Monthly Notices of the RAS 445
December(III) 2014

Multimolecular studies of Galactic star-forming regions
Baan, W.A. (1) (2) ; Loenen, A.F. (1) ; Spaans, M.
Improved and expanded measurements of transition probabilities in UV Ar ii spectral lines
Belmonte, M.T. ; Djurovic, S. ; Peláez, R.J. ; Aparicio, J.A. ; Mar, S.
The formation of stellar nuclear discs in bar-induced gas inflows
Cole, David R. ; Debattista, Victor P. ; Erwin, Peter (2) ; Earp, Samuel W.F. ; Roskar, Rok
Possible astrophysical observables of quantum gravity effects near black holes
Pen, Ue-Li ; Broderick, Avery E.
The environment and star formation of HII region Sh2-163: a multi-wavelength study
Yu, Naiping (1) ; Wang, Jun-Jie (1) ; Li, Nan (1)
Analytic model for the matter power spectrum, its covariance matrix and baryonic effects
Mohammed, Irshad ; Seljak, Uros
Reliable inference of exoplanet light-curve parameters using deterministic and stochastic systematics models
Gibson, N.P.
Dark halo microphysics and massive black hole scaling relations in galaxies
Saxton, Curtis J. (1) ; Soria, Roberto ; Wu, Kinwah
Towards an N-body model for the globular cluster M4
Heggie, Douglas C.
Exploring the origin of a large cavity in Abell 1795 using deep Chandra observations
Walker, S.A.; Fabian, A.C.; Kosec, P.
Remapping simulated halo catalogues in redshift space
Mead, A.J.; Peacock, J.A.
Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS barred discs and bar fractions
Simmons, B.D. ; Melvin, Thomas ; Lintott, Chris (1) ; Masters, Karen L. (2) ; Willett, Kyle W. ; Keel, William C. ; Smethurst, R.J. ; Cheung, Edmond ; Nichol, Robert C. (2) ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Rutkowski, Michael ; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S. ; Bell, Eric F. ; Casteels, Kevin R.V. ; Conselice, Christopher J. ; Almaini, Omar ; Ferguson, Henry C. ; Fortson, Lucy ; Hartley, William (8) ; Kocevski, Dale ; Koekemoer, Anton M. ; McIntosh, Daniel H. ; Mortlock, Alice ; Newman, Jeffrey A. ; Ownsworth, Jamie ; Bamford, Steven ; Dahlen, Tomas ; Faber, Sandra M. ; Finkelstein, Steven L. ; Fontana, Adriano ; Galametz, Audrey ; Grogin, N.A. ; Grützbauch, Ruth (12) ; Guo, Yicheng ; Häussler, Boris (1) (12) ; Jek, Kian J.; Kaviraj, Sugata ; Lucas, Ray A. ; Peth, Michael ; Salvato, Mara ; Wiklind, Tommy ; Wuyts, Stijn
Planet-disc interaction on a freely moving mesh
Muñoz, D.J. (1) ; Kratter, K. (3) ; Springel, V. (5) ; Hernquist, L.
Pre-main-sequence isochrones - III. The Cluster Collaboration isochrone server
Bell, Cameron P.M. (1) ; Rees, Jon M. ; Naylor, Tim ; Mayne, N.J. ; Jeffries, R.D. ; Mamajek, Eric E. ; Rowe, John
2014MNRAS.445.3512S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/3512)
On the surface density of dark matter haloes
Saburova, A. ; Popolo, A.Del (2)
The phase space of boxy-peanut and X-shaped bulges in galaxies - I. Properties of non-periodic orbits
Patsis, P.A. (1) ; Katsanikas, M.
The phase space of boxy-peanut and X-shaped bulges in galaxies - II. The relation between face-on and edge-on boxiness
Patsis, P.A. (1) ; Katsanikas, M.
The hard X-ray luminosity function of high-redshift (3 < z ≲ 5) active galactic nuclei
Vito, F. (1) ; Gilli, R. ; Vignali, C. (1) ; Comastri, A. ; Brusa, M. (1) (2) ; Cappelluti, N. ; Iwasawa, K.
