Monthly Notices of the RAS 460
August(II) 2016
- 2016MNRAS.460.2297R
- Chemical evolution of giant molecular clouds in simulations of galaxies.
- Richings, Alexander J. (1) ; Schaye, Joop
- 2016MNRAS.460.2322M
- Absorption variability as a probe of the multiphase interstellar media surrounding active galaxies.
- Macquart, Jean-Pierre (1) ; Tingay, Steven (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2337P
- Erratum: A semi-analytic dynamical friction model that reproduces core-stalling.
- Petts, J.A.; Gualandris, A.; Read, J.I.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2339B
- On turbulence driven by axial precession and tidal evolution of the spin-orbit angle of close-in giant planets.
- Barker, Adrian J.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2351V
- A spectroscopic study of the globular Cluster NGC 4147.
- Villanova, S. ; Monaco, L. ; Moni Bidin, C. ; Assmann, P. (4)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2360R
- What powers the starburst activity of NGC 1068? Star-driven gravitational instabilities caught in the act.
- Romeo, Alessandro B. ; Fathi, Kambiz (2)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2368R
- On the temperature dependence of the rate coefficient of formation of C from C + CH+.
- Rampino, S. ; Pastore, M. ; Garcia, E. ; Pacifici, L. ; Lagana, A.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2376B
- Radio Galaxy Zoo: discovery of a poor cluster through a giant wide-angle tail radio galaxy.
- Banfield, J.K. (1) ; Andernach, H. ; Kapinska, A.D. (2) ; Rudnick, L. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Cotter, G. ; Vaughan, S. ; Jones, T.W. ; Heywood, I. (8) ; Wing, J.D. ; Wong, O.I. (2) ; Matorny, T. ; Terentev, I.A. ; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R. (12) ; Norris, R.P. (8) ; Seymour, N. ; Shabala, S.S. ; Willett, K.W.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2385W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/460/2385)
- LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Bootes field: catalogue and source counts.
- Williams, W.L. (1) (2) ; van Weeren, R.J. ; Rottgering, H.J.A. ; Best, P. ; Dijkema, T.J. ; de Gasperin, F. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Heald, G. (2) ; Prandoni, I. ; Sabater, J. ; Shimwell, T.W. ; Tasse, C. ; van Bemmel, I.M. ; Bruggen, M. ; Brunetti, G. ; Conway, J.E. ; Ensslin, T. ; Engels, D. ; Falcke, H. (14) ; Ferrari, C. ; Haverkorn, M. (14) ; Jackson, N. ; Jarvis, M.J. (17) ; Kapinska, A.D. (19) (20) ; Mahony, E.K. ; Miley, G.K. ; Morabito, L.K. ; Morganti, R. (2) ; Orru, E. ; Retana-Montenegro, E. ; Sridhar, S.S. (2) ; Toribio, M.C. ; White, G.J. (22) ; Wise, M.W. (2) ; Zwart, J.T.L. (18)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2413E
- Extensive X-ray variability studies of NGC 7314 using long XMM-Newton observations.
- Emmanoulopoulos, D. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Vaughan, S. ; Papadakis, I.E. (3)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2432H
- The first stars: formation under cosmic ray feedback.
- Hummel, Jacob A. ; Stacy, Athena ; Bromm, Volker
- 2016MNRAS.460.2445I
- Post-Keplerian corrections to the orbital periods of a two-body system and their measurability.
- Iorio, L.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2453S
- Modeling the reconstructed BAO in Fourier space.
- Seo, Hee-Jong ; Beutler, Florian ; Ross, Ashley J. (3) ; Saito, Shun
- 2016MNRAS.460.2472B
- Gas velocity patterns in simulated galaxies: observational diagnostics of spiral structure theories.
- Baba, J. (1) ; Morokuma-Matsui, K. (3) ; Miyamoto, Y. ; Egusa, F. ; Kuno, N. (3) (5)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2482M
- CEMP stars: possible hosts to carbon planets in the early Universe.
- Mashian, Natalie; Loeb, Abraham
- 2016MNRAS.460.2492S
- Limits on the ion temperature anisotropy in the turbulent intracluster medium.
