Monthly Notices of the RAS 420
March(II) 2012
- 2012MNRAS.420.2737K
- Non-Gaussian gravitational clustering field statistics
- Kitaura, Francisco-Shu
- 2012MNRAS.420.2756S
- 3D radiative transfer modelling of the dusty tori around active galactic nuclei as a clumpy two-phase medium
- Stalevski, Marko ; Fritz, Jacopo ; Baes, Maarten ; Nakos, Theodoros ; Popovic, Luka C.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2773S
- The 6dF Galaxy Survey: stellar population trends across and through the Fundamental Plane
- Springob, Christopher M. ; Magoulas, Christina ; Proctor, Rob ; Colless, Matthew ; Jones, D.Heath ; Kobayashi, Chiaki ; Campbell, Lachlan ; Lucey, John ; Mould, Jeremy
- 2012MNRAS.420.2785I
- A search for naphthalene in diffuse interstellar clouds
- Iglesias-Groth, Susana ; González Hernández, Jonay ; Manchado, A.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2793K
- The extended pulsar magnetosphere
- Kalapotharakos, Constantinos ; Contopoulos, Ioannis ; Kazanas, Demos
- 2012MNRAS.420.2799D
- Modelling neutral hydrogen in galaxies using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
- Duffy, Alan R. ; Kay, Scott T. ; Battye, Richard A. ; Booth, C.M. ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio ; Schaye, Joop
- 2012MNRAS.420.2819K
- Dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster – I. Velocity dispersion measurements
- Kourkchi, E. ; Khosroshahi, H.G. ; Carter, D. ; Karick, A.M. ; Mármol-Queraltó, E. ; Chiboucas, K. ; Tully, R.B. ; Mobasher, B. ; Guzmán, R. ; Matkovic, A. ; Gruel, N.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2835K
- Dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster – II. Spectroscopic and photometric fundamental planes
- Kourkchi, E. ; Khosroshahi, H.G. ; Carter, D. ; Mobasher, B.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2851M
- Gap opening beyond dead zones by photoevaporation
- Morishima, R.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2859M
- The formation of the brightest cluster galaxies in cosmological simulations: the case for active galactic nucleus feedback
- Martizzi, Davide ; Teyssier, Romain ; Moore, Ben
- 2012MNRAS.420.2874F
- Comparing radial velocities of atmospheric lines with radiosonde measurements
- Figueira, P. ; Kerber, F. ; Chacon, A ; Lovis, C. ; Santos, N.C. ; Curto, G.Lo ; Sarazin, M. ; Pepe, F.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2884S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/2884)
- Dust discs around intermediate-mass and Sun-like stars in the 16 Myr old NGC 1960 open cluster
- Smith, R. ; Jeffries, R.D.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2899G
- A simplified view of blazars: clearing the fog around long-standing selection effects
- Giommi, P. ; Padovani, P. ; Polenta, G. ; Turriziani, S. ; D'Elia, V. ; Piranomonte, S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2912B
- Radiatively inefficient accretion: breezes, winds and hyperaccretion
- Begelman, Mitchell C.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2924K
- The Local Volume H I Survey: galaxy kinematics
- Kirby, Emma M. ; Koribalski, Bärbel ; Jerjen, Helmut ; López-Sánchez, Ángel
- 2012MNRAS.420.2944W
- The Fundamental Surface of quad lenses
- Woldesenbet, Addishiwot G. ; Williams, Liliya L.R.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2956C
- Riding the wake of a merging galaxy cluster
- Canning, R.E.A. ; Russell, H.R. ; Hatch, N.A. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Zabludoff, A.I. ; Crawford, C.S. ; King, L.J. ; McNamara, B.R. ; Okamoto, S. ; Raimundo, S.I.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2969M
- The missing link: a low-mass X-ray binary in M31 seen as an ultraluminous X-ray source
- Middleton, Matthew J. ; Sutton, Andrew D. ; Roberts, Timothy P. ; Jackson, Floyd E. ; Done, Chris
- 2012MNRAS.420.2978C
- Statistics of substructures in dark matter haloes
