Monthly Notices of the RAS 450
July(II) 2015
- 2015MNRAS.450.3359G
- Inflow velocities of cold flows streaming into massive galaxies at high redshifts
- Goerdt, Tobias ; Ceverino, Daniel
- 2015MNRAS.450.3371C
- Intergalactic magnetic field spectra from diffuse gamma-rays
- Chen, Wenlei ; Chowdhury, Borun D. ; Ferrer, Francesc ; Tashiro, Hiroyuki ; Vachaspati, Tanmay
- 2015MNRAS.450.3381L
- Ionized gas in the XUV disc of the NGC 1512/1510 system
- López-Sánchez, Á.R. (1) ; Westmeier, T. ; Esteban, C. (4) ; Koribalski, B.S.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3410E
- Evidence for changes in the radiative efficiency of transient black hole X-ray binaries
- Eckersall, A.J.; Vaughan, S.; Wynn, G.A.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3418J
- Macro dark matter
- Jacobs, David M. (1) ; Starkman, Glenn D. (1) (2) ; Lynn, Bryan W. (1) (3)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3431F
- Stellar populations in ω Centauri: a multivariate analysis
- Fraix-Burnet, D. (1) ; Davoust, E.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3442L
- Comparison of simple mass estimators for slowly rotating elliptical galaxies
- Lyskova, N. (1) ; Thomas, J. (3) ; Churazov, E. (1) ; Tremaine, S. ; Naab, T.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3458C
- The infrared and molecular environment surrounding the Wolf-Rayet star WR 130
- Cichowolski, S. ; Suad, L.A. ; Pineault, S. (3) ; Noriega-Crespo, A. ; Arnal, E.M. (2) ; Flagey, N.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3472R
- Galactic magnetic fields and hierarchical galaxy formation
- Rodrigues, L.F.S. ; Shukurov, A. ; Fletcher, A. ; Baugh, C.M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3490D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3490)
- The number fraction of discs around brown dwarfs in Orion OB1a and the 25 Orionis group
- Downes, Juan José (1) ; Román-Zúñiga, Carlos ; Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier ; Mateu, Cecilia (1) ; Briceño, César ; Hernández, Jesús ; Petr-Gotzens, Monika G. ; Calvet, Nuria ; Hartmann, Lee ; Mauco, Karina
- 2015MNRAS.450.3503J
- Discovery of kpc-scale line emission in barred galaxies, not linked to AGN or star formation.
- James, P.A.; Percival, S.M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3514K
- New binaries among UV-selected, hot subdwarf stars and population properties
- Kawka, A. ; Vennes, S. ; O'Toole, S. ; Németh, P. ; Burton, D. ; Kotze, E. (5) ; Buckley, D.A.H. (5)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3549S
- Structure of gamma-ray burst jets: intrinsic versus apparent properties
- Salafia, O.S. (1) ; Ghisellini, G. ; Pescalli, A. (2) ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Nappo, F. (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3559N
- Demographics of transition discs in Ophiuchus and Taurus
- Najita, Joan R. (1) ; Andrews, Sean M. ; Muzerolle, James
- 2015MNRAS.450.3568X – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3568)
- Basic properties of Fermi blazars and the `blazar sequence'
- Xiong, Dingrong (1) ; Zhang, Xiong ; Bai, Jinming ; Zhang, Haojing
- 2015MNRAS.450.3579S
- Polarization signatures of unresolved radio sources
- Schnitzeler, D.H.F.M. ; Banfield, J.K. (2) ; Lee, K.J. (4)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3597F
- The Cepheid distance to the maser-host galaxy NGC 4258: studying systematics with the Large Binocular Telescope
- Fausnaugh, M.M. ; Kochanek, C.S. (1) ; Gerke, J.R. ; Macri, L.M. ; Riess, A.G. (4) ; Stanek, K.Z.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3620Z
- Orientation and rotational parameters of asteroid 4179 Toutatis: new insights from Chang'e-2's close flyby
- Zhao, Yuhui ; Ji, Jianghui ; Huang, Jiangchuan ; Hu, Shoucun (1) ; Hou, Xiyun ; Li, Yuan ; Ip, Wing-Huen (5)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3633S
- Comparing masses in literature (CoMaLit) - I. Bias and scatter in weak lensing and X-ray mass estimates of clusters
- Sereno, Mauro (1) ; Ettori, Stefano (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3649S
- CoMaLit - II. The scaling relation between mass and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal for Planck selected galaxy clusters
- Sereno, Mauro (1) ; Ettori, Stefano (2) ; Moscardini, Lauro (1) (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3665S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3665)
- CoMaLit - III. Literature catalogues of weak lensing clusters of galaxies (LC2)
- Sereno, Mauro
- 2015MNRAS.450.3675S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3675)
- CoMaLit - IV. Evolution and self-similarity of scaling relations with the galaxy cluster mass
- Sereno, Mauro (1) ; Ettori, Stefano (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3696M
- Tracing galaxy populations through cosmic time: a critical test of methods for connecting the same galaxies between different redshifts at z < 3
