Monthly Notices of the RAS 418
November(III) 2011

Breaking the ice: planetesimal formation at the snowline
Aumatell, Guillem ; Wurm, Gerhard
Looking inside the nest: the hidden structure of the merger galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A)
Beletsky, Y. ; Gadotti, D.A. ; Moiseev, A. ; Alves, J. ; Kniazev, A.
Radioactive 26Al from accretion discs around black holes in the Galaxy
Hu, Tao
Debris disc candidates in systems with transiting planets
Krivov, A.V. ; Reidemeister, M. ; Fiedler, S. ; Löhne, T. ; Neuhäuser, R.
Exact extreme value statistics and the halo mass function
Harrison, Ian ; Coles, Peter
Transient relativistic ejections and stationary core in XTE J1752-223
Yang, J. ; Paragi, Z. ; Corbel, S. ; Gurvits, L.I. ; Campbell, R.M. ; Brocksopp, C.
Supermassive black holes: connecting the growth to the cosmic star formation rate
Pereira, Eduardo S. ; Miranda, Oswaldo D.
New constraints on the polarization of anomalous microwave emission in nearby molecular clouds
Dickinson, C. ; Peel, M. ; Vidal, M.
New insights on the bursting formation of star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Piatti, Andrés E.
Future deceleration due to cosmic backreaction in presence of the event horizon
Bose, Nilok ; Majumdar, A.S.
A model for the two component γ-ray spectra observed from the γ-ray binaries
Bednarek, W.
Non-radial superfluid modes in oscillating neutron stars
Chugunov, A.I. ; Gusakov, M.E.
How the effects of resonant absorption on black hole reflection spectra can mimic high-velocity outflows
Gallo, L.C. ; Fabian, A.C.
Gamma-ray bursts afterglows in magnetized stellar winds
Lemoine, Martin ; Pelletier, Guy
Towards a comprehensive picture of the star cluster age–metallicity relationship in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Piatti, Andrés E.
The link between the star formation history and [α/Fe ]
de la Rosa, Ignacio G. ; La Barbera, Francesco ; Ferreras, Ignacio ; de Carvalho, Reinaldo R.
Efficient generation of jets from magnetically arrested accretion on a rapidly spinning black hole
Tchekhovskoy, Alexander ; Narayan, Ramesh ; McKinney, Jonathan C.
Evidence for cosmic evolution in the spin of the most massive black holes
Martìnez-Sansigre, Alejo ; Rawlings, Steve
X-ray evidence for the accretion disc–outflow connection in 3C 111
Tombesi, F. ; Sambruna, R.M. ; Reeves, J.N. ; Reynolds, C.S. ; Braito, V.
3+1 magnetodynamics
Komissarov, S.S.
Superfluid effects on gauging core temperatures of neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries
Ho, Wynn C.G.
The Hubble Space Telescope colours of high-redshift Population III galaxies with strong Lyα emission
Zackrisson, Erik ; Inoue, Akio K. ; Rydberg, Claes-Erik ; Duval, Florent
Short and long gamma-ray bursts: same emission mechanism?
Ghirlanda, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Nava, L.
Spectrum evolution in binary pulsar B1259-63/LS 2883 Be star and gigahertz-peaked spectra
Kijak, J. ; Dembska, M. ; Lewandowski, W. ; Melikidze, G. ; Sendyk, M.
Frequency dependence of the large frequency separation of solar-like oscillators: influence of the helium second-ionization zone
Hekker, S. ; Basu, Sarbani ; Elsworth, Y. ; Chaplin, W.J.
On the association of ULXs with young superclusters: M82 X-1 and a new candidate in NGC 7479
Voss, R. ; Nielsen, M.T.B. ; Nelemans, G. ; Fraser, M. ; Smartt, S.J.
Detection of radio emission from a nova-like cataclysmic variable: evidence of jets?
Körding, E.G. ; Knigge, C. ; Tzioumis, T. ; Fender, R.
Weak- and strong-field dynamos: from the Earth to the stars
Morin, J. ; Dormy, E. ; Schrinner, M. ; Donati, J.-F.
