Monthly Notices of the RAS 462
October(III) 2016

A unified framework for producing CAI melting, Wark-Lovering rims and bowl-shaped CAIs.
Liffman, K. ; Cuello, N. ; Paterson, D.A.
Modelling reionization in a bursty universe.
Hartley, B.; Ricotti, M.
Variable stars in the Quintuplet stellar cluster with the VVV survey.
Navarro Molina, C. (1) ; Borissova, J. (1) ; Catelan, M. (3) ; Alonso-Garcia, J. (4) ; Kerins, E. ; Kurtev, R. (1) ; Lucas, P.W. ; Medina, N. (1) ; Minniti, D. (7) (2) ; Dekany, I. (2)
Estimating sizes of faint, distant galaxies in the submillimetre regime.
Lindroos, L. ; Knudsen, K.K. ; Fan, L. ; Conway, J. ; Coppin, K. ; Decarli, R. ; Drouart, G. ; Hodge, J.A. ; Karim, A. ; Simpson, J.M. ; Wardlow, J. (8)
2016MNRAS.462.1203S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1203)
Multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of the transition rates of 2s22p2 - 2s2p3 and 2s2p3 - 2s22pnl (n >= 3) E1 transitions of N+.
Shen, X. (1) ; Liu, J. (3) ; Zhou, F.
Constraining dust properties in circumstellar envelopes of C-stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud: optical constants and grain size of carbon dust.
Nanni, A. ; Marigo, P. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T. ; Aringer, B. ; Girardi, L. ; Pastorelli, G. ; Bressan, A. ; Bladh, S.
Neutral hydrogen and magnetic fields in M83 observed with the SKA Pathfinder KAT-7.
Heald, G. (1) (2) ; de Blok, W.J.G. (2) (4) ; Lucero, D. ; Carignan, C. (4) ; Jarrett, T. ; Elson, E. ; Oozeer, N. (6) (7) ; Randriamampandry, T.H. ; van Zee, L.
A spectroscopic analysis of a sample of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Cracco, V. ; Ciroi, S. ; Berton, M. ; Di Mille, F. ; Foschini, L. ; La Mura, G. ; Rafanelli, P.
Using the local gas-phase oxygen abundances to explore a metallicity dependence in SNe Ia luminosities.
Moreno-Raya, M.E. ; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R. (2) ; Molla, M. ; Galbany, L. (4) ; Vilchez, J.M. ; Carnero, A. (7)
Building up the Population III initial mass function from cosmological initial conditions.
Stacy, A. ; Bromm, V. ; Lee, A.T.
2016MNRAS.462.1329M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1329)
The role of gas infall in the evolution of disc galaxies.
Molla, M. ; Diaz, A.I. (2) ; Gibson, B.K. ; Cavichia, O. ; Lopez-Sanchez, A.-R. (6)
Using 21 cm absorption surveys to measure the average H Ispin temperature in distant galaxies.
Allison, J.R. ; Zwaan, M.A. ; Duchesne, S.W. ; Curran, S.J.
2016MNRAS.462.1351G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1351)
New orbits of irregular satellites designed for the predictions of stellar occultations up to 2020, based on thousands of new observations.
Gomes-Junior, A.R. ; Assafin, M. ; Beauvalet, L. (2) ; Desmars, J. ; Vieira-Martins, R. (1) (2) ; Camargo, J.I.B. (2) ; Morgado, B.E. (1) ; Braga-Ribas, F. (2)
A pseudo-spectrum analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing.
Hikage, C. ; Oguri, M. (1) (2)
Life after eruption - VI. Recovery of the old novae EL Aql, V606 Aql, V908 Oph, V1149 Sgr, V1583 Sgr and V3964 Sgr.
Tappert, C. ; Barria, D. (2) ; Fuentes Morales, I. ; Vogt, N. ; Ederoclite, A. ; Schmidtobreick, L.
Asymmetric structure in Sgr A* at 3 mm from closure phase measurements with VLBA, GBT and LMT.
Brinkerink, C.D. ; Muller, C. (1) ; Falcke, H. ; Bower, G.C. ; Krichbaum, T.P. ; Castillo, E. (4) ; Deller, A.T. ; Doeleman, S.S. (7) ; Fraga-Encinas, R. ; Goddi, C. ; Hernandez-Gomez, A. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Kramer, M. ; Leon-Tavares, J. (5) ; Loinard, L. (2) ; Montana, A. (4) ; Moscibrodzka, M. ; Ortiz-Leon, G.N. ; Sanchez-Arguelles, D. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. (1) ; Wilson, G.W. ; Zensus, J.A.
