Monthly Notices of the RAS 457
April(III) 2016
- 2016MNRAS.457.3409A
- Deciphering the bipolar planetary nebula Abell 14 with 3D ionization and morphological studies.
- Akras, S. ; Clyne, N. (1) ; Boumis, P. ; Monteiro, H. ; Goncalves, D.R. ; Redman, M.P. ; Williams, S.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3420O
- Optical phase curves as diagnostics for aerosol composition in exoplanetary atmospheres.
- Oreshenko, Maria (1) ; Heng, Kevin ; Demory, Brice-Olivier
- 2016MNRAS.457.3430P
- Dynamical evolution of star-forming regions - II. Basic kinematics.
- Parker, Richard J. ; Wright, Nicholas J. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3448I
- The discovery, monitoring and environment of SGR J1935+2154.
- Israel, G.L. ; Esposito, P. (2) ; Rea, N. (4) ; Coti Zelati, F. (4) (6) ; Tiengo, A. (8) (9) ; Campana, S. ; Mereghetti, S. ; Rodriguez Castillo, G.A. ; Gotz, D. ; Burgay, M. ; Possenti, A. ; Zane, S. ; Turolla, R. (14) ; Perna, R. ; Cannizzaro, G. ; Pons, J.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3457J
- Architecture and performance of the space-based Far-Infrared Interferometer Instrument Simulator.
- Juanola-Parramon, R.; Fenech, D.M.; Savini, G.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3470C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/3470)
- How SN Ia host-galaxy properties affect cosmological parameters.
- Campbell, H.; Fraser, M.; Gilmore, G.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3492H
- The Copernicus Complexio: a high-resolution view of the small-scale Universe.
- Hellwing, Wojciech A. (1) ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Cautun, Marius ; Bose, Sownak ; Helly, John ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Sawala, Till ; Cytowski, Maciej
- 2016MNRAS.457.3510S
- Slicing and dicing globular clusters: dynamically evolved single stellar populations.
- Sippel, Anna C. (1) ; Hurley, Jarrod R.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3522G
- The impact of correlated noise on galaxy shape estimation for weak lensing.
- Gurvich, Alex; Mandelbaum, Rachel
- 2016MNRAS.457.3535Z
- Modelling the multi-wavelength emission of flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C 279.
- Zheng, Y.G. ; Yang, C.Y. (2) (3)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3541C
- Large-scale clustering of Lyman a emission intensity from SDSS/BOSS.
- Croft, Rupert A.C. (1) ; Miralda-Escude, Jordi (3) ; Zheng, Zheng ; Bolton, Adam ; Dawson, Kyle S. ; Peterson, Jeffrey B. ; York, Donald G. ; Eisenstein, Daniel ; Brinkmann, Jon ; Brownstein, Joel ; Cen, Renyue ; Delubac, Timothee ; Font-Ribera, Andreu ; Hamilton, Jean-Christophe ; Lee, Khee-Gan ; Myers, Adam ; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie ; Paris, Isabelle ; Petitjean, Patrick ; Pieri, Matthew M. ; Ross, Nicholas P. ; Rossi, Graziano ; Schlegel, David J. ; Schneider, Donald P. (19) ; Slosar, Anze ; Vazquez, Jose ; Viel, Matteo (15) ; Weinberg, David H. ; Yeche, Christophe
- 2016MNRAS.457.3573E
- Limb darkening and exoplanets - II. Choosing the best law for optimal retrieval of transit parameters.
- Espinoza, Nestor (1) ; Jordan, Andres (1)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3582P
- Extreme blazars as counterparts of IceCube astrophysical neutrinos.
- Padovani, P. (1) ; Resconi, E. ; Giommi, P. (4) ; Arsioli, B. (4) (5) ; Chang, Y.L. (4)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3593F
- External photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs in sparse stellar groups: the impact of dust growth.
- Facchini, Stefano (1) ; Clarke, Cathie J. ; Bisbas, Thomas G. (2) (3)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3611A
- Synthetic photometry for M and K giants and stellar evolution: hydrostatic dust-free model atmospheres and chemical abundances.
