Monthly Notices of the RAS 433
July(III) 2013
- 2013MNRAS.433L...1S
- Systematic investigation of the expected gravitational wave signal from supermassive black hole binaries in the pulsar timing band
- Sesana, A.
- 2013MNRAS.433L...6H
- Combining size and shape in weak lensing
- Heavens, Alan; Alsing, Justin; Jaffe, Andrew H.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..11B
- An evolutionary model for the gamma-ray system PSR J1311-3430 and its companion
- Benvenuto, O.G. (1) ; De Vito, M.A. (1) ; Horvath, J.E.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..15L
- Candidate super star cluster progenitor gas clouds possibly triggered by close passage to Sgr A*
- Longmore, S.N. (1) ; Kruijssen, J.M.D. ; Bally, J. ; Ott, J. ; Testi, L. (1) ; Rathborne, J. ; Bastian, N. ; Bressert, E. ; Molinari, S. ; Battersby, C. ; Walsh, A.J.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..20M
- Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ia supernova 2012fr
- Maund, J.R. (1) ; Spyromilio, J. ; Höflich, P.A. ; Wheeler, J.C. ; Baade, D. ; Clocchiatti, A. ; Patat, F. ; Reilly, E. ; Wang, L. ; Zelaya, P.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..25G
- The S2 star as a probe of the accretion disc of Sgr A*
- Giannios, Dimitrios ; Sironi, Lorenzo
- 2013MNRAS.433L..30L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/433/L30)
- A scaling relation for disc galaxies: circular-velocity gradient versus central surface brightness
- Lelli, Federico ; Fraternali, Filippo (1) ; Verheijen, Marc
- 2013MNRAS.433L..35L
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the connection between metals, specific SFR and Hi gas in galaxies: the Z-SSFR relation
- Lara-López, M.A. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; López-Sánchez, A.R. (1) ; Brough, S. ; Colless, M. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Driver, S. (4) ; Foster, C. ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Robotham, A.S.G. (4) ; Sharp, R.G. ; Steele, O. ; Taylor, E.N. (3)
- 2013MNRAS.433L..40C
- The role of solar wind electrons at the solar wind termination shock
- Chalov, S.V. ; Fahr, H.J.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..44S
- Spontaneous formation of double bars in dark-matter-dominated galaxies
- Saha, Kanak (1) ; Maciejewski, Witold
- 2013MNRAS.433L..49V
- An improved prescription for merger time-scales from controlled simulations
- Villalobos, Á. ; De Lucia, G. ; Weinmann, S.M. ; Borgani, S. (1) (3) ; Murante, G.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..54L
- Measuring the slopes of mass profiles for dwarf spheroidals in triaxial cold dark matter potentials
- Laporte, Chervin F.P. ; Walker, Matthew G. ; Peñarrubia, Jorge (3)
- 2013MNRAS.433L..59P
- Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - VI. The orbital extent of enhanced star formation in interacting galaxies
- Patton, David R. ; Torrey, Paul ; Ellison, Sara L. ; Mendel, J.Trevor ; Scudder, Jillian M.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..64A
- Testing the rotating hotspot model using X-ray burst oscillations from 4U 1636-536
- Artigue, Romain (1) ; Barret, Didier (1) ; Lamb, Frederick K. (3) ; Lo, Ka Ho ; Miller, M.Coleman
- 2013MNRAS.433L..69C
- Evolutionary constraints on the planetary hypothesis for transition discs
- Clarke, C.J. ; Owen, J.E.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..74M
- An observation of solar active region expansion into the heliosphere
- Morgan, H. (1) (2)
- 2013MNRAS.433L..79B
- A link between measured neutron star masses and lattice QCD data
- Bombaci, Ignazio ; Logoteta, Domenico
- 2013MNRAS.433L..84S
- Saturnian mean motion resonances in meteoroid streams
- Sekhar, A. (1) ; Asher, D.J.
- 2013MNRAS.433L..89P
- Erratum: Improved He I emissivities in the Case B approximation
- Porter, R.L. ; Ferland, G.J. ; Storey, P.J. ; Detisch, M.J.
