Monthly Notices of the RAS 436
December(I) 2013

Revisiting SW J2000.6+3210: a persistent Be X-ray pulsar ?
Pradhan, Pragati (1) ; Maitra, Chandreyee (3) ; Paul, Biswajit ; Paul, B.C.
2013MNRAS.436..953P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/953)
Physical parameters and the projection factor of the classical Cepheid in the binary system OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227
Pilecki, B. (1) ; Graczyk, D. ; Pietrzynski, G. (1) ; Gieren, W. (2) (3) ; Thompson, I.B. ; Freedman, W.L. ; Scowcroft, V. ; Madore, B.F. ; Udalski, A. ; Soszynski, I. ; Konorski, P. ; Smolec, R. ; Nardetto, N. ; Bono, G. (8) ; Prada Moroni, P.G. (10) ; Storm, J. ; Gallenne, A.
X-ray and radio observations of the γ Cygni supernova remnant G78.2+2.1
Leahy, D.A.; Green, K.; Ranasinghe, S.
Free motion around black holes with discs or rings: between integrability and chaos - III
Suková, P.; Semerák, O.
2013MNRAS.436..997R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/997)
The environments of luminous radio galaxies and type-2 quasars
Ramos Almeida, C. (1) ; Bessiere, P.S. ; Tadhunter, C.N. ; Inskip, K.J. ; Morganti, R. (5) ; Dicken, D. ; González-Serrano, J.I. ; Holt, J.
A consistent test of the distance-duality relation with galaxy clusters and Type Ia Supernovae
Liang, Nan (1) (2) ; Li, Zhengxiang ; Wu, Puxun ; Cao, Shuo ; Liao, Kai ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
New measurements of the ionizing ultraviolet background over 2 < z < 5 and implications for hydrogen reionization
Becker, George D. ; Bolton, James S.
The CASSOWARY spectroscopy survey: a new sample of gravitationally lensed galaxies in SDSS
Stark, Daniel P. ; Auger, Matthew ; Belokurov, Vasily ; Jones, Tucker ; Robertson, Brant ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Sand, David J. ; Moiseev, Alexei ; Eagle, Will ; Myers, Thomas
The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - XIV. Transition-type dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster
De Looze, Ilse ; Baes, Maarten ; Boselli, Alessandro ; Cortese, Luca (3) ; Fritz, Jacopo ; Auld, Robbie ; Bendo, George J. ; Bianchi, Simone ; Boquien, Médéric ; Clemens, Marcel ; Ciesla, Laure ; Davies, Jonathan ; di Serego Alighieri, Sperello ; Grossi, Marco ; Jones, Anthony ; Madden, Suzanne C. ; Pappalardo, Ciro ; Pierini, Daniele ; Smith, Matthew W.L. ; Verstappen, Joris ; Vlahakis, Catherine ; Zibetti, Stefano
Pitch angle variations in spiral galaxies
Savchenko, S.S. ; Reshetnikov, V.P. (1)
Evolution of faint radio sources in the VIDEO-XMM3 field
McAlpine, K. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) ; Bonfield, D.G.
A novel type of very long baseline astronomical intensity interferometer
Borra, Ermanno F.
Modelling the kinked jet of the Crab nebula
Mignone, A. ; Striani, E. (2) (3) ; Tavani, M. (2) (3) ; Ferrari, A. (1) (3)
The main sequence of three red supergiant clusters
Froebrich, Dirk ; Scholz, Alexander (2)
Non-parametric method for measuring gas inhomogeneities from X-ray observations of galaxy clusters
Morandi, Andrea ; Nagai, Daisuke (2) (3) ; Cui, Wei
A fundamental metallicity relation for galaxies at z = 0.84-1.47 from HiZELS
Stott, John P. ; Sobral, David ; Bower, Richard ; Smail, Ian ; Best, Philip N. ; Matsuda, Yuichi (4) ; Hayashi, Masao ; Geach, James E. ; Kodama, Tadayuki (4)
Cosmological constraints from applying SHAM to rescaled cosmological simulations
Simha, Vimal; Cole, Shaun
A high-resolution study of the CO-H2 conversion factor in the diffuse cloud MBM 40
Cotten, David L.; Magnani, Loris
The effect of softening on dynamical simulations of galaxies
Iannuzzi, Francesca; Athanassoula, E.
