Monthly Notices of the RAS 457
March(III) 2016

Tibet's Ali: Asia's Atacama?
Ye, Quan-Zhi ; Su, Meng ; Li, Hong ; Zhang, Xinmin
EXTraS discovery of an 1.2-s X-ray pulsar in M 31.
Esposito, P. ; Israel, G.L. ; Belfiore, A. ; Novara, G. ; Sidoli, L. ; Rodriguez Castillo, G.A. ; De Luca, A. ; Tiengo, A. (1) (3) ; Haberl, F. ; Salvaterra, R. ; Read, A.M. ; Salvetti, D. ; Sandrelli, S. ; Marelli, M. ; Wilms, J. ; D'Agostino, D.
Flickering of accreting white dwarfs: the remarkable amplitude-flux relation and disc viscosity.
Zamanov, R.K. ; Boeva, S. ; Latev, G. ; Sokoloski, J.L. ; Stoyanov, K.A. ; Genkov, V. ; Tsvetkova, S.V. ; Tomov, T. ; Antov, A. ; Bode, M.F.
Young tidal dwarf galaxies cannot be used to probe dark matter in galaxies.
Flores, H. ; Hammer, F. ; Fouquet, S. ; Puech, M. ; Kroupa, P. ; Yang, Y. ; Pawlowski, M.
Twin peak quasi-periodic oscillations as signature of oscillating cusp torus.
Torok, G. ; Goluchova, K. ; Horak, J. ; Sramkova, E. ; Urbanec, M. ; Pechacek, T. ; Bakala, P.
Pitfalls when observationally characterizing the relative formation rates of stars and stellar clusters in galaxies.
Kruijssen, J.M.D. ; Bastian, Nate
Equipartition and cosmic ray energy densities in central molecular zones of starbursts.
Yoast-Hull, Tova M. (1) ; Gallagher, John S. ; Zweibel, Ellen G. (1) (2)
Powerful quasar outflow in a massive disc galaxy at z ∼ 5.
Curtis, Michael ; Sijacki, Debora
On the nature of magnetic turbulence in rotating, shearing flows.
Walker, Justin ; Lesur, Geoffroy (2) ; Boldyrev, Stanislav
Possible Population III remnants at redshift 3.5.
Crighton, Neil H.M. ; O'Meara, John M. ; Murphy, Michael T.
Cassini states for black hole binaries.
Correia, Alexandre C.M. (1)
Toroidal vortices as a solution to the dust migration problem.
Loren-Aguilar, Pablo ; Bate, Matthew R.
Testing the cores of first ascent red giant stars using the period spacing of g modes.
Lagarde, N. ; Bossini, D. ; Miglio, A. ; Vrard, M. ; Mosser, B.
Apparent [O iii] variability in the narrow line Seyfert I Mrk142.
Zhang, Xue-Guang ; Feng, Long-Long
Intermittency of energy dissipation in Alfvenic turbulence.
Zhdankin, Vladimir ; Boldyrev, Stanislav (2) ; Chen, Christopher H.K.
NIHAO V: too big does not fail - reconciling the conflict between LCDM predictions and the circular velocities of nearby field galaxies.
Dutton, Aaron A. (1) ; Maccio, Andrea V. (1) ; Frings, Jonas (2) ; Wang, Liang (2) ; Stinson, Gregory S. ; Penzo, Camilla ; Kang, Xi
Seeing double: the frequency and detectability of double-peaked superluminous supernova light curves.
Nicholl, M. (1) ; Smartt, S.J.
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Understanding the influence of outflows on Gould Belt clouds.
Drabek-Maunder, E. ; Hatchell, J. ; Buckle, J.V. (3) ; Di Francesco, J. (5) ; Richer, J. (3)
A new inclination instability reshapes Keplerian discs into cones: application to the outer Solar system.
Madigan, Ann-Marie ; McCourt, Michael
The nuclear dust lane of Circinus: collimation without a torus.
Mezcua, M. (1) (2) ; Prieto, M.A. (3) ; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A. ; Tristram, K.R.W.
The Fermi-LAT view of the colliding wind binaries.
Pshirkov, M.S. (1) (2)
Satellite accretion in action: a tidally disrupting dwarf spheroidal around the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 253.