- 2013MNRAS.433....2S
- One year of monitoring of the Type IIb supernova SN 2011dh
- Sahu, D.K. ; Anupama, G.C. ; Chakradhari, N.K.
- 2013MNRAS.433...23T
- Contrasting behaviour from two Be/X-ray binary pulsars: insights into differing neutron star accretion modes
- Townsend, L.J. ; Drave, S.P. ; Hill, A.B. (1) ; Coe, M.J. ; Corbet, R.H.D. ; Bird, A.J. ; Schurch, M.P.E.
- 2013MNRAS.433...36G
- Irregular satellites of Jupiter: three-dimensional study of binary-asteroid captures
- Gaspar, H.S.; Winter, O.C.; Vieira Neto, E.
- 2013MNRAS.433...47H
- VLT/VIMOS observations of an occulting galaxy pair: redshifts and effective extinction curve
- Holwerda, B.W. ; Böker, T. ; Dalcanton, J.J. ; Keel, W.C. ; de Jong, R.S.
- 2013MNRAS.433...60D
- The merger history of massive spheroids since z ∼ 1 is size-independent
- Díaz-García, L.A. ; Mármol-Queraltó, E. (2) ; Trujillo, I. (2) ; Cenarro, A.J. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Pérez-González, P.G. (4) ; Barro, G.
- 2013MNRAS.433...69H
- Dense molecular gas: a sensitive probe of stellar feedback models
- Hopkins, Philip F. ; Narayanan, Desika ; Murray, Norman ; Quataert, Eliot
- 2013MNRAS.433...78H
- Resolving the generation of starburst winds in Galaxy mergers
- Hopkins, Philip F. (1) ; Keres, Dusan ; Murray, Norman (4) ; Hernquist, Lars ; Narayanan, Desika ; Hayward, Christopher C.
- 2013MNRAS.433...98A
- Characterization of global flow and local fluctuations in 3D SPH simulations of protoplanetary discs
- Arena, S.E.; Gonzalez, J.-F.
- 2013MNRAS.433..117B
- Principal component analysis of spectral line data: analytic formulation
- Brunt, C.M. ; Heyer, M.H.
- 2013MNRAS.433..127M
- The Herschel-PEP survey: evidence for downsizing in the hosts of dusty star-forming systems
- Magliocchetti, M. ; Popesso, P. ; Rosario, D. ; Lutz, D. ; Aussel, H. ; Berta, S. ; Altieri, B. ; Andreani, P. ; Cepa, J. ; Castañeda, H. ; Cimatti, A. ; Elbaz, D. ; Genzel, R. ; Grazian, A. ; Gruppioni, C. ; Ilbert, O. ; Le Floc'h, E. ; Magnelli, B. ; Maiolino, R. ; Nordon, R. ; Poglitsch, A. ; Pozzi, F. ; Riguccini, L. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Sanchez-Portal, M. ; Santini, P. ; Förster Schreiber, N.M. ; Sturm, E. ; Tacconi, L. ; Valtchanov, I.
- 2013MNRAS.433..138R
- Eight new radio pulsars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Ridley, J.P. ; Crawford, F. ; Lorimer, D.R. (3) (4) ; Bailey, S.R. ; Madden, J.H. ; Anella, R. ; Chennamangalam, J.
- 2013MNRAS.433..147D
- A sample of small-sized compact steep-spectrum radio sources: VLBI images and VLA polarization at 5GHz
- Dallacasa, D. (1) ; Orienti, M. (1) ; Fanti, C. ; Fanti, R. ; Stanghellini, C.
- 2013MNRAS.433..162Y
- Very long baseline interferometry astrometry of PSR B1257+12, a pulsar with a planetary system
- Yan, Zhen (1) (2) ; Shen, Zhi-Qiang (1) ; Yuan, Jian-Ping (3) ; Wang, Na (3) ; Rottmann, Helge ; Alef, Walter
- 2013MNRAS.433..170H
- Variations in the stellar CMF and IMF: from bottom to top
- Hopkins, Philip F.
