Monthly Notices of the RAS 429
February(III) 2013
- 2013MNRAS.429..925T
- An analytic toy model for relativistic accretion in Kerr space-time
- Tejeda, Emilio ; Taylor, Paul A. ; Miller, John C. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429..939S
- Small-scale structure in the interstellar medium: time-varying interstellar absorption towards κ Velorum
- Smith, Keith T. ; Fossey, Stephen J. ; Cordiner, Martin A. (1) ; Sarre, Peter J. ; Smith, Arfon M. (1) ; Bell, Tom A. (5) ; Viti, Serena
- 2013MNRAS.429..954Y
- A mapping study of L1174 with 13CO J=2-1 and 12CO J=3-2: star formation triggered by a Herbig Ae/Be star
- Yuan, Jing-Hua ; Wu, Yuefang ; Li, Jin Zeng ; Yu, Wentao ; Miller, Martin
- 2013MNRAS.429..967G
- On the magnetic quenching of mean-field effects in supersonic interstellar turbulence
- Gressel, Oliver ; Bendre, Abhijit ; Elstner, Detlef
- 2013MNRAS.429..973M
- On the relationship between the H2 emission and the physical structure of planetary nebulae
- Marquez-Lugo, R.A. ; Ramos-Larios, G. ; Guerrero, M.A. ; Vázquez, R.
- 2013MNRAS.429..987L
- Variations in the Galactic star formation rate and density thresholds for star formation
- Longmore, S.N. ; Bally, J. ; Testi, L. (1) ; Purcell, C.R. (4) ; Walsh, A.J. ; Bressert, E. (1) ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Molinari, S. ; Ott, J. ; Cortese, L. ; Battersby, C. ; Murray, N. ; Lee, E. ; Kruijssen, J.M.D. ; Schisano, E. ; Elia, D.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1001A
- A high-resolution spectropolarimetric survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars - I. Observations and measurements
- Alecian, E. (1) ; Wade, G.A. ; Catala, C. ; Grunhut, J.H. (2) ; Landstreet, J.D. (4) ; Bagnulo, S. ; Böhm, T. (6) ; Folsom, C.P. ; Marsden, S. (8) ; Waite, I.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1027A
- A high-resolution spectropolarimetric survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars - II. Rotation
- Alecian, E. (1) ; Wade, G.A. ; Catala, C. ; Grunhut, J.H. (2) ; Landstreet, J.D. (4) ; Böhm, T. (6) ; Folsom, C.P. ; Marsden, S. (8)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1039H
- Three newly discovered globular clusters in NGC 6822
- Huxor, A.P. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Veljanoski, J. ; Mackey, A.D. ; Tanvir, N.R.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1045G
- On de-Sitter geometry in crater statistics
- Gibbons, G.W. ; Werner, M.C. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1051C
- Galaxy Zoo: quantifying morphological indicators of galaxy interaction
- Casteels, Kevin.R.V. (1) ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Skibba, Ramin A. ; Masters, Karen L. (4) ; Lintott, Chris J. (6) ; Keel, William C. ; Schawinski, Kevin (9) ; Nichol, Robert C. (4) ; Smith, Arfon M.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1066S
- The impact of galaxy harassment on the globular cluster systems of early-type cluster dwarf galaxies
- Smith, R. ; Sánchez-Janssen, R. ; Fellhauer, M. ; Puzia, T.H. ; Aguerri, J.A.L. (4) ; Farias, J.P.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1080P
- Surface density of dark matter haloes on galactic and cluster scales
- Popolo, A.Del (1) ; Cardone, V.F. ; Belvedere, G.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1088J
- Evolution of isolated overdensities as a control on cosmological N-body simulations
- Joyce, Michael ; Labini, Francesco Sylos (2)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1102G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/429/1102)
- Photometric study of open clusters Berkeley 96, Berkeley 97, King 12, NGC 7261, NGC 7296 and NGC 7788
- Glushkova, E.V. (1) ; Zabolotskikh, M.V. ; Koposov, S.E. (2) ; Spiridonova, O.I. ; Leonova, S.I. ; Vlasyuk, V.V. ; Rastorguev, A.S. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1113H
- HerMES: unveiling obscured star formation - the far-infrared luminosity function of ultraviolet-selected galaxies at z ∼ 1.5
- Heinis, S. ; Buat, V. ; Béthermin, M. (2) ; Aussel, H. ; Bock, J. (4) ; Boselli, A. ; Burgarella, D. ; Conley, A. ; Cooray, A. (4) ; Farrah, D. ; Ibar, E. ; Ilbert, O. ; Ivison, R.J. (9) ; Magdis, G. ; Marsden, G. ; Oliver, S.J. ; Page, M.J. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Roehlly, Y. ; Schulz, B. (4) ; Scott, Douglas ; Smith, A.J. ; Viero, M. ; Wang, L. ; Zemcov, M. (4)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1133P
- On the anisotropic density distribution on large scales
