Monthly Notices of the RAS 421
April(II) 2012

FITSH- a software package for image processing
Pal, Andras
A semi-analytic model of the turbulent multi-phase interstellar medium
Braun, H. ; Schmidt, W.
2012MNRAS.421.1861V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/1861)
Optical polarization angle and VLBI jet direction in the binary black hole model of OJ287
Valtonen, Mauri J. ; Wiik, Kaj
Why are central radio relics so rare?
Vazza, F. ; Brüggen, M. ; van Weeren, R. ; Bonafede, A. ; Dolag, K. ; Brunetti, G.
2012MNRAS.421.1874G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/1874)
Prompt, early and afterglow optical observations of five γ-ray bursts: GRB 100901A, GRB 100902A, GRB 100905A, GRB 100906A and GRB 101020A
Gorbovskoy, E.S. ; Lipunova, G.V. ; Lipunov, V.M. ; Kornilov, V.G. ; Belinski, A.A. ; Shatskiy, N.I. ; Tyurina, N.V. ; Kuvshinov, D.A. ; Balanutsa, P.V. ; Chazov, V.V. ; Kuznetsov, A. ; Zimnukhov, D.S. ; Kornilov, M.V. ; Sankovich, A.V. ; Krylov, A. ; Ivanov, K.I. ; Chvalaev, O. ; Poleschuk, V.A. ; Konstantinov, E.N. ; Gress, O.A. ; Yazev, S.A. ; Budnev, N.M. ; Krushinski, V.V. ; Zalozhnich, I.S. ; Popov, A.A. ; Tlatov, A.G. ; Parhomenko, A.V. ; Dormidontov, D.V. ; Senik, V. ; Yurkov, V.V. ; Sergienko, Yu.P. ; Varda, D. ; Kudelina, I.P. ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. ; Gorosabel, J. ; Sánchez-Ramìrez, R. ; Jelinek, M. ; Tello, J.C.
Fine and hyperfine excitation of C2 H by collisions with He at low temperature
Spielfiedel, A. ; Feautrier, N. ; Najar, F. ; Ben Abdallah, D. ; Dayou, F. ; Senent, M.L. ; Lique, F.
2012MNRAS.421.1897O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/1897)
Galaxy triplets in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 – I. Catalogue
O'Mill, Ana Laura ; Duplancic, Fernanda ; Garcìa Lambas, Diego ; Valotto, Carlos ; Sodré, Laerte Jr
Chemical element ratios of Sloan Digital Sky Survey early-type galaxies
Johansson, Jonas ; Thomas, Daniel ; Maraston, Claudia
Formation versus destruction: the evolution of the star cluster population in galaxy mergers
Kruijssen, J.M.Diederik ; Pelupessy, F.Inti ; Lamers, Henny J.G.L.M. ; Portegies Zwart, Simon F. ; Bastian, Nate ; Icke, Vincent
Polarimetry of the transient relativistic jet of GRB 110328/Swift J164449.3+573451
Wiersema, K. ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Levan, A.J. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Karjalainen, R. ; Kamble, A. ; Kouveliotou, C. ; Metzger, B.D. ; Russell, D.M. ; Skillen, I. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Wijers, R.A.M.J.
The Cosmic Web and galaxy evolution around the most luminous X-ray cluster: RX J1347.5-1145
Verdugo, M. ; Lerchster, M. ; Böhringer, H. ; Hildebrandt, H. ; Ziegler, B.L. ; Erben, T. ; Finoguenov, A. ; Chon, G.
Thermal constraints on the reionization of hydrogen by Population II stellar sources
Raskutti, Sudhir ; Bolton, James S. ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Becker, George D.
Characterization of the non-Gaussianity of radio and IR point sources at CMB frequencies
Lacasa, F. ; Aghanim, N. ; Kunz, M. ; Frommert, M.