- 2013MNRAS.433..178C
- A high molecular fraction in a subdamped absorber at z = 0.56
- Crighton, Neil H.M. (1) ; Bechtold, Jill ; Carswell, Robert F. ; Davé, Romeel ; Foltz, Craig B. ; Jannuzi, Buell T. (3) ; Morris, Simon L. ; O'Meara, John M. ; Prochaska, J.Xavier ; Schaye, Joop ; Tejos, Nicolas
- 2013MNRAS.433..194B
- High-velocity outflows from young star-forming galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey
- Bradshaw, E.J. ; Almaini, O. ; Hartley, W.G. ; Smith, K.T. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Simpson, C. ; Chuter, R.W. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; Foucaud, S. ; McLure, R.J. ; Mortlock, A. ; Pearce, H.
- 2013MNRAS.433..209N
- Perturbation theory for the non-linear halo power spectrum: the renormalized bias and halo bias
- Nishizawa, Atsushi J.; Takada, Masahiro; Nishimichi, Takahiro
- 2013MNRAS.433..221J
- Spectral imaging of the central molecular zone in multiple 7-mm molecular lines
- Jones, P.A. ; Burton, M.G. ; Cunningham, M.R. ; Tothill, N.F.H. (1) ; Walsh, A.J.
- 2013MNRAS.433..235P
- The SLUGGS survey: probing the supermassive black hole connection with bulges and haloes using red and blue globular cluster systems
- Pota, Vincenzo ; Graham, Alister W. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. (2) ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Strader, Jay
- 2013MNRAS.433..243C
- Multichromatic colour-magnitude diagrams of the globular cluster NGC 6366
- Campos, Fabíola ; Kepler, S.O. ; Bonatto, C. ; Ducati, J.R.
- 2013MNRAS.433..251C
- Structure and radial equilibrium of filamentary molecular clouds
- Contreras, Y. (1) ; Rathborne, J. ; Garay, G.
- 2013MNRAS.433..259B
- The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey - VII. Discovery of five millisecond pulsars and the different luminosity properties of binary and isolated recycled pulsars
- Burgay, M. ; Bailes, M. (2) ; Bates, S.D. ; Bhat, N.D.R. (2) ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Champion, D.J. ; Coster, P. (2) ; D'Amico, N. (1) ; Johnston, S. ; Keith, M.J. ; Kramer, M. (7) ; Levin, L. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Milia, S. ; Ng, C. ; Possenti, A. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Thornton, D. (8) ; Tiburzi, C. (1) ; van Straten, W. ; Bassa, C.G.
- 2013MNRAS.433..270W
- The Bluedisks project, a study of unusually Hi-rich galaxies - I. Hi sizes and morphology
- Wang, Jing ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Józsa, Gyula I.G. (2) ; Serra, Paolo ; van der Hulst, Thijs ; Bigiel, Frank ; Brinchmann, Jarle ; Verheijen, M.A.W. ; Oosterloo, Tom (2) ; Wang, Enci ; Li, Cheng ; den Heijer, Milan ; Kerp, Jürgen
- 2013MNRAS.433..295H
- The formation and evolution of wind-capture discs in binary systems
- Huarte-Espinosa, M. ; Carroll-Nellenback, J. ; Nordhaus, J. (1) (2) ; Frank, A. ; Blackman, E.G.
- 2013MNRAS.433..307H
- Astronomical seeing and ground-layer turbulence in the Canadian High Arctic
- Hickson, P. (1) (2) ; Gagné, R. ; Pfrommer, T. ; Steinbring, E.
- 2013MNRAS.433..313D
- Dust formation in the winds of AGBs: the contribution at low metallicities
- Di Criscienzo, M. (1) ; Dell'Agli, F. ; Ventura, P. ; Schneider, R. ; Valiante, R. ; La Franca, F. ; Rossi, C. ; Gallerani, S. ; Maiolino, R. (6)
- 2013MNRAS.433..324N
- A link between feedback outflows and satellite galaxy suppression
- Nayakshin, Sergei; Wilkinson, Mark I.
- 2013MNRAS.433..332B
- Tidal resonance locks in inspiraling white dwarf binaries
- Burkart, Joshua ; Quataert, Eliot (1) ; Arras, Phil ; Weinberg, Nevin N.
- 2013MNRAS.433..353L
- Misaligned streamers around a Galactic Centre black hole from a single cloud's infall
- Lucas, W.E. ; Bonnell, I.A. ; Davies, M.B. ; Rice, W.K.M.
