Monthly Notices of the RAS 430
April(III) 2013
- 2013MNRAS.430.2513H
- SCUBA-2: the 10 000 pixel bolometer camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- Holland, W.S. (1) ; Bintley, D. ; Chapin, E.L. (3) ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Davis, G.R. ; Dempsey, J.T. ; Duncan, W.D. (1) ; Fich, M. ; Friberg, P. ; Halpern, M. ; Irwin, K.D. ; Jenness, T. ; Kelly, B.D. ; MacIntosh, M.J. ; Robson, E.I. ; Scott, D. ; Ade, P.A.R. ; Atad-Ettedgui, E. ; Berry, D.S. ; Craig, S.C. ; Gao, X. ; Gibb, A.G. ; Hilton, G.C. ; Hollister, M.I. ; Kycia, J.B. ; Lunney, D.W. ; McGregor, H. ; Montgomery, D. ; Parkes, W. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Ullom, J.N. ; Walther, C.A. ; Walton, A.J. ; Woodcraft, A.L. ; Amiri, M. ; Atkinson, D. ; Burger, B. ; Chuter, T. ; Coulson, I.M. ; Doriese, W.B. ; Dunare, C. ; Economou, F. ; Niemack, M.D. ; Parsons, H.A.L. ; Reintsema, C.D. ; Sibthorpe, B. ; Smail, I. ; Sudiwala, R. ; Thomas, H.S.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2534D
- SCUBA-2: on-sky calibration using submillimetre standard sources
- Dempsey, J.T. ; Friberg, P. ; Jenness, T. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Thomas, H.S. ; Holland, W.S. (2) ; Bintley, D. ; Berry, D.S. ; Chapin, E.L. (1) ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Davis, G.R. ; Gibb, A.G. ; Parsons, H. ; Robson, E.I.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2545C
- SCUBA-2: iterative map-making with the Sub-Millimetre User Reduction Facility
- Chapin, Edward L. (1) ; Berry, David S. ; Gibb, Andrew G. ; Jenness, Tim ; Scott, Douglas ; Tilanus, Remo P.J. (2) ; Economou, Frossie ; Holland, Wayne S. (4)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2574L
- Can a satellite galaxy merger explain the active past of the Galactic Centrequest
- Lang, M. ; Holley-Bockelmann, K. (1) ; Bogdanovic, T. ; Amaro-Seoane, P. (4) ; Sesana, A. ; Sinha, M.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2585R
- The multimessenger picture of compact object encounters: binary mergers versus dynamical collisions
- Rosswog, S. (1) (2) ; Piran, T. ; Nakar, E.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2605Z
- Modelling the narrow-line regions of active galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - I. Sample selection and physical conditions
- Zhang, Z.T. (1) ; Liang, Y.C. ; Hammer, F.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2622D
- Two-phase galaxy evolution: the cosmic star formation histories of spheroids and discs
- Driver, S.P. (1) ; Robotham, A.S.G. (1) ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Brown, M. ; Hopkins, A. ; Liske, J. ; Phillipps, S. ; Wilkins, S.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2633X – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/2633)
- A new concept of the International Celestial Reference Frame: the epoch ICRF
- Xu, M.H. (1) ; Wang, G.L. ; Zhao, M.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2638M
- The relation between velocity dispersion and mass in simulated clusters of galaxies: dependence on the tracer and the baryonic physics
- Munari, E. (1) ; Biviano, A. ; Borgani, S. (1) (2) ; Murante, G. ; Fabjan, D.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2650L
- The ionized absorber and nuclear environment of IRAS 13349+2438: multi-wavelength insights from coordinated Chandra HETGS, HST STIS, HET and Spitzer IRS
