Monthly Notices of the RAS 427
December(I) 2012

Systematic errors in weighted two-point correlation functions: an application to interaction-induced star formation
Robaina, Aday R. ; Bell, Eric F.
Scaling relations of metallicity, stellar mass and star formation rate in metal-poor starbursts – I. A Fundamental Plane
Hunt, Leslie ; Magrini, Laura ; Galli, Daniele ; Schneider, Raffaella ; Bianchi, Simone ; Maiolino, Roberto ; Romano, Donatella ; Tosi, Monica ; Valiante, Rosa
Simulation of complex phenomena in optical fibres
Allington-Smith, Jeremy ; Murray, Graham ; Lemke, Ulrike
The effect of frame dragging on the iron Kα line in X-ray binaries
Ingram, Adam ; Done, Chris
PYNPOINT: an image processing package for finding exoplanets
Amara, Adam ; Quanz, Sascha P.
The physical parameters of the microquasar S26 in the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC 7793
Dopita, M.A. ; Payne, J.L. ; Filipovic, M.D. ; Pannuti, T.G.
Stellar feedback and bulge formation in clumpy discs
Hopkins, Philip F. ; Keres, Dusan ; Murray, Norman ; Quataert, Eliot ; Hernquist, Lars
Electron optical depths and temperatures of symbiotic nebulae from Thomson scattering
Sekerás, M. ; Skopal, A.
Thawing versus tracker behaviour: observational evidence
Thakur, Shruti ; Nautiyal, Akhilesh ; Sen, Anjan A. ; Seshadri, T.R.
Interpreting the near-infrared spectra of the `golden standard' Type Ia supernova 2005cf
Gall, E.E.E. ; Taubenberger, S. ; Kromer, M. ; Sim, S.A. ; Benetti, S. ; Blanc, G. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Hillebrandt, W.
CC Sculptoris: a superhumping intermediate polar
Woudt, P.A. ; Warner, B. ; Gulbis, A. ; Coppejans, R. ; Hambsch, F.-J. ; Beardmore, A.P. ; Evans, P.A. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Page, K.L. ; Wynn, G.A. ; van der Heyden, K.
Is there a compact companion orbiting the late O-type binary star HD 164816?
Trepl, L. ; Hambaryan, V.V. ; Pribulla, T. ; Tetzlaff, N. ; Chini, R. ; Neuhäuser, R. ; Popov, S.B. ; Stahl, O. ; Walter, F.M. ; Hohle, M.M.
On the orbital and internal evolution of cluster galaxies
Iannuzzi, Francesca ; Dolag, Klaus
The Hill stability of triple minor planets in the Solar system
Liu, Xiaodong ; Baoyin, Hexi ; Georgakarakos, Nikolaos ; Donnison, John Richard ; Ma, Xingrui
A tomographic study of V691 CrA (X1822-371)
Peris, C.S. ; Vrtilek, S.D.
2012MNRAS.427.1052B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/427/1052)
The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey – VI. An artificial neural network and timing of 75 pulsars
Bates, S.D. ; Bailes, M. ; Barsdell, B.R. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Burgay, M. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Champion, D.J. ; Coster, P. ; D'Amico, N. ; Jameson, A. ; Johnston, S. ; Keith, M.J. ; Kramer, M. ; Levin, L. ; Lyne, A. ; Milia, S. ; Ng, C. ; Nietner, C. ; Possenti, A. ; Stappers, B. ; Thornton, D. ; van Straten, W.
An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South: detection of [CII] at z = 4.4
Swinbank, A.M. ; Karim, A. ; Smail, Ian ; Hodge, J. ; Walter, F. ; Bertoldi, F. ; Biggs, A.D. ; de Breuck, C. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Coppin, K.E.K. ; Cox, P. ; Danielson, A.L.R. ; Dannerbauer, H. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Greve, T.R. ; Knudsen, K.K. ; Menten, K.M. ; Simpson, J.M. ; Schinnerer, E. ; Wardlow, J.L. ; Weiss, A. ; van der Werf, P.
Scaling relations of metallicity, stellar mass and star formation rate in metal-poor starbursts – II. Theoretical models
Magrini, Laura ; Hunt, Leslie ; Galli, Daniele ; Schneider, Raffaella ; Bianchi, Simone ; Maiolino, Roberto ; Romano, Donatella ; Tosi, Monica ; Valiante, Rosa
The effect of realistic equations of state and general relativity on the `snowplough' model for pulsar glitches
Seveso, S. ; Pizzochero, P.M. ; Haskell, B.