Romanowsky, Aaron J. (1) ; Martinez-Delgado, David ; Martin, Nicolas F. (4) ; Morales, Gustavo ; Jennings, Zachary G. ; Jay GaBany, R. ; Brodie, Jean P. (2) ; Grebel, Eva K. ; Schedler, Johannes ; Sidonio, Michael
X-ray flares in GRBs: general considerations and photospheric origin.
Beniamini, Paz ; Kumar, Pawan
Bayesian redshift-space distortions correction from galaxy redshift surveys.
Kitaura, Francisco-Shu ; Ata, Metin ; Angulo, Raul E. ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Rodriguez-Torres, Sergio (3) (4) ; Monteagudo, Carlos Hernandez ; Prada, Francisco (3) (4) ; Yepes, Gustavo
Detection of Periodicity Based on Independence Tests - II. Improved Serial Independence Measure.
Zucker, Shay
ALMA resolves extended star formation in high-z AGN host galaxies.
Harrison, C.M. ; Simpson, J.M. ; Stanley, F. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Daddi, E. ; Mullaney, J.R. ; Pannella, M. ; Rosario, D.J. ; Smail, Ian (1)
The high-redshift star formation history from carbon-monoxide intensity maps.
Breysse, Patrick C.; Kovetz, Ely D.; Kamionkowski, Marc
Discovery of a Fanaroff-Riley type 0 radio galaxy emitting at g-ray energies.
Grandi, Paola ; Capetti, Alessandro ; Baldi, Ranieri D. (1)
Modelling the cometary structure of the planetary nebula HFG1 based on the evolution of its binary central star V664 Cas.
Chiotellis, A. ; Boumis, P. ; Nanouris, N. ; Meaburn, J. ; Dimitriadis, G.
A simple analytic treatment of linear growth of structure with baryon acoustic oscillations.
Slepian, Zachary ; Eisenstein, Daniel J.
X-ray timing analysis of the quasar PG 1211+143.
Lobban, A.P. ; Vaughan, S. ; Pounds, K. ; Reeves, J.N.
The iron dispersion of the globular cluster M2, revised.
Lardo, C. ; Mucciarelli, A. ; Bastian, N.
Near-infrared spectroscopy of a large sample of low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies.
Izotov, Y.I. ; Thuan, T.X.
Time-dependent atomic diffusion in magnetic ApBp stars.
Stift, M.J. (1) (2) ; Alecian, G.
A very deep Chandra view of metals, sloshing and feedback in the Centaurus cluster of galaxies.
Sanders, J.S. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Russell, H.R. ; Blundell, K.M. ; Canning, R.E.A. (5) ; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J. (7) (5) ; Walker, S.A. ; Grimes, C.K.
2016MNRAS.457..110M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/110)
A spectroscopic survey of X-ray-selected AGNs in the northern XMM-XXL field.
Menzel, M.-L. ; Merloni, A. ; Georgakakis, A. ; Salvato, M. ; Aubourg, E. ; Brandt, W.N. (3) (4) ; Brusa, M. (6) ; Buchner, J. ; Dwelly, T. ; Nandra, K. ; Paris, I. ; Petitjean, P. ; Schwope, A.
2016MNRAS.457..133J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/133)
Application of USNO-B1.0 towards selecting objects with displaced blue and red components.
Jayson, Joel S.
The SLUGGS Survey: stellar kinematics, kinemetry and trends at large radii in 25 early-type galaxies.
Foster, Caroline ; Pastorello, Nicola ; Roediger, Joel (3) ; Brodie, Jean P. (3) ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Kartha, Sreeja S. ; Pota, Vincenzo ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. (5) ; Spitler, Lee R. (1) ; Strader, Jay ; Usher, Christopher (2) ; Arnold, Jacob A.
Bayesian 3D velocity field reconstruction with virbius.
Lavaux, Guilhem
Spectral mapping of V348 Puppis: spiral arms in the period gap.
Saito, R.K. ; Baptista, R.
The Rh = ct universe and quintessence.
Sultana, J.
Liberating exomoons in white dwarf planetary systems.
Payne, Matthew J. ; Veras, Dimitri ; Holman, Matthew J. ; Gansicke, Boris T.
Supergiant pulses from extragalactic neutron stars.
Cordes, J.M.; Wasserman, Ira
NuSTAR discovery of a cyclotron absorption line in the transient X-ray pulsar 2S 1553-542.
