; Chen, T.W. ; Soderberg, A.
Improving photometric redshifts with Lyα tomography.
Schmittfull, M. ; White, M. (1) (2)
Multifrequency study of a double-double radio galaxy J1706+4340.
Marecki, A. ; Jamrozy, M. ; Machalski, J.
The deepest X-ray view of high-redshift galaxies: constraints on low-rate black hole accretion.
Vito, F. (1) (2) (3) ; Gilli, R. ; Vignali, C. (3) ; Brandt, W.N. (1) (2) ; Comastri, A. ; Yang, G. (1) ; Lehmer, B.D. ; Luo, B. ; Basu-Zych, A. (8) ; Bauer, F.E. (10) (11) (12) ; Cappelluti, N. (14) ; Koekemoer, A. ; Mainieri, V. ; Paolillo, M. (18) (19) ; Ranalli, P. ; Shemmer, O. ; Trump, J. ; Wang, J.X. ; Xue, Y.Q.
Gamma-ray burst polarization reduction induced by the Lorentz invariance violation.
Lin, H.-N. ; Li, X. (1) ; Chang, Z.
High-energy monitoring of NGC 4593 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR. X-ray spectral analysis.
Ursini, F. (1) (2) ; Petrucci, P.-O. (1) ; Matt, G. ; Bianchi, S. ; Cappi, M. ; De Marco, B. ; De Rosa, A. ; Malzac, J. (7) ; Marinucci, A. ; Ponti, G. ; Tortosa, A.
Erratum: Cross-sections for planetary systems interacting with passing stars and binaries.
Li, G. ; Adams, F.C. (2)
Shocks in nova outflows - II. Synchrotron radio emission.
Vlasov, A. ; Vurm, I. (1) ; Metzger, B.D.
The XMM Cluster Survey: evolution of the velocity dispersion-temperature relation over half a Hubble time.
Wilson, S. ; Hilton, M. ; Rooney, P.J. ; Caldwell, C. ; Kay, S.T. ; Collins, C.A. ; McCarthy, I.G. ; Romer, A.K. ; Bermeo, A. ; Bernstein, R. ; da Costa, L. (6) ; Gifford, D. ; Hollowood, D. ; Hoyle, B. ; Jeltema, T. ; Liddle, A.R. ; Maia, M.A.G. (6) ; Mann, R.G. ; Mayers, J.A. ; Mehrtens, N. (12) ; Miller, C.J. ; Nichol, R.C. ; Ogando, R. (6) ; Sahlen, M. ; Stahl, B. ; Stott, J.P. ; Thomas, P.A. ; Viana, P.T.P. (17) ; Wilcox, H.
Spherical collapse of dark matter haloes in tidal gravitational fields.
Reischke, R. ; Pace, F. ; Meyer, S. ; Schafer, B.M.
Optical meteor fluxes and application to the 2015 Perseids.
Blaauw, R.C. ; Campbell-Brown, M. ; Kingery, A.
The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic globular clusters - X. The radial distribution of stellar populations in NGC 2808.
Simioni, M. (1) (2) (3) ; Milone, A.P. ; Bedin, L.R. ; Aparicio, A. (1) ; Piotto, G. (3) ; Vesperini, E. ; Hong, J.
Revealing the spiral arms through radial migration and the shape of the metallicity distribution function.
Martinez-Medina, L.A.; Pichardo, B.; Moreno, E.; Peimbert, A.
Unbiased contaminant removal for 3D galaxy power spectrum measurements.
Kalus, B. ; Percival, W.J. ; Bacon, D.J. ; Samushia, L. (1) (2)
A moving mesh unstaggered constrained transport scheme for magnetohydrodynamics.
Mocz, P. ; Pakmor, R. ; Springel, V. (2) ; Vogelsberger, M. ; Marinacci, F. ; Hernquist, L.
Gravitational waves within the magnetar model of superluminous supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.
Ho, W.C.G.
Investigation of the energy dependence of the orbital light curve in LS 5039.
Chang, Z. (1) ; Zhang, S. ; Ji, L. (1) ; Chen, Y.P. ; Kretschmar, P. ; Kuulkers, E. ; Collmar, W. ; Liu, C.Z.
