Monthly Notices of the RAS 434
September(II) 2013
- 2013MNRAS.434..909H
- Finite, intense accretion bursts from tidal disruption of stars on bound orbits
- Hayasaki, Kimitake (1) (2) ; Stone, Nicholas ; Loeb, Abraham
- 2013MNRAS.434..925H
- KIC 4544587: an eccentric, short-period binary system with δ Sct pulsations and tidally excited modes
- Hambleton, K.M. (1) (2) ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Prsa, A. ; Guzik, J.A. ; Pavlovski, K. ; Bloemen, S. ; Southworth, J. ; Conroy, K. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Fuller, J.
- 2013MNRAS.434..941M
- Uncovering obscured luminous AGN with WISE
- Mateos, S. ; Alonso-Herrero, A. ; Carrera, F.J. ; Blain, A. ; Severgnini, P. ; Caccianiga, A. ; Ruiz, A.
- 2013MNRAS.434..956C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/956)
- The AT20G high-angular-resolution catalogue
- Chhetri, R. (1) ; Ekers, R.D. ; Jones, P.A. ; Ricci, R.
- 2013MNRAS.434..966S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/966)
- No evidence for intense, cold accretion on to YSOs from measurements of Li in T-Tauri stars
- Sergison, Darryl J. ; Mayne, N.J. ; Naylor, Tim ; Jeffries, R.D. ; Bell, Cameron P.M.
- 2013MNRAS.434..978V
- Molecular gas in type 2 quasars at z ∼ 0.2-0.3
- Villar-Martín, M. ; Rodríguez, M. ; Drouart, G. (3) ; Emonts, B. (1) ; Colina, L. ; Humphrey, A. ; García Burillo, S. ; Graciá Carpio, J. ; Planesas, P. ; Pérez Torres, M. ; Arribas, S.
- 2013MNRAS.434..992G
- Flux calibration of broad-band far-infrared and submillimetre photometric instruments: theory and application to Herschel-SPIRE
- Griffin, M.J. ; North, C.E. ; Schulz, B. (2) ; Amaral-Rogers, A. ; Bendo, G. ; Bock, J. (2) ; Conversi, L. ; Conley, A. ; Dowell, C.D. ; Ferlet, M. ; Glenn, J. ; Lim, T. ; Pearson, C. (8) ; Pohlen, M. ; Sibthorpe, B. ; Spencer, L. ; Swinyard, B. (8) ; Valtchanov, I.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1005Z
- A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey: red subdwarfs in binary systems
- Zhang, Z.H. (1) (2) ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Burningham, B. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Gálvez-Ortiz, M.C. (1) ; Catalán, S. ; Smart, R.L. ; Lépine, S. ; Clarke, J.R.A. (1) ; Pavlenko, Ya.V. (1) ; Murray, D.N. ; Kuznetsov, M.K. ; Day-Jones, A.C. ; Gomes, J. ; Marocco, F. ; Sipocz, B.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1028P
- Beyond the nuclear starburst ? Clustered star formation in major mergers
- Powell, Leila C. (1) ; Bournaud, Frederic ; Chapon, Damien ; Teyssier, Romain (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1043O
- Non-equilibirum ionization and cooling of metal-enriched gas in the presence of a photoionization background
- Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. (1) ; Schaye, Joop
- 2013MNRAS.434.1063O
- AGN proximity zone fossils and the delayed recombination of metal lines
- Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. (1) ; Schaye, Joop
- 2013MNRAS.434.1079C
- Dynamical tides excited in rotating stars of different masses and ages and the formation of close in orbits
- Chernov, S.V. ; Papaloizou, J.C.B. ; Ivanov, P.B.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1098C
- A new method for estimating the bolometric properties of Ibc supernovae
- Cano, Zach
- 2013MNRAS.434.1117D
- A young hierarchical triple system harbouring a candidate debris disc
- Deacon, N.R.; Schlieder, J.E.; Olofsson, J.; Johnston, K.G.; Henning, Th.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1129K
- Discovery of high-frequency iron K lags in Ark 564 and Mrk 335
