Monthly Notices of the RAS 431
May(III) 2013
- 2013MNRAS.431.2017T
- Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with CMB-21cm cross-correlations ?
- Tashiro, Hiroyuki ; Ho, Shirley (2)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2024S
- Non-Keplerian effects in precision radial velocity measurements of double-line spectroscopic binary stars: numerical simulations
- Sybilski, P. ; Konacki, M. (1) ; Kozlowski, S.K. ; Helminiak, K.G. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2034M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2034)
- The spectral energy distributions of K+A galaxies from the UV to the mid-IR: stellar populations, star formation and hot dust
- Melnick, J. ; De Propris, R.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2050M
- Supernovae and radio transients in M82
- Mattila, S. (1) ; Fraser, M. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Meikle, W.P.S. ; Romero-Cañizales, C. ; Crockett, R.M. (3) ; Stephens, A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2063S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2063)
- The UV and X-ray activity of the M dwarfs within 10pc of the Sun
- Stelzer, B. ; Marino, A. ; Micela, G. ; López-Santiago, J. ; Liefke, C.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2080C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2080)
- Properties and morphologies of Lyman break galaxies at z ∼ 1 in the Chandra Deep Field South, inferred from spectral energy distributions
- Chen, Z. (1) (2) ; Shu, C.G. (1) ; Burgarella, D. ; Buat, V. ; Huang, J.-S. ; Luo, Z.J.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2106P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2106)
- An update on the rotational period of the magnetic chemically peculiar star CU Virginis
- Pyper, Diane M. ; Stevens, Ian R. ; Adelman, Saul J.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2111J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2111)
- BUDHIES I: characterizing the environments in and around two clusters at zbsime0.2
- Jaffé, Yara L. (1) (2) ; Poggianti, Bianca M. ; Verheijen, Marc A.W. ; Deshev, Boris Z. (3) ; van Gorkom, Jacqueline H.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2126M
- The SUMO project I. A survey of multiple populations in globular clusters
- Monelli, M. (1) ; Milone, A.P. (1) (2) ; Stetson, P.B. ; Marino, A.F. (3) ; Cassisi, S. ; del Pino Molina, A. (1) ; Salaris, M. ; Aparicio, A. (1) ; Asplund, M. ; Grundahl, F. ; Piotto, G. (9) ; Weiss, A. ; Carrera, R. (1) ; Cebrián, M. (1) ; Murabito, S. (1) ; Pietrinferni, A. ; Sbordone, L.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2150W
- On the dynamical stability of the proposed planetary system orbiting NSVS 14256825
- Wittenmyer, Robert A. ; Horner, J. ; Marshall, J.P.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2155N
- Secular dynamics in hierarchical three-body systems
- Naoz, Smadar (1) ; Farr, Will M. ; Lithwick, Yoram (1) ; Rasio, Frederic A. (1) ; Teyssandier, Jean (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2172Z
- Hunting for dark halo substructure using submilliarcsecond-scale observations of macrolensed radio jets
- Zackrisson, Erik ; Asadi, Saghar ; Wiik, Kaj ; Jönsson, Jakob ; Scott, Pat ; Datta, Kanan K. ; Friedrich, Martina M. ; Jensen, Hannes ; Johansson, Joel ; Rydberg, Claes-Erik ; Sandberg, Andreas
- 2013MNRAS.431.2184G
- MOCCA code for star cluster simulations - II. Comparison with N-body simulations
- Giersz, Mirek ; Heggie, Douglas C. ; Hurley, Jarrod R. ; Hypki, Arkadiusz
- 2013MNRAS.431.2200L
- A two-dimensional mixing length theory of convective transport
- Lesaffre, Pierre ; Chitre, Shashikumar M. (2) ; Potter, Adrian T. ; Tout, Christopher A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2209B
- The stellar masses of ∼ 40 000 UV selected Galaxies from the WiggleZ survey at 0.3<z<1.0: analogues of Lyman break galaxies ?
