Monthly Notices of the RAS 418
November(III) 2011
- 2011MNRAS.418L...1A
- Breaking the ice: planetesimal formation at the snowline
- Aumatell, Guillem ; Wurm, Gerhard
- 2011MNRAS.418L...6B
- Looking inside the nest: the hidden structure of the merger galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A)
- Beletsky, Y. ; Gadotti, D.A. ; Moiseev, A. ; Alves, J. ; Kniazev, A.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..11H
- Radioactive 26Al from accretion discs around black holes in the Galaxy
- Hu, Tao
- 2011MNRAS.418L..15K
- Debris disc candidates in systems with transiting planets
- Krivov, A.V. ; Reidemeister, M. ; Fiedler, S. ; Löhne, T. ; Neuhäuser, R.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..20H
- Exact extreme value statistics and the halo mass function
- Harrison, Ian ; Coles, Peter
- 2011MNRAS.418L..25Y
- Transient relativistic ejections and stationary core in XTE J1752-223
- Yang, J. ; Paragi, Z. ; Corbel, S. ; Gurvits, L.I. ; Campbell, R.M. ; Brocksopp, C.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..30P
- Supermassive black holes: connecting the growth to the cosmic star formation rate
- Pereira, Eduardo S. ; Miranda, Oswaldo D.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..35D
- New constraints on the polarization of anomalous microwave emission in nearby molecular clouds
- Dickinson, C. ; Peel, M. ; Vidal, M.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..40P
- New insights on the bursting formation of star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Piatti, Andrés E.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..45B
- Future deceleration due to cosmic backreaction in presence of the event horizon
- Bose, Nilok ; Majumdar, A.S.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..49B
- A model for the two component γ-ray spectra observed from the γ-ray binaries
- Bednarek, W.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..54C
- Non-radial superfluid modes in oscillating neutron stars
- Chugunov, A.I. ; Gusakov, M.E.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..59G
- How the effects of resonant absorption on black hole reflection spectra can mimic high-velocity outflows
- Gallo, L.C. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..64L
- Gamma-ray bursts afterglows in magnetized stellar winds
- Lemoine, Martin ; Pelletier, Guy
- 2011MNRAS.418L..69P
- Towards a comprehensive picture of the star cluster age–metallicity relationship in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Piatti, Andrés E.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..74D
- The link between the star formation history and [α/Fe ]
- de la Rosa, Ignacio G. ; La Barbera, Francesco ; Ferreras, Ignacio ; de Carvalho, Reinaldo R.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..79T
- Efficient generation of jets from magnetically arrested accretion on a rapidly spinning black hole
- Tchekhovskoy, Alexander ; Narayan, Ramesh ; McKinney, Jonathan C.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..84M
- Evidence for cosmic evolution in the spin of the most massive black holes
- Martìnez-Sansigre, Alejo ; Rawlings, Steve
- 2011MNRAS.418L..89T
- X-ray evidence for the accretion disc–outflow connection in 3C 111
- Tombesi, F. ; Sambruna, R.M. ; Reeves, J.N. ; Reynolds, C.S. ; Braito, V.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..94K
- 3+1 magnetodynamics
- Komissarov, S.S.
- 2011MNRAS.418L..99H
- Superfluid effects on gauging core temperatures of neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries
- Ho, Wynn C.G.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.104Z
- The Hubble Space Telescope colours of high-redshift Population III galaxies with strong Lyα emission
- Zackrisson, Erik ; Inoue, Akio K. ; Rydberg, Claes-Erik ; Duval, Florent
- 2011MNRAS.418L.109G
- Short and long gamma-ray bursts: same emission mechanism?
