Monthly Notices of the RAS 438
February(III) 2014

Radiation pressure confinement - I. Ionized gas in the ISM of AGN hosts
Stern, Jonathan; Laor, Ari; Baskin, Alexei
Sulfur implantation in CO and CO2 ices
Lv, X.Y. (1) ; Boduch, P. ; Ding, J.J. ; Domaracka, A. ; Langlinay, T. ; Palumbo, M.E. ; Rothard, H. ; Strazzulla, G.
Electron capture of iron-group nuclei in magnetars
Liu, Jing-Jing
A late-time view of the progenitors of five Type IIP supernovae
Maund, Justyn R. (1) ; Reilly, Emma ; Mattila, Seppo
Linking accretion flow and particle acceleration in jets - II. Self-similar jet models with full relativistic MHD gravitational mass
Polko, Peter ; Meier, David L. ; Markoff, Sera
Bar pattern speed and position of the circumnuclear ring in NGC 1097
Piñol-Ferrer, N. (1) ; Fathi, K. (1) ; Carignan, C. (3) ; Font, J. ; Hernandez, O. ; Karlsson, R. ; de Ven, G.van
On the comparison between MASS and generalized-SCIDAR techniques
Masciadri, E. ; Lombardi, G. ; Lascaux, F.
Binary pulsar J0737-3039 - evidence for a new core collapse and neutron star formation mechanism
Dall'Osso, Simone; Piran, Tsvi; Shaviv, Nir
Dynamical and radiative simulations of γ-ray jets in microquasars
Smponias, T.; Kosmas, T.S.
Exploding core-collapse supernovae by jets-driven feedback mechanism
Papish, Oded; Soker, Noam
Caught in the act: cluster `k+a' galaxies as a link between spirals and S0s
Rodríguez Del Pino, Bruno ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso ; Milvang-Jensen, Bo ; Merrifield, Michael R. ; Balcells, Marc (3) (4)
Evolutionary tracks of massive stars during formation
Smith, Michael D.
Spatially resolved LMC star formation history - I. Outside in evolution of the outer LMC disc
Meschin, I. ; Gallart, C. (1) ; Aparicio, A. (1) ; Hidalgo, S.L. (1) ; Monelli, M. (1) ; Stetson, P.B. ; Carrera, R. (1)
GSH 90-28-17: a possible old supernova remnant
Xiao, L. ; Zhu, M.
Triggered star formation in a molecular shell created by a SNR ?
Cichowolski, S. ; Pineault, S. (2) ; Gamen, R. (4) ; Arnal, E.M. (4) ; Suad, L.A. ; Ortega, M.E.
Astrometric monitoring and orbit constraint of the GSC 08047-00232 system with VLT/NaCo
Ginski, C.; Mugrauer, M.; Neuhäuser, R.; Schmidt, T.O.B.
An observational evaluation of magnetic confinement in the winds of BA supergiants
Shultz, M. (1) (2) ; Wade, G.A. (1) ; Petit, V. ; Grunhut, J. ; Neiner, C. ; Hanes, D. ; (the MiMeS Collaboration)
Early-type stars observed in the ESO UVES Paranal Observatory Project - IV. Studies of CN, CH+ and CH in the interstellar medium
Smoker, J. ; Ledoux, C. ; Jehin, E. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Kennedy, M. ; Cabanac, R. ; Melo, C.
Properties of semi-convection and convective overshooting for massive stars
Ding, C.Y. (1) (2) ; Li, Y. (1)
2014MNRAS.438.1149G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/438/1149)
The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer properties of complete samples of radio-loud active galactic nucleus
Gürkan, G. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Jarvis, M.J. (2)
M-dwarf stellar winds: the effects of realistic magnetic geometry on rotational evolution and planets
Vidotto, A.A. ; Jardine, M. ; Morin, J. (2) (3) ; Donati, J.F. ; Opher, M. ; Gombosi, T.I.
The busy function: a new analytic function for describing the integrated 21-cm spectral profile of galaxies
Westmeier, T. ; Jurek, R. ; Obreschkow, D. ; Koribalski, B.S. ; Staveley-Smith, L.
SN 2009ip and SN 2010mc: core-collapse Type IIn supernovae arising from blue supergiants
Smith, Nathan ; Mauerhan, Jon C. ; Prieto, Jose L.