- Santos-Lima, R. (1) (2) ; Yan, H. (1) ; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M. ; Lazarian, A.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2505R
- A new method to break the mass-sheet degeneracy using aperture moments.
- Rexroth, Markus ; Natarajan, Priyamvada ; Kneib, Jean-Paul (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2526O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/460/2526)
- Statistical analysis of properties of dwarf novae outbursts.
- Otulakowska-Hypka, Magdalena ; Olech, Arkadiusz ; Patterson, Joseph
- 2016MNRAS.460.2542P
- Synthetic extinction maps around intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters.
- Pepe, C. (1) ; Pellizza, L.J. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2552H
- Introducing decorated HODs: modelling assembly bias in the galaxy-halo connection.
- Hearin, Andrew P. ; Zentner, Andrew R. ; van den Bosch, Frank C. ; Campbell, Duncan ; Tollerud, Erik (3)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2571C
- The velocity field in MOND cosmology.
- Candlish, G.N. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2586L
- More evidence for the red-shift dependence of colour from the Joint Light-curve Analysis supernova sample using red-shift tomography.
- Li, Miao ; Li, Nan (1) (2) (3) ; Wang, Shuang ; Zhou, Lanjun (1) (2) (3)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2593W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/460/2593)
- Cygnus OB2 DANCe: A high-precision proper motion study of the Cygnus OB2 association.
- Wright, Nicholas J. (1) ; Bouy, Herve ; Drew, Janet E. ; Sarro, Luis Manuel ; Bertin, Emmanuel ; Cuillandre, Jean-Charles ; Barrado, David
- 2016MNRAS.460.2611S
- Examining the relationships between colour, Teff, and [M/H] for APOGEE K and M dwarfs.
- Schmidt, Sarah J. (1) ; Wagoner, Erika L. (1) ; Johnson, Jennifer A. (1) ; Davenport, James R.A. (5) ; Stassun, Keivan G. (7) ; Souto, Diogo ; Ge, Jian
- 2016MNRAS.460.2625L
- Decoding X-ray observations from centres of galaxy clusters using MCMC.
- Lakhchaura, Kiran; Saini, Tarun Deep; Sharma, Prateek
- 2016MNRAS.460.2648P
- Towards detecting methanol emission in low-mass protoplanetary discs with ALMA: the role of non-LTE excitation.
- Parfenov, S.Y. ; Semenov, D.A. ; Sobolev, A.M. ; Gray, M.D.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2664S
- Parametric initial conditions for core-collapse supernova simulations.
- Suwa, Yudai (1) ; Muller, Ewald
- 2016MNRAS.460.2675R
- Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations of neutral atomic hydrogen gas in the COSMOS field at z ∼ 0.37.
- Rhee, Jonghwan (1) (2) ; Lah, Philip (1) ; Chengalur, Jayaram N. ; Briggs, Frank H. (1) ; Colless, Matthew (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2687W
- Shock-powered radio emission from V5589 Sagittarii (Nova Sgr 2012 #1).
- Weston, Jennifer H.S. ; Sokoloski, J.L. ; Chomiuk, Laura ; Linford, Justin D. ; Nelson, Thomas ; Mukai, Koji (4) ; Finzell, Tom ; Mioduszewski, Amy ; Rupen, Michael P. ; Walter, Frederick M.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2698T
- Extracting the spectral index of the intergalactic magnetic field from radio polarizations.
- Tiwari, Prabhakar ; Jain, Pankaj
- 2016MNRAS.460.2706K
- Observational analysis of the well-correlated diffuse bands: 6196 and 6614 Å.
- Krelowski, J. ; Galazutdinov, G.A. (2) (3) ; Bondar, A. ; Beletsky, Y.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2711T
- Exploring the reality of density substructures in the Palomar 5 stellar stream.
- Thomas, Guillaume F. ; Ibata, R. ; Famaey, B. ; Martin, N.F. ; Lewis, G.F.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2720K
- Stellar kinematics using a third integral of motion: method and application on the Andromeda galaxy.
