Monthly Notices of the RAS 415
August(III) 2011

Frequency analysis and pulsational mode identification of two γ Doradus stars: HD 40745 and HD 189631
Maisonneuve, F. ; Pollard, K.R. ; Cottrell, P.L. ; Wright, D.J. ; De Cat, P. ; Mantegazza, L. ; Kilmartin, P.M. ; Suárez, J.C. ; Rainer, M. ; Poretti, E.
Hα emitters in z∼ 2 protoclusters: evidence for faster evolution in dense environments
Hatch, N.A. ; Kurk, J.D. ; Pentericci, L. ; Venemans, B.P. ; Kuiper, E. ; Miley, G.K. ; Röttgering, H.J.A.
Photometric investigation of three W UMa-type binary stars in the old open cluster NGC 188
Liu, L. ; Qian, S.-B. ; Zhu, L.-Y. ; He, J.-J. ; Liao, W.-P. ; Li, L.-J. ; Zhao, E.-G. ; Wang, J.-J.
Mg2 gradients as a signature of brightest cluster galaxy evolution
Loubser, S.I. ; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.
Baryon history and cosmic star formation in non-Gaussian cosmological models: numerical simulations
Maio, Umberto ; Iannuzzi, Francesca
Limiting eccentricity of subparsec massive black hole binaries surrounded by self-gravitating gas discs
Roedig, C. ; Dotti, M. ; Sesana, A. ; Cuadra, J. ; Colpi, M.
Two large amplitude slowly pulsating hot subdwarf stars
Koen, C.
Multifrequency polarization properties of 10 quasars on decaparsec scales at z > 3
O'Sullivan, S.P. ; Gabuzda, D.C. ; Gurvits, L.I.
Rotating Radio Transients: new discoveries, timing solutions and musings
Keane, E.F. ; Kramer, M. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Stappers, B.W. ; McLaughlin, M.A.
Detection of an ultrabright submillimetre galaxy in the Subaru/XMM–Newton Deep Field using AzTEC/ASTE
Ikarashi, S. ; Kohno, K. ; Aguirre, J.E. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Arumugam, V. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Bock, J.J. ; Bradford, C.M. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; Earle, L. ; Ezawa, H. ; Furusawa, H. ; Furusawa, J. ; Glenn, J. ; Hatsukade, B. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Iono, D. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Johnson, S. ; Kamenetzky, J. ; Kawabe, R. ; Lupu, R. ; Maloney, P. ; Matsuhara, H. ; Mauskopf, P.D. ; Motohara, K. ; Murphy, E.J. ; Nakajima, K. ; Nakanishi, K. ; Naylor, B.J. ; Nguyen, H.T. ; Perera, T.A. ; Scott, K.S. ; Shimasaku, K. ; Takagi, T. ; Takata, T. ; Tamura, Y. ; Tanaka, K. ; Tsukagoshi, T. ; Wilner, D.J. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Yun, M.S. ; Zmuidzinas, J.
The cometary activity of Centaur P/2004 A1 (LONEOS)
Epifani, E.Mazzotta ; Dall'Ora, M. ; Perna, D. ; Palumbo, P. ; Colangeli, L.
Production and isolation of OH radicals in water ice
Zins, Emilie-Laure ; Joshi, Prasad Ramesh ; Krim, Lahouari
Scale-dependent bias of galaxies from baryonic acoustic oscillations
Barkana, Rennan ; Loeb, Abraham
Spotting the misaligned outflows in NGC 1068 using X-ray polarimetry
Goosmann, R.W. ; Matt, G.
Hydrogen chemisorption on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via tunnelling
Goumans, T.P.M.
The role of dissipation in the scaling relations of cosmological merger remnants
Covington, M.D. ; Primack, J.R. ; Porter, L.A. ; Croton, D.J. ; Somerville, R.S. ; Dekel, A.
Fermi/GBM and BATSE gamma-ray bursts: comparison of the spectral properties
Nava, L. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Celotti, A.
A study of six low-redshift quasar pairs
Farina, E.P. ; Falomo, R. ; Treves, A.
Symplectic integrators in the shearing sheet
Rein, Hanno ; Tremaine, Scott
Non-universality of halo profiles and implications for dark matter experiments
Reed, Darren S. ; Koushiappas, Savvas M. ; Gao, Liang
Galactic ménage à trois: simulating magnetic fields in colliding galaxies
Kotarba, H. ; Lesch, H. ; Dolag, K. ; Naab, T. ; Johansson, P.H. ; Donnert, J. ; Stasyszyn, F.A.
Anisotropy of Alfvénic turbulence in the solar wind and numerical simulations
Chen, C.H.K. ; Mallet, A. ; Yousef, T.A. ; Schekochihin, A.A. ; Horbury, T.S.
Fast and accurate computation of the aberration kernel for the cosmic microwave background sky
Chluba, J.
The first (nearly) model-independent constraint on the neutral hydrogen fraction at img
McGreer, Ian D. ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Fan, Xiaohui
Ways to constrain neutron star equation of state models using relativistic disc lines
Bhattacharyya, Sudip
Modelling CO emission – II. The physical characteristics that determine the X factor in Galactic molecular clouds
Shetty, Rahul ; Glover, Simon C. ; Dullemond, Cornelis P. ; Ostriker, Eve C. ; Harris, Andrew I. ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Galactic rotation curves in brane world models
Gergely, L.Á. ; Harko, T. ; Dwornik, M. ; Kupi, G. ; Keresztes, Z.
On the dynamics of planetesimals embedded in turbulent protoplanetary discs with dead zones
Gressel, Oliver ; Nelson, Richard P. ; Turner, Neal J.
Secular evolution and structural properties of stellar bars in galaxies
Gadotti, Dimitri A.
A numerical simulation of a `Super-Earth' core delivery from ∼100 to ∼8 au
Cha, Seung-Hoon ; Nayakshin, Sergei
Solar oblateness and Mercury's perihelion precession
Xu, Yan ; Yang, Yuanxi ; Zhang, Qin ; Xu, Guochang
Mass and radius estimation for the neutron star in the X-ray burster 4U 1