Monthly Notices of the RAS 443
September(II) 2014

A K-band spectral mini-survey of Galactic B[e] stars
Liermann, A. (1) ; Schnurr, O. ; Kraus, M. ; Kreplin, A. ; Arias, M.L. (4) ; Cidale, L.S. (4)
Lensing model of MACS J1149.5+2223 - I. Cluster mass reconstruction
Rau, S.; Vegetti, S.; White, S.D.M.
Cosmological constraints from the double source plane lens SDSSJ0946+1006
Collett, Thomas E.; Auger, Matthew W.
Which physics determines the location of the mean molecular weight minimum in red giants?
Church, Ross P. (1) ; Lattanzio, John ; Angelou, George ; Tout, Christopher A. (2) ; Stancliffe, Richard J.
The First Billion Years project: dark matter haloes going from contraction to expansion and back again
Davis, Andrew J. ; Khochfar, Sadegh (1) ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio (1) (3)
The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies - I. A new test of galaxy formation physics
Lagos, Claudia del P. ; Davis, Timothy A. ; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Zwaan, Martin A. ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Gonzalez-Perez, Violeta ; Padilla, Nelson D.
Line and continuum radiative transfer modelling of AA Tau
Esau, Claire F. ; Harries, Tim J. ; Bouvier, Jerome
2014MNRAS.443.1044M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1044)
2MTF III. Hi 21 cm observations of 1194 spiral galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope
Masters, Karen L. (1) ; Crook, Aidan ; Hong, Tao (4) (5) ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Koribalski, Bärbel S. ; Macri, Lucas ; Springob, Christopher M. (5) (6) ; Staveley-Smith, Lister (5)
Constraining white dwarf viscosity through tidal heating in detached binary systems
Dall'Osso, Simone ; Rossi, Elena M.
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: testing gravity with redshift space distortions using the power spectrum multipoles
Beutler, Florian ; Saito, Shun (1) (2) (3) ; Seo, Hee-Jong (5) ; Brinkmann, Jon ; Dawson, Kyle S. ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Font-Ribera, Andreu ; Ho, Shirley (10) ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Montesano, Francesco ; Percival, Will J. ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Ross, Nicholas P. (1) ; Samushia, Lado ; Schlegel, David J. ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Weaver, Benjamin A.
Cosmic web alignments with the shape, angular momentum and peculiar velocities of dark matter haloes
Forero-Romero, Jaime E. ; Contreras, Sergio (2) ; Padilla, Nelson (2) (3)
Outburst activity of the symbiotic system AG Dra
Hric, L. ; Gális, R. ; Leedjärv, L. ; Burmeister, M. ; Kundra, E.
Constraining the epoch of reionization with the variance statistic: simulations of the LOFAR case
Patil, Ajinkya H. ; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Chapman, Emma ; Jelic, Vibor (1) ; Harker, Geraint ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Asad, Khan M.B. ; Bernardi, Gianni ; Brentjens, Michiel A. ; de Bruyn, A.G. (1) ; Bus, Sander ; Ciardi, Benedetta ; Daiboo, Soobash ; Fernandez, Elizabeth R. ; Ghosh, Abhik ; Jensen, Hannes ; Kazemi, Sanaz ; Koopmans, Léon V.E. ; Labropoulos, Panagiotis ; Mevius, Maaijke (1) ; Martinez, Oscar ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Offringa, Andre R. (1) ; Pandey, Vishhambhar N. (1) ; Schaye, Joop ; Thomas, Rajat M. ; Vedantham, Harish K. ; Veligatla, Vamsikrishna ; Wijnholds, Stefan J. ; Yatawatta, Sarod (1)
AGN feedback models: correlations with star formation and observational implications of time evolution
Thacker, Robert J. ; MacMackin, C. ; Wurster, James ; Hobbs, Alexander
A high-resolution image of the inner shell of the P Cygni nebula in the infrared [Feii] line
Arcidiacono, C. ; Ragazzoni, R. ; Morossi, C. ; Franchini, M. ; Marcantonio, P.Di ; Kulesa, C. ; McCarthy, D. ; Briguglio, R. ; Xompero, M. ; Busoni, L. ; Quirós-Pacheco, F. ; Pinna, E. ; Boutsia, K. ; Paris, D.
