Monthly Notices of the RAS 454
December(II) 2015

The eagle simulations of galaxy formation: the importance of the hydrodynamics scheme
Schaller, Matthieu ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio (2) ; Schaye, Joop ; Bower, Richard G. ; Theuns, Tom ; Crain, Robert A. ; Furlong, Michelle ; McCarthy, Ian G.
2015MNRAS.454.2292O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2292)
Accurate prediction of H3O+ and D3O+ sensitivity coefficients to probe a variable proton-to-electron mass ratio
Owens, A. (1) ; Yurchenko, S.N. ; Polyansky, O.L. ; Ovsyannikov, R.I. ; Thiel, W. ; Spirko, V. (4)
Stochastic gravitational wave background from magnetic deformation of newly born magnetars
Cheng, Quan (1) ; Yu, Yun-Wei ; Zheng, Xiao-Ping
Constraints on the richness-mass relation and the optical-SZE positional offset distribution for SZE-selected clusters
Saro, A. (1) ; Bocquet, S. (1) ; Rozo, E. ; Benson, B.A. (4) (5) ; Mohr, J. (1) (2) ; Rykoff, E.S. (8) ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Bleem, L. (5) ; Dodelson, S. (4) (5) ; Melchior, P. (11) ; Sobreira, F. (4) ; Upadhyay, V. ; Weller, J. (2) (7) ; Abbott, T. ; Abdalla, F.B. ; Allam, S. ; Armstrong, R. ; Banerji, M. ; Bauer, A.H. ; Bayliss, M. (21) ; Benoit-Lévy, A. ; Bernstein, G.M. ; Bertin, E. ; Brodwin, M. ; Brooks, D. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Burke, D.L. (8) ; Carlstrom, J.E. (5) (6) ; Capasso, R. (1) ; Capozzi, D. ; Carnero Rosell, A. (13) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (28) ; Chiu, I. (1) ; Covarrubias, R. ; Crawford, T.M. (5) ; Crocce, M. ; D'Andrea, C.B. ; da Costa, L.N. (13) ; DePoy, D.L. ; Desai, S. ; de Haan, T. (31) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (1) ; Doel, P. ; Cunha, C.E ; Eifler, T.F. (18) ; Evrard, A.E. (34) ; Fausti Neto, A. ; Fernandez, E. ; Flaugher, B. ; Fosalba, P. ; Frieman, J. (4) ; Gangkofner, C. (1) ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Gerdes, D. ; Gruen, D. (7) ; Gruendl, R.A. (28) ; Gupta, N. (1) ; Hennig, C. (1) ; Holzapfel, W.L. ; Honscheid, K. (11) ; Jain, B. ; James, D. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Li, T.S. ; Lin, H. ; Maia, M.A.G. (13) ; March, M. ; Marshall, J.L. ; Martini, Paul (11) ; McDonald, M. ; Miller, C.J. (34) ; Miquel, R. ; Nord, B. ; Ogando, R. (13) ; Plazas, A.A. (33) ; Reichardt, C.L. (32) ; Romer, A.K. ; Roodman, A. (8) ; Sako, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla, I. (28) ; Smith, R.C. ; Stalder, B. (22) ; Stark, A.A. ; Strazzullo, V. (1) ; Suchyta, E. (11) ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thaler, J. ; Thomas, D. ; Tucker, D. ; Vikram, V. ; von der Linden, A. (8) (46) ; Walker, A.R. ; Wechsler, R.H. (8) (9) ; Wester, W. ; Zenteno, A. ; Ziegler, K.E.
Erratum: A fast and explicit algorithm for simulating the dynamics of small dust grains with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Price, Daniel J. ; Laibe, Guillaume
Insights into tidal disruption of stars from PS1-10jh
Strubbe, Linda E. (1) ; Murray, Norman
2015MNRAS.454.2344P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2344)
The orbit and variations of δ Sagittae
Pugh, T. ; Gray, David F. ; Griffin, R.F.
