Monthly Notices of the RAS 443
September(II) 2014
- 2014MNRAS.443..947L
- A K-band spectral mini-survey of Galactic B[e] stars
- Liermann, A. (1) ; Schnurr, O. ; Kraus, M. ; Kreplin, A. ; Arias, M.L. (4) ; Cidale, L.S. (4)
- 2014MNRAS.443..957R
- Lensing model of MACS J1149.5+2223 - I. Cluster mass reconstruction
- Rau, S.; Vegetti, S.; White, S.D.M.
- 2014MNRAS.443..969C
- Cosmological constraints from the double source plane lens SDSSJ0946+1006
- Collett, Thomas E.; Auger, Matthew W.
- 2014MNRAS.443..977C
- Which physics determines the location of the mean molecular weight minimum in red giants?
- Church, Ross P. (1) ; Lattanzio, John ; Angelou, George ; Tout, Christopher A. (2) ; Stancliffe, Richard J.
- 2014MNRAS.443..985D
- The First Billion Years project: dark matter haloes going from contraction to expansion and back again
- Davis, Andrew J. ; Khochfar, Sadegh (1) ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio (1) (3)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1002L
- The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies - I. A new test of galaxy formation physics
- Lagos, Claudia del P. ; Davis, Timothy A. ; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Zwaan, Martin A. ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Gonzalez-Perez, Violeta ; Padilla, Nelson D.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1022E
- Line and continuum radiative transfer modelling of AA Tau
- Esau, Claire F. ; Harries, Tim J. ; Bouvier, Jerome
- 2014MNRAS.443.1044M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1044)
- 2MTF III. Hi 21 cm observations of 1194 spiral galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope
- Masters, Karen L. (1) ; Crook, Aidan ; Hong, Tao (4) (5) ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Koribalski, Bärbel S. ; Macri, Lucas ; Springob, Christopher M. (5) (6) ; Staveley-Smith, Lister (5)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1057D
- Constraining white dwarf viscosity through tidal heating in detached binary systems
- Dall'Osso, Simone ; Rossi, Elena M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1065B
- The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: testing gravity with redshift space distortions using the power spectrum multipoles
- Beutler, Florian ; Saito, Shun (1) (2) (3) ; Seo, Hee-Jong (5) ; Brinkmann, Jon ; Dawson, Kyle S. ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Font-Ribera, Andreu ; Ho, Shirley (10) ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Montesano, Francesco ; Percival, Will J. ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Ross, Nicholas P. (1) ; Samushia, Lado ; Schlegel, David J. ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Weaver, Benjamin A.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1090F
- Cosmic web alignments with the shape, angular momentum and peculiar velocities of dark matter haloes
- Forero-Romero, Jaime E. ; Contreras, Sergio (2) ; Padilla, Nelson (2) (3)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1103H
- Outburst activity of the symbiotic system AG Dra
- Hric, L. ; Gális, R. ; Leedjärv, L. ; Burmeister, M. ; Kundra, E.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1113P
- Constraining the epoch of reionization with the variance statistic: simulations of the LOFAR case
- Patil, Ajinkya H. ; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Chapman, Emma ; Jelic, Vibor (1) ; Harker, Geraint ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Asad, Khan M.B. ; Bernardi, Gianni ; Brentjens, Michiel A. ; de Bruyn, A.G. (1) ; Bus, Sander ; Ciardi, Benedetta ; Daiboo, Soobash ; Fernandez, Elizabeth R. ; Ghosh, Abhik ; Jensen, Hannes ; Kazemi, Sanaz ; Koopmans, Léon V.E. ; Labropoulos, Panagiotis ; Mevius, Maaijke (1) ; Martinez, Oscar ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Offringa, Andre R. (1) ; Pandey, Vishhambhar N. (1) ; Schaye, Joop ; Thomas, Rajat M. ; Vedantham, Harish K. ; Veligatla, Vamsikrishna ; Wijnholds, Stefan J. ; Yatawatta, Sarod (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1125T