Single-pulse analysis of PSR B1133+16 at 8.35 GHz and carousel circulation time
Honnappa, Sneha ; Lewandowski, Wojciech ; Kijak, Jaroslaw ; Deshpande, Avinash A. ; Gil, Janusz ; Maron, Olaf ; Jessner, Axel
Relative merits of different types of rest-frame optical observations to constrain galaxy physical parameters
Pacifici, Camilla ; Charlot, Stéphane ; Blaizot, Jérémy ; Brinchmann, Jarle
Testing the universality of star formation – I. Multiplicity in nearby star-forming regions
King, Robert R. ; Parker, Richard J. ; Patience, Jenny ; Goodwin, Simon P.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 galaxy angular power spectrum
Hayes, Brett ; Brunner, Robert ; Ross, Ashley
Magnetoelastic oscillations of neutron stars with dipolar magnetic fields
Gabler, Michael ; Cerdá-Durán, Pablo ; Stergioulas, Nikolaos ; Font, José A. ; Müller, Ewald
A comprehensive study of RXTE and INTEGRAL observations of the X-ray pulsar 4U 1907+09
Sahiner, S. ; Inam, S.C. ; Baykal, A.
Second-order solutions of the equilibrium statistical mechanics for self-gravitating systems
He, Ping
Asteroid rotation periods from the Palomar Transient Factory survey
Polishook, D. ; Ofek, E.O. ; Waszczak, A. ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Aharonson, O. ; Laher, R. ; Surace, J. ; Klein, C. ; Bloom, J. ; Brosch, N. ; Prialnik, D. ; Grillmair, C. ; Cenko, S.B. ; Kasliwal, M. ; Law, N. ; Levitan, D. ; Nugent, P. ; Poznanski, D. ; Quimby, R.
The role of dwarf galaxy interactions in shaping the Magellanic System and implications for Magellanic Irregulars
Besla, Gurtina ; Kallivayalil, Nitya ; Hernquist, Lars ; van der Marel, Roeland P. ; Cox, T.J. ; Keres, Dusan
Biparametric adaptive filter: detection of compact sources in complex microwave backgrounds
López-Caniego, M. ; Vielva, P.
The role of large-scale magnetic fields in galaxy NGC 891: can magnetic fields help to reduce the local mass-to-light ratio in the galactic outskirts?
Jalocha, Joanna ; Bratek, Lukasz ; Pekala, Jan ; Kutschera, Marek
Measuring star formation in high-z massive galaxies: a mid-infrared to submillimetre study of the GOODS NICMOS Survey sample
Viero, M.P. ; Moncelsi, L. ; Mentuch, E. ; Buitrago, F. ; Bauer, A.E. ; Chapin, E.L. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Devlin, M.J. ; Halpern, M. ; Marsden, G. ; Netterfield, C.B. ; Pascale, E. ; Pérez-González, P.G. ; Rex, M. ; Scott, D. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Truch, M.D.P. ; Trujillo, I. ; Wiebe, D.V.
Effective viscosity from cloud–cloud collisions in 3D global smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations
Williamson, D.J. ; Thacker, Robert J.
Stars, dust, and the growth of ultraviolet-selected sub-L* galaxies at redshift z ∼ 2
Sawicki, Marcin
The evolution of low-mass, close binary systems with a neutron star component: a detailed grid
De Vito, M.A. ; Benvenuto, O.G.
The radio spectra of reddened Two Micron All Sky Survey quasi-stellar objects: evidence for young radio jets
Georgakakis, A. ; Grossi, M. ; Afonso, J. ; Hopkins, A.M.
Radiative transfer of energetic photons: X-rays and helium ionization in C2-RAY
Friedrich, Martina M. ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Shapiro, Paul R.
Ubercalibration of the Deep Lens Survey
Wittman, D. ; Ryan, R. ; Thorman, P.
99 Herculis: host to a circumbinary polar-ring debris disc
Kennedy, G.M. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Sibthorpe, B. ; Duchêne, G. ; Kalas, P. ; Matthews, B.C. ; Greaves, J.S. ; Su, K.Y.L. ; Fitzgerald, M.P.
