Monthly Notices of the RAS 453
October(II) 2015

Are ultralong gamma-ray bursts powered by black holes spinning down?
Nathanail, Antonios (1) ; Contopoulos, Ioannis
K2 and MAXI observations of Sco X-1 - evidence for disc precession?
Hakala, Pasi ; Ramsay, Gavin ; Barclay, Thomas (3) ; Charles, Phil
Measuring line-of-sight-dependent Fourier-space clustering using FFTs
Bianchi, Davide; Gil-Marín, Héctor; Ruggeri, Rossana; Percival, Will J.
The extreme ultraviolet spectrum of the kinetically dominated quasar 3C 270.1
Punsly, Brian ; Marziani, Paola
Detection of fundamental and first harmonic cyclotron line in X-ray pulsar Cep X-4
Jaisawal, Gaurava K. ; Naik, Sachindra
ALMA imaging of SDP.81 - II. A pixelated reconstruction of the CO emission lines
Rybak, M. ; Vegetti, S. ; McKean, J.P. (2) ; Andreani, P. ; White, S.D.M.
Gas-phase formation of the prebiotic molecule formamide: insights from new quantum computations
Barone, V. ; Latouche, C. ; Skouteris, D. ; Vazart, F. ; Balucani, N. (2) (3) ; Ceccarelli, C. (3) ; Lefloch, B. (3)
Rotation-induced deep crustal heating of millisecond pulsars
Gusakov, M.E. (1) ; Kantor, E.M. ; Reisenegger, A.
Detection of two power-law tails in the probability distribution functions of massive GMCs
Schneider, N.; Bontemps, S.; Girichidis, P.; Rayner, T.; Motte, F.; André, P.; Russeil, D.; Abergel, A. ; Anderson, L.; Arzoumanian, D.; Benedettini, M.; Csengeri, T.; Didelon, P.; Di Francesco, J.; Griffin, M.; Hill, T.; Klessen, R. S.; Ossenkopf, V.; Pezzuto, S.; Rivera-Ingraham, A.; Spinoglio, L.; Tremblin, P.; Zavagno, A.
AGN flickering and chaotic accretion
King, Andrew ; Nixon, Chris
A proposed chemical scheme for HCCO formation in cold dense clouds
Wakelam, V. (1) ; Loison, J.-C. (3) ; Hickson, K.M. (3) ; Ruaud, M. (1)
Semi-analytic model predictions of mass segregation from groups to clusters
Contini, E.; Kang, X.
The offsets between galaxies and their dark matter in Λ cold dark matter
Schaller, Matthieu; Robertson, Andrew; Massey, Richard; Bower, Richard G.; Eke, Vincent R.
Erratum: X-ray coherent pulsations during a sub-luminous accretion disc state of the transitional millisecond pulsar XSS J12270-4859
Papitto, A. ; de Martino, D. ; Belloni, T.M. ; Burgay, M. ; Pellizzoni, A. ; Possenti, A. ; Torres, D.F. (1)
Magnetic field rotations in the solar wind at kinetic scales
Chen, C.H.K. ; Matteini, L. ; Burgess, D. ; Horbury, T.S.
Where are the solar magnetic poles?
Pastor Yabar, A. (1) ; Martínez González, M.J. (1) ; Collados, M. (1)
On planet formation in HL Tau
Dipierro, Giovanni (1) ; Price, Daniel ; Laibe, Guillaume ; Hirsh, Kieran ; Cerioli, Alice ; Lodato, Giuseppe
Toroidal vortices and the conglomeration of dust into rings in protoplanetary discs
Lorén-Aguilar, Pablo; Bate, Matthew R.
ALMA and Herschel reveal that X-ray-selected AGN and main-sequence galaxies have different star formation rate distributions
Mullaney, J.R. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Aird, J. ; Bernhard, E. ; Daddi, E. ; Del Moro, A. ; Dickinson, M. ; Elbaz, D. ; Harrison, C.M. ; Juneau, S. ; Liu, D. ; Pannella, M. ; Rosario, D. ; Santini, P. ; Sargent, M. ; Schreiber, C. ; Simpson, J. ; Stanley, F.