Numerical simulations of bubble-induced star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies with a novel stellar feedback scheme
Kawata, Daisuke ; Gibson, Brad K. ; Barnes, David J. ; Grand, Robert J.J. ; Rahimi, Awat
Energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation rates for transitions in Alx
Aggarwal, Kanti M.; Keenan, Francis P.
A physical model for the flickering variability in cataclysmic variables
Scaringi, Simone
Relativistic self-similar dynamic collapses of black holes in general polytropic spherical clouds
Lian, Biao (1) ; Lou, Yu-Qing
Removal of systematics in photometric measurements: static and rotating illumination corrections in FORS2@VLT data
Coccato, L. ; Bramich, D.M. (1) ; Freudling, W. ; Moehler, S.
An ALMA survey of sub-millimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: the far-infrared properties of SMGs
Swinbank, A.M. ; Simpson, J.M. ; Smail, Ian ; Harrison, C.M. ; Hodge, J.A. ; Karim, A. ; Walter, F. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Brandt, W.N. ; de Breuck, C. ; da Cunha, E. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Coppin, K.E. K. ; Danielson, A.L.R. ; Dannerbauer, H. ; Decarli, R. ; Greve, T.R. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Knudsen, K.K. ; Lagos, C.D.P. ; Schinnerer, E. ; Thomson, A.P. ; Wardlow, J.L. ; Weiss, A. ; Werf, P.van der
2014MNRAS.438.1288H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/438/1288)
Spectral energy distributions of type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS - II. Shape evolution
Hao, Heng (1) ; Elvis, Martin ; Civano, Francesca (2) ; Zamorani, Gianni ; Ho, Luis C. ; Comastri, Andrea ; Brusa, Marcella (6) ; Bongiorno, Angela (6) ; Merloni, Andrea ; Trump, Jonathan R. ; Salvato, Mara (10) ; Impey, Chris D. ; Koekemoer, Anton M. ; Lanzuisi, Giorgio ; Celotti, Annalisa (1) (14) ; Jahnke, Knud ; Vignali, Cristian (4) ; Silverman, John D. ; Urry, C.Megan ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Capak, Peter
Cluster formation in molecular clouds - I. Stellar populations, star formation rates and ionizing radiation
Howard, Corey S. ; Pudritz, Ralph E. (1) ; Harris, William E.
The return of the proplyds - understanding the dynamics of ionization triggered stars
Gritschneder, Matthias ; Burkert, Andreas
Multiple scattering Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal - II. Relativistic effects
Chluba, J. ; Dai, L.
The dynamics of ultracompact Hii regions
Roth, Nathaniel ; Stahler, Steven W. ; Keto, Eric
Quantifying energetics and dissipation in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Salvesen, Greg (1) ; Beckwith, Kris (1) ; Simon, Jacob B. (1) ; O'Neill, Sean M. (1) ; Begelman, Mitchell C. (1)
The role of cluster mergers and travelling shocks in shaping the Hα luminosity function at z ∼ 0.2: `sausage' and `toothbrush' clusters
Stroe, Andra ; Sobral, David ; Röttgering, Huub J.A. ; van Weeren, Reinout J.
2014MNRAS.438.1391P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/438/1391)
The host galaxies of Type Ia supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory
Pan, Y.-C. ; Sullivan, M. ; Maguire, K. ; Hook, I.M. (1) ; Nugent, P.E. (4) ; Howell, D.A. (6) ; Arcavi, I. ; Botyanszki, J. (5) ; Cenko, S.B. (10) ; DeRose, J. ; Fakhouri, H.K. (9) ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Hsiao, E. ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Laher, R.R. ; Lidman, C. ; Nordin, J. (12) ; Walker, E.S. ; Xu, D.
