Monthly Notices of the RAS 441
June(III) 2014
- 2014MNRAS.441..919L
- Stellar dynamics in gas: the role of gas damping
- Leigh, Nathan W.C. (1) ; Mastrobuono-Battisti, Alessandra ; Perets, Hagai B. ; Böker, Torsten
- 2014MNRAS.441..933X
- The Local Void: for or against ΛCDM ?
- Xie, Lizhi ; Gao, Liang (1) ; Guo, Qi (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441..939B
- Damped Lyα absorption systems in semi-analytic models with multiphase gas
- Berry, Michael ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Haas, Marcel R. ; Gawiser, Eric ; Maller, Ari (2) ; Popping, Gergö ; Trager, Scott C.
- 2014MNRAS.441..964R
- Feedback from winds and supernovae in massive stellar clusters - II. X-ray emission
- Rogers, H.; Pittard, J.M.
- 2014MNRAS.441..983D
- pastis: Bayesian extrasolar planet validation - I. General framework, models, and performance
- Díaz, R.F. (1) ; Almenara, J.M. ; Santerne, A. (1) ; Moutou, C. ; Lethuillier, A. ; Deleuil, M.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1005D
- Exploring plasma evolution during Sagittarius A* flares
- Dibi, S. ; Markoff, S. ; Belmont, R. (2) ; Malzac, J. (2) ; Barrière, N.M. ; Tomsick, J.A.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1017R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/441/1017)
- Herschel-ATLAS: properties of dusty massive galaxies at low and high redshifts
- Rowlands, K. (1) ; Dunne, L. ; Dye, S. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Maddox, S. ; da Cunha, E. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Bourne, N. (1) ; Eales, S. ; Gomez, H.L. ; Smail, I. ; Alpaslan, M. (9) ; Clark, C.J.R. ; Driver, S. (9) ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. (11) ; Robotham, A. (9) ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Valiante, E.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1040R
- The dust budget crisis in high-redshift submillimetre galaxies
- Rowlands, K. (1) ; Gomez, H.L. ; Dunne, L. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Dye, S. ; Maddox, S. ; da Cunha, E. ; van der Werf, P.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1059V
- Black hole accretion preferentially occurs in gas-rich galaxies
- Vito, F. (1) (2) (3) ; Maiolino, R. (3) ; Santini, P. ; Brusa, M. (1) (2) ; Comastri, A. ; Cresci, G. ; Farrah, D. ; Franceschini, A. ; Gilli, R. ; Granato, G.L. ; Gruppioni, C. ; Lutz, D. ; Mannucci, F. ; Pozzi, F. ; Rosario, D.J. ; Scott, D. ; Viero, M. ; Vignali, C.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1066M
- Mirages in galaxy scaling relations
- Mosenkov, A.V. (1) ; Sotnikova, N.Ya. (1) ; Reshetnikov, V.P. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1086F
- The effects of interaction on the kinematics and abundance of AM 2229-735
- Freitas-Lemes, P. ; Rodrigues, I. ; Dors, O.L.Jr ; Faúndez-Abans, M. ; Pérez-Montero, E.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1095P
- The origin of ionized filaments within the Orion-Eridanus superbubble
- Pon, Andy (1) (2) ; Johnstone, Doug (4) (3) ; Bally, John ; Heiles, Carl
- 2014MNRAS.441.1105F – (Tables: VII/271)
- Two estimates of the distance to the Galactic Centre
- Francis, Charles ; Anderson, Erik
- 2014MNRAS.441.1115D
- On the alumina dust production in the winds of O-rich asymptotic giant branch stars
- Dell'Agli, F. (1) ; García-Hernández, D.A. (3) ; Rossi, C. ; Ventura, P. ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; Schneider, R.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1126E
- The X-ray emission of the high-mass X-ray binary IGR J17200-3116
- Esposito, P. ; Israel, G.L. ; Sidoli, L. ; Tiengo, A. (1) (3) ; Campana, S. ; Moretti, A.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1134S
- Detection of vibronic bands of C3 in a translucent cloud towards HD 169454
- Schmidt, M.R. ; Krelowski, J. ; Galazutdinov, G.A. (3) ; Zhao, D. ; Haddad, M.A. ; Ubachs, W. ; Linnartz, H.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1147B
- Cosmic backgrounds due to the formation of the first generation of supermassive black holes
- Biermann, Peter L. (1) (2) (3) ; Nath, Biman B. ; Caramete, Laurentiu I. ; Harms, Benjamin C. ; Stanev, Todor ; Tjus, Julia Becker
- 2014MNRAS.441.1157B
- Statistical relationship between the succeeding solar flares detected by the RHESSI satellite
- Balázs, L.G. (1) ; Gyenge, N. ; Korsós, M.B. ; Baranyi, T. ; Forgács-Dajka, E. ; Ballai, I.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1166E