- Mundy, Carl J.; Conselice, Christopher J.; Ownsworth, Jamie R.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3708R
- The age-metallicity dependence for white dwarf stars
- Romero, A.D.; Campos, F.; Kepler, S.O.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3724C
- Vlasov versus N-body: the Hénon sphere
- Colombi, S. ; Sousbie, T. (1) (2) ; Peirani, S. ; Plum, G. ; Suto, Y. (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3742C
- Mascon gravitation model using a shaped polyhedral source
- Chanut, T.G.G.; Aljbaae, S.; Carruba, V.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3750M
- Multiple stellar populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters - III. The first evidence of an extended main sequence turn-off in a young cluster: NGC 1856
- Milone, A.P. ; Bedin, L.R. ; Piotto, G. (2) ; Marino, A.F. ; Cassisi, S. ; Bellini, A. ; Jerjen, H. ; Pietrinferni, A. ; Aparicio, A. (6) ; Rich, R.M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3765G
- Two fast X-ray transients in archival Chandra data
- Glennie, A. ; Jonker, P.G. (2) (3) ; Fender, R.P. ; Nagayama, T. (5) ; Pretorius, M.L.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3771P
- New age-metallicity diagnostic diagram for the Washington photometric system
- Piatti, Andrés E. (1) ; Perren, Gabriel I. (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3778C
- The CIB-lensing bispectrum: impact on primordial non-Gaussianity and detectability for the Planck mission
- Curto, A. (1) (2) ; Tucci, M. ; Kunz, M. (4) ; Martínez-González, E.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3802S
- Inflationary study of intermediate modified Chaplygin gas with bulk viscous pressure
- Sharif, M.; Saleem, R.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3811M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3811)
- GALEX catalogue of UV point sources in M33
- Mudd, Dale; Stanek, K.Z.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3822W
- Reconstruction within the Zeldovich approximation
- White, Martin (1)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3829Y
- Intensity mapping of [Cii] emission from early galaxies
- Yue, B. ; Ferrara, A. (1) ; Pallottini, A. ; Gallerani, S. ; Vallini, L. (1)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3840C
- Missing hard states and regular outbursts: the puzzling case of the black hole candidate 4U 1630-472
- Capitanio, F. ; Campana, R. ; De Cesare, G. ; Ferrigno, C.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3855M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3855)
- New OB star candidates in the Carina Arm around Westerlund 2 from VPHAS+
- Mohr-Smith, M. ; Drew, J.E. ; Barentsen, G. ; Wright, N.J. ; Napiwotzki, R. ; Corradi, R.L.M. ; Eislöffel, J. ; Groot, P. ; Kalari, V. ; Parker, Q.A. (5) (6) ; Raddi, R. ; Sale, S.E. ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Vink, J.S. ; Wesson, R.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3874A
- Evidence of boosted 13CO/12CO ratio in early-type galaxies in dense environments
- Alatalo, Katherine ; Crocker, Alison F. (2) ; Aalto, Susanne ; Davis, Timothy A. (5) ; Nyland, Kristina ; Bureau, Martin ; Duc, Pierre-Alain ; Krajnovic, Davor ; Young, Lisa M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3886M
- The link between mass distribution and starbursts in dwarf galaxies
- McQuinn, Kristen B.W. ; Lelli, Federico ; Skillman, Evan D. ; Dolphin, Andrew E. ; McGaugh, Stacy S. ; Williams, Benjamin F.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3893B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3893)
- Automated physical classification in the SDSS DR10. A catalogue of candidate quasars
- Brescia, M. ; Cavuoti, S. ; Longo, G.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3904C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/3904)
- Narrow absorption lines with two observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Chen, Zhi-Fu (1) (2) (3) ; Gu, Qiu-Sheng (1) (3) ; Chen, Yan-Mei (1) (3) ; Cao, Yue
- 2015MNRAS.450.3920B
- Expanded haloes, abundance matching and too-big-to-fail in the Local Group
- Brook, Chris B. ; Di Cintio, Arianna (1)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3935L
- HI observations of the nearest starburst galaxy NGC 253 with the SKA precursor KAT-7
- Lucero, D.M. ; Carignan, C. ; Elson, E.C. ; Randriamampandry, T.H. ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Oosterloo, T.A. (2) ; Heald, G.H. (2)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3952S
- Analytical model of tidal distortion and dissipation for a giant planet with a viscoelastic core
- Storch, Natalia I.; Lai, Dong
- 2015MNRAS.450.3958Z
- Optical flickering of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: amplitude-flux relation
- Zamanov, R. ; Latev, G. ; Boeva, S. ; Sokoloski, J.L. ; Stoyanov, K. ; Bachev, R. ; Spassov, B. ; Nikolov, G. ; Golev, V. ; Ibryamov, S.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3966B
- A double white dwarf with a paradoxical origin?