Early science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: dust constraints in a z ∼ 9.6 galaxy
Zavala, J.A. ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Montaña, A. (1) ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Pope, A. ; Sánchez-Argüelles, D. ; Yun, M.S. ; Zeballos, M.
Magnetar activity via the density-shear instability in Hall-MHD
Gourgouliatos, Konstantinos N. ; Kondic, Todor ; Lyutikov, Maxim ; Hollerbach, Rainer
High-order harmonics in light curves of Kepler planets
Armstrong, Caden (1) ; Rein, Hanno
Mass ratio of the 2 pc binary brown dwarf LUH 16 and limits on planetary companions from astrometry
Sahlmann, J. ; Lazorenko, P.F.
Filaments from the galaxy distribution and from the velocity field in the local universe
Libeskind, Noam I. ; Tempel, Elmo ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Tully, R.Brent ; Courtois, Hélène
The spatially-resolved star formation history of the M31 outer disc
Bernard, Edouard J. ; Ferguson, Annette M.N. ; Chapman, Scott C. ; Ibata, Rodrigo A. ; Irwin, Mike J. ; Lewis, Geraint F. ; McConnachie, Alan W.
Detection of magnetic fields in both B-type components of the ε Lupi system: a new constraint on the origin of fossil fields?
Shultz, M. (1) ; Wade, G.A. ; Alecian, E. (3) (4) ; (The BinaMIcS Collaboration)
Non-virialized clusters for detection of dark energy-dark matter interaction
Le Delliou, M. (1) ; Marcondes, R.J.F. ; Lima Neto, G.B. ; Abdalla, E.
The transformation and quenching of simulated gas-rich dwarf satellites within a group environment
Yozin, C.; Bekki, K.
Core formation in dwarf haloes with self-interacting dark matter: no fine-tuning necessary
Elbert, Oliver D. ; Bullock, James S. ; Garrison-Kimmel, Shea ; Rocha, Miguel ; Oñorbe, Jose (1) ; Peter, Annika H.G.
redMaPPer - IV. Photometric membership identification of red cluster galaxies with 1 percent precision
Rozo, E. (1) (2) ; Rykoff, E.S. (1) ; Becker, M. (1) ; Reddick, R.M. (1) (2) ; Wechsler, R.H. (1) (2)
Parameter choices and ranges for continuous gravitational wave searches for steadily spinning neutron stars
Jones, D.I.
Prospects for detecting decreasing exoplanet frequency with main-sequence age using PLATO
Veras, Dimitri ; Brown, David J.A. (1) ; Mustill, Alexander J. ; Pollacco, Don
Automated reduction of sub-millimetre single-dish heterodyne data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope using orac-dr
Jenness, Tim (1) ; Currie, Malcolm J. ; Tilanus, Remo P.J. ; Cavanagh, Brad ; Berry, David S. ; Leech, Jamie ; Rizzi, Luca
Kepler's first view of O-star variability: K2 data of five O stars in Campaign 0 as a proof of concept for O-star asteroseismology
Buysschaert, B. (1) ; Aerts, C. (2) ; Bloemen, S. ; Debosscher, J. ; Neiner, C. ; Briquet, M. (1) ; Vos, J. ; Pápics, P.I. ; Manick, R. ; Schmid, V.S. ; Van Winckel, H. ; Tkachenko, A.
Simulating the 21 cm forest detectable with LOFAR and SKA in the spectra of high-z GRBs
Ciardi, B. ; Inoue, S. ; Abdalla, F.B. (3) ; Asad, K. ; Bernardi, G. ; Bolton, J.S. ; Brentjens, M. ; de Bruyn, A.G. (5) ; Chapman, E. ; Daiboo, S. ; Fernandez, E.R. ; Ghosh, A. ; Graziani, L. ; Harker, G.J.A. ; Iliev, I.T. ; Jelic, V. (5) (8) ; Jensen, H. ; Kazemi, S. ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Martinez, O. ; Maselli, A. ; Mellema, G. ; Offringa, A.R. (5) ; Pandey, V.N. ; Schaye, J. ; Thomas, R. ; Vedantham, H. ; Yatawatta, S. ; Zaroubi, S.
2015MNRAS.453..106D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/106)
Binary open clusters in the Milky Way: photometric and spectroscopic analysis of NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22
De Silva, G.M. (1) ; Carraro, G. (3) ; D'Orazi, V. (5) (6) ; Efremova, V. ; Macpherson, H. (1) ; Martell, S. ; Rizzo, L.