- Lee, Julia C. (1) ; Kriss, Gerard A. (3) ; Chakravorty, Susmita (1) ; Rahoui, Farid (1) ; Young, Andrew J. ; Brandt, William N. (6) ; Hines, Dean C. ; Ogle, Patrick M. ; Reynolds, Christopher S.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2680M
- Mass-metallicity relation from z = 5 to the present: evidence for a transition in the mode of galaxy growth at z = 2.6 due to the end of sustained primordial gas infall
- Moller, P. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Ledoux, C. ; Nilsson, K.K.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2688V
- Soft X-ray and ultraviolet metal-line emission from the gas around galaxies
- van de Voort, Freeke; Schaye, Joop
- 2013MNRAS.430.2703C
- Shock dynamics in relativistic jets
- Cantó, J. ; Lizano, S. ; Fernández-López, M. (1) ; González, R.F. ; Hernández-Gómez, A. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2715I
- New colour-mass-to-light relations: the role of the asymptotic giant branch phase and of interstellar dust
- Into, Tom; Portinari, Laura
- 2013MNRAS.430.2732K
- The doubling of stellar black hole nuclei
- Kazandjian, Mher V. ; Touma, J.R.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2739H
- The host-galaxy response to the afterglow of GRB 100901A
- Hartoog, Olga E. (1) ; Wiersema, Klaas ; Vreeswijk, Paul M. ; Kaper, Lex ; Tanvir, Nial R. ; Savaglio, Sandra ; Berger, Edo ; Chornock, Ryan ; Covino, Stefano ; D'Elia, Valerio (8) ; Flores, Hector ; Fynbo, Johan P.U. ; Goldoni, Paolo ; Gomboc, Andreja (13) ; Melandri, Andrea (7) ; Pozanenko, Alexei ; Schaye, Joop ; de Ugarte Postigo, Antonio ; Wijers, Ralph A.M.J.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2755K
- Stability chart of the triangular points in the elliptic-restricted problem of three bodies
- Kovács, T.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2761P
- Small particles in Pluto's environment: effects of the solar radiation pressure
- Pires dos Santos, P.M.; Giuliatti Winter, S.M.; Sfair, R.; Mourão, D.C.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2768T
- Obscured star formation in Lyα blobs at z = 3.1
- Tamura, Y. ; Matsuda, Y. (2) ; Ikarashi, S. ; Scott, K.S. ; Hatsukade, B. ; Umehata, H. ; Saito, T. ; Nakanishi, K. (3) (7) ; Yun, M.S. ; Ezawa, H. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Iono, D. (3) ; Kawabe, R. (3) ; Kohno, K. ; Wilson, G.W.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2774R
- The star formation history of the Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters NGC 1846 and NGC 1783
- Rubele, Stefano ; Girardi, Léo ; Kozhurina-Platais, Vera ; Kerber, Leandro ; Goudfrooij, Paul ; Bressan, Alessandro ; Marigo, Paola
- 2013MNRAS.430.2789P
- Numerical estimates of the accretion rate on to intermediate-mass black holes
- Pepe, C. (1) ; Pellizza, L.J. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2797A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/2797)
- Rio survey of optical astrometric positions for 300 ICRF2 sources and the current optical/radio frame link status before Gaia
- Assafin, M. ; Vieira-Martins, R. ; Andrei, A.H. (2) ; Camargo, J.I.B. ; da Silva Neto, D.N.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2815Z
- Statistical and polarization properties of giant pulses of the millisecond pulsar B1937+21
- Zhuravlev, V.I. ; Popov, M.V. ; Soglasnov, V.A. ; Kondrat'ev, V.I. (1) ; Kovalev, Y.Y. (1) ; Bartel, N. ; Ghigo, F.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2822M
- Regularizing dynamical problems with the symplectic logarithmic Hamiltonian leapfrog
- Mikkola, Seppo ; Tanikawa, Kiyotaka
- 2013MNRAS.430.2828L
