Monthly Notices of the RAS 450
June(II) 2015

Near-IR imaging of T Cha: evidence for scattered-light disc structures at Solar system scales
Cheetham, A. ; Huélamo, N. ; Lacour, S. ; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I. (4) ; Tuthill, P.
The impact of dust in host galaxies on quasar luminosity functions
Shirakata, Hikari ; Okamoto, Takashi ; Enoki, Motohiro ; Nagashima, Masahiro ; Kobayashi, Masakazu A.R. ; Ishiyama, Tomoaki ; Makiya, Ryu
Wind-induced odd gravitational harmonics of Jupiter
Kong, Dali ; Zhang, Keke ; Schubert, Gerald
Raising the bar: new constraints on the Hubble parameter with cosmic chronometers at z ∼ 2
Moresco, Michele
Hadronic models of blazars require a change of the accretion paradigm
Zdziarski, Andrzej A. ; Böttcher, Markus (2)
No axions from the Sun
Roncadelli, M. ; Tavecchio, F.
Measuring the equation of state of the high-z intergalactic medium using curvature statistics
Padmanabhan, Hamsa ; Srianand, R. ; Choudhury, T.Roy
SDSS J013127.34-032100.1: a candidate blazar with an 11 billion solar mass black hole at z = 5.18
Ghisellini, G. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Sbarrato, T. ; Gehrels, N.
Recombination energy in double white dwarf formation
Nandez, J.L.A. ; Ivanova, N. ; Lombardi, J.C.Jr
Constraining the extension of a possible gamma-ray halo of 3C 279 from 2008-2014 solar occultations
Kotelnikov, Egor ; Rubtsov, Grigory ; Troitsky, Sergey
Accelerated expansion from cosmological holography
van Putten, Maurice H.P.M.
Discovery of GRS 1915+105 variability patterns in the Rapid Burster
Bagnoli, T. (1) ; in 't Zand, J.J.M.
VLBI observation of the newly discovered z = 5.18 quasar SDSS J0131-0321
Gabányi, K.É. (1) ; Cseh, D. ; Frey, S. ; Paragi, Z. ; Gurvits, L.I. (4) ; An, T. (6) ; Zhang, Y.K. (6)
polychord: nested sampling for cosmology
Handley, W.J. (1) ; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.N. (1)
Peanuts, brezels and bananas: food for thought on the orbital structure of the Galactic bulge
Portail, Matthieu; Wegg, Christopher; Gerhard, Ortwin
Dark matter-induced collapse of neutron stars: a possible link between fast radio bursts and the missing pulsar problem
Fuller, Jim (1) ; Ott, Christian D.
Iron-group opacities for B stars
Iglesias, Carlos A.
Isolating signatures of major cloud-cloud collisions using position-velocity diagrams
Haworth, T.J. ; Tasker, E.J. ; Fukui, Y. ; Torii, K. ; Dale, J.E. ; Shima, K. ; Takahira, K. ; Habe, A. ; Hasegawa, K.
On the vertical-shear instability in astrophysical discs
Barker, A.J.; Latter, H.N.
Real-time generation of atmospheric turbulence phase screen with non-uniform fast Fourier transform
Jia, Peng ; Cai, Dongmei ; Wang, Dong ; Basden, Alastair
Star-forming filaments in warm dark matter models
Gao, Liang (1) ; Theuns, Tom (2) ; Springel, Volker (4)
A new class of accurate, mesh-free hydrodynamic simulation methods
Hopkins, Philip F.
Photoionization analysis of chemodynamical dwarf galaxies simulations
Melekh, B. ; Recchi, S. ; Hensler, G. ; Buhajenko, O.
The benchmark black hole in NGC 4258: dynamical models from high-resolution two-dimensional stellar kinematics
Alf Drehmer, Daniel (1) ; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Ferrari, Fabricio ; Cappellari, Michele ; Riffel, Rogemar A.
Probing dark energy models with extreme pairwise velocities of galaxy clusters from the DEUS-FUR simulations
Bouillot, Vincent R. (1) ; Alimi, Jean-Michel (2) ; Corasaniti, Pier-Stefano ; Rasera, Yann
Planetary host stars: evaluating uncertainties in cool model atmospheres
Bozhinova, I.; Helling, C.; Scholz, A.