IFU spectroscopy of southern planetary nebulae - III.
Ali, A. (1) ; Dopita, M.A. (1) ; Basurah, H.M. ; Amer, M.A. (1) ; Alsulami, R. ; Alruhaili, A.
The influence of weak lensing on measurements of the Hubble constant with quad-image gravitational lenses.
Jaroszynski, M.; Skowron, J.
Modelling and interpreting spectral energy distributions of galaxies with BEAGLE.
Chevallard, J. ; Charlot, S.
2016MNRAS.462.1444F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1444)
YSO jets in the Galactic plane from UWISH2 - III. Jets and outflows in Cassiopeia and Auriga.
Froebrich, D.; Makin, S.V.
Microscopic vortex velocity in the inner crust and outer core of neutron stars.
Gugercinoglu, E. ; Alpar, M.A.
Another one grinds the dust: variability of the planetary debris disc at the white dwarf SDSS J104341.53+085558.2.
Manser, C.J. ; Gansicke, B.T. ; Koester, D. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Southworth, J.
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Mstar - Re relations of z = 0 bulges, discs and spheroids.
Lange, R. ; Moffett, A.J. ; Driver, S.P. (1) ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; del Lagos, C.P.D. (1) ; Kelvin, L.S. ; Conselice, C. ; Margalef-Bentabol, B. ; Alpaslan, M. ; Baldry, I. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Bremer, M. ; Brough, S. ; Cluver, M. ; Colless, M. ; Davies, L.J.M. ; Haussler, B. ; Holwerda, B.W. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Kafle, P.R. ; Kennedy, R. ; Liske, J. ; Phillipps, S. ; Popescu, C.C. (15) ; Taylor, E.N. ; Tuffs, R. ; van Kampen, E. ; Wright, A.H.
Experimental Stark widths and shifts of Ti II spectral lines.
Manrique, J. ; Aguilera, J.A. (2) ; Aragon, C. (2)
Peak of spectral energy distribution plays an important role in intra-day variability of blazars?
Gupta, A.C. (1) ; Kalita, N. (2) ; Gaur, H. ; Duorah, K.
The magnetic field and dust filaments in the Polaris Flare.
Panopoulou, G.V. (1) ; Psaradaki, I. ; Tassis, K. (1)
Zoomed cosmological simulations of Milky Way-sized haloes in f(R) gravity.
Arnold, C. (1) ; Springel, V. (1) ; Puchwein, E.
Extremes of the jet-accretion power relation of blazars, as explored by NuSTAR.
Sbarrato, T. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Perri, M. (3) ; Madejski, G.M. ; Stern, D. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. (8) ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Zhang, W.W.
On the aliphatic versus aromatic content of the carriers of the 'unidentified' infrared emission features.
Yang, X.J. (1) ; Glaser, R. ; Li, A. ; Zhong, J.X.
Behaviour of elements from lithium to europium in stars with and without planets.
Mishenina, T. (1) (2) ; Kovtyukh, V. (1) ; Soubiran, C. ; Adibekyan, V.Z. (4)
2016MNRAS.462.1577Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1577)
Fundamental properties of Kepler and CoRoT targets - III. Tuning scaling relations using the first adiabatic exponent.
Yildiz, M.; Celik Orhan, Z.; Kayhan, C.
Swift follow-up of gravitational wave triggers: results from the first aLIGO run and optimization for the future.
Evans, P.A. ; Kennea, J.A. ; Palmer, D.M. ; Bilicki, M. (4) ; Osborne, J.P. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Lien, A.Y. ; Barthelmy, S.D. ; Burrows, D.N. ; Campana, S. ; Cenko, S.B. (6) ; D'Elia, V. (9) ; Gehrels, N. ; Marshall, F.E. ; Page, K.L. ; Perri, M. (9) ; Sbarufatti, B. (2) ; Siegel, M.H. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Troja, E. (6)
Spectroscopic identification of type 2 quasars at z < 1 in SDSS-III/BOSS.
Yuan, S. ; Strauss, M.A. ; Zakamska, N.L. (2)
Dissecting galaxies: spatial and spectral separation of emission excited by star formation and AGN activity.
Davies, R.L. ; Groves, B. ; Kewley, L.J. ; Dopita, M.A. ; Hampton, E.J. ; Shastri, P. ; Scharwachter, J. ; Sutherland, R. ; Kharb, P. ; Bhatt, H. ; Jin, C. ; Banfield, J. (1) ; Zaw, I. ; James, B. ; Juneau, S. ; Srivastava, S.