A unified picture of breaks and truncations in spiral galaxies from SDSS and S4G imaging
Martìn-Navarro, Ignacio ; Bakos, Judit ; Trujillo, Ignacio ; Knapen, Johan H. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Bosma, Albert ; Comerón, Sébastien ; Elmegreen, Bruce G. ; Erroz-Ferrer, Santiago ; Gadotti, Dimitri A. ; Gil de Paz, Armando ; Hinz, Joannah L. ; Ho, Luis C. ; Holwerda, Benne W. ; Kim, Taehyun ; Laine, Jarkko ; Laurikainen, Eija ; Menéndez-Delmestre, Karìn ; Mizusawa, Trisha ; Munoz-Mateos, Juan-Carlos ; Regan, Michael W. ; Salo, Heikki ; Seibert, Mark ; Sheth, Kartik
2012MNRAS.427.1135D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/427/1135)
The rest-frame ultraviolet properties of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars
DiPompeo, M.A. ; Brotherton, M.S. ; Cales, S.L. ; Runnoe, J.C.
2012MNRAS.427.1153S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/427/1153)
Spectral matching for abundances and clustering analysis of stars on the giant branches of ω Centauri
Simpson, Jeffrey D. ; Cottrell, P.L. ; Worley, C.C.
The first optical light from the supernova remnant G182.4+4.3 located in the Galactic anticentre region
Sezer, A. ; Gök, F. ; Aktekin, E.
The potentially dangerous asteroid 2012 DA14
Wlodarczyk, I.
Episodic accretion, protostellar radiative feedback, and their role in low-mass star formation
Stamatellos, Dimitris ; Whitworth, Anthony P. ; Hubber, David A.
1:61 photonic lanterns for astrophotometry: a performance study
Olaya, J.-C. ; Leon-Saval, S.G. ; Schirdewahn, D. ; Ehrlich, K. ; Haynes, D.M. ; Haynes, R.
Herschel-ATLAS: the far-infrared properties and star formation rates of broad absorption line quasi-stellar objects
Cao Orjales, J.M. ; Stevens, J.A. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Auld, R. ; Baes, M. ; Cava, A. ; Clements, D.L. ; Cooray, A. ; Coppin, K. ; Dariush, A. ; De Zotti, G. ; Dunne, L. ; Dye, S. ; Eales, S. ; Hopwood, R. ; Hoyos, C. ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Maddox, S. ; Page, M.J. ; Valiante, E.
On the structure of hot gas in haloes: implications for the LXTX relation and missing baryons
Sharma, Prateek ; McCourt, Michael ; Parrish, Ian J. ; Quataert, Eliot
The detection of [NeV] emission in five blue compact dwarf galaxies
Izotov, Y.I. ; Thuan, T.X. ; Privon, G.
The unchanging circumgalactic medium over the past 11 billion years
Chen, Hsiao-Wen
The discovery of two pulsating subdwarf B stars in NGC 6791 using Kepler data
Reed, M.D. ; Baran, A. ; Ostensen, R.H. ; Telting, J. ; O'Toole, S.J.
Plunging fireworks: why do infalling galaxies light up on the outskirts of clusters?
Mahajan, Smriti ; Raychaudhury, Somak ; Pimbblet, Kevin A.
Spectral properties of the narrow-line region in Seyfert galaxies selected from the SDSS-DR7
Vaona, L. ; Ciroi, S. ; Di Mille, F. ; Cracco, V. ; La Mura, G. ; Rafanelli, P.
An improved quasar detection method in EROS-2 and MACHO LMC data sets
Pichara, K. ; Protopapas, P. ; Kim, D.-W. ; Marquette, J.-B. ; Tisserand, P.
The Canadian Cluster Comparison Project: weak lensing masses and SZ scaling relations
Hoekstra, Henk ; Mahdavi, Andisheh ; Babul, Arif ; Bildfell, Chris
Theoretical Stark broadening parameters of PbV spectral lines
Alonso-Medina, A. ; Colón, C.
The dynamical state and mass–concentration relation of galaxy clusters
Ludlow, Aaron D. ; Navarro, Julio F. ; Li, Ming ; Angulo, Raul E. ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Bett, Philip E.
Practical flux prescriptions for gamma-ray burst afterglows, from early to late times
Leventis, K. ; van Eerten, H.J. ; Meliani, Z. ; Wijers, R.A.M.J.
LAMP: the long-term accretion monitoring programme of T Tauri stars in ChamaeleonI
Costigan, G. ; Scholz, A. ; Stelzer, B. ; Ray, T. ; Vink, J.S. ; Mohanty, S.
Multipole fine structure of the cosmic microwave background: reconstruction of the temperature power spectrum
Tomaschitz, Roman
PowellSnakes II: a fast Bayesian approach to discrete object detection in multi-frequency astronomical data sets
Carvalho, Pedro ; Rocha, Graça ; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.
The stellar metallicity distribution of disc galaxies and bulges in cosmological simulations
Calura, F. ; Gibson, B.K. ; Michel-Dansac, L. ; Stinson, G.S. ; Cignoni, M. ; Dotter, A. ; Pilkington, K. ; House, E.L. ; Brook, C.B. ; Few, C.G. ; Bailin, J. ; Couchman, H.M.P. ; Wadsley, J.
Pulsational amplitude growth of the star KIC3429637 (HD178875) in the context of Am and ρPup stars
Murphy, Simon J. ; Grigahcène, A. ; Niemczura, E. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Uytterhoeven, K.
