Monthly Notices of the RAS 445
November(III) 2014
- 2014MNRAS.445L...1L
- Testing the neutrino annihilation model for launching GRB jets
- Leng, Mingbin ; Giannios, Dimitrios
- 2014MNRAS.445L...6L
- Andromeda II as a merger remnant
- Lokas, Ewa L. ; Ebrová, Ivana (2) ; del Pino, Andrés ; Semczuk, Marcin
- 2014MNRAS.445L..11M
- Probing strange stars with advanced gravitational wave detectors
- Moraes, Pedro H.R.S.; Miranda, Oswaldo D.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..16A
- Detection of a QPO in five XMM-Newton observations of RE J1034+396
- Alston, W.N.; Markeviciute, J.; Kara, E.; Fabian, A.C.; Middleton, M.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..21T
- Low-metallicity stellar halo populations as tracers of dark matter haloes
- Tissera, Patricia B. (1) (2) ; Scannapieco, Cecilia
- 2014MNRAS.445L..26K
- The shape, internal structure and gravity of the fast spinner β Pictoris b
- Kong, Dali (1) ; Liao, Xinhao ; Zhang, Keke ; Schubert, Gerald
- 2014MNRAS.445L..31B
- Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter and radiation
- Boehm, C. (1) ; Schewtschenko, J.A. (1) ; Wilkinson, R.J. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Pascoli, S.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..36T
- HV2112, a Thorne-Zytkow object or a super asymptotic giant branch star
- Tout, Christopher A. ; Zytkow, Anna N. ; Church, Ross P. (1) ; Lau, Herbert H.B. ; Doherty, Carolyn L. ; Izzard, Robert G.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..41T
- Search for CP violating signature of intergalactic magnetic helicity in the gamma-ray sky
- Tashiro, Hiroyuki ; Chen, Wenlei ; Ferrer, Francesc ; Vachaspati, Tanmay
- 2014MNRAS.445L..46W
- Mergers drive spin swings along the cosmic web
- Welker, C. (1) ; Devriendt, J. ; Dubois, Y. (1) ; Pichon, C. ; Peirani, S.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..51T
- The dust masses of powerful radio galaxies: clues to the triggering of their activity
- Tadhunter, C. ; Dicken, D. ; Morganti, R. (3) ; Konyves, V. ; Ysard, N. ; Nesvadba, N. ; Almeida, C.Ramos (6)
- 2014MNRAS.445L..56T
- Effect of OH depletion on measurements of the mass-to-flux ratio in molecular cloud cores
- Tassis, K. (1) ; Willacy, K. ; Yorke, Harold W. ; Turner, Neal J.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..60Y
- Dipolar modulation in number counts of WISE-2MASS sources
- Yoon, Mijin ; Huterer, Dragan ; Gibelyou, Cameron ; Kovács, András (2) ; Szapudi, István
- 2014MNRAS.445L..65F
- Environmental dependence of star formation induced by cloud collisions in a barred galaxy
- Fujimoto, Yusuke; Tasker, Elizabeth J.; Habe, Asao
- 2014MNRAS.445L..70G
- Hadronic gamma-rays from RX J1713.7-3946?
- Gabici, S. ; Aharonian, F.A. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.445L..74M
- Stars as resonant absorbers of gravitational waves
- McKernan, B. (1) (2) (3) ; Ford, K.E.S. (1) (2) (3) ; Kocsis, B. (5) ; Haiman, Z.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..79E
- A kinematically distinct core and minor-axis rotation: the MUSE perspective on M87
- Emsellem, Eric (1) ; Krajnovic, Davor ; Sarzi, Marc
- 2014MNRAS.445L..84G
- Discovery of a new Galactic bona fide luminous blue variable with Spitzer
- Gvaramadze, V.V. (1) (2) ; Kniazev, A.Y. (1) (4) ; Berdnikov, L.N. (1) (3) ; Langer, N. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Bestenlehner, J.M.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..89M
- Accretion in action: phase space coherence of stellar debris and globular clusters in Andromeda's South-West Cloud
- Mackey, A.D. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Collins, M.L.M. ; Bate, N.F. ; Ibata, R.A. ; Martin, N.F. (3) ; Chapman, S. (5) ; Conn, A. ; Elahi, P. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Huxor, A. ; Irwin, M. ; McConnachie, A. ; McMonigal, B. ; Peñarrubia, J. ; Veljanoski, J.