A new method for testing isotropy with Shannon entropy.
Pandey, B.
The VIRUS-P Exploration of Nearby Galaxies (VENGA): spatially resolved gas-phase metallicity distributions in barred and unbarred spirals.
Kaplan, K.F. ; Jogee, S. ; Kewley, L. ; Blanc, G.A. (3) (4) ; Weinzirl, T. ; Song, M. ; Drory, N. ; Luo, R. ; van den Bosch, R.C.E.
Clustering-based redshift estimation: application to VIPERS/CFHTLS.
Scottez, V. ; Mellier, Y. (1) ; Granett, B.R. ; Moutard, T. ; Kilbinger, M. (1) ; Scodeggio, M. ; Garilli, B. ; Bolzonella, M. ; de la Torre, S. ; Guzzo, L. ; Abbas, U. ; Adami, C. ; Arnouts, S. ; Bottini, D. ; Branchini, E. (8) (9) ; Cappi, A. (6) ; Cucciati, O. (12) ; Davidzon, I. (4) ; Fritz, A. ; Franzetti, P. ; Iovino, A. ; Krywult, J. ; Le Brun, V. ; Le Fevre, O. ; Maccagni, D. ; Malek, K. ; Marulli, F. (12) (15) ; Polletta, M. ; Pollo, A. (16) ; Tasca, L.A.M. ; Tojeiro, R. ; Vergani, D. (18) ; Zanichelli, A. ; Bel, J. ; Coupon, J. ; De Lucia, G. ; Ilbert, O. ; McCracken, H.J. ; Moscardini, L. (6) (12)
Age-velocity dispersion relations and heating histories in disc galaxies.
Aumer, M.; Binney, J.; Schonrich, R.
The Herschel.
Bourne, N. ; Dunne, L. (1) ; Maddox, S.J. (1) ; Dye, S. ; Furlanetto, C. (3) ; Hoyos, C. (3) (5) ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Eales, S. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Valiante, E. ; Alpaslan, M. (8) ; Andrae, E. ; Baldry, I.K. ; Cluver, M.E. ; Cooray, A. ; Driver, S.P. (8) ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Grootes, M.W. ; Ivison, R.J. (1) ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Liske, J. ; Madore, B.F. ; Popescu, C.C. ; Robotham, A.G. (8) ; Rowlands, K. ; Seibert, M. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Tuffs, R.J. ; Viaene, S. ; Wright, A.H.
94 Ceti: a triple star with a planet and dust disc.
Wiegert, J. ; Faramaz, V. ; Cruz-Saenz de Miera, F.
Molecular and atomic gas along and across the main sequence of star-forming galaxies.
Saintonge, A. ; Catinella, B. ; Cortese, L. ; Genzel, R. ; Giovanelli, R. ; Haynes, M.P. ; Janowiecki, S. ; Kramer, C. ; Lutz, K.A. (6) ; Schiminovich, D. ; Tacconi, L.J. ; Wuyts, S. ; Accurso, G.
Modelling the nebular emission from primeval to present-day star-forming galaxies.
Gutkin, J. ; Charlot, S. ; Bruzual, G.
RoboPol: do optical polarization rotations occur in all blazars?
Blinov, D. (1) (2) ; Pavlidou, V. (1) ; Papadakis, I. (1) ; Kiehlmann, S. (4) ; Liodakis, I. (1) ; Panopoulou, G.V. (1) ; Pearson, T.J. ; Angelakis, E. ; Balokovic, M. ; Hovatta, T. (4) ; Joshi, V. ; King, O.G. ; Kus, A. ; Kylafis, N. (1) ; Mahabal, A. ; Marecki, A. ; Myserlis, I. ; Paleologou, E. (1) ; Papamastorakis, I. (1) ; Pazderski, E. ; Prabhudesai, S. ; Ramaprakash, A. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reig, P. (1) ; Tassis, K. (1) ; Zensus, J.A.
Measuring galaxy environment with the synergy of future photometric and spectroscopic surveys.
Cucciati, O. (1) ; Marulli, F. (1) (2) ; Cimatti, A. ; Merson, A.I. ; Norberg, P. ; Pozzetti, L. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Branchini, E. (6) (7)
A framework for testing isotropy with the cosmic microwave background.
Saadeh, D. ; Feeney, S.M. ; Pontzen, A. ; Peiris, H.V. ; McEwen, J.D.
A quintuple star system containing two eclipsing binaries.