- Non-conservative mass transfers in Algols
- Erdem, A. (1) ; Öztürk, O. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1177S
- Detection of distinct power spectra in soft and hard X-ray bands in the hard state of GRS 1915+105
- Stiele, H.; Yu, W.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1186D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/441/1186)
- Cataclysmic variables from the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
- Drake, A.J. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Djorgovski, S.G. ; Wils, P. ; Mahabal, A.A. ; Graham, M.J. ; Yang, T.-C. (1) ; Williams, R. ; Catelan, M. (5) ; Prieto, J.L. ; Donalek, C. ; Larson, S. ; Christensen, E.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1201G
- Parent stars of extrasolar planets - XIII. Additional evidence for Li abundance anomalies
- Gonzalez, G.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1209F
- Gamma-ray fluxes from the core emission of Centaurus A: a puzzle solved
- Fraija, Nissim
- 2014MNRAS.441.1217S
- Binarity in carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars
- Starkenburg, Else ; Shetrone, Matthew D. ; McConnachie, Alan W. ; Venn, Kim A.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1230A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/441/1230)
- Newly discovered RR Lyrae stars in the SDSS-Pan-STARRS1-Catalina footprint
- Abbas, M.A. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Martin, N.F. (2) ; Burgett, W.S. ; Flewelling, H. ; Wainscoat, R.J.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1243H
- The effect of bars on the Mø-σe relation: offset, scatter and residuals correlations
- Hartmann, Markus (1) ; Debattista, Victor P. ; Cole, David R. ; Valluri, Monica ; Widrow, Lawrence M. ; Shen, Juntai
- 2014MNRAS.441.1260J
- Peculiar radio structures in the central regions of galaxy cluster Abell 585
- Jamrozy, M. ; Stawarz, L. (1) ; Marchenko, V. ; Kuzmicz, A. ; Ostrowski, M. ; Cheung, C.C. ; Sikora, M.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1270L
- Towards a realistic population of simulated galaxy groups and clusters
- Le Brun, Amandine M.C. ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Schaye, Joop ; Ponman, Trevor J.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1291C
- Strong lensing as a test for conformal Weyl gravity
- Cutajar, Deandra ; Zarb Adami, Kristian (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1297S
- Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - IX. Merger-induced AGN activity as traced by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Satyapal, Shobita ; Ellison, Sara L. ; McAlpine, William ; Hickox, Ryan C. ; Patton, David R. ; Mendel, J.Trevor
- 2014MNRAS.441.1305R
- Pulse phase-coherent timing and spectroscopy of CXOU J164710.2-45521 outbursts
- Rodríguez Castillo, Guillermo A. (1) ; Israel, Gian Luca ; Esposito, Paolo ; Pons, José A. ; Rea, Nanda (5) ; Turolla, Roberto (7) ; Viganò, Daniele (4) ; Zane, Silvia
- 2014MNRAS.441.1317Z
- Clustering in the phase space of dark matter haloes - I. Results from the Aquarius simulations
- Zavala, Jesús (1) (2) ; Afshordi, Niayesh (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1329Z
- Clustering in the phase space of dark matter haloes - II. Stable clustering and dark matter annihilation
- Zavala, Jesús (1) (2) (3) ; Afshordi, Niayesh (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1340V
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the wavelength-dependent sizes and profiles of galaxies revealed by MegaMorph
- Vulcani, Benedetta (1) ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Häussler, Boris (1) (3) (4) ; Vika, Marina ; Rojas, Alex ; Agius, Nicola K. ; Baldry, Ivan ; Bauer, Amanda E. ; Brown, Michael J.I. ; Driver, Simon (10) ; Graham, Alister W. ; Kelvin, Lee S. ; Liske, Jochen ; Loveday, Jon ; Popescu, Cristina C. ; Robotham, Aaron S.G. (10) ; Tuffs, Richard J.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1363L
- Molecular gas content of Hi monsters and implications to cold gas content evolution in galaxies
- Lee, Cheoljong (1) ; Chung, Aeree (1) ; Yun, Min S. ; Cybulski, Ryan ; Narayanan, G. ; Erickson, N.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1380N
- Differentiation of silicates and iron during formation of Mercury and high-density exoplanets
- Nayakshin, Sergei
- 2014MNRAS.441.1391F
- Globular clusters: DNA of early-type galaxies ?