Quark-Novae in massive binaries: a model for double-humped, hydrogen-poor, superluminous Supernovae
Ouyed, Rachid; Leahy, Denis; Koning, Nico
The evolution of the disc variability along the hard state of the black hole transient GX 339-4
De Marco, B. ; Ponti, G. ; Muñoz-Darias, T. (2) (3) ; Nandra, K.
Photon-conserving Comptonization in simulations of accretion discs around black holes
Sadowski, Aleksander ; Narayan, Ramesh
Biases and systematics in the observational derivation of galaxy properties: comparing different techniques on synthetic observations of simulated galaxies
Guidi, Giovanni; Scannapieco, Cecilia; Walcher, C.Jakob
The effect of tides on the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Battaglia, Giuseppina (1) ; Sollima, Antonio ; Nipoti, Carlo
New expansion rate measurements of the Crab nebula in radio and optical
Bietenholz, M.F. (1) ; Nugent, R.L.
A coordinate-independent characterization of a black hole shadow
Abdujabbarov, A.A. (1) (2) ; Rezzolla, L. (4) ; Ahmedov, B.J. (1) (2)
Identification of asteroid families in Trojans and Hildas
Vinogradova, T.A.
Lyman-Werner UV escape fractions from primordial haloes
Schauer, Anna T.P. ; Whalen, Daniel J. (1) ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Accounting for baryonic effects in cosmic shear tomography: determining a minimal set of nuisance parameters using PCA
Eifler, Tim (1) ; Krause, Elisabeth (2) ; Dodelson, Scott (4) (5) ; Zentner, Andrew R. (7) ; Hearin, Andrew P. (6) ; Gnedin, Nickolay Y. (4) (5)
Tidal debris morphology and the orbits of satellite galaxies
Hendel, David; Johnston, Kathryn V.
Star-forming regions at the periphery of the supershell surrounding the Cyg OB1 association - I. The star cluster vdB 130 and its ambient gas and dust medium
Sitnik, T.G. ; Egorov, O.V. ; Lozinskaya, T.A. ; Moiseev, A.V. (1) ; Rastorguev, A.S. ; Tatarnikov, A.M. ; Tatarnikova, A.A. ; Wiebe, D.S. ; Zabolotskikh, M.V.
The sensitivity of harassment to orbit: mass loss from early-type dwarfs in galaxy clusters
Smith, R. (1) (2) ; Sánchez-Janssen, R. ; Beasley, M.A. (5) ; Candlish, G.N. ; Gibson, B.K. ; Puzia, T.H. ; Janz, J. ; Knebe, A. (10) ; Aguerri, J.A.L. (5) ; Lisker, T. ; Hensler, G. (13) ; Fellhauer, M. ; Ferrarese, L. ; Yi, S.K.
The study of multi-frequency scattering of 10 radio pulsars
Lewandowski, Wojciech ; Rozko, Karolina ; Kijak, Jaroslaw ; Bhattacharyya, Bhaswati ; Roy, Jayanta (2)
Triggered fragmentation in self-gravitating discs: forming fragments at small radii
Meru, Farzana (1) (2) (3)
On the maximum accretion luminosity of magnetized neutron stars: connecting X-ray pulsars and ultraluminous X-ray sources
Mushtukov, Alexander A. (1) ; Suleimanov, Valery F. (3) ; Tsygankov, Sergey S. ; Poutanen, Juri
Spectral models for early time SN 2011fe observations
Baron, E. (1) ; Hoeflich, P. ; Friesen, Brian ; Sullivan, M. ; Hsiao, E. ; Ellis, R.S. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Howell, D.A. (8) ; Nugent, P.E. ; Dominguez, I. ; Krisciunas, K. ; Phillips, M.M. ; Suntzeff, N. ; Wang, L. ; Thomas, R.C.