- Kipper, R. (1) ; Tenjes, P. (1) ; Tihhonova, O. (1) ; Tamm, A. ; Tempel, E.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2731C
- Velocities of warm galactic outflows from synthetic Hα observations of star-forming galaxies.
- Ceverino, Daniel (1) (2) ; Arribas, Santiago (1) ; Colina, Luis (1) ; Rodriguez Del Pino, Bruno (1) ; Dekel, Avishai ; Primack, Joel
- 2016MNRAS.460.2744Z
- V4743 Sgr, a magnetic nova?*.
- Zemko, P. ; Orio, M. (2) ; Mukai, K. (4) ; Bianchini, A. (1) ; Ciroi, S. ; Cracco, V.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2752W
- Deep Chandra study of the truncated cool core of the Ophiuchus cluster.
- Werner, N. (1) ; Zhuravleva, I. (1) ; Canning, R.E.A. (1) ; Allen, S.W. (1) (2) ; King, A.L. (1) ; Sanders, J.S. ; Simionescu, A. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Morris, R.G. (1) ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2765K
- A Bayesian analysis of the 69 highest energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory.
- Khanin, Alexander ; Mortlock, Daniel J. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2779C
- Giant planet formation in radially structured protoplanetary discs.
- Coleman, Gavin A.L.; Nelson, Richard P.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2796S
- Phase-resolved spectroscopy of Type B quasi-periodic oscillations in GX 339-4.
- Stevens, Abigail L.; Uttley, Phil
- 2016MNRAS.460.2811D
- Redshift determination through weighted phase correlation: a linearithmic implementation.
- Delchambre, L.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2822B
- Discovery of a long-lived, high-amplitude dusty infrared transient.
- Britt, C.T. ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Green, J.D. (2) ; Jonker, P.G. (4) ; Hynes, R.I. ; Torres, M.A.P. (4) ; Strader, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Salinas, R. ; Lucas, P. ; Contreras Pena, C. ; Kurtev, R. ; Heinke, C. ; Smith, L. ; Wright, N.J. ; Johnson, C. ; Steeghs, D. ; Nelemans, G.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2834R
- YETI observations of the young transiting planet candidate CVSO 30 b.
- Raetz, S. ; Schmidt, T.O.B. ; Czesla, S. ; Klocova, T. ; Holmes, L. ; Errmann, R. (4) ; Kitze, M. (4) ; Fernandez, M. ; Sota, A. ; Briceno, C. ; Hernandez, J. ; Downes, J.J. ; Dimitrov, D.P. ; Kjurkchieva, D. ; Radeva, V. ; Wu, Z.-Y. ; Zhou, X. ; Takahashi, H. ; Henych, T. ; Seeliger, M. ; Mugrauer, M. ; Adam, C. ; Marka, C. ; Schmidt, J.G. ; Hohle, M.M. ; Ginski, C. ; Pribulla, T. ; Trepl, L. ; Moualla, M. ; Pawellek, N. ; Gelszinnis, J. ; Buder, S. ; Masda, S. ; Maciejewski, G. ; Neuhauser, R.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2853S
- Circumplanetary disc or circumplanetary envelope?
- Szulagyi, J. (1) ; Masset, F. ; Lega, E. ; Crida, A. (1) ; Morbidelli, A. ; Guillot, T.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2862B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/460/2862)
- The evolution in the stellar mass of brightest cluster galaxies over the past 10 billion years.
- Bellstedt, Sabine (1) ; Lidman, Chris (1) ; Muzzin, Adam ; Franx, Marijn ; Guatelli, Susanna ; Hill, Allison R. ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Kurinsky, Noah (6) ; Labbe, Ivo ; Marchesini, Danilo ; Marsan, Z. Cemile ; Safavi-Naeini, Mitra ; Sifon, Cristobal ; Stefanon, Mauro ; van de Sande, Jesse ; van Dokkum, Pieter ; Weigel, Catherine
- 2016MNRAS.460.2875Y
- A blind search for prompt gamma-ray counterparts of fast radio bursts with Fermi-LAT data.
- Yamasaki, Shotaro; Totani, Tomonori; Kawanaka, Norita
- 2016MNRAS.460.2881N
- Zooming in on accretion - I. The structure of halo gas.