- 2014MNRAS.445L..94D
- Why should we correct reported pulsation frequencies for stellar line-of-sight Doppler velocity shifts?
- Davies, G.R. (1) ; Handberg, R. (1) ; Miglio, A. (1) ; Campante, T.L. (1) ; Chaplin, W.J. (1) ; Elsworth, Y. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.445L..99H
- The red supergiant and supernova rate problems: implications for core-collapse supernova physics
- Horiuchi, S. (1) ; Nakamura, K. ; Takiwaki, T. ; Kotake, K. ; Tanaka, M.
- 2014MNRAS.445L.104P
- The C iv forest as a probe of baryon acoustic oscillations
- Pieri, Matthew M. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.445L.109I
- Formation of an embryonic supermassive star in the first galaxy
- Inayoshi, Kohei (1) ; Omukai, Kazuyuki ; Tasker, Elizabeth
- 2014MNRAS.445L.114K
- Early-time polarized optical light curve of GRB 131030A
- King, O.G. ; Blinov, D. (2) ; Giannios, D. ; Papadakis, I. (2) ; Angelakis, E. ; Balokovic, M. ; Fuhrmann, L. ; Hovatta, T. (1) ; Khodade, P. ; Kiehlmann, S. ; Kylafis, N. (2) ; Kus, A. ; Myserlis, I. ; Modi, D. ; Panopoulou, G. ; Papamastorakis, I. (2) ; Pavlidou, V. (2) ; Pazderska, B. ; Pazderski, E. ; Pearson, T.J. ; Rajarshi, C. ; Ramaprakash, A.N. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reig, P. (2) ; Tassis, K. (2) ; Zensus, J.A.
- 2014MNRAS.445L.119L
- Orbital period of Swift J1816.7-1613 revealed by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope
- La Parola, V. ; Segreto, A. ; Cusumano, G. ; Masetti, N. ; D'Aì, A.; Melandri, A.
- 2014MNRAS.445L.124T
- Atomic carbon as a powerful tracer of molecular gas in the high-redshift Universe: perspectives for ALMA
- Tomassetti, M. ; Porciani, C. ; Romano-Díaz, E. ; Ludlow, A.D. ; Papadopoulos, P.P.
- 2014MNRAS.445L.129H
- Testing primordial non-Gaussianities on galactic scales at high redshift
- Habouzit, Mélanie ; Nishimichi, Takahiro ; Peirani, Sébastien ; Mamon, Gary A. ; Silk, Joseph (1) ; Chevallard, Jacopo
- 2014MNRAS.445....2V
- The clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: potential systematics in fitting of baryon acoustic feature
- Vargas-Magaña, Mariana ; Ho, Shirley ; Xu, Xiaoying ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; O'Connell, Ross ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Percival, Will J. ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Aubourg, Eric ; Brownstein, Joel R. ; Escoffier, Stéphanie ; Kirkby, David ; Manera, Marc (5) ; Schneider, Donald P. (11) ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Weaver, Benjamin A.
- 2014MNRAS.445...29T
- Erratum: An empirical Bayesian analysis applied to the globular cluster pulsar population
- Turk, P.J. ; Lorimer, D.R. (2) (3)
- 2014MNRAS.445...30S
- Early ultraviolet emission in the Type Ia supernova LSQ12gdj: No evidence for ongoing shock interaction
- Scalzo, R.A. (1) ; Childress, M. (1) ; Tucker, B. (1) ; Yuan, F. (1) ; Schmidt, B. (1) ; Brown, P.J. ; Contreras, C. ; Morrell, N. ; Hsiao, E. ; Burns, C. ; Phillips, M.M. ; Campillay, A. ; Gonzalez, C. ; Krisciunas, K. ; Stritzinger, M. ; Graham, M.L. (3) ; Parrent, J. (8) ; Valenti, S. (8) ; Lidman, C. ; Schaefer, B. ; Scott, N. ; Fraser, M. (14) ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Inserra, C. ; Maguire, K. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Sollerman, J. ; Sullivan, M. ; Taddia, F. ; Yaron, O. ; Young, D.R. ; Taubenberger, S. ; Baltay, C. ; Ellman, N. ; Feindt, U. ; Hadjiyska, E. ; McKinnon, R. ; Nugent, P.E. (3) ; Rabinowitz, D. ; Walker, E.S.