Tsygankov, Sergey S. ; Lutovinov, Alexander A. ; Krivonos, Roman A. ; Molkov, Sergey V. ; Jenke, Peter J. ; Finger, Mark H. ; Poutanen, Juri (1)
Circumgalactic medium of quasars: C iv absorption systems.
Landoni, M. ; Falomo, R. ; Treves, A. ; Scarpa, R. ; Farina, E.P.
On the depletion and accretion time-scales of cold gas in local early-type galaxies.
Davis, Timothy A. (1) ; Bureau, Martin
Testing the gas mass density profile of galaxy clusters with distance duality relation.
Cao, Shuo ; Biesiada, Marek (1) ; Zheng, Xiaogang ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ib Supernova iPTF 13bvn: revealing the complex explosion geometry of a stripped-envelope core-collapse supernova.
Reilly, Emma ; Maund, Justyn R. ; Baade, Dietrich ; Wheeler, J.C. ; Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Clocchiatti, Alejandro ; Patat, Ferdinando ; Hoflich, Peter ; Spyromilio, Jason ; Wang, Lifan ; Zelaya, Paula
Fourier band-power E/B-mode estimators for cosmic shear.
Becker, Matthew R. (1) ; Rozo, Eduardo (2)
Stellar disc destruction by dynamical interactions in the Orion Trapezium star cluster.
Portegies Zwart, Simon F.
Explaining the reportedly overmassive black holes in early-type galaxies with intermediate-scale discs.
Savorgnan, Giulia A.D.; Graham, Alister W.
Bolometric light curves and explosion parameters of 38 stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae.
Lyman, J.D. (1) ; Bersier, D. ; James, P.A. ; Mazzali, P.A. ; Eldridge, J.J. ; Fraser, M. ; Pian, E. (5)
Mass ejection by pulsational pair instability in very massive stars and implications for luminous supernovae.
Yoshida, Takashi ; Umeda, Hideyuki ; Maeda, Keiichi (2) ; Ishii, Tatsuo
Quantifying correlations between galaxy emission lines and stellar continua.
Beck, Robert (1) ; Dobos, Laszlo ; Yip, Ching-Wa (2) ; Szalay, Alexander S. ; Csabai, Istvan
On the universality of interstellar filaments: theory meets simulations and observations.
Federrath, Christoph
A systematic search for changing-look quasars in SDSS.
MacLeod, Chelsea L. ; Ross, Nicholas P. ; Lawrence, Andy ; Goad, Mike ; Horne, Keith ; Burgett, William ; Chambers, Ken C. ; Flewelling, Heather ; Hodapp, Klaus ; Kaiser, Nick ; Magnier, Eugene ; Wainscoat, Richard ; Waters, Christopher
Multi-epoch observations of extremely high-velocity emergent broad absorption.
Rogerson, Jesse A. ; Hall, Patrick B. ; Rodriguez Hidalgo, Paola (1) ; Pirkola, Patrik ; Brandt, William N. (3) (4) ; Filiz Ak, Nur
Galaxy structure from multiple tracers - II. M87 from parsec to megaparsec scales.
Oldham, L.J.; Auger, M.W.
Non-parametric analysis of the rest-frame UV sizes and morphological disturbance amongst L* galaxies at 4 < z < 8.
Curtis-Lake, E. (1) ; McLure, R.J. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Rogers, A.B. ; Targett, T. ; Dekel, A. ; Ellis, R.S. ; Faber, S.M. ; Ferguson, H.C. ; Grogin, N.A. ; Kocevski, D.D. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Lai, K. ; Marmol-Queralto, E. ; Robertson, B.E.
Dynamical constraints on outer planets in super-Earth systems.
Read, Matthew J.; Wyatt, Mark C.
Limits on the significant mass-loss scenario based on the globular clusters of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
Khalaj, P.; Baumgardt, H.
The physical nature of the most metal-poor damped Lyman a systems.
Yuan, Sihan ; Cen, Renyue
A simple way to improve AGN feedback prescription in SPH simulations.
Zubovas, Kastytis ; Bourne, Martin A. (2) ; Nayakshin, Sergei
The ionized X-ray outflowing torus in ESO 323-G77: low-ionization clumps confined by homogeneous warm absorbers.