- Kara, E. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Cackett, E.M. ; Uttley, P. ; Wilkins, D.R. ; Zoghbi, A. (4)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1138D
- The puzzle of metallicity and multiple stellar populations in the globular clusters in Fornax
- D'Antona, F. ; Caloi, V. ; D'Ercole, A. ; Tailo, M. (1) ; Vesperini, E. ; Ventura, P. ; Di Criscienzo, M. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1151G
- Galactic winds - how to launch galactic outflows in typical Lyman-break galaxies
- Glasow, W.von (1) ; Krause, M.G.H. (1) (3) ; Sommer-Larsen, J. (2) ; Burkert, A. (1) (2)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1171H
- A new approach to simulating collisionless dark matter fluids
- Hahn, Oliver (1) ; Abel, Tom ; Kaehler, Ralf
- 2013MNRAS.434.1192R
- The structure of cosmic voids in a ΛCDM Universe
- Ricciardelli, E. ; Quilis, V. ; Planelles, S. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1205M
- Solar scintillation detection and ranging (SCIDAR) technique for measuring turbulent-layer heights
- Miura, Noriaki ; Oh-ishi, Ayumu ; Shionoya, Shingo ; Watanabe, Koji ; Kuwamura, Susumu ; Baba, Naoshi ; Ueno, Satoru ; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi
- 2013MNRAS.434.1220A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1220)
- A detailed census of variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 6333 (M9) from CCD differential photometry
- Arellano Ferro, A. ; Bramich, D.M. ; Figuera Jaimes, R. (2) ; Giridhar, Sunetra ; Kains, N. ; Kuppuswamy, K. ; Jorgensen, U.G. (5) ; Alsubai, K.A. ; Andersen, J.M. (8) ; Bozza, V. (9) ; Browne, P. ; Calchi Novati, S. (9) ; Damerdji, Y. ; Diehl, C. (13) ; Dominik, M. ; Dreizler, S. ; Elyiv, A. (12) ; Giannini, E. ; Harpsoe, K. (5) ; Hessman, F.V. ; Hinse, T.C. (17) ; Hundertmark, M. ; Juncher, D. (5) ; Kerins, E. ; Korhonen, H. (5) ; Liebig, C. ; Mancini, L. ; Mathiasen, M. ; Penny, M.T. ; Rabus, M. ; Rahvar, S. (22) ; Ricci, D. (12) ; Scarpetta, G. (9) ; Skottfelt, J. (5) ; Snodgrass, C. ; Southworth, J. ; Surdej, J. ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Vilela, C. ; Wertz, O.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1239B
- Hi intensity mapping: a single dish approach
- Battye, R.A. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Dickinson, C. ; Heron, G. ; Maffei, B. ; Pourtsidou, A. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1257B
- A slow bar in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 3741
- Banerjee, Arunima ; Patra, Narendra Nath ; Chengalur, Jayaram N. ; Begum, Ayesha
- 2013MNRAS.434.1264H
- The build-up of nuclear stellar cusps in extreme starburst galaxies and major mergers
- Haan, S. (1) ; Armus, L. ; Surace, J.A. ; Charmandaris, V. (3) (4) ; Evans, A.S. (6) ; Diaz-Santos, T. ; Melbourne, J.L. ; Mazzarella, J.M. ; Howell, J.H. ; Stierwalt, S. ; Kim, D.C. ; Vavilkin, T. ; Sanders, D.B. ; Petric, A. ; Murphy, E.J. ; Braun, R. ; Bridge, C.R. ; Inami, H.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1287S
- Spinning dark matter haloes promote bar formation
- Saha, Kanak ; Naab, Thorsten
- 2013MNRAS.434.1300S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1300)
- High-precision photometry by telescope defocusing - V. WASP-15 and WASP-16
