Monthly Notices of the RAS 436
December(III) 2013

Narrow-band X-ray photometry as a tool for studying galaxy and cluster mass distributions
Humphrey, Philip J.; Buote, David A.
The cosmic evolution of the IMF under the Jeans conjecture with implications for massive galaxies
Narayanan, Desika (1) ; Davé, Romeel (2) (3) (4)
The Hurst exponent of Fermi gamma-ray bursts
MacLachlan, G.A. ; Shenoy, A. ; Sonbas, E. (2) ; Coyne, R. ; Dhuga, K.S. ; Eskandarian, A. ; Maximon, L.C. ; Parke, W.C.
2013MNRAS.436.2915M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/2915)
A polarization survey of bright extragalactic AT20G sources
Massardi, M. ; Burke-Spolaor, S.G. ; Murphy, T. (3) ; Ricci, R. ; López-Caniego, M. ; Negrello, M. ; Chhetri, R. (2) ; De Zotti, G. (6) ; Ekers, R.D. ; Partridge, R.B. ; Sadler, E.M.
The effect of metal enrichment and galactic winds on galaxy formation in cosmological zoom simulations
Hirschmann, Michaela ; Naab, Thorsten ; Davé, Romeel (3) ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. (5) ; Ostriker, Jeremiah P. (7) ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Oser, Ludwig (2) ; Genzel, Reinhard ; Tacconi, Linda J. ; Förster-Schreiber, Natascha M. ; Burkert, Andreas (10) ; Genel, Shy
Compton scattering of blackbody photons by relativistic electrons
Zdziarski, Andrzej A. ; Pjanka, Patryk
HST hot-Jupiter transmission spectral survey: evidence for aerosols and lack of TiO in the atmosphere of WASP-12b
Sing, D.K. ; Lecavelier des Etangs, A. ; Fortney, J.J. ; Burrows, A.S. ; Pont, F. ; Wakeford, H.R. ; Ballester, G.E. ; Nikolov, N. ; Henry, G.W. ; Aigrain, S. ; Deming, D. ; Evans, T.M. ; Gibson, N.P. ; Huitson, C.M. ; Knutson, H. ; Showman, A.P. ; Vidal-Madjar, A. ; Wilson, P.A. ; Williamson, M.H. ; Zahnle, K.
The optical transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32b: clouds explain the absence of broad spectral features ?
Gibson, N.P. ; Aigrain, S. ; Barstow, J.K. ; Evans, T.M. ; Fletcher, L.N. ; Irwin, P.G.J.
The characteristic black hole mass resulting from direct collapse in the early Universe
Latif, M.A.; Schleicher, D.R.G.; Schmidt, W.; Niemeyer, J.C.
Accretion into the central cavity of a circumbinary disc
D'Orazio, Daniel J. ; Haiman, Zoltán ; MacFadyen, Andrew
Ram pressure stripping of the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies using the k-ε sub-grid turbulence model
Close, J.L. ; Pittard, J.M. ; Hartquist, T.W. ; Falle, S.A.E.G.
A model for cosmological simulations of galaxy formation physics
Vogelsberger, Mark ; Genel, Shy ; Sijacki, Debora (1) ; Torrey, Paul ; Springel, Volker (3) ; Hernquist, Lars
SALT reveals the barium central star of the planetary nebula Hen 2-39
Miszalski, B. (1) ; Boffin, H.M.J. ; Jones, D. ; Karakas, A.I. ; Köppen, J. ; Tyndall, A.A. (3) ; Mohamed, S.S. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. (7) (8) ; Santander-García, M. (10)
Pulse-wise Amati correlation in Fermi gamma-ray bursts
Basak, Rupal; Rao, A.R.
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): improved cosmic growth measurements using multiple tracers of large-scale structure
Blake, Chris ; Baldry, I.K. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Christodoulou, L. ; Colless, M. ; Conselice, C. ; Driver, S.P. (7) ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Norberg, P. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Poole, G.B. ; Robotham, A.S.G. (7)
An external-shock model for gamma-ray burst afterglow 130427A
Panaitescu, A.; Vestrand, W.T.; Wozniak, P.
The effects of magnetic field, age and intrinsic luminosity on Crab-like pulsar wind nebulae
Torres, D.F. (1) ; Martín, J. ; de Oña Wilhelmi, E. ; Cillis, Analia
Radio observations of extreme ULXs: revealing the most powerful ULX radio nebula ever or the jet of an intermediate-mass black hole ?