2014MNRAS.443.1151N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1151)
The AIMSS Project - I. Bridging the star cluster-galaxy divide
Norris, Mark A. (1) ; Kannappan, Sheila J. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. (4) ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Faifer, Favio Raúl (6) ; Huxor, Avon ; Maraston, Claudia ; Moffett, Amanda J. ; Penny, Samantha J. ; Pota, Vincenzo ; Smith-Castelli, Analía (6) ; Strader, Jay ; Bradley, David ; Eckert, Kathleen D. ; Fohring, Dora (12) ; McBride, JoEllen ; Stark, David V. ; Vaduvescu, Ovidiu
SPHGal: smoothed particle hydrodynamics with improved accuracy for galaxy simulations
Hu, Chia-Yu ; Naab, Thorsten ; Walch, Stefanie (1) ; Moster, Benjamin P. (1) ; Oser, Ludwig
A three-dimensional extinction map of the Galactic anticentre from multiband photometry
Chen, B.-Q. ; Liu, X.-W. (1) ; Yuan, H.-B. ; Zhang, H.-H. ; Schultheis, M. ; Jiang, B.-W. ; Huang, Y. ; Xiang, M.-S. ; Zhao, H.-B. ; Yao, J.-S. ; Lu, H.
Decoding the X-ray properties of pre-reionization era sources
Mirocha, Jordan
On the spine-layer scenario for the very high-energy emission of NGC 1275
Tavecchio, F.; Ghisellini, G.
2014MNRAS.443.1231C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1231)
The 6dF Galaxy Survey: Fundamental Plane data
Campbell, Lachlan A. ; Lucey, John R. ; Colless, Matthew (1) ; Jones, D.Heath (1) ; Springob, Christopher M. (1) (5) ; Magoulas, Christina (1) ; Proctor, Robert N. ; Mould, Jeremy R. (7) ; Read, Mike A. ; Brough, Sarah ; Jarrett, Tom (11) ; Merson, Alex I. (2) ; Lah, Philip ; Beutler, Florian (5) ; Cluver, Michelle E. (1) ; Parker, Quentin A. (1)
Bayesian inferences of galaxy formation from the K-band luminosity and Hi mass functions of galaxies: constraining star formation and feedback
Lu, Yu ; Mo, H.J. ; Lu, Zhankui ; Katz, Neal ; Weinberg, Martin D.
Oscillatory behaviour of chromospheric fine structures in a network and a semi-active region
Bostanci, Zahide Funda (1) ; Gültekin, Asuman ; Al, Nurol
The universal nature of subhalo accretion
Libeskind, Noam I. ; Knebe, Alexander ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Gottlöber, Stefan
KK258, a new transition dwarf galaxy neighbouring the Local Group
Karachentsev, I.D. ; Makarova, L.N. ; Tully, R.B. ; Wu, Po-Feng ; Kniazev, A.Y. (3) (4)
Metallicity evolution of AGNs from UV emission lines based on a new index
Dors, Oli L.Jr ; Cardaci, Mónica V. (2) ; Hägele, Guillermo F. (2) ; Krabbe, Ângela C.
Laboratory study of sticking and desorption of H2 and its significance in the chemical evolution of dense interstellar medium
Acharyya, K.
Chaotic dynamics of the planet in HD 196885 AB
Satyal, S. ; Hinse, T.C. (2) ; Quarles, B. ; Noyola, J.P.
Stellar mergers are common
Kochanek, C.S. (1) ; Adams, Scott M. (1) ; Belczynski, Krzysztof (3)
The variation in molecular gas depletion time among nearby galaxies: what are the main parameter dependences ?