Relativistic jets shine through shocks or magnetic reconnection?
Sironi, Lorenzo ; Petropoulou, Maria ; Giannios, Dimitrios
GTC OSIRIS transiting exoplanet atmospheric survey: detection of potassium in HAT-P-1b from narrow-band spectrophotometry
Wilson, P.A. (1) (2) ; Sing, D.K. ; Nikolov, N. ; Lecavelier des Etangs, A. (1) ; Pont, F. ; Fortney, J.J. ; Ballester, G.E. ; López-Morales, M. ; Désert, J.-M. ; Vidal-Madjar, A. (1)
The role of three-body H2 formation in the fragmentation of primordial gas
Dutta, Jayanta (1) ; Nath, Biman B. ; Clark, Paul C. (2) ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Galaxy UV-luminosity function and reionization constraints on axion dark matter
Bozek, Brandon (1) ; Marsh, David J.E. ; Silk, Joseph (2) (4) ; Wyse, Rosemary F.G.
Radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities in Rh I
Malcheva, G. ; Engström, L. ; Lundberg, H. ; Nilsson, H. ; Hartman, H. (3) ; Blagoev, K. ; Palmeri, P. ; Quinet, P. (5)
The effects of Boxy/Peanut bulges on galaxy models
Fragkoudi, F. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Bosma, A. ; Iannuzzi, F.
Constraints on Type IIn supernova progenitor outbursts from the Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Bilinski, Christopher ; Smith, Nathan ; Li, Weidong ; Williams, G.Grant ; Zheng, WeiKang ; Filippenko, Alexei V.
Vertical oscillations of fluid and stellar discs
Widrow, Lawrence M. ; Bonner, Gage
The role of feedback in accretion on low-luminosity AGN: Sgr A* case study
Cuadra, Jorge ; Nayakshin, Sergei ; Wang, Q.Daniel
Detection of a supervoid aligned with the cold spot of the cosmic microwave background
Szapudi, István ; Kovács, András (2) (3) ; Granett, Benjamin R. ; Frei, Zsolt (2) ; Silk, Joseph ; Burgett, Will ; Cole, Shaun ; Draper, Peter W. ; Farrow, Daniel J. ; Kaiser, Nicholas ; Magnier, Eugene A. ; Metcalfe, Nigel ; Morgan, Jeffrey S. ; Price, Paul ; Tonry, John ; Wainscoat, Richard
The luminosity of Population III star clusters
DeSouza, Alexander L.; Basu, Shantanu
Data augmentation for machine learning redshifts applied to Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies
Hoyle, Ben (1) ; Rau, Markus Michael (1) ; Bonnett, Christopher ; Seitz, Stella (1) ; Weller, Jochen (1) (2)
Cosmological parameters from the comparison of peculiar velocities with predictions from the 2M++ density field
Carrick, Jonathan ; Turnbull, Stephen J. ; Lavaux, Guilhem (1) (2) (3) (4) ; Hudson, Michael J. (1)
Testing the inversion of asteroids' Gaia photometry combined with ground-based observations
Santana-Ros, T. ; Bartczak, P. ; Michalowski, T. ; Tanga, P. ; Cellino, A.
The chemical evolution of local star-forming galaxies: radial profiles of ISM metallicity, gas mass, and stellar mass and constraints on galactic accretion and winds
Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter (1) ; Ho, I-Ting ; Schruba, Andreas ; Burkert, Andreas ; Zahid, H.Jabran ; Bresolin, Fabio ; Dima, Gabriel I.
Power spectra of outflow-driven turbulence
Moraghan, Anthony (1) (2) ; Kim, Jongsoo (3) ; Yoon, Suk-Jin
A treatment procedure for VLT/SINFONI data cubes: application to NGC 5643
Menezes, R.B. ; da Silva, Patrícia ; Ricci, T.V. ; Steiner, J.E. ; May, D. ; Borges, B.W.
2015MNRAS.450..397T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/397)
Spectroscopic study of red giants in the Kepler field with asteroseismologically established evolutionary status and stellar parameters
Takeda, Y. ; Tajitsu, A.
Supernova seismology: gravitational wave signatures of rapidly rotating core collapse
Fuller, Jim (1) ; Klion, Hannah ; Abdikamalov, Ernazar ; Ott, Christian D.