A new model for the Milky Way bar
Wang, Yougang ; Zhao, Hongsheng ; Mao, Shude ; Rich, R.M.
The diffusive overshooting approach to Li abundance in clusters
Zhang, Q.S.
Pre-main-sequence variable stars in young open cluster NGC 1893
Lata, Sneh ; Pandey, A.K. ; Chen, W.P. ; Maheswar, G. ; Chauhan, Neelam
The chemical abundance in M31 from HII regions
Zurita, A. ; Bresolin, F.
Heating the intra-cluster medium perpendicular to the jets axis
Gilkis, Avishai ; Soker, Noam
The accuracy of the UV continuum as an indicator of the star formation rate in galaxies
Wilkins, Stephen M. ; Gonzalez-Perez, Violeta ; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Baugh, Carlton M.
Highly magnetized region in pulsar wind nebulae and origin of the Crab gamma-ray flares
Lyubarsky, Y.E.
The growth of galactic bulges through mergers in Λ CDM haloes revisited – I. Present-day properties
Zavala, Jesus ; Avila-Reese, Vladimir ; Firmani, Claudio ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael
2012MNRAS.427.1517S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/427/1517)
The light-curve modulation of XY And and UZ Vir: two Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with additional frequencies
Sódor, Á. ; Hajdu, G. ; Jurcsik, J. ; Szeidl, B. ; Posztobányi, K. ; Hurta, Zs. ; Belucz, B. ; Kun, E.
Formation and evolution of early-type galaxies – III. Dependence of the star formation history on the total mass and initial overdensity
Merlin, E. ; Chiosi, C. ; Piovan, L. ; Grassi, T. ; Buonomo, U. ; Barbera, F.La
Solar system constraints on f(T) gravity
Iorio, Lorenzo ; Saridakis, Emmanuel N.
Protoplanetary migration in non-isothermal discs with turbulence driven by stochastic forcing
Pierens, A. ; Baruteau, C. ; Hersant, F.
On the dynamics of mechanical failures in magnetized neutron star crusts
Levin, Yuri ; Lyutikov, Maxim
Radiative efficiency of hot accretion flows
Xie, Fu-Guo ; Yuan, Feng
Planets in open clusters detectable by Kepler
Chatterjee, Sourav ; Ford, Eric B. ; Geller, Aaron M. ; Rasio, Frederic A.
PKS 0347+05: a radio-loud/radio-quiet double active galactic nucleus system triggered in a major galaxy merger
Tadhunter, C.N. ; Almeida, C.Ramos ; Morganti, R. ; Holt, J. ; Rose, M. ; Dicken, D. ; Inskip, K.
Theoretical uncertainties due to AGN subgrid models in predictions of galaxy cluster observable properties
Yang, H.-Y.Karen ; Sutter, P.M. ; Ricker, Paul M.
Dominance of magnetic cataclysmic variables in the resolved Galactic ridge X-ray emission of the limiting window
Hong, JaeSub
Constraining extended gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters
Han, Jiaxin ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Eke, Vincent R. ; Gao, Liang ; White, Simon D.M. ; Boyarsky, Alexey ; Malyshev, Denys ; Ruchayskiy, Oleg
2012MNRAS.427.1666B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/427/1666)
The morphologies of massive galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in the CANDELS-UDS field: compact bulges, and the rise and fall of massive discs
Bruce, V.A. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; McLure, R.J. ; Targett, T.A. ; Bell, E.F. ; Croton, D.J. ; Dekel, A. ; Faber, S.M. ; Ferguson, H.C. ; Grogin, N.A. ; Kocevski, D.D. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Koo, D.C. ; Lai, K. ; Lotz, J.M. ; McGrath, E.J. ; Newman, J.A. ; van der Wel, A.
Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of accretion in short-period Algols
Raymer, Eric
On the evolution of irradiated turbulent clouds: a comparative study between modes of triggered star formation
Anathpindika, S. ; Bhatt, H.C.
The collapse of protoplanetary clumps formed through disc instability: 3D simulations of the pre-dissociation phase
Galvagni, M. ; Hayfield, T. ; Boley, A. ; Mayer, L. ; Roskar, R. ; Saha, P.
Modelling the correlation between the thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect and the cosmic infrared background
Addison, G.E. ; Dunkley, J. ; Spergel, D.N.
Evolutionary-algorithm-based analysis of gravitational microlensing light curves
Rajpaul, V.
Does the dwarf galaxy system of the Milky Way originate from Andromeda?
Fouquet, Sylvain ; Hammer, François ; Yang, Yanbin ; Puech, Mathieu ; Flores, Hector
A new method to detect solar-like oscillations at very low S/N using statistical significance testing
Lund, Mikkel N. ; Chaplin, William J. ; Kjeldsen, Hans
Eccentric disc instability in stellar discs formed from inspiralling gas clouds in the Galactic Centre
Gualandris, Alessia ; Mapelli, Michela ; Perets, Hagai B.
Erratum: Updating quasar bolometric luminosity corrections
Runnoe, Jessie C.; Brotherton, Michael S.; Shang, Zhaohui
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