- Ghirlanda, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Nava, L.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.114K
- Spectrum evolution in binary pulsar B1259-63/LS 2883 Be star and gigahertz-peaked spectra
- Kijak, J. ; Dembska, M. ; Lewandowski, W. ; Melikidze, G. ; Sendyk, M.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.119H
- Frequency dependence of the large frequency separation of solar-like oscillators: influence of the helium second-ionization zone
- Hekker, S. ; Basu, Sarbani ; Elsworth, Y. ; Chaplin, W.J.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.124V
- On the association of ULXs with young superclusters: M82 X-1 and a new candidate in NGC 7479
- Voss, R. ; Nielsen, M.T.B. ; Nelemans, G. ; Fraser, M. ; Smartt, S.J.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.129K
- Detection of radio emission from a nova-like cataclysmic variable: evidence of jets?
- Körding, E.G. ; Knigge, C. ; Tzioumis, T. ; Fender, R.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.133M
- Weak- and strong-field dynamos: from the Earth to the stars
- Morin, J. ; Dormy, E. ; Schrinner, M. ; Donati, J.-F.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.138P
- Evidence on the origin of ergospheric disc field line topology in simulations of black hole accretion
- Punsly, Brian
- 2011MNRAS.418L.143S
- Primordial magnetic field constraints from the end of reionization
- Schleicher, Dominik R.G. ; Miniati, Francesco
- 2011MNRAS.418L.148M
- Relating bars with the environment in the nearby Universe
- Martìnez, Héctor J. ; Muriel, Hernán
- 2011MNRAS.418L.152D
- Evidence for crust cooling in the transiently accreting 11-Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5
- Degenaar, N. ; Brown, E.F. ; Wijnands, R.
- 2011MNRAS.418L.157K
- SDSS J163030.58+423305.8: a 40-min orbital period detached white dwarf binary
- Kilic, Mukremin ; Brown, Warren R. ; Hermes, J.J. ; Allende Prieto, Carlos ; Kenyon, S.J. ; Winget, D.E. ; Winget, K.I.
- 2011MNRAS.418....2F
- Spectroscopy of the archetype colliding-wind binary WR 140 during the 2009 January periastron passage
- Fahed, R. ; Moffat, A.F.J. ; Zorec, J. ; Eversberg, T. ; Chené, A.N. ; Alves, F.; Arnold, W.; Bergmann, T.; Corcoran, M.F. ; Correia Viegas, N.G.; Dougherty, S.M. ; Fernando, A.; Frémat, Y. ; Gouveia Carreira, L.F.; Hunger, T.; Knapen, J.H. ; Leadbeater, R. ; Marques Dias, F.; Martayan, C. ; Morel, T. ; Pittard, J.M. ; Pollock, A.M.T. ; Rauw, G. ; Reinecke, N.; Ribeiro, J.; Romeo, N.; Sánchez-Gallego, J.R. ; dos Santos, E.M.; Schanne, L.; Stahl, O.; Stober, Ba.; Stober, Be.; Vollmann, K.; Williams, P.M.
- 2011MNRAS.418...14L
- The XMM Cluster Survey: X-ray analysis methodology
- Lloyd-Davies, E.J. ; Romer, A.Kathy ; Mehrtens, Nicola ; Hosmer, Mark ; Davidson, Michael ; Sabirli, Kivanc ; Mann, Robert G. ; Hilton, Matt ; Liddle, Andrew R. ; Viana, Pedro T.P. ; Campbell, Heather C. ; Collins, Chris A. ; Dubois, E.Naomi ; Freeman, Peter ; Harrison, Craig D. ; Hoyle, Ben ; Kay, Scott T. ; Kuwertz, Emma ; Miller, Christopher J. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Sahlén, Martin ; Stanford, S.A. ; Stott, John P.
- 2011MNRAS.418...54H
- Lensed arc statistics: comparison of Millennium simulation galaxy clusters to Hubble Space Telescope observations of an X-ray selected sample
- Horesh, Assaf ; Maoz, Dan ; Hilbert, Stefan ; Bartelmann, Matthias
- 2011MNRAS.418...64D
- The environment and characteristics of low-redshift galaxies detected by the Herschel-ATLAS
- Dariush, A. ; Cortese, L. ; Eales, S. ; Pascale, E. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Dunne, L. ; Dye, S. ; Scott, D. ; Auld, R. ; Baes, M. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Buttiglione, S. ; Cava, A. ; Clements, D.L. ; Cooray, A. ; DeZotti, G. ; Driver, S. ; Fritz, J. ; Gomez, H.L. ; Hopkins, A. ; Hopwood, R. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Jones, D.H. ; Kelvin, L. ; Khosroshahi, H.G. ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Maddox, S. ; Madore, B.F. ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Norberg, P. ; Phillipps, S. ; Pohlen, M. ; Popescu, C.C. ; Prescott, M. ; Rigby, E. ; Robotham, A. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Seibert, M. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Temi, P. ; Tuffs, R.J. ; van der Werf, P.P.