- Forte, Juan C. (1) ; Vega, E.Irene (2) ; Faifer, Favio R. (2) (3) ; Smith Castelli, Analía V. (2) (3) ; Escudero, Carlos (2) (3) ; González, Nélida M. (3) ; Sesto, Leandro (2) (3)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1408T
- Dynamics of warped accretion discs
- Tremaine, Scott ; Davis, Shane W.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1435L
- Historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from the GEOS and Kepler surveys
- Le Borgne, J.F. (1) (2) ; Poretti, E. (1) (2) (3) ; Klotz, A. (1) (2) ; Denoux, E. ; Smith, H.A. ; Kolenberg, K. (6) ; Szabó, R. ; Bryson, S. ; Audejean, M. ; Buil, C. ; Caron, J. ; Conseil, E. ; Corp, L. (3) ; Drillaud, C. ; de France, T. ; Graham, K. ; Hirosawa, K. ; Klotz, A.N. ; Kugel, F. ; Loughney, D. ; Menzies, K. ; Rodríguez, M. ; Ruscitti, P.M.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1444P
- On the relation between specific star formation rate and metallicity
- Pipino, A.; Lilly, S.J.; Carollo, C.M.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1457B
- Measuring non-local Lagrangian peak bias
- Biagetti, Matteo ; Chan, Kwan Chuen ; Desjacques, Vincent ; Paranjape, Aseem
- 2014MNRAS.441.1468K
- From filaments to oscillating starless cores
- Keto, Eric ; Burkert, Andreas
- 2014MNRAS.441.1474I
- How the central black hole may shape its host galaxy through AGN feedback
- Ishibashi, W. (1) ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1479C
- Is the dissociation of coronene in stellar winds a source of molecular hydrogen ? application to the HD 44179 nebula
- Champeaux, J.-P.; Moretto-Capelle, P.; Cafarelli, P.; Deville, C.; Sence, M.; Casta, R.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1488P
- On the deceleration of Fanaroff-Riley Class I jets: mass loading by stellar winds
- Perucho, M. ; Martí, J.M. ; Laing, R.A. ; Hardee, P.E.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1504I
- The ion-atom absorption processes as one of the factors of the influence on the sunspot opacity
- Ignjatovic, L.M. (1) ; Mihajlov, A.A. (1) ; Sreckovic, V.A. (1) ; Dimitrijevic, M.S. (2) (3) (4)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1513O
- Galaxy cluster mass reconstruction project - I. Methods and first results on galaxy-based techniques
- Old, L. ; Skibba, R.A. ; Pearce, F.R. ; Croton, D. ; Muldrew, S.I. ; Muñoz-Cuartas, J.C. ; Gifford, D. ; Gray, M.E. ; von der Linden, A. (6) (7) ; Mamon, G.A. ; Merrifield, M.R. ; Müller, V. ; Pearson, R.J. ; Ponman, T.J. ; Saro, A. ; Sepp, T. ; Sifón, C. ; Tempel, E. (13) ; Tundo, E. ; Wang, Y.O. (1) (16) ; Wojtak, R.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1537K
- Scattering of emission lines in galaxy cluster cores: measuring electron temperature
- Khedekar, S. ; Churazov, E. (1) ; Sazonov, S. (1) (2) ; Sunyaev, R. (1) ; Emsellem, E. (4)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1545T
- Bayesian search for low-mass planets around nearby M dwarfs - estimates for occurrence rate based on global detectability statistics
- Tuomi, Mikko (1) ; Jones, Hugh R.A. ; Barnes, John R. ; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem ; Jenkins, James S.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1570S
- Galaxy size trends as a consequence of cosmology
- Stringer, M.J. ; Shankar, F. (2) ; Novak, G.S. ; Huertas-Company, M. ; Combes, F. ; Moster, B.P.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1584R
- On the dark matter profile in Sculptor: breaking the β degeneracy with Virial shape parameters
- Richardson, Thomas; Fairbairn, Malcolm
- 2014MNRAS.441.1601P
- The largest gravitationally bound structures: the Corona Borealis supercluster - mass and bound extent
- Pearson, David W.; Batiste, Merida; Batuski, David J.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1615G
- Active galactic nuclei-driven outflows without immediate quenching in simulations of high-redshift disc galaxies
- Gabor, J.M.; Bournaud, Frédéric
- 2014MNRAS.441.1628S
- CO-dark gas and molecular filaments in Milky Way-type galaxies
