Monthly Notices of the RAS 458
May(III) 2016

Modelling the Central Constant Emission X-ray component of η Carinae.
Russell, Christopher M.P. ; Corcoran, Michael F. (2) ; Hamaguchi, Kenji (2) ; Madura, Thomas I. (3) ; Owocki, Stanley P. ; Hillier, D. John
The dust covering factor in active galactic nuclei.
Stalevski, Marko (1) (2) (3) ; Ricci, Claudio (4) (5) ; Ueda, Yoshihiro ; Lira, Paulina ; Fritz, Jacopo ; Baes, Maarten
Radiation reaction and pitch-angle changes for a charge undergoing synchrotron losses.
Singal, Ashok K.
2016MNRAS.458.2307K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/2307)
Spectroscopic survey of γ Doradus stars - I. Comprehensive atmospheric parameters and abundance analysis of γ Doradus stars.
Kahraman Alicavus, F. (1) ; Niemczura, E. ; De Cat, P. ; Soydugan, E. ; Kolaczkowski, Z. ; Ostrowski, J. ; Telting, J.H. ; Uytterhoeven, K. (5) ; Poretti, E. ; Rainer, M. ; Suarez, J.C. ; Mantegazza, L. ; Kilmartin, P. ; Pollard, K.R.
Line-driven ablation of circumstellar discs - I. Optically thin decretion discs of classical Oe/Be stars.
Kee, Nathaniel Dylan ; Owocki, Stanley ; Sundqvist, J.O. (2)
Monitoring the Galactic Centre with the Australia Telescope Compact Array.
Borkar, A. (1) ; Eckart, A. (1) ; Straubmeier, C. ; Kunneriath, D. ; Jalali, B. ; Sabha, N. ; Shahzamanian, B. (1) ; Garcia-Marin, M. ; Valencia-S, M. ; Sjouwerman, L. ; Britzen, S. ; Karas, V. ; Dovciak, M. ; Donea, A. ; Zensus, A. (1)
First hard X-ray observations of the blazar S5 0716+714 with NuSTAR during a multiwavelength campaign.
Wierzcholska, A. ; Siejkowski, H.
Application of the spine-layer jet radiation model to outbursts in the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120.
Janiak, M.; Sikora, M.; Moderski, R.
The stellar mass assembly of galaxies in the Illustris simulation: growth by mergers and the spatial distribution of accreted stars.
Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente ; Pillepich, Annalisa ; Sales, Laura V. (1) ; Genel, Shy ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Zhu, Qirong (5) ; Wellons, Sarah ; Nelson, Dylan (1) ; Torrey, Paul (4) ; Springel, Volker (9) ; Ma, Chung-Pei ; Hernquist, Lars
The bulge-disc decomposition of AGN host galaxies.
Bruce, V.A. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Mortlock, A. ; Kocevski, D.D. ; McGrath, E.J. ; Rosario, D.J.
Simulated stellar kinematics studies of high-redshift galaxies with the HARMONI Integral Field Spectrograph.
Kendrew, S. ; Zieleniewski, S. ; Houghton, R.C.W. ; Thatte, N. ; Devriendt, J. ; Tecza, M. ; Clarke, F. ; O'Brien, K. ; Haussler, B. (1) (2)
Probing the cool interstellar and circumgalactic gas of three massive lensing galaxies at z = 0.4-0.7.
Zahedy, Fakhri S. ; Chen, Hsiao-Wen (1) ; Rauch, Michael ; Wilson, Michelle L. ; Zabludoff, Ann
Effects of galactic disc inclination and resolution on observed GMC properties and Larson's scaling relations.
Pan, Hsi-An ; Fujimoto, Yusuke ; Tasker, Elizabeth J. ; Rosolowsky, Erik ; Colombo, Dario (2) ; Benincasa, Samantha M. ; Wadsley, James
A comprehensive analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of bright Seyfert galaxies.
Lubinski, P. ; Beckmann, V. ; Gibaud, L. ; Paltani, S. ; Papadakis, I.E. (4) ; Ricci, C. ; Soldi, S. ; Turler, M. ; Walter, R. ; Zdziarski, A.A.
Understanding discs in binary YSOs - detailed modelling of VV CrA.
