Monthly Notices of the RAS 430
April(I) 2013

Cosmological constraints from a combination of galaxy clustering and lensing - I. Theoretical framework
van den Bosch, Frank C. ; More, Surhud ; Cacciato, Marcello ; Mo, Houjun ; Yang, Xiaohu
Cosmological constraints from a combination of galaxy clustering and lensing - II. Fisher matrix analysis
More, Surhud (1) ; van den Bosch, Frank C. ; Cacciato, Marcello ; More, Anupreeta (1) ; Mo, Houjun ; Yang, Xiaohu
Cosmological constraints from a combination of galaxy clustering and lensing - III. Application to SDSS data
Cacciato, Marcello ; van den Bosch, Frank C. ; More, Surhud (3) ; Mo, Houjun ; Yang, Xiaohu
Chemical reactions induced in frozen formic acid by heavy ion cosmic rays
Andrade, Diana P.P. ; de Barros, Ana L.F. ; Pilling, Sérgio ; Domaracka, Alicja ; Rothard, Hermann ; Boduch, Philippe ; da Silveira, Enio F.
Cross-bispectra and trispectra of the non-linear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and the tracer galaxy density field
Jürgens, Gero ; Schäfer, Björn Malte
The mid-infrared environments of 6.7GHz methanol masers from the Methanol Multi-Beam Survey
Gallaway, M. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Green, J.A. (2) ; Voronkov, M.A. (3) ; Breen, S.L. ; Quinn, L. ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Avison, A. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; Cox, J.
Transport of magnetic flux and the vertical structure of accretion discs - II. Vertical profile of the diffusion coefficients
Guilet, Jérôme; Ogilvie, Gordon I.
ARGOS - III. Stellar populations in the Galactic bulge of the Milky Way
Ness, M. ; Freeman, K. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Wylie-de-Boer, E. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Asplund, M. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Yong, D. ; Lane, R.R. ; Kiss, L.L. (3) (5)
Low-energy impact distribution and the albedo dichotomy of Iapetus
Leiva, A.M. (1) ; Briozzo, C.B. (3)
Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of supernova SN 2009an: another case of a transitional Type Ia event
Sahu, D.K.; Anupama, G.C.; Anto, P.
Reconstructing cosmological initial conditions from galaxy peculiar velocities - I. Reverse Zeldovich Approximation
Doumler, Timur (1) ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Courtois, Hélène ; Gottlöber, Stefan
Reconstructing cosmological initial conditions from galaxy peculiar velocities - II. The effect of observational errors
Doumler, Timur (1) ; Courtois, Hélène ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Hoffman, Yehuda
Reconstructing cosmological initial conditions from galaxy peculiar velocities - III. Constrained simulations
Doumler, Timur (1) ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Courtois, Hélène
The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: measuring the cosmic growth rate with the two-point galaxy correlation function
Contreras, Carlos ; Blake, Chris ; Poole, Gregory B. ; Marin, Felipe ; Brough, Sarah ; Colless, Matthew ; Couch, Warrick ; Croom, Scott ; Croton, Darren ; Davis, Tamara M. ; Drinkwater, Michael J. ; Forster, Karl ; Gilbank, David ; Gladders, Mike ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Jelliffe, Ben ; Jurek, Russell J. ; Li, I-hui ; Madore, Barry ; Martin, D.Christopher ; Pimbblet, Kevin ; Pracy, Michael ; Sharp, Rob (2) ; Wisnioski, Emily ; Woods, David ; Wyder, Ted K. ; Yee, H.K.C.