- Contini, E. ; De Lucia, G. ; Borgani, S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.2990B
- The scattering of small bodies in planetary systems: constraints on the possible orbits of cometary material
- Bonsor, A. ; Wyatt, M.C.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3003S
- 2D simulations of the double-detonation model for thermonuclear transients from low-mass carbon–oxygen white dwarfs
- Sim, S.A. ; Fink, M. ; Kromer, M. ; Röpke, F.K. ; Ruiter, A.J. ; Hillebrandt, W.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3017A
- An eclipsing post-common-envelope binary in the field of the Kepler mission
- Almenara, J.M. ; Alonso, R. ; Rabus, M. ; Lázaro, C. ; Arévalo, M.J. ; Belmonte, J.A. ; Deeg, H.J. ; Brown, T.M. ; Vázquez Ramió, H.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3026S
- A cosmic speed-trap: a gravity-independent test of cosmic acceleration using baryon acoustic oscillations
- Sutherland, Will
- 2012MNRAS.420.3035V
- Magnetar oscillations – II. Spectral method
- van Hoven, Maarten ; Levin, Yuri
- 2012MNRAS.420.3047B
- The effect of 12C +12C rate uncertainties on the evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars
- Bennett, M.E. ; Hirschi, R. ; Pignatari, M. ; Diehl, S. ; Fryer, C. ; Herwig, F. ; Hungerford, A. ; Nomoto, K. ; Rockefeller, G. ; Timmes, F.X. ; Wiescher, M.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3071S
- A new integral representation for reconstructing the density distribution of matter in the discs of spiral galaxies using the rotation velocity curve in it
- Shatskiy, A.A. ; Novikov, I.D. ; Silchenko, O.K. ; Hansen, J. ; Katkov, I.Yu.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3081D
- A study of the interacting binary system V455 Cygni
- Djurasevic, G. ; Vince, I. ; Antokhin, I.I. ; Shatsky, N.I. ; Cséki, A. ; Zakirov, M. ; Eshankulova, M.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3091B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/3091)
- The Wolf–Rayet population of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 5068 uncovered by the Very Large Telescope and Gemini
- Bibby, J.L. ; Crowther, P.A.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3108G – (Tables: VIII/96)
- The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue – IV. Galactic longitudes 186°–330° including the Orion–Monoceros region
- Green, J.A. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Avison, A. ; Breen, S.L. ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Gray, M.D. ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Quinn, L. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Voronkov, M.A.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3126F
- Dynamical tides in eccentric binaries and tidally excited stellar pulsations in Kepler KOI-54
- Fuller, Jim ; Lai, Dong
- 2012MNRAS.420.3139M
- Dead zones around young stellar objects: dependence on physical parameters
- Martin, Rebecca G. ; Lubow, Stephen H. ; Livio, Mario ; Pringle, J.E.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3147G
- Quasi-simultaneous two-band optical variability of the blazars 1ES 1959+650 and 1ES 2344+514
- Gaur, Haritma ; Gupta, Alok C. ; Strigachev, A. ; Bachev, R. ; Semkov, E. ; Wiita, Paul J. ; Peneva, S. ; Boeva, S. ; Kacharov, N. ; Mihov, B. ; Ovcharov, E.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3163B
- Statistical analysis of the mass-to-flux ratio in turbulent cores: effects of magnetic field reversals and dynamo amplification
- Bertram, E. ; Federrath, C. ; Banerjee, R. ; Klessen, R.S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3174S
- Thermal instability and the feedback regulation of hot haloes in clusters, groups and galaxies
- Sharma, Prateek ; McCourt, Michael ; Quataert, Eliot ; Parrish, Ian J.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3195B
- Cosmological simulations using GCMHD+
- Barnes, David J. ; Kawata, Daisuke ; Wu, Kinwah