- Nelson, Dylan (1) ; Genel, Shy (1) ; Pillepich, Annalisa ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Springel, Volker (5) ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2016MNRAS.460.2905K
- New orbit recalculations of comet C/1890 F1 Brooks and its dynamical evolution.
- Krolikowska, Malgorzata ; Dybczynski, Piotr A.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2919K
- Stability analysis of the Gravito-Electrostatic Sheath-based solar plasma equilibrium.
- Karmakar, P.K. ; Goutam, H.P. ; Lal, M. ; Dwivedi, C.B.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2933M
- Exocometary gas in the HD 181327 debris ring.
- Marino, S. (1) (2) ; Matra, L. ; Stark, C. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Casassus, S. (2) ; Kennedy, G. ; Rodriguez, D. (2) ; Zuckerman, B. ; Perez, S. (2) ; Dent, W.R.F. ; Kuchner, M. ; Hughes, A.M. ; Schneider, G. ; Steele, A. ; Roberge, A. ; Donaldson, J. ; Nesvold, E.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2945L
- The frequency and properties of young tidal dwarf galaxies in nearby gas-rich groups.
- Lee-Waddell, K. ; Spekkens, K. ; Chandra, P. ; Patra, N. ; Cuillandre, J.-C. ; Wang, J. ; Haynes, M.P. ; Cannon, J. ; Stierwalt, S. ; Sick, J. ; Giovanelli, R.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2962H
- Supernova blast waves in wind-blown bubbles, turbulent, and power-law ambient media.
- Haid, S. ; Walch, S. ; Naab, T. ; Seifried, D. ; Mackey, J. (1) ; Gatto, A.
- 2016MNRAS.460.2979V
- The cosmic evolution of massive black holes in the Horizon-AGN simulation.
- Volonteri, M. ; Dubois, Y. ; Pichon, C. ; Devriendt, J. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.460.2997L
- Surviving gas expulsion with substructure.
- Lee, Pawel L.; Goodwin, Simon P.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3002C
- Changing physical conditions in star-forming galaxies between redshifts 0 < z < 4: [O iii]/H β evolution.
- Cullen, F. ; Cirasuolo, M. (1) ; Kewley, L.J. ; McLure, R.J. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Bowler, R.A.A.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3014R
- SILC: a new Planck internal linear combination CMB temperature map using directional wavelets.
- Rogers, Keir K. ; Peiris, Hiranya V. ; Leistedt, Boris (1) ; McEwen, Jason D. ; Pontzen, Andrew
- 2016MNRAS.460.3029B
- The low dark matter content of the lenticular galaxy NGC 3998.
- Boardman, Nicholas F. ; Weijmans, Anne-Marie ; van den Bosch, Remco ; Zhu, Ling ; Yildirim, Akin ; van de Ven, Glenn ; Cappellari, Michele ; de Zeeuw, Tim (4) ; Emsellem, Eric ; Krajnovic, Davor ; Naab, Thorsten
- 2016MNRAS.460.3044C
- A self-similar solution for thermal disc winds.
- Clarke, C.J. ; Alexander, R.D.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3052C
- Searching for molecular outflows in hyperluminous infrared galaxies.
- Calderon, D. ; Bauer, F.E. (1) (2) ; Veilleux, S. (4) ; Gracia-Carpio, J. ; Sturm, E. ; Lira, P. ; Schulze, S. (1) ; Kim, S.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3063M
- Core and conal component analysis of pulsar B1933+16: investigation of the segregated modes.
- Mitra, Dipanjan (1) (2) ; Rankin, Joanna (1) ; Arjunwadkar, Mihir
- 2016MNRAS.460.3076C
- Relativistic X-ray reverberation modelling of the combined time-averaged and lag-energy spectra in AGN.
- Chainakun, P. ; Young, A.J. ; Kara, E.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3089R
- Searching for Faraday rotation in cosmic microwave background polarization.
- Ruiz-Granados, B. (1) (2) ; Battaner, E. (1) ; Florido, E. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3100C
- Subhalo abundance matching and assembly bias in the EAGLE simulation.