- Banerji, Manda (1) ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Blake, Chris ; Brough, Sarah ; Colless, Matthew ; Contreras, Carlos ; Couch, Warrick ; Croton, Darren J. ; Croom, Scott ; Davis, Tamara M. ; Drinkwater, Michael J. ; Forster, Karl ; Gilbank, David ; Gladders, Mike ; Jelliffe, Ben ; Jurek, Russell J. ; Li, I-hui ; Madore, Barry ; Martin, D.Christopher ; Pimbblet, Kevin ; Poole, Gregory B. (3) ; Pracy, Michael (3) ; Sharp, Rob (4) ; Wisnioski, Emily (3) ; Woods, David ; Wyder, Ted K. ; Yee, H.K.C.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2230V
- The eclipsing binary TY CrA revisited: what near-IR light curves tell us
- Vanko, M. ; Eiff, M.Ammler-von (2) (3) (4) (5) ; Pribulla, T. (1) ; Chini, R. (7) ; Covino, E. ; Neuhäuser, R.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2240B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2240)
- Activity in A-type stars
- Balona, L.A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2253M
- Phase-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy of the magnetic Of ?p star HD 191612
- Marcolino, W.L.F. ; Bouret, J.-C. (2) ; Sundqvist, J.O. ; Walborn, N.R. ; Fullerton, A.W. ; Howarth, I.D. ; Wade, G.A. ; ud-Doula, A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2261R
- The impact of local stellar radiation on the Hi column density distribution
- Rahmati, Alireza ; Schaye, Joop ; Pawlik, Andreas H. ; Raicevic, Milan
- 2013MNRAS.431.2278G
- A study on the universality and linearity of the Leavitt law in the LMC and SMC galaxies
- García-Varela, Alejandro; Sabogal, Beatriz E.; Ramírez-Tannus, María C.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2285Z
- The last three outbursts of H1743-322 observed by RXTE in its latest service phase
- Zhou, J.N. (1) (2) ; Liu, Q.Z. (1) ; Chen, Y.P. ; Li, J. ; Qu, J.L. ; Zhang, S. ; Gao, H.Q. ; Zhang, Z.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2294R
- The black hole and central stellar population of MCG-6-30-15
- Raimundo, S.I. ; Davies, R.I. ; Gandhi, P. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Canning, R.E.A. ; Ivanov, V.D.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2307O
- Disentangling satellite galaxy populations using orbit tracking in simulations
- Oman, Kyle A. ; Hudson, Michael J. (1) ; Behroozi, Peter S. (3) (4)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2317S
- The Herschel census of infrared SEDs through cosmic time
- Symeonidis, M. ; Vaccari, M. (2) ; Berta, S. ; Page, M.J. ; Lutz, D. ; Arumugam, V. ; Aussel, H. ; Bock, J. (7) ; Boselli, A. ; Buat, V. ; Capak, P.L. ; Clements, D.L. ; Conley, A. ; Conversi, L. ; Cooray, A. (7) ; Dowell, C.D. (7) ; Farrah, D. ; Franceschini, A. ; Giovannoli, E. ; Glenn, J. (11) ; Griffin, M. ; Hatziminaoglou, E. ; Hwang, H.-S. ; Ibar, E. ; Ilbert, O. ; Ivison, R.J. (5) ; Floc'h, E.Le ; Lilly, S. ; Kartaltepe, J.S. ; Magnelli, B. ; Magdis, G. ; Marchetti, L. ; Nguyen, H.T. (7) ; Nordon, R. ; O'Halloran, B. ; Oliver, S.J. ; Omont, A. ; Papageorgiou, A. ; Patel, H. ; Pearson, C.P. (27) ; Pérez-Fournon, I. (29) ; Pohlen, M. ; Popesso, P. ; Pozzi, F. ; Rigopoulou, D. (23) ; Riguccini, L. ; Rosario, D. ; Roseboom, I.G. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Salvato, M. ; Schulz, B. (7) ; Scott, Douglas ; Seymour, N. ; Shupe, D.L. (7) ; Smith, A.J. ; Valtchanov, I. ; Wang, L. ; Xu, C.K. (7) ; Zemcov, M. (7) ; Wuyts, S.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2341M
- The X-ray spectrum of the black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127
- Mostafa, Reham ; Mendez, Mariano ; Hiemstra, Beike ; Soleri, Paolo ; Belloni, Tomaso ; Ibrahim, Alaa I. (4) ; Yasein, Mohammed N.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2350I
- Can AGN feedback-driven star formation explain the size evolution of massive galaxies ?