- Smith, Rowan J. ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Clark, Paul C. ; Klessen, Ralf S. ; Springel, Volker (2)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1646C
- The ellipsoidal universe in the Planck satellite era
- Cea, Paolo (1)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1662H
- A new mechanism for saturating unstable r modes in neutron stars
- Haskell, B. (1) ; Glampedakis, K. (3) ; Andersson, N.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1669C
- Fundamental parameters of eight Am stars: comparing observations with theory
- Catanzaro, G. ; Ripepi, V.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1681W
- Multi-epoch sub-arcsecond [Feii] spectroimaging of the DG Tau outflows with NIFS - I. First data epoch
- White, M.C. ; McGregor, P.J. ; Bicknell, G.V. ; Salmeron, R. ; Beck, T.L.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1708G
- A method for the microlensed flux variance of QSOs
- Goodman, Jeremy; Sun, Ai-Lei
- 2014MNRAS.441.1718P
- Probing the circumgalactic medium at high-redshift using composite BOSS spectra of strong Lyman α forest absorbers
- Pieri, Matthew M. (1) ; Mortonson, Michael J. (3) ; Frank, Stephan ; Crighton, Neil (6) ; Weinberg, David H. ; Lee, Khee-Gan ; Noterdaeme, Pasquier ; Bailey, Stephen ; Busca, Nicolas ; Ge, Jian ; Kirkby, David ; Lundgren, Britt ; Mathur, Smita ; Pâris, Isabelle ; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie ; Petitjean, Patrick ; Rich, James ; Ross, Nicholas P. ; Schneider, Donald P. ; York, Donald G.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1741G
- SkyNet: an efficient and robust neural network training tool for machine learning in astronomy
- Graff, Philip ; Feroz, Farhan ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Lasenby, Anthony (2)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1760Z
- Gamma-ray luminosity function of BL Lac objects
- Zeng, Houdun; Yan, Dahai; Zhang, Li
- 2014MNRAS.441.1769C
- The effect of active galactic nuclei feedback on the halo mass function
- Cui, Weiguang (1) (2) ; Borgani, Stefano (3) (4) ; Murante, Giuseppe
- 2014MNRAS.441.1783A
- The ALHAMBRA survey: evolution of galaxy clustering since z ∼ 1
- Arnalte-Mur, P. ; Martínez, V.J. (2) (3) ; Norberg, P. ; Fernández-Soto, A. (4) ; Ascaso, B. ; Merson, A.I. ; Aguerri, J.A.L. ; Castander, F.J. ; Hurtado-Gil, L. (2) ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Molino, A. ; Montero-Dorta, A.D. ; Stefanon, M. ; Alfaro, E. ; Aparicio-Villegas, T. ; Benítez, N. ; Broadhurst, T. ; Cabrera-Caño, J. ; Cepa, J. (8) ; Cerviño, M. (6) (8) ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; del Olmo, A. ; González Delgado, R.M. ; Husillos, C. ; Infante, L. ; Márquez, I. ; Masegosa, J. ; Moles, M. ; Perea, J. ; Povic, M. ; Prada, F. ; Quintana, J.M.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1802K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/441/1802)
- Low-redshift quasars in the SDSS Stripe 82. The local environments
- Karhunen, K. ; Kotilainen, J.K. ; Falomo, R. ; Bettoni, D.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1817P
- PCA of PCA: principal component analysis of partial covering absorption in NGC 1365
- Parker, M.L. ; Walton, D.J. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Risaliti, G. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.441.1825B
- A state change in the low-mass X-ray binary XSS J12270-4859
- Bassa, C.G. ; Patruno, A. (1) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (1) ; Keane, E.F. (4) ; Monard, B. ; Mahony, E.K. ; Bogdanov, S. ; Corbel, S. ; Edwards, P.G. ; Archibald, A.M. ; Janssen, G.H. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Tendulkar, S.
- 2014MNRAS.441.1831S
- Breaking the spell of Gaussianity: forecasting with higher order Fisher matrices
- Sellentin, Elena ; Quartin, Miguel ; Amendola, Luca
- 2014MNRAS.441.1841T
- The X-ray properties of the cometary blue compact dwarf galaxies Mrk 59 and Mrk 71
- Thuan, T.X. ; Bauer, F.E. (2) (3) ; Izotov, Y.I.
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