Scicluna, P. (1) ; Wolf, S. ; Ratzka, T. ; Costigan, G. ; Launhardt, R. ; Leinert, C. ; Ober, F. ; Manara, C.F. ; Testi, L. (7) (8)
Constraining ultracompact dwarf galaxy formation with galaxy clusters in the local universe.
Pfeffer, J. (1) ; Hilker, M. ; Baumgardt, H. ; Griffen, B.F.
Time variation in the low-frequency spectrum of Vela-like pulsar B1800−21.
Basu, Rahul ; Rozko, Karolina ; Lewandowski, Wojciech ; Kijak, Jaroslaw ; Dembska, Marta
Galaxy formation with local photoionization feedback - II. Effect of X-ray emission from binaries and hot gas.
Kannan, R. ; Vogelsberger, M. ; Stinson, G.S. ; Hennawi, J.F. ; Marinacci, F. ; Springel, V. (3) ; Maccio, A.V.
Spectral Kurtosis statistics of transient signals.
Nita, G.M.
Are ancient dwarf satellites the building blocks of the Galactic halo?
Spitoni, E. ; Vincenzo, F. (1) ; Matteucci, F. (1) (2) ; Romano, D.
Interstellar dust distribution outside the heliopause: deflection at the heliospheric interface.
Alexashov, D.B. (1) ; Katushkina, O.A. ; Izmodenov, V.V. (1) (2) ; Akaev, P.S. (1)
Evidence for a binary origin of a central compact object.
Doroshenko, Victor ; Puhlhofer, Gerd ; Kavanagh, Patrick (1) ; Santangelo, Andrea ; Suleimanov, Valery (1) ; Klochkov, Dmitry
Measuring subhalo mass in redMaPPer clusters with CFHT Stripe 82 Survey.
Li, Ran ; Shan, Huanyuan ; Kneib, Jean-Paul (2) ; Mo, Houjun ; Rozo, Eduardo ; Leauthaud, Alexie ; Moustakas, John ; Xie, Lizhi ; Erben, Thomas ; Van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Makler, Martin ; Rykoff, Eli ; Moraes, Bruno (13)
Stochastic reacceleration of relativistic electrons by turbulent reconnection: a mechanism for cluster-scale radio emission?
Brunetti, G. ; Lazarian, A.
High-velocity stars from the interaction of a globular cluster and a massive black hole binary.
Fragione, G.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.
An apodized Kepler periodogram for separating planetary and stellar activity signals.
Gregory, Philip C.
Merging binary black holes formed through chemically homogeneous evolution in short-period stellar binaries.
Mandel, Ilya ; de Mink, Selma E.
Abundance analysis of SDSS J134338.67+484426.6: an extremely metal-poor star from the MARVELS pre-survey.
Susmitha Rani, A. (1) ; Sivarani, T. ; Beers, T.C. ; Fleming, S. (4) ; Mahadevan, S. (6) (7) ; Ge, J.
Telling twins apart: exo-Earths and Venuses with transit spectroscopy.
Barstow, J.K. (1) ; Aigrain, S. ; Irwin, P.G.J. ; Kendrew, S. ; Fletcher, L.N.
The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation cares about the galaxy sample.
Sorce, Jenny G.; Guo, Quan
Collision velocity of dust grains in self-gravitating protoplanetary discs.
Booth, Richard A.; Clarke, Cathie J.
Problems for the WELS classification of planetary nebula central stars: self-consistent nebular modelling of four candidates.
Basurah, Hassan M. ; Ali, Alaa (1) ; Dopita, Michael A. (1) ; Alsulami, R. ; Amer, Morsi A. (1) ; Alruhaili, A.
Constraining high-redshift X-ray sources with next generation 21-cm power spectrum measurements.
Ewall-Wice, Aaron ; Hewitt, Jacqueline ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Dillon, Joshua S. (1) ; Liu, Adrian ; Pober, Jonathan
Searching for modified gravity: scale and redshift dependent constraints from galaxy peculiar velocities.
Johnson, Andrew (1) ; Blake, Chris ; Dossett, Jason ; Koda, Jun ; Parkinson, David ; Joudaki, Shahab
Evidence for an evolving cyclotron line energy in 4U 1538−522.
