Monthly Notices of the RAS 443
October(I) 2014
- 2014MNRAS.443.2831C
- Spectroscopy of z ∼ 7 candidate galaxies: using Lyman α to constrain the neutral fraction of hydrogen in the high-redshift universe
- Caruana, Joseph (1) ; Bunker, Andrew J. (2) ; Wilkins, Stephen M. (2) ; Stanway, Elizabeth R. ; Lorenzoni, Silvio (2) ; Jarvis, Matt J. (2) ; Ebert, Holly
- 2014MNRAS.443.2843M
- On the use of seminumerical simulations in predicting the 21-cm signal from the epoch of reionization
- Majumdar, Suman ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Datta, Kanan K. ; Jensen, Hannes ; Choudhury, T.Roy ; Bharadwaj, Somnath ; Friedrich, Martina M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.2862A
- Black hole spin and size of the X-ray-emitting region(s) in the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy ESO 362-G18
- Agís-González, B. ; Miniutti, G. ; Kara, E. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Sanfrutos, M. ; Risaliti, G. (3) ; Bianchi, S. ; Strotjohann, N.L. ; Saxton, R.D. ; Parker, M.L.
- 2014MNRAS.443.2874M
- Disentangling interacting dark energy cosmologies with the three-point correlation function
- Moresco, Michele ; Marulli, Federico (1) (2) ; Baldi, Marco (1) (2) ; Moscardini, Lauro (1) (2) ; Cimatti, Andrea
- 2014MNRAS.443.2887F
- Extensive HST ultraviolet spectra and multiwavelength observations of SN 2014J in M82 indicate reddening and circumstellar scattering by typical dust
- Foley, Ryan J. (1) ; Fox, O.D. ; McCully, C. ; Phillips, M.M. ; Sand, D.J. ; Zheng, W. ; Challis, P. ; Filippenko, A.V. ; Folatelli, G. ; Hillebrandt, W. ; Hsiao, E.Y. ; Jha, S.W. ; Kirshner, R.P. ; Kromer, M. ; Marion, G.H. ; Nelson, M. ; Pakmor, R. ; Pignata, G. (14) ; Röpke, F.K. ; Seitenzahl, I.R. ; Silverman, J.M. ; Skrutskie, M. ; Stritzinger, M.D.
- 2014MNRAS.443.2907S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/2907)
- A 3D extinction map of the northern Galactic plane based on IPHAS photometry
- Sale, S.E. ; Drew, J.E. ; Barentsen, G. ; Farnhill, H.J. ; Raddi, R. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Eislöffel, J. ; Vink, J.S. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. (7) ; Wright, N.J.
- 2014MNRAS.443.2923T
- A search for water masers associated with class II methanol masers - I. Longitude range 6°-20°
- Titmarsh, A.M. (1) ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Breen, S.L. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Voronkov, M.A.
- 2014MNRAS.443.2940H
- Quasi-simultaneous multicolour optical variability of S5 0716+714
- Hu, Shao Ming (1) ; Chen, X. (1) ; Guo, D.F. (1) ; Jiang, Y.G. (1) ; Li, K. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.2950W
- Model-independent measurements of cosmic expansion and growth at z = 0.57 using the anisotropic clustering of CMASS galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 9
- Wang, Yun
- 2014MNRAS.443.2957B
- Dynamical resonance locking in tidally interacting binary systems
- Burkart, Joshua ; Quataert, Eliot (1) ; Arras, Phil
- 2014MNRAS.443.2974P
- Some optical properties of graphite from IR to millimetric wavelengths
- Papoular, Robert J. ; Papoular, Renaud
- 2014MNRAS.443.2983S
- A measurement of the Alcock-Paczynski effect using cosmic voids in the SDSS
- Sutter, P.M. (1) (2) ; Pisani, Alice (1) ; Wandelt, Benjamin D. (1) (2) (4) ; Weinberg, David H. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.443.2991F
- Trapping in water - an important prerequisite for complex reactivity in astrophysical ices: the case of acetone (CH3)2C = O and ammonia NH3
- Fresneau, Aurélien ; Danger, Grégoire ; Rimola, Albert ; Theule, Patrice ; Duvernay, Fabrice ; Chiavassa, Thierry
- 2014MNRAS.443.3001Z
- Inverse Compton light curves of blazars under non-linear, time-dependent synchrotron-self Compton cooling
- Zacharias, M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3022A
- OMC/INTEGRAL photometric observations of pulsating components in eclipsing binaries and characterization of DY Aqr
- Alfonso-Garzón, J. ; Montesinos, B. ; Moya, A. ; Mas-Hesse, J.M. ; Martín-Ruiz, S.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3033R
- Champagne flutes and brandy snifters: modelling protostellar outflow-cloud chemical interfaces