The detection efficiency of on-axis short gamma-ray burst optical afterglows triggered by aLIGO/Virgo
Coward, D.M. ; Branchesi, M. ; Howell, E.J. ; Lasky, P.D. ; Böer, M.
The effect of large-scale structure on the magnification of high-redshift sources by cluster lenses
D'Aloisio, Anson ; Natarajan, Priyamvada (2) ; Shapiro, Paul R.
Theory of stellar convection: removing the mixing-length parameter
Pasetto, S. ; Chiosi, C. ; Cropper, M. ; Grebel, E.K.
Theoretical kinetic study of large species in the isomerization reaction HCnN ⟶ HCn–1NC (n = 7, 9 and 11)
Vichietti, R.M.; Haiduke, R.L.A.
Hybrid methods in planetesimal dynamics: description of a new composite algorithm
Glaschke, P. ; Amaro-Seoane, P. ; Spurzem, R. (1) (3)
Dynamical instability of collapsing stars in the framework of Rn gravity
Kausar, Hafiza Rizwana (1)
Discovery of a correlation between the frequency of the mHz quasi-periodic oscillations and the neutron-star temperature in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
Lyu, Ming ; Méndez, Mariano ; Altamirano, Diego
On the dynamics of volatile meteorites
Coulson, S.G. ; Wallis, M.K. ; Wickramasinghe, N.C. (1)
Distinctive 21-cm structures of the first stars, galaxies and quasars
Yajima, Hidenobu ; Li, Yuexing (2)
On the asymptotic acoustic-mode phase in red giant stars and its dependence on evolutionary state
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen ; Silva Aguirre, Victor ; Elsworth, Yvonne (1) ; Hekker, Saskia (1)
The VAST Survey - IV. A wide brown dwarf companion to the A3V star ζ Delphini
De Rosa, R.J. (1) ; Patience, J. ; Ward-Duong, K. ; Vigan, A. ; Marois, C. ; Song, I. ; Macintosh, B. (6) ; Graham, J.R. ; Doyon, R. ; Bessell, M.S. ; Lai, O. (11) ; McCarthy, D.W. ; Kulesa, C.
On the amplification of magnetic fields in cosmic filaments and galaxy clusters
Vazza, F. (1) ; Brüggen, M. ; Gheller, C. ; Wang, P.
Investigating the inner discs of Herbig Ae/Be stars with CO bandhead and Brγ emission
Ilee, J.D. ; Fairlamb, J. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Mendigutía, I. ; van den Ancker, M.E. ; Kraus, S. ; Wheelwright, H.E.
Measurement of H(z) and DA(z) from the two-dimensional power spectrum of Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies
Hemantha, Maddumage Don P. ; Wang, Yun ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun
Testing rate-dependent corrections on timing mode EPIC-pn spectra of the accreting neutron star GX 13+1
Pintore, F. ; Sanna, A. ; Salvo, T.di ; Guainazzi, M. ; D'Aì, A. ; Riggio, A. ; Burderi, L. ; Iaria, R. ; Robba, N.R.
Hybrid methods in planetesimal dynamics: formation of protoplanetary systems and the mill condition
Amaro-Seoane, Pau ; Glaschke, Patrick ; Spurzem, Rainer (2) (3)
Large-scale dynamo action due to α fluctuations in a linear shear flow
Sridhar, S. ; Singh, Nishant K. (2)
`Skinny Milky Way please', says Sagittarius
Gibbons, S.L.J. ; Belokurov, V. ; Evans, N.W.
Ionizing stellar population in the disc of NGC 3310 - II. The Wolf-Rayet population
Miralles-Caballero, D. ; Rosales-Ortega, F.F. ; Díaz, A.I. ; Otí-Floranes, H. (3) ; Pérez-Montero, E. ; Sánchez, S.F.
Modified gravity models and the central cusp of dark matter haloes in galaxies
Rodrigues, Davi C. ; de Oliveira, Paulo L. ; Fabris, Júlio C. ; Gentile, Gianfranco (2)
Red giant branch bump star counts in data and stellar models
Nataf, David M.
