Monthly Notices of the RAS 434
October(I) 2013

Near-infrared spectroscopy of SN 2009ip's 2012 brightening reveals a dusty pre-supernova environment
Smith, Nathan ; Mauerhan, Jon C. ; Kasliwal, Mansi M. ; Burgasser, Adam J.
A determination of the space density and birth rate of hydrogen-line (DA) white dwarfs in the Galactic plane, based on the UVEX survey
Verbeek, Kars ; Groot, Paul J. ; Nelemans, Gijs ; Scaringi, Simone (1) ; Napiwotzki, Ralf ; Drew, Janet E. ; Steeghs, Danny ; Casares, Jorge ; Corral-Santana, Jesus M. (5) ; Gänsicke, Boris T. ; González-Solares, Eduardo ; Greimel, Robert ; Heber, Ulrich ; Irwin, Mike J. ; Knigge, Christian ; Wright, Nicholas J. ; Zijlstra, Albert A.
Modelling carbon radio recombination line observations towards the ultracompact Hii region W48A
Jeyakumar, S. (1) ; Roshi, D.Anish
Acceleration of cosmic rays and gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants in the Galaxy
Cristofari, P. ; Gabici, S. ; Casanova, S. (1) (2) ; Terrier, R. ; Parizot, E.
Corotation resonance and overstable oscillations in black hole accretion discs: general relativistic calculations
Horák, Jirí ; Lai, Dong
RXTE and Swift observations of SWIFT J1729.9-3437
Sahiner, S. ; Inam, S.C. ; Serim, M.M. ; Baykal, A.
Inferring the Andromeda Galaxy's mass from its giant southern stream with Bayesian simulation sampling
Fardal, Mark A. ; Weinberg, Martin D. ; Babul, Arif ; Irwin, Mike J. ; Guhathakurta, Puragra ; Gilbert, Karoline M. ; Ferguson, Annette M.N. ; Ibata, Rodrigo A. ; Lewis, Geraint F. ; Tanvir, Nial R. ; Huxor, Avon P.
Speckle observations with PISCO in Merate (Italy) - XII. Astrometric measurements of visual binaries in 2011
Scardia, M. ; Prieur, J.-L. (2) ; Pansecchi, L. ; Argyle, R.W. ; Spanò, P. (1) ; Riva, M. ; Landoni, M.
A snowflake's chance in heaven
Walker, Mark A.
Orbital and epicyclic frequencies of Maclaurin spheroids
Kluzniak, W. ; Rosinska, D.
New approaches to probing Minkowski functionals
Munshi, D. (1) ; Smidt, J. (3) ; Cooray, A. ; Renzi, A. (5) (6) ; Heavens, A. ; Coles, P. (1)
Growth of brightest cluster galaxies via mergers since z=1
Burke, Claire; Collins, Chris A.
Cepheid theoretical models and observations in HST/WFC3 filters: the effect on the Hubble constant H0
Fiorentino, Giuliana (1) ; Musella, Ilaria ; Marconi, Marcella
2013MNRAS.434.2877T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/2877)
Environments of extended radio sources in the Australia Telescope Low-Brightness Survey
Thorat, K. (1) ; Saripalli, L. ; Subrahmanyan, R. (1)
A search for boron in damped Lyα systems
Berg, Trystyn A.M. ; Ellison, Sara L. ; Venn, Kim A. ; Prochaska, J.Xavier
EISCAT observations of meteors from the sporadic complex
Brosch, Noah ; Häggström, Ingemar ; Pellinen-Wannberg, Asta
The backbones of stellar structures in barred-spiral models - the concerted action of various dynamical mechanisms on galactic discs
Tsigaridi, L. (1) ; Patsis, P.A.
Adiabatic evolution of mass-losing stars
Dai, Lixin ; Blandford, Roger D. ; Eggleton, Peter P.
Roche accretion of stars close to massive black holes
Dai, Lixin; Blandford, Roger
Optimal non-linear transformations for large-scale structure statistics
Carron, J.; Szapudi, I.