Competition between shock and turbulent heating in coronal loop system.
Matsumoto, T.
Testing the spherical evolution of cosmic voids.
Demchenko, V.; Cai, Y.-C.; Heymans, C.; Peacock, J.A.
The stability of the crust of the dwarf planet Ceres.
Formisano, M.; Federico, C.; De Angelis, S.; De Sanctis, M.C.; Magni, G.
On the number density of 'direct collapse' black hole seeds.
Habouzit, M.; Volonteri, M.; Latif, M.; Dubois, Y.; Peirani, S.
A robust measurement of the mass outflow rate of the galactic outflow from NGC 6090.
Chisholm, J. ; Tremonti Christy, A. ; Leitherer, C. ; Chen, Y.
MOA-II Galactic microlensing constraints: the inner Milky Way has a low dark matter fraction and a near maximal disc.
Wegg, C.; Gerhard, O.; Portail, M.
Effects of the quark-hadron phase transition on highly magnetized neutron stars.
Franzon, B. ; Gomes, R.O. ; Schramm, S.
2016MNRAS.463..580B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/463/580)
The chemical compositions and evolutionary status of red giants in the open cluster NGC 6940.
Bocek Topcu, G. ; Afsar, M. ; Sneden, C.
Scl-1013644: a CEMP-s star in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
Salgado, C.; Da Costa, G.S.; Yong, D.; Norris, J.E.
Broad-band spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b: search for a scattering signature in the planetary spectrum.
Mallonn, M. ; Bernt, I. ; Herrero, E. ; Hoyer, S. (3) ; Kirk, J. ; Wheatley, P.J. ; Seeliger, M. ; Mackebrandt, F. ; von Essen, C. ; Strassmeier, K.G. ; Granzer, T. ; Kunstler, A. ; Dhillon, V.S. (8) ; Marsh, T.R. ; Gaitan, J.
Wind, jet, hybrid corona and hard X-ray flares: multiwavelength evolution of GRO J1655-40 during the 2005 outburst rise.
Kalemci, E. ; Begelman, M.C. (2) ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Dincer, T. ; Russell, T.D. ; Bailyn, C. (5) ; Tomsick, J.A.
Disc-jet quenching of the galactic black hole Swift J1753.5-0127.
Rushton, A.P. (1) ; Shaw, A.W. ; Fender, R.P. ; Altamirano, D. ; Gandhi, P. ; Uttley, P. ; Charles, P.A. ; Kolehmainen, M. (1) ; Anderson, G.E. (1) ; Rumsey, C. ; Titterington, D.J.
RCSLenS: The Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey.
Hildebrandt, H. ; Choi, A. ; Heymans, C. ; Blake, C. ; Erben, T. ; Miller, L. ; Nakajima, R. ; van Waerbeke, L. ; Viola, M. ; Buddendiek, A. ; Harnois-Deraps, J. (2) ; Hojjati, A. ; Joachimi, B. ; Joudaki, S. ; Kitching, T.D. ; Wolf, C. ; Gwyn, S. ; Johnson, N. ; Kuijken, K. ; Sheikhbahaee, Z. ; Tudorica, A. ; Yee, H.K.C.
Thermal SZ fluctuations in the ICM: probing turbulence and thermodynamics in Coma cluster with Planck.
Khatri, R. ; Gaspari, M.
Study of galaxies in the Lynx-Cancer void - VII. New oxygen abundances.
Pustilnik, S.A. ; Perepelitsyna, Y.A. ; Kniazev, A.Y. (1) (2) (3)
Dependence of the broad Fe Kα line on the physical parameters of AGN.
Liu, Z. (1) ; Yuan, W. (1) ; Lu, Y. (3) ; Carrera, F.J. ; Falocco, S. ; Dong, X.-B. (6)
2016MNRAS.463..696L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/463/696)
The chemical compositions of solar twins in the open cluster M67.
Liu, F. (1) ; Asplund, M. ; Yong, D. ; Melendez, J. ; Ramirez, I. ; Karakas, A.I. (1) ; Carlos, M. ; Marino, A.F.