Hemphill, Paul B. ; Rothschild, Richard E. ; Furst, Felix ; Grinberg, Victoria ; Klochkov, Dmitry ; Kretschmar, Peter ; Pottschmidt, Katja (6) ; Staubert, Rudiger ; Wilms, Jorn
Brightest group galaxies: stellar mass and star formation rate (paper I).
Gozaliasl, Ghassem ; Finoguenov, Alexis ; Khosroshahi, Habib G. ; Mirkazemi, Mohammad (3) ; Erfanianfar, Ghazaleh ; Tanaka, Masayuki
Selecting background galaxies in weak-lensing analysis of galaxy clusters.
Formicola, I. ; Radovich, M. ; Meneghetti, M. ; Mazzotta, P. ; Grado, A. ; Giocoli, C.
The crowded magnetosphere of the post-common-envelope binary QS Virginis.
Parsons, S.G. ; Hill, C.A. (2) ; Marsh, T.R. ; Gansicke, B.T. ; Watson, C.A. ; Steeghs, D. ; Dhillon, V.S. (5) ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Copperwheat, C.M. ; Schreiber, M.R. (1) ; Zorotovic, M.
ISM gas studies towards the TeV PWN HESS J1825−137 and northern region.
Voisin, F. ; Rowell, G. ; Burton, M.G. ; Walsh, A. ; Fukui, Y. ; Aharonian, F. (5)
On the redshift of the very high-energy gamma-ray BL Lac object S2 0109+22.
Paiano, S. (1) ; Landoni, M. ; Falomo, R. ; Scarpa, R. ; Treves, A.
Effect of magnetized phonons on electrical and thermal conductivity of neutron star crust.
Baiko, D.A.
Statistics of dark matter substructure - I. Model and universal fitting functions.
Jiang, Fangzhou; van den Bosch, Frank C.
Statistics of dark matter substructure - II. Comparison of model with simulation results.
van den Bosch, Frank C.; Jiang, Fangzhou
Destruction of large-scale magnetic field in non-linear simulations of the shear dynamo.
Teed, Robert J.; Proctor, Michael R.E.
Numerical simulation of tidal evolution of a viscoelastic body modelled with a mass-spring network.
Frouard, Julien ; Quillen, Alice C. ; Efroimsky, Michael ; Giannella, David
The nature and energetics of AGN-driven perturbations in the hot gas in the Perseus Cluster.
Zhuravleva, I. (1) ; Churazov, E. (3) ; Arevalo, P. ; Schekochihin, A.A. (6) ; Forman, W.R. ; Allen, S.W. (1) (2) ; Simionescu, A. ; Sunyaev, R. (3) ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Werner, N. (1)
Modelling nova populations in galaxies.
Chen, Hai-Liang (1) (2) (3) ; Woods, T.E. (1) ; Yungelson, L.R. ; Gilfanov, M. (1) (7) ; Han, Zhanwen (2)
The effect of foreground mitigation strategy on EoR window recovery.
Chapman, Emma ; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Dulwich, Fred ; Jelic, Vibor (2) (5) ; Mort, Benjamin
The Low Redshift survey at Calar Alto (LoRCA).
Comparat, J. (1) ; Chuang, C.-H. ; Rodriguez-Torres, S. (1) (2) ; Pellejero-Ibanez, M. (4) (5) ; Prada, F. (1) (3) ; Yepes, G. ; Courtois, H.M. ; Zhao, G.-B. (9) ; Wang, Y. (9) ; Sanchez, J. ; Maraston, C. ; Metcalf, R. Benton ; Peiro-Perez, J. ; Kitaura, F.S. ; Perez, E. ; Gonzalez Delgado, R.M.
Hydrogenation of CO-bearing species on grains: unexpected chemical desorption of CO.
Minissale, M.; Moudens, A.; Baouche, S.; Chaabouni, H.; Dulieu, F.
Did Jupiter's core form in the innermost parts of the Sun's protoplanetary disc?
Raymond, Sean N. (1) ; Izidoro, Andre (1) (2) ; Bitsch, Bertram ; Jacobson, Seth A. (5)
The bolometric light curves and physical parameters of stripped-envelope supernovae.