- 2011MNRAS.418...74H
- AzTEC 1.1-mm images of 16 radio galaxies at 0.5 < z < 5.2 and a quasar at z= 6.3
- Humphrey, A. ; Zeballos, M. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Yun, M.S. ; Cybulski, R. ; Wilson, Grant W. ; Austermann, J. ; Ezawa, H. ; Kawabe, R. ; Kohno, K. ; Perera, T. ; Scott, K. ; Sánchez-Arguelles, D. ; Gutermuth, R.
- 2011MNRAS.418...90L
- Constraining broad-line regions from time lags of broad emission lines relative to radio emission
- Liu, H.T. ; Bai, J.M. ; Wang, J.M. ; Li, S.K.
- 2011MNRAS.418...96B
- Improved methodology for the automated classification of periodic variable stars
- Blomme, J. ; Sarro, L.M. ; O'Donovan, F.T. ; Debosscher, J. ; Brown, T. ; Lopez, M. ; Dubath, P. ; Rimoldini, L. ; Charbonneau, D. ; Dunham, E. ; Mandushev, G. ; Ciardi, D.R. ; De Ridder, J. ; Aerts, C.
- 2011MNRAS.418..107L
- Detection of close encounters and resonances in three-body problems through Levi-Civita regularization
- Lega, E. ; Guzzo, M. ; Froeschlé, C.
- 2011MNRAS.418..114I – (Tables: J/MNRAS/418/114)
- Dynamical opacity-sampling models of Mira variables – II. Time-dependent atmospheric structure and observable properties of four M-type model series
- Ireland, M.J. ; Scholz, M. ; Wood, P.R.
- 2011MNRAS.418..129D
- GRB 070125 and the environments of spectral-line poor afterglow absorbers
- De Cia, A. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Wiersema, K. ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Vreeswijk, P.M. ; Björnsson, G. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A. ; Jakobsson, P. ; Levan, A.J. ; Rol, E. ; Schulze, S. ; Tanvir, N.R.
- 2011MNRAS.418..145J
- Cosmological information in Gaussianized weak lensing signals
- Joachimi, B. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Kiessling, A.
- 2011MNRAS.418..170E
- Swift monitoring of the central X-ray source in RCW 103
- Esposito, P. ; Turolla, R. ; De Luca, A. ; Israel, G.L. ; Possenti, A. ; Burrows, D.N.
- 2011MNRAS.418..176R
- Genesis of the dusty Universe: modelling submillimetre source counts
- Rahmati, A. ; van der Werf, P.P.
- 2011MNRAS.418..195H
- Slowing down atomic diffusion in subdwarf B stars: mass loss or turbulence?
- Hu, Haili ; Tout, C.A. ; Glebbeek, E. ; Dupret, M.-A.
- 2011MNRAS.418..206W
- A Bayesian analysis of the 27 highest energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Watson, Laura J. ; Mortlock, Daniel J. ; Jaffe, Andrew H.
- 2011MNRAS.418..214B
- Oscillating non-linear large-scale structures in growing neutrino quintessence
- Baldi, Marco ; Pettorino, Valeria ; Amendola, Luca ; Wetterich, Christof
- 2011MNRAS.418..230V
- Using double radio relics to constrain galaxy cluster mergers: a model of double radio relics in CIZA J2242.8+5301
- van Weeren, R.J. ; Brüggen, M. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Hoeft, M.