- AGN feedback models: correlations with star formation and observational implications of time evolution
- Thacker, Robert J. ; MacMackin, C. ; Wurster, James ; Hobbs, Alexander
- 2014MNRAS.443.1142A
- A high-resolution image of the inner shell of the P Cygni nebula in the infrared [Feii] line
- Arcidiacono, C. ; Ragazzoni, R. ; Morossi, C. ; Franchini, M. ; Marcantonio, P.Di ; Kulesa, C. ; McCarthy, D. ; Briguglio, R. ; Xompero, M. ; Busoni, L. ; Quirós-Pacheco, F. ; Pinna, E. ; Boutsia, K. ; Paris, D.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1151N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1151)
- The AIMSS Project - I. Bridging the star cluster-galaxy divide
- Norris, Mark A. (1) ; Kannappan, Sheila J. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. (4) ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Faifer, Favio Raúl (6) ; Huxor, Avon ; Maraston, Claudia ; Moffett, Amanda J. ; Penny, Samantha J. ; Pota, Vincenzo ; Smith-Castelli, Analía (6) ; Strader, Jay ; Bradley, David ; Eckert, Kathleen D. ; Fohring, Dora (12) ; McBride, JoEllen ; Stark, David V. ; Vaduvescu, Ovidiu
- 2014MNRAS.443.1173H
- SPHGal: smoothed particle hydrodynamics with improved accuracy for galaxy simulations
- Hu, Chia-Yu ; Naab, Thorsten ; Walch, Stefanie (1) ; Moster, Benjamin P. (1) ; Oser, Ludwig
- 2014MNRAS.443.1192C
- A three-dimensional extinction map of the Galactic anticentre from multiband photometry
- Chen, B.-Q. ; Liu, X.-W. (1) ; Yuan, H.-B. ; Zhang, H.-H. ; Schultheis, M. ; Jiang, B.-W. ; Huang, Y. ; Xiang, M.-S. ; Zhao, H.-B. ; Yao, J.-S. ; Lu, H.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1211M
- Decoding the X-ray properties of pre-reionization era sources
- Mirocha, Jordan
- 2014MNRAS.443.1224T
- On the spine-layer scenario for the very high-energy emission of NGC 1275
- Tavecchio, F.; Ghisellini, G.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1231C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1231)
- The 6dF Galaxy Survey: Fundamental Plane data
- Campbell, Lachlan A. ; Lucey, John R. ; Colless, Matthew (1) ; Jones, D.Heath (1) ; Springob, Christopher M. (1) (5) ; Magoulas, Christina (1) ; Proctor, Robert N. ; Mould, Jeremy R. (7) ; Read, Mike A. ; Brough, Sarah ; Jarrett, Tom (11) ; Merson, Alex I. (2) ; Lah, Philip ; Beutler, Florian (5) ; Cluver, Michelle E. (1) ; Parker, Quentin A. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1252L
- Bayesian inferences of galaxy formation from the K-band luminosity and Hi mass functions of galaxies: constraining star formation and feedback
- Lu, Yu ; Mo, H.J. ; Lu, Zhankui ; Katz, Neal ; Weinberg, Martin D.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1267B
- Oscillatory behaviour of chromospheric fine structures in a network and a semi-active region
- Bostanci, Zahide Funda (1) ; Gültekin, Asuman ; Al, Nurol
- 2014MNRAS.443.1274L
- The universal nature of subhalo accretion
- Libeskind, Noam I. ; Knebe, Alexander ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Gottlöber, Stefan
- 2014MNRAS.443.1281K
- KK258, a new transition dwarf galaxy neighbouring the Local Group
- Karachentsev, I.D. ; Makarova, L.N. ; Tully, R.B. ; Wu, Po-Feng ; Kniazev, A.Y. (3) (4)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1291D
- Metallicity evolution of AGNs from UV emission lines based on a new index
- Dors, Oli L.Jr ; Cardaci, Mónica V. (2) ; Hägele, Guillermo F. (2) ; Krabbe, Ângela C.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1301A
- Laboratory study of sticking and desorption of H2 and its significance in the chemical evolution of dense interstellar medium
- Acharyya, K.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1310S
- Chaotic dynamics of the planet in HD 196885 AB
- Satyal, S. ; Hinse, T.C. (2) ; Quarles, B. ; Noyola, J.P.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1319K
- Stellar mergers are common
- Kochanek, C.S. (1) ; Adams, Scott M. (1) ; Belczynski, Krzysztof (3)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1329H
- The variation in molecular gas depletion time among nearby galaxies: what are the main parameter dependences ?
