Monthly Notices of the RAS 428
January(III) 2013

The First Billion Years project: the impact of stellar radiation on the co-evolution of Populations II and III
Johnson, Jarrett L. (1) ; Dalla, Vecchia Claudio ; Khochfar, Sadegh
A photospheric metal line profile analysis of hot DA white dwarfs with circumstellar material
Dickinson, N.J. ; Barstow, M.A. ; Welsh, B.Y.
2013MNRAS.428.1880A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/428/1880)
The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - XII. FIR properties of optically selected Virgo cluster galaxies
Auld, R. ; Bianchi, S. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Davies, J.I. ; Bendo, G.J. ; di Serego, S.Alighieri ; Cortese, L. ; Baes, M. ; Bomans, D.J. ; Boquien, M. ; Boselli, A. ; Ciesla, L. ; Clemens, M. ; Corbelli, E. ; De Looze, I. ; Fritz, J. ; Gavazzi, G. ; Pappalardo, C. ; Grossi, M. ; Hunt, L.K. ; Madden, S. ; Magrini, L. ; Pohlen, M. (1) ; Verstappen, J. ; Vlahakis, C. (13) ; Xilouris, E.M. ; Zibetti, S.
Knock-on processes in superfluid vortex avalanches and pulsar glitch statistics
Warszawski, L.; Melatos, A.
On the association between core-collapse supernovae and Hii regions
Crowther, Paul A.
Eccentricity of HLX-1
Soria, Roberto
Why do stars form in clusters? An analytic model for stellar correlation functions
Hopkins, Philip F.
2013MNRAS.428.1958R – (Tables: II/326)
Revised SWIRE photometric redshifts
Rowan-Robinson, Michael ; Gonzalez-Solares, Eduardo ; Vaccari, Mattia (3) ; Marchetti, Lucia
Calibrating an updated smoothed particle hydrodynamics scheme within gcd+
Kawata, D. ; Okamoto, T. ; Gibson, B.K. (3) ; Barnes, D.J. ; Cen, R.
Radio confirmation of Galactic supernova remnant G308.3-1.4
De Horta, A.Y. ; Collier, J.D. ; Filipovic, M.D. ; Crawford, E.J. ; Urosevic, D. (2) ; Stootman, F.H. ; Tothill, N.F.H.
On the possibility of a warped disc origin of the inclined stellar discs at the Galactic Centre
Ulubay-Siddiki, A. ; Bartko, H. ; Gerhard, O.
Constraining the last 7 billion years of galaxy evolution in semi-analytic models
Mutch, Simon J. (1) ; Poole, Gregory B. (1) ; Croton, Darren J.
Cosmic bulk flows on 50 h-1 Mpc scales: a Bayesian hyper-parameter method and multishell likelihood analysis
Ma, Yin-Zhe (1) ; Scott, Douglas
Resonances and bifurcations in systems with elliptical equipotentials
Marchesiello, Antonella ; Pucacco, Giuseppe (2)
Galaxies going MAD: the Galaxy-Finder Comparison Project
Knebe, Alexander ; Libeskind, Noam I. ; Pearce, Frazer ; Behroozi, Peter (4) (5) ; Casado, Javier ; Dolag, Klaus (7) ; Dominguez-Tenreiro, Rosa ; Elahi, Pascal ; Lux, Hanni ; Muldrew, Stuart I. ; Onions, Julian
A survey for the missing hydrogen in high-redshift radio sources
Curran, S.J. (1) ; Whiting, M.T. ; Sadler, E.M. (1) ; Bignell, C.
Chromospheric thermal continuum millimetre emission from non-dusty K and M red giants
Harper, G.M. ; O'Riain, N. ; Ayres, T.R.
Structure formation in multiple dark matter cosmologies with long-range scalar interactions
Baldi, Marco (1)
Chandra survey of nearby highly inclined disc galaxies - I. X-ray measurements of galactic coronae
Li, Jiang-Tao; Wang, Q.Daniel
Dark matter halo environment for primordial star formation
de Souza, R.S. (1) (2) ; Ciardi, B. ; Maio, U. ; Ferrara, A.