Mezcua, M. (1) ; Roberts, T.P. ; Sutton, A.D. ; Lobanov, A.P.
Massive star formation in galaxies with excess ultraviolet emission
Erroz-Ferrer, Santiago (1) ; Knapen, Johan H. (1) ; Mohd Noh Velastín, Elena A.N. ; Ryon, Jenna E. (4) ; Hagen, Lea M.Z. (5) (6)
MOSE: operational forecast of the optical turbulence and atmospheric parameters at European Southern Observatory ground-based sites - II. Atmospheric parameters in the surface layer 0-30m
Lascaux, F.; Masciadri, E.; Fini, L.
The origin of physical variations in the star formation law
Federrath, Christoph
A long XMM-Newton observation of an extreme narrow-line Seyfert 1: PG 1244+026
Jin, Chichuan ; Done, Chris ; Middleton, Matthew (1) ; Ward, Martin
Molecular-line and continuum study of the W40 cloud
Pirogov, L. ; Ojha, D.K. ; Thomasson, M. ; Wu, Y-F. ; Zinchenko, I.
Galaxies with background QSOs - II. An automated search for multiple galaxy emission lines
Straka, Lorrie A. (1) ; Whichard, Zakary L. ; Kulkarni, Varsha P. ; Bishof, Michael (1) ; Bowen, David ; Khare, Pushpa ; York, Donald G. (1)
An emerging coherent picture of red supergiant supernova explosions
Poznanski, Dovi
In the thick of it: metal-poor disc stars in RAVE
Kordopatis, G. ; Gilmore, G. ; Wyse, R.F.G. ; Steinmetz, M. ; Siebert, A. ; Bienaymé, O. ; McMillan, P.J. ; Minchev, I. ; Zwitter, T. (6) ; Gibson, B.K. ; Seabroke, G. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Boeche, C. ; Freeman, K.C. ; Munari, U. ; Navarro, J.F. ; Parker, Q. (15) (16) ; Reid, W.A. (15) ; Siviero, A. (3)
A supersonic turbulence origin of Larson's laws
Kritsuk, Alexei G. ; Lee, Christoph T. ; Norman, Michael L. (1)
Quasi-periodic oscillations and energy spectra from the two brightest Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources in M82
Caballero-García, M.D. ; Belloni, T. ; Zampieri, L.
Radiative efficiency of disc accretion in individual SDSS QSOs
Wu, Shumei (1) ; Lu, Youjun ; Zhang, Fupeng (1) ; Lu, Ye
Quasar outflows and AGN feedback in the extreme UV: HST/COS observations of HE 0238-1904
Arav, Nahum ; Borguet, Benoit ; Chamberlain, Carter ; Edmonds, Doug ; Danforth, Charles
The structure of the Heliopause
Quenby, J.J. ; Webber, W.R.
The galaxy-wide initial mass function of dwarf late-type to massive early-type galaxies
Weidner, C. (1) (2) ; Kroupa, P. ; Pflamm-Altenburg, J. ; Vazdekis, A. (1)
The X-ray spectrum and spectral energy distribution of FIRST J155633.8+351758: a LoBAL quasar with a probable polar outflow
Berrington, Robert C. ; Brotherton, Michael S. ; Gallagher, Sarah C. ; Ganguly, Rajib ; Shang, Zhaohui ; DiPompeo, Michael ; Chatterjee, Ritaban (6) ; Lacy, Mark ; Gregg, Michael D. (8) ; Hall, Patrick B. ; Laurent-Muehleisen, S.A.
A dynamical analysis of the Corona Borealis supercluster
Batiste, Merida; Batuski, David J.
Evidence for a large-scale helical magnetic field in the quasar 3C 454.3
Zamaninasab, M. ; Savolainen, T. ; Clausen-Brown, E. ; Hovatta, T. ; Lister, M.L. ; Krichbaum, T.P. ; Kovalev, Y.Y. (1) ; Pushkarev, A.B. (1) (5)
One of the most massive stars in the Galaxy may have formed in isolation
Oskinova, L.M. ; Steinke, M. ; Hamann, W.-R. ; Sander, A. ; Todt, H. ; Liermann, A. (1)
Kinematic active region formation in a three-dimensional solar dynamo model
Yeates, A.R. ; Muñoz-Jaramillo, A. (2) (3)
Discovery of a 6.4h black hole binary in NGC 4490
Esposito, P. ; Israel, G.L. ; Sidoli, L. ; Mapelli, M. ; Zampieri, L. ; Motta, S.E.