What's up in the Milky Way ? The orientation of the disc relative to the triaxial halo
Debattista, Victor P. (1) ; Roskar, Rok ; Valluri, Monica ; Quinn, Thomas ; Moore, Ben ; Wadsley, James
Characterizing dark interactions with the halo mass accretion history and structural properties
Giocoli, Carlo (1) (2) ; Marulli, Federico (1) (2) ; Baldi, Marco ; Moscardini, Lauro (1) (2) ; Metcalf, R.Benton
Relativistic mergers of compact binaries in clusters: the fingerprint of the spin
Brem, Patrick ; Amaro-Seoane, Pau ; Spurzem, Rainer (2) (3)
Gravitational redshifts from large-scale structure
Croft, Rupert A.C. (1)
The formation of systems with closely spaced low-mass planets and the application to Kepler-36
Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan ; Rein, Hanno (2) ; Kley, Willy
Linear stability analysis of magnetized relativistic jets: the non-rotating case
Bodo, G. ; Mamatsashvili, G. ; Rossi, P. ; Mignone, A.
Placing limits on the transit timing variations of circumbinary exoplanets
Armstrong, D. ; Martin, D.V. ; Brown, G. ; Faedi, F. ; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y. (1) ; Mardling, R. (2) ; Pollacco, D. ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. (2) ; Udry, S.
The potentially dangerous asteroid (99942) Apophis
Wlodarczyk, I.
Energy budget of the bifurcated component in the radio pulsar profile of PSR J1012+5307
Dyks, J.; Rudak, B.
Hemispherical power asymmetries in the WMAP 7-year low-resolution temperature and polarization maps
Paci, F. ; Gruppuso, A. (2) ; Finelli, F. (2) ; De Rosa, A. ; Mandolesi, N. (2) (4) ; Natoli, P. (2) (5)
A model for the multiwavelength radiation from tidal disruption event Swift J1644+57
Kumar, P. ; Barniol Duran, R. ; Bosnjak, Z. ; Piran, T.
The lack of star formation gradients in galaxy groups up to z ∼ 1.6
Ziparo, F. (1) ; Popesso, P. ; Biviano, A. ; Finoguenov, A. (1) (4) ; Wuyts, S. ; Wilman, D. ; Salvato, M. ; Tanaka, M. ; Ilbert, O. ; Nandra, K. ; Lutz, D. ; Elbaz, D. ; Dickinson, M. ; Altieri, B. ; Aussel, H. ; Berta, S. ; Cimatti, A. ; Fadda, D. ; Genzel, R. ; Le Flo'ch, E. ; Magnelli, B. ; Nordon, R. ; Poglitsch, A. ; Pozzi, F. ; Portal, M.Sanchez ; Tacconi, L. ; Bauer, F.E. (15) ; Brandt, W.N. ; Cappelluti, N. (5) ; Cooper, M.C. ; Mulchaey, J.S.
2013MNRAS.434.3104H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/3104)
A quasar-galaxy mixing diagram: quasar spectral energy distribution shapes in the optical to near-infrared
Hao, Heng (1) ; Elvis, Martin ; Bongiorno, Angela (3) ; Zamorani, Gianni ; Merloni, Andrea ; Kelly, Brandon C. ; Civano, Francesca (2) ; Celotti, Annalisa (1) ; Ho, Luis C. ; Jahnke, Knud ; Comastri, Andrea ; Trump, Jonathan R. ; Mainieri, Vincenzo ; Salvato, Mara (13) ; Brusa, Marcella (3) ; Impey, Chris D. ; Koekemoer, Anton M. ; Lanzuisi, Giorgio ; Vignali, Cristian (5) ; Silverman, John D. ; Urry, C.Megan ; Schawinski, Kevin
Short time-scale periodicity in OJ 287
Pihajoki, P. ; Valtonen, M. (2) ; Ciprini, S. (1)
Radio interferometric calibration via ordered-subsets algorithms: OS-LS and OS-SAGE calibrations
Kazemi, S. ; Yatawatta, S. ; Zaroubi, S.