2013MNRAS.436.1172U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1172)
The SLUGGS Survey: wide field imaging of the globular cluster system of NGC 4278
Usher, Christopher ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Spitler, Lee R. (2) ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. (4) ; Strader, Jay ; Woodley, Kristin A.
Stripping of nitrogen-rich AGB ejecta from interacting dwarf irregular galaxies
Tsujimoto, Takuji (1) ; Bekki, Kenji
3D chaotic diffusion in barred spiral galaxies
Contopoulos, G.; Harsoula, M.
Spectroscopic direct detection of reflected light from extrasolar planets
Martins, J.H.C. (1) ; Figueira, P. ; Santos, N.C. (1) ; Lovis, C.
SN 2000cx and SN 2013bh: extremely rare, nearly twin Type Ia supernovae
Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Vinko, Jozsef (1) ; Kasliwal, Mansi M. ; Fox, Ori D. ; Cao, Yi ; Johansson, Joel ; Perley, Daniel A. ; Tal, David ; Wheeler, J.Craig ; Amanullah, Rahman ; Arcavi, Iair ; Bloom, Joshua S. ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Goobar, Ariel ; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R. ; Laher, Russ ; Lee, William H. ; Marion, G.H. (1) ; Nugent, Peter E. (4) ; Shivvers, Isaac
Evolution of dust content in galaxies probed by gamma-ray burst afterglows
Kuo, Tzu-Ming (1) ; Hirashita, Hiroyuki ; Zafar, Tayyaba (3)
On the universality of supersonic turbulence
Federrath, Christoph
An early and comprehensive millimetre and centimetre wave and X-ray study of SN 2011dh: a non-equipartition blast wave expanding into a massive stellar wind
Horesh, Assaf ; Stockdale, Christopher (2) ; Fox, Derek B. ; Frail, Dale A. ; Carpenter, John ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Ofek, Eran O. (1) ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Kasliwal, Mansi M. (1) ; Arcavi, Iair ; Quimby, Robert ; Cenko, S.Bradley ; Nugent, Peter E. (9) ; Bloom, Joshua S. (9) ; Law, Nicholas M. ; Poznanski, Dovi ; Gorbikov, Evgeny ; Polishook, David (6) ; Yaron, Ofer ; Ryder, Stuart ; Weiler, Kurt W. ; Bauer, Franz (16) ; Van Dyk, Schuyler D. ; Immler, Stefan (19) (20) ; Panagia, Nino (22) (23) ; Pooley, Dave ; Kassim, Namir
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic-gravity waves and vortices in the solar atmosphere
Murawski, K. ; Ballai, I. ; Srivastava, A.K. ; Lee, D.
Warping of an accretion disc and launching of a jet by a spinning black hole in NGC 4258
Wu, Qingwen; Yan, Hao; Yi, Zhu
2013MNRAS.436.1286M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1286)
The giant lobes of Centaurus A observed at 118MHz with the Murchison Widefield Array
McKinley, B. (1) ; Briggs, F. (1) ; Gaensler, B.M. (2) ; Feain, I.J. ; Bernardi, G. (5) ; Wayth, R.B. (2) ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Offringa, A.R. (1) ; Arcus, W. ; Barnes, D.G. ; Bowman, J.D. ; Bunton, J.D. ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Corey, B.E. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; deSouza, L. (3) ; Emrich, D. ; Goeke, R. ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Herne, D. ; Hewitt, J.N. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Kasper, J.C. ; Kincaid, B.B. ; Koenig, R. ; Kratzenberg, E. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; Lynch, M.J. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; Mitchell, D.A. (2) ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Oberoi, D. ; Ord, S.M. (2) ; Pathikulangara, J. ; Prabu, T. ; Remillard, R.A. ; Rogers, A.E.E. ; Roshi, D.A. ; Salah, J.E. ; Sault, R.J. ; Udaya Shankar, N.; Srivani, K.S. ; Stevens, J. (4) ; Subrahmanyan, R. (2) ; Tingay, S.J. (2) ; Waterson, M. (1) ; Webster, R.L. (2) ; Whitney, A.R. ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L. ; Wyithe, J.S.B. (2)
2013MNRAS.436.1302P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1302)
Radiation fields in star-forming galaxies: the disc, thin disc and bulge
Popescu, Cristina C. ; Tuffs, Richard J.