- Transmission line analogy for relativistic Poynting-flux jets
- Lovelace, R.V.E. ; Kronberg, P.P. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2836G
- Hydrodynamic simulation of two-component advective flows around black holes
- Giri, Kinsuk ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2844C
- Size magnification as a complement to cosmic shear
- Casaponsa, B. (1) ; Heavens, A.F. ; Kitching, T.D. (4) ; Miller, L. ; Barreiro, R.B. ; Martínez-González, E.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2854M
- The radio signatures of the first supernovae
- Meiksin, Avery ; Whalen, Daniel J.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2864M
- Hydrodynamic modelling of ejecta shrapnel in the Vela supernova remnant
- Miceli, M. (1) ; Orlando, S. ; Reale, F. (1) ; Bocchino, F. ; Peres, G. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2873R
- Universal behaviour of shock precursors in the presence of efficient cosmic ray acceleration
- Reville, B.; Bell, A.R.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2885W
- Interpreting the observed UV continuum slopes of high-redshift galaxies
- Wilkins, Stephen M. ; Bunker, Andrew ; Coulton, William ; Croft, Rupert (1) ; Di Matteo, Tiziana (1) ; Khandai, Nishikanta (2) ; Feng, Yu
- 2013MNRAS.430.2891D
- The physics of the fundamental metallicity relation
- Dayal, Pratika ; Ferrara, Andrea ; Dunlop, James S.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2896C
- Weak lensing peak count as a probe of f(R) theories
- Cardone, V.F. ; Camera, S. ; Mainini, R. ; Romano, A. ; Diaferio, A. (4) ; Maoli, R. ; Scaramella, R.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2910S
- A systematic survey for eruptive young stellar objects using mid-infrared photometry
- Scholz, Alexander ; Froebrich, Dirk ; Wood, Kenneth
- 2013MNRAS.430.2923H
- Kepler photometry and optical spectroscopy of the ZZ Lep central star of the planetary nebula NGC 6826: rotational and wind variability
- Handler, G. ; Prinja, R.K. ; Urbaneja, M.A. ; Antoci, V. (4) ; Twicken, J.D. ; Barclay, T.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2932M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/2932)
- Physical properties of the WASP-44 planetary system from simultaneous multi-colour photometry
- Mancini, L. ; Nikolov, N. ; Southworth, J. ; Chen, G. (1) ; Fortney, J.J. ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Ciceri, S. ; van Boekel, R. ; Henning, Th.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2943C
- Confirmation of the nature of the absorber in IRAS 09104+4109
- Chiang, Chia-Ying ; Cackett, E.M. ; Gandhi, P. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2951B
- Gamma-rays from nebulae around binary systems containing energetic rotation-powered pulsars
- Bednarek, W. ; Sitarek, J.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2960H
- Comparative study between N-body and Fokker-Planck simulations for rotating star clusters - II. Two-component models
- Hong, Jongsuk ; Kim, Eunhyeuk ; Lee, Hyung Mok (1) ; Spurzem, Rainer (4) (5)
- 2013MNRAS.430.2973K
- Metallicity bias in the kinematics of the Milky Way stellar halo
- Kafle, P.R.; Sharma, S.; Lewis, G.F.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2979S
- The abundance of silicon in the solar atmosphere
- Shaltout, A.M.K. ; Beheary, M.M. ; Bakry, A. ; Ichimoto, K.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2986M
- Super-Nyquist asteroseismology with the Kepler Space Telescope
- Murphy, Simon J. ; Shibahashi, Hiromoto ; Kurtz, Donald W.