On the highly inclined vW leptokurtic asteroid families.
Carruba, V. ; Domingos, R.C. (1) ; Aljbaae, S. ; Huaman, M.
At the survey limits: discovery of the Aquarius 2 dwarf galaxy in the VST ATLAS and the SDSS data.
Torrealba, G. ; Koposov, S.E. ; Belokurov, V. ; Irwin, M. ; Collins, M. (2) ; Spencer, M. ; Ibata, R. ; Mateo, M. ; Bonaca, A. ; Jethwa, P.
High-resolution Very Large Array observations of 18 MIPSGAL bubbles.
Ingallinera, A. ; Trigilio, C. ; Leto, P. ; Umana, G. ; Buemi, C. ; Bufano, F. ; Agliozzo, C. (2) ; Riggi, S. ; Flagey, N. ; Silva, K. (4) ; Cerrigone, L. ; Cavallaro, F. (1) (7)
Modelling the impact of intrinsic size and luminosity correlations on magnification estimation.
Ciarlariello, S.; Crittenden, R.
NuSTAR and XMM-Newton observations of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5643 X-1.
Krivonos, R. ; Sazonov, S. (1)
e-MERLIN 21 cm constraints on the mass-loss rates of OB stars in Cyg OB2.
Morford, J.C. ; Fenech, D.M. ; Prinja, R.K. ; Blomme, R. ; Yates, J.A.
2016MNRAS.463..771M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/463/771)
ExoMol line lists - XVIII. The high-temperature spectrum of VO.
McKemmish, L.K.; Yurchenko, S.N.; Tennyson, J.
Energy dissipation end states of the sphere restricted planar three-body problem with collisional interaction.
Gabriel, T.S.J. ; Scheeres, D.J.
H2S in the L1157-B1 bow shock.
Holdship, J. ; Viti, S. ; Jimenez-Serra, I. ; Lefloch, B. (2) ; Codella, C. ; Podio, L. ; Benedettini, M. ; Fontani, F. ; Bachiller, R. ; Tafalla, M. ; Ceccarelli, C. (2)
The luminosity and stellar mass functions of red W1-W2 galaxies.
O'Connor, J.A. ; Rosenberg, J.L. ; Satyapal, S. ; Secrest, N.J. (1)
The X-ray luminosity-temperature relation of a complete sample of low-mass galaxy clusters.
Zou, S. (1) ; Maughan, B.J. ; Giles, P.A. ; Vikhlinin, A. (3) ; Pacaud, F. ; Burenin, R. (4) ; Hornstrup, A.
The evolution of post-starburst galaxies from z=2 to 0.5.
Wild, V. ; Almaini, O. ; Dunlop, J. ; Simpson, C.; Rowlands, K. ; Bowler, R. ; Maltby, D. ; McLure, R.
Ancient eruptions of η Carinae: a tale written in proper motions.
Kiminki, M.M. ; Reiter, M. ; Smith, N.
A semi-analytic dynamical friction model for cored galaxies.
Petts, J.A.; Read, J.I.; Gualandris, A.
Music from the heavens - gravitational waves from supermassive black hole mergers in the EAGLE simulations.
Salcido, J. ; Bower, R.G. ; Theuns, T. ; McAlpine, S. ; Schaller, M. ; Crain, R.A. ; Schaye, J. ; Regan, J.
A hierarchical Bayesian approach for reconstructing the initial mass function of single stellar populations.
Dries, M.; Trager, S.C.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
SDSS-IV MaNGA: properties of galaxies with kinematically decoupled stellar and gaseous components.
Jin, Y. (1) (2) ; Chen, Y. (1) (2) ; Shi, Y. (1) (2) ; Tremonti, C.A. ; Bershady, M.A. ; Merrifield, M. ; Emsellem, E. (6) ; Fu, H. ; Wake, D. (4) ; Bundy, K. ; Lin, L. ; Argudo-Fernandez, M. (12) ; Huang, S. ; Stark, D.V. ; Storchi-Bergmann, T. (14) ; Bizyaev, D. (16) ; Brownstein, J. ; Chisholm, J. ; Guo, Qi ; Hao, L. ; Hu, J. ; Li, C. ; Li, R. ; Masters, K.L. ; Malanushenko, E. ; Pan, K. ; Riffel, R.A. (15) ; Roman-Lopes, A. ; Simmons, A. ; Thomas, D. ; Wang, L. ; Westfall, K. ; Yan, R.