2013MNRAS.428.2118D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/428/2118)
The binary fraction of planetary nebula central stars - I. A high-precision, I-band excess search
De Marco, Orsola (1) (2) ; Passy, Jean-Claude (4) ; Frew, D.J. (1) ; Moe, Maxwell ; Jacoby, G.H.
The effect of environment on discs and bulges
Lackner, C.N. (1) ; Gunn, J.E.
Effects of star-formation stochasticity on the Lyα and Lyman continuum emission from dwarf galaxies during reionization
Forero-Romero, Jaime E. ; Dijkstra, Mark
Ultrarelativistic Bondi-Hoyle accretion - I. Axisymmetry
Penner, A.J. (1)
Theoretical fit of Cepheid light a radial velocity curves in the Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1866
Marconi, M. ; Molinaro, R. ; Ripepi, V. ; Musella, I. ; Brocato, E.
Parsec-scale structures and diffuse bands in a translucent interstellar medium at z ≃ 0.079
Srianand, R. ; Gupta, N. ; Rahmani, H. ; Momjian, E. ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P.
Spectroscopic identifications of blue-Hα-excess sources in the Kepler field of view
Scaringi, S. ; Groot, P.J. ; Verbeek, K. ; Greiss, S. ; Knigge, C. ; Körding, E.
2013MNRAS.428.2216W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/428/2216)
The Local Group galaxy NGC 6822 and its asymptotic giant branch stars
Whitelock, Patricia A. (1) ; Menzies, John W. ; Feast, Michael W. (2) ; Nsengiyumva, Francois (1) ; Matsunaga, Noriyuki
Constraining cosmologies with fundamental constants - I. Quintessence and K-essence
Thompson, Rodger I. ; Martins, C.J.A.P. (2) ; Vielzeuf, P.E. (2) (4)
Mass, shape and thermal properties of Abell 1689 using a multiwavelength X-ray, lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich analysis
Sereno, Mauro (1) ; Ettori, Stefano (3) ; Umetsu, Keiichi ; Baldi, Alessandro
The Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity prescription with variable α (r)
Penna, Robert F.; Sadowski, Aleksander; Kulkarni, Akshay K.; Narayan, Ramesh
Difference image analysis: extension to a spatially varying photometric scale factor and other considerations
Bramich, D.M. ; Horne, Keith ; Albrow, M.D. ; Tsapras, Y. (4) ; Snodgrass, C. ; Street, R.A. ; Hundertmark, M. ; Kains, Noé ; Arellano, Ferro A. ; Figuera, Jaimes R. ; Giridhar, Sunetra
Probing the super star cluster environment of NGC 1569 using FISICA
Clark, D.M. ; Eikenberry, S.S. ; Raines, S.N. ; Gruel, N. ; Elston, R. ; Guzman, R. ; Boreman, G. ; Glenn, P.E.
A first-order secular theory for the post-Newtonian two-body problem with spin - I. The restricted case
Biscani, Francesco; Carloni, Sante
The simulation of molecular clouds formation in the Milky Way
Khoperskov, S.A. ; Vasiliev, E.O. ; Sobolev, A.M. ; Khoperskov, A.V.
2013MNRAS.428.2321M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/428/2321)
Quantifying chemical tagging: towards robust group finding in the Galaxy
Mitschang, A.W. (1) ; De Silva, G. ; Sharma, S. ; Zucker, D.B. (1) (2)
Particle scattering and field line wandering in the solar wind: the Maltese-cross magnetic turbulence model
Rausch, M. (1) ; Tautz, R.C.
The origin of the microlensing events observed towards the LMC and the stellar counterpart of the Magellanic stream
Besla, Gurtina ; Hernquist, Lars ; Loeb, Abraham
Thermal and non-thermal traces of AGN feedback: results from cosmological AMR simulations
Vazza, F. (1) (2) ; Brüggen, M. (1) ; Gheller, C.