- 2013MNRAS.433..366D
- On the internal pollution mechanisms in the globular cluster NGC 6121 (M4): heavy-element abundances and AGB models
- D'Orazi, V. (1) ; Campbell, S.W. ; Lugaro, M. ; Lattanzio, J.C. ; Pignatari, M. ; Carretta, E.
- 2013MNRAS.433..382E
- NGC 2579 and the carbon and oxygen abundance gradients beyond the solar circle
- Esteban, C. (1) ; Carigi, L. ; Copetti, M.V.F. (4) ; García-Rojas, J. (1) ; Mesa-Delgado, A. ; Castañeda, H.O. ; Péquignot, D.
- 2013MNRAS.433..394U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/433/394)
- Multisite photometric campaign on the high-amplitude δ Scuti star KIC 6382916
- Ulusoy, C. (1) ; Ulas, B. ; Gülmez, T. ; Balona, L.A. ; Stateva, I. ; Iliev, I.Kh. ; Dimitrov, D. ; Kobulnicky, H.A. ; Pickering, T.E. (4) ; Fox Machado, L. ; Álvarez, M. ; Michel, R. ; Antoniuk, K. ; Shakhovskoy, D.N. ; Pit, N. ; Damasso, M. (10) ; Cenadelli, D. ; Carbognani, A.
- 2013MNRAS.433..402A
- The low-mass companion of HIP 45314 (HR 3672)
- Adam, C. ; Neuhäuser, R. ; Mugrauer, M. ; Schmidt, J.G. ; Schmidt, T.O.B.
- 2013MNRAS.433..412L
- The energy dependence of the three types of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in the black hole candidate H1743-322
- Li, Z.B. ; Zhang, S. ; Qu, J.L. ; Gao, H.Q. ; Zhao, H.H. ; Huang, C.P. ; Song, L.M.
- 2013MNRAS.433..421G
- 1ES 1927+654: a bare Seyfert 2
- Gallo, L.C. ; MacMackin, C. ; Vasudevan, R. ; Cackett, E.M. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Panessa, F.
- 2013MNRAS.433..434P
- Searching for nuclear stellar discs in simulations of star cluster mergers
- Portaluri, E. ; Corsini, E.M. (1) ; Morelli, L. (1) ; Hartmann, M. ; Dalla Bontà, E. (1) ; Debattista, Victor P. ; Pizzella, A. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.433..445R
- Drifting, moding and nulling: another look at pulsar B1918+19
- Rankin, Joanna M. ; Wright, Geoffrey A.E. ; Brown, Andrew M.
- 2013MNRAS.433..457B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/433/457)
- 76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS: benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density
- Burningham, Ben (1) ; Cardoso, C.V. (1) ; Smith, L. ; Leggett, S.K. ; Smart, R.L. ; Mann, A.W. ; Dhital, S. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Tinney, C.G. (7) ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Zhang, Z. ; Morley, C. ; Saumon, D. ; Aller, K. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Homeier, D. (12) ; Lodieu, N. (14) ; Deacon, N. ; Marley, M.S. ; van Spaandonk, L. ; Baker, D. ; Allard, F. ; Andrei, A.H. (2) (3) (18) ; Canty, J. ; Clarke, J. ; Day-Jones, A.C. (1) ; Dupuy, T. ; Fortney, J.J. ; Gomes, J. ; Ishii, M. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Liu, M. ; Magazzú, A. ; Marocco, F. ; Murray, D.N. ; Rojas-Ayala, B. ; Tamura, M.
- 2013MNRAS.433..498A
- Large gas reservoirs and free-free emission in two lensed star-forming galaxies at z = 2.7
- Aravena, M. ; Murphy, E.J. ; Aguirre, J.E. ; Ashby, M.L.N. ; Benson, B.A. (5) ; Bothwell, M. (7) ; Brodwin, M. ; Carlstrom, J.E. (5) (6) (10) (11) ; Chapman, S.C. (13) ; Crawford, T.M. (5) ; de Breuck, C. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Gonzalez, A.H. ; Greve, T.R. ; Gullberg, B. ; Hezaveh, Y. ; Holder, G.P. ; Holzapfel, W.L. ; Keisler, R. (5) ; Malkan, M. ; Marrone, D.P. ; McIntyre, V. ; Reichardt, C.L. ; Sharon, K. (5) ; Spilker, J.S. ; Stalder, B. (4) ; Stark, A.A. ; Vieira, J.D. ; Weiss, A.