CLASH: z ∼ 6 young galaxy candidate quintuply lensed by the frontier field cluster RXC J2248.7-4431
Monna, A. (1) ; Seitz, S. (1) ; Greisel, N. (1) ; Eichner, T. (1) ; Drory, N. (2) ; Postman, M. ; Zitrin, A. (5) ; Coe, D. ; Halkola, A. ; Suyu, S.H. ; Grillo, C. ; Rosati, P. ; Lemze, D. ; Balestra, I. ; Snigula, J. (1) ; Bradley, L. ; Umetsu, K. ; Koekemoer, A. ; Kuchner, U. ; Moustakas, L. ; Bartelmann, M. ; Benítez, N. ; Bouwens, R. ; Broadhurst, T. ; Donahue, M. ; Ford, H. ; Host, O. ; Infante, L. ; Jimenez-Teja, Y. ; Jouvel, S. (19) ; Kelson, D. ; Lahav, O. ; Medezinski, E. ; Melchior, P. ; Meneghetti, M. ; Merten, J. ; Molino, A. ; Moustakas, J. ; Nonino, M. ; Zheng, W.
Spatially resolved velocity maps of halo gas around two intermediate-redshift galaxies
Chen, Hsiao-Wen ; Gauthier, Jean-René ; Sharon, Keren ; Johnson, Sean D. ; Nair, Preethi ; Liang, Cameron J.
2014MNRAS.438.1451L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/438/1451)
Sejong Open Cluster Survey (SOS) - II. IC 1848 cluster in the Hii region W5 West
Lim, Beomdu ; Sung, Hwankyung ; Kim, Jinyoung S. ; Bessell, Michael S. ; Karimov, Rivkat
Effects of baryon removal on the structure of dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Arraki, Kenza S. ; Klypin, Anatoly ; More, Surhud ; Trujillo-Gomez, Sebastian
The stellar IMF in early-type galaxies from a non-degenerate set of optical line indices
Spiniello, Chiara ; Trager, Scott ; Koopmans, Léon V.E. ; Conroy, Charlie
On magnetic reconnection and flux rope topology in solar flux emergence
MacTaggart, D. ; Haynes, A.L.
Bias-hardened CMB lensing with polarization
Namikawa, Toshiya ; Takahashi, Ryuichi
On the magnetohydrodynamic modelling of the Crab nebula radio emission
Olmi, B. (1) (2) ; Del Zanna, L. (1) (2) ; Amato, E. ; Bandiera, R. ; Bucciantini, N. (2)
Viscoelastic tidal dissipation in giant planets and formation of hot Jupiters through high-eccentricity migration
Storch, Natalia I.; Lai, Dong
A relation between the dark mass of elliptical galaxies and their shape
Deur, A.
Balance among gravitational instability, star formation and accretion determines the structure and evolution of disc galaxies
Forbes, John C. ; Krumholz, Mark R. ; Burkert, Andreas (2) ; Dekel, Avishai
A new precise mass for the progenitor of the Type IIP SN 2008bk
Maund, Justyn R. ; Mattila, Seppo ; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico ; Eldridge, John J.
Convergence of simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs - II. Sensitivity to the implementation of radiative cooling and artificial viscosity
Rice, W.K.M. ; Paardekooper, S.-J. ; Forgan, D.H. ; Armitage, P.J. (3)
On de Sitter geometry in cosmic void statistics
Gibbons, G.W. ; Werner, M.C. (2) ; Yoshida, N. (2) ; Chon, S.
On the anticorrelation between H3+ temperature and density in giant planet ionospheres
Melin, H. (1) ; Stallard, T.S. ; O'Donoghue, J. ; Badman, S.V. ; Miller, S. ; Blake, J.S.D.
Hall effect in neutron star crusts: evolution, endpoint and dependence on initial conditions
Gourgouliatos, K.N.; Cumming, A.
Extended void merging tree algorithm for self-similar models
Russell, Esra (1)
On the sensitivity of extrasolar mass-loss rate ranges: HD 209458b a case study
Villarreal D'Angelo, C. ; Schneiter, M. (1) ; Costa, A. (1) ; Velázquez, P. ; Raga, A. ; Esquivel, A.
An orbital determination of Triton with the use of a revised pole model
Zhang, H.Y. (1) ; Shen, K.X. ; Dourneau, G. (3) ; Harper, D. ; Qiao, R.C. ; Xi, X.J. (1) ; Cheng, X. (1) ; Yan, D. (1) ; Li, S.N. ; Wang, S.H.
Star formation in the first galaxies - II. Clustered star formation and the influence of metal line cooling
Safranek-Shrader, Chalence; Milosavljevic, Milos; Bromm, Volker
Probing magnetar magnetosphere through X-ray polarization measurements
Taverna, R. ; Muleri, F. ; Turolla, R. (1) ; Soffitta, P. ; Fabiani, S. ; Nobili, L.