- 2012MNRAS.420.3213O
- Combined strong and weak lensing analysis of 28 clusters from the Sloan Giant Arcs Survey
- Oguri, Masamune ; Bayliss, Matthew B. ; Dahle, Håkon ; Sharon, Keren ; Gladders, Michael D. ; Natarajan, Priyamvada ; Hennawi, Joseph F. ; Koester, Benjamin P.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3240N
- Photometric redshift requirements for lens galaxies in galaxy–galaxy lensing analyses
- Nakajima, R. ; Mandelbaum, R. ; Seljak, U. ; Cohn, J.D. ; Reyes, R. ; Cool, R.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3264G
- Importance of the initial conditions for star formation – III. Statistical properties of embedded protostellar clusters
- Girichidis, Philipp ; Federrath, Christoph ; Allison, Richard ; Banerjee, Robi ; Klessen, Ralf S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3281P
- A precision study of two eclipsing white dwarf plus M dwarf binaries
- Parsons, S.G. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Rebassa-Mansergas, A. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Copperwheat, C.M. ; Hickman, R.D.G. ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Kerry, P. ; Koester, D. ; Nebot Gómez-Morán, A. ; Pyrzas, S. ; Savoury, C.D.J. ; Schreiber, M.R. ; Schmidtobreick, L. ; Schwope, A.D. ; Steele, P.R. ; Tappert, C.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3298P
- Dark matter and dark energy accretion on to intermediate-mass black holes
- Pepe, C. ; Pellizza, L.J. ; Romero, G.E.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3303B
- Halo shapes from weak lensing: the impact of galaxy–halo misalignment
- Bett, Philip
- 2012MNRAS.420.3324B
- Spin flips – I. Evolution of the angular momentum orientation of Milky Way-mass dark matter haloes
- Bett, Philip E. ; Frenk, Carlos S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3334S
- Radio continuum observations of Class I protostellar discs in Taurus: constraining the greybody tail at centimetre wavelengths
- Scaife, Anna M.M. ; Buckle, Jane V. ; Ainsworth, Rachael E. ; Davies, Matthew ; Franzen, Thomas M.O. ; Grainge, Keith J.B. ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Hurley-Walker, Natasha ; Lasenby, Anthony N. ; Olamaie, Malak ; Perrott, Yvette C. ; Pooley, Guy G. ; Ray, Tom P. ; Richer, John S. ; Rodrìguez-Gonzálvez, Carmen ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Schammel, Michel P. ; Scott, Paul F. ; Shimwell, Timothy ; Titterington, David ; Waldram, Elizabeth ; (The AMI Consortium)
- 2012MNRAS.420.3344G
- Efficient nucleation of stardust silicates via heteromolecular homogeneous condensation
- Goumans, T.P.M. ; Bromley, Stefan T.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3350N
- Very fast photometric and X-ray observations of the intermediate polar V2069 Cygni (RX J2123.7+4217)
- Nasiroglu, I. ; Slowikowska, A. ; Kanbach, G. ; Haberl, F.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3360D
- A new time-dependent finite-difference method for relativistic shock acceleration
- Delaney, S. ; Dempsey, P. ; Duffy, P. ; Downes, T.P.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3368T
- Granular physics in low-gravity environments using discrete element method
- Tancredi, G. ; Maciel, A. ; Heredia, L. ; Richeri, P. ; Nesmachnow, S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3381Y
- Sub-millimetre brightness of early star-forming galaxies
- Yajima, Hidenobu ; Umemura, Masayuki ; Mori, Masao
- 2012MNRAS.420.3389L
- Charge-exchange X-ray emission of nearby star-forming galaxies
- Liu, Jiren ; Wang, Q.Daniel ; Mao, Shude
- 2012MNRAS.420.3396B
- An Oort cloud origin for the high-inclination, high-perihelion Centaurs
- Brasser, R. ; Schwamb, M.E. ; Lykawka, P.S. ; Gomes, R.S.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3403D
- Asymmetry of bifurcated features in radio pulsar profiles
- Dyks, J. ; Rudak, B.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3412S