New Compton-thick AGN in the circumnuclear H2O maser hosts UGC 3789 and NGC 6264
Castangia, P. ; Panessa, F. (2) ; Henkel, C. (4) ; Kadler, M. ; Tarchi, A.
The state of globular clusters at birth: emergence from the gas-embedded phase
Leigh, Nathan ; Giersz, Mirek ; Webb, Jeremy J. ; Hypki, Arkadiusz ; De Marchi, Guido ; Kroupa, Pavel ; Sills, Alison
High-resolution simulations of the head-on collision of white dwarfs
García-Senz, D. (1) ; Cabezón, R.M. ; Arcones, A. (4) ; Relaño, A. ; Thielemann, F.K.
Massive stars in massive clusters - IV. Disruption of clouds by momentum-driven winds
Dale, J.E. ; Ngoumou, J. ; Ercolano, B. ; Bonnell, I.A.
X-ray ionization rates in protoplanetary discs
Ercolano, Barbara (1) ; Glassgold, Alfred E.
The nature of obscuration in AGN - I. Insights from host galaxies
Shao, Li ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Li, Cheng ; Wang, Jing ; Heckman, Timothy M.
Spatial distributions of core-collapse supernovae in infrared-bright galaxies
Kangas, T. (1) ; Mattila, S. ; Kankare, E. ; Kotilainen, J.K. ; Väisänen, P. (4) ; Greimel, R. ; Takalo, A.
Clues on void evolution-II. Measuring density and velocity profiles on SDSS galaxy redshift space distortions
Paz, Dante (1) ; Lares, Marcelo (1) ; Ceccarelli, Laura (1) ; Padilla, Nelson ; Lambas, Diego García (1)
End effects in optical fibres
Allington-Smith, Jeremy; Dunlop, Colin; Lemke, Ulrike; Murray, Graham
Polarimetric studies of comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
Das, H.S. ; Medhi, B.J. ; Wolf, S. ; Bertrang, G. ; Deb Roy, P. ; Chakraborty, A.
Fully cosmological virtual massive galaxies at z = 0: kinematical, morphological and stellar population characterization
Navarro-González, Javier ; Ricciardelli, Elena ; Quilis, Vicent ; Vazdekis, Alexandre (2)
Merging tree algorithm of growing voids in self-similar and CDM models
Russell, Esra (1)
A semi-empirical stability criterion for real planetary systems with eccentric orbits
Giuppone, C.A. (1) ; Morais, M.H.M. ; Correia, A.C.M. (1)
2013MNRAS.436.3557T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/3557)
The High Time Resolution Universe survey - IX. Polarimetry of long-period pulsars
Tiburzi, C. (1) ; Johnston, S. ; Bailes, M. (4) ; Bates, S.D. ; Bhat, N.D.R. (4) ; Burgay, M. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Champion, D. ; Coster, P. (3) ; D'Amico, N. (1) ; Keith, M.J. ; Kramer, M. (8) ; Levin, L. ; Milia, S. ; Ng, C. ; Possenti, A. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Thornton, D. (3) ; van Straten, W. (4)
A new class of pulsating white dwarf of extremely low mass: the fourth and fifth members
Hermes, J.J. (1) ; Montgomery, M.H. ; Gianninas, A. ; Winget, D.E. ; Brown, Warren R. ; Harrold, Samuel T. ; Bell, Keaton J. ; Kenyon, Scott J. ; Kilic, Mukremin ; Castanheira, Barbara G.
2013MNRAS.436.3581L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/3581)
Finding rare AGN: XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SDSS Stripe 82
LaMassa, Stephanie M. ; Urry, C.Megan ; Cappelluti, Nico (2) ; Civano, Francesca (4) ; Ranalli, Piero (2) ; Glikman, Eilat ; Treister, Ezequiel ; Richards, Gordon ; Ballantyne, David ; Stern, Daniel ; Comastri, Andrea ; Cardamone, Carie ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Böhringer, Hans ; Chon, Gayoung ; Murray, Stephen S. (4) ; Green, Paul ; Nandra, Kirpal
Streams in the Aquarius stellar haloes
Gómez, Facundo A. (1) ; Helmi, Amina ; Cooper, Andrew P. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Navarro, Julio F. ; White, Simon D.M.