- 2014MNRAS.445...49B
- Improved magnetogram calibration of Solar Magnetic Field Telescope and its comparison with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
- Bai, X.Y. (1) ; Deng, Y.Y. ; Teng, F. ; Su, J.T. ; Mao, X.J. ; Wang, G.P.
- 2014MNRAS.445...56K
- The changing X-ray time lag in MCG-6-30-15
- Kara, E. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Marinucci, A. ; Matt, G. ; Parker, M.L. ; Alston, W. ; Brenneman, L.W. ; Cackett, E.M. ; Miniutti, G.
- 2014MNRAS.445...66W
- Low-luminosity X-ray sources and the Galactic ridge X-ray emission
- Warwick, R.S.
- 2014MNRAS.445...81S
- The jet-disc connection in AGN
- Sbarrato, T. (1) (2) ; Padovani, P. ; Ghisellini, G.
- 2014MNRAS.445...93D
- The extinction law inside the 30 Doradus nebula
- De Marchi, Guido ; Panagia, Nino (2) (3)
- 2014MNRAS.445..107V
- High-redshift star formation in a time-dependent Lyman-Werner background
- Visbal, Eli ; Haiman, Zoltán ; Terrazas, Bryan ; Bryan, Greg L. ; Barkana, Rennan
- 2014MNRAS.445..115T
- Systematic variations of central mass density slopes in early-type galaxies
- Tortora, C. ; La Barbera, F. ; Napolitano, N.R. ; Romanowsky, A.J. (2) ; Ferreras, I. ; de Carvalho, R.R.
- 2014MNRAS.445..128E
- The UVES Large Program for testing fundamental physics - III. Constraints on the fine-structure constant from three telescopes
- Evans, T.M. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Whitmore, J.B. ; Misawa, T. ; Centurion, M. ; D'Odorico, S. ; Lopez, S. ; Martins, C.J.A.P. ; Molaro, P. ; Petitjean, P. ; Rahmani, H. ; Srianand, R. ; Wendt, M. (10)
- 2014MNRAS.445..151M
- Molecules with a peptide link in protostellar shocks: a comprehensive study of L1157
- Mendoza, Edgar (1) (2) ; Lefloch, B. (2) ; López-Sepulcre, A. (2) ; Ceccarelli, C. (2) ; Codella, C. ; Boechat-Roberty, H.M. ; Bachiller, R.
- 2014MNRAS.445..162T
- Evolution of central dark matter of early-type galaxies up to z ∼ 0.8
- Tortora, C. ; Napolitano, N.R. ; Saglia, R.P. (2) ; Romanowsky, A.J. (4) ; Covone, G. (6) ; Capaccioli, M. (6)
- 2014MNRAS.445..175G
- Introducing the Illustris project: the evolution of galaxy populations across cosmic time
- Genel, Shy ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Springel, Volker (3) ; Sijacki, Debora ; Nelson, Dylan ; Snyder, Greg ; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente ; Torrey, Paul ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2014MNRAS.445..201M
- Disentangling a group of lensed submm galaxies at z ∼ 2.9
- MacKenzie, Todd P. ; Scott, Douglas ; Smail, Ian ; Chapin, Edward L. ; Chapman, Scott C. ; Conley, A. ; Cooray, Asantha (6) ; Dunlop, James S. ; Farrah, D. ; Fich, M. ; Gibb, Andy G. ; Holland, Wayne S. (8) ; Ivison, R.J. ; Jenness, Tim (12) ; Kneib, Jean-Paul ; Marsden, Gaelen ; Richard, Johan ; Robson, E.I. (8) ; Valtchanov, Ivan ; Wardlow, Julie L.
- 2014MNRAS.445..213F
- The rich complexity of 21-cm fluctuations produced by the first stars
- Fialkov, Anastasia ; Barkana, Rennan
- 2014MNRAS.445..225C
- Verifying the mass-metallicity relation in damped Lyman α selected galaxies at 0.1 < z < 3.2
- Christensen, L. ; Moller, P. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Zafar, T.
- 2014MNRAS.445..239S
- Where do galaxies end? Comparing measurement techniques of hydrodynamic-simulation galaxies' integrated properties
- Stevens, Adam R.H. ; Martig, Marie (1) ; Croton, Darren J. ; Feng, Yu
- 2014MNRAS.445..256S
- Three-dimensional extinction mapping using Gaussian random fields
- Sale, S.E.; Magorrian, J.