Ultrahard spectra of PeV neutrinos from supernovae in compact star clusters
Bykov, A.M. (1) (2) ; Ellison, D.C. ; Gladilin, P.E. ; Osipov, S.M.
A support vector machine for spectral classification of emission-line galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Shi, Fei; Liu, Yu-Yan; Sun, Guang-Lan; Li, Pei-Yu; Lei, Yu-Ming; Wang, Jian
Are long gamma-ray bursts standard candles?
Lin, Hai-Nan ; Li, Xin (1) ; Wang, Sai ; Chang, Zhe
2015MNRAS.453..133G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/133)
The WISE view of RV Tauri stars
Gezer, I. (1) ; Van Winckel, H. ; Bozkurt, Z. ; De Smedt, K. ; Kamath, D. ; Hillen, M. ; Manick, R.
Unstable mass-outflows in geometrically thick accretion flows around black holes
Okuda, Toru ; Das, Santabrata
Jet and disc luminosities in tidal disruption events
Piran, Tsvi ; Sadowski, Aleksander ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander
Type Ia supernova remnants: shaping by iron bullets
Tsebrenko, Danny; Soker, Noam
The XMM-Newton view of the central degrees of the Milky Way
Ponti, G. ; Morris, M.R. ; Terrier, R. ; Haberl, F. ; Sturm, R. ; Clavel, M. (3) ; Soldi, S. (3) ; Goldwurm, A. (3) ; Predehl, P. ; Nandra, K. ; Bélanger, G. ; Warwick, R.S. ; Tatischeff, V.
Multiple AGN in the crowded field of the compact group SDSS J0959+1259
De Rosa, A. ; Bianchi, S. ; Bogdanovic, T. ; Decarli, R. ; Herrero-Illana, R. ; Husemann, B. ; Komossa, S. ; Kun, E. (8) ; Loiseau, N. ; Paragi, Z. ; Perez-Torres, M. (5) ; Piconcelli, E. ; Schawinski, K. ; Vignali, C. (15)
Cosmic rays, γ-rays, and neutrinos in the starburst nuclei of Arp 220
Yoast-Hull, Tova M. (1) ; Gallagher III, John S. ; Zweibel, Ellen G. (1) (2)
Updated analytical solutions of continuity equation for electron beams precipitation - I. Pure collisional and pure ohmic energy losses
Dobranskis, R.R.; Zharkova, V.V.
A large narrow-band Hα survey at z ∼ 0.2: the bright end of the luminosity function, cosmic variance and clustering across cosmic time
Stroe, Andra ; Sobral, David (1) (2)
Non-local bias contribution to third-order galaxy correlations
Bel, J. ; Hoffmann, K. ; Gaztañaga, E.
Seismic modelling of the rotating, slowly pulsating B-type star HD 21071
Szewczuk, W.; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J.
The dynamics of neutrino-driven supernova explosions after shock revival in 2D and 3D
Müller, B.
Protocluster discovery in tomographic Ly α forest flux maps
Stark, Casey W. ; White, Martin (1) (2) ; Lee, Khee-Gan ; Hennawi, Joseph F.
Highly perturbed molecular gas in infalling cluster galaxies: the case of CGCG97-079
Scott, T.C. (1) ; Usero, A. ; Brinks, E. ; Bravo-Alfaro, H. ; Cortese, L. ; Boselli, A. ; Argudo-Fernández, M. (7) (8)
On the neutral gas content of nine new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates
Westmeier, T. ; Staveley-Smith, L. (1) ; Calabretta, M. ; Jurek, R. ; Koribalski, B.S. ; Meyer, M. (1) ; Popping, A. (1) ; Wong, O.I.