- Huang, Mei-Ling ; Kauffmann, Guinevere
- 2014MNRAS.443.1339I
- Radio-mode feedback in local AGNs: dependence on the central black hole parameters
- Ishibashi, W. (1) ; Auger, M.W. ; Zhang, D. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1346L
- A study of the high-inclination population in the Kuiper belt - II. The Twotinos
- Li, Jian; Zhou, Li-Yong; Sun, Yi-Sui
- 2014MNRAS.443.1358M
- Theoretical modelling of emission-line galaxies: new classification parameters for mid-infrared and optical spectroscopy
- Meléndez, M. ; Heckman, T.M. ; Martínez-Paredes, M. ; Kraemer, S.B. ; Mendoza, C.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1370D
- Early X-ray emission from Type Ia supernovae originating from symbiotic progenitors or recurrent novae
- Dimitriadis, Georgios (1) ; Chiotellis, Alexandros (1) ; Vink, Jacco (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1381Y
- A deconvolution extraction method for 2D multi-object fibre spectroscopy based on the regularized least-squares QR-factorization algorithm
- Yu, Jian (1) (2) ; Yin, Qian ; Guo, Ping ; Luo, A-li
- 2014MNRAS.443.1390K
- Parametric studies of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants
- Kosenko, D. ; Ferrand, G. ; Decourchelle, A.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1402M
- Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with moments of the large-scale density field
- Mao, Qingqing ; Berlind, Andreas A. ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Scherrer, Robert J. ; Scoccimarro, Román ; Manera, Marc
- 2014MNRAS.443.1416G
- Modulating the magnetosphere of magnetars by internal magneto-elastic oscillations
- Gabler, Michael (1) ; Cerdá-Durán, Pablo ; Stergioulas, Nikolaos ; Font, José A. ; Müller, Ewald
- 2014MNRAS.443.1425S
- Spectroscopy of red giants in the globular cluster Terzan 8: kinematics and evidence for the surrounding Sagittarius stream
- Sollima, A. ; Carretta, E. ; D'Orazi, V. (2) ; Gratton, R.G. ; Bragaglia, A. ; Lucatello, S.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1433D
- Parametrizing the stellar haloes of galaxies
- D'Souza, Richard; Kauffman, Guinevere; Wang, Jing; Vegetti, Simona
- 2014MNRAS.443.1451L
- Secular orbital evolution of planetary systems and the dearth of close-in planets around fast rotators
- Lanza, A.F. ; Shkolnik, E.L.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1463S
- Limitations in timing precision due to single-pulse shape variability in millisecond pulsars
- Shannon, R.M. ; Oslowski, S. (2) ; Dai, S. (1) ; Bailes, M. ; Hobbs, G. ; Manchester, R.N. ; van Straten, W. ; Raithel, C.A. ; Ravi, V. (1) ; Toomey, L. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Coles, W.A. ; Keith, M.J. ; Kerr, M. ; Levin, Y. ; Sarkissian, J.M. ; Wang, J.-B. ; Wen, L. ; Zhu, X.-J.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1482H
- Numerical modelling of the lobes of radio galaxies in cluster environments - II. Magnetic field configuration and observability
- Hardcastle, M.J. ; Krause, M.G.H. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1500M
- Brightest cluster galaxies in cosmological simulations with adaptive mesh refinement: successes and failures
- Martizzi, Davide ; Jimmy ; Teyssier, Romain ; Moore, Ben
- 2014MNRAS.443.1509G
- A single radio-emitting nucleus in the dual AGN candidate NGC 5515
- Gabányi, K.É. (1) ; Frey, S. ; Xiao, T. (4) ; Paragi, Z. ; An, T. (5) ; Kun, E. ; Gergely, L.Á. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1515L
- Angular momentum transport by stochastically excited oscillations in rapidly rotating massive stars
- Lee, Umin ; Neiner, Coralie ; Mathis, Stéphane
- 2014MNRAS.443.1523G
- Dynamical detection of three triple stellar systems in open clusters
- González, J.F. ; Veramendi, M.E. ; Cowley, C.R.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1532B
- The dynamics of a highly magnetized jet propagating inside a star