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: a quantitative comparison between SCUBA-2 data reduction methods
Mairs, S. (1) ; Johnstone, D. (1) (2) ; Kirk, H. ; Graves, S. (3) ; Buckle, J. (5) ; Beaulieu, S.F. ; Berry, D.S. (3) ; Broekhoven-Fiene, H. (1) ; Currie, M.J. (3) ; Fich, M. ; Hatchell, J. ; Jenness, T. (3) ; Mottram, J.C. ; Nutter, D. ; Pattle, K. ; Pineda, J.E. ; Salji, C. (5) ; Di Francesco, J. ; Hogerheijde, M.R. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; (The JCMT Gould Belt survey team)
Did the progenitor of SN 2011dh have a binary companion?
Maund, J.R. ; Arcavi, I. (2) ; Ergon, M. ; Eldridge, J.J. ; Georgy, C. ; Cenko, S.B. ; Horesh, A. ; Izzard, R.G. ; Stancliffe, R.J.
2015MNRAS.454.2586F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2586)
Extended H2 emission line sources from UWISH2
Froebrich, D. ; Makin, S.V. ; Davis, C.J. (2) ; Gledhill, T.M. ; Kim, Y. ; Koo, B.-C. ; Rowles, J. ; Eislöffel, J. ; Nicholas, J. ; Lee, J.J. ; Williamson, J. ; Buckner, A.S.M.
Kepler observations of A-F pre-main-sequence stars in Upper Scorpius: discovery of six new δ Scuti and one γ Doradus stars
Ripepi, V. ; Balona, L. ; Catanzaro, G. ; Marconi, M. ; Palla, F. ; Giarrusso, M.
2015MNRAS.454.2621M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2621)
The M 4 Core Project with HST - IV. Internal kinematics from accurate radial velocities of 2771 cluster members
Malavolta, L. (1) ; Piotto, G. (1) ; Bedin, L.R. ; Sneden, C. ; Nascimbeni, V. ; Sommariva, V. (4)
Segregation of O2 and CO on the surface of dust grains determines the desorption energy of O2
Noble, J.A.; Diana, S.; Dulieu, F.
Testing homogeneity in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Twelve with Shannon entropy
Pandey, Biswajit ; Sarkar, Suman
Numerical simulations of axisymmetric hydrodynamical Bondi-Hoyle accretion on to a compact object
El Mellah, I.; Casse, F.
Analysing neutron star in HESS J1731-347 from thermal emission and cooling theory
Ofengeim, D.D. (1) ; Kaminker, A.D. ; Klochkov, D. ; Suleimanov, V. (3) ; Yakovlev, D.G.
High-velocity stars from close interaction of a globular cluster and a supermassive black hole
Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Fragione, G.
Gusty, gaseous flows of FIRE: galactic winds in cosmological simulations with explicit stellar feedback
Muratov, Alexander L. ; Keres, Dusan ; Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André ; Hopkins, Philip F. ; Quataert, Eliot ; Murray, Norman
Positive correlation between the cyclotron line energy and luminosity in sub-critical X-ray pulsars: Doppler effect in the accretion channel
Mushtukov, Alexander A. (1) ; Tsygankov, Sergey S. ; Serber, Alexander V. ; Suleimanov, Valery F. (4) ; Poutanen, Juri (1)
Testing modified gravity with cosmic shear
Harnois-Déraps, J. ; Munshi, D. ; Valageas, P. (3) ; van Waerbeke, L. ; Brax, P. (3) ; Coles, P. ; Rizzo, L. (3)
Intrinsic alignments of galaxies in the Horizon-AGN cosmological hydrodynamical simulation
Chisari, N. ; Codis, S. ; Laigle, C. ; Dubois, Y. ; Pichon, C. (2) ; Devriendt, J. ; Slyz, A. ; Miller, L. ; Gavazzi, R. ; Benabed, K.
On the implications of recent observations of the inner knot in the Crab nebula
Yuan, Yajie; Blandford, Roger D.