Towards a more realistic population of bright spiral galaxies in cosmological simulations
Aumer, Michael (1) ; White, Simon D.M. ; Naab, Thorsten ; Scannapieco, Cecilia
The stellar metallicity distribution of the Milky Way from the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut survey
Peng, Xiyan (1) (2) ; Du, Cuihua ; Wu, Zhenyu (1) ; Ma, Jun (1) ; Zhou, Xu (1)
A new code for orbit analysis and Schwarzschild modelling of triaxial stellar systems
Vasiliev, Eugene (1) (2)
The jet-disc connection: evidence for a reinterpretation in radio loud and radio quiet active galactic nuclei
Garofalo, David (1)
On the effect of transport coefficient anisotropy on the plasma flow in heliospheric interface
Baranov, V.B. (1) ; Ruderman, M.S. (3)
Equilibrium models of radially anisotropic spherical stellar systems with softened central potentials
Polyachenko, E.V. ; Polyachenko, V.L. ; Shukhman, I.G.
Herschel reveals the obscured star formation in HiZELS Hα emitters at z = 1.47
Ibar, E. (1) ; Sobral, D. ; Best, P.N. ; Ivison, R.J. (1) ; Smail, I. ; Arumugam, V. ; Berta, S. ; Béthermin, M. (7) ; Bock, J. (9) ; Cava, A. ; Conley, A. ; Farrah, D. ; Geach, J. ; Ikarashi, S. ; Kohno, K. (15) ; Le Floc'h, E. ; Lutz, D. ; Magdis, G. ; Magnelli, B. ; Marsden, G. ; Oliver, S.J. ; Page, M.J. ; Pozzi, F. ; Riguccini, L. ; Schulz, B. (9) ; Seymour, N. (18) ; Smith, A.J. ; Symeonidis, M. ; Wang, L. (5) ; Wardlow, J. ; Zemcov, M. (9)
2013MNRAS.434.3236K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/3236)
The stellar mass function, binary content and radial structure of the open cluster Praesepe derived from PPMXL and SDSS data
Khalaj, P.; Baumgardt, H.
X-ray emission around the z = 4.1 radio galaxy TN J1338-1942 and the potential role of far-infrared photons in AGN feedback
Smail, Ian ; Blundell, Katherine M.
An HST optical-to-near-IR transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-19b: detection of atmospheric water and likely absence of TiO
Huitson, C.M. ; Sing, D.K. ; Pont, F. ; Fortney, J.J. ; Burrows, A.S. ; Wilson, P.A. ; Ballester, G.E. ; Nikolov, N. ; Gibson, N.P. (5) ; Deming, D. ; Aigrain, S. ; Evans, T.M. ; Henry, G.W. ; Lecavelier des Etangs, A. ; Showman, A.P. ; Vidal-Madjar, A. ; Zahnle, K.
Emergences of Civ narrow absorption troughs in the quasar SDSS J095254.10+021932.8
Chen, Zhi-Fu (1) ; Li, Mu-Sheng ; Huang, Wei-Rong ; Pan, Cai-Juan ; Li, You-Bing
The effect of composition on the evolution of giant and intermediate-mass planets
Vazan, A. ; Kovetz, A. (1) ; Podolak, M. ; Helled, R.
Simulating intergalactic quasar scintillation
Pallottini, A. ; Ferrara, A. ; Evoli, C.
Search for gravitational lens candidates in the XMM-LSS/CFHTLS common field
Elyiv, A. (1) ; Melnyk, O. (1) ; Finet, F. ; Pospieszalska-Surdej, A. ; Chiappetti, L. ; Pierre, M. ; Sadibekova, T. ; Surdej, J.
VGS31b: a highly inclined ring along a filament in a void. Implication for the cold accretion
Spavone, M. ; Iodice, E.
The preferentially magnified active nucleus in IRAS F10214+4724 - III. VLBI observations of the radio core
Deane, R.P. (1) ; Rawlings, S. ; Garrett, M.A. (3) ; Heywood, I. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) (5) ; Klöckner, H.-R. (1) ; Marshall, P.J. ; McKean, J.P.