- Bromberg, Omer (1) ; Granot, Jonathan ; Lyubarsky, Yuri ; Piran, Tsvi
- 2014MNRAS.443.1549J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1549)
- Hubble Frontier Fields: a high-precision strong-lensing analysis of galaxy cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403 using ∼ 200 multiple images
- Jauzac, M. (1) ; Clément, B. ; Limousin, M. (4) ; Richard, J. ; Jullo, E. ; Ebeling, H. ; Atek, H. ; Kneib, J.-P. (4) ; Knowles, K. ; Natarajan, P. ; Eckert, D. ; Egami, E. ; Massey, R. ; Rexroth, M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1555U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1555)
- ATLASGAL - towards a complete sample of massive star forming clumps
- Urquhart, J.S. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Csengeri, T. ; Wyrowski, F. ; Schuller, F. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Menten, K.M. ; Walmsley, C.M. (7) ; Bronfman, L. ; Pfalzner, S. ; König, C. ; Wienen, M.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1587R
- The Herschel view of circumstellar discs: a multiwavelength study of Chamaeleon-I
- Rodgers-Lee, Donna ; Scholz, Alexander (1) ; Natta, Antonella (1) ; Ray, Tom
- 2014MNRAS.443.1601M
- On the Markovian assumption in the excursion set approach: the approximation of Markovian Velocities
- Musso, Marcello ; Sheth, Ravi K. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1614P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1614)
- Young stellar population of bright-rimmed clouds BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39
- Panwar, Neelam (1) ; Chen, W.P. ; Pandey, A.K. ; Samal, M.R. ; Ogura, K. ; Ojha, D.K. ; Jose, J. ; Bhatt, B.C.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1629S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1629)
- Interferometry of chemically peculiar stars: theoretical predictions versus modern observing facilities
- Shulyak, D. ; Paladini, C. ; Li Causi, G. ; Perraut, K. (4) ; Kochukhov, O.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1643M
- Bright fireballs associated with the potentially hazardous asteroid 2007LQ19
- Madiedo, José M. ; Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. ; Ortiz, José L. ; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J. ; Cabrera-Caño, Jesús
- 2014MNRAS.443.1651M
- SPINN: a straightforward machine learning solution to the pulsar candidate selection problem
- Morello, V. (1) ; Barr, E.D. (1) ; Bailes, M. (1) ; Flynn, C.M. ; Keane, E.F. (1) ; van Straten, W. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1663C
- Supernova SN 2012dn: a spectroscopic clone of SN 2006gz
- Chakradhari, N.K. ; Sahu, D.K. ; Srivastav, S. ; Anupama, G.C.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1680W
- Probing the anisotropic expansion from supernovae and GRBs in a model-independent way
- Wang, J.S. (1) ; Wang, F.Y. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1688D
- Balancing mass and momentum in the Local Group
- Diaz, J.D.; Koposov, S.E.; Irwin, M.; Belokurov, V.; Evans, N.W.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1704H
- Constraining dust formation in high-redshift young galaxies
- Hirashita, Hiroyuki ; Ferrara, Andrea ; Dayal, Pratika ; Ouchi, Masami
- 2014MNRAS.443.1713D
- Orientation bias of optically selected galaxy clusters and its impact on stacked weak-lensing analyses
- Dietrich, Jörg P. (1) (2) ; Zhang, Yuanyuan ; Song, Jeeseon ; Davis, Christopher P. (3) (4) (5) ; McKay, Timothy A. (3) ; Baruah, Leon ; Becker, Matthew (4) (5) ; Benoist, Christophe (9) ; Busha, Michael (4) (5) ; da Costa, Luiz A.N. (10) ; Hao, Jiangang ; Maia, Marcio A.G. (10) ; Miller, Christopher J. ; Ogando, Ricardo (10) ; Romer, A.Kathy ; Rozo, Eduardo (4) ; Rykoff, Eli (4) ; Wechsler, Risa (4) (5)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1723P
- The NuSTAR spectrum of Mrk 335: extreme relativistic effects within two gravitational radii of the event horizon?