Photonic spatial reformatting of stellar light for diffraction-limited spectroscopy
Harris, R.J. ; MacLachlan, D.G. ; Choudhury, D. ; Morris, T.J. ; Gendron, E. ; Basden, A.G. ; Brown, G. ; Allington-Smith, J.R. ; Thomson, R.R.
Galaxy Zoo: evidence for diverse star formation histories through the green valley
Smethurst, R.J. ; Lintott, C.J. ; Simmons, B.D. ; Schawinski, K. ; Marshall, P.J. (1) ; Bamford, S. ; Fortson, L. ; Kaviraj, S. ; Masters, K.L. ; Melvin, T. ; Nichol, R.C. ; Skibba, R.A. ; Willett, K.W.
Methane and ammonia in the near-infrared spectra of late-T dwarfs
Canty, J.I. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Yurchenko, Sergei N. ; Tennyson, Jonathan ; Leggett, S.K. ; Tinney, C.G. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Burningham, Ben ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Smart, R.L.
Asymmetric MHD outflows/jets from accreting T Tauri stars
Dyda, S. ; Lovelace, R.V.E. ; Ustyugova, G.V. ; Lii, P.S. ; Romanova, M.M. ; Koldoba, A.V.
Revisiting correlations between broad-line and jet emission variations for AGNs: 3C 120 and 3C 273
Liu, H.T. (1) ; Bai, J.M. (1) ; Feng, H.C. (1) (2) ; Li, S.K. (1)
Supernova feedback in an inhomogeneous interstellar medium
Martizzi, Davide ; Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André ; Quataert, Eliot
Orbital evolution of dust in the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt zone
Klacka, J. ; Kocifaj, M.
Circular polarization of synchrotron radiation in high magnetic fields
de Búrca, D. ; Shearer, A.
Multiband optical variability studies of BL Lacertae
Agarwal, Aditi (1) ; Gupta, Alok C. (1)
The VMC survey - XV. The Small Magellanic Cloud-Bridge connection history as traced by their star cluster populations
Piatti, Andrés E. (1) ; de Grijs, Richard (3) ; Rubele, Stefano ; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L. (6) (7) ; Ripepi, Vincenzo ; Kerber, Leandro
HH 666: different kinematics from Hα and [Feii] emission provide a missing link between jets and outflows
Reiter, Megan ; Smith, Nathan ; Kiminki, Megan M. ; Bally, John
On feathers, bifurcations and shells: the dynamics of tidal streams across the mass scale
Amorisco, N.C.
redMaPPer - III. A detailed comparison of the Planck 2013 and SDSS DR8 redMaPPer cluster catalogues
Rozo, E. (1) ; Rykoff, E.S. ; Bartlett, James G. (3) ; Melin, Jean-Baptiste
Galaxy ecosystems: gas contents, inflows and outflows
Lu, Zhankui ; Mo, H.J. ; Lu, Yu
The outer stellar populations and environments of unusually Hi-rich galaxies
Kauffmann, Guinevere
2015MNRAS.450..630S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/630)
MC2: boosted AGN and star formation activity in CIZA J2242.8+5301, a massive post-merger cluster at z = 0.19
Sobral, David (1) (2) ; Stroe, Andra ; Dawson, William A. (4) ; Wittman, David ; Jee, M.James ; Röttgering, Huub ; van Weeren, Reinout J. ; Brüggen, Marcus
The rise and fall of star formation in z ∼ 0.2 merging galaxy clusters
Stroe, Andra ; Sobral, David (1) (2) ; Dawson, William ; Jee, M.James ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Wittman, David ; van Weeren, Reinout J. ; Brüggen, Marcus ; Röttgering, Huub J.A.
Star/galaxy separation at faint magnitudes: application to a simulated Dark Energy Survey
Soumagnac, M.T. (1) ; Abdalla, F.B. (1) ; Lahav, O. ; Kirk, D. ; Sevilla, I. ; Bertin, E. ; Rowe, B.T.P. ; Annis, J. ; Busha, M.T. (7) ; Da Costa, L.N. (9) ; Frieman, J.A. (6) (11) ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Jarvis, M. ; Lin, H. ; Percival, W.J. ; Santiago, B.X. (10) ; Sabiu, C.G. (17) ; Wechsler, R.H. (19) ; Wolz, L. (1) ; Yanny, B.