- Chaves-Montero, Jonas ; Angulo, Raul E. ; Schaye, Joop ; Schaller, Matthieu ; Crain, Robert A. ; Furlong, Michelle ; Theuns, Tom
- 2016MNRAS.460.3119S
- Selection bias in dynamically measured supermassive black hole samples: its consequences and the quest for the most fundamental relation.
- Shankar, Francesco ; Bernardi, Mariangela ; Sheth, Ravi K. ; Ferrarese, Laura ; Graham, Alister W. ; Savorgnan, Giulia ; Allevato, Viola ; Marconi, Alessandro ; Lasker, Ronald ; Lapi, Andrea (8)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3143S
- Evidence for a direct collapse black hole in the Lyman α source CR7.
- Smith, Aaron ; Bromm, Volker ; Loeb, Abraham
- 2016MNRAS.460.3152Z
- Stacking for machine learning redshifts applied to SDSS galaxies.
- Zitlau, Roman ; Hoyle, Ben ; Paech, Kerstin ; Weller, Jochen (1) (2) ; Rau, Markus Michael (1) ; Seitz, Stella (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3163M
- Estimation of the mass of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 using TCAF and POS models.
- Molla, Aslam Ali ; Debnath, Dipak ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. (1) ; Mondal, S. ; Jana, A.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3170W
- The photometric properties of galaxies in the early Universe.
- Wilkins, Stephen M. ; Feng, Yu (2) ; Di-Matteo, Tiziana ; Croft, Rupert ; Stanway, Elizabeth R. ; Bunker, Andrew ; Waters, Dacen ; Lovell, Christopher
- 2016MNRAS.460.3179W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/460/3179)
- Distance and extinction determination for APOGEE stars with Bayesian method.
- Wang, Jianling (1) ; Shi, Jianrong (1) ; Pan, Kaike ; Chen, Bingqiu ; Zhao, Yongheng (1) ; Wicker, James
- 2016MNRAS.460.3193C
- Non-axisymmetric relativistic wind accretion with velocity gradients on to a rotating black hole.
- Cruz-Osorio, A. ; Lora-Clavijo, F.D.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3202O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/460/3202)
- The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei with powerful relativistic jets.
- Olguin-Iglesias, A. (1) ; Leon-Tavares, J. (1) ; Kotilainen, J.K. (2) ; Chavushyan, V. ; Tornikoski, M. ; Valtaoja, E. ; Anorve, C. ; Valdes, J. ; Carrasco, L.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3221K
- Possible evolution of supermassive black holes from FRI quasars.
- Kim, Matthew I. ; Christian, Damian J. ; Garofalo, David ; D'Avanzo, Jaclyn
- 2016MNRAS.460.3232C
- Physical conditions and element abundances in supernova and γ-ray burst host galaxies at different redshifts.
- Contini, M.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3255R
- Dynamical mass ejection from binary neutron star mergers.
- Radice, David ; Galeazzi, Filippo ; Lippuner, Jonas ; Roberts, Luke F. ; Ott, Christian D. ; Rezzolla, Luciano (2)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3272K
- What physics determines the peak of the IMF? Insights from the structure of cores in radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations.
- Krumholz, Mark R. ; Myers, Andrew T. ; Klein, Richard I. (3) ; McKee, Christopher F. (4)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3284K
- Detection of the first infra-red quasi-periodic oscillation in a black hole X-ray binary.
- Kalamkar, M. ; Casella, P. ; Uttley, P. ; O'Brien, K. ; Russell, D. ; Maccarone, T. ; van der Klis, M. ; Vincentelli, F. (1) (6)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3292W
- Evidence for large-scale subsurface convection in the Sun.
- Woodard, M.F.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3298J
- A new method to probe the thermal electron content of the Galaxy through spectral analysis of background sources.
- Jones, D.I. ; Igoshev, A.P. ; Haverkorn, M. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.460.3305D
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: pre-main-sequence stars in the young open cluster NGC 3293*.