Detailed modelling of a large sample of Herschel sources in the Lockman Hole: identification of cold dust and of lensing candidates through their anomalous SEDs
Rowan-Robinson, Michael ; Wang, Lingyu ; Wardlow, Julie ; Farrah, Duncan ; Oliver, Seb ; Bock, Jamie (6) ; Clarke, Charlotte ; Clements, David ; Ibar, Edo ; Gonzalez-Solares, Eduardo ; Marchetti, Lucia ; Scott, Douglas ; Smith, Anthony ; Vaccari, Mattia ; Valtchanov, Ivan
A PAndAS view of M31 dwarf elliptical satellites: NGC 147 and NGC 185
Crnojevic, D. (1) ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Irwin, M.J. ; McConnachie, A.W. ; Bernard, E.J. ; Fardal, M.A. ; Ibata, R.A. ; Lewis, G.F. (3) ; Martin, N.F. ; Navarro, J.F. ; Noël, N.E.D. ; Pasetto, S.
Time-resolved infrared emission from radiation-driven central obscuring structures in active galactic nuclei
Schartmann, M. (1) ; Wada, K. ; Prieto, M.A. (4) ; Burkert, A. (1) ; Tristram, K.R.W.
The emission mechanism in magnetically dominated gamma-ray burst outflows
Beniamini, Paz; Piran, Tsvi
Spectroscopy of Hyades L dwarf candidates
Lodieu, N. (1) ; Boudreault, S. (1) (2) ; Béjar, V.J.S. (1)
Tidal disruption and magnetic flux capture: powering a jet from a quiescent black hole
Kelley, Luke Zoltan ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander ; Narayan, Ramesh
Kinematics of powerful jets from intermediate-mass protostars in the Carina nebula
Reiter, Megan; Smith, Nathan
Mass-radius relation of strongly magnetized white dwarfs: nearly independent of Landau quantization
Bera, Prasanta; Bhattacharya, Dipankar
Resonant chains and three-body resonances in the closely packed inner Uranian satellite system
Quillen, Alice C. ; French, Robert S.
Colours of black holes: infrared flares from the hot accretion disc in XTE J1550-564
Poutanen, Juri (1) ; Veledina, Alexandra (1) ; Revnivtsev, Mikhail G.
The Hungaria region as a possible source of Trojans and satellites in the inner Solar system
Galiazzo, M.A.; Schwarz, R.
Wide-field adaptive optics performance in cosmological deep fields for multi-object spectroscopy with the European Extremely Large Telescope
Basden, A.G. ; Evans, C.J. ; Morris, T.J.
Towards a more realistic sink particle algorithm for the ramses code
Bleuler, Andreas; Teyssier, Romain
Dynamics versus structure: breaking the density degeneracy in star formation
Parker, Richard J.
The star formation activity in cosmic voids
Ricciardelli, E. ; Cava, A. ; Varela, J. ; Quilis, V. (1)
The 12CO/13CO ratio in turbulent molecular clouds
Szucs, László ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Klessen, Ralf S.
2014MNRAS.445.4073C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/4073)
Two new catalogues of superclusters of Abell/ACO galaxy clusters out to redshift 0.15
Chow-Martínez, M.; Andernach, H.; Caretta, C.A.; Trejo-Alonso, J.J.
Spectral analysis and abundances of the post-HB star HD 76431
Khalack, V. ; Yameogo, B. ; LeBlanc, F. ; Fontaine, G. ; Green, E. ; Van Grootel, V. ; Petit, P. (5)
An in-depth spectroscopic analysis of RR Lyr Variations over the pulsation cycle
Fossati, L. ; Kolenberg, K. (2) ; Shulyak, D.V. ; Elmasli, A. ; Tsymbal, V. ; Barnes, T.G. ; Guggenberger, E. ; Kochukhov, O.