- 2014MNRAS.445..270P
- The non-active stellar chromosphere: Caii basal flux
- Pérez Martínez, M.I. ; Schröder, K.-P. (1) ; Hauschildt, P.
- 2014MNRAS.445..280H
- Why z > 1 radio-loud galaxies are commonly located in protoclusters
- Hatch, N.A. ; Wylezalek, D. ; Kurk, J.D. ; Stern, D. ; De Breuck, C. ; Jarvis, M.J. (5) ; Galametz, A. (3) ; Gonzalez, A.H. ; Hartley, W.G. ; Mortlock, A. ; Seymour, N. (11) ; Stevens, J.A.
- 2014MNRAS.445..290G
- The radio/X-ray domain of black hole X-ray binaries at the lowest radio luminosities
- Gallo, E. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Russell, D.M. ; Jonker, P.G. (4) (5) ; Homan, J. ; Plotkin, R.M. ; Markoff, S. ; Miller, B.P. ; Corbel, S. ; Fender, R.P.
- 2014MNRAS.445..301V
- Effects of grain growth on the interstellar polarization curve
- Voshchinnikov, Nikolai V. ; Hirashita, Hiroyuki
- 2014MNRAS.445..309M
- KIC 2856960: the impossible triple star
- Marsh, T.R. ; Armstrong, D.J. ; Carter, P.J. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.445..320K
- The three discrete nulling time-scales of PSR J1717-4054
- Kerr, M. ; Hobbs, G. ; Shannon, R.M. ; Kiczynski, M. ; Hollow, R. ; Johnston, S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..330H
- The First Murchison Widefield Array low-frequency radio observations of cluster scale non-thermal emission: the case of Abell 3667
- Hindson, L. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Hurley-Walker, N. ; Buckley, K. ; Morgan, J. ; Carretti, E. ; Dwarakanath, K.S. ; Bell, M. (4) (6) ; Bernardi, G. (8) (9) ; Bhat, N.D.R. (2) ; Bowman, J.D. ; Briggs, F. (6) ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Corey, B.E. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; Emrich, D. ; Ewall-Wice, A. ; Feng, L. ; Gaensler, B.M. (6) ; Goeke, R. ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Jacobs, D. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Kasper, J.C. ; Kratzenberg, E. ; Kudryavtseva, N. ; Lenc, E. (6) ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; Lynch, M.J. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; McKinley, B. (6) ; Mitchell, D.A. (4) ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Oberoi, D. ; Ord, S.M. (2) ; Pindor, B. (6) ; Prabu, T. ; Procopio, P. (6) ; Offringa, A.R. (6) ; Riding, J. (6) ; Rogers, A.E.E. ; Roshi, A. ; Udaya Shankar, N.; Srivani, K.S. ; Subrahmanyan, R. (5) ; Tingay, S.J. (2) ; Waterson, M. (2) ; Wayth, R.B. (2) ; Webster, R.L. (6) ; Whitney, A.R. ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L.
- 2014MNRAS.445..347K
- Helium enrichment and carbon-star production in metal-rich populations
- Karakas, Amanda I.
- 2014MNRAS.445..359B
- Line-driven radiative outflows in luminous quasars
- Bowler, Rebecca A.A. (1) ; Hewett, Paul C. ; Allen, James T. (1) ; Ferland, Gary J. (4)
- 2014MNRAS.445..378B
- Constraining globular cluster formation through studies of young massive clusters - IV. Testing the fast rotating massive star scenario
- Bastian, N.; Hollyhead, K.; Cabrera-Ziri, I.
- 2014MNRAS.445..385C
- New possible class of neutron stars: hot and fast non-accreting rotators
- Chugunov, A.I. ; Gusakov, M.E. (1) ; Kantor, E.M.
- 2014MNRAS.445..392R
- POAMI: a Photon Orbital Momentum Interferometer for residual starlight cancellation in vectorial vortex coronagraphy
- Riaud, Pierre (1)
- 2014MNRAS.445..402H
- 2MTF - IV. A bulk flow measurement of the local Universe
- Hong, Tao (1) (2) ; Springob, Christopher M. (2) (3) ; Staveley-Smith, Lister (2) ; Scrimgeour, Morag I. (2) (3) (5) ; Masters, Karen L. (7) ; Macri, Lucas M. ; Koribalski, Bärbel S. ; Jones, D.Heath ; Jarrett, Tom H.