- Aringer, B. (1) ; Girardi, L. ; Nowotny, W. ; Marigo, P. ; Bressan, A. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3629S
- Extended X-ray emission in the IC 2497 - Hanny's Voorwerp system: energy injection in the gas around a fading AGN.
- Sartori, Lia F. ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Koss, Michael ; Treister, Ezequiel ; Maksym, W. Peter ; Keel, William C. ; Urry, C. Megan ; Lintott, Chris J. ; Wong, O. Ivy
- 2016MNRAS.457.3637H
- The Sun as a planet-host star: proxies from SDO images for HARPS radial-velocity variations.
- Haywood, R.D. (1) ; Collier Cameron, A. ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Lovis, C. ; Lanza, A.F. ; Llama, J. (1) ; Deleuil, M. ; Fares, R. (1) ; Gillon, M. ; Moutou, C. ; Pepe, F. ; Pollacco, D. ; Queloz, D. ; Segransan, D.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3652M
- Recovering dark-matter clustering from galaxies with Gaussianization.
- McCullagh, Nuala ; Neyrinck, Mark ; Norberg, Peder (1) ; Cole, Shaun
- 2016MNRAS.457.3666C
- A search for H i and OH absorption in z ≳ 3 CO emitters.
- Curran, S.J. (1) (2) ; Allison, J.R. ; Whiting, M.T. ; Sadler, E.M. (2) ; Combes, F. ; Pracy, M.B. ; Bignell, C. ; Athreya, R.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3678P
- New calibrations for abundance determinations in H ii regions.
- Pilyugin, L.S. (1) (2) ; Grebel, E.K.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3693S
- INTEGRAL study of temporal properties of bright flares in Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients.
- Sidoli, L. ; Paizis, A. ; Postnov, K. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3702P
- Comparative analysis of SN 2012dn optical spectra: days -14 to +114.
- Parrent, J.T. (1) (2) ; Howell, D.A. (2) ; Fesen, R.A. ; Parker, S. ; Bianco, F.B. ; Dilday, B. ; Sand, D. ; Valenti, S. (2) ; Vinko, J. (9) ; Berlind, P. ; Challis, P. ; Milisavljevic, D. ; Sanders, N. ; Marion, G.H. ; Wheeler, J.C. ; Brown, P. ; Calkins, M.L. ; Friesen, B. ; Kirshner, R. ; Pritchard, T. ; Quimby, R. (15) ; Roming, P. (14)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3724B
- Rotational modulation in B stars observed by the Kepler K2 mission.
- Balona, L.A.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3732C
- State-to-state vibrational kinetics of H2 and H in a post-shock cooling gas with primordial composition.
- Coppola, C.M. (1) (2) ; Mizzi, G. (4) ; Bruno, D. ; Esposito, F. ; Galli, D. ; Palla, F. ; Longo, S. (1) (2)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3743D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/3743)
- Pathways to quiescence: SHARDS view on the star formation histories of massive quiescent galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.5.
- Dominguez Sanchez, Helena ; Perez-Gonzalez, Pablo G. ; Esquej, Pilar ; Eliche-Moral, M. Carmen ; Barro, Guillermo ; Cava, Antonio ; Koekemoer, Anton M. ; Alcalde Pampliega, Belen ; Alonso Herrero, Almudena ; Bruzual, Gustavo ; Cardiel, Nicolas (1) ; Cenarro, Javier ; Ceverino, Daniel (8) ; Charlot, Stephane ; Hernan Caballero, Antonio
- 2016MNRAS.457.3769H
- A reappraisal of parameters for the putative planet PTFO 8-8695b and its potentially precessing parent star.
- Howarth, Ian D.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3775M
- Dust formation in Milky Way-like galaxies.
- McKinnon, Ryan ; Torrey, Paul (1) ; Vogelsberger, Mark
- 2016MNRAS.457.3801P
- The central parsecs of M87: jet emission and an elusive accretion disc.
- Prieto, M.A. (1) ; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A. (3) ; Markoff, S. ; Espada, D. (6) ; Gonzalez-Martin, O.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3817S
- Dynamics of stream-subhalo interactions.