The change of GRB polarization angles in the magnetic-dominated jet model
Chang, Zhe (1) ; Lin, Hai-Nan
The formation of CDM haloes - I. Collapse thresholds and the ellipsoidal collapse model
Ludlow, Aaron D.; Borzyszkowski, Mikolaj; Porciani, Cristiano
The formation of cold dark matter haloes - II. Collapse time and tides
Borzyszkowski, Mikolaj; Ludlow, Aaron D.; Porciani, Cristiano
ExELS: an exoplanet legacy science proposal for the ESA Euclid mission - II. Hot exoplanets and sub-stellar systems
McDonald, I. (1) ; Kerins, E. (1) ; Penny, M. (1) (2) ; Beaulieu, J.-P. (1) ; Batista, V. (1) ; Calchi Novati, S. (1) (5) (6) ; Cassan, A. (1) ; Fouqué, P. (1) ; Mao, S. (1) (2) ; Marquette, J.B. (1) ; Rattenbury, N. ; Robin, A.C. ; Tisserand, P. (1) ; Zapatero Osorio, M.R. (1)
Extremely efficient Zevatron in rotating AGN magnetospheres
Osmanov, Z. ; Mahajan, S. ; Machabeli, G. ; Chkheidze, N.
Heating cold clumps by jet-inflated bubbles in cooling flow clusters
Hillel, Shlomi; Soker, Noam
Hydrogen delivery onto white dwarfs from remnant exo-Oort cloud comets
Veras, Dimitri ; Shannon, Andrew ; Gänsicke, Boris T.
AGN-driven helium reionization and the incidence of extended HeIIi regions at redshift z > 3
Compostella, Michele ; Cantalupo, Sebastiano ; Porciani, Cristiano
Sussing merger trees: the impact of halo merger trees on galaxy properties in a semi-analytic model
Lee, Jaehyun ; Yi, Sukyoung K. ; Elahi, Pascal J. ; Thomas, Peter A. ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Behroozi, Peter (5) ; Han, Jiaxin ; Helly, John ; Jung, Intae (1) ; Knebe, Alexander ; Mao, Yao-Yuan (5) ; Onions, Julian ; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente ; Schneider, Aurel ; Srisawat, Chaichalit ; Tweed, Dylan
Statistical computation of Boltzmann entropy and estimation of the optimal probability density function from statistical sample
Sui, Ning ; Li, Min ; He, Ping (1) (3)
The influence of accretion geometry on the spectral evolution during thermonuclear (type I) X-ray bursts
Kajava, Jari J.E. (1) (2) ; Nättilä, Joonas (3) ; Latvala, Outi-Marja ; Pursiainen, Miika ; Poutanen, Juri (3) ; Suleimanov, Valery F. (5) ; Revnivtsev, Mikhail G. ; Kuulkers, Erik ; Galloway, Duncan K. (8) (9)
The high optical polarization in the Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375
Reig, P. (1) ; Blinov, D. (2) ; Papadakis, I. (1) ; Kylafis, N. (1) ; Tassis, K. (1)
The Gaia-ESO Survey: the most metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge
Howes, L.M. ; Asplund, M. ; Casey, A.R. ; Keller, S.C. ; Yong, D. ; Gilmore, G. ; Lind, K. (2) ; Worley, C. ; Bessell, M.S. ; Casagrande, L. ; Marino, A.F. ; Nataf, D.M. ; Owen, C.I. ; Da Costa, G.S. ; Schmidt, B.P. ; Tisserand, P. ; Randich, S. ; Feltzing, S. ; Vallenari, A. ; Allende Prieto, C. (7) ; Bensby, T. ; Flaccomio, E. ; Korn, A.J. ; Pancino, E. (10) ; Recio-Blanco, A. ; Smiljanic, R. ; Bergemann, M. ; Costado, M.T. ; Damiani, F. ; Heiter, U. ; Hill, V. ; Hourihane, A. ; Jofré, P. ; Lardo, C. ; de Laverny, P. ; Magrini, L. ; Maiorca, E. ; Masseron, T. ; Morbidelli, L. ; Sacco, G.G. ; Minniti, D. (15) (16) ; Zoccali, M. (17)
The orbital periods of three sdB eclipsing binary systems
Kilkenny, D.
Milky Way dust extinction measured with QSOs
Wolf, Christian
Millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations and broad iron line from LMC X-1
Alam, M. S. ; Dewangan, G.C. ; Belloni, T. ; Mukherjee, D. ; Jhingan, S.
Are peculiar velocity surveys competitive as a cosmological probe?