Molecular gas in the centre of nearby galaxies from VLT/SINFONI integral field spectroscopy - I. Morphology and mass inventory
Mazzalay, X. ; Saglia, R.P. (1) ; Erwin, Peter ; Fabricius, M.H. (1) ; Rusli, S.P. (1) ; Thomas, J. (1) ; Bender, R. (1) ; Opitsch, M. ; Nowak, N. ; Williams, Michael J.
Physical properties underlying observed kinematics of satellite galaxies
Wojtak, Radoslaw ; Mamon, Gary A.
Radio and γ-ray follow-up of the exceptionally high-activity state of PKS 1510-089 in 2011
Orienti, M. (1) ; Koyama, S. (3) ; D'Ammando, F. (2) ; Giroletti, M. ; Kino, M. ; Nagai, H. ; Venturi, T. ; Dallacasa, D. (1) ; Giovannini, G. (1) ; Angelakis, E. ; Fuhrmann, L. ; Hovatta, T. ; Max-Moerbeck, W. ; Schinzel, F.K. ; Akiyama, K. (3) ; Hada, K. ; Honma, M. (3) ; Niinuma, K. ; Gasparrini, D. ; Krichbaum, T.P. ; Nestoras, I. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Richards, J.L. ; Riquelme, D. ; Sievers, A. ; Ungerechts, H. ; Zensus, J.A.
A theory of photospheric emission from relativistic, collimated outflows
Lundman, C. (1) ; Pe'er, A. ; Ryde, F. (1)
Neutrino acceleration by bulk matter motion and explosion mechanism of gamma-ray bursts
Suwa, Yudai
Intranight optical variability of γ-ray-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
Paliya, Vaidehi S. (1) ; Stalin, C.S. ; Kumar, Brijesh ; Kumar, Brajesh ; Bhatt, V.K. ; Pandey, S.B. ; Yadav, R.K.S.
Magnetic dissipation in the Crab nebula
Komissarov, Serguei S.
The structure of reionization in hierarchical galaxy formation models
Kim, Han-Seek ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B. (1) ; Raskutti, Sudhir ; Lacey, C.G. ; Helly, J.C.
Swift observations of the ultraluminous X-ray source XMMU J004243.6+412519 in M31
Esposito, P. ; Motta, S.E. ; Pintore, F. (3) ; Zampieri, L. ; Tomasella, L.
The velocity shear tensor: tracer of halo alignment
Libeskind, Noam I. (1) ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Forero-Romero, Jaime (4) ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Knebe, Alexander ; Steinmetz, Matthias ; Klypin, Anatoly
2013MNRAS.428.2500C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/428/2500)
The `universal' radio/X-ray flux correlation: the case study of the black hole GX 339-4
Corbel, S. (1) ; Coriat, M. (1) ; Brocksopp, C. ; Tzioumis, A.K. ; Fender, R.P. ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Buxton, M.M. ; Bailyn, C.D.
Decoupling absorption and continuum variability in the Seyfert 2 NGC 4507
Braito, V. ; Ballo, L. ; Reeves, J.N. (3) ; Risaliti, G. (5) ; Ptak, A. ; Turner, T.J.
Submillimetre galaxies in a hierarchical universe: number counts, redshift distribution and implications for the IMF
Hayward, Christopher C. (1) ; Narayanan, Desika ; Keres, Dusan ; Jonsson, Patrik ; Hopkins, Philip F. ; Cox, T.J. ; Hernquist, Lars
Halo occupation distribution modelling of green valley galaxies
Krause, Elisabeth (1) ; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Martin, Christopher ; Neill, James D. ; Wyder, Ted K.
Colliding planetary and stellar winds: charge exchange and transit spectroscopy in neutral hydrogen
Tremblin, Pascal ; Chiang, Eugene
What planetary nebulae tell us about helium and CNO elements in Galactic bulge stars
Buell, J.F.