- Sanders, Jason L. ; Bovy, Jo ; Erkal, Denis
- 2016MNRAS.457.3836G
- The influence of radiative core growth on coronal X-ray emission from pre-main-sequence stars.
- Gregory, Scott G. ; Adams, Fred C. (2) ; Davies, Claire L. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3859H
- A model for 3:2 HFQPO pairs in black hole binaries based on cosmic battery.
- Huang, Chang-Yin (1) ; Ye, Yong-Chun ; Wang, Ding-Xiong ; Li, Yang
- 2016MNRAS.457.3867Z
- Detached cataclysmic variables are crossing the orbital period gap.
- Zorotovic, M. ; Schreiber, M.R. (1) ; Parsons, S.G. ; Gansicke, B.T. ; Hardy, A. ; Agurto-Gangas, C. (1) ; Nebot Gomez-Moran, A. ; Rebassa-Mansergas, A. ; Schwope, A.D.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3878Z
- To test dual supermassive black hole model for broad line active galactic nucleus with double-peaked narrow [O iii] lines.
- Zhang, Xue-Guang; Feng, Long-Long
- 2016MNRAS.457.3887Z
- Erratum: The radio/X-ray correlation in Cyg X-3 and the nature of its hard spectral state.
- Zdziarski, Andrzej A. ; Segreto, Alberto ; Pooley, Guy G.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3889D
- Exploration of spin-down rate of neutron stars in high-mass X-ray binaries.
- Dai, Hai-Lang ; Liu, Xi-Wei ; Li, Xiang-Dong (3)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3896L
- Warm absorbers in X-rays (WAX), a comprehensive high-resolution grating spectral study of a sample of Seyfert Galaxies - II. Warm absorber dynamics and feedback to galaxies.
- Laha, Sibasish ; Guainazzi, Matteo (2) ; Chakravorty, Susmita ; Dewangan, Gulab C. ; Kembhavi, Ajit K.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3912R
- Exploring the 2MASS extended and point source catalogues with clustering redshifts.
- Rahman, Mubdi ; Menard, Brice (1) ; Scranton, Ryan
- 2016MNRAS.457.3922O
- Fluctuating neutron star magnetosphere: braking indices of eight pulsars, frequency second derivatives of 222 pulsars and 15 magnetars.
- Ou, Z.W. (1) ; Tong, H. ; Kou, F.F. (1) ; Ding, G.Q.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3934L
- The Hyades open cluster is chemically inhomogeneous.
- Liu, F. ; Yong, D. ; Asplund, M. ; Ramirez, I. ; Melendez, J.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3949S
- Stellar open clusters' membership probabilities: an N-dimensional geometrical approach.
- Sampedro, Laura; Alfaro, Emilio J.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3963K
- Is SS 433 a misaligned ultraluminous X-ray source? Constraints from its reflected signal in the Galactic plane.
- Khabibullin, I. ; Sazonov, S. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.457.3975S
- Global diffusion of cosmic rays in random magnetic fields.
- Snodin, A.P. (1) ; Shukurov, A. ; Sarson, G.R. ; Bushby, P.J. ; Rodrigues, L.F.S.
- 2016MNRAS.457.3988B
- Planet Hunters IX. KIC 8462852 - where's the flux?+.
- Boyajian, T.S. ; LaCourse, D.M. ; Rappaport, S.A. ; Fabrycky, D. ; Fischer, D.A. ; Gandolfi, D. (5) ; Kennedy, G.M. ; Korhonen, H. (8) ; Liu, M.C. ; Moor, A. ; Olah, K. ; Vida, K. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Best, W.M.J. ; Brewer, J. ; Ciesla, F. ; Csak, B. ; Deeg, H.J. (14) ; Dupuy, T.J. ; Handler, G. ; Heng, K. ; Howell, S.B. ; Ishikawa, S.T. ; Kovacs, J. ; Kozakis, T. ; Kriskovics, L. ; Lehtinen, J. ; Lintott, C. ; Lynn, S. ; Nespral, D. (14) ; Nikbakhsh, S. (22) ; Schawinski, K. ; Schmitt, J.R. ; Smith, A.M. ; Szabo, G. (11) (13) ; Szabo, R. ; Viuho, J. ; Wang, J. (1) ; Weiksnar, A. ; Bosch, M. ; Connors, J.L. ; Goodman, S. ; Green, G. ; Hoekstra, A.J. ; Jebson, T. ; Jek, K.J. ; Omohundro, M.R. ; Schwengeler, H.M. ; Szewczyk, A.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4005W
- Overconfidence in photometric redshift estimation.