Evidence on the origin of ergospheric disc field line topology in simulations of black hole accretion
Punsly, Brian
Primordial magnetic field constraints from the end of reionization
Schleicher, Dominik R.G. ; Miniati, Francesco
Relating bars with the environment in the nearby Universe
Martìnez, Héctor J. ; Muriel, Hernán
Evidence for crust cooling in the transiently accreting 11-Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5
Degenaar, N. ; Brown, E.F. ; Wijnands, R.
SDSS J163030.58+423305.8: a 40-min orbital period detached white dwarf binary
Kilic, Mukremin ; Brown, Warren R. ; Hermes, J.J. ; Allende Prieto, Carlos ; Kenyon, S.J. ; Winget, D.E. ; Winget, K.I.
Spectroscopy of the archetype colliding-wind binary WR 140 during the 2009 January periastron passage
Fahed, R. ; Moffat, A.F.J. ; Zorec, J. ; Eversberg, T. ; Chené, A.N. ; Alves, F.; Arnold, W.; Bergmann, T.; Corcoran, M.F. ; Correia Viegas, N.G.; Dougherty, S.M. ; Fernando, A.; Frémat, Y. ; Gouveia Carreira, L.F.; Hunger, T.; Knapen, J.H. ; Leadbeater, R. ; Marques Dias, F.; Martayan, C. ; Morel, T. ; Pittard, J.M. ; Pollock, A.M.T. ; Rauw, G. ; Reinecke, N.; Ribeiro, J.; Romeo, N.; Sánchez-Gallego, J.R. ; dos Santos, E.M.; Schanne, L.; Stahl, O.; Stober, Ba.; Stober, Be.; Vollmann, K.; Williams, P.M.
The XMM Cluster Survey: X-ray analysis methodology
Lloyd-Davies, E.J. ; Romer, A.Kathy ; Mehrtens, Nicola ; Hosmer, Mark ; Davidson, Michael ; Sabirli, Kivanc ; Mann, Robert G. ; Hilton, Matt ; Liddle, Andrew R. ; Viana, Pedro T.P. ; Campbell, Heather C. ; Collins, Chris A. ; Dubois, E.Naomi ; Freeman, Peter ; Harrison, Craig D. ; Hoyle, Ben ; Kay, Scott T. ; Kuwertz, Emma ; Miller, Christopher J. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Sahlén, Martin ; Stanford, S.A. ; Stott, John P.
Lensed arc statistics: comparison of Millennium simulation galaxy clusters to Hubble Space Telescope observations of an X-ray selected sample
Horesh, Assaf ; Maoz, Dan ; Hilbert, Stefan ; Bartelmann, Matthias
The environment and characteristics of low-redshift galaxies detected by the Herschel-ATLAS
Dariush, A. ; Cortese, L. ; Eales, S. ; Pascale, E. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Dunne, L. ; Dye, S. ; Scott, D. ; Auld, R. ; Baes, M. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Buttiglione, S. ; Cava, A. ; Clements, D.L. ; Cooray, A. ; DeZotti, G. ; Driver, S. ; Fritz, J. ; Gomez, H.L. ; Hopkins, A. ; Hopwood, R. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Jones, D.H. ; Kelvin, L. ; Khosroshahi, H.G. ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Maddox, S. ; Madore, B.F. ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Norberg, P. ; Phillipps, S. ; Pohlen, M. ; Popescu, C.C. ; Prescott, M. ; Rigby, E. ; Robotham, A. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Seibert, M. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Temi, P. ; Tuffs, R.J. ; van der Werf, P.P.
AzTEC 1.1-mm images of 16 radio galaxies at 0.5 < z < 5.2 and a quasar at z= 6.3
Humphrey, A. ; Zeballos, M. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Yun, M.S. ; Cybulski, R. ; Wilson, Grant W. ; Austermann, J. ; Ezawa, H. ; Kawabe, R. ; Kohno, K. ; Perera, T. ; Scott, K. ; Sánchez-Arguelles, D. ; Gutermuth, R.
Constraining broad-line regions from time lags of broad emission lines relative to radio emission
Liu, H.T. ; Bai, J.M. ; Wang, J.M. ; Li, S.K.
Improved methodology for the automated classification of periodic variable stars
Blomme, J. ; Sarro, L.M. ; O'Donovan, F.T. ; Debosscher, J. ; Brown, T. ; Lopez, M. ; Dubath, P. ; Rimoldini, L. ; Charbonneau, D. ; Dunham, E. ; Mandushev, G. ; Ciardi, D.R. ; De Ridder, J. ; Aerts, C.