Koda, Jun (1) ; Blake, Chris (1) ; Davis, Tamara (2) (3) ; Magoulas, Christina ; Springob, Christopher M. (2) (6) ; Scrimgeour, Morag (2) ; Johnson, Andrew (1) ; Poole, Gregory B. ; Staveley-Smith, Lister (2)
New PARSEC evolutionary tracks of massive stars at low metallicity: testing canonical stellar evolution in nearby star-forming dwarf galaxies
Tang, Jing ; Bressan, Alessandro ; Rosenfield, Philip ; Slemer, Alessandra ; Marigo, Paola ; Girardi, Léo ; Bianchi, Luciana
The effect of star-spots on the ages of low-mass stars determined from the lithium depletion boundary
Jackson, R.J.; Jeffries, R.D.
Radio-gamma-ray connection and spectral evolution in 4C +49.22 (S4 1150+49): the Fermi, Swift and Planck view
Cutini, S. (1) ; Ciprini, S. (1) ; Orienti, M. (3) ; Tramacere, A. ; D'Ammando, F. (3) (6) ; Verrecchia, F. (1) ; Polenta, G. (1) ; Carrasco, L. ; D'Elia, V. (1) ; Giommi, P. ; González-Nuevo, J. (9) ; Grandi, P. ; Harrison, D. (12) ; Hays, E. ; Larsson, S. (15) (16) ; Lähteenmäki, A. (18) ; León-Tavares, J. (20) ; López-Caniego, M. ; Natoli, P. (1) ; Ojha, R. ; Partridge, B. ; Porras, A. ; Reyes, L. ; Recillas, E. ; Torresi, E.
MUSE sneaks a peek at extreme ram-pressure stripping events - I. A kinematic study of the archetypal galaxy ESO137-001
Fumagalli, Michele (1) ; Fossati, Matteo (3) ; Hau, George K.T. ; Gavazzi, Giuseppe ; Bower, Richard ; Sun, Ming ; Boselli, Alessandro
Very high energy γ-ray emission from RBS 0679
Brown, Anthony M.; Chadwick, Paula M.; Landt, Hermine
Visibility-based angular power spectrum estimation in low-frequency radio interferometric observations
Choudhuri, Samir ; Bharadwaj, Somnath ; Ghosh, Abhik ; Ali, Sk.Saiyad
Improvements to stellar structure models, based on a grid of 3D convection simulations - II. Calibrating the mixing-length formulation
Trampedach, Regner (1) ; Stein, Robert F. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen ; Nordlund, Ake ; Asplund, Martin
Conditions for thermal instability in the Galactic Centre mini-spiral region
Rózanska, A. ; Czerny, B. ; Kunneriath, D. ; Adhikari, T.P. ; Karas, V. ; Moscibrodzka, M.
2014MNRAS.445.4395Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/4395)
On the structure and evolution of planets and their host stars - effects of various heating mechanisms on the size of giant gas planets
Yildiz, M. ; Celik Orhan, Z. ; Kayhan, C. ; Turkoglu, G.E.
On the local stability of vortices in differentially rotating discs
Railton, A.D. ; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
Photometric and spectroscopic observations, and abundance tomography modelling of the Type Ia supernova SN 2014J located in M82
Ashall, C. ; Mazzali, P. (1) (2) ; Bersier, D. ; Hachinger, S. (4) ; Phillips, M. ; Percival, S. ; James, P. ; Maguire, K.
Three Einstein rings: explicit solution and numerical simulation
Bannikova, E.Y. (1) ; Kotvytskiy, A.T. (1)
Application of three-body stability to globular clusters - II. Observed velocity dispersions
Kennedy, Gareth F. (1)
Newtonian analogue of corresponding space-time dynamics of rotating black holes: implication for black hole accretion
Ghosh, Shubhrangshu ; Sarkar, Tamal (1) ; Bhadra, Arunava
Amplification of OAM radiation by astrophysical masers
Gray, M.D.; Pisano, G.; Maccalli, S.; Schemmel, P.
Study of the extended radio emission of two supernova remnants and four planetary nebulae associated with MIPSGAL bubbles
Ingallinera, A. (1) ; Trigilio, C. ; Umana, G. ; Leto, P. ; Agliozzo, C. (3) ; Buemi, C.
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