- Pápai, Péter ; Sheth, Ravi K. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1139X
- On the singularity problem in orbital mechanics
- Xu, Guochang (1) ; Xu, Jia
- 2013MNRAS.429.1149R
- Dark energy as an elastic strain fluid
- Radicella, N. (1) ; Sereno, M. (3) ; Tartaglia, A. (3)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1156S
- Three-dimensional delayed-detonation models with nucleosynthesis for Type Ia supernovae
- Seitenzahl, Ivo R. (1) ; Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, Franco ; Röpke, Friedrich K. ; Fink, Michael ; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang ; Kromer, Markus ; Pakmor, Rüdiger ; Ruiter, Ashley J. ; Sim, Stuart A. ; Taubenberger, Stefan
- 2013MNRAS.429.1173K
- 2006 May-July major radio flare episodes in Cygnus X-3: spectrotiming analysis of the X-ray data
- Koljonen, K.I.I. ; McCollough, M.L. ; Hannikainen, D.C. ; Droulans, R. (4)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1189P
- Synchrotron and inverse-Compton emission from blazar jets - II. An accelerating jet model with a geometry set by observations of M87
- Potter, William J.; Cotter, Garret
- 2013MNRAS.429.1206J
- Skewness as a probe of baryon acoustic oscillations
- Juszkiewicz, Roman (1) ; Hellwing, Wojciech A. (1) (3) ; van de Weygaert, Rien
- 2013MNRAS.429.1213B
- Timing and spectral analysis of the unusual X-ray transient XTE J0421+560/CI Camelopardalis
- Bartlett, E.S. ; Clark, J.S. ; Coe, M.J. ; Garcia, M.R. ; Uttley, P.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1221H
- mocca code for star cluster simulations - I. Blue stragglers, first results
- Hypki, Arkadiusz; Giersz, Mirek
- 2013MNRAS.429.1244S
- A complex state transition from the black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127
- Soleri, P. ; Muñoz-Darias, T. (2) ; Motta, S. (4) ; Belloni, T. ; Casella, P. ; Méndez, M. ; Altamirano, D. ; Linares, M. ; Wijnands, R. ; Fender, R. ; van der Klis, M.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1258D
- Fast and slow rotators in the densest environments: a FLAMES/GIRAFFE integral field spectroscopy study of galaxies in A1689 at z = 0.183
- D'Eugenio, F. ; Houghton, R.C.W. ; Davies, R.L. ; Bontà, E.Dalla (2)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1267F
- On the cool gaseous haloes of quasars
- Farina, E.P. (1) ; Falomo, R. ; Decarli, R. ; Treves, A. (1) ; Kotilainen, J.K.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1278K
- A simple and robust method for automated photometric classification of supernovae using neural networks
- Karpenka, N.V. ; Feroz, F. ; Hobson, M.P.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1286C
- NEXUS: tracing the cosmic web connection
- Cautun, Marius; van de Weygaert, Rien; Jones, Bernard J.T.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1309N
- The local luminosity function of star-forming galaxies derived from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue
- Negrello, M. ; Clemens, M. ; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. ; De Zotti, G. (1) ; Bonavera, L. ; Cosco, G. ; Guarese, G. ; Boaretto, L. ; Serjeant, S. ; Toffolatti, L. ; Lapi, A. (3) ; Bethermin, M. ; Castex, G. ; Clements, D.L. ; Delabrouille, J. ; Dole, H. (11) ; Franceschini, A. ; Mandolesi, N. (14) ; Marchetti, L. ; Partridge, B. ; Sajina, A.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1324S
- The ring nebula around the blue supergiant SBW1: pre-explosion snapshot of an SN 1987A twin
- Smith, Nathan ; Arnett, W.David ; Bally, John ; Ginsburg, Adam ; Filippenko, Alexei V.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1342O
- Thomson scattering and collisional ionization in the X-ray grating spectra of the recurrent nova U Scorpii
- Orio, M. (1) ; Behar, E. ; Gallagher, J. ; Bianchini, A. ; Chiosi, E. ; Luna, G.J.M. ; Nelson, T. ; Rauch, T. ; Schaefer, B.E. ; Tofflemire, B.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1354M
- The massive eclipsing system ALS 1135 and variable stars in the field of the distant OB association Bochum 7
- Michalska, G. (1) ; Niemczura, E. (1) ; Pigulski, A. ; Steslicki, M. (1) ; Williams, A.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1367S
- Holographic imaging of crowded fields: high angular resolution imaging with excellent quality at very low cost
- Schödel, R. ; Yelda, S. ; Ghez, A. ; Girard, J.H. ; Labadie, L. ; Rebolo, R. ; Pérez-Garrido, A. ; Morris, M.R.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1376B