- Southworth, John ; Mancini, L. (2) ; Browne, P. ; Burgdorf, M. ; Calchi Novati, S. (3) ; Dominik, M. ; Gerner, T. ; Hinse, T.C. ; Jorgensen, U.G. (9) ; Kains, N. ; Ricci, D. ; Schäfer, S. ; Schönebeck, F. ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Alsubai, K.A. ; Bozza, V. (3) ; Chen, G. (2) ; Dodds, P. ; Dreizler, S. ; Fang, X.-S. ; Finet, F. ; Gu, S.-H. ; Hardis, S. (9) ; Harpsoe, K. (9) ; Henning, Th. ; Hundertmark, M. ; Jessen-Hansen, J. ; Kerins, E. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Liebig, C. ; Lund, M.N. ; Lundkvist, M. ; Mathiasen, M. (9) ; Nikolov, N. (2) ; Penny, M.T. ; Proft, S. ; Rahvar, S. ; Sahu, K. ; Scarpetta, G. (3) (6) ; Skottfelt, J. (9) ; Snodgrass, C. ; Surdej, J. ; Wertz, O.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1309L
- Dynamical processes at the vertical current sheet behind an erupting flux rope
- Liu, Rui
- 2013MNRAS.434.1321M
- Optical interferometry of early-type stars with PAVO@CHARA - I. Fundamental stellar properties
- Maestro, V. ; Che, X. ; Huber, D. (1) ; Ireland, M.J. (1) (4) ; Monnier, J.D. ; White, T.R. ; Kok, Y. ; Robertson, J.G. ; Schaefer, G.H. ; Brummelaar, T.A.Ten ; Tuthill, P.G.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1332M
- Black hole wind speeds and the M - σ relation
- McQuillin, Rachael C.; McLaughlin, Dean E.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1339H
- XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic Centre Region - II. The soft-thermal emission
- Heard, V.; Warwick, R.S.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1355J
- Natal kicks of stellar mass black holes by asymmetric mass ejection in fallback supernovae
- Janka, Hans-Thomas
- 2013MNRAS.434.1362M
- Straight segments in the galactic discs
- Mel'nik, A.M. ; Rautiainen, P.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1376L
- High-order analytical solutions around triangular libration points in the circular restricted three-body problem
- Lei, Hanlun; Xu, Bo
- 2013MNRAS.434.1387L
- The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey -VIII. The Galactic millisecond pulsar population
- Levin, L. (1) (2) (3) ; Bailes, M. (1) ; Barsdell, B.R. (1) ; Bates, S.D. ; Bhat, N.D.R. (3) ; Burgay, M. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Champion, D.J. ; Coster, P. (1) ; D'Amico, N. (6) ; Jameson, A. (1) ; Johnston, S. ; Keith, M.J. ; Kramer, M. (8) ; Milia, S. (6) ; Ng, C. ; Possenti, A. ; Stappers, B. ; Thornton, D. ; van Straten, W. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1398V
- Models of hydrostatic magnetar atmospheres at high luminosities
- van Putten, T. ; Watts, A.L. ; D'Angelo, C.R. ; Baring, M.G. ; Kouveliotou, C.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1411W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1411)
- Variability of broad emission lines in high-luminosity, high-redshift quasars
- Woo, Sui Chi ; Turnshek, David A. ; Badenes, Carles ; Bickerton, Steven
- 2013MNRAS.434.1422M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1422)
- Atmospheric parameters of 169 F-, G-, K- and M-type stars in the Kepler field
- Molenda-Zakowicz, J. ; Sousa, S.G. ; Frasca, A. ; Uytterhoeven, K. (4) ; Briquet, M. (6) ; Van Winckel, H. ; Drobek, D. ; Niemczura, E. ; Lampens, P. ; Lykke, J. ; Bloemen, S. ; Gameiro, J.F. (2) ; Jean, C. ; Volpi, D. ; Gorlova, N. ; Mortier, A. (2) ; Tsantaki, M. (2) ; Raskin, G.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1435C
- Clues on void evolution - I. Large-scale galaxy distributions around voids
- Ceccarelli, L. (1) ; Paz, D. (1) ; Lares, M. (1) ; Padilla, N. ; Lambas, D.García (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1443X – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1443)
- Properties of Type Ia supernovae inside rich galaxy clusters