Signatures of accretion events in the haloes of early-type galaxies from comparing PNe and GCs kinematics
Coccato, L. ; Arnaboldi, M. (1) ; Gerhard, O.
Competitive accretion in the protocluster G10.6-0.4 ?
Liu, Tie ; Wu, Yuefang ; Wu, Jingwen ; Qin, Sheng-Li ; Zhang, Huawei
2013MNRAS.436.1343F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1343)
Calibration of RAVE distances to a large sample of Hipparcos stars
Francis, Charles
The Stellar Abundances for Galactic Archaeology (SAGA) Database - III. Analysis of enrichment histories for elements and two modes of star formation during the early evolution of the Milky Way
Yamada, Shimako ; Suda, Takuma ; Komiya, Yutaka ; Aoki, Wako ; Fujimoto, Masayuki Y. (3)
On the mass function of stars growing in a flocculent medium
Maschberger, Th.
A simple disc wind model for broad absorption line quasars
Higginbottom, N. ; Knigge, C. ; Long, K.S. ; Sim, S.A. ; Matthews, J.H.
A search for substellar objects orbiting the sdB eclipsing binary HS 0705+6700
Qian, S.-B. (1) (2) ; Shi, G. (1) (2) ; Zola, S. (4) ; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D. ; Winiarski, M. ; Szymanski, T. ; Ogloza, W. ; Li, L.-J. (1) (2) ; Zhu, L.-Y. (1) (2) ; Liu, L. (1) ; He, J.-J. (1) ; Liao, W.-P. (1) ; Zhao, E.-G. (1) ; Wang, J.-J. (1) (2) ; Zhang, J. (1) (2) ; Jiang, L.-Q. (1) (2)
Long periods in two Kepler roAp stars
Balona, L.A.
On the coherence of WMAP and Planck temperature maps
Kovács, András (1) ; Carron, Julien ; Szapudi, István
Characterizing thermal sweeping: a rapid disc dispersal mechanism
Owen, James E. ; Hudoba de Badyn, Mathias (1) ; Clarke, Cathie J. ; Robins, Luke
The MOG weak field approximation and observational test of galaxy rotation curves
Moffat, J.W. (1) ; Rahvar, S. (1)
2013MNRAS.436.1452E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1452)
Excitation cross-sections by electron impact for Ov and Ovi levels
Elabidi, H. (1) ; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
2013MNRAS.436.1465B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1465)
Properties of star clusters - I. Automatic distance and extinction estimates
Buckner, Anne S.M.; Froebrich, Dirk
Radial migration in a bar-dominated disc galaxy - I. Impact on chemical evolution
Kubryk, M. ; Prantzos, N. ; Athanassoula, E.
The capture theory and the inclinations of exoplanet orbits
Woolfson, M.M.
The binary fractions in the massive young Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters NGC 1805 and NGC 1818
Li, Chengyuan (1) (2) ; de Grijs, Richard (1) ; Deng, Licai
Abundant cyanopolyynes as a probe of infall in the Serpens South cluster-forming region
Friesen, R.K. ; Medeiros, L. (2) ; Schnee, S. ; Bourke, T.L. ; Francesco, J.Di (5) ; Gutermuth, R. ; Myers, P.C.