- Wittman, David (1) ; Bhaskar, Ramya ; Tobin, Ryan
- 2016MNRAS.457.4012A
- Chemical history of isolated dwarf galaxies of the Local Group - I. dSphs: Cetus and Tucana.
- Avila-Vergara, N. (1) ; Carigi, L. ; Hidalgo, S.L. (3) ; Durazo, R.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4021L
- The Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Project - II. Stellar mass completeness of spectroscopic galaxy samples from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey.
- Leauthaud, Alexie ; Bundy, Kevin ; Saito, Shun ; Tinker, Jeremy ; Maraston, Claudia ; Tojeiro, Rita ; Huang, Song ; Brownstein, Joel R. ; Schneider, Donald P. (6) ; Thomas, Daniel
- 2016MNRAS.457.4038G
- Experimental Stark halfwidths of the ionized oxygen and silicon spectral lines.
- Gavanski, L. ; Belmonte, M.T. ; Savic, I. ; Djurovic, S.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4051K
- The redshift evolution of escape fraction of hydrogen ionizing photons from galaxies.
- Khaire, Vikram ; Srianand, Raghunathan ; Choudhury, Tirthankar Roy ; Gaikwad, Prakash
- 2016MNRAS.457.4063S
- nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations - I. Dark matter and non-radiative models.
- Sembolini, Federico (1) (2) ; Yepes, Gustavo (1) ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Knebe, Alexander (1) ; Kay, Scott T. ; Power, Chris ; Cui, Weiguang ; Beck, Alexander M. (7) (8) ; Borgani, Stefano (10) (11) ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio (13) ; Dave, Romeel (15) (16) ; Elahi, Pascal Jahan ; February, Sean ; Huang, Shuiyao ; Hobbs, Alex ; Katz, Neal ; Lau, Erwin (22) ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Murante, Guiseppe ; Nagai, Daisuke (22) (23) ; Nelson, Kaylea (23) ; Newton, Richard D.A. (5) ; Perret, Valentin ; Puchwein, Ewald ; Read, Justin I. ; Saro, Alexandro (7) ; Schaye, Joop ; Teyssier, Romain ; Thacker, Robert J.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4081B
- Enhanced X-ray emission from Lyman break analogues and a possible LX-SFR-metallicity plane.
- Brorby, M. ; Kaaret, P. ; Prestwich, A. ; Mirabel, I.F. (3)
- 2016MNRAS.457.4089S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/4089)
- The frequency of snowline-region planets from four years of OGLE-MOA-Wise second-generation microlensing.
- Shvartzvald, Y. ; Maoz, D. ; Udalski, A. ; Sumi, T. ; Friedmann, M. ; Kaspi, S. ; Poleski, R. ; Szymanski, M.K. ; Skowron, J. ; Kozlowski, S. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Mroz, P. ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Pietrzynski, G. ; Soszynski, I. ; Ulaczyk, K. ; Abe, F. ; Barry, R.K. ; Bennett, D.P. ; Bhattacharya, A. ; Bond, I.A. ; Freeman, M. ; Inayama, K. ; Itow, Y. ; Koshimoto, N. ; Ling, C.H. ; Masuda, K. ; Fukui, A. ; Matsubara, Y. ; Muraki, Y. ; Ohnishi, K. ; Rattenbury, N.J. ; Saito, T. ; Sullivan, D.J. ; Suzuki, D. ; Tristram, P.J. ; Wakiyama, Y. ; Yonehara, A.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4114B
- Long-term evolution of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma repeaters.