- Xavier, Henrique S. (1) ; Gupta, Ravi R. ; Sako, Masao ; D'Andrea, Chris B. ; Frieman, Joshua A. (4) (5) ; Galbany, Lluis (7) ; Garnavich, Peter M. ; Marriner, John ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Olmstead, Matthew D. ; Schneider, Donald P. (11) ; Smith, Mathew
- 2013MNRAS.434.1460K
- Streaming instability in the quasi-global protoplanetary discs
- Kowalik, K. ; Hanasz, M. ; Wóltanski, D. ; Gawryszczak, A.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1469B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1469)
- ExoMol line lists - II. The ro-vibrational spectrum of SiO
- Barton, Emma J.; Yurchenko, Sergei N.; Tennyson, Jonathan
- 2013MNRAS.434.1476I
- An exact analytic treatment of propagating mass accretion rate fluctuations in X-ray binaries
- Ingram, Adam; van der Klis, Michiel
- 2013MNRAS.434.1486D
- Simulating the assembly of galaxies at redshifts z = 6-12
- Dayal, Pratika ; Dunlop, James S. ; Maio, Umberto (2) ; Ciardi, Benedetta
- 2013MNRAS.434.1505H
- Spatio-kinematic modelling of Abell 65, a double-shelled planetary nebula with a binary central star
- Huckvale, L. (1) ; Prouse, B. ; Jones, D. ; Lloyd, M. ; Pollacco, D. ; López, J.A. ; O'Brien, T.J. ; Sabin, L. ; Vaytet, N.M.H.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1513D
- Observations and three-dimensional ionization structure of the planetary nebula SuWt 2
- Danehkar, A. ; Parker, Q.A. (1) ; Ercolano, B. (3)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1531F
- Star formation and metallicity gradients in semi-analytic models of disc galaxy formation
- Fu, Jian (1) ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Huang, Mei-ling ; Yates, Robert M. ; Moran, Sean ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; Davé, Romeel ; Guo, Qi (6) ; Henriques, Bruno M.B.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1549R
- The star formation history of the solar neighbourhood from the white dwarf luminosity function
- Rowell, N.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1565B
- Gas rotation in galaxy clusters: signatures and detectability in X-rays
- Bianconi, Matteo ; Ettori, Stefano (2) ; Nipoti, Carlo
- 2013MNRAS.434.1576W
- Orbital anisotropy in cosmological haloes revisited
- Wojtak, Radoslaw ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly
- 2013MNRAS.434.1586A
- The X-ray spectral properties of very-faint persistent neutron star X-ray binaries
- Armas Padilla, M. ; Degenaar, N. ; Wijnands, R.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1593M
- The effect of partial obscuration on the luminosity dependence of the obscured fraction in active galactic nuclei
- Mayo, Jack H.; Lawrence, Andy
- 2013MNRAS.434.1599W
- A low-level accretion flare during the quiescent state of the neutron-star X-ray transient SAX J1750.8-2900
- Wijnands, R. ; Degenaar, N.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1604Z
- im3shape: a maximum likelihood galaxy shear measurement code for cosmic gravitational lensing
- Zuntz, Joe (1) (2) (3) ; Kacprzak, Tomasz ; Voigt, Lisa ; Hirsch, Michael ; Rowe, Barnaby ; Bridle, Sarah (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1619C
- CMB spectral distortions from small-scale isocurvature fluctuations
- Chluba, J. (1) ; Grin, D.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1636T
- Comparison of progenitor mass estimates for the Type IIP SN 2012A