The incidence of magnetic fields in cool DZ white dwarfs
Hollands, M.A. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Koester, D.
Self-similar evolution of self-gravitating viscous accretion discs
Illenseer, Tobias F. ; Duschl, Wolfgang J. (1)
Multipolar electromagnetic fields around neutron stars: exact vacuum solutions and related properties
Pétri, J.
DA white dwarfs from the LSS-GAC survey DR1: the preliminary luminosity and mass functions and formation rate
Rebassa-Mansergas, A. ; Liu, X.-W. (1) ; Cojocaru, R. (3) ; Yuan, H.-B. ; Torres, S. (3) ; García-Berro, E. (3) ; Xiang, M.-X. ; Huang, Y. ; Koester, D. ; Hou, Y. ; Li, G. ; Zhang, Y.
Star formation and quenching among the most massive galaxies at z ∼ 1.7
Mancini, C. (1) ; Renzini, A. ; Daddi, E. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Berta, S. ; Grogin, N. ; Kocevski, D. ; Koekemoer, A.
The hyperluminous X-ray source candidate in IC 4320: another HLX bites the dust
Sutton, Andrew D. (1) ; Roberts, Timothy P. ; Gladstone, Jeanette C. ; Walton, Dominic J.
An 8-mm diameter fibre robot positioner for massive spectroscopy surveys
Fahim, N. ; Prada, F. (2) (3) ; Kneib, J.P. (5) ; Glez-de-Rivera, G. ; Hörler, P. ; Sánchez, J. ; Azzaro, M. ; Becerril, S. ; Bleuler, H. ; Bouri, M. ; Castaño, J. ; Garrido, J. ; Gillet, D. ; Gómez, C. ; Gómez, M.A. ; González-Arroyo, A. (2) ; Jenni, L. ; Makarem, L. ; Yepes, G. ; Arrillaga, X. ; Carrera, M.A. ; Diego, R. ; Charif, M. ; Hug, M. ; Lachat, C.
Cosmological constraints from the redshift dependence of the Alcock-Paczynski test and volume effect: galaxy two-point correlation function
Li, Xiao-Dong ; Park, Changbom ; Sabiu, Cristiano G. (1) ; Kim, Juhan (1)
2015MNRAS.450..815M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/815)
Iron and s-elements abundance variations in NGC 5286: comparison with `anomalous' globular clusters and Milky Way satellites
Marino, A.F. ; Milone, A.P. ; Karakas, A.I. ; Casagrande, L. ; Yong, D. ; Shingles, L. ; Da Costa, G. ; Norris, J.E. ; Stetson, P.B. ; Lind, K. ; Asplund, M. ; Collet, R. ; Jerjen, H. ; Sbordone, L. (4) ; Aparicio, A. ; Cassisi, S.
The doubloon models of dark haloes and galaxies
Evans, N.W. ; An, J. ; Bowden, A. ; Williams, A.A.
Is HE 0436-4717 Anemic? A deep look at a bare Seyfert 1 galaxy
Bonson, K. ; Gallo, L.C. ; Vasudevan, R.
Spiral galaxies as progenitors of pseudo-bulge hosting S0s
Vaghmare, Kaustubh ; Barway, Sudhanshu ; Mathur, Smita (3) ; Kembhavi, Ajit K.
On the perturbation of the luminosity distance by peculiar motions
Kaiser, Nick ; Hudson, Michael J.
Evolution of the gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters
Dvorkin, Irina (1) ; Rephaeli, Yoel (2)
2015MNRAS.450..905G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/450/905)
A unified explanation for the supernova rate-galaxy mass dependence based on supernovae detected in Sloan galaxy spectra
Graur, Or (1) ; Bianco, Federica B. ; Modjaz, Maryam
Hi emission and absorption in nearby, gas-rich galaxies
Reeves, S.N. (1) (2) ; Sadler, E.M. (1) ; Allison, J.R. (1) (2) ; Koribalski, B.S. ; Curran, S.J. (1) (3) ; Pracy, M.B.
Life after eruption - V. Spectroscopy of eight candidate old novae with Gemini-South
Tappert, C. ; Vogt, N. ; Schmidtobreick, L. ; Ederoclite, A.