Huang, Mei-Ling ; Kauffmann, Guinevere
Radio-mode feedback in local AGNs: dependence on the central black hole parameters
Ishibashi, W. (1) ; Auger, M.W. ; Zhang, D. ; Fabian, A.C.
A study of the high-inclination population in the Kuiper belt - II. The Twotinos
Li, Jian; Zhou, Li-Yong; Sun, Yi-Sui
Theoretical modelling of emission-line galaxies: new classification parameters for mid-infrared and optical spectroscopy
Meléndez, M. ; Heckman, T.M. ; Martínez-Paredes, M. ; Kraemer, S.B. ; Mendoza, C.
Early X-ray emission from Type Ia supernovae originating from symbiotic progenitors or recurrent novae
Dimitriadis, Georgios (1) ; Chiotellis, Alexandros (1) ; Vink, Jacco (1)
A deconvolution extraction method for 2D multi-object fibre spectroscopy based on the regularized least-squares QR-factorization algorithm
Yu, Jian (1) (2) ; Yin, Qian ; Guo, Ping ; Luo, A-li
Parametric studies of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants
Kosenko, D. ; Ferrand, G. ; Decourchelle, A.
Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with moments of the large-scale density field
Mao, Qingqing ; Berlind, Andreas A. ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Scherrer, Robert J. ; Scoccimarro, Román ; Manera, Marc
Modulating the magnetosphere of magnetars by internal magneto-elastic oscillations
Gabler, Michael (1) ; Cerdá-Durán, Pablo ; Stergioulas, Nikolaos ; Font, José A. ; Müller, Ewald
Spectroscopy of red giants in the globular cluster Terzan 8: kinematics and evidence for the surrounding Sagittarius stream
Sollima, A. ; Carretta, E. ; D'Orazi, V. (2) ; Gratton, R.G. ; Bragaglia, A. ; Lucatello, S.
Parametrizing the stellar haloes of galaxies
D'Souza, Richard; Kauffman, Guinevere; Wang, Jing; Vegetti, Simona
Secular orbital evolution of planetary systems and the dearth of close-in planets around fast rotators
Lanza, A.F. ; Shkolnik, E.L.
Limitations in timing precision due to single-pulse shape variability in millisecond pulsars
Shannon, R.M. ; Oslowski, S. (2) ; Dai, S. (1) ; Bailes, M. ; Hobbs, G. ; Manchester, R.N. ; van Straten, W. ; Raithel, C.A. ; Ravi, V. (1) ; Toomey, L. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Coles, W.A. ; Keith, M.J. ; Kerr, M. ; Levin, Y. ; Sarkissian, J.M. ; Wang, J.-B. ; Wen, L. ; Zhu, X.-J.
Numerical modelling of the lobes of radio galaxies in cluster environments - II. Magnetic field configuration and observability
Hardcastle, M.J. ; Krause, M.G.H. (2)
Brightest cluster galaxies in cosmological simulations with adaptive mesh refinement: successes and failures
Martizzi, Davide ; Jimmy ; Teyssier, Romain ; Moore, Ben
A single radio-emitting nucleus in the dual AGN candidate NGC 5515
Gabányi, K.É. (1) ; Frey, S. ; Xiao, T. (4) ; Paragi, Z. ; An, T. (5) ; Kun, E. ; Gergely, L.Á. (1)
Angular momentum transport by stochastically excited oscillations in rapidly rotating massive stars
Lee, Umin ; Neiner, Coralie ; Mathis, Stéphane
Dynamical detection of three triple stellar systems in open clusters
González, J.F. ; Veramendi, M.E. ; Cowley, C.R.