- Benli, O.; Ertan, U.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4123I
- Long-wavelength, free-free spectral energy distributions from porous stellar winds.
- Ignace, R.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4135C
- Lensing measurements of the ellipticity of luminous red galaxies dark matter haloes.
- Clampitt, Joseph; Jain, Bhuvnesh
- 2016MNRAS.457.4147F
- Gravitational microlensing as a probe for dark matter clumps.
- Fedorova, E. (1) ; Sliusar, V.M. ; Zhdanov, V.I. (2) ; Alexandrov, A.N. ; Del Popolo, A. (4) (5) ; Surdej, J.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4160H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/4160)
- Wide-field broad-band radio imaging with phased array feeds: a pilot multi-epoch continuum survey with ASKAP-BETA.
- Heywood, I. (1) ; Bannister, K.W. ; Marvil, J. ; Allison, J.R. ; Ball, L. ; Bell, M.E. ; Bock, D.C.-J. ; Brothers, M. ; Bunton, J.D. ; Chippendale, A.P. ; Cooray, F. (1) ; Cornwell, T.J. ; De Boer, D. (1) ; Edwards, P. ; Gough, R. ; Gupta, N. (1) ; Harvey-Smith, L. ; Hay, S. ; Hotan, A.W. ; Indermuehle, B. ; Jacka, C. ; Jackson, C.A. (1) (6) ; Johnston, S. ; Kimball, A.E. ; Koribalski, B.S. ; Lenc, E. (1) (7) ; Macleod, A. ; McClure-Griffiths, N. (1) ; McConnell, D. ; Mirtschin, P. ; Murphy, T. (7) ; Neuhold, S. ; Norris, R.P. ; Pearce, S. ; Popping, A. (1) (6) ; Qiao, R.Y. (1) ; Reynolds, J.E. ; Sadler, E.M. (7) ; Sault, R.J. (1) ; Schinckel, A.E.T. ; Serra, P. ; Shimwell, T.W. (1) ; Stevens, J. ; Tuthill, J. ; Tzioumis, A. ; Voronkov, M.A. ; Westmeier, T. (1) ; Whiting, M.T.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4179H
- Star formation rates in luminous quasars at 2 < z < 3.
- Harris, Kathryn (1) (2) ; Farrah, Duncan ; Schulz, Bernhard (4) ; Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia ; Viero, Marco ; Anderson, Nick ; Bethermin, Matthieu ; Chapman, Scott ; Clements, David L. ; Cooray, Asantha ; Efstathiou, Andreas ; Feltre, Anne ; Hurley, Peter ; Ibar, Eduardo ; Lacy, Mark ; Oliver, Sebastian ; Page, Mathew J. ; Perez-Fournon, Ismael (2) ; Petty, Sara M. ; Pitchford, Lura K. (1) ; Rigopoulou, Dimitra ; Scott, Douglas ; Symeonidis, Myrto ; Vieira, Joaquin ; Wang, Lingyu (20)
- 2016MNRAS.457.4195M
- The clustering amplitude of X-ray-selected AGN at z ∼ 0.8: evidence for a negative dependence on accretion luminosity.
- Mountrichas, G. ; Georgakakis, A. (1) ; Menzel, M.-L. ; Fanidakis, N. ; Merloni, A. ; Liu, Z. (2) ; Salvato, M. ; Nandra, K.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4205S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/4205)
- High-precision photometry by telescope defocussing - VIII. WASP-22, WASP-41, WASP-42 and WASP-55.