- 2013MNRAS.433..506M
- Simulating regoliths in microgravity
- Murdoch, N. (1) (2) ; Rozitis, B. ; Green, S.F. ; Michel, P. ; de Lophem, T.-L. ; Losert, W.
- 2013MNRAS.433..515W
- Detection of galaxy assembly bias
- Wang, Lan ; Weinmann, Simone M. ; De Lucia, Gabriella ; Yang, Xiaohu (4)
- 2013MNRAS.433..521L
- Solar-cycle-related variation of solar differential rotation
- Li, K.J. (1) ; Shi, X.J. (1) ; Xie, J.L. (1) ; Gao, P.X. ; Liang, H.F. ; Zhan, L.S. ; Feng, W.
- 2013MNRAS.433..528D
- INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of IGR J16418-4532: evidence of accretion regime transitions in a supergiant fast X-ray transient
- Drave, S.P. ; Bird, A.J. ; Sidoli, L. ; Sguera, V. ; McBride, V.A. (4) ; Hill, A.B. (1) ; Bazzano, A. ; Goossens, M.E.
- 2013MNRAS.433..543S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/433/543)
- Choirs, Hi galaxy groups: catalogue and detection of star-forming dwarf group members
- Sweet, Sarah M. ; Meurer, Gerhardt (2) ; Drinkwater, Michael J. ; Kilborn, Virginia ; Dénes, Helga ; Bekki, Kenji (2) ; Hanish, Dan ; Ferguson, Henry ; Knezek, Patricia ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Dopita, Michael ; Doyle-Pegg, Marianne T. ; Elson, Ed (2) ; Freeman, Ken ; Heckman, Tim ; Kennicutt, Robert (10) ; Kim, Ji Hoon ; Koribalski, Bärbel ; Meyer, Martin (2) ; Putman, Mary ; Ryan-Weber, Emma ; Smith, Chris ; Staveley-Smith, Lister (2) ; Wong, O.Ivy ; Webster, Rachel ; Werk, Jessica ; Zwaan, Martin
- 2013MNRAS.433..560T
- The 2011 October Draconids outburst - I. Orbital elements, meteoroid fluxes and 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered mass to Earth
- Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. (1) ; Madiedo, José M. (3) ; Williams, I.P. ; Dergham, Joan ; Cortés, Jordi ; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J. ; Ortiz, José L. ; Zamorano, Jaime ; Ocaña, Francisco ; Izquierdo, Jaime ; Sánchez de Miguel, Alejandro ; Alonso-Azcárate, Jacinto ; Rodríguez, Diego ; Tapia, Mar ; Pujols, Pep ; Lacruz, Juan ; Pruneda, Francesc ; Oliva, Armand ; Pastor Erades, Juan ; Francisco Marín, Antonio
- 2013MNRAS.433..571M
- The 2011 October Draconids outburst - II. Meteoroid chemical abundances from fireball spectroscopy
- Madiedo, José M. (1) ; Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. ; Konovalova, Natalia ; Williams, Iwan P. ; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J. ; Ortiz, José L. ; Cabrera-Caño, Jesús
- 2013MNRAS.433..581F
- Void statistics and hierarchical scaling in the halo model
- Fry, J.N. (1) ; Colombi, S.
- 2013MNRAS.433..591H
- Novel techniques for decomposing diffuse backgrounds
- Hensley, Brandon S. ; Pavlidou, Vasiliki ; Siegal-Gaskins, Jennifer M. (3)
- 2013MNRAS.433..603R
- The influence of global self-heating on the Yarkovsky and YORP effects
- Rozitis, B.; Green, S.F.