The dynamics of a highly magnetized jet propagating inside a star
Bromberg, Omer (1) ; Granot, Jonathan ; Lyubarsky, Yuri ; Piran, Tsvi
2014MNRAS.443.1549J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1549)
Hubble Frontier Fields: a high-precision strong-lensing analysis of galaxy cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403 using ∼ 200 multiple images
Jauzac, M. (1) ; Clément, B. ; Limousin, M. (4) ; Richard, J. ; Jullo, E. ; Ebeling, H. ; Atek, H. ; Kneib, J.-P. (4) ; Knowles, K. ; Natarajan, P. ; Eckert, D. ; Egami, E. ; Massey, R. ; Rexroth, M.
2014MNRAS.443.1555U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1555)
ATLASGAL - towards a complete sample of massive star forming clumps
Urquhart, J.S. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Csengeri, T. ; Wyrowski, F. ; Schuller, F. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Menten, K.M. ; Walmsley, C.M. (7) ; Bronfman, L. ; Pfalzner, S. ; König, C. ; Wienen, M.
The Herschel view of circumstellar discs: a multiwavelength study of Chamaeleon-I
Rodgers-Lee, Donna ; Scholz, Alexander (1) ; Natta, Antonella (1) ; Ray, Tom
On the Markovian assumption in the excursion set approach: the approximation of Markovian Velocities
Musso, Marcello ; Sheth, Ravi K. (2)
2014MNRAS.443.1614P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1614)
Young stellar population of bright-rimmed clouds BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39
Panwar, Neelam (1) ; Chen, W.P. ; Pandey, A.K. ; Samal, M.R. ; Ogura, K. ; Ojha, D.K. ; Jose, J. ; Bhatt, B.C.
2014MNRAS.443.1629S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1629)
Interferometry of chemically peculiar stars: theoretical predictions versus modern observing facilities
Shulyak, D. ; Paladini, C. ; Li Causi, G. ; Perraut, K. (4) ; Kochukhov, O.
Bright fireballs associated with the potentially hazardous asteroid 2007LQ19
Madiedo, José M. ; Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. ; Ortiz, José L. ; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J. ; Cabrera-Caño, Jesús
SPINN: a straightforward machine learning solution to the pulsar candidate selection problem
Morello, V. (1) ; Barr, E.D. (1) ; Bailes, M. (1) ; Flynn, C.M. ; Keane, E.F. (1) ; van Straten, W. (1)
Supernova SN 2012dn: a spectroscopic clone of SN 2006gz
Chakradhari, N.K. ; Sahu, D.K. ; Srivastav, S. ; Anupama, G.C.
Probing the anisotropic expansion from supernovae and GRBs in a model-independent way
Wang, J.S. (1) ; Wang, F.Y. (1)
Balancing mass and momentum in the Local Group
Diaz, J.D.; Koposov, S.E.; Irwin, M.; Belokurov, V.; Evans, N.W.
Constraining dust formation in high-redshift young galaxies
Hirashita, Hiroyuki ; Ferrara, Andrea ; Dayal, Pratika ; Ouchi, Masami
Orientation bias of optically selected galaxy clusters and its impact on stacked weak-lensing analyses
Dietrich, Jörg P. (1) (2) ; Zhang, Yuanyuan ; Song, Jeeseon ; Davis, Christopher P. (3) (4) (5) ; McKay, Timothy A. (3) ; Baruah, Leon ; Becker, Matthew (4) (5) ; Benoist, Christophe (9) ; Busha, Michael (4) (5) ; da Costa, Luiz A.N. (10) ; Hao, Jiangang ; Maia, Marcio A.G. (10) ; Miller, Christopher J. ; Ogando, Ricardo (10) ; Romer, A.Kathy ; Rozo, Eduardo (4) ; Rykoff, Eli (4) ; Wechsler, Risa (4) (5)
The NuSTAR spectrum of Mrk 335: extreme relativistic effects within two gravitational radii of the event horizon?