- Southworth, John ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Andersen, M.I. ; Calchi Novati, S. (4) (5) ; Ciceri, S. ; Colque, J.P. ; D'Ago, G. ; Dominik, M. ; Evans, D.F. ; Gu, S.-H. (10) ; Herrera-Cordova, A. ; Hinse, T.C. ; Jorgensen, U.G. ; Juncher, D. ; Kuffmeier, M. ; Mancini, L. (7) ; Peixinho, N. ; Popovas, A. ; Rabus, M. (7) ; Skottfelt, J. (13) ; Tronsgaard, R. ; Unda-Sanzana, E. ; Wang, X.-B. (10) ; Wertz, O. ; Alsubai, K.A. ; Andersen, J.M. (13) ; Bozza, V. (5) ; Bramich, D.M. ; Burgdorf, M. ; Damerdji, Y. ; Diehl, C. (23) ; Elyiv, A. (25) (18) ; Figuera Jaimes, R. (9) ; Haugbolle, T. ; Hundertmark, M. ; Kains, N. ; Kerins, E. ; Korhonen, H. (3) (13) ; Liebig, C. ; Mathiasen, M. ; Penny, M.T. ; Rahvar, S. ; Scarpetta, G. (5) (6) ; Schmidt, R.W. ; Snodgrass, C. ; Starkey, D. ; Surdej, J. ; Vilela, C. ; von Essen, C. ; Wang, Y.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4218J
- Mass transfer between debris discs during close stellar encounters.
- Jilkova, Lucie ; Hamers, Adrian S. ; Hammer, Michael (2) ; Portegies Zwart, Simon
- 2016MNRAS.457.4236B
- A possible Chandra and Hubble Space Telescope detection of extragalactic WHIM towards PG 1116+215.
- Bonamente, M. (1) ; Nevalainen, J. ; Tilton, E. ; Liivamagi, J. ; Tempel, E. ; Heinamaki, P. ; Fang, T.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4248W
- Mass assembly history and infall time of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
- Wang, Mei-Yu ; Strigari, Louis E. ; Lovell, Mark R. (2) ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Zentner, Andrew R.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4262H
- Observing two dark accelerators around the Galactic Centre with Fermi Large Area Telescope.
- Hui, C.Y. ; Yeung, P.K.H. (1) (2) ; Ng, C.W. ; Lin, L.C.C. ; Tam, P.H.T. ; Cheng, K.S. ; Kong, A.K.H. ; Chernyshov, D.O. (2) ; Dogiel, V.A. (2) (6)
- 2016MNRAS.457.4272S
- The overmassive black hole in NGC 1277: new constraints from molecular gas kinematics.
- Scharwachter, J. ; Combes, F. ; Salome, P. ; Sun, M. ; Krips, M.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4285S
- What is the optimal way to measure the galaxy power spectrum?
- Smith, Robert E. (1) ; Marian, Laura
- 2016MNRAS.457.4291T
- Optical intensity interferometry through atmospheric turbulence.
- Tan, P.K. (1) ; Chan, A.H. ; Kurtsiefer, C. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.457.4296W
- A comprehensive comparative test of seven widely used spectral synthesis models against multi-band photometry of young massive-star clusters.
- Wofford, A. ; Charlot, S. ; Bruzual, G. ; Eldridge, J.J. ; Calzetti, D. ; Adamo, A. ; Cignoni, M. ; de Mink, S.E. ; Gouliermis, D.A. (8) ; Grasha, K. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Lee, J.C. ; Ostlin, G. ; Smith, L.J. ; Ubeda, L. ; Zackrisson, E.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4323P
- Period-luminosity-colour relation for early-type contact binaries.
- Pawlak, Michal
- 2016MNRAS.457.4330Y
- Stability analysis, non-linear pulsations and mass loss of models for 55 Cygni (HD 198478).
- Yadav, Abhay Pratap; Glatzel, Wolfgang
- 2016MNRAS.457.4340K
- MultiDark simulations: the story of dark matter halo concentrations and density profiles.
- Klypin, Anatoly ; Yepes, Gustavo ; Gottlober, Stefan ; Prada, Francisco (4) (5) ; Hess, Steffen
- 2016MNRAS.457.4360Z
- Mapping stellar content to dark matter haloes - II. Halo mass is the main driver of galaxy quenching.
- Zu, Ying; Mandelbaum, Rachel
- 2016MNRAS.457.4384S
- Sensitivity bias in the mass-radius distribution from transit timing variations and radial velocity measurements.
- Steffen, Jason H.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4393J
- Environmental dependence of the H i mass function in the ALFALFA 70% catalogue.
- Jones, Michael G. ; Papastergis, Emmanouil ; Haynes, Martha P. ; Giovanelli, Riccardo
- 2016MNRAS.457.4406A
- A survey of the cold molecular gas in gravitationally lensed star-forming galaxies at z > 2.