MOST observations of the Herbig Ae δ-Scuti star HD 34282
Casey, M.P.; Zwintz, K.; Guenther, D.B. ; Weiss, W.W. ; Amado, P.J. ; Díaz-Fraile, D. ; Rodriguez, E. ; Kuschnig, R. ; Matthews, J.M. ; Moffat, A.F.J. ; Rowe, J.F. ; Rucinski, S.M. ; Sasselov, D.
The equations of motion of a secularly precessing elliptical orbit
Casotto, S. (1) ; Bardella, M.
Observations of 6-200 µm emission of the Ophiuchus cloud LDN 1688
Rawlings, M.G. (1) (2) (3) ; Juvela, M. (4) ; Lehtinen, K. (4) ; Mattila, K. ; Lemke, D.
Secondary anisotropies in CMB, skew-spectra and Minkowski Functionals
Munshi, Dipak ; Coles, Peter ; Heavens, Alan (2)
Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5µm full-orbit light curves of WASP-18
Maxted, P.F.L. ; Anderson, D.R. ; Doyle, A.P. ; Gillon, M. ; Harrington, J. ; Iro, N. ; Jehin, E. ; Lafrenière, D. ; Smalley, B. ; Southworth, J.
Ground-based exploration of the outer Solar system by serendipitous stellar occultations
Doressoundiram, A. ; Roques, F. ; Boissel, Y. ; Arenou, F. ; Dhillon, V. ; Littlefair, Stu ; Marsh, T.
Dead zones in circumplanetary discs as formation sites for regular satellites
Lubow, Stephen H.; Martin, Rebecca G.
Collisionless stellar hydrodynamics as an efficient alternative to N-body methods
Mitchell, Nigel L. ; Vorobyov, Eduard I. (1) ; Hensler, Gerhard
On the identification of multiple close encounters in the planar circular restricted three-body problem
Guzzo, M. ; Lega, E.
Spurious shear in weak lensing with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Chang, C. ; Kahn, S.M. ; Jernigan, J.G. ; Peterson, J.R. ; AlSayyad, Y. ; Ahmad, Z. ; Bankert, J. ; Bard, D. ; Connolly, A. ; Gibson, R.R. ; Gilmore, K. ; Grace, E. ; Hannel, M. ; Hodge, M.A. ; Jee, M.J. ; Jones, L. ; Krughoff, S. ; Lorenz, S. ; Marshall, P.J. ; Marshall, S. ; Meert, A. ; Nagarajan, S. ; Peng, E. ; Rasmussen, A.P. ; Shmakova, M. ; Sylvestre, N. ; Todd, N. ; Young, M.
The spectral energy distribution of protoplanetary discs around massive young stellar objects
Ercolano, Barbara (1) ; Bevan, Antonia ; Robitaille, Thomas
First 3DMHD simulation of a massive-star magnetosphere with application to Hα emission from θ1 Ori C
ud-Doula, A. ; Sundqvist, J.O. ; Owocki, S.P. ; Petit, V. ; Townsend, R.H.D.
2013MNRAS.428.2731B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/428/2731)
SgrA* emission at 7 mm: variability and periodicity
Beaklini, Pedro Paulo B.; Abraham, Zulema
A suppressed contribution of low-mass galaxies to reionization due to supernova feedback
Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Loeb, Abraham
CCD astrometric observations of the five major Uranian satellites made in 1998-2007 and comparison with theory
Qiao, R.C. ; Cheng, X. (1) ; Dourneau, G. (3) ; Xi, X.J. (1) ; Zhang, H.Y. (1) ; Tang, Z.H. ; Shen, K.X.
Halo statistics in non-Gaussian cosmologies: the collapsed fraction, conditional mass function and halo bias from the path-integral excursion set method
D'Aloisio, Anson ; Zhang, Jun ; Jeong, Donghui ; Shapiro, Paul R.
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