Nebular spectroscopy of the nearby Type IIb supernova 2011dh
Shivvers, Isaac ; Mazzali, Paolo (2) ; Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Botyánszki, János ; Cenko, S.Bradley (1) ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Kasen, Daniel (1) (5) ; Van Dyk, Schuyler D. ; Clubb, Kelsey I.
Gamma-ray emission from massive stars interacting with active galactic nuclei jets
Araudo, A.T. ; Bosch-Ramon, V. ; Romero, G.E. (3)
Are gamma-ray bursts the same at high redshift and low redshift ?
Littlejohns, O.M. (1) ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Willingale, R. ; Evans, P.A. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Levan, A.J.
Analysis of a superbolide from a damocloid observed over Spain on 2012 July 13
Madiedo, José M. (1) ; Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. ; Zamorano, Jaime ; Ortiz, José L. ; de Miguel, Alejandro Sánchez ; Ocaña, Francisco ; Izquierdo, Jaime ; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J. ; Morales, Nicolás ; Galadí, David ; de Guindos, Enrique ; Lacruz, Juan ; Organero, Faustino ; Ana-Hernández, Leonor ; Fonseca, Fernando ; Tapia, Mar ; Gallego, Felipe ; Cabrera-Caño, Jesús
New insights into the stability of L4 in the spatial restricted three-body problem
Schwarz, R.; Funk, B.; Bazsó, Á.
Ephemerides of the main Uranian satellites
Emelyanov, N.V. (1) ; Nikonchuk, D.V.
Bayesian analysis of anisotropic cosmologies: Bianchi VIIh and WMAP
McEwen, J.D. (1) ; Josset, T. (1) (3) ; Feeney, S.M. ; Peiris, H.V. ; Lasenby, A.N.
Evolution of star clusters in a cosmological tidal field
Rieder, Steven (1) ; Ishiyama, Tomoaki ; Langelaan, Paul ; Makino, Junichiro ; McMillan, Stephen L.W. ; Portegies Zwart, Simon
The link between magnetic fields and filamentary clouds: bimodal cloud orientations in the Gould Belt
Li, Hua-bai (1) ; Fang, Min ; Henning, Thomas ; Kainulainen, Jouni
An empirical Bayesian analysis applied to the globular cluster pulsar population
Turk, P.J. ; Lorimer, D.R. (2) (3)
Feedback-regulated star formation - II. Dual constraints on the SFE and the age spread of stars in massive clusters
Dib, Sami (1) (2) ; Gutkin, Julia ; Brandner, Wolfgang ; Basu, Shantanu
General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of Blandford-Znajek jets and the membrane paradigm
Penna, Robert F. (1) ; Narayan, Ramesh ; Sadowski, Aleksander
2013MNRAS.436.3759B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/3759)
The sub-mJy radio sky in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South: source population
Bonzini, M. ; Padovani, P. ; Mainieri, V. ; Kellermann, K.I. ; Miller, N. ; Rosati, P. (1) ; Tozzi, P. ; Vattakunnel, S.
MAMA: an algebraic map for the secular dynamics of planetesimals in tight binary systems
Leiva, A.M. ; Correa-Otto, J.A. (1) ; Beaugé, C. (1)
Time lags in the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5408 X-1: implications for the black hole mass
De Marco, B. (1) ; Ponti, G. ; Miniutti, G. ; Belloni, T. ; Cappi, M. ; Dadina, M. ; Muñoz-Darias, T.
Effects of linear redshift space distortions and perturbation theory on BAOs: a 3D spherical analysis
Pratten, Geraint ; Munshi, Dipak (1)
Perturbations induced by a molecular cloud on the young stellar disc in the Galactic Centre
Mapelli, Michela ; Gualandris, Alessia ; Hayfield, Tristen
Constraints on decreases in η Carinae's mass-loss from 3D hydrodynamic simulations of its binary colliding winds
Madura, T.I. ; Gull, T.R. ; Okazaki, A.T. ; Russell, C.M.P. ; Owocki, S.P. ; Groh, J.H. ; Corcoran, M.F. (5) ; Hamaguchi, K. (5) ; Teodoro, M.
Energy, momentum and mass outflows and feedback from thick accretion discs around rotating black holes
Sadowski, Aleksander; Narayan, Ramesh; Penna, Robert; Zhu, Yucong
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