Detection of close encounters and resonances in three-body problems through Levi-Civita regularization
Lega, E. ; Guzzo, M. ; Froeschlé, C.
2011MNRAS.418..114I – (Tables: J/MNRAS/418/114)
Dynamical opacity-sampling models of Mira variables – II. Time-dependent atmospheric structure and observable properties of four M-type model series
Ireland, M.J. ; Scholz, M. ; Wood, P.R.
GRB 070125 and the environments of spectral-line poor afterglow absorbers
De Cia, A. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Wiersema, K. ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Vreeswijk, P.M. ; Björnsson, G. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A. ; Jakobsson, P. ; Levan, A.J. ; Rol, E. ; Schulze, S. ; Tanvir, N.R.
Cosmological information in Gaussianized weak lensing signals
Joachimi, B. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Kiessling, A.
Swift monitoring of the central X-ray source in RCW 103
Esposito, P. ; Turolla, R. ; De Luca, A. ; Israel, G.L. ; Possenti, A. ; Burrows, D.N.
Genesis of the dusty Universe: modelling submillimetre source counts
Rahmati, A. ; van der Werf, P.P.
Slowing down atomic diffusion in subdwarf B stars: mass loss or turbulence?
Hu, Haili ; Tout, C.A. ; Glebbeek, E. ; Dupret, M.-A.
A Bayesian analysis of the 27 highest energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Watson, Laura J. ; Mortlock, Daniel J. ; Jaffe, Andrew H.
Oscillating non-linear large-scale structures in growing neutrino quintessence
Baldi, Marco ; Pettorino, Valeria ; Amendola, Luca ; Wetterich, Christof
Using double radio relics to constrain galaxy cluster mergers: a model of double radio relics in CIZA J2242.8+5301
van Weeren, R.J. ; Brüggen, M. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Hoeft, M.
2011MNRAS.418..244M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/418/244)
A new catalogue of polar-ring galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Moiseev, Alexei V. ; Smirnova, Ksenia I. ; Smirnova, Aleksandrina A. ; Reshetnikov, Vladimir P.
3D deconvolution of hyper-spectral astronomical data
Bongard, S. ; Soulez, F. ; Thiébaut, É. ; Pecontal, É.
First rate coefficients for an interstellar anion: application to the CN–H2 collisional system
Klos, J. ; Lique, F.
Black hole accretion rings revealed by future X-ray spectroscopy
Sochora, V. ; Karas, V. ; Svoboda, J. ; Dovciak, M.
2011MNRAS.418..284B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/418/284)
The s-process in low-metallicity stars – II. Interpretation of high-resolution spectroscopic observations with asymptotic giant branch models
Bisterzo, S. ; Gallino, R. ; Straniero, O. ; Cristallo, S. ; Käppeler, F.
Peaks above the Maxwellian Sea: a new approach to finding substructures in N-body haloes
Elahi, Pascal J. ; Thacker, Robert J. ; Widrow, Lawrence M.
Disentangling the dark matter halo from the stellar halo
Libeskind, Noam I. ; Knebe, Alexander ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Yepes, Gustavo
Effects of massive neutrinos on the large-scale structure of the Universe
Marulli, Federico ; Carbone, Carmelita ; Viel, Matteo ; Moscardini, Lauro ; Cimatti, Andrea
Partial coverage of the broad-line region of Q1232+082 by an intervening H2-bearing cloud
Balashev, S.A. ; Petitjean, P. ; Ivanchik, A.V. ; Ledoux, C. ; Srianand, R. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Varshalovich, D.A.
A 3D photoionization model of the extreme planetary nebula NGC 6302
Wright, N.J. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Ercolano, B. ; Rauch, T.
The Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in weakly ionized plasmas: ambipolar-dominated and Hall-dominated flows
Jones, A.C. ; Downes, T.P.
Stability in the weak variational principle of barotropic flows and implications for self-gravitating discs
Yahalom, Asher
Gravitational waves and non-axisymmetric oscillation modes in mergers of compact object binaries
Stergioulas, Nikolaos ; Bauswein, Andreas ; Zagkouris, Kimon ; Janka, Hans-Thomas
The optical and X-ray light curves of Hercules X-1
Jurua, E. ; Charles, P.A. ; Still, M. ; Meintjes, P.J.