- 2013MNRAS.430.2999S
- Experimental tests of pseudo-complex General Relativity
- Schönenbach, Thomas ; Caspar, Gunther ; Hess, Peter O. (1) (2) ; Boller, Thomas ; Müller, Andreas ; Schäfer, Mirko ; Greiner, Walter
- 2013MNRAS.430.3010G
- Comparing gaseous and stellar orbits in a spiral potential
- Gómez, Gilberto C. ; Pichardo, Bárbara ; Martos, Marco A.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3017B
- Why does the environmental influence on group and cluster galaxies extend beyond the virial radiusquest
- Bahé, Yannick M. ; McCarthy, Ian G. (1) ; Balogh, Michael L. ; Font, Andreea S. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3032B
- Transit timing variations in WASP-10b induced by stellar activity
- Barros, S.C.C. ; Boué, G. (2) (3) ; Gibson, N.P. ; Pollacco, D.L. ; Santerne, A. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Skillen, I. ; Street, R.A.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3048S
- Stability of anisotropic cylinder with zero expansion
- Sharif, M. ; Azam, M. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3054C
- Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal processing and temperature-velocity moment method for individual clusters
- Chluba, Jens (1) ; Switzer, Eric (1) ; Nelson, Kaylea ; Nagai, Daisuke (4) (5)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3070B
- Light-curve analysis and orbital period change of the extreme mass-ratio overcontact binary AW CrB
- Broens, Eric
- 2013MNRAS.430.3078S
- An analytical model of radiation-induced Charge Transfer Inefficiency for CCD detectors
- Short, A.; Crowley, C.; de Bruijne, J.H.J.; Prod'homme, T.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3086G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/3086)
- The relation between morphology, accretion modes and environmental factors in local radio AGN
- Gendre, M.A. ; Best, P.N. ; Wall, J.V. ; Ker, L.M.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3102G
- Atmospheric and seeing forecast: WRF model validation with in situ measurements at ORM
- Giordano, C. ; Vernin, J. ; Vázquez Ramió, H. (2) ; Muñoz-Tuñón, C. (2) ; Varela, A.M. (2) ; Trinquet, H.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3112M
- Investigation of dust properties of the proto-planetary nebula IRAS 18276-1431
- Murakawa, K. ; Izumiura, H. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Maud, L.T.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3120M
- Impact of metallicity on the evolution of young star clusters
- Mapelli, M. ; Bressan, A.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3128E
- Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - VII. The merger-luminous infrared galaxy connection
- Ellison, Sara L. ; Mendel, J.Trevor ; Scudder, Jillian M. ; Patton, David R. ; Palmer, Michael J.D.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3142G
- The effect of different observational data on the constraints of cosmological parameters
- Gong, Yungui (1) (2) ; Gao, Qing ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
- 2013MNRAS.430.3155S
- Digging supplementary buried channels: investigating the notch architecture within the CCD pixels on ESA's Gaia satellite
- Seabroke, G.M. (1) ; Prod'homme, T. (3) ; Murray, N.J. ; Crowley, C. ; Hopkinson, G. ; Brown, A.G.A. ; Kohley, R. ; Holland, A.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3171L
- The equipartition magnetic field formula in starburst galaxies: accounting for pionic secondaries and strong energy losses
- Lacki, Brian C. ; Beck, Rainer
- 2013MNRAS.430.3187R
- Monte Carlo simulation of stellar intensity interferometry
- Rou, J.; Nuñez, P.D.; Kieda, D.; LeBohec, S.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3196V
- Hot accretion flow in black hole binaries: a link connecting X-rays to the infrared
- Veledina, Alexandra ; Poutanen, Juri ; Vurm, Indrek (2)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3213B
- Galactic winds in cosmological simulations of the circumgalactic medium
- Barai, Paramita ; Viel, Matteo (1) ; Borgani, Stefano (1) (2) ; Tescari, Edoardo (4) ; Tornatore, Luca ; Dolag, Klaus (6) ; Killedar, Madhura (1) ; Monaco, Pierluigi (1) ; D'Odorico, Valentina ; Cristiani, Stefano (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3235M
- Evolution of M82-like starburst winds revisited: 3D radiative cooling hydrodynamical simulations
- Melioli, C.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.; Geraissate, F.G.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3249M
- Simulations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3376
- Machado, Rubens E.G.; Lima Neto, Gastão B.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3261H
- An improved sink particle algorithm for SPH simulations