Rappaport, S. ; Lehmann, H. ; Kalomeni, B. (1) ; Borkovits, T. ; Latham, D. ; Bieryla, A. ; Ngo, H. ; Mawet, D. (7) ; Howell, S. ; Horch, E. ; Jacobs, T.L. ; LaCourse, D. ; Sodor, A. ; Vanderburg, A. ; Pavlovski, K.
The many faces of LINER-like galaxies: a WISE view.
Herpich, F. ; Mateus, A. ; Stasinska, G. ; Cid Fernandes, R. ; Vale Asari, N.
SWIFT view of the 2015 outburst of GS 2023+338 (V404 Cyg): complex evolution of spectral and temporal characteristics.
Radhika, D. ; Nandi, A. ; Agrawal, V.K. ; Mandal, S.
Lord of the Rings - Return of the King: Swift-XRT observations of dust scattering rings around V404 Cygni.
Beardmore, A.P. ; Willingale, R. ; Kuulkers, E. ; Altamirano, D. ; Motta, S.E. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Page, K.L. ; Sivakoff, G.R.
Dark-matter haloes and the M-σ relation for supermassive black holes.
Larkin, A.C.; McLaughlin, D.E.
Cosmic troublemakers: the Cold Spot, the Eridanus supervoid, and the Great Walls.
Kovacs, A. ; Garcia-Bellido, J.
The force-free twisted magnetosphere of a neutron star.
Akgun, T. ; Miralles, J.A. ; Pons, J.A. ; Cerda-Duran, P.
2016MNRAS.462.1910H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1910)
LOFAR/H-ATLAS: a deep low-frequency survey of the Herschel-ATLAS North Galactic Pole field.
Hardcastle, M.J. ; Gurkan, G. ; van Weeren, R.J. ; Williams, W.L. ; Best, P.N. ; de Gasperin, F. ; Rafferty, D.A. ; Read, S.C. ; Sabater, J. ; Shimwell, T.W. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Tasse, C. ; Bourne, N. ; Brienza, M. (7) ; Bruggen, M. ; Brunetti, G. ; Chyzy, K.T. ; Conway, J. ; Dunne, L. (3) ; Eales, S.A. ; Maddox, S.J. (3) ; Jarvis, M.J. (13) ; Mahony, E.K. (15) ; Morganti, R. (7) ; Prandoni, I. ; Rottgering, H.J.A. ; Valiante, E. ; White, G.J. (17)
Searching in the dark: the dark mass content of the Milky Way globular clusters NGC288 and NGC6218.
Sollima, A. (1) ; Ferraro, F.R. ; Lovisi, L. ; Contenta, F. ; Vesperini, E. ; Origlia, L. ; Lapenna, E. ; Lanzoni, B. ; Mucciarelli, A. ; Dalessandro, E. ; Pallanca, C.
Upper limits to the number of Oort Cloud objects based on serendipitous occultation events search in X-rays.
Chang, H.-K. (1) ; Liu, C.-Y. ; Shang, J.-R.
Mapping the low-surface brightness Universe in the UV band with Lyα emission from IGM filaments.
Silva, M.B. ; Kooistra, R. ; Zaroubi, S. (1)
Finding Planet Nine: apsidal anti-alignment Monte Carlo results.
de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.
MUSE searches for galaxies near very metal-poor gas clouds at z ∼ 3: new constraints for cold accretion models.
Fumagalli, M. ; Cantalupo, S. ; Dekel, A. ; Morris, S.L. ; O'Meara, J.M. ; Prochaska, J.X. (5) ; Theuns, T.
2016MNRAS.462.1989A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/1989)
HerMES: a search for high-redshift dusty galaxies in the HerMES Large Mode Survey - catalogue, number counts and early results.
Asboth, V. ; Conley, A. ; Sayers, J. ; Bethermin, M. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Clements, D.L. ; Cooray, A. (3) ; Dannerbauer, H. ; Farrah, D. ; Glenn, J. ; Golwala, S.R. ; Halpern, M. ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. (4) ; Maloney, P.R. ; Marques-Chaves, R. (12) ; Martinez-Navajas, P.I. (12) ; Oliver, S.J. ; Perez-Fournon, I. (12) ; Riechers, D.A. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Scott, D. ; Siegel, S.R. ; Vieira, J.D. ; Viero, M. ; Wang, L. (18) ; Wardlow, J. (20) ; Wheeler, J.
Setting firmer constraints on the evolution of the most massive, central galaxies from their local abundances and ages.