Astrophysically motivated bulge–disc decompositions of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies
Lackner, C.N. ; Gunn, J.E.
Discovery of γ-ray emission from the broad-line radio galaxy Pictor A
Brown, Anthony M. ; Adams, Jenni
Two photometric periods in the AM CVn system CP Eridani
Armstrong, E. ; Patterson, J. ; Kemp, J.
Sundman stability of natural planet satellites
Lukyanov, L.G. ; Uralskaya, V.S.
Temporal signatures of leptohadronic feedback mechanisms in compact sources
Petropoulou, M. ; Mastichiadis, A.
2012MNRAS.421.2342S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/2342)
Transit timing observations from Kepler – III. Confirmation of four multiple planet systems by a Fourier-domain study of anticorrelated transit timing variations
Steffen, Jason H. ; Fabrycky, Daniel C. ; Ford, Eric B. ; Carter, Joshua A. ; Désert, Jean-Michel ; Fressin, Francois ; Holman, Matthew J. ; Lissauer, Jack J. ; Moorhead, Althea V. ; Rowe, Jason F. ; Ragozzine, Darin ; Welsh, William F. ; Batalha, Natalie M. ; Borucki, William J. ; Buchhave, Lars A. ; Bryson, Steve ; Caldwell, Douglas A. ; Charbonneau, David ; Ciardi, David R. ; Cochran, William D. ; Endl, Michael ; Everett, Mark E. ; Gautier III, Thomas N. ; Gilliland, Ron L. ; Girouard, Forrest R. ; Jenkins, Jon M. ; Horch, Elliott ; Howell, Steve B. ; Isaacson, Howard ; Klaus, Todd C. ; Koch, David G. ; Latham, David W. ; Li, Jie ; Lucas, Philip ; MacQueen, Phillip J. ; Marcy, Geoffrey W. ; McCauliff, Sean ; Middour, Christopher K. ; Morris, Robert L. ; Mullally, Fergal R. ; Quinn, Samuel N. ; Quintana, Elisa V. ; Shporer, Avi ; Still, Martin ; Tenenbaum, Peter ; Thompson, Susan E. ; Twicken, Joseph D. ; Van Cleve, Jeffery
CFHTLenS: improving the quality of photometric redshifts with precision photometry
Hildebrandt, H. ; Erben, T. ; Kuijken, K. ; van Waerbeke, L. ; Heymans, C. ; Coupon, J. ; Benjamin, J. ; Bonnett, C. ; Fu, L. ; Hoekstra, H. ; Kitching, T.D. ; Mellier, Y. ; Miller, L. ; Velander, M. ; Hudson, M.J. ; Rowe, B.T.P. ; Schrabback, T. ; Semboloni, E. ; Benìtez, N.
Density waves in debris discs and galactic nuclei
Jalali, Mir Abbas ; Tremaine, Scott
Galaxy formation in warm dark matter cosmology
Menci, N. ; Fiore, F. ; Lamastra, A.
Probing the magnetic fields of massive star-forming regions with methanol maser polarization
Dodson, R. ; Moriarty, C.D.
Broad-band observations of the Be/X-ray binary pulsar RX J0440.9+4431: discovery of a cyclotron absorption line
Tsygankov, S.S. ; Krivonos, R.A. ; Lutovinov, A.A.
2012MNRAS.421.2414W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/2414)
High-speed photometry of faint cataclysmic variables – VII. Targets selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
Woudt, Patrick A. ; Warner, Brian ; de Budé, Deanne ; Macfarlane, Sally ; Schurch, Matthew P.E. ; Zietsman, Ewald
Stochastic grain heating and mid-infrared emission in protostellar cores
Pavlyuchenkov, Ya.N. ; Wiebe, D.S. ; Akimkin, V.V. ; Khramtsova, M.S. ; Henning, Th.
Interaction of a highly magnetized impulsive relativistic flow with an external medium
Granot, Jonathan
The effects of sub-shells in highly magnetized relativistic flows
Granot, Jonathan
Population gradients in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Galaxy Catalogue: the role of merging
Tortora, C. ; Napolitano, N.R.