The awakening of BL Lacertae: observations by Fermi, Swift and the GASP-WEBT
Raiteri, C.M. ; Villata, M. ; D'Ammando, F. (2) ; Larionov, V.M. (4) (5) ; Gurwell, M.A. ; Mirzaqulov, D.O. ; Smith, P.S. ; Acosta-Pulido, J.A. (10) ; Agudo, I. (12) ; Arévalo, M.J. (10) ; Bachev, R. ; Benítez, E. ; Berdyugin, A. ; Blinov, D.A. (4) ; Borman, G.A. ; Böttcher, M. (19) ; Bozhilov, V. ; Carnerero, M.I. (1) (10) ; Carosati, D. (22) ; Casadio, C. ; Chen, W.P. ; Doroshenko, V.T. ; Efimov, Yu.S. ; Efimova, N.V. (4) ; Ehgamberdiev, Sh.A. ; Gómez, J.L. ; González-Morales, P.A. ; Hiriart, D. ; Ibryamov, S. ; Jadhav, Y. ; Jorstad, S.G. (4) ; Joshi, M. ; Kadenius, V. ; Klimanov, S.A. ; Kohli, M. ; Konstantinova, T.S. ; Kopatskaya, E.N. ; Koptelova, E. (24) ; Kimeridze, G. ; Kurtanidze, O.M. (27) ; Larionova, E.G. ; Larionova, L.V. ; Ligustri, R. ; Lindfors, E. (16) ; Marscher, A.P. ; McBreen, B. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Metodieva, Y. ; Molina, S.N. ; Morozova, D.A. ; Nazarov, S.V. ; Nikolashvili, M.G. ; Nilsson, K. ; Okhmat, D.N. ; Ovcharov, E. ; Panwar, N. ; Pasanen, M. ; Peneva, S. ; Phipps, J. ; Pulatova, N.G. (18) ; Reinthal, R. ; Ros, J.A. ; Sadun, A.C. ; Schwartz, R.D. ; Semkov, E. ; Sergeev, S.G. ; Sigua, L.A. ; Sillanpää, A. ; Smith, N. ; Stoyanov, K. ; Strigachev, A. ; Takalo, L.O. ; Taylor, B. (13) ; Thum, C. ; Troitsky, I.S. ; Valcheva, A. ; Wehrle, A.E. ; Wiesemeyer, H. (39)
Milliarcsec-scale radio emission of ultraluminous X-ray sources: steady jet emission from an intermediate-mass black hole ?
Mezcua, M. (1) (2) ; Farrell, S.A. ; Gladstone, J.C. ; Lobanov, A.P.
Detectability of the first cosmic explosions
de Souza, R.S. ; Ishida, E.E.O. ; Johnson, J.L. (3) ; Whalen, D.J. (3) ; Mesinger, A.
Observations of Comet P/2003 T12 = 2012 A3 (SOHO) at large phase angle in STEREO-B
Hui, M.-T.
Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics
Bányai, E. ; Kiss, L.L. (1) (2) ; Bedding, T.R. (2) ; Bellamy, B. ; Benko, J.M. ; Bódi, A. ; Callingham, J.R. ; Compton, D. ; Csányi, I. ; Derekas, A. (1) ; Dorval, J. ; Huber, D. (2) ; Shrier, O. ; Simon, A.E. (1) ; Stello, D. (2) ; Szabó, Gy.M. (1) (3) ; Szabó, R. ; Szatmáry, K.
The size of the X-ray emitting region in SWIFT J2127.4+5654 via a broad line region cloud X-ray eclipse
Sanfrutos, M. ; Miniutti, G. ; Agís-González, B. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Miller, J.M. ; Panessa, F. ; Zoghbi, A. (5)
Particle acceleration and dynamics of double-double radio galaxies: theory versus observations
Konar, C. ; Hardcastle, M.J.
Modelling the X-ray polarimetric signatures of complex geometry: the case study of the `changing look' active galactic nucleus NGC 1365
Marin, F. ; Porquet, D. ; Goosmann, R.W. ; Dovciak, M. ; Muleri, F. ; Grosso, N. ; Karas, V.
Statistical properties of mass, star formation, chemical content and rotational patterns in early z ≳ 9 structures
Biffi, V. (1) ; Maio, U. (3)
Testing excitation models of rapidly oscillating Ap stars with interferometry
Cunha, M.S. (1) ; Alentiev, D. ; Brandão, I.M. ; Perraut, K.
The chemical evolution of the Milky Way: the Three Infall Model
Micali, A. ; Matteucci, F. (1) ; Romano, D.
Surface waves in the partially ionized solar plasma slab
Pandey, B.P.