Buchan, S.; Shankar, F.
Erratum: Optical polarization map of the Polaris Flare with RoboPol.
Panopoulou, G. (1) ; Tassis, K. (1) ; Blinov, D. (1) ; Pavlidou, V. (1) ; King, O.G. ; Paleologou, E. ; Ramaprakash, A. ; Angelakis, E. ; Balokovic, M. ; Das, H.K. ; Feiler, R. ; Hovatta, T. ; Khodade, P. ; Kiehlmann, S. ; Kus, A. ; Kylafis, N. (1) ; Liodakis, I. ; Mahabal, A. ; Modi, D. ; Myserlis, I. ; Papadakis, I. (1) ; Papamastorakis, I. (1) ; Pazderska, B. ; Pazderski, E. ; Pearson, T.J. ; Rajarshi, C. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reig, P. (1) ; Zensus, J.A.
Magnetic field evolution in giant radio relics using the example of CIZA J2242.8+5301.
Donnert, J.M.F. (1) (2) ; Stroe, A. (1) ; Brunetti, G. ; Hoang, D. ; Roettgering, H.
The regulation of the cold neutral gas mass fraction by turbulent motions.
Gazol, A.; Villagran, M.A.
Physical properties of galaxies: towards a consistent comparison between hydrodynamical simulations and SDSS.
Guidi, G. ; Scannapieco, C. ; Walcher, J. ; Gallazzi, A.
A new model of the microwave polarized sky for CMB experiments.
Hervias-Caimapo, C.; Bonaldi, A.; Brown, M.L.
Near-infrared studies of V2944 Ophiuchi (Nova Ophiuchi 2015).
Srivastava, M.K. ; Banerjee, D.P.K. ; Ashok, N.M. ; Venkataraman, V. ; Sand, D. ; Diamond, T.
The SuperCOSMOS all-sky galaxy catalogue.
Peacock, J.A. ; Hambly, N.C. ; Bilicki, M. ; MacGillivray, H.T. ; Miller, L. ; Read, M.A. ; Tritton, S.B.
Near-infrared imaging of barred halo-dominated low surface brightness galaxies.
Honey, M. (1) ; Das, M. ; Ninan, J.P. ; Manoj, P.
The faint source population at 15.7 GHz - III. A high-frequency study of HERGs and LERGs.
Whittam, I.H. ; Riley, J.M. ; Green, D.A. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1)
Numerical computation of gravitational field for general axisymmetric objects.
Fukushima, T.
Concise estimate of the expected number of detections for stellar-mass binary black holes by eLISA.
Kyutoku, K. ; Seto, N.
Exploring the nature of the Lyman-α emitter CR7.
Hartwig, T. (1) ; Latif, M.A. (1) ; Magg, M. ; Bromm, V. ; Klessen, R.S. (3) ; Glover, S.C.O. ; Whalen, D.J. (3) ; Pellegrini, E.W. ; Volonteri, M. (1)
Diagnosing shock temperature with NH3 and H2O profiles.
Gomez-Ruiz, A.I. (1) ; Codella, C. ; Viti, S. ; Jimenez-Serra, I. ; Navarra, G. ; Bachiller, R. ; Caselli, P. ; Fuente, A. ; Gusdorf, A. ; Lefloch, B. ; Lorenzani, A. ; Nisini, B.
Building a better understanding of the massive high-redshift BOSS CMASS galaxies as tools for cosmology.
Favole, G. (1) ; McBride, C.K. ; Eisenstein, D.J. ; Prada, F. (1) (2) ; Swanson, M.E. ; Chuang, C.-H. (1) ; Schneider, D.P. (5)
A numerical method for generating rapidly rotating bipolytropic structures in equilibrium.
Kadam, K. ; Motl, P.M. ; Frank, J. ; Clayton, G.C. ; Marcello, D.C.
Viscous time lags between starburst and AGN activity.
Blank, M. ; Duschl, W.J. (1)
On the nature of the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in astrophysical plasma: the case of uniform magnetic field strength.
Hillier, A.S.
2016MNRAS.462.2266S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/462/2266)
Optical and near-infrared polarimetric study of the RCW121 Galactic H II region.
Seron Navarrete, J.C. (1) ; Roman-Lopes, A. ; Santos, F.P. ; Franco, G.A.P. ; Reis, W.
Metrics in the space of orbits and their application to searching for celestial objects of common origin.
Kholshevnikov, K.V. (1) ; Kokhirova, G.I. ; Babadzhanov, P.B. ; Khamroev, U.H.
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