- Infrared surface photometry of dwarf galaxies in Fornax
- Smith, Rachel ; Phillipps, S. ; Jones, J.B. ; Morris, R.A.H. ; Smith, R.M. ; Drinkwater, M.J. ; Karick, A.M.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3427B
- Evolutionary properties of the low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group
- Buzzoni, A. ; Cellone, S.A. ; Saracco, P. ; Zucca, E.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3451M
- Constraining the physical properties of Type II-Plateau supernovae using nebular phase spectra
- Maguire, K. ; Jerkstrand, A. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Fransson, C. ; Pastorello, A. ; Benetti, S. ; Valenti, S. ; Bufano, F. ; Leloudas, G.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3469P
- Modelling large-scale halo bias using the bispectrum
- Pollack, Jennifer E. ; Smith, Robert E. ; Porciani, Cristiano
- 2012MNRAS.420.3490C
- Rotational support of giant clumps in high-z disc galaxies
- Ceverino, Daniel ; Dekel, Avishai ; Mandelker, Nir ; Bournaud, Frederic ; Burkert, Andreas ; Genzel, Reinhard ; Primack, Joel
- 2012MNRAS.420.3521S
- Tracing colliding winds in the ultraviolet line orbital variability of gamma-ray binaries
- Szostek, Anna ; Dubus, Guillaume ; McSwain, M.Virginia
- 2012MNRAS.420.3528M
- Afterglow model for the radio emission from the jetted tidal disruption candidate Swift J1644+57
- Metzger, Brian D. ; Giannios, Dimitrios ; Mimica, Petar
- 2012MNRAS.420.3538C
- The nature of the X-ray transient MAXI J0556-332
- Cornelisse, R. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Campana, S. ; Casares, J. ; Charles, P.A. ; Israel, G. ; Munoz-Darias, T. ; O'Brien, K. ; Steeghs, D. ; Stella, L. ; Torres, M.A.P.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3545B
- Observing simulated galaxy clusters with PHOX: a novel X-ray photon simulator
- Biffi, V. ; Dolag, K. ; Böhringer, H. ; Lemson, G.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3557G
- Dust in historical Galactic Type Ia supernova remnants with Herschel
- Gomez, H.L. ; Clark, C.J.R. ; Nozawa, T. ; Krause, O. ; Gomez, E.L. ; Matsuura, M. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Besel, M.-A. ; Dunne, L. ; Gear, W.K. ; Hargrave, P. ; Henning, Th. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Sibthorpe, B. ; Swinyard, B.M. ; Wesson, R.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3574G
- Probing planetary mass dark matter in galaxies: gravitational nanolensing of multiply imaged quasars
- Garsden, H. ; Bate, N.F. ; Lewis, G.F.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3587J
- Benchmark cool companions: ages and abundances for the PZ Telescopii system
- Jenkins, J.S. ; Pavlenko, Y.V. ; Ivanyuk, O. ; Gallardo, J. ; Jones, M.I. ; Day-Jones, A.C. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Ruiz, M.T. ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Yakovina, L.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3599S
- Optical counterpart of HLX-1 during the 2010 outburst
- Soria, Roberto ; Hakala, Pasi J. ; Hau, George K.T. ; Gladstone, Jeanette C. ; Kong, Albert K.H.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3609H
- New light-travel time models and orbital stability study of the proposed planetary system HU Aquarii
- Hinse, T.C. ; Lee, J.W. ; Gozdziewski, K. ; Haghighipour, N. ; Lee, C.-U. ; Scullion, E.M.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3621T
- The host galaxies and black hole-to-galaxy mass ratios of luminous quasars at z ≃ 4
- Targett, Thomas A. ; Dunlop, James S. ; McLure, Ross J.
- 2012MNRAS.420.3632R
- Gas sloshing, cold fronts, Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities and the merger history of the cluster of galaxies Abell 496
- Roediger, E. ; Lovisari, L. ; Dupke, R. ; Ghizzardi, S. ; Brüggen, M. ; Kraft, R.P. ; Machacek, M.E.
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