- Bours, M.C.P. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Tauris, T.M. (2) ; Istrate, A.G. ; Badenes, C. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Hermes, J.J. ; Kengkriangkrai, S. ; Kilic, M. ; Koester, D. ; Mullally, F. ; Prasert, N. ; Steeghs, D. ; Thompson, S.E. ; Thorstensen, J.R.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3975D
- Unveiling the nature of the γ-ray emitting active galactic nucleus PKS 0521-36
- D'Ammando, F. (1) ; Orienti, M. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Torresi, E. ; Giroletti, M. ; Raiteri, C.M. ; Grandi, P. ; Aller, M. ; Aller, H. ; Gurwell, M.A. ; Malaguti, G. ; Pian, E. ; Tosti, G. (9)
- 2015MNRAS.450.3991K
- Multicolour time series photometry of the T Tauri star CVSO 30
- Koen, C.
- 2015MNRAS.450.3999S
- FM stars II: a Fourier view of pulsating binary stars - determining binary orbital parameters photometrically for highly eccentric cases
- Shibahashi, Hiromoto ; Kurtz, Donald W. ; Murphy, Simon J. (3)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4016F
- Magnetized stars with differential rotation and a differential toroidal field
- Fujisawa, Kotaro
- 2015MNRAS.450.4025H
- Clustering and lifetime of Lyman Alpha Emitters in the Epoch of Reionization
- Hutter, Anne ; Dayal, Pratika ; Müller, Volker
- 2015MNRAS.450.4035F
- Inefficient star formation through turbulence, magnetic fields and feedback
- Federrath, Christoph
- 2015MNRAS.450.4043W
- Large-scale filaments associated with Milky Way spiral arms
- Wang, Ke ; Testi, Leonardo (1) (2) ; Ginsburg, Adam ; Walmsley, C.Malcolm (3) ; Molinari, Sergio ; Schisano, Eugenio
- 2015MNRAS.450.4050W
- The structure of the Milky Way's bar outside the bulge
- Wegg, Christopher ; Gerhard, Ortwin ; Portail, Matthieu
- 2015MNRAS.450.4070W
- nbody6++gpu: ready for the gravitational million-body problem
- Wang, Long (1) ; Spurzem, Rainer (3) (4) (5) ; Aarseth, Sverre ; Nitadori, Keigo ; Berczik, Peter (3) (4) (5) ; Kouwenhoven, M.B.N. (1) ; Naab, Thorsten
- 2015MNRAS.450.4081P
- The photoheating of the intergalactic medium in synthesis models of the UV background
- Puchwein, Ewald ; Bolton, James S. ; Haehnelt, Martin G. ; Madau, Piero (3) ; Becker, George D. ; Haardt, Francesco (5)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4098L
- A maximum volume density estimator generalized over a proper motion-limited sample
- Lam, Marco C.; Rowell, Nicholas; Hambly, Nigel C.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4109B
- The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - V. Galactic longitudes 20°-60°
- Breen, S.L. ; Fuller, G.A. (2) ; Caswell, J.L. ; Green, J.A. (1) ; Avison, A. (2) ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Gray, M.D. ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Quinn, L.J. (2) ; Richards, A.M.S. (2) ; Thompson, M.A. ; Voronkov, M.A.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4137G
- Mapping the core mass function to the initial mass function
- Guszejnov, Dávid ; Hopkins, Philip F.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4150C
- Tracing the Galactic spiral structure with embedded clusters
- Camargo, D. (1) ; Bonatto, C. ; Bica, E.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4161P
- Polarization alignments of quasars from the JVAS/CLASS 8.4-GHz surveys
- Pelgrims, V. ; Hutsemékers, D. (1)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4174F
- Validity of the ICFT R-matrix method: Be-like Al 9+ a case study
- Fernández-Menchero, L. ; Del Zanna, G. ; Badnell, N.R.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4184Z
- Gas density fluctuations in the Perseus Cluster: clumping factor and velocity power spectrum
- Zhuravleva, I. (1) ; Churazov, E. (3) ; Arévalo, P. ; Schekochihin, A.A. (6) ; Allen, S.W. (1) (2) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Forman, W.R. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Simionescu, A. ; Sunyaev, R. (3) ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Werner, N. (1)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4198S
- Calcium-rich gap transients: tidal detonations of white dwarfs?