- Rollins, R.P. ; Rawlings, J.M.C. ; Williams, D.A. ; Redman, M.P.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3044Z
- Galaxy assembly bias: a significant source of systematic error in the galaxy-halo relationship
- Zentner, Andrew R. ; Hearin, Andrew P. ; van den Bosch, Frank C.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3068B
- HD 183648: a Kepler eclipsing binary with anomalous ellipsoidal variations and a pulsating component
- Borkovits, T. (1) (2) ; Derekas, A. (2) ; Fuller, J. ; Szabó, Gy.M. (2) ; Pavlovski, K. ; Csák, B. ; Dózsa, Á. ; Kovács, J. ; Szabó, R. ; Hambleton, K.M. (6) ; Kinemuchi, K. ; Kolbas, V. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Maloney, F. ; Prsa, A. ; Southworth, J. ; Sztakovics, J. ; Bíró, I.B. ; Jankovics, I.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3082T
- The quadruple system ADS 1652
- Tokovinin, A. ; Gorynya, N.A. (2) ; Morrell, N.I.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3090W
- Distinguishing models of reionization using future radio observations of 21-cm 1-point statistics
- Watkinson, C.A.; Pritchard, J.R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3107L
- The nature of assembly bias - III. Observational properties
- Lacerna, Ivan ; Padilla, Nelson (2) ; Stasyszyn, Federico (4)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3118S
- Constraints on the galaxy `main sequence' at z > 5: the stellar mass of HDF850.1
- Serjeant, Stephen; Marchetti, Lucia
- 2014MNRAS.443.3127I
- Reaction channels and spectroscopic constants of astrophysical relevant Silicon bearing molecules SiC3H,+ and SiC3H
- Inostroza Pino, N. ; Cardenas, C. ; Fuentealba, P.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3134P
- Neutrino-driven winds from neutron star merger remnants
- Perego, A. (1) ; Rosswog, S. ; Cabezón, R.M. ; Korobkin, O. ; Käppeli, R. ; Arcones, A. ; Liebendörfer, M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3157C
- A high-resolution study of complex organic molecules in hot cores
- Calcutt, Hannah ; Viti, Serena ; Codella, Claudio ; Beltrán, Maria T. ; Fontani, Francesco ; Woods, Paul M. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3174B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/3174)
- 1000 cataclysmic variables from the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
- Breedt, E. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Drake, A.J. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. (3) ; Parsons, S.G. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Szkody, P. ; Schreiber, M.R. ; Djorgovski, S.G.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3208D
- Some like it triaxial: the universality of dark matter halo shapes and their evolution along the cosmic time
- Despali, Giulia ; Giocoli, Carlo (2) (3) ; Tormen, Giuseppe
- 2014MNRAS.443.3218M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/3218)
- NGC 7538: multiwavelength study of stellar cluster regions associated with IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 sources
- Mallick, K.K. ; Ojha, D.K. ; Tamura, M. ; Pandey, A.K. ; Dib, S. (4) ; Ghosh, S.K. (1) ; Sunada, K. ; Zinchenko, I. (8) ; Pirogov, L. (8) ; Tsujimoto, M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3238P
- Real-space density profile reconstruction of stacked voids
- Pisani, A. (1) ; Lavaux, G. (1) (2) (3) (4) ; Sutter, P.M. (1) (2) (6) ; Wandelt, B.D. (1) (2)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3251G
- Stellar differential rotation and coronal time-scales
- Gibb, G.P.S. ; Jardine, M.M. ; Mackay, D.H.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3260W
- The void in the Sculptor group spiral galaxy NGC 247
- Wagner-Kaiser, R. ; De Maio, T. ; Sarajedini, A. ; Chakrabarti, S.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3270M
- Black hole-like hysteresis and accretion states in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries
- Muñoz-Darias, T. (1) ; Fender, R.P. (1) ; Motta, S.E. ; Belloni, T.M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3284R
- Ram-pressure balance surfaces for an outwardly accelerating stellar wind bow shock