The validation of made-to-measure method for reconstruction of phase-space distribution functions.
Tagawa, H. (1) ; Gouda, N. (1) (2) ; Yano, T. (2) ; Hara, T. (1)
Constraining interacting dark energy models with latest cosmological observations.
Xia, D.-M. ; Wang, S.
Self-gravitating disc candidates around massive young stars.
Forgan, D.H. ; Ilee, J.D. ; Cyganowski, C.J. ; Brogan, C.L. ; Hunter, T.R.
Indications of stellar prominence oscillations on fast rotating stars: the cases of HK Aqr and PZ Tel.
Leitzinger, M. ; Odert, P. (1) ; Zaqarashvili, T.V. (1) (2) ; Greimel, R. ; Hanslmeier, A. ; Lammer, H.
A study of the circumgalactic medium at z ∼ 0.6 using damped Lyman α galaxies.
Rahmani, H. ; Peroux, C. ; Turnshek, D.A. ; Rao, S.M. ; Quiret, S. ; Hamilton, T.S. ; Kulkarni, V.P. ; Monier, E.M. ; Zafar, T.
2016MNRAS.463.1008W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/463/1008)
The JCMT and Herschel Gould Belt Surveys: a comparison of SCUBA-2 and Herschel data of dense cores in the Taurus dark cloud L1495.
Ward-Thompson, D. ; Pattle, K. ; Kirk, J.M. ; Marsh, K. ; Buckle, J. (3) ; Hatchell, J. ; Nutter, D.J. ; Griffin, M.J. ; Di Francesco, J. (6) ; Andre, P. ; Beaulieu, S. ; Berry, D. ; Broekhoven-Fiene, H. ; Currie, M. ; Fich, M. ; Jenness, T. ; Johnstone, D. (6) ; Kirk, H. ; Mottram, J. (12) ; Pineda, J. ; Quinn, C. ; Sadavoy, S. ; Salji, C. (3) ; Tisi, S. ; Walker-Smith, S. (3) ; White, G. (15) ; Hill, T. ; Konyves, V. ; Palmeirim, P. ; Pezzuto, S.
SHOCKFIND - an algorithm to identify magnetohydrodynamic shock waves in turbulent clouds.
Lehmann, A. ; Federrath, C. ; Wardle, M.
The effect of tides on the population of PN from interacting binaries.
Madappatt, N. (1) (2) ; De Marco, O. (1) ; Villaver, E.
Arithmetic with X-ray images of galaxy clusters: effective equation of state for small-scale perturbations in the ICM.
Churazov, E. (1) ; Arevalo, P. ; Forman, W. ; Jones, C. ; Schekochihin, A. (5) ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Zhuravleva, I. (7)
Search for gamma-ray emission from star-forming galaxies with Fermi LAT.
Rojas-Bravo, C.; Araya, M.
The mass dependence of star formation histories in barred spiral galaxies.
Carles, C. (1) ; Martel, H. (1) ; Ellison, S.L. ; Kawata, D.
An optical and near-infrared study of the Type Ia/IIn Supernova PS15si.
Kilpatrick, C.D. ; Andrews, J.E. ; Smith, N. ; Milne, P. ; Rieke, G.H. ; Zheng, W. ; Filippenko, A.V.
The OmegaWhite Survey for short period variable stars - II. An overview of results from the first four years.
Toma, R. ; Ramsay, G. ; Macfarlane, S. (2) ; Groot, P.J. ; Woudt, P.A. ; Dhillon, V. (4) ; Jeffery, C.S. ; Marsh, T. ; Nelemans, G. ; Steeghs, D.
A discrete chemo-dynamical model of the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Sculptor: mass profile, velocity anisotropy and internal rotation.
Zhu, L. ; van de Ven, G. ; Watkins, L.L. ; Posti, L.
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