Intergalactic magnetogenesis at Cosmic Dawn by photoionization
Durrive, J.-B. (1) ; Langer, M. (1)
Globular cluster mass-loss in the context of multiple populations
Bastian, Nate; Lardo, Carmela
Understanding the central kinematics of globular clusters with simulated integrated-light IFU observations
Bianchini, Paolo; Norris, Mark A.; van de Ven, Glenn; Schinnerer, Eva
Estimating the dark matter halo mass of our Milky Way using dynamical tracers
Wang, Wenting; Han, Jiaxin; Cooper, Andrew P.; Cole, Shaun; Frenk, Carlos; Lowing, Ben
Extreme value statistics of cosmic microwave background lensing deflection angles
Merkel, Philipp M. ; Schäfer, Björn Malte
Formation of elongated galaxies with low masses at high redshift
Ceverino, Daniel (1) ; Primack, Joel ; Dekel, Avishai
Resolving structure of the disc around HD100546 at 7 mm with ATCA
Wright, C.M. ; Maddison, S.T. ; Wilner, D.J. ; Burton, M.G. ; Lommen, D. ; van Dishoeck, E.F. ; Pinilla, P. ; Bourke, T.L. ; Menard, F. ; Walsh, C.
The abundance of 28Si32S, 29Si32S, 28Si34S, and 30Si32S in the inner layers of the envelope of IRC+10216
Fonfría, J.P. ; Cernicharo, J. ; Richter, M.J. ; Fernández-López, M. ; Velilla-Prieto, L. ; Lacy, J.H.
On the information content of the matter power spectrum
Carron, J. (1) ; Wolk, M. ; Szapudi, I.
Reconstruction in Fourier space
Burden, A.; Percival, W.J.; Howlett, C.
Galaxy shapes and alignments in the MassiveBlack-II hydrodynamic and dark matter-only simulations
Tenneti, Ananth ; Mandelbaum, Rachel ; Di Matteo, Tiziana ; Kiessling, Alina ; Khandai, Nishikanta
Phase-resolved spectroscopy and Kepler photometry of the ultracompact AM CVn binary SDSS J190817.07+394036.4
Kupfer, T. ; Groot, P.J. (1) ; Bloemen, S. ; Levitan, D. ; Steeghs, D. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Rutten, R.G.M. (4) ; Nelemans, G. (1) ; Prince, T.A. ; Fürst, F. ; Geier, S. (7)
Tensor anisotropy as a tracer of cosmic voids
Bustamante, Sebastian ; Forero-Romero, Jaime E.
A hybrid ensemble learning approach to star-galaxy classification
Kim, Edward J. ; Brunner, Robert J. (2) (3) ; Carrasco Kind, Matias (2)
Interpreting the AXP 1E 2259+586 antiglitch as a change in internal magnetization
Mastrano, A.; Suvorov, A.G.; Melatos, A.
New cluster members and halo stars of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 1851
Navin, Colin A. ; Martell, Sarah L. ; Zucker, Daniel B. (1)
Detection of satellite remnants in the Galactic halo with Gaia- III. Detection limits for ultrafaint dwarf galaxies
Antoja, T. ; Mateu, C. (2) ; Aguilar, L. ; Figueras, F. ; Antiche, E. ; Hernández-Pérez, F. ; Brown, A.G.A. ; Valenzuela, O. ; Aparicio, A. ; Hidalgo, S. ; Velázquez, H.
How well can charge transfer inefficiency be corrected? A parameter sensitivity study for iterative correction
Israel, Holger (1) ; Massey, Richard (1) ; Prod'homme, Thibaut ; Cropper, Mark ; Cordes, Oliver ; Gow, Jason ; Kohley, Ralf ; Marggraf, Ole ; Niemi, Sami ; Rhodes, Jason ; Short, Alex ; Verhoeve, Peter
Electron transport through nuclear pasta in magnetized neutron stars
Yakovlev, D.G.
A remarkably flat relationship between the average star formation rate and AGN luminosity for distant X-ray AGN
Stanley, F. ; Harrison, C.M. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Aird, J.A. (1) ; Del Moro, A. ; Hickox, R.C. ; Mullaney, J.R.
The initial conditions of observed star clusters - I. Method description and validation
Pijloo, J.T. (1) ; Portegies Zwart, S.F. ; Alexander, P.E.R. ; Gieles, M. ; Larsen, S.S. ; Groot, P.J. ; Devecchi, B.
Possible breaking of the FIR-radio correlation in tidally interacting galaxies
Donevski, D.; Prodanovic, T.
2015MNRAS.453..645M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/645)
A distance-limited sample of massive molecular outflows
Maud, L.T. (1) ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Hoare, M.G.