Oscillations in stellar superflares
Balona, L.A. ; Broomhall, A.-M. (2) ; Kosovichev, A. ; Nakariakov, V.M. (2) ; Pugh, C.E. ; Van Doorsselaere, T.
Polarization spectral synthesis for Type Ia supernova explosion models
Bulla, M. ; Sim, S.A. (1) ; Kromer, M.
On the linear stability of magnetized jets without current sheets - non-relativistic case
Kim, Jinho ; Balsara, Dinshaw S. ; Lyutikov, Maxim ; Komissarov, Sergei S. ; George, Daniel ; Siddireddy, Prasanna Kumar
Surface photometry and metallicity of the polar ring galaxy A0136-0801
Spavone, M. ; Iodice, E. ; Arnaboldi, M.
Forbidden transition properties in the ground-state configurations of singly ionized noble gas atoms for stellar and interstellar media
Nandy, D.K. (1) ; Sahoo, B.K. (1)
Evolution of prolate molecular clouds at Hii boundaries - II. Formation of BRCs of asymmetrical morphology
Kinnear, T.M. ; Miao, J. ; White, G.J. (2) ; Sugitani, K. ; Goodwin, S.
The infrared dielectric function of solid para-hydrogen
Kettwich, Sharon C. (1) ; Anderson, David T. ; Walker, Mark A. ; Tuntsov, Artem V.
Radio monitoring campaigns of six strongly lensed quasars
Rumbaugh, N. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; McKean, J.P. (2) ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Auger, M.W. ; Suyu, S.H.
The Pillars of Creation revisited with MUSE: gas kinematics and high-mass stellar feedback traced by optical spectroscopy
McLeod, A.F. ; Dale, J.E. (2) ; Ginsburg, A. ; Ercolano, B. (2) ; Gritschneder, M. ; Ramsay, S. ; Testi, L. (1)
On the composition of GRBs' Collapsar jets
Bromberg, Omer ; Granot, Jonathan ; Piran, Tsvi
Strong candidate for AGN feedback: VLT/X-shooter observations of BALQSO SDSS J0831+0354
Chamberlain, Carter ; Arav, Nahum ; Benn, Chris
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: first results from the SCUBA-2 observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud and a virial analysis of its prestellar core population
Pattle, K. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; Kirk, J.M. ; White, G.J. (2) ; Drabek-Maunder, E. ; Buckle, J. (5) ; Beaulieu, S.F. ; Berry, D.S. ; Broekhoven-Fiene, H. ; Currie, M.J. ; Fich, M. ; Hatchell, J. ; Kirk, H. ; Jenness, T. (8) ; Johnstone, D. (8) (11) ; Mottram, J.C. ; Nutter, D. ; Pineda, J.E. (15) (16) ; Quinn, C. ; Salji, C. (5) ; Tisi, S. ; Walker-Smith, S. (5) ; Di Francesco, J. (11) ; Hogerheijde, M.R. ; André, Ph. ; Bastien, P. ; Bresnahan, D. ; Butner, H. ; Chen, M. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Coude, S. ; Davis, C.J. ; Duarte-Cabral, A. ; Fiege, J. ; Friberg, P. ; Friesen, R. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Graves, S. (5) ; Greaves, J. ; Gregson, J. (2) ; Griffin, M.J. ; Holland, W. (26) ; Joncas, G. ; Knee, L.B.G. ; Könyves, V. (18) ; Mairs, S. ; Marsh, K. ; Matthews, B.C. (11) ; Moriarty-Schieven, G. ; Rawlings, J. ; Richer, J. (5) ; Robertson, D. ; Rosolowsky, E. ; Rumble, D. ; Sadavoy, S. ; Spinoglio, L. ; Thomas, H. ; Tothill, N. ; Viti, S. ; Wouterloot, J. ; Yates, J. ; Zhu, M.
VLBI survey of compact broad absorption line quasars with balnicity index BI = 0
Ceglowski, M.; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.; Roskowinski, C.
Forensics of subhalo-stream encounters: the three phases of gap growth
Erkal, Denis; Belokurov, Vasily
Erratum : A model for multiproperty galaxy cluster statistics
Evrard, August E. (1) (2) ; Arnault, Pablo (1) ; Huterer, Dragan ; Farahi, Arya
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