- 2013MNRAS.433..622M
- Narrow-line region gas kinematics of 24 264 optically selected AGN: the radio connection
- Mullaney, J.R. (1) ; Alexander, D.M. ; Fine, S. ; Goulding, A.D. ; Harrison, C.M. ; Hickox, R.C
- 2013MNRAS.433..639P
- A simulation-calibrated limit on the Hi power spectrum from the GMRT Epoch of Reionization experiment
- Paciga, Gregory ; Albert, Joshua G. ; Bandura, Kevin (2) ; Chang, Tzu-Ching (1) ; Gupta, Yashwant ; Hirata, Christopher ; Odegova, Julia ; Pen, Ue-Li ; Peterson, Jeffrey B. ; Roy, Jayanta ; Shaw, J.Richard ; Sigurdson, Kris ; Voytek, Tabitha
- 2013MNRAS.433..648F
- Studying the relationship between X-ray emission and accretion in AGN using the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey
- Fanali, R. (1) ; Caccianiga, A. ; Severgnini, P. ; Della Ceca, R. ; Marchese, E. ; Carrera, F.J. ; Corral, A. ; Mateos, S.
- 2013MNRAS.433..659H
- SHAM beyond clustering: new tests of galaxy-halo abundance matching with galaxy groups
- Hearin, Andrew P. (1) ; Zentner, Andrew R. ; Berlind, Andreas A. ; Newman, Jeffrey A.
- 2013MNRAS.433..681H
- VLT/FORS2 observations of four high-luminosity ULX candidates
- Heida, M. (1) ; Jonker, P.G. (1) (2) ; Torres, M.A.P. (1) ; Roberts, T.P. ; Miniutti, G. (5) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Ratti, E.M.
- 2013MNRAS.433..688L
- peace: pulsar evaluation algorithm for candidate extraction - a software package for post-analysis processing of pulsar survey candidates
- Lee, K.J. ; Stovall, K. (2) ; Jenet, F.A. ; Martinez, J. ; Dartez, L.P. ; Mata, A. ; Lunsford, G. ; Cohen, S. ; Biwer, C.M. ; Rohr, M. ; Flanigan, J. ; Walker, A. ; Banaszak, S. ; Allen, B. (4) ; Barr, E.D. ; Bhat, N.D.R. (6) ; Bogdanov, S. ; Brazier, A. ; Camilo, F. (8) ; Champion, D.J. ; Chatterjee, S. ; Cordes, J. ; Crawford, F. ; Deneva, J. ; Desvignes, G. ; Ferdman, R.D. (12) ; Freire, P. ; Hessels, J.W.T. (14) ; Karuppusamy, R. ; Kaspi, V.M. ; Knispel, B. ; Kramer, M. (1) ; Lazarus, P. ; Lynch, R. ; Lyne, A. ; McLaughlin, M. ; Ransom, S. ; Scholz, P. ; Siemens, X. ; Spitler, L. ; Stairs, I. ; Tan, M. ; van Leeuwen, J. (14) ; Zhu, W.W.
- 2013MNRAS.433..695C
- Dust and star formation properties of a complete sample of local galaxies drawn from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue
- Clemens, M.S. ; Negrello, M. ; De Zotti, G. (1) ; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. ; Bonavera, L. ; Cosco, G. ; Guarese, G. ; Boaretto, L. ; Salucci, P. ; Baccigalupi, C. ; Clements, D.L. ; Danese, L. ; Lapi, A. (2) ; Mandolesi, N. (7) ; Partridge, R.B. ; Perrotta, F. ; Serjeant, S. ; Scott, D. ; Toffolatti, L.
- 2013MNRAS.433..712R
- An O2 If*/WN6 star caught in the act in a compact H ii region in the starburst cluster NGC 3603
- Roman-Lopes, A.
- 2013MNRAS.433..719R
- Dynamics of prolate spheroidal mass distributions with varying eccentricity
- Rathulnath, R.; Jog, Chanda J.