Prentice, S.J. ; Mazzali, P.A. (1) ; Pian, E. (3) ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Rubin, A. ; Corsi, A. ; Fremling, C. ; Sollerman, J. ; Yaron, O. ; Arcavi, I. (9) ; Zheng, W. ; Kasliwal, M.M. (6) ; Filippenko, A.V. ; Cenko, S.B. ; Cao, Y. ; Nugent, P.E. (11)
21 cm line bispectrum as a method to probe cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization.
Shimabukuro, Hayato (1) ; Yoshiura, Shintaro ; Takahashi, Keitaro ; Yokoyama, Shuichiro ; Ichiki, Kiyotomo
2016MNRAS.458.3012W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/3012)
Black hole, neutron star and white dwarf candidates from microlensing with OGLE-III.
Wyrzykowski, L. ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z. ; Skowron, J. ; Rybicki, K.A. ; Mroz, P. ; Kozlowski, S. ; Udalski, A. ; Szymanski, M.K. ; Pietrzynski, G. ; Soszynski, I. ; Ulaczyk, K. (1) ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Poleski, R. (1) ; Pawlak, M. ; Ilkiewicz, K. ; Rattenbury, N.J.
2016MNRAS.458.3027M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/3027)
Young and embedded clusters in Cygnus-X: evidence for building up the initial mass function?
Maia, F.F.S. (1) (2) ; Moraux, E. (1) ; Joncour, I. (1)
Super-Eddington growth of the first black holes.
Pezzulli, Edwige (1) (2) ; Valiante, Rosa ; Schneider, Raffaella
Double-averaging can fail to characterize the long-term evolution of Lidov-Kozai Cycles and derivation of an analytical correction.
Luo, Liantong ; Katz, Boaz ; Dong, Subo
Relativistic mergers of black hole binaries have large, similar masses, low spins and are circular.
Amaro-Seoane, Pau ; Chen, Xian
2016MNRAS.458.3083S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/3083)
An optical analysis of the merging cluster Abell 3888.
Shakouri, S.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Dehghan, S.
Scintillation noise power spectrum and its impact on high-redshift 21-cm observations.
Vedantham, H.K. (1) ; Koopmans, L.V.E.
Variability in young very low mass stars: two surprises from spectrophotometric monitoring.
Bozhinova, I. ; Scholz, A. ; Eisloffel, J.
ALMA observations of cold molecular gas filaments trailing rising radio bubbles in PKS 0745−191.
Russell, H.R. ; McNamara, B.R. (2) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Nulsen, P.E.J. (4) ; Edge, A.C. ; Combes, F. ; Murray, N.W. ; Parrish, I.J. ; Salome, P. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Baum, S.A. ; Donahue, M. ; Main, R.A. ; O'Connell, R.W. ; O'Dea, C.P. ; Oonk, J.B.R. (13) ; Tremblay, G. ; Vantyghem, A.N. ; Voit, G.M.
2016MNRAS.458.3150C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/3150)
The OCCASO survey: presentation and radial velocities of 12 Milky Way open clusters.
Casamiquela, L. ; Carrera, R. (2) ; Jordi, C. ; Balaguer-Nunez, L. ; Pancino, E. (4) (5) ; Hidalgo, S.L. (2) ; Martinez-Vazquez, C.E. (2) ; Murabito, S. (2) ; del Pino, A. ; Aparicio, A. (2) ; Blanco-Cuaresma, S. ; Gallart, C. (2)
Stellar and gaseous disc structures in cosmological galaxy equilibrium models.
Rathaus, Ben; Sternberg, Amiel
Sizes, colour gradients and resolved stellar mass distributions for the massive cluster galaxies in XMMUJ2235-2557 at z = 1.39.
Chan, Jeffrey C.C. (1) ; Beifiori, Alessandra (2) ; Trevor Mendel, J. ; Saglia, Roberto P. (1) ; Bender, Ralf (1) ; Fossati, Matteo (1) ; Galametz, Audrey ; Wegner, Michael ; Wilman, David J. (1) ; Cappellari, Michele ; Davies, Roger L. ; Houghton, Ryan C.W. ; Prichard, Laura J. ; Lewis, Ian J. ; Sharples, Ray ; Stott, John P.
ZAP - enhanced PCA sky subtraction for integral field spectroscopy.