- 2014MNRAS.445..414S
- Feeding versus feedback in AGN from near-infrared IFU observations: the case of Mrk 766
- Schönell, Astor J. Jr ; Riffel, Rogemar A. ; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Winge, Claudia
- 2014MNRAS.445..428M
- Time correlation between the radio and gamma-ray activity in blazars and the production site of the gamma-ray emission
- Max-Moerbeck, W. (1) ; Hovatta, T. (1) ; Richards, J.L. ; King, O.G. ; Pearson, T.J. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reeves, R. (1) ; Shepherd, M.C. ; Stevenson, M.A. ; Angelakis, E. ; Fuhrmann, L. ; Grainge, K.J.B. ; Pavlidou, V. (1) (6) ; Romani, R.W. ; Zensus, J.A.
- 2014MNRAS.445..437M
- A method for the estimation of the significance of cross-correlations in unevenly sampled red-noise time series
- Max-Moerbeck, W. (1) ; Richards, J.L. ; Hovatta, T. (1) ; Pavlidou, V. (1) (5) ; Pearson, T.J. ; Readhead, A.C.S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..460G
- A measurement of the millimetre emission and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect associated with low-frequency radio sources
- Gralla, Megan B. ; Crichton, Devin ; Marriage, Tobias A. ; Mo, Wenli (1) ; Aguirre, Paula ; Addison, Graeme E. ; Asboth, V. ; Battaglia, Nick ; Bock, James (6) ; Bond, J.Richard ; Devlin, Mark J. ; Dünner, Rolando ; Hajian, Amir ; Halpern, Mark ; Hilton, Matt (10) ; Hincks, Adam D. ; Hlozek, Renée A. ; Huffenberger, Kevin M. ; Hughes, John P. ; Ivison, R.J. (15) ; Kosowsky, Arthur ; Lin, Yen-Ting ; Marsden, Danica ; Menanteau, Felipe ; Moodley, Kavilan ; Morales, Gustavo ; Niemack, Michael D. ; Oliver, Seb ; Page, Lyman A. ; Partridge, Bruce ; Reese, Erik D. (9) ; Rojas, Felipe ; Sehgal, Neelima ; Sievers, Jon (10) ; Sifón, Cristóbal ; Spergel, David N. ; Staggs, Suzanne T. ; Switzer, Eric R. (8) ; Viero, Marco P. ; Wollack, Edward J. ; Zemcov, Michael B. (6)
- 2014MNRAS.445..479C
- On the formation of planetary systems via oligarchic growth in thermally evolving viscous discs
- Coleman, Gavin A.L.; Nelson, Richard P.
- 2014MNRAS.445..500N
- Astrometric performance of the Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system in crowded fields
- Neichel, Benoit (1) ; Lu, Jessica R. ; Rigaut, François ; Ammons, S.Mark ; Carrasco, Eleazar R. ; Lassalle, Emmanuel
- 2014MNRAS.445..515K
- SDSS1133: an unusually persistent transient in a nearby dwarf galaxy
- Koss, Michael (1) ; Blecha, Laura ; Mushotzky, Richard ; Hung, Chao Ling ; Veilleux, Sylvain ; Trakhtenbrot, Benny ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Stern, Daniel ; Smith, Nathan ; Li, Yanxia ; Man, Allison ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Mauerhan, Jon C. ; Stanek, Kris ; Sanders, David
- 2014MNRAS.445..528K
- Some implications of inverse-Compton scattering of hot cocoon radiation by relativistic jets in gamma-ray bursts
- Kumar, Pawan ; Smoot, George F. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.445..544S
- The critical radiation intensity for direct collapse black hole formation: dependence on the radiation spectral shape
- Sugimura, Kazuyuki ; Omukai, Kazuyuki ; Inoue, Akio K.
- 2014MNRAS.445..554F
- A sample of Type II-L supernovae
- Faran, T. ; Poznanski, D. ; Filippenko, A.V. ; Chornock, R. ; Foley, R.J. ; Ganeshalingam, M. (2) ; Leonard, D.C. ; Li, W. ; Modjaz, M. ; Serduke, F.J.D. ; Silverman, J.M.