- 2011MNRAS.418..244M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/418/244)
- A new catalogue of polar-ring galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Moiseev, Alexei V. ; Smirnova, Ksenia I. ; Smirnova, Aleksandrina A. ; Reshetnikov, Vladimir P.
- 2011MNRAS.418..258B
- 3D deconvolution of hyper-spectral astronomical data
- Bongard, S. ; Soulez, F. ; Thiébaut, É. ; Pecontal, É.
- 2011MNRAS.418..271K
- First rate coefficients for an interstellar anion: application to the CN––H2 collisional system
- Klos, J. ; Lique, F.
- 2011MNRAS.418..276S
- Black hole accretion rings revealed by future X-ray spectroscopy
- Sochora, V. ; Karas, V. ; Svoboda, J. ; Dovciak, M.
- 2011MNRAS.418..284B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/418/284)
- The s-process in low-metallicity stars – II. Interpretation of high-resolution spectroscopic observations with asymptotic giant branch models
- Bisterzo, S. ; Gallino, R. ; Straniero, O. ; Cristallo, S. ; Käppeler, F.
- 2011MNRAS.418..320E
- Peaks above the Maxwellian Sea: a new approach to finding substructures in N-body haloes
- Elahi, Pascal J. ; Thacker, Robert J. ; Widrow, Lawrence M.
- 2011MNRAS.418..336L
- Disentangling the dark matter halo from the stellar halo
- Libeskind, Noam I. ; Knebe, Alexander ; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Yepes, Gustavo
- 2011MNRAS.418..346M
- Effects of massive neutrinos on the large-scale structure of the Universe
- Marulli, Federico ; Carbone, Carmelita ; Viel, Matteo ; Moscardini, Lauro ; Cimatti, Andrea
- 2011MNRAS.418..357B
- Partial coverage of the broad-line region of Q1232+082 by an intervening H2-bearing cloud
- Balashev, S.A. ; Petitjean, P. ; Ivanchik, A.V. ; Ledoux, C. ; Srianand, R. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Varshalovich, D.A.
- 2011MNRAS.418..370W
- A 3D photoionization model of the extreme planetary nebula NGC 6302
- Wright, N.J. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Ercolano, B. ; Rauch, T.
- 2011MNRAS.418..390J
- The Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in weakly ionized plasmas: ambipolar-dominated and Hall-dominated flows
- Jones, A.C. ; Downes, T.P.
- 2011MNRAS.418..401Y
- Stability in the weak variational principle of barotropic flows and implications for self-gravitating discs
- Yahalom, Asher
- 2011MNRAS.418..427S
- Gravitational waves and non-axisymmetric oscillation modes in mergers of compact object binaries
- Stergioulas, Nikolaos ; Bauswein, Andreas ; Zagkouris, Kimon ; Janka, Hans-Thomas
- 2011MNRAS.418..437J
- The optical and X-ray light curves of Hercules X-1
- Jurua, E. ; Charles, P.A. ; Still, M. ; Meintjes, P.J.
- 2011MNRAS.418..444B
- Identification of field dwarfs and giants in the second Radial Velocity Experiment Data Release
- Bilir, S. ; Karaali, S. ; Ak, S. ; Önal, Ö. ; Coskunoglu, B. ; Seabroke, G.M.
- 2011MNRAS.418..456W
- On a novel approach using massive clusters at high redshifts as cosmological probe
- Waizmann, J.-C. ; Ettori, S. ; Moscardini, L.
- 2011MNRAS.418..467R
- Foreground component separation with generalized Internal Linear Combination
- Remazeilles, Mathieu ; Delabrouille, Jacques ; Cardoso, Jean-François
- 2011MNRAS.418..477B
- Luminosities of recycled radio pulsars in globular clusters
- Bagchi, Manjari ; Lorimer, D.R. ; Chennamangalam, Jayanth
- 2011MNRAS.418..490C
- Terzan 5 transient IGR J17480-2446: variation of burst and spectral properties with spectral states
- Chakraborty, Manoneeta ; Bhattacharyya, Sudip ; Mukherjee, Arunava
- 2011MNRAS.418..500I
- Probing cosmic star formation up to z= 9.4 with gamma-ray bursts
- Ishida, E.E.O. ; de Souza, R.S. ; Ferrara, A.