- Raga, A.C. (1) ; Cantó, J. ; Koenigsberger, G. ; Esquivel, A. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3289G
- General formulation for the calibration and characterization of narrow-gap etalons: the OSIRIS/GTC tunable filters case
- González, J.J. ; Cepa, J. (2) ; González-Serrano, J.I. ; Sánchez-Portal, M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3302D
- Pre-main-sequence accretion and the formation of multiple populations in globular clusters
- D'Antona, Francesca ; Ventura, Paolo ; Decressin, Thibaut ; Vesperini, Enrico ; D'Ercole, Annibale
- 2014MNRAS.443.3309M
- LoCuSS: the near-infrared luminosity and weak-lensing mass scaling relation of galaxy clusters
- Mulroy, Sarah L. ; Smith, Graham P. ; Haines, Chris P. (1) (2) ; Marrone, Daniel P. ; Okabe, Nobuhiro ; Pereira, Maria J. ; Egami, Eiichi ; Babul, Arif ; Finoguenov, Alexis (6) ; Martino, Rossella (8)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3318S
- Molecular hydrogen from z = 0.0963 DLA towards the QSO J1619+3342
- Srianand, R. ; Rahmani, H. (1) ; Muzahid, S. ; Mohan, V.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3327G
- Large-scale clustering measurements with photometric redshifts: comparing the dark matter haloes of X-ray AGN, star-forming and passive galaxies at z ~ 1
- Georgakakis, A. (1) ; Mountrichas, G. ; Salvato, M. ; Rosario, D. ; Pérez-González, P.G. (3) ; Lutz, D. ; Nandra, K. ; Coil, A. ; Cooper, M.C. ; Newman, J.A. ; Berta, S. ; Magnelli, B. ; Popesso, P. ; Pozzi, F.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3341J
- A physical model for the redshift evolution of high-z Lyman-break galaxies
- Jose, Charles; Srianand, Raghunathan; Subramanian, Kandaswamy
- 2014MNRAS.443.3351L
- New insights on the HCl abundance in the interstellar medium
- Lanza, M. ; Kalugina, Y. (1) ; Wiesenfeld, L. ; Faure, A. ; Lique, F.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3359I
- On the systematic errors of cosmological-scale gravity tests using redshift-space distortion: non-linear effects and the halo bias
- Ishikawa, Takashi ; Totani, Tomonori (1) ; Nishimichi, Takahiro (3) ; Takahashi, Ryuichi ; Yoshida, Naoki (3) ; Tonegawa, Motonari (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3368M
- The Brazil nut effect and its application to asteroids
- Matsumura, Soko (1) ; Richardson, Derek C. ; Michel, Patrick ; Schwartz, Stephen R. (2) ; Ballouz, Ronald-Louis
- 2014MNRAS.443.3381P
- Dwarf galaxies in the Perseus Cluster: further evidence for a disc origin for dwarf ellipticals
- Penny, Samantha J. (1) ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Pimbblet, Kevin A. (1) (2) ; Floyd, David J.E. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3388S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/3388)
- First release of the IPHAS catalogue of new extended planetary nebulae
- Sabin, L. ; Parker, Q.A. (2) (3) ; Corradi, R.L.M (5) ; Guzman-Ramirez, L. ; Morris, R.A.H. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Bojicic, I.S. (2) (3) ; Frew, D.J. (2) ; Guerrero, M. ; Stupar, M. (2) ; Barlow, M.J. ; Cortés Mora, F. ; Drew, J.E. ; Greimel, R. ; Groot, P. ; Irwin, J.M. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Mampaso, A. (5) ; Miszalski, B. (17) ; Olguín, L. ; Phillipps, S. ; Santander García, M. (20) ; Viironen, K. ; Wright, N.J.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3402G
- Infrared spectroscopy of asymptotic giant branch stars in the Galactic bulge
- Golriz, S.S. ; Blommaert, J.A.D.L. (2) ; Vanhollebeke, E. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T. ; Habing, H.J. ; Kemper, F. ; Schultheis, M. ; Tielens, A.G.G.M. ; Waters, L.B.F.M. (8) ; Wood, P.R. ; Cami, J. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3435D
- Low-mass galaxy formation and the ionizing photon budget during reionization
- Duffy, Alan R. (1) ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Mutch, Simon J. ; Poole, Gregory B.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3444K
- Dissipative advective accretion disc solutions with variable adiabatic index around black holes
- Kumar, Rajiv; Chattopadhyay, Indranil
- 2014MNRAS.443.3463S
- In a hot bubble: why does superbubble feedback work, but isolated supernovae do not?