Overlapping inflow events as catalysts for supermassive black hole growth
Carmona-Loaiza, Juan M. ; Colpi, Monica (2) ; Dotti, Massimo (2) ; Valdarnini, Riccardo (1)
Resolving different sources of fast X-ray variability of the dwarf nova RU Peg in quiescence
Dobrotka, A. (1) (2) ; Mineshige, S. ; Ness, J.-U.
The SDSS-III Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraints on the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
Hernández-Monteagudo, Carlos (1) ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Cuesta, Antonio ; Génova-Santos, Ricardo (5) ; Xia, Jun-Qing ; Prada, Francisco (8) (9) ; Rossi, Graziano ; Neyrinck, Mark ; Viel, Matteo ; Rubiño-Martin, Jose-Alberto (5) ; Scóccola, Claudia G. (5) ; Zhao, Gongbo ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Brownstein, Joel R. ; Thomas, Daniel ; Brinkmann, Jonathan V.
The effect of including molecular opacities of variable composition on the evolution of intermediate-mass AGB stars
Fishlock, C.K. ; Karakas, A.I. ; Stancliffe, R.J. (1)
On the inference of stellar ages and convective-core properties in main-sequence solar-like pulsators
Brandão, I.M. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.
Three-dimensional pure deflagration models with nucleosynthesis and synthetic observables for Type Ia supernovae
Fink, Michael ; Kromer, Markus (2) ; Seitenzahl, Ivo R. (1) ; Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, Franco ; Röpke, Friedrich K. ; Sim, Stuart A. ; Pakmor, Rüdiger ; Ruiter, Ashley J. ; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang
Interacting galaxies: corotating and counter-rotating systems with tidal tails
Mesa, Valeria (1) ; Duplancic, Fernanda (1) ; Alonso, Sol (1) ; Coldwell, Georgina (1) ; Lambas, Diego G. (1)
Submillimetre polarization and magnetic field properties in the envelopes of protoplanetary nebulae CRL 618 and OH 231.8+4.2
Sabin, L. ; Zhang, Q. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Patel, N.A. ; Vázquez, R. ; Zauderer, B.A. ; Contreras, M.E. ; Guillén, P.F.
Cosmic variance of the local Hubble flow in large-scale cosmological simulations
Wojtak, Radoslaw ; Knebe, Alexander ; Watson, William A. ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Hess, Steffen ; Rapetti, David ; Yepes, Gustavo ; Gottlöber, Stefan
Distance and evolutionary state of the supernova remnant G18.1-0.1
Leahy, Denis ; Green, Kaylie ; Tian, Wenwu
Probing the metallicity and ionization state of the circumgalactic medium at z ∼ 6 and beyond with Oi absorption
Keating, Laura C. (1) ; Haehnelt, Martin G. (1) ; Becker, George D. (1) ; Bolton, James S.
On the (im)possibility of testing new physics in exoplanets using transit timing variations: deviation from inverse-square law of gravity
Xie, Yi (1) ; Deng, Xue-Mei (2)
Clear evidence for the early triggering of a luminous quasar-like active galactic nuclei in a major, gas-rich merger
Bessiere, P.S. ; Tadhunter, C.N. ; Ramos Almeida, C. (2) ; Villar Martín, M.
2014MNRAS.438.1848S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/438/1848)
The distance to the young cluster NGC 7129 and its age
Straizys, V. ; Maskoliunas, M. ; Boyle, R.P. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. (3) ; Tognelli, E. ; Zdanavicius, K. ; Zdanavicius, J. ; Laugalys, V. ; Kazlauskas, A.
The influence of the magnetic field on the spectral properties of blazars
Rueda-Becerril, J.M.; Mimica, P.; Aloy, M.A.
Wet disc contraction to galactic blue nuggets and quenching to red nuggets
Dekel, A. ; Burkert, A. (2)
Bayesian lensing shear measurement
Bernstein, Gary M.; Armstrong, Robert
Star-forming regions and the metallicity gradients in the tidal tails: the case of NGC 92
Torres-Flores, S. ; Scarano, S.Jr (2) (3) ; Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; de Mello, D.F. ; Amram, P. ; Plana, H.
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