- Sell, P.H. ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Kotak, R. ; Knigge, C. ; Sand, D.J.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4207B
- The imprint of reionization on the star formation histories of dwarf galaxies
- Benítez-Llambay, A. (1) ; Navarro, J.F. ; Abadi, M.G. (1) ; Gottlöber, S. ; Yepes, G. ; Hoffman, Y. ; Steinmetz, M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4221B
- A search for variable and transient radio sources in the extended Chandra Deep Field South at 5.5 GHz
- Bell, M.E. (1) (2) ; Huynh, M.T. ; Hancock, P. (2) (3) ; Murphy, Tara (2) ; Gaensler, B.M. (2) ; Burlon, D. (2) ; Trott, C. (2) ; Bannister, K. (1)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4233B
- Planetary systems and real planetary nebulae from planet destruction near white dwarfs
- Bear, Ealeal; Soker, Noam
- 2015MNRAS.450.4240V
- Comparing different indicators of quasar orientation
- Van Gorkom, Kyle J. ; Wardle, John F.C. ; Rauch, Andreas P. ; Gobeille, Doug B.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4248B
- Optical and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations of a new sample of distant rich galaxy clusters in the ROSAT All Sky
- Buddendiek, A. ; Schrabback, T. (1) (2) ; Greer, C.H. ; Hoekstra, H. ; Sommer, M. ; Eifler, T. (5) ; Erben, T. ; Erler, J. ; Hicks, A.K. ; High, F.W. ; Hildebrandt, H. ; Marrone, D.P. ; Morris, R.G. (3) ; Muzzin, A. ; Reiprich, T.H. ; Schirmer, M. ; Schneider, P. ; von der Linden, A. (3) (11)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4277V
- Different studies of the global pitch angle of the Milky Way's spiral arms
- Vallée, Jacques P.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4285C
- Survival and structure of dusty vortices in protoplanetary discs
- Crnkovic-Rubsamen, Ivo; Zhu, Zhaohuan; Stone, James M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4292T
- VLT spectroscopy of the black hole candidate Swift J1357.2-0933 in quiescence
- Torres, M.A.P. (1) (2) ; Jonker, P.G. (1) ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Steeghs, D. ; Repetto, S. ; Wu, Jianfeng
- 2015MNRAS.450.4301R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/4301)
- Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters NGC 1342, 1662, 1912, 2354 and 2447
- Reddy, Arumalla B.S. (1) ; Giridhar, Sunetra ; Lambert, David L.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4323S
- Time-scales of close-in exoplanet radio emission variability
- See, V. ; Jardine, M. ; Fares, R. (1) ; Donati, J.-F. ; Moutou, C. (4)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4333D
- High-energy emission processes in M87
- de Jong, S. ; Beckmann, V. ; Soldi, S. ; Tramacere, A. ; Gros, A.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4342K
- The effect of ambipolar diffusion on the inflow/outflow of standard accretion discs
- Khesali, A.; Eskandari Cherati, M.; Motamedi Kouchaksaraei, M.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4350I
- The suppression of direct collapse black hole formation by soft X-ray irradiation
- Inayoshi, Kohei ; Tanaka, Takamitsu L. (2) (3)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4364N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/4364)
- A survey of extended H2 emission from massive YSOs
- Navarete, F. ; Damineli, A. ; Barbosa, C.L. ; Blum, R.D.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4399A
- Probing the very high energy γ-ray spectral curvature in the blazar PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC telescopes