Identification of field dwarfs and giants in the second Radial Velocity Experiment Data Release
Bilir, S. ; Karaali, S. ; Ak, S. ; Önal, Ö. ; Coskunoglu, B. ; Seabroke, G.M.
On a novel approach using massive clusters at high redshifts as cosmological probe
Waizmann, J.-C. ; Ettori, S. ; Moscardini, L.
Foreground component separation with generalized Internal Linear Combination
Remazeilles, Mathieu ; Delabrouille, Jacques ; Cardoso, Jean-François
Luminosities of recycled radio pulsars in globular clusters
Bagchi, Manjari ; Lorimer, D.R. ; Chennamangalam, Jayanth
Terzan 5 transient IGR J17480-2446: variation of burst and spectral properties with spectral states
Chakraborty, Manoneeta ; Bhattacharyya, Sudip ; Mukherjee, Arunava
Probing cosmic star formation up to z= 9.4 with gamma-ray bursts
Ishida, E.E.O. ; de Souza, R.S. ; Ferrara, A.
Bias in low-multipole cosmic microwave background reconstructions
Copi, Craig J. ; Huterer, Dragan ; Schwarz, Dominik J. ; Starkman, Glenn D.
Polarized foreground removal at low radio frequencies using rotation measure synthesis: uncovering the signature of hydrogen reionization
Geil, Paul M. ; Gaensler, B.M. ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
Weak-lensing statistics from the Coyote Universe
Eifler, Tim
Composition and evolution of interstellar grain mantle under the effects of photodissociation
Das, Ankan ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.
Could AX J1841.0-0536 be an anti-magnetar?
Li, X.-D. ; Zhang, Z.
Pulsar timing analysis in the presence of correlated noise
Coles, W. ; Hobbs, G. ; Champion, D.J. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Verbiest, J.P.W.
On the effects of microphysical grain properties on the yields of carbonaceous dust from Type II supernovae
Fallest, David W. ; Nozawa, Takaya ; Nomoto, Ken'ichi ; Umeda, Hideyuki ; Maeda, Keiichi ; Kozasa, Takashi ; Lazzati, Davide
Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves from realistic density profiles
Mimica, P. ; Giannios, D.
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of black hole accretion: a step to model black hole feedback in galaxies
Barai, Paramita ; Proga, Daniel ; Nagamine, Kentaro
A particle simulation for the global pulsar magnetosphere – II. The case of dipole field
Wada, Tomohide ; Shibata, Shinpei
Extinction law in ultraluminous infrared galaxies at z ∼ 1
Shimizu, T. ; Kawara, K. ; Sameshima, H. ; Ienaka, N. ; Nozawa, T. ; Kozasa, T.
Emission geometry, radiation pattern and magnetic topology of the magnetar XTE J1810-197 in its quiescent state
Bernardini, F. ; Perna, R. ; Gotthelf, E.V. ; Israel, G.L. ; Rea, N. ; Stella, L.
Clues to the `Magellanic Galaxy' from cosmological simulations
Sales, Laura V. ; Navarro, Julio F. ; Cooper, Andrew P. ; White, Simon D.M. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Helmi, Amina
On the excitation of f modes and torsional modes by magnetar giant flares
Levin, Yuri ; van Hoven, Maarten
The CO–H2 conversion factor in disc galaxies and mergers
Narayanan, Desika ; Krumholz, Mark ; Ostriker, Eve C. ; Hernquist, Lars
Very Large Telescope/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph and FORS2 spectroscopy of the GRB 081008 afterglow
D'Elia, V. ; Campana, S. ; Covino, S. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Piranomonte, S. ; Tagliaferri, G.
The contribution of star-forming galaxies to the cosmic radio background
Ponente, P.P. ; Ascasibar, Y. ; Diego, J.M.
Manganese evolution in Omega Centauri: a clue to the cluster formation mechanisms?
Romano, Donatella ; Cescutti, Gabriele ; Matteucci, Francesca
Erratum: Stellar, brown dwarf and multiple star properties from hydrodynamical simulations of star cluster formation
Bate, Matthew R.
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