Sanfrutos, M. ; Miniutti, G. ; Krongold, Y. ; Agis-Gonzalez, B. ; Longinotti, A.L. (2) (3)
SN 2014J at M82 - I. A middle-class Type Ia supernova by all spectroscopic metrics.
Galbany, L. (1) ; Moreno-Raya, M.E. ; Ruiz-Lapuente, P. (4) ; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I. (6) ; Mendez, J. ; Vallely, P. ; Baron, E. ; Dominguez, I. ; Hamuy, M. (2) ; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R. (11) ; Molla, M. ; Catalan, S. ; Cooke, E.A. ; Farina, C. ; Genova-Santos, R. (6) ; Karjalainen, R. ; Lietzen, H. (6) ; McCormac, J. ; Riddick, F.C. ; Rubino-Martin, J.A. (6) ; Skillen, I. ; Tudor, V. ; Vaduvescu, O.
Flare activity of PSR J0653+8051.
Malofeev, V.M.; Teplykh, D.A.; Malov, O.I.; Logvinenko, S.V.
Difference image analysis: automatic kernel design using information criteria.
Bramich, D.M. ; Horne, Keith ; Alsubai, K.A. ; Bachelet, E. ; Mislis, D. ; Parley, N.
WD 0158-160, a new pulsating DB white dwarf.
Kilkenny, D.
The evolution of surface magnetic fields in young solar-type stars - I. The first 250 Myr.
Folsom, C.P. (1) ; Petit, P. (3) ; Bouvier, J. (1) ; Lebre, A. ; Amard, L. ; Palacios, A. ; Morin, J. ; Donati, J.-F. (3) ; Jeffers, S.V. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Vidotto, A.A.
heroic: 3D general relativistic radiative post-processor with comptonization for black hole accretion discs.
Narayan, Ramesh ; Zhu, Yucong ; Psaltis, Dimitrios ; Sadowski, Aleksander
2016MNRAS.457..629C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/629)
ZFOURGE catalogue of AGN candidates: an enhancement of 160-mm-derived star formation rates in active galaxies to z = 3.2.
Cowley, Michael J. (1) ; Spitler, Lee R. (1) ; Tran, Kim-Vy H. ; Rees, Glen A. (1) ; Labbe, Ivo ; Allen, Rebecca J. (2) ; Brammer, Gabriel B. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; Juneau, Stephanie ; Kacprzak, Glenn G. ; Mullaney, James R. ; Nanayakkara, Themiya ; Papovich, Casey ; Quadri, Ryan F. ; Straatman, Caroline M.S. ; Tomczak, Adam R. (3) ; van Dokkum, Pieter G.
Calibrated and completeness-corrected optical stellar density maps of the northern Galactic plane.
Farnhill, H.J. ; Drew, J.E. ; Barentsen, G. (1) ; Gonzalez-Solares, E.A.
Predictions for the 21 cm-galaxy cross-power spectrum observable with LOFAR and Subaru.
Vrbanec, Dijana ; Ciardi, Benedetta ; Jelic, Vibor (2) (3) ; Jensen, Hannes ; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Fernandez, Elizabeth R. ; Ghosh, Abhik ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Kakiichi, Koki ; Koopmans, Leon V.E. ; Mellema, Garrelt
X-ray detection of warm ionized matter in the Galactic halo.
Nicastro, F. (1) (2) ; Senatore, F. (1) ; Gupta, A. (5) ; Guainazzi, M. ; Mathur, S. (5) ; Krongold, Y. ; Elvis, M. ; Piro, L.
The alignment of galaxy spin with the shear field in observations.
Pahwa, Isha ; Libeskind, Noam I. ; Tempel, Elmo ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Tully, R.B. ; Courtois, Helene M. ; Gottlober, Stefan ; Steinmetz, Matthias ; Sorce, Jenny G.
The long-term Swift observations of the high-energy peaked BL Lacertae source 1ES 1959+650.
Kapanadze, B. (1) (2) ; Romano, P. ; Vercellone, S. ; Kapanadze, S. ; Mdzinarishvili, T. ; Kharshiladze, G.
Photometric variability in four hot subdwarf stars.
Kilkenny, D. ; Koen, C.
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the 325 MHz radio luminosity function of AGN and star-forming galaxies.