- Parker, M.L. ; Wilkins, D.R. (1) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Grupe, D. ; Dauser, T. ; Matt, G. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Brenneman, L. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. (10) ; Gallo, L.C. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Kara, E. ; Komossa, S. ; Marinucci, A. ; Miller, J.M. ; Risaliti, G. (7) ; Stern, D. ; Walton, D.J. ; Zhang, W.W.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1733N
- X-ray spectra of hot accretion flows
- Niedzwiecki, Andrzej ; Xie, Fu-Guo ; Stepnik, Agnieszka
- 2014MNRAS.443.1748P
- The age-metallicity relationship in the Fornax spheroidal dwarf galaxy
- Piatti, Andrés E. (1) ; del Pino, Andrés ; Aparicio, Antonio (3) ; Hidalgo, Sebastián L. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1754D
- Probing the circumnuclear stellar populations of starburst galaxies in the near-infrared
- Dametto, N.Z. ; Riffel, R. ; Pastoriza, M.G. ; Rodríguez-Ardila, A. ; Hernandez-Jimenez, J.A. ; Carvalho, E.A. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1779R
- Constraining properties of GRB magnetar central engines using the observed plateau luminosity and duration correlation
- Rowlinson, A. (1) ; Gompertz, B.P. ; Dainotti, M. (4) (5) ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; van der Horst, A.J.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1788C
- Absorption at the dust sublimation radius and the dichotomy between X-ray and optical classification in the Seyfert galaxy H0557-385
- Coffey, D. (1) ; Longinotti, A.L. (1) ; Rodríguez-Ardila, A. ; Guainazzi, M. ; Miniutti, G. ; Bianchi, S. ; de la Calle, I. ; Piconcelli, E. ; Ballo, L. ; Linares, M. (9)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1802B
- A new non-convex model of the binary asteroid 90 Antiope obtained with the SAGE modelling technique
- Bartczak, P.; Michalowski, T.; Santana-Ros, T.; Dudzinski, G.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1810B
- Warm ice giant GJ 3470b - II. Revised planetary and stellar parameters from optical to near-infrared transit photometry
- Biddle, Lauren I. ; Pearson, Kyle A. ; Crossfield, Ian J.M. ; Fulton, Benjamin J. ; Ciceri, Simona ; Eastman, Jason ; Barman, Travis ; Mann, Andrew W. ; Henry, Gregory W. ; Howard, Andrew W. ; Williamson, Michael H. ; Sinukoff, Evan ; Dragomir, Diana ; Vican, Laura ; Mancini, Luigi ; Southworth, John ; Greenberg, Adam ; Turner, Jake D. ; Thompson, Robert ; Taylor, Brian W. ; Levine, Stephen E. (11) ; Webber, Matthew W.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1821C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/443/1821)
- Multiwavelength search for counterparts of supersoft X-ray sources in M31
- Chiosi, E. ; Orio, M. (1) ; Bernardini, F. (3) ; Henze, M. ; Jamialahmadi, N.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1837R
- The Mark-I helioseismic experiment - I. Measurements of the solar gravitational redshift (1976-2013)
- Roca Cortés, T. (1) ; Pallé, P.L. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.443.1849S
- Multi-epoch high-spectral-resolution observations of neutral sodium in 14 Type Ia supernovae
- Sternberg, A. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Simon, J.D. ; Patat, F. ; Hillebrandt, W. ; Phillips, M.M. ; Foley, R.J. ; Thompson, I. ; Morrell, N. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Soderberg, A.M. ; Yong, D. ; Kraus, A.L. ; Herczeg, G.J. ; Hsiao, E.Y. ; Raskutti, S. ; Cohen, J.G. ; Mazzali, P.A. (1) ; Nomoto, K.
- 2014MNRAS.443.1861K
- The role of major mergers in the size growth of intermediate-mass spheroids
- Kaviraj, S. (1) ; Huertas-Company, M. (3) ; Cohen, S. ; Peirani, S. ; Windhorst, R.A. ; O'Connell, R.W. ; Silk, J. (6) ; Dopita, M.A. (8) ; Hathi, N.P. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Mei, S. (3) ; Rutkowski, M. ; Ryan, R.E. ; Shankar, F.
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