Parker, M.L. ; Wilkins, D.R. (1) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Grupe, D. ; Dauser, T. ; Matt, G. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Brenneman, L. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. (10) ; Gallo, L.C. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Kara, E. ; Komossa, S. ; Marinucci, A. ; Miller, J.M. ; Risaliti, G. (7) ; Stern, D. ; Walton, D.J. ; Zhang, W.W.
X-ray spectra of hot accretion flows
Niedzwiecki, Andrzej ; Xie, Fu-Guo ; Stepnik, Agnieszka
The age-metallicity relationship in the Fornax spheroidal dwarf galaxy
Piatti, Andrés E. (1) ; del Pino, Andrés ; Aparicio, Antonio (3) ; Hidalgo, Sebastián L. (2)
Probing the circumnuclear stellar populations of starburst galaxies in the near-infrared
Dametto, N.Z. ; Riffel, R. ; Pastoriza, M.G. ; Rodríguez-Ardila, A. ; Hernandez-Jimenez, J.A. ; Carvalho, E.A. (3)
Constraining properties of GRB magnetar central engines using the observed plateau luminosity and duration correlation
Rowlinson, A. (1) ; Gompertz, B.P. ; Dainotti, M. (4) (5) ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; van der Horst, A.J.
Absorption at the dust sublimation radius and the dichotomy between X-ray and optical classification in the Seyfert galaxy H0557-385
Coffey, D. (1) ; Longinotti, A.L. (1) ; Rodríguez-Ardila, A. ; Guainazzi, M. ; Miniutti, G. ; Bianchi, S. ; de la Calle, I. ; Piconcelli, E. ; Ballo, L. ; Linares, M. (9)
A new non-convex model of the binary asteroid 90 Antiope obtained with the SAGE modelling technique
Bartczak, P.; Michalowski, T.; Santana-Ros, T.; Dudzinski, G.
Warm ice giant GJ 3470b - II. Revised planetary and stellar parameters from optical to near-infrared transit photometry
Biddle, Lauren I. ; Pearson, Kyle A. ; Crossfield, Ian J.M. ; Fulton, Benjamin J. ; Ciceri, Simona ; Eastman, Jason ; Barman, Travis ; Mann, Andrew W. ; Henry, Gregory W. ; Howard, Andrew W. ; Williamson, Michael H. ; Sinukoff, Evan ; Dragomir, Diana ; Vican, Laura ; Mancini, Luigi ; Southworth, John ; Greenberg, Adam ; Turner, Jake D. ; Thompson, Robert ; Taylor, Brian W. ; Levine, Stephen E. (11) ; Webber, Matthew W.
2014MNRAS.443.1821C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1821)
Multiwavelength search for counterparts of supersoft X-ray sources in M31
Chiosi, E. ; Orio, M. (1) ; Bernardini, F. (3) ; Henze, M. ; Jamialahmadi, N.
The Mark-I helioseismic experiment - I. Measurements of the solar gravitational redshift (1976-2013)
Roca Cortés, T. (1) ; Pallé, P.L. (1)
Multi-epoch high-spectral-resolution observations of neutral sodium in 14 Type Ia supernovae
Sternberg, A. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Simon, J.D. ; Patat, F. ; Hillebrandt, W. ; Phillips, M.M. ; Foley, R.J. ; Thompson, I. ; Morrell, N. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Soderberg, A.M. ; Yong, D. ; Kraus, A.L. ; Herczeg, G.J. ; Hsiao, E.Y. ; Raskutti, S. ; Cohen, J.G. ; Mazzali, P.A. (1) ; Nomoto, K.
The role of major mergers in the size growth of intermediate-mass spheroids
Kaviraj, S. (1) ; Huertas-Company, M. (3) ; Cohen, S. ; Peirani, S. ; Windhorst, R.A. ; O'Connell, R.W. ; Silk, J. (6) ; Dopita, M.A. (8) ; Hathi, N.P. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Mei, S. (3) ; Rutkowski, M. ; Ryan, R.E. ; Shankar, F.
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