Prescott, Matthew ; Mauch, T. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) ; McAlpine, K. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Fine, S. ; Johnston, R. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Baldry, I.K. ; Brough, S. ; Brown, M.J.I. ; Bremer, M.N. ; Driver, S.P. (9) ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Kelvin, L.S. ; Loveday, J. ; Norberg, P. ; Obreschkow, D. ; Sadler, E.M.
Towards a comprehensive picture of powerful quasars, their host galaxies and quasar winds at z ∼ 0.5.
Wylezalek, Dominika ; Zakamska, Nadia L. ; Liu, Guilin ; Obied, Georges (1)
Cluster mass profile reconstruction with size and flux magnification on the HST STAGES survey.
Duncan, Christopher A.J. ; Heymans, Catherine ; Heavens, Alan F. ; Joachimi, Benjamin
No galaxy left behind: accurate measurements with the faintest objects in the Dark Energy Survey.
Suchyta, E. (1) ; Huff, E.M. (1) ; Aleksic, J. ; Melchior, P. (1) ; Jouvel, S. ; MacCrann, N. ; Ross, A.J. ; Crocce, M. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Honscheid, K. (1) ; Leistedt, B. ; Peiris, H.V. ; Rykoff, E.S. (7) ; Sheldon, E. ; Abbott, T. ; Abdalla, F.B. (4) ; Allam, S. ; Banerji, M. (13) ; Benoit-Levy, A. ; Bertin, E. (15) ; Brooks, D. ; Burke, D.L. (7) ; Carnero Rosell, A. (17) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (19) ; Carretero, J. (3) ; Cunha, C.E. ; D'Andrea, C.B. ; da Costa, L.N. (17) ; DePoy, D.L. ; Desai, S. (23) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (23) ; Doel, P. ; Eifler, T.F. (26) ; Estrada, J. ; Evrard, A.E. (28) ; Flaugher, B. ; Fosalba, P. ; Frieman, J. (12) ; Gerdes, D.W. ; Gruen, D. (25) ; Gruendl, R.A. (19) ; James, D.J. ; Jarvis, M. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Lima, M. (17) ; Maia, M.A.G. (17) ; March, M. ; Marshall, J.L. ; Miller, C.J. (28) ; Miquel, R. (3) ; Neilsen, E. ; Nichol, R.C. ; Nord, B. ; Ogando, R. (17) ; Percival, W.J. ; Reil, K. ; Roodman, A. (7) ; Sako, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. (19) ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. (12) ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thaler, J. ; Thomas, D. ; Vikram, V. ; Walker, A.R. ; Wechsler, R.H. (7) (8) ; Zhang, Y.
Is the escape velocity in star clusters linked to extended star formation histories? Using NGC 7252: W3 as a test case.
Cabrera-Ziri, I. (1) ; Bastian, N. ; Hilker, M. ; Davies, B. ; Schweizer, F. ; Kruijssen, J.M.D. (4) ; Mejia-Narvaez, A. ; Niederhofer, F. (7) ; Brandt, T.D. ; Rejkuba, M. (1) ; Bruzual, G. ; Magris, G.
Modelling the circumstellar medium in RS Ophiuchi and its link to Type Ia supernovae.
Booth, R.A. (1) ; Mohamed, S. ; Podsiadlowski, P.
2016MNRAS.457..836E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/836)
AW Ursae Majoris: a semidetached mass-transferring system indeed?.
Eaton, Joel A.
The apostle project: Local Group kinematic mass constraints and simulation candidate selection.
Fattahi, Azadeh ; Navarro, Julio F. ; Sawala, Till ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Oman, Kyle A. ; Crain, Robert A. ; Furlong, Michelle ; Schaller, Matthieu ; Schaye, Joop ; Theuns, Tom ; Jenkins, Adrian
Accretion disc dynamo activity in local simulations spanning weak-to-strong net vertical magnetic flux regimes.
Salvesen, Greg (1) ; Simon, Jacob B. (1) ; Armitage, Philip J. (1) ; Begelman, Mitchell C. (1)
X-ray/UV variability and the origin of soft X-ray excess emission from II Zw 177.
Pal, Main ; Dewangan, Gulab C. ; Misra, Ranjeev ; Pawar, Pramod K.
Non-thermal radio emission from colliding flows in classical nova V1723 Aql.