- Delgado, A.J. ; Sampedro, L. ; Alfaro, E.J. ; Costado, M.T. ; Yun, J.L. (2) ; Frasca, A. ; Lanzafame, A.C. (4) ; Drew, J.E. ; Eisloffel, J. ; Blomme, R. ; Morel, T. ; Lobel, A. ; Semaan, T. (9) ; Randich, S. ; Jeffries, R.D. ; Micela, G. ; Vallenari, A. ; Kalari, V. ; Gilmore, G. ; Flaccomio, E. ; Carraro, G. ; Lardo, C. ; Monaco, L. ; Prisinzano, L. ; Sousa, S.G. ; Morbidelli, L. ; Lewis, J. ; Koposov, S. ; Hourihane, A. ; Worley, C. ; Casey, A. ; Franciosini, E. ; Sacco, G. ; Magrini, L.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3316R
- On the maximum magnetic field amplification by the magnetorotational instability in core-collapse supernovae.
- Rembiasz, T. (1) ; Guilet, J. ; Obergaulinger, M. ; Cerda-Duran, P. ; Aloy, M.A. ; Muller, E.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3335C
- Cosmological simulations of dwarf galaxies with cosmic ray feedback.
- Chen, Jingjing; Bryan, Greg L.; Salem, Munier
- 2016MNRAS.460.3345M
- Shapley Supercluster Survey: ram-pressure stripping versus tidal interactions in the Shapley supercluster.
- Merluzzi, P. ; Busarello, G. ; Dopita, M.A. (2) ; Haines, C.P. (4) ; Steinhauser, D. ; Bourdin, H. (7) ; Mazzotta, P.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3370C
- A search for highly dispersed fast radio bursts in three Parkes multibeam surveys.
- Crawford, F. ; Rane, A. ; Tran, L. ; Rolph, K. ; Lorimer, D.R. (2) ; Ridley, J.P.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3376Z
- Spin-orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES.
- Zhou, George ; Latham, David W. ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Beatty, Thomas G. (2) ; Buchhave, Lars A. (4) ; Esquerdo, Gilbert A. ; Berlind, Perry ; Calkins, Michael L.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3384V
- Probing the boundary between star clusters and dwarf galaxies: A MUSE view on the dynamics of Crater/Laevens I.
- Voggel, Karina ; Hilker, Michael ; Baumgardt, Holger ; Collins, Michelle L.M. ; Grebel, Eva K. ; Husemann, Bernd ; Richtler, Tom ; Frank, Matthias J.
- 2016MNRAS.460.3398S
- Describing variations of the Fisher-matrix across parameter space.
- Schafer, Bjorn Malte; Reischke, Robert
- 2016MNRAS.460.3407A
- An extensive spectroscopic time series of three Wolf-Rayet stars - I. The lifetime of large-scale structures in the wind of WR 134.
- Aldoretta, E.J. ; St-Louis, N. ; Richardson, N.D. ; Moffat, A.F.J. ; Eversberg, T. (3) (4) ; Hill, G.M. ; Shenar, T. ; Artigau, E. ; Gauza, B. (8) ; Knapen, J.H. (8) ; Kubat, J. ; Kubatova, B. (10) ; Maltais-Tariant, R. ; Munoz, M. ; Pablo, H. ; Ramiaramanantsoa, T. ; Richard-Laferriere, A. ; Sablowski, D.P. (4) (5) ; Simon-Diaz, S. (8) ; St-Jean, L. ; Bolduan, F. ; Dias, F.M. (4) ; Dubreuil, P. (5) ; Fuchs, D. ; Garrel, T. (5) ; Grutzeck, G. (4) ; Hunger, T. (4) ; Kusters, D. (4) ; Langenbrink, M. ; Leadbeater, R. (4) (5) ; Li, D. (4) (5) ; Lopez, A. (5) ; Mauclaire, B. (5) ; Moldenhawer, T. ; Potter, M. (5) ; dos Santos, E.M. ; Schanne, L. (4) ; Schmidt, J. ; Sieske, H. ; Strachan, J. (5) ; Stinner, E. ; Stinner, P. (4) ; Stober, B. (4) ; Strandbaek, K. (4) ; Syder, T. ; Verilhac, D. (5) ; Waldschlager, U. (4) ; Weiss, D. (4) ; Wendt, A.
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