On the red-giant luminosity bump
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen (1)
Magnetic field evolution in superconducting neutron stars
Graber, Vanessa ; Andersson, Nils ; Glampedakis, Kostas (2) ; Lander, Samuel K.
Contamination of early-type galaxy alignments to galaxy lensing-CMB lensing cross-correlation
Chisari, Nora Elisa; Dunkley, Joanna; Miller, Lance; Allison, Rupert
2015MNRAS.453..690B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/690)
The shell game: a panoramic view of Fornax
Bate, N.F. (1) ; McMonigal, B. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Gonzalez-Solares, E. ; Shanks, T. ; Metcalfe, N.
Constraints on the evolutionary mechanisms of massive galaxies since z ∼ 1 from their velocity dispersions
Peralta de Arriba, L. (1) ; Balcells, M. (1) (2) ; Trujillo, I. (1) ; Falcón-Barroso, J. (1) ; Tapia, T. ; Cardiel, N. ; Gallego, J. ; Guzmán, R. ; Hempel, A. ; Martín-Navarro, I. (1) ; Pérez-González, P.G. ; Sánchez-Bláquez, P.
The alignment and shape of dark matter, stellar, and hot gas distributions in the EAGLE and cosmo-OWLS simulations
Velliscig, Marco ; Cacciato, Marcello ; Schaye, Joop ; Crain, Robert A. (1) ; Bower, Richard G. ; van Daalen, Marcel P. (1) (4) ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio (6) ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Furlong, Michelle ; McCarthy, I.G. ; Schaller, Matthieu ; Theuns, Tom
A dynamical model for the formation of gas rings and episodic starbursts near galactic centres
Krumholz, Mark R. ; Kruijssen, J.M.Diederik
Using chemical tagging to redefine the interface of the Galactic disc and halo
Hawkins, K.; Jofré, P.; Masseron, T.; Gilmore, G.
Circumnuclear media of quiescent supermassive black holes
Generozov, Aleksey; Stone, Nicholas C.; Metzger, Brian D.
The anisotropic line correlation function as a probe of anisotropies in galaxy surveys
Eggemeier, A. (1) ; Battefeld, T. (1) ; Smith, R.E. ; Niemeyer, J.
Revisited study of the ro-vibrational excitation of H2 by H: towards a revision of the cooling of astrophysical media
Lique, François
Retrieval of Garstang's emission function from all-sky camera images
Kocifaj, Miroslav (1) ; Solano Lamphar, Héctor Antonio (1) ; Kundracik, Frantisek
Low-frequency spectral turn-overs in millisecond pulsars studied from imaging observations
Kuniyoshi, M. (1) ; Verbiest, J.P.W. (3) ; Lee, K.J. (4) ; Adebahr, B. ; Kramer, M. ; Noutsos, A.
Probing the gaseous halo of galaxies through non-thermal emission from AGN-driven outflows
Wang, Xiawei; Loeb, Abraham
Dark matter annihilation and decay in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: the classical and ultrafaint dSphs
Bonnivard, V. ; Combet, C. ; Daniel, M. ; Funk, S. ; Geringer-Sameth, A. (4) ; Hinton, J.A. ; Maurin, D. ; Read, J.I. ; Sarkar, S. (8) ; Walker, M.G. (4) ; Wilkinson, M.I.
Structure and dynamics of the supercluster of galaxies SC0028-0005
O'Mill, Ana Laura (1) ; Proust, Dominique ; Capelato, Hugo V. (4) ; Castejon, Mirian ; Cypriano, Eduardo S. ; Lima Neto, Gastão B. ; Laerte, SodréJr
Predicting dust extinction properties of star-forming galaxies from Hα/UV ratio
Koyama, Yusei (1) ; Kodama, Tadayuki ; Hayashi, Masao ; Shimakawa, Rhythm ; Yamamura, Issei ; Egusa, Fumi (1) ; Oi, Nagisa ; Tanaka, Ichi ; Tadaki, Ken-ichi ; Takita, Satoshi ; Makiuti, Sin'itirou
A fast, always positive definite and normalizable approximation of non-Gaussian likelihoods
Sellentin, Elena
Gas around galaxy haloes - II. Hydrogen absorption signatures from the environments of galaxies at redshifts 2 < z < 3
Meiksin, Avery ; Bolton, James S. ; Tittley, Eric R.