- Ishibashi, W. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Canning, R.E.A. (1) (2)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2356Z
- Modelling the γ-ray variability of 3C 273
- Zheng, Y.G. ; Zhang, L. ; Huang, B.R. ; Kang, S.J.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2362L
- Global neutrino heating in hyperaccretion flows
- Luo, Shu ; Yuan, Feng (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2371G
- Machine-assisted discovery of relationships in astronomy
- Graham, Matthew J.; Djorgovski, S.G.; Mahabal, Ashish A.; Donalek, Ciro; Drake, Andrew J.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2385X
- Kinematics and chemistry of the hot core in G20.08-0.14N
- Xu, Jin-Long (1) ; Wang, Jun-Jie (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2397D
- Distinct stellar populations in the inner bars of double-barred galaxies
- de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A. (1) ; Falcón-Barroso, J. (1) ; Vazdekis, A. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2419C
- A large sample of calibration stars for Gaia: logg from Kepler and CoRoT fields
- Creevey, O.L. ; Thévenin, F. ; Basu, S. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Bigot, L. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Huber, D. ; Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G. ; Serenelli, A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2433M
- Contributions to the non-linear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: Birkinshaw-Gull effect and gravitational self-energy density
- Merkel, Philipp M. ; Schäfer, Björn Malte
- 2013MNRAS.431.2441D
- Discovery of a relation between black hole mass and soft X-ray time lags in active galactic nuclei
- De Marco, B. (1) (2) ; Ponti, G. ; Cappi, M. ; Dadina, M. ; Uttley, P. ; Cackett, E.M. (6) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Miniutti, G.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2453M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2453)
- Performing a stellar autopsy using the radio-bright remnant of SN 1996cr
- Meunier, C. ; Bauer, F.E. (1) (2) ; Dwarkadas, V.V. ; Koribalski, B. ; Emonts, B. ; Hunstead, R.W. ; Campbell-Wilson, D. ; Stockdale, C. ; Tingay, S.J.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2464M
- The Northern χ-Orionid meteoroid stream and possible association with the potentially hazardous asteroid 2008XM1
- Madiedo, José M. (1) ; Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. ; Williams, Iwan P. ; Ortiz, José L. ; Cabrera, Jesús
- 2013MNRAS.431.2471B
- The AT20G view of Swift/BAT selected AGN: high-frequency radio waves meet hard X-rays
- Burlon, D. (1) ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Murphy, T. (1) ; Chhetri, R. (4) ; Sadler, E. (1) ; Ajello, M.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2481D
- Long-term monitoring of PKS 0537-441 with Fermi-LAT and multiwavelength observations
- D'Ammando, F. (1) ; Antolini, E. (1) ; Tosti, G. (1) ; Finke, J. ; Ciprini, S. ; Larsson, S. (5) (6) ; Ajello, M. (8) ; Covino, S. ; Gasparrini, D. ; Gurwell, M. ; Hauser, M. ; Romano, P. ; Schinzel, F. ; Wagner, S.J. ; Impiombato, D. ; Perri, M. ; Persic, M. (15) ; Pian, E. (15) ; Polenta, G. (4) ; Sbarufatti, B. (9) ; Treves, A. ; Vercellone, S. ; Wehrle, A. ; Zook, A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2493K