- A search for concentric rings with unusual variance in the 7-year WMAP temperature maps using a fast convolution approach
- Bielewicz, P. (1) (2) ; Wandelt, B.D. (4) ; Banday, A.J. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1386D
- Multi-wavelength study of triggered star formation around the mid-infrared bubble N14
- Dewangan, L.K. (1) ; Ojha, D.K.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1398B
- On the resilience of helical magnetic fields to turbulent diffusion and the astrophysical implications
- Blackman, Eric G. ; Subramanian, Kandaswamy
- 2013MNRAS.429.1407V
- Time-dependent radiative transfer for multi-level atoms using accelerated Lambda iteration
- van Adelsberg, Matthew ; Perna, Rosalba
- 2013MNRAS.429.1425R
- On the brightness distribution of Type Ia supernovae from violent white dwarf mergers
- Ruiter, A.J. ; Sim, S.A. ; Pakmor, R. ; Kromer, M. ; Seitenzahl, I.R. (1) ; Belczynski, K. (5) ; Fink, M. (1) ; Herzog, M. ; Hillebrandt, W. ; Röpke, F.K. (1) ; Taubenberger, S.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1437R
- The mass-loss process in dwarf galaxies from 3D hydrodynamical simulations: the role of dark matter and starbursts
- Ruiz, L.O. ; Falceta-Gonçalves, D. ; Lanfranchi, G.A. ; Caproni, A.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1450E
- Emission spectrum of ionized gas in the irregular galaxy Holmberg II
- Egorov, O.V. ; Lozinskaya, T.A. ; Moiseev, A.V. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1466B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/429/1466)
- Pulsation and rotation of Kepler stars in the NGC 6866 field
- Balona, L.A. ; Joshi, S. ; Joshi, Y.C. ; Sagar, R.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1479L
- X-ray and multiwavelength insights into the inner structure of high-luminosity disc-like emitters
- Luo, B. (1) ; Brandt, W.N. (1) ; Eracleous, M. (1) ; Wu, Jian (1) ; Hall, P.B. ; Rafiee, A. ; Schneider, D.P. (1) ; Wu, Jianfeng (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1494R
- IR-derived covering factors for a large sample of quasars from WISE-UKIDSS-SDSS
- Roseboom, I.G. ; Lawrence, A. ; Elvis, M. ; Petty, S. ; Shen, Yue ; Hao, H. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1502W
- The spatial distribution of galactic satellites in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology
- Wang, Jie ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Cooper, Andrew P.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1514S
- The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III DR9 Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: testing deviations from Λ and general relativity using anisotropic clustering of galaxies
- Samushia, Lado (1) ; Reid, Beth A. ; White, Martin (3) ; Percival, Will J. ; Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Lombriser, Lucas ; Manera, Marc ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Schneider, Donald P. (6) ; Bizyaev, Dmitry ; Brewington, Howard ; Malanushenko, Elena ; Malanushenko, Viktor ; Oravetz, Daniel ; Pan, Kaike ; Simmons, Audrey ; Shelden, Alaina ; Snedden, Stephanie ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Weaver, Benjamin A. ; York, Donald G. ; Zhao, Gong-Bo (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1529F
- Characterization of dark-matter-induced anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background
- Fornasa, Mattia (1) ; Zavala, Jesús (3) ; Sánchez-Conde, Miguel A. ; Siegal-Gaskins, Jennifer M. ; Delahaye, Timur ; Prada, Francisco (1) (7) ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Zandanel, Fabio ; Frenk, Carlos S.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1554F
- Growth and anisotropy of ionization fronts near high-redshift quasars in the MassiveBlack simulation
- Feng, Yu ; Croft, Rupert A.C. (1) ; Di Matteo, Tiziana (1) ; Khandai, Nishikanta
- 2013MNRAS.429.1564M
- Statistical properties of thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich maps
- Munshi, Dipak ; Joudaki, Shahab ; Smidt, Joseph ; Coles, Peter ; Kay, Scott T.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1585F
- Asteroseismology of the ZZ Ceti star HS 0507+0434B
- Fu, J.-N. ; Dolez, N. (2) ; Vauclair, G. (2) ; Machado, L.Fox ; Kim, S.-L. ; Li, C. ; Chen, L. ; Alvarez, M. ; Su, J. ; Charpinet, S. (2) ; Chevreton, M. ; Michel, R. ; Yang, X.H. ; Li, Y. ; Zhang, Y.P. ; Molnar, L. (8) ; Plachy, E. (8)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1596P