Determining accurate measurements of the growth rate from the galaxy correlation function in simulations
Contreras, Carlos; Blake, Chris; Poole, Gregory B.; Marin, Felipe
Isotope effect in the formation of carbon monoxide by radiative association
Antipov, Sergey V.; Gustafsson, Magnus; Nyman, Gunnar
Tidal evolution of the Kepler-10 system
Dong, Yao (1) ; Ji, Jianghui
Thermal effects in the initial collapse of low-mass molecular cloud cores
Khesali, Alireza; Nejad-Asghar, Mohsen; Mohammadpour, Motahareh
A census of orbital properties of the M31 satellites
Watkins, Laura L. (1) ; Evans, N.Wyn ; van de Ven, Glenn
Data mining for cataclysmic variables in the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope archive
Jiang, Bin (1) (2) ; Luo, Ali ; Zhao, Yongheng ; Wei, Peng
Five new outbursting AM CVn systems discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory
Levitan, David ; Kupfer, Thomas ; Groot, Paul J. (1) ; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R. ; Prince, Thomas A. ; Simonian, Gregory V. ; Arcavi, Iair ; Bloom, Joshua S. ; Laher, Russ ; Nugent, Peter E. (4) ; Ofek, Eran O. ; Sesar, Branimir ; Surace, Jason
Infrared observations of the candidate double neutron star system PSR J1811-1736
Mignani, R.P. (1) ; Corongiu, A. ; Pallanca, C. ; Ferraro, F.R.
The growth of massive stars via stellar collisions in ensemble star clusters
Fujii, M.S.; Portegies Zwart, S.
Berkeley Supernova Ia Program - V. Late-time spectra of Type Ia Supernovae
Silverman, Jeffrey M. (1) ; Ganeshalingam, Mohan (1) ; Filippenko, Alexei V.
Calibrating [Oii] star formation rates at z < 1 from dual Hα-[Oii] imaging from HiZELS
Hayashi, Masao ; Sobral, David ; Best, Philip N. ; Smail, Ian ; Kodama, Tadayuki (1)
Gas accretion as a dominant formation mode in massive galaxies from the GOODS NICMOS Survey
Conselice, Christopher J. ; Mortlock, Alice ; Bluck, Asa F.L. (1) ; Grützbauch, Ruth ; Duncan, Kenneth
Signatures of magnetar central engines in short GRB light curves
Rowlinson, A. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Metzger, B.D. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Levan, A.J.
Ultracompact dwarfs around NGC3258 in the Antlia cluster
Caso, Juan Pablo (1) ; Bassino, Lilia P. (1) ; Richtler, Tom ; Smith Castelli, Analía V. (1) ; Faifer, Favio R. (1)
Unification of X-ray winds in Seyfert galaxies: from ultra-fast outflows to warm absorbers
Tombesi, F. (1) ; Cappi, M. ; Reeves, J.N. ; Nemmen, R.S. ; Braito, V. ; Gaspari, M. ; Reynolds, C.S.
Characteristics of cometary dust in the innermost coma derived from polarimetry by Giotto
Zubko, Evgenij (1) ; Muinonen, Karri (1) ; Shkuratov, Yuriy ; Videen, Gorden (4)
2013MNRAS.430.1125C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/1125)
The RMS survey: near-IR spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects
Cooper, H.D.B. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Clarke, A.J. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Davies, B.
The merger rates and sizes of galaxies across the peak epoch of star formation from the HiZELS survey
Stott, John P. ; Sobral, David ; Smail, Ian ; Bower, Richard ; Best, Philip N. ; Geach, James E.
2013MNRAS.430.1171D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/1171)
The sub-stellar birth rate from UKIDSS
Day-Jones, A.C. (1) ; Marocco, F. ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Zhang, Z.H. ; Burningham, B. ; Deacon, N. ; Ruiz, M.T. ; Gallardo, J. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Lucas, P.W.L. ; Jenkins, J.S. ; Gomes, J. ; Folkes, S.L. (2) ; Clarke, J.R.A. (2)
On the potential of the EChO mission to characterize gas giant atmospheres
Barstow, J.K. (1) ; Aigrain, S. ; Irwin, P.G.J. ; Bowles, N. ; Fletcher, L.N. ; Lee, J.-M.
Searching for T dwarfs in IC 2391 using methane imaging
Parker, S.R.; Tinney, C.G.
The planetary nebulae population in the nuclear regions of M31: the SAURON view
Pastorello, Nicola ; Sarzi, Marc (2) ; Cappellari, Michele ; Emsellem, Eric (5) ; Mamon, Gary A. ; Bacon, Roland ; Davies, Roger L. ; de Zeeuw, P.Tim (5)
Geometry and velocity structure of HD 44179's bipolar jet
Thomas, Joshua D. ; Witt, Adolf N. ; Aufdenberg, Jason P. ; Bjorkman, J.E. ; Dahlstrom, Julie A. ; Hobbs, L.M. ; York, Donald G.