- 2014MNRAS.445..570P
- Implications of a PeV neutrino spectral cut-off in gamma-ray burst models
- Petropoulou, M. ; Giannios, D. ; Dimitrakoudis, S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..581H
- Galaxies on FIRE (Feedback In Realistic Environments): stellar feedback explains cosmologically inefficient star formation
- Hopkins, Philip F. (1) ; Keres, Dusan ; Oñorbe, José ; Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André (2) ; Quataert, Eliot ; Murray, Norman ; Bullock, James S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..604W
- Emission mechanism of GeV-quiet soft gamma-ray pulsars: a case for peculiar geometry ?
- Wang, Y.; Ng, C.W.; Takata, J.; Leung, Gene C.K.; Cheng, K.S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..614W
- Cosmological simulations of decaying dark matter: implications for small-scale structure of dark matter haloes
- Wang, Mei-Yu (1) ; Peter, Annika H.G. (3) ; Strigari, Louis E. ; Zentner, Andrew R. ; Arant, Bryan ; Garrison-Kimmel, Shea ; Rocha, Miguel
- 2014MNRAS.445..630P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/630)
- The properties of early-type galaxies in the Ursa Major cluster
- Pak, Mina ; Rey, Soo-Chang ; Lisker, Thorsten ; Lee, Youngdae ; Kim, Suk ; Sung, Eon-Chang ; Jerjen, Helmut ; Chung, Jiwon
- 2014MNRAS.445..648P
- Effects of shear and rotation on the spherical collapse model for clustering dark energy
- Pace, Francesco ; Batista, Ronaldo C. ; Del Popolo, Antonino (3)
- 2014MNRAS.445..660Z
- Post-merger evolution of carbon-oxygen + helium white dwarf binaries and the origin of R Coronae Borealis and extreme helium stars
- Zhang, Xianfei ; Jeffery, C.Simon (1) ; Chen, Xuefei (3) ; Han, Zhanwen (3)
- 2014MNRAS.445..674C
- On the effects of subvirial initial conditions and the birth temperature of R136
- Caputo, Daniel P.; de Vries, Nathan; Portegies Zwart, Simon
- 2014MNRAS.445..686J
- The impact of reionization on the formation of supermassive black hole seeds
- Johnson, Jarrett L. ; Whalen, Daniel J. ; Agarwal, Bhaskar ; Paardekooper, Jan-Pieter ; Khochfar, Sadegh
- 2014MNRAS.445..694T
- Statistical and systematic uncertainties in pixel-based source reconstruction algorithms for gravitational lensing
- Tagore, Amitpal S.; Keeton, Charles R.
- 2014MNRAS.445..711S
- Abundance stratification in Type Ia supernovae - IV. The luminous, peculiar SN 1991T
- Sasdelli, Michele ; Mazzali, P.A. (1) (2) ; Pian, E. (4) ; Nomoto, K. ; Hachinger, S. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Benetti, S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..726C
- Intrinsic alignments of group and cluster galaxies in photometric surveys
- Chisari, Nora Elisa ; Mandelbaum, Rachel ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Huff, Eric M. ; Bahcall, Neta A.
- 2014MNRAS.445..749H
- Understanding the assembly of Kepler's compact planetary systems
- Hands, T.O.; Alexander, R.D.; Dehnen, W.
- 2014MNRAS.445..761M
- Intense bipolar structures from stratified helical dynamos
- Mitra, Dhrubaditya ; Brandenburg, A. (1) ; Kleeorin, N. (1) (3) ; Rogachevskii, I. (1) (3)
- 2014MNRAS.445..770J
- The mechanism of coherent radio emission in some classes of pulsar
- Jones, P.B.
- 2014MNRAS.445..778I
- A new determination of the primordial He abundance using the Hei λ10830 Å emission line: cosmological implications
- Izotov, Y.I. ; Thuan, T.X. ; Guseva, N.G.
- 2014MNRAS.445..794T
- Metal-line absorption around z ~ 2.4 star-forming galaxies in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey
- Turner, Monica L. ; Schaye, Joop ; Steidel, Charles C. ; Rudie, Gwen C. ; Strom, Allison L.
- 2014MNRAS.445..823H
- Do we expect most AGN to live in discs?
- Hopkins, Philip F. ; Kocevski, Dale D. ; Bundy, Kevin
- 2014MNRAS.445..835M
- HST optical polarimetry of the Vela pulsar and nebula
- Moran, P. ; Mignani, R.P. (2) ; Shearer, A.