- The Hi column density distribution function in faint dwarf galaxies
- Patra, Narendra Nath ; Chengalur, Jayaram N. ; Begum, Ayesha
- 2013MNRAS.429.1602Y
- The influence of star formation history on the gravitational wave signal from close double degenerates in the thin disc
- Yu, Shenghua; Jeffery, C.S.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1609G
- The ultraviolet colours and dust attenuation of Lyman-break galaxies
- Gonzalez-Perez, V. (1) ; Lacey, C.G. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Wilkins, S.M.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1626C
- Search for serendipitous trans-Neptunian object occultation in X-rays
- Chang, Hsiang-Kuang (1) ; Liu, Chih-Yuan (2) ; Chen, Kuan-Ting
- 2013MNRAS.429.1633B
- Pulsar searches of Fermi unassociated sources with the Effelsberg telescope
- Barr, E.D. ; Guillemot, L. ; Champion, D.J. ; Kramer, M. (1) ; Eatough, R.P. ; Lee, K.J. ; Verbiest, J.P.W. ; Bassa, C.G. ; Camilo, F. (3) ; Celik, Ö. (5) (6) ; Cognard, I. (8) ; Ferrara, E.C. ; Freire, P.C.C. ; Janssen, G.H. ; Johnston, S. ; Keith, M. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Michelson, P.F. ; Parkinson, P.M.Saz ; Ransom, S.M. ; Ray, P.S. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Wood, K.S.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1643N
- Anisotropic cosmic ray diffusion and gamma-ray production close to supernova remnants, with an application to W28
- Nava, L.; Gabici, S.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1652C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/429/1652)
- The XMM-Large Scale Structure catalogue - II. X-ray sources and associated multiwavelength data
- Chiappetti, L. ; Clerc, N. ; Pacaud, F. ; Pierre, M. ; Guéguen, A. ; Paioro, L. ; Polletta, M. ; Melnyk, O. (4) ; Elyiv, A. (4) ; Surdej, J. ; Faccioli, L.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1674C
- Convolution Lagrangian perturbation theory for biased tracers
- Carlson, Jordan ; Reid, Beth ; White, Martin (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1686D
- Turbulent dynamos with advective magnetic helicity flux
- Del Sordo, F. (1) ; Guerrero, G. (1) ; Brandenburg, A. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1695B
- On the rapid demise of Ly α emitters at redshift z ≳ 7 due to the increasing incidence of optically thick absorption systems
- Bolton, James S. (1) ; Haehnelt, Martin G.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1705V
- The nature of dark matter from the global high-redshift Hi 21cm signal
- Valdés, M. (1) ; Evoli, C. (1) ; Mesinger, A. ; Ferrara, A. (1) ; Yoshida, N. (2)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1717J
- Intranight optical variability of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars
- Joshi, Ravi; Chand, Hum
- 2013MNRAS.429.1725M
- On the function describing the stellar initial mass function
- Maschberger, T.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1734V
- The impact of feedback from galaxy formation on the Lyman α transmitted flux
- Viel, Matteo (1) ; Schaye, Joop ; Booth, C.M. (3) (4)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1747M
- ACCESS - V. Dissecting ram-pressure stripping through integral-field spectroscopy and multiband imaging
- Merluzzi, P. ; Busarello, G. ; Dopita, M.A. (2) ; Haines, C.P. (4) ; Steinhauser, D. ; Mercurio, A. ; Rifatto, A. ; Smith, R.J. ; Schindler, S.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1774B
- Testing multifield inflation with halo bias
- Biagetti, Matteo; Desjacques, Vincent; Riotto, Antonio
- 2013MNRAS.429.1781J
- Quasar emission lines, radio structures and radio unification
- Jackson, Neal; Browne, I.W.A.
- 2013MNRAS.429.1791N
- Dynamics of core accretion
- Nelson, Andrew F. ; Ruffert, Maximilian
- 2013MNRAS.429.1827P
- The drivers of AGN activity in galaxy clusters: AGN fraction as a function of mass and environment
- Pimbblet, K.A. (1) ; Shabala, S.S. ; Haines, C.P. ; Fraser-McKelvie, A. (1) ; Floyd, D.J.E. (1)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1840R
- Absolute parameters of AE For - a highly active detached binary of late K type
- Rozyczka, M. ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Kaluzny, J. ; Pych, W. ; Angeloni, R. (3) ; Dékány, I. (4)
- 2013MNRAS.429.1847P
- Erratum: Recovering galaxy stellar population properties from broad-band spectral energy distribution fitting
- Pforr, Janine ; Maraston, Claudia ; Tonini, Chiara
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