- Sharma, Prateek ; Roy, Arpita (1) ; Nath, Biman B. ; Shchekinov, Yuri
- 2014MNRAS.443.3477C
- Asteroseismology of DAV star EC14012-1446, mode identification and model fittings
- Chen, Y.H. (1) (2) ; Li, Y. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3486T
- Formation and X-ray emission from hot bubbles in planetary nebulae - I. Hot bubble formation
- Toalá, J.A. ; Arthur, S.J.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3506B
- Carbon monoxide intensity mapping at moderate redshifts
- Breysse, Patrick C. ; Kovetz, Ely D. ; Kamionkowski, Marc
- 2014MNRAS.443.3513S
- Treatment of realistic tidal field in Monte Carlo simulations of star clusters
- Sollima, A. ; Mastrobuono Battisti, A.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3528S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/3528)
- Automatic detection and quantitative assessment of peculiar galaxy pairs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Shamir, Lior ; Wallin, John
- 2014MNRAS.443.3538H
- Higher prevalence of X-ray selected AGN in intermediate-age galaxies up to z ∼ 1
- Hernán-Caballero, Antonio ; Alonso-Herrero, Almudena ; Pérez-González, Pablo G. (2) ; Barro, Guillermo ; Aird, James ; Ferreras, Ignacio ; Cava, Antonio ; Cardiel, Nicolás ; Esquej, Pilar ; Gallego, Jesús ; Nandra, Kirpal ; Rodríguez-Zaurín, Javier (9)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3550C
- Measuring deviation from centrosymmetry for a source brightness distribution observed by spectro-interferometry
- Cruzalèbes, P. ; Jorissen, A. ; Rabbia, Y. ; Chiavassa, A. ; Paladini, C. ; Sacuto, S. ; Siopis, C. ; Sadowski, G. ; Spang, A. ; Chesneau, O.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3564D
- An efficient Fokker-Planck solver and its application to stochastic particle acceleration in galaxy clusters
- Donnert, J.; Brunetti, G.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3578N
- Clustering of LAT light curves: a clue to the origin of high-energy emission in gamma-ray bursts
- Nava, L. (1) ; Vianello, G. ; Omodei, N. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Celotti, A. (4) (5) ; Longo, F. (6) ; Desiante, R. (7) ; Barniol Duran, R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3586S
- Anisotropic neutrino effect on magnetar spin: constraint on inner toroidal field
- Suwa, Yudai ; Enoto, Teruaki (2)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3594B
- Constraining globular cluster formation through studies of young massive clusters - III. A lack of gas and dust in massive stellar clusters in the LMC and SMC
- Bastian, N. ; Strader, J.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3601L
- An extremely optically dim tidal feature in the gas-rich interacting galaxy group NGC 871/NGC 876/NGC 877
- Lee-Waddell, K. (1) ; Spekkens, K. ; Cuillandre, J.-C. ; Cannon, J. ; Haynes, M.P. ; Sick, J. ; Chandra, P. ; Patra, N. ; Stierwalt, S. ; Giovanelli, R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3612S
- Clustering tomography: measuring cosmological distances through angular clustering in thin redshift shells
- Salazar-Albornoz, Salvador (1) (2) ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Padilla, Nelson D. (3) (4) ; Baugh, Carlton M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3624B