- Tomasella, L. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Fraser, M. ; Pumo, M.L. ; Pastorello, A. ; Pignata, G. ; Benetti, S. ; Bufano, F. ; Dennefeld, M. ; Harutyunyan, A. ; Iijima, T. ; Jerkstrand, A. ; Kankare, E. ; Kotak, R. ; Magill, L. ; Nascimbeni, V. ; Ochner, P. ; Siviero, A. ; Smartt, S. ; Sollerman, J. ; Stanishev, V. ; Taddia, F. ; Taubenberger, S. ; Turatto, M. ; Valenti, S. (11) ; Wright, D.E. ; Zampieri, L.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1658M
- Neutron star deformation due to multipolar magnetic fields
- Mastrano, A.; Lasky, P.D.; Melatos, A.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1668H
- Tests of the asymptotic large frequency separation of acoustic oscillations in solar-type and red-giant stars
- Hekker, S. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Basu, S. ; Mazumdar, A. ; Silva Aguirre, V. ; Chaplin, W.J.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1674L
- The preliminary analysis of sunshine durations with meteorological data for the Chinese Giant Solar Telescope site survey
- Liu, Yu ; Zhao, Liang
- 2013MNRAS.434.1681C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1681)
- The near-infrared Caii triplet as a metallicity indicator - II. Extension to extremely metal-poor metallicity regimes
- Carrera, R. (1) ; Pancino, E. (3) ; Gallart, C. (1) ; del Pino, A. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1692B
- On the role of initial and boundary conditions in numerical simulations of accretion flows
- Bu, De-Fu ; Yuan, Feng ; Wu, Maochun (1) ; Cuadra, Jorge (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1702S
- A bright ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 5907
- Sutton, Andrew D. ; Roberts, Timothy P. ; Gladstone, Jeanette C. ; Farrell, Sean A. (3) ; Reilly, Emma (3) ; Goad, Michael R. ; Gehrels, Neil
- 2013MNRAS.434.1713B
- Indirect comparison of Debrecen and Greenwich daily sums of sunspot areas
- Baranyi, T. ; Király, S. ; Coffey, H.E.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1721L
- Radiation-driven outflow in active galactic nuclei: the feedback effects of scattered and reprocessed photons
- Liu, Chao (1) ; Yuan, Feng ; Ostriker, Jeremiah P. (3) ; Gan, Zhaoming ; Yang, Xiaohong (1)
- 2013MNRAS.434.1736W
- Computational statistics using the Bayesian Inference Engine
- Weinberg, Martin D.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1756A
- How closely do baryons follow dark matter on large scales ?
- Angulo, Raul E. (1) ; Hahn, Oliver (1) ; Abel, Tom
- 2013MNRAS.434.1765J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/434/1765)
- Probing the IGM-galaxy connection at z > 0.5 - II. New insights into the galaxy environments of Ovi absorbers in PKS 0405-123
- Johnson, Sean D. ; Chen, Hsiao-Wen ; Mulchaey, John S.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1779S
- Rarefaction acceleration in magnetized gamma-ray burst jets
- Sapountzis, Konstantinos; Vlahakis, Nektarios
- 2013MNRAS.434.1789V
- Onset of Hall-mediated magnetic reconnection in weakly ionized astrophysical plasmas
- Vekstein, Grigory ; Kusano, Kanya
- 2013MNRAS.434.1792S
- The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraints on the time variation of fundamental constants from the large-scale two-point correlation function
- Scóccola, Claudia G. (1) ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Rubiño-Martín, J.A. (1) ; Génova-Santos, R. (1) ; Rebolo, R. (1) ; Ross, A.J. ; Percival, W.J. ; Manera, M. ; Bizyaev, D. ; Brownstein, J.R. ; Ebelke, G. ; Malanushenko, E. ; Malanushenko, V. ; Oravetz, D. ; Pan, K. ; Schneider, D.P. (7) ; Simmons, A.
- 2013MNRAS.434.1808M
- Intrinsic alignments and 3d weak gravitational lensing
- Merkel, Philipp M. ; Schäfer, Björn Malte
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