Relevance of silicate surface morphology in interstellar H2 formation. Insights from quantum chemical calculations
Navarro-Ruiz, Javier ; Martínez-González, José Ángel ; Sodupe, Mariona ; Ugliengo, Piero ; Rimola, Albert
Scintillation noise in widefield radio interferometry
Vedantham, H.K.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
Dust within the nuclear star cluster in the Milky Way
Chatzopoulos, S. ; Gerhard, O. ; Fritz, T.K. ; Wegg, C. ; Gillessen, S. ; Pfuhl, O. ; Eisenhauer, F.
A millimetre-wave redshift search for the unlensed HyLIRG, HS1700.850.1
Chapman, S.C. ; Bertoldi, F. ; Smail, Ian ; Steidel, C.C. ; Blain, A.W. ; Geach, J.E. ; Gurwell, M. ; Ivison, R.J. (8) ; Petitpas, G.R. ; Reddy, N.
The difficulty of getting high escape fractions of ionizing photons from high-redshift galaxies: a view from the FIRE cosmological simulations
Ma, Xiangcheng ; Kasen, Daniel (2) ; Hopkins, Philip F. ; Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André ; Quataert, Eliot ; Keres, Dusan ; Murray, Norman
2015MNRAS.453..976F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/976)
A spectroscopic survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X-shooter - I. Stellar parameters and accretion rates
Fairlamb, J.R. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Mendigutía, I. ; Ilee, J.D. ; van den Ancker, M.E.
Strongly coupled dark energy cosmologies: preserving ΛCDM success and easing low scale problems - I. Linear theory revisited
Bonometto, Silvio A. (1) ; Mainini, Roberto ; Macciò, Andrea V.
Galaxy clustering using photometric redshifts
Soltan, A.M.; Chodorowski, M.J.
2015MNRAS.453.1026K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/1026)
Classical T Tauri stars with VPHAS+ - I. H α and u-band accretion rates in the Lagoon Nebula M8
Kalari, V.M. (1) ; Vink, J.S. ; Drew, J.E. ; Barentsen, G. ; Drake, J.J. ; Eislöffel, J. ; Martín, E.L. ; Parker, Q.A. (7) ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Walton, N.A. ; Wright, N.J.
The new Milky Way satellites: alignment with the VPOS and predictions for proper motions and velocity dispersions
Pawlowski, Marcel S. ; McGaugh, Stacy S. ; Jerjen, Helmut
Do we detect the galactic feedback material in X-ray observations of nearby galaxies? - a case study of NGC 5866
Li, Jiang-Tao
On the fragility of nuclear stellar discs against galaxy mergers: surviving photometric and kinematic signatures of nuclear discs
Sarzi, M. ; Ledo, H.R. ; Dotti, M. (2)
2015MNRAS.453.1079B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/1079)
Star formation properties of sub-mJy radio sources
Bonzini, M. ; Mainieri, V. ; Padovani, P. ; Andreani, P. ; Berta, S. ; Bethermin, M. ; Lutz, D. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Rosario, D. ; Tozzi, P. ; Vattakunnel, S.
2015MNRAS.453.1095B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/1095)
A comprehensive study of the open cluster NGC 6866
Bostanci, Z.F. ; Ak, T. ; Yontan, T. ; Bilir, S. ; Güver, T. ; Ak, S. ; Cakirli, Ö. ; Özdarcan, O. ; Paunzen, E. ; De Cat, P. ; Fu, J.N. ; Zhang, Y. ; Hou, Y. ; Li, G. ; Wang, Y. ; Zhang, W. ; Shi, J. ; Wu, Y.
Radiation pressure driving of a dusty atmosphere
Tsang, Benny T.-H.; Milosavljevic, Milos
The dust scattering halo of Cygnus X-3
Corrales, L.R. (1) ; Paerels, F. (2)
2015MNRAS.453.1136J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/1136)
Accurate PSF-matched photometry and photometric redshifts for the extreme deep field with the Chebyshev-Fourier functions
Jiménez-Teja, Y. (1) ; Benítez, N. ; Molino, A. (2) ; Fernandes, C.A.C.
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