- Possible spatial asymmetry in semiregular variable UZ Arietis
- Baug, Tapas; Chandrasekhar, T.; Ganesh, Shashikiran
- 2014MNRAS.443.3631M
- A new hybrid framework to efficiently model lines of sight to gravitational lenses
- McCully, Curtis ; Keeton, Charles R. ; Wong, Kenneth C. (2) ; Zabludoff, Ann I.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3643P
- From haloes to Galaxies - I. The dynamics of the gas regulator model and the implied cosmic sSFR history
- Peng, Ying-jie (1) ; Maiolino, Roberto (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3665K
- Quantitative analysis of night skyglow amplification under cloudy conditions
- Kocifaj, Miroslav (1) ; Solano Lamphar, Héctor Antonio (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3675M
- The population of giant clumps in simulated high-z galaxies: in situ and ex situ migration and survival
- Mandelker, Nir ; Dekel, Avishai ; Ceverino, Daniel ; Tweed, Dylan ; Moody, Christopher E. ; Primack, Joel
- 2014MNRAS.443.3703C
- Numerical analysis of non-local convection
- Cai, Tao
- 2014MNRAS.443.3712H
- Dark matter in disc galaxies - II. Density profiles as constraints on feedback scenarios
- Hague, P.R.; Wilkinson, M.I.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3728S
- Linking the X-ray and infrared properties of star-forming galaxies at z < 1.5
- Symeonidis, M. (1) ; Georgakakis, A. ; Page, M.J. ; Bock, J. (4) ; Bonzini, M. ; Buat, V. ; Farrah, D. (8) ; Franceschini, A. ; Ibar, E. ; Lutz, D. ; Magnelli, B. ; Magdis, G. ; Oliver, S.J. ; Pannella, M. (14) ; Paolillo, M. (16) ; Rosario, D. ; Roseboom, I.G. ; Vaccari, M. ; Villforth, C. (20)
- 2014MNRAS.443.3741L
- A Bayesian blind survey for cold molecular gas in the Universe
- Lentati, L. ; Carilli, C. (1) ; Alexander, P. ; Walter, F. ; Decarli, R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3752L
- Measuring pulse times of arrival from broad-band pulsar observations
- Liu, K. (1) ; Desvignes, G. ; Cognard, I. (1) ; Stappers, B.W. ; Verbiest, J.P.W. (3) ; Lee, K.J. (3) ; Champion, D.J. ; Kramer, M. (3) ; Freire, P.C.C. ; Karuppusamy, R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3761P
- Probing reionization using quasar near-zones at redshift z ∼ 6
- Padmanabhan, Hamsa ; Choudhury, T.Roy ; Srianand, R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3780W
- Dynamics and metallicity of far-infrared selected galaxies
- Williams, R.J. (1) ; Maiolino, R. (1) ; Santini, P. ; Marconi, A. ; Cresci, G. ; Mannucci, F. ; Lutz, D.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3795R
- Spectroscopy of 7 radio-loud QSOs at 2 < z < 6: giant Lyman α emission nebulae accreting on to host galaxies
- Roche, Nathan ; Humphrey, Andrew (1) ; Binette, Luc
- 2014MNRAS.443.3809B
- MaGICC baryon cycle: the enrichment history of simulated disc galaxies
- Brook, C.B. ; Stinson, G. ; Gibson, B.K. (3) ; Shen, S. ; Macciò, A.V. ; Obreja, A. ; Wadsley, J. ; Quinn, T.
- 2014MNRAS.443.3819G
- Polarization maser observations of late-type stars at OH 1665 and 1667 MHz
- Gonidakis, I. ; Chapman, J.M. ; Deacon, R.M. (1) (2) ; Green, A.J.
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