Weston, Jennifer H.S. ; Sokoloski, J.L. ; Metzger, Brian D. ; Zheng, Yong ; Chomiuk, Laura ; Krauss, Miriam I. ; Linford, Justin D. ; Nelson, Thomas ; Mioduszewski, Amy J. ; Rupen, Michael P. ; Finzell, Tom ; Mukai, Koji (6)
Erratum: sensitivity of the magnetorotational instability to the shear parameter in stratified simulations.
Nauman, Farrukh (1) ; Blackman, Eric G.
A SINFONI integral field spectroscopy survey for galaxy counterparts to damped Lyman a systems - VI. Metallicity and geometry as gas flow probes.
Peroux, Celine ; Quiret, Samuel ; Rahmani, Hadi ; Kulkarni, Varsha P. ; Epinat, Benoit ; Milliard, Bruno ; Straka, Lorrie A. ; York, Donald G. ; Rahmati, Alireza ; Contini, Thierry
Stellar population constraints on the ages of galactic bars.
James, P.A.; Percival, S.M.
Inferring planetary obliquity using rotational and orbital photometry.
Schwartz, J.C. (1) (2) ; Sekowski, C. (4) ; Haggard, H.M. ; Palle, E. ; Cowan, N.B. (2)
Gas squeezing during the merger of a supermassive black hole binary.
Cerioli, Alice ; Lodato, Giuseppe ; Price, Daniel J.
Digging process in NGC 6951: the molecular disc bumped by the jet.
May, D.; Steiner, J.E.; Ricci, T.V.; Menezes, R.B.; Andrade, I.S.
Erratum: On characterizing non-locality and anisotropy for the magnetorotational instability.
Nauman, Farrukh (1) ; Blackman, Eric G.
Feeding and feedback in NGC 3081.
Schnorr-Muller, Allan (1) ; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Robinson, Andrew ; Lena, Davide (4) ; Nagar, Neil M.
Universal clustering of dark matter in phase space.
Zavala, Jesus ; Afshordi, Niayesh (2)
Estimating the power spectrum covariance matrix with fewer mock samples.
Pearson, David W. ; Samushia, Lado (1) (2)
Optical and NIR observations of the nearby type Ia supernova SN 2014J.
Srivastav, Shubham ; Ninan, J.P. ; Kumar, B. ; Anupama, G.C. ; Sahu, D.K. ; Ojha, D.K. ; Prabhu, T.P.
On the formation of galactic black hole low-mass X-ray binaries.
Wang, Chen (1) ; Jia, Kun (1) ; Li, Xiang-Dong (1)
2016MNRAS.457.1028S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/457/1028)
The binary fraction and mass segregation in Alpha Persei open cluster.
Sheikhi, Najmeh ; Hasheminia, Maryam ; Khalaj, Pouria ; Haghi, Hosein ; Zonoozi, Akram Hasani ; Baumgardt, Holger
Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe?.
Wurster, James ; Price, Daniel J. ; Bate, Matthew R. (1)
The evolution of the Sun's birth cluster and the search for the solar siblings with Gaia.
Martinez-Barbosa, C.A. ; Brown, A.G.A. ; Boekholt, T. ; Portegies Zwart, S. ; Antiche, E. ; Antoja, T.
Disentangling redshift-space distortions and non-linear bias using the 2D power spectrum.
Jennings, Elise (1) ; Wechsler, Risa H. (3) ; Skillman, Samuel W. ; Warren, Michael S.
Orbital dynamics of exoplanetary systems Kepler-62, HD 200964 and Kepler-11.
Mia, Rajib ; Kushvah, Badam Singh
Propeller effect in action in the ultraluminous accreting magnetar M82 X-2.
Tsygankov, Sergey S. ; Mushtukov, Alexander A. (1) ; Suleimanov, Valery F. (3) ; Poutanen, Juri
Progenitor constraints for core-collapse supernovae from Chandra X-ray observations.
Heikkila, T. ; Tsygankov, S. ; Mattila, S. (1) (2) ; Eldridge, J.J. ; Fraser, M. ; Poutanen, J.
Evidence for a significant mixture of electron/positron pairs in FRII jets constrained by cocoon dynamics.
Kawakatu, Nozomu ; Kino, Motoki ; Takahara, Fumio
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