An analysis of the evolving comoving number density of galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations
Torrey, Paul (1) ; Wellons, Sarah ; Machado, Francisco ; Griffen, Brendan ; Nelson, Dylan ; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente ; McKinnon, Ryan ; Pillepich, Annalisa ; Ma, Chung-Pei ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Springel, Volker (5) ; Hernquist, Lars
2015MNRAS.454.2787G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2787)
White dwarfs identified in LAMOST DR 2
Guo, Jincheng (1) ; Zhao, Jingkun ; Tziamtzis, Anestis ; Liu, Jifeng ; Li, Lifang (4) ; Zhang, Yong ; Hou, Yonghui ; Wang, Yuefei
Was the soft X-ray flare in NGC 3599 due to an AGN disc instability or a delayed tidal disruption event?
Saxton, R.D. ; Motta, S.E. (1) ; Komossa, S. ; Read, A.M.
The integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal from BOSS superstructures
Granett, B.R. ; Kovács, A. ; Hawken, A.J.
General polytropic dynamic cylinder under self-gravity
Lou, Yu-Qing (1)
torus-3dpdr: a self-consistent code treating three-dimensional photoionization and photodissociation regions
Bisbas, T.G. (1) (2) (3) ; Haworth, T.J. (5) ; Barlow, M.J. ; Viti, S. ; Harries, T.J. ; Bell, T. ; Yates, J.A.
Scaling of the 1-halo terms with bias
Abramo, L.Raul ; Balmès, Irène ; Lacasa, Fabien ; Lima, Marcos
Discovery of correlated optical/X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole binary SWIFT J1753.5-0127
Veledina, Alexandra (1) ; Revnivtsev, Mikhail G. ; Durant, Martin ; Gandhi, Poshak ; Poutanen, Juri
2015MNRAS.454.2863H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2863)
Empirical metallicity-dependent calibrations of effective temperature against colours for dwarfs and giants based on interferometric data
Huang, Y. ; Liu, X.-W. (1) ; Yuan, H.-B. ; Xiang, M.-S. ; Chen, B.-Q. ; Zhang, H.-W. (1)
Non-singular orbital elements for special perturbations in the two-body problem
Baù, Giulio ; Bombardelli, Claudio ; Peláez, Jesús ; Lorenzini, Enrico
On the validity of the ICFT R-matrix method: Fe xiv
Del Zanna, G. ; Badnell, N.R. ; Fernández-Menchero, L. ; Liang, G.Y. ; Mason, H.E. ; Storey, P.J.
Line and continuum variability in active galaxies
Rashed, Y.E. (1) ; Eckart, A. (1) ; Valencia-S., M. ; García-Marín, M. ; Busch, G. ; Zuther, J. ; Horrobin, M. ; Zhou, H. (4)
2015MNRAS.454.2946L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/2946)
Properties of eclipsing binaries from all-sky surveys - II. Detached eclipsing binaries in Catalina Sky Surveys
Lee, Chien-Hsiu
Short-term dynamical evolution of grand-design spirals in barred galaxies
Baba, Junichi
PF131010 Ciechanów fireball: the body possibly related to near earth asteroids 2010 TB54 and 2010 SX11
Olech, A. ; Zoladek, P. ; Wisniewski, M. (2) ; Rudawska, R. ; Laskowski, J. ; Polakowski, K. ; Maciejewski, M. ; Krzyzanowski, T. ; Fajfer, T. ; Tyminski, Z.
Thermal synchrotron radiation from RRMHD simulations of the double tearing mode reconnection - application to the Crab flares
Takamoto, M. (1) ; Pétri, J. ; Baty, H.
The impact of baryonic physics on the structure of dark matter haloes: the view from the FIRE cosmological simulations
Chan, T.K. ; Keres, D. ; Oñorbe, J. ; Hopkins, P.F. ; Muratov, A.L. ; Faucher-Giguère, C.-A. ; Quataert, E.