- Hubber, D.A. (1) ; Walch, S. (3) ; Whitworth, A.P.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3276M
- Extending the Hyades
- McMillan, Paul J.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3285M
- On the interpolation of model atmospheres and high-resolution synthetic stellar spectra
- Mészáros, Sz. (1) ; Prieto, C.Allende (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3292B
- How the diffuse Universe cools
- Bertone, Serena (1) ; Aguirre, Anthony ; Schaye, Joop
- 2013MNRAS.430.3314B
- VLT/XSHOOTER and Subaru/MOIRCS spectroscopy of HUDF.YD3: no evidence for Lyman α emission at z = 8.55
- Bunker, Andrew J. ; Caruana, Joseph (1) ; Wilkins, Stephen M. ; Stanway, Elizabeth R. (3) ; Lorenzoni, Silvio ; Lacy, Mark ; Jarvis, Matt J. (1) (6) ; Hickey, Samantha
- 2013MNRAS.430.3320H
- Polarization transfer in relativistic magnetized plasmas
- Heyvaerts, Jean (1) ; Pichon, Christophe (1) ; Prunet, Simon ; Thiébaut, Jérôme
- 2013MNRAS.430.3350Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/3350)
- Proper motions and membership probabilities of stars in the region of open cluster NGC 3766
- Yadav, R.K.S. ; Sariya, Devesh P. (1) ; Sagar, R.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3359L
- Constraining the substructure of dark matter haloes with galaxy-galaxy lensing
- Li, Ran ; Mo, H.J. ; Fan, Zuhui ; Yang, Xiaohu ; van den Bosch, Frank C.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3376P
- A method for testing the cosmic homogeneity with Shannon entropy
- Pandey, Biswajit (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3383V
- Multiplanet destabilization and escape in post-main-sequence systems
- Voyatzis, George ; Hadjidemetriou, John D. ; Veras, Dimitri ; Varvoglis, Harry
- 2013MNRAS.430.3397B
- The expansion proper motions of the extraordinary giant lobes of the planetary nebula KjPn 8 revisited
- Boumis, P. ; Meaburn, J.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3406T
- Chemical abundances in Orion protoplanetary discs: integral field spectroscopy and photoevaporation models of HST 10
- Tsamis, Y.G. ; Flores-Fajardo, N. ; Henney, W.J. ; Walsh, J.R. ; Mesa-Delgado, A.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3422A
- Thermal emission at 3.6-8 µm from WASP-19b: a hot Jupiter without a stratosphere orbiting an active star
- Anderson, D.R. ; Smith, A.M.S. ; Madhusudhan, N. ; Wheatley, P.J. ; Collier Cameron, A. ; Hellier, C. ; Campo, C. ; Gillon, M. ; Harrington, J. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Pollacco, D. ; Queloz, D. ; Smalley, B. ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. ; West, R.G.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3432Y
- The dependence of galaxy properties on the large-scale tidal environment
- Yan, Heling ; Fan, Zuhui ; White, Simon D.M.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3445M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/3445)
- The covering factor of warm dust in quasars: a view from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer All-Sky Data Release
- Ma, Xiang-Cheng (1) ; Wang, Ting-Gui (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3453B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/3453)
- The puzzling merging cluster Abell 1914: new insights from the kinematics of member galaxies
- Barrena, R. (1) ; Girardi, M. (3) ; Boschin, W.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3465E
- CO(1-0) detection of molecular gas in the massive Spiderweb Galaxy (z = 2)
- Emonts, B.H.C. ; Feain, I. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Miley, G. ; Seymour, N. ; Norris, R.P. ; Carilli, C.L. ; Villar-Martín, M. ; Mao, M.Y. ; Sadler, E.M. ; Ekers, R.D. ; van Moorsel, G.A. ; Ivison, R.J. (6) ; Pentericci, L. ; Tadhunter, C.N. ; Saikia, D.J. (10)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3472B
- Kepler observations of the open cluster NGC6819
- Balona, L.A. ; Medupe, T. ; Abedigamba, O.P. ; Ayane, G. ; Keeley, L. ; Matsididi, M. ; Mekonnen, G. ; Nhlapo, M.D. ; Sithole, N.
- 2013MNRAS.430.3483B
- Analysis of potential locations of asteroidal moonlets
- Baoyin, Hexi ; Liu, Xiaodong ; Beauvalet, Laurène
- 2013MNRAS.430.3489L
- Statistics of the structure components in S0s: implications for bar-induced secular evolution
- Laurikainen, E. (1) ; Salo, H. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Bosma, A. ; Buta, R. ; Janz, J. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.430.3510A
- Classification and analysis of emission-line galaxies using mean field independent component analysis
- Allen, James T. (1) ; Hewett, Paul C. ; Richardson, Chris T. ; Ferland, Gary J. ; Baldwin, Jack A.
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