- 2011MNRAS.418..505C
- Bias in low-multipole cosmic microwave background reconstructions
- Copi, Craig J. ; Huterer, Dragan ; Schwarz, Dominik J. ; Starkman, Glenn D.
- 2011MNRAS.418..516G
- Polarized foreground removal at low radio frequencies using rotation measure synthesis: uncovering the signature of hydrogen reionization
- Geil, Paul M. ; Gaensler, B.M. ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
- 2011MNRAS.418..536E
- Weak-lensing statistics from the Coyote Universe
- Eifler, Tim
- 2011MNRAS.418..545D
- Composition and evolution of interstellar grain mantle under the effects of photodissociation
- Das, Ankan ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.
- 2011MNRAS.418..556L
- Could AX J1841.0-0536 be an anti-magnetar?
- Li, X.-D. ; Zhang, Z.
- 2011MNRAS.418..561C
- Pulsar timing analysis in the presence of correlated noise
- Coles, W. ; Hobbs, G. ; Champion, D.J. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Verbiest, J.P.W.
- 2011MNRAS.418..571F
- On the effects of microphysical grain properties on the yields of carbonaceous dust from Type II supernovae
- Fallest, David W. ; Nozawa, Takaya ; Nomoto, Ken'ichi ; Umeda, Hideyuki ; Maeda, Keiichi ; Kozasa, Takashi ; Lazzati, Davide
- 2011MNRAS.418..583M
- Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves from realistic density profiles
- Mimica, P. ; Giannios, D.
- 2011MNRAS.418..591B
- Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of black hole accretion: a step to model black hole feedback in galaxies
- Barai, Paramita ; Proga, Daniel ; Nagamine, Kentaro
- 2011MNRAS.418..612W
- A particle simulation for the global pulsar magnetosphere – II. The case of dipole field
- Wada, Tomohide ; Shibata, Shinpei
- 2011MNRAS.418..625S
- Extinction law in ultraluminous infrared galaxies at z ∼ 1
- Shimizu, T. ; Kawara, K. ; Sameshima, H. ; Ienaka, N. ; Nozawa, T. ; Kozasa, T.
- 2011MNRAS.418..638B
- Emission geometry, radiation pattern and magnetic topology of the magnetar XTE J1810-197 in its quiescent state
- Bernardini, F. ; Perna, R. ; Gotthelf, E.V. ; Israel, G.L. ; Rea, N. ; Stella, L.
- 2011MNRAS.418..648S
- Clues to the `Magellanic Galaxy' from cosmological simulations
- Sales, Laura V. ; Navarro, Julio F. ; Cooper, Andrew P. ; White, Simon D.M. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Helmi, Amina
- 2011MNRAS.418..659L
- On the excitation of f modes and torsional modes by magnetar giant flares
- Levin, Yuri ; van Hoven, Maarten
- 2011MNRAS.418..664N
- The CO–H2 conversion factor in disc galaxies and mergers
- Narayanan, Desika ; Krumholz, Mark ; Ostriker, Eve C. ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2011MNRAS.418..680D
- Very Large Telescope/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph and FORS2 spectroscopy of the GRB 081008 afterglow
- D'Elia, V. ; Campana, S. ; Covino, S. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Piranomonte, S. ; Tagliaferri, G.
- 2011MNRAS.418..691P
- The contribution of star-forming galaxies to the cosmic radio background
- Ponente, P.P. ; Ascasibar, Y. ; Diego, J.M.
- 2011MNRAS.418..696R
- Manganese evolution in Omega Centauri: a clue to the cluster formation mechanisms?
- Romano, Donatella ; Cescutti, Gabriele ; Matteucci, Francesca
- 2011MNRAS.418..703B
- Erratum: Stellar, brown dwarf and multiple star properties from hydrodynamical simulations of star cluster formation
- Bate, Matthew R.
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