Secondary eclipse observations for seven hot-Jupiters from the Anglo-Australian Telescope
Zhou, G. (1) ; Bayliss, D.D.R. (1) ; Kedziora-Chudczer, L. (4) ; Tinney, C.G. (4) ; Bailey, J. (4) ; Salter, G. ; Rodriguez, J.
Major mergers going Notts: challenges for modern halo finders
Behroozi, Peter ; Knebe, Alexander (2) ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Elahi, Pascal ; Han, Jiaxin ; Lux, Hanni (4) ; Mao, Yao-Yuan (8) ; Muldrew, Stuart I. ; Potter, Doug ; Srisawat, Chaichalit
Correlating galaxy colour and halo concentration: a tunable halo model of galactic conformity
Paranjape, Aseem (1) ; Kovac, Katarina ; Hartley, William G. ; Pahwa, Isha (1)
Stochastic non-circular motion and outflows driven by magnetic activity in the Galactic bulge region
Suzuki, Takeru K. ; Fukui, Yasuo ; Torii, Kazufumi ; Machida, Mami ; Matsumoto, Ryoji
A versatile numerical method for obtaining structures of rapidly rotating baroclinic stars: self-consistent and systematic solutions with shellular-type rotation
Fujisawa, Kotaro
Neutrino-driven explosions of ultra-stripped Type Ic supernovae generating binary neutron stars
Suwa, Yudai (1) ; Yoshida, Takashi (1) ; Shibata, Masaru ; Umeda, Hideyuki ; Takahashi, Koh
A new analysis of fine-structure constant measurements and modelling errors from quasar absorption lines
Wilczynska, Michael R. ; Webb, John K. ; King, Julian A. ; Murphy, Michael T. ; Bainbridge, Matthew B. ; Flambaum, Victor V.
2015MNRAS.454.3094S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/3094)
Larger and faster: revised properties and a shorter orbital period for the WASP-57 planetary system from a pro-am collaboration
Southworth, John ; Mancini, L. ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Calchi Novati, S. (4) (5) ; Ciceri, S. ; D'Ago, G. (6) (5) ; Delrez, L. ; Dominik, M. ; Evans, D.F. ; Gillon, M. ; Jehin, E. ; Jorgensen, U.G. ; Haugbolle, T. ; Lendl, M. (8) ; Arena, C. (12) ; Barbieri, L. (12) ; Barbieri, M. ; Corfini, G. ; Lopresti, C. (12) ; Marchini, A. (12) ; Marino, G. (12) ; Alsubai, K.A. ; Bozza, V. (5) ; Bramich, D.M. ; Figuera Jaimes, R. (9) ; Hinse, T.C. ; Henning, Th. ; Hundertmark, M. ; Juncher, D. ; Korhonen, H. (10) ; Popovas, A. ; Rabus, M. (2) ; Rahvar, S. ; Schmidt, R.W. ; Skottfelt, J. (10) ; Snodgrass, C. ; Starkey, D. ; Surdej, J. ; Wertz, O.
Swift detection of the super-swift switch-on of the super-soft phase in nova V745 Sco (2014)
Page, K.L. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Kuin, N.P.M. ; Henze, M. ; Walter, F.M. ; Beardmore, A.P. ; Bode, M.F. ; Darnley, M.J. ; Delgado, L. ; Drake, J.J. ; Hernanz, M. ; Mukai, K. (7) ; Nelson, T. ; Ness, J.-U. ; Schwarz, G.J. ; Shore, S.N. (12) ; Starrfield, S. ; Woodward, C.E.
Mitigating systematic errors in angular correlation function measurements from wide field surveys
Morrison, C.B.; Hildebrandt, H.
Diagnosing the accretion flow in ultraluminous X-ray sources using soft X-ray atomic features
Middleton, Matthew J. ; Walton, Dominic J. (2) ; Fabian, Andrew ; Roberts, Timothy P. ; Heil, Lucy ; Pinto, Ciro ; Anderson, Gemma ; Sutton, Andrew
Abundance distributions over the surfaces of magnetic ApBp stars: theoretical predictions
Alecian, G.