The warm dark matter halo mass function below the cut-off scale
Angulo, Raul E. ; Hahn, Oliver ; Abel, Tom
Galactic accretion and the outer structure of galaxies in the CDM model
Cooper, Andrew P. (1) ; D'Souza, Richard ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Wang, Jing ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Guo, Qi (2) ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; White, Simon D.M.
Exploring the γ-ray emissivity of young supernova remnants - I. Hadronic emission
Dwarkadas, V.V.
Testing protoplanetary disc dispersal with radio emission
Owen, James E. ; Scaife, Anna M.M. ; Ercolano, Barbara (3)
Equilibrium star formation in a constant Q disc: model optimization and initial tests
Zheng, Zheng ; Meurer, Gerhardt R. ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; Thilker, David A. ; Zwaan, Martin A.
On the operation of the chemothermal instability in primordial star-forming clouds
Greif, Thomas H. (1) ; Springel, Volker (3) ; Bromm, Volker
A comparison of period finding algorithms
Graham, Matthew J.; Drake, Andrew J.; Djorgovski, S.G.; Mahabal, Ashish A.; Donalek, Ciro; Duan, Victor; Maker, Allison
Calibration relations for core-collapse supernovae
Pumo, M.L. (1) ; Zampieri, L.
Jets and the accretion flow in low-luminosity black holes
Gardner, Emma; Done, Chris
Long-term X-ray emission from Swift J1644+57
Zou, Y.C. (1) ; Wang, F.Y. (1) (3) ; Cheng, K.S.
Deep luminosity functions and colour-magnitude relations for cluster galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.6
De Propris, R. ; Phillipps, S. ; Bremer, M.N.
Periodic radio variabilities in NRAO 530: a jet-disc connection ?
An, Tao (1) ; Baan, Willem A. ; Wang, Jun-Yi (3) ; Wang, Yu ; Hong, Xiao-Yu (1)
Structure and evolution of high-mass stellar mergers
Glebbeek, Evert ; Gaburov, Evghenii ; Portegies Zwart, Simon ; Pols, Onno R.
Gas and dark matter in the Sculptor group: NGC 55
Westmeier, T. (1) ; Koribalski, B.S. ; Braun, R.
Flame propagation on the surfaces of rapidly rotating neutron stars during Type I X-ray bursts
Cavecchi, Yuri (1) ; Watts, Anna L. ; Braithwaite, Jonathan ; Levin, Yuri (2)
High precision differential abundance measurements in globular clusters: chemical inhomogeneities in NGC 6752
Yong, David ; Meléndez, Jorge ; Grundahl, Frank ; Roederer, Ian U. ; Norris, John E. ; Milone, A.P. ; Marino, A.F. ; Coelho, P. ; McArthur, Barbara E. ; Lind, K. ; Collet, R. ; Asplund, Martin
Dependence of residual rotation measure on intervening Mgii absorbers at cosmic distances
Joshi, Ravi; Chand, Hum
Superbubble breakout and galactic winds from disc galaxies
Roy, Arpita (1) ; Nath, Biman B. ; Sharma, Prateek ; Shchekinov, Yuri
The runaway binary LP 400-22 is leaving the Galaxy
Kilic, Mukremin ; Gianninas, A. ; Brown, Warren R. ; Harris, Hugh C. ; Dahn, Conard C. ; Agüeros, M.A. ; Heinke, Craig O. ; Kenyon, S.J. ; Panei, J.A. ; Camilo, Fernando (4)
Large-angle cosmic microwave background suppression and polarization predictions
Copi, Craig J. ; Huterer, Dragan ; Schwarz, Dominik J. ; Starkman, Glenn D. (1)
Peak-peak correlations in the cosmic background radiation from cosmic strings
Movahed, M.Sadegh (1) (2) ; Javanmardi, B. (1) ; Sheth, Ravi K. (3)
A study of AGN and supernova feedback in simulations of isolated and merging disc galaxies
Newton, Richard D.A.; Kay, Scott T.
Galactic cluster winds in presence of a dark energy
Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S. ; Merafina, M.
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