- A multiwavelength study of the Magellanic-type galaxy NGC 4449 - I. Modelling the spectral energy distribution, the ionization structure and the star formation history
- Karczewski, O.L. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Page, M.J. ; Kuin, N.P.M. ; Ferreras, I. ; Baes, M. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Boselli, A. ; Cooray, A. ; Cormier, D. ; De Looze, I. ; Galametz, M. ; Galliano, F. ; Lebouteiller, V. ; Madden, S.C. ; Pohlen, M. ; Rémy-Ruyer, A. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Spinoglio, L.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2513W
- A comparative study of AGN feedback algorithms
- Wurster, J.; Thacker, R.J.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2535S
- Discovery of Fourier-dependent time lags in cataclysmic variables
- Scaringi, S. (1) ; Körding, E. ; Groot, P.J. ; Uttley, P. ; Marsh, T. ; Knigge, C. ; Maccarone, T. (5) ; Dhillon, V.S.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2542H
- The X-ray properties of optically selected clusters of galaxies
- Hicks, A.K. (1) ; Pratt, G.W. ; Donahue, M. ; Ellingson, E. ; Gladders, M. ; Böhringer, H. ; Yee, H.K.C. ; Yan, R. ; Croston, J.H. ; Gilbank, D.G.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2554D
- Chaos in large-amplitude pulsators: application to the β Cep star HD 180642
- Degroote, P. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2560M
- The connection between star formation and metallicity evolution in barred spiral galaxies
- Martel, Hugo (1) ; Kawata, Daisuke ; Ellison, Sara L.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2576T
- A new substantive proton to electron mass ratio constraint on rolling scalar field cosmologies
- Thompson, Rodger I.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2580L
- Inverse Compton model of pulsar high-energy emission
- Lyutikov, Maxim (1) (2)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2590B
- The proper motion of PSR J0205+6449 in 3C 58
- Bietenholz, M.F. (1) ; Kondratiev, V. (3) ; Ransom, S. ; Slane, P. ; Bartel, N. ; Buchner, S.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2599M
- SN 2011ht: confirming a class of interacting supernovae with plateau light curves (Type IIn-P)
- Mauerhan, Jon C. ; Smith, Nathan ; Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Morgan, Adam N. ; Cenko, S.Bradley ; Ganeshalingam, Mohan ; Clubb, Kelsey I. ; Bloom, Joshua S. ; Matheson, Thomas ; Milne, Peter
- 2013MNRAS.431.2612H
- Revisiting binary stars in population synthesis models
- Hernández-Pérez, Fabiola (1) ; Bruzual, Gustavo
- 2013MNRAS.431.2622H
- Spatially resolved star formation histories of nearby galaxies: evidence for episodic star formation in discs
- Huang, Mei-Ling ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Chen, Yan-Mei (2) ; Moran, Sean M. ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; Davé, Romeel ; Johansson, Jonas
- 2013MNRAS.431.2634C
- Using multipoles of the correlation function to measure H(z), DA(z) and β(z) from Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies
- Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Wang, Yun
- 2013MNRAS.431.2645T
- Model on pulsed GeV radiation from magnetars
- Takata, J.; Wang, Y.; Wu, E.M.H.; Cheng, K.S.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2655K
- Accretion disc viscosity: what do warped discs tell us ?