- 2014MNRAS.445..845M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/845)
- On the implications of the Galactic aberration in proper motions for the Celestial Reference Frame
- Malkin, Zinovy (1)
- 2014MNRAS.445..850A
- Dark matter annihilation energy output and its effects on the high-z IGM
- Araya, Ignacio J. ; Padilla, Nelson D.
- 2014MNRAS.445..869Z
- X-ray observations of VY Scl-type nova-like binaries in the high and low state
- Zemko, P. ; Orio, M. (2) ; Mukai, K. (4) ; Shugarov, S. (6)
- 2014MNRAS.445..881C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/881)
- The Spitzer Local Volume Legacy (LVL) global optical photometry
- Cook, David O. ; Dale, Daniel A. ; Johnson, Benjamin D. ; Van Zee, Liese ; Lee, Janice C. ; Kennicutt, Robert C. (5) ; Calzetti, Daniela ; Staudaher, Shawn M. ; Engelbracht, Charles W.
- 2014MNRAS.445..890C
- Empirical ugri-UBVRc transformations for galaxies
- Cook, David O. ; Dale, Daniel A. ; Johnson, Benjamin D. ; Van Zee, Liese ; Lee, Janice C. ; Kennicutt, Robert C. (5) ; Calzetti, Daniela ; Staudaher, Shawn M. ; Engelbracht, Charles W.
- 2014MNRAS.445..899C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/899)
- Spitzer Local Volume Legacy (LVL) SEDs and physical properties
- Cook, David O. ; Dale, Daniel A. ; Johnson, Benjamin D. ; Van Zee, Liese ; Lee, Janice C. ; Kennicutt, Robert C. (5) ; Calzetti, Daniela ; Staudaher, Shawn M. ; Engelbracht, Charles W.
- 2014MNRAS.445..913D
- Methanol along the path from envelope to protoplanetary disc
- Drozdovskaya, Maria N. ; Walsh, Catherine ; Visser, Ruud ; Harsono, Daniel (1) ; van Dishoeck, Ewine F. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.445..930C
- Connecting the dots: a versatile model for the atmospheres of tidally locked Super-Earths
- Carone, L. ; Keppens, R. ; Decin, L.
- 2014MNRAS.445..946C
- Super-Nyquist asteroseismology of solar-like oscillators with Kepler and K2 - expanding the asteroseismic cohort at the base of the red giant branch
- Chaplin, W.J. (1) ; Elsworth, Y. (1) ; Davies, G.R. (1) ; Campante, T.L. (1) ; Handberg, R. (1) ; Miglio, A. (1) ; Basu, S.
- 2014MNRAS.445..955B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/445/955)
- The cosmic evolution of radio-AGN feedback to z = 1
- Best, P.N. ; Ker, L.M. ; Simpson, C. ; Rigby, E.E. ; Sabater, J.
- 2014MNRAS.445..970D
- Elemental abundances in Milky Way-like galaxies from a hierarchical galaxy formation model
- De Lucia, Gabriella ; Tornatore, Luca ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Helmi, Amina ; Navarro, Julio F. ; White, Simon D.M.
- 2014MNRAS.445..988N
- The cosmic web of the Local Universe: cosmic variance, matter content and its relation to galaxy morphology
- Nuza, Sebastián E.; Kitaura, Francisco-Shu; Hess, Steffen; Libeskind, Noam I.; Müller, Volker
- 2014MNRAS.445.1003L
- Probing the interstellar medium of NGC 1569 with Herschel
- Lianou, S. ; Barmby, P. ; Rémy-Ruyer, A. (2) ; Madden, S.C. ; Galliano, F. ; Lebouteiller, V.
- 2014MNRAS.445.1023R
- Supernova blast wave within a stellar cluster outflow
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- 2014MNRAS.445.1031S
- Reversibility of time series: revealing the hidden messages in X-ray binaries and cataclysmic variables
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- 2014MNRAS.445.1039P
- A partial eclipse of the heart: the absorbed X-ray low state in Mrk 1048
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- The effects of orbital inclination on the scale size and evolution of tidally filling star clusters
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- 2014MNRAS.445.1056V
- Direct collapse black hole formation from synchronized pairs of atomic cooling haloes
- Visbal, Eli; Haiman, Zoltán; Bryan, Greg L.
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