Schmidt–Kennicutt relations in SPH simulations of disc galaxies with effective thermal feedback from supernovae
Monaco, Pierluigi ; Murante, Giuseppe ; Borgani, Stefano ; Dolag, Klaus
2012MNRAS.421.2498G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/2498)
A lucky imaging multiplicity study of exoplanet host stars
Ginski, C. ; Mugrauer, M. ; Seeliger, M. ; Eisenbeiss, T.
Formation of galaxies in Λcold dark matter cosmologies – I. The fine structure of disc galaxies
Doménech-Moral, M. ; Martìnez-Serrano, F.J. ; Domìnguez-Tenreiro, R. ; Serna, A.
Modelling H2 formation in the turbulent interstellar medium: solenoidal versus compressive turbulent forcing
Micic, Milica ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Federrath, Christoph ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Clustering of Lyα emitters around luminous quasars at z= 2–3: an alternative probe of reionization on galaxy formation
Bruns, Loren R. Jr ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Dijkstra, Mark
On the effects of line-of-sight structures on lensing flux-ratio anomalies in a ΛCDM universe
Xu, D.D. ; Mao, Shude ; Cooper, Andrew P. ; Gao, Liang ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Angulo, Raul E. ; Helly, John
Lyα emitters and Lyman-break galaxies: dichotomous twins
Dayal, Pratika ; Ferrara, Andrea
Made-to-measure galaxy models – II. Elliptical and lenticular galaxies
Long, R.J. ; Mao, Shude
Distances of the TeV supernova remnant complex CTB 37 towards the Galactic bar
Tian, W.W. ; Leahy, D.A.
A QUMOND galactic N-body code – I. Poisson solver and rotation curve fitting
Angus, G.W. ; van der Heyden, K.J. ; Famaey, B. ; Gentile, G. ; McGaugh, S.S. ; de Blok, W.J.G.
Scaling relations between numerical simulations and physical systems they represent
Granot, Jonathan
2012MNRAS.421.2616N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/2616)
Eccentric ellipsoidal red giant binaries in the LMC: complete orbital solutions and comments on interaction at periastron
Nicholls, C.P. ; Wood, P.R.
Critical phenomena in the cosmological many-body problem
Khan, M.S. ; Malik, Manzoor A.
Radiative signature of magnetic fields in internal shocks
Mimica, P. ; Aloy, M.A.
Sunyaev–Zel'dovich power spectrum and cluster numbers from an extended merger-tree model
Dvorkin, Irina ; Rephaeli, Yoel ; Shimon, Meir
Cosmological implications from the full shape of the large-scale power spectrum of the SDSS DR7 luminous red galaxies
Montesano, Francesco ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Phleps, Stefanie
Instability of superfluid flow in the neutron star core
Link, B.
2012MNRAS.421.2692L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/421/2692)
The origin of the early-time optical emission of Swift GRB 080310
Littlejohns, O.M. ; Willingale, R. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Beardmore, A.P. ; Covino, S. ; Perley, D.A. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Rol, E. ; Yuan, F. ; Akerlof, C. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Bersier, D.F. ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. ; Christian, P. ; Cobb, B.E. ; Evans, P.A. ; Filippenko, A.V. ; Flewelling, H. ; Fugazza, D. ; Hoversten, E.A. ; Kamble, A.P. ; Kobayashi, S. ; Li, W. ; Morgan, A.N. ; Mundell, C.G. ; Page, K. ; Palazzi, E. ; Quimby, R.M. ; Schulze, S. ; Steele, I.A. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A.
Quasi-stars, giants and the Schönberg–Chandrasekhar limit
Ball, Warrick H. ; Tout, Christopher A. ; Zytkow, Anna N.
Magnetic field decay with Hall drift in neutron star crusts
Kojima, Yasufumi ; Kisaka, Shota
On the origin of the cold spot
Inoue, Kaiki Taro
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