- King, A.R. ; Livio, M. ; Lubow, S.H. ; Pringle, J.E. (1) (2)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2661C
- The merger fraction of active and inactive galaxies in the local Universe through an improved non-parametric classification
- Cotini, Stefano (1) ; Ripamonti, Emanuele ; Caccianiga, Alessandro ; Colpi, Monica ; Della Ceca, Roberto ; Mapelli, Michela ; Severgnini, Paola ; Segreto, Alberto
- 2013MNRAS.431.2673K
- Spectral variability of classical T Tauri stars accreting in an unstable regime
- Kurosawa, Ryuichi (1) ; Romanova, M.M.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2690M
- Young rotation-powered pulsars as ultraluminous X-ray sources
- Medvedev, Aleksei S. (1) ; Poutanen, Juri
- 2013MNRAS.431.2703A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2703)
- Ab initio calculations of Ca iii Stark broadening parameters, transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes
- Alonso-Medina, A.; Colón, C.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2716M
- Spectral properties of two-component advective flows with standing shocks in the presence of Comptonization
- Mondal, Santanu ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2723L
- Estimations of the magnetic field strength in the torus of IC 5063 using near-infrared polarimetry
- Lopez-Rodriguez, E. (1) ; Packham, C. (1) ; Young, S. ; Elitzur, M. ; Levenson, N.A. ; Mason, R.E. ; Ramos Almeida, C. (7) ; Alonso-Herrero, A. ; Jones, T.J. ; Perlman, E.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2737M
- On Poynting-flux-driven bubbles and shocks around merging neutron star binaries
- Medvedev, Mikhail V.; Loeb, Abraham
- 2013MNRAS.431.2745G
- Two new ultracool benchmark systems from WISE+2MASS
- Gomes, J.I. ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Marocco, F. ; Day-Jones, A.C. (1) ; Burningham, B. ; Zhang, Z.H. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; van Spaandonk, L. ; Weights, D.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2756J
- An incomplete model of RRATs and of nulls mode changes and subpulses
- Jones, P.B.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2766S
- Improved photometric redshifts via enhanced estimates of system response, galaxy templates and magnitude priors
- Schmidt, Samuel J.; Thorman, Paul
- 2013MNRAS.431.2778K
- Magnetic white dwarfs with debris discs
- Külebi, B. (1) ; Eksi, K.Y. ; Lorén-Aguilar, P. ; Isern, J. (1) ; García-Berro, E. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.431.2789S
- Identification of a high-velocity compact nebular filament 2.2 arcsec south of the Galactic Centre
- Steiner, J.E.; Menezes, R.B.; Amorim, Daniel
- 2013MNRAS.431.2796K
- Can we measure the slopes of density profiles in dwarf spheroidal galaxies ?
- Kowalczyk, Klaudia ; Lokas, Ewa L. ; Kazantzidis, Stelios (3) (4) ; Mayer, Lucio
- 2013MNRAS.431.2808K
- Discovery of new rapidly oscillating Ap pulsators in the UVES survey of cool magnetic Ap stars
- Kochukhov, O. ; Alentiev, D. (2) ; Ryabchikova, T. ; Boyko, S. ; Cunha, M. ; Tsymbal, V. ; Weiss, W.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2820L
- A J-band detection of the sub-stellar mass donor in SDSS J1433+1011
- Littlefair, S.P. ; Savoury, C.D.J. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Butterleym, T. ; Wilson, R.W. ; Southworth, J. ; Watson, C.A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2826F
- Escape fraction of the ionizing radiation from starburst galaxies at high redshifts
- Ferrara, Andrea ; Loeb, Abraham
- 2013MNRAS.431.2834X
- Measuring DA and H at z=0.35 from the SDSS DR7 LRGs using baryon acoustic oscillations
- Xu, Xiaoying ; Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Padmanabhan, Nikhil ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; McBride, Cameron K.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2861S
- Is the sulphur anomaly in planetary nebulae caused by the s-process ?
- Shingles, Luke J.; Karakas, Amanda I.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2872D
- Self-consistent spectra from radiative GRMHD simulations of accretion on to Sgr A*
- Drappeau, S. ; Dibi, S. ; Dexter, J. ; Markoff, S. ; Fragile, P.C.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2885M
- HST/COS observations of a new population of associated QSO absorbers
- Muzahid, S. ; Srianand, R. ; Arav, N. ; Savage, B.D. ; Narayanan, A.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2907B
- Phenomenological models for unified dark matter with fast transition
- Bruni, Marco ; Lazkoz, Ruth ; Rozas-Fernández, Alberto
- 2013MNRAS.431.2917D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/431/2917)
- The NGC 5253 star cluster system - I. Standard modelling and infrared-excess sources
- de Grijs, Richard (1) ; Anders, Peter ; Zackrisson, Erik ; Östlin, Göran
- 2013MNRAS.431.2933L
- The detailed nature of active central cluster galaxies
- Loubser, S.I. ; Soechting, I.K.
- 2013MNRAS.431.2960L
- Erratum: Stark-broadening calculations of singly ionized carbon spectral lines
- Larbi-Terzi, N. ; Sahal-Bréchot, S. ; Ben Nessib, N. ; Dimitrijevic, M.S.
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