Soto, Kurt T. ; Lilly, Simon J. ; Bacon, Roland ; Richard, Johan ; Conseil, Simon
Growth of eccentric modes in disc-planet interactions.
Teyssandier, Jean; Ogilvie, Gordon I.
The advantages of using a Lucky Imaging camera for observations of microlensing events.
Sajadian, Sedighe ; Rahvar, Sohrab ; Dominik, Martin ; Hundertmark, Markus
Particle diffusion and localized acceleration in inhomogeneous AGN jets - II. Stochastic variation.
Chen, Xuhui (1) ; Pohl, Martin (1) ; Bottcher, Markus (3) ; Gao, Shan (1)
2016MNRAS.458.3272K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/3272)
Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia - III. Accurate SB2 orbits for 10 binaries and masses of HIP 87895.
Kiefer, F. ; Halbwachs, J.-L. ; Arenou, F. ; Pourbaix, D. ; Famaey, B. ; Guillout, P. ; Lebreton, Y. (3) ; Nebot Gomez-Moran, A. ; Mazeh, T. ; Salomon, J.-B. ; Soubiran, C. ; Tal-Or, L. (1)
Major substructure in the M31 outer halo: distances and metallicities along the giant stellar stream.
Conn, A.R. ; McMonigal, B. ; Bate, N.F. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Ibata, R.A. ; Martin, N.F. (3) ; McConnachie, A.W. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Elahi, P.J. ; Venn, K.A. ; Mackey, A.D.
Impact of initial models and variable accretion rates on the pre-main-sequence evolution of massive and intermediate-mass stars and the early evolution of H ii regions.
Haemmerle, Lionel ; Peters, Thomas
The γ-ray afterglows of tidal disruption events.
Chen, Xian ; Gomez-Vargas, German Arturo (1) (2) ; Guillochon, James
Bad prospects for the detection of giant stars’ tidal disruption: effect of the ambient medium on bound debris.
Bonnerot, Clement ; Rossi, Elena M. ; Lodato, Giuseppe
Testing the mapping between redshift and cosmic scale factor.
Wojtak, Radoslaw (1) ; Prada, Francisco (1) (3) (4)
2016MNRAS.458.3341D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/458/3341)
High-precision timing of 42 millisecond pulsars with the European Pulsar Timing Array.
Desvignes, G. ; Caballero, R.N. ; Lentati, L. ; Verbiest, J.P.W. (3) ; Champion, D.J. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Janssen, G.H. (5) ; Lazarus, P. ; Oslowski, S. (3) ; Babak, S. ; Bassa, C.G. (5) ; Brem, P. ; Burgay, M. ; Cognard, I. (8) ; Gair, J.R. ; Graikou, E. ; Guillemot, L. (8) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (5) ; Jessner, A. ; Jordan, C. ; Karuppusamy, R. ; Kramer, M. (1) ; Lassus, A. ; Lazaridis, K. ; Lee, K.J. (1) ; Liu, K. ; Lyne, A.G. ; McKee, J. ; Mingarelli, C.M.F. (1) (13) ; Perrodin, D. ; Petiteau, A. ; Possenti, A. ; Purver, M.B. ; Rosado, P.A. (16) ; Sanidas, S. (11) ; Sesana, A. (14) ; Shaifullah, G. (1) ; Smits, R. ; Taylor, S.R. (10) ; Theureau, G. (8) (9) ; Tiburzi, C. (1) ; van Haasteren, R. ; Vecchio, A.
Searching for a magnetic field in Wolf-Rayet stars using FORS 2 spectropolarimetry.
Hubrig, S. ; Scholz, K. ; Hamann, W.-R. ; Scholler, M. ; Ignace, R. ; Ilyin, I. ; Gayley, K.G. ; Oskinova, L.M.
Prediction of transits of Solar system objects in Kepler/K2 images: an extension of the Virtual Observatory service SkyBoT.
Berthier, J. ; Carry, B. (1) ; Vachier, F. ; Eggl, S. ; Santerne, A.
Intensity mapping cross-correlations: connecting the largest scales to galaxy evolution.
Wolz, L. (1) ; Tonini, C. ; Blake, C. (2) ; Wyithe, J.S.B. (1)
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