- 2013MNRAS.433..730N
- Baryon acoustic oscillations with the cross-correlation of spectroscopic and photometric samples
- Nishizawa, Atsushi J.; Oguri, Masamune; Takada, Masahiro
- 2013MNRAS.433..740S
- A 420-day X-ray/optical modulation and extended X-ray dips in the short-period transient Swift J1753.5-0127
- Shaw, A.W. ; Charles, P.A. (1) ; Bird, A.J. ; Cornelisse, R. (3) ; Casares, J. (3) ; Lewis, F. (5) ; Muñoz-Darias, T. ; Russell, D.M. (3) ; Zurita, C. (3)
- 2013MNRAS.433..746C
- A detailed study of the modulation of the optical light from Sk160/SMC X-1
- Coe, M.J. ; Angus, R. ; Orosz, J.A. ; Udalski, A.
- 2013MNRAS.433..751S
- Bimodality of galaxy disc central surface brightness distribution in the Spitzer 3.6 µm band
- Sorce, Jenny G. (1) ; Courtois, Hélène M. ; Sheth, Kartik ; Tully, R.Brent
- 2013MNRAS.433..759P
- Peaks of optical and X-ray afterglow light curves
- Panaitescu, A.; Vestrand, W.T.; Wozniak, P.
- 2013MNRAS.433..771B
- Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: the environmental density of far-infrared bright galaxies at z ≤ 0.5
- Burton, C.S. ; Jarvis, Matt J. (2) ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Bonfield, D.G. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Stevens, J.A. ; Bourne, N. ; Baes, M. ; Brough, S. ; Cava, A. ; Cooray, A. ; Dariush, A. ; De Zotti, G. (10) ; Dunne, L. ; Eales, S. ; Hopwood, R. (9) ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. (15) ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Maddox, S.J. ; Negrello, M. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Valiante, E.
- 2013MNRAS.433..787S
- Anisotropic halo model: implementation and numerical results
- Sgró, Mario A.; Paz, Dante J.; Merchán, Manuel
- 2013MNRAS.433..796D
- Evolution of star formation in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey field - I. Luminosity functions and cosmic star formation rate out to z = 1.6
- Drake, Alyssa B. ; Simpson, Chris ; Collins, Chris A. ; James, Phil A. ; Baldry, Ivan K. ; Ouchi, Masami (2) ; Jarvis, Matt J. (4) (5) ; Bonfield, David G. ; Ono, Yoshiaki ; Best, Philip N. ; Dalton, Gavin B. (4) ; Dunlop, James S. ; McLure, Ross J. ; Smith, Daniel J.B.
- 2013MNRAS.433..812O
- Challenges to our understanding of radio relics: X-ray observations of the Toothbrush cluster
- Ogrean, G.A. ; Brüggen, M. ; van Weeren, R.J. ; Röttgering, H. ; Croston, J.H. ; Hoeft, M.
- 2013MNRAS.433..825L
- The importance of major mergers in the build up of stellar mass in brightest cluster galaxies at z = 1
- Lidman, C. ; Iacobuta, G. (1) ; Bauer, A.E. ; Barrientos, L.F. ; Cerulo, P. ; Couch, W.J. ; Delaye, L. ; Demarco, R. ; Ellingson, E. ; Faloon, A.J. ; Gilbank, D. ; Huertas-Company, M. (5) ; Mei, S. (5) ; Meyers, J. ; Muzzin, A. ; Noble, A. ; Nantais, J. ; Rettura, A. ; Rosati, P. ; Sánchez-Janssen, R. ; Strazzullo, V. ; Webb, T.M.A. ; Wilson, G. ; Yan, R. ; Yee, H.K.C.
- 2013MNRAS.433..838P
- Superluminous X-ray emission from the interaction of supernova ejecta with dense circumstellar shells
- Pan, Tony; Patnaude, Daniel; Loeb, Abraham
- 2013MNRAS.433..849M
- A minor merger scenario for the ultraluminous X-ray source ESO 243-49 HLX-1 - II. Constraints from photometry
- Mapelli, M. ; Annibali, F. ; Zampieri, L. ; Soria, R.
- 2013MNRAS.433..867H
- The dynamical evolution of multiplanet systems in open clusters
- Hao, W. (1) (2) ; Kouwenhoven, M.B.N. ; Spurzem, R. (1) (3) (4)
- 2013MNRAS.433..878L
- Tidal tails of dwarf galaxies on different orbits around the Milky Way
- Lokas, Ewa L. ; Gajda, Grzegorz ; Kazantzidis, Stelios (3) (4)
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