Mind the gap: tightening the mass-richness relation with magnitude gaps
Hearin, Andrew P. ; Zentner, Andrew R. ; Newman, Jeffrey A. ; Berlind, Andreas A.
Probing the blow-off criteria of hydrogen-rich `super-Earths'
Lammer, H. ; Erkaev, N.V. (2) ; Odert, P. (1) ; Kislyakova, K.G. (1) ; Leitzinger, M. ; Khodachenko, M.L.
The nature of the H2-emitting gas in the Crab nebula
Richardson, C.T. ; Baldwin, J.A. ; Ferland, G.J. ; Loh, E.D. ; Kuehn, C.A. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Salomé, Philippe
Particle transport and heating in the microturbulent precursor of relativistic shocks
Plotnikov, Illya ; Pelletier, Guy ; Lemoine, Martin
A new calibration for the Blue Horizontal Branch
Fermani, Francesco ; Schönrich, Ralph
Intranight optical variability of radio-quiet weak emission line quasars
Gopal-Krishna ; Joshi, Ravi ; Chand, Hum
2013MNRAS.430.1309T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/1309)
Formation and evolution of the water maser outflow event in AFGL 2591 VLA 3-N
Trinidad, M.A. ; Curiel, S. ; Estalella, R. ; Cantó, J. ; Raga, A. ; Torrelles, J.M. ; Patel, N.A. ; Gómez, J.F. ; Anglada, G. ; Carrasco-González, C. ; Rodríguez, L.F.
The brightest gamma-ray flares of blazars
Nalewajko, Krzysztof
Cluster membership probability: polarimetric approach
Medhi, Biman J. ; Tamura, Motohide
Mass and pressure constraints on galaxy clusters from interferometric Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations
Olamaie, Malak ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Grainge, Keith J.B. (1)
Deep optical observations of the γ-ray pulsar PSR J0007+7303 in the CTA 1 supernova remnant
Mignani, R.P. (1) (2) ; de Luca, A. (1) ; Rea, N. ; Shearer, A. ; Collins, S. ; Torres, D.F. ; Hadasch, D. ; Caliandro, A.
Is Mira a magneto-dusty rotator ?
Thirumalai, Anand; Heyl, Jeremy S.
Detection of Laplace-resonant three-planet systems from transit timing variations
Libert, A.-S. (1) (2) ; Renner, S. (2)
The strength and detectability of the YORP effect in near-Earth asteroids: a statistical approach
Rozitis, B.; Green, S.F.
Comments on the nature of HD 75767
Griffin, R.F. ; Fuhrmann, K. (2)
The interplay between X-ray photoevaporation and planet formation
Rosotti, Giovanni P. (1) (2) ; Ercolano, Barbara (2) ; Owen, James E. ; Armitage, Philip J. (5)
Synthetic light curves of shocked dense circumstellar shells
Moriya, Takashi J. (1) (2) ; Blinnikov, Sergei I. (1) (4) (5) ; Baklanov, Petr V. (4) ; Sorokina, Elena I. ; Dolgov, Alexander D. (4) (5)
Revealing the X-ray source in IRAS 13224-3809 through flux-dependent reverberation lags
Kara, E. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Cackett, E.M. ; Miniutti, G. ; Uttley, P.
Detection of a radio bridge in Abell 3667
Carretti, E. ; Brown, S. (2) ; Staveley-Smith, L. (4) ; Malarecki, J.M. ; Bernardi, G. ; Gaensler, B.M. ; Haverkorn, M. (8) ; Kesteven, M.J. ; Poppi, S.
Gravitational lensing effects on submillimetre galaxy counts
Er, Xinzhong ; Li, Guoliang ; Mao, Shude (1) ; Cao, Liang
2013MNRAS.430.1433A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/430/1433)
Rotation in NGC 2264: a study based on CoRoT photometric observations
Affer, L. ; Micela, G. ; Favata, F. ; Flaccomio, E. ; Bouvier, J.
A re-examination of galactic conformity and a comparison with semi-analytic models of galaxy formation
Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Li, Cheng ; Zhang, Wei ; Weinmann, Simone
Clustered calibration: an improvement to radio interferometric direction-dependent self-calibration
Kazemi, S. ; Yatawatta, S. ; Zaroubi, S.
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