- Aleksic, J. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Bangale, P. ; Barrio, J.A. ; Becerra González, J. ; Bednarek, W. ; Bernardini, E. ; Biasuzzi, B. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. ; Carmona, E. ; Carosi, A. ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Caneva, G. ; De Lotto, B. ; de Oña Wilhelmi, E. ; Delgado Mendez, C. ; Dominis Prester, D. ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. ; Einecke, S. ; Eisenacher, D. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Fidalgo, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; Galindo, D. ; García López, R.J. ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Garrido Terrats, D. ; Gaug, M. ; Godinovic, N. ; González Muñoz, A. ; Gozzini, S.R. ; Hadasch, D. ; Hanabata, Y. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrera, J. ; Hildebrand, D. ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Idec, W. ; Kadenius, V. ; Kellermann, H. ; Knoetig, M.L. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Krause, J. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; La Barbera, A. ; Lelas, D. ; Lewandowska, N. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; Longo, F. ; López, M. ; López-Coto, R. ; López-Oramas, A. ; Lorenz, E. ; Lozano, I. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martínez, M. ; Mazin, D. ; Menzel, U. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Munar-Adrover, P. ; Nakajima, D. ; Neustroev, V. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nilsson, K. ; Nishijima, K. ; Noda, K. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Persic, M. (2) ; Poutanen, J. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Prandini, E. (11) ; Puljak, I. ; Reinthal, R. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribó, M. ; Rico, J. ; Rodriguez Garcia, J. ; Rügamer, S. ; Saito, T. ; Saito, K. ; Satalecka, K. ; Scalzotto, V. ; Scapin, V. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Sillanpää, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Spanier, F. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Storz, J. ; Strzys, M. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. ; Teshima, M. ; Thaele, J. ; Tibolla, O. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Vogler, P. ; Will, M. ; Zanin, R. ; (The MAGIC Collaboration); D'Ammando, F. ; Buson, S. ; Lähteenmäki, A. (28) ; Tornikoski, M. ; Hovatta, T. (28) ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Max-Moerbeck, W. ; Richards, J.L.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4411C
- Supermassive black hole formation at high redshifts via direct collapse in a cosmological context
- Choi, Jun-Hwan ; Shlosman, Isaac (2) ; Begelman, Mitchell C. (4)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4424B
- CO/H2, C/CO, OH/CO, and OH/O2 in dense interstellar gas: from high ionization to low metallicity
- Bialy, Shmuel; Sternberg, Amiel
- 2015MNRAS.450.4446B
- The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: asymmetries in the HD 141569 disc
- Biller, Beth A. ; Liu, Michael C. ; Rice, Ken ; Wahhaj, Zahed ; Nielsen, Eric (4) ; Hayward, Thomas ; Kuchner, Marc J. ; Close, Laird M. ; Chun, Mark ; Ftaclas, Christ ; Toomey, Douglas W.
- 2015MNRAS.450.4458C
- OMEGA - OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2 - I. Survey description, data analysis, and star formation and AGN activity in the highest density regions
- Chies-Santos, Ana L. (1) (2) ; Rodríguez del Pino, Bruno (1) ; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Gray, Meghan E. ; Wolf, Christian ; Böhm, Asmus ; Maltby, David T. ; Pintos-Castro, Irene (6) (7) (8) ; Sanchéz-Portal, Miguel (8) ; Weinzirl, Tim
- 2015MNRAS.450.4475M
- Deriving the orbital properties of pulsators in binary systems through their light arrival time delays
- Murphy, Simon J. (1) ; Shibahashi, Hiromoto
- 2015MNRAS.450.4486F
- Evolution of galaxy stellar masses and star formation rates in the eagle simulations
- Furlong, M. ; Bower, R.G. ; Theuns, T. (1) ; Schaye, J. ; Crain, R.A. ; Schaller, M. ; Dalla Vecchia, C. (4) ; Frenk, C.S. ; McCarthy, I.G. ; Helly, J. ; Jenkins, A. ; Rosas-Guevara, Y.M. (7)
- 2015MNRAS.450.4505H
- On the potentially dramatic history of the super-Earth ρ 55 Cancri e
- Hansen, Bradley M.S. ; Zink, Jonathon (1)
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