Formation, orbital and thermal evolution, and survival of planetary-mass clumps in the early phase of circumstellar disc evolution
Tsukamoto, Yusuke ; Machida, Masahiro N. ; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro
Cosmological constraints from baryon acoustic oscillations and clustering of large-scale structure
Addison, G.E.; Hinshaw, G.; Halpern, M.
The use and calibration of read-out streaks to increase the dynamic range of the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope
Page, M.J. ; Kuin, N.P.M. ; Breeveld, A.A. ; Hancock, B. ; Holland, S.T. ; Marshall, F.E. ; Oates, S. ; Roming, P.W.A. (4) ; Siegel, M.H. ; Smith, P.J. ; Carter, M. ; De Pasquale, M. ; Symeonidis, M. ; Yershov, V. ; Beardmore, A.P.
Long-baseline interferometric multiplicity survey of the Sco-Cen OB association
Rizzuto, A.C. ; Ireland, M.J. (1) ; Robertson, J.G. ; Kok, Y. ; Tuthill, P.G. ; Warrington, B.A. ; Haubois, X. ; Tango, W.J. ; Norris, B. ; ten Brummelaar, T. ; Kraus, A.L. ; Jacob, A. ; Laliberte-Houdeville, C.
Simultaneous VLBA polarimetric observations of the v = lcub1,2rcub J = 1-0 and v =1, J = 2-1 SiO maser emission towards VY CMa: maser morphology and pumping
Richter, L. ; Kemball, A. (1) ; Jonas, J.
Viscous Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in highly ionized plasmas
Roediger, E. (1) (2) ; Kraft, R.P. ; Nulsen, P. ; Churazov, E. ; Forman, W. ; Brüggen, M. ; Kokotanekova, R. (2) (3)
Linear stability and resonances in the generalized photogravitational Chermnykh-like problem with a disc
Kishor, Ram; Kushvah, Badam Singh
Brightest cluster galaxies in cosmological simulations: achievements and limitations of active galactic nuclei feedback models
Ragone-Figueroa, Cinthia (1) ; Granato, Gian Luigi ; Murante, Giuseppe ; Borgani, Stefano (2) ; Cui, Weiguang (2)
The dynamics of galaxy pairs in a cosmological setting
Moreno, Jorge ; Bluck, Asa F.L. ; Ellison, Sara L. ; Patton, David R. ; Torrey, Paul ; Moster, Benjamin P.
A dynamical model of supernova feedback: gas outflows from the interstellar medium
Lagos, Claudia del P. (1) ; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Baugh, Carlton M.
The host haloes of Oi absorbers in the reionization epoch
Finlator, Kristian ; Muñoz, Joseph A. ; Oppenheimer, B.D. (3) ; Oh, S.Peng ; Özel, Feryal ; Davé, Romeel (6) (7) (8)
A sub-parsec resolution simulation of the Milky Way: global structure of the interstellar medium and properties of molecular clouds
Renaud, F. ; Bournaud, F. ; Emsellem, E. (2) ; Elmegreen, B. ; Teyssier, R. (1) ; Alves, J. ; Chapon, D. ; Combes, F. ; Dekel, A. ; Gabor, J. ; Hennebelle, P. ; Kraljic, K.
The slow flow model of dust efflux in local star-forming galaxies
Zahid, H.J. (1) ; Torrey, P. ; Kudritzki, R.P. (1) ; Kewley, L.J. ; Davé, R. (6) (7) (8) ; Geller, M.J.
On the observed duration distribution of gamma-ray bursts from collapsars
Lazzati, D. ; Villeneuve, M. ; López-Cámara, D. ; Morsony, B.J. ; Perna, R. (2)
Active galactic nucleus torus models and the puzzling infrared spectrum of IRAS F10214+4724
Efstathiou, A. ; Christopher, N. ; Verma, A. ; Siebenmorgen, R.
2013MNRAS.436.1883W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/436/1883)
Rotation periods, variability properties and ages for Kepler exoplanet candidate host stars
Walkowicz, Lucianne M. ; Basri, Gibor S.
Constraining thermal dust emission in distant galaxies with number counts and angular power spectra
Addison, G.E. (1) ; Dunkley, J. ; Bond, J.R.
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