MOCCA code for star cluster simulations - IV. A new scenario for intermediate mass black hole formation in globular clusters
Giersz, Mirek ; Leigh, Nathan (2) ; Hypki, Arkadiusz (1) ; Lützgendorf, Nora ; Askar, Abbas
Origin of the high vlos feature in the Galactic bar
Aumer, Michael; Schönrich, Ralph
Formation of in situ stellar haloes in Milky Way-mass galaxies
Cooper, Andrew P. ; Parry, Owen H. ; Lowing, Ben ; Cole, Shaun ; Frenk, Carlos
Constraints on neutrino mass from cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure
Pan, Z.; Knox, L.
The dust grain size-stellar luminosity trend in debris discs
Pawellek, Nicole; Krivov, Alexander V.
Galaxy interactions in the Hickson Compact Group 88
Brosch, Noah
From radio to TeV: the surprising spectral energy distribution of AP Librae
Sanchez, D.A. ; Giebels, B. ; Fortin, P. ; Horan, D. ; Szostek, A. ; Fegan, S. ; Baczko, A.-K. (5) ; Finke, J. ; Kadler, M.L. ; Kovalev, Y.Y. (8) ; Lister, M.L. ; Pushkarev, A.B. (9) (11) ; Savolainen, T. (9)
Simulations for single-dish intensity mapping experiments
Bigot-Sazy, M.-A. ; Dickinson, C. ; Battye, R.A. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Ma, Y.-Z. (1) ; Maffei, B. ; Noviello, F. ; Remazeilles, M. ; Wilkinson, P.N.
Polarization of neutron star surface emission: a systematic analysis
Taverna, R. ; Turolla, R. (1) ; Gonzalez Caniulef, D. ; Zane, S. ; Muleri, F. ; Soffitta, P.
2015MNRAS.454.3267F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/3267)
Finding the imprints of stellar encounters in long-period comets
Feng, Fabo; Bailer-Jones, C.A.L.
Centaurus A: constraints on the nature of the giant lobe filaments from XMM-Newton observations
Wykes, Sarka (1) (2) ; Hardcastle, Martin J. ; Croston, Judith H. (5)
Variations in emission from episodic plasmoid ejecta around black holes
Younsi, Ziri (1) ; Wu, Kinwah
Environmental regulation of cloud and star formation in galactic bars
Renaud, F. ; Bournaud, F. ; Emsellem, E. (3) ; Agertz, O. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Combes, F. ; Elmegreen, B. ; Kraljic, K. ; Motte, F. ; Teyssier, R.
The diversity of transients from magnetar birth in core collapse supernovae
Metzger, Brian D. ; Margalit, Ben ; Kasen, Daniel (2) ; Quataert, Eliot
Thermal desorption of ammonia from crystalline forsterite surfaces
Suhasaria, T.; Thrower, J.D.; Zacharias, H.
Intrinsic alignments of galaxies in the EAGLE and cosmo-OWLS simulations
Velliscig, Marco ; Cacciato, Marcello ; Schaye, Joop ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Bower, Richard G. ; Crain, Robert A. ; van Daalen, Marcel P. (1) (4) ; Furlong, Michelle ; McCarthy, I.G. ; Schaller, Matthieu ; Theuns, Tom
Investigating galaxy-filament alignments in hydrodynamic simulations using density ridges
Chen, Yen-Chi (1) ; Ho, Shirley (2) ; Tenneti, Ananth (2) ; Mandelbaum, Rachel (2) ; Croft, Rupert (2) ; DiMatteo, Tiziana (2) ; Freeman, Peter E. (1) ; Genovese, Christopher R. (1) ; Wasserman, Larry (1)
The Historical X-ray Transient KY TrA in quiescence
Zurita, C. (1) ; Corral-Santana, J.M. ; Casares, J. (1)
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