- Aravena, M. ; Spilker, J.S. ; Bethermin, M. ; Bothwell, M. ; Chapman, S.C. ; de Breuck, C. ; Furstenau, R.M. ; Gonzalez-Lopez, J. ; Greve, T.R. ; Litke, K. ; Ma, J. ; Malkan, M. ; Marrone, D.P. ; Murphy, E.J. ; Stark, A. ; Strandet, M. ; Vieira, J.D. ; Weiss, A. ; Welikala, N. ; Wong, G.F. (15) ; Collier, J.D. (15)
- 2016MNRAS.457.4421C
- The noise properties of 42 millisecond pulsars from the European Pulsar Timing Array and their impact on gravitational-wave searches.
- Caballero, R.N. ; Lee, K.J. (1) ; Lentati, L. ; Desvignes, G. ; Champion, D.J. ; Verbiest, J.P.W. (1) ; Janssen, G.H. (5) ; Stappers, B.W. ; Kramer, M. (1) ; Lazarus, P. ; Possenti, A. ; Tiburzi, C. (1) ; Perrodin, D. ; Oslowski, S. (1) ; Babak, S. ; Bassa, C.G. ; Brem, P. ; Burgay, M. ; Cognard, I. (9) ; Gair, J.R. ; Graikou, E. ; Guillemot, L. (9) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (5) ; Karuppusamy, R. ; Lassus, A. ; Liu, K. ; McKee, J. ; Mingarelli, C.M.F. (1) ; Petiteau, A. ; Purver, M.B. ; Rosado, P.A. (15) ; Sanidas, S. (6) ; Sesana, A. (8) ; Shaifullah, G. (1) ; Smits, R. ; Taylor, S.R. ; Theureau, G. (9) (10) ; van Haasteren, R. ; Vecchio, A.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4441M
- On the relevance of bubbles and potential flows for stellar convection.
- Miller Bertolami, M.M. (1) ; Viallet, M. ; Prat, V. ; Barsukow, W. ; Weiss, A.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4454T
- Fundamental stellar parameters and age-metallicity relation of Kepler red giants in comparison with theoretical evolutionary tracks.
- Takeda, Y. (1) ; Tajitsu, A. ; Sato, B. ; Liu, Y.-J. ; Chen, Y.-Q. ; Zhao, G.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4470P
- The turbulent destruction of clouds - III. Three-dimensional adiabatic shock-cloud simulations.
- Pittard, J.M.; Parkin, E.R.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4499H
- Inference on gravitational waves from coalescences of stellar-mass compact objects and intermediate-mass black holes.
- Haster, Carl-Johan ; Wang, Zhilu (1) ; Berry, Christopher P.L. ; Stevenson, Simon ; Veitch, John ; Mandel, Ilya
- 2016MNRAS.457.4507H
- Evolution of binary stars in multiple-population globular clusters - II. Compact binaries.
- Hong, Jongsuk ; Vesperini, Enrico ; Sollima, Antonio ; McMillan, Stephen L.W. ; D'Antona, Franca ; D'Ercole, Annibale
- 2016MNRAS.457.4515R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/4515)
- Measuring the dynamical state of Planck SZ-selected clusters: X-ray peak - BCG offset.
- Rossetti, M. (1) ; Gastaldello, F. ; Ferioli, G. ; Bersanelli, M. ; De Grandi, S. ; Eckert, D. (2) ; Ghizzardi, S. ; Maino, D. ; Molendi, S.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4525T
- The mosaic multiple stellar populations in o Centauri: the horizontal branch and the main sequence.
- Tailo, M. (1) ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; D'Antona, F. ; Caloi, V. ; Ventura, P.
- 2016MNRAS.457.4536W
- Comparing young massive clusters and their progenitor clouds in the Milky Way.
- Walker, D.L. (1) ; Longmore, S.N. ; Bastian, N. ; Kruijssen, J.M.D. (3) ; Rathborne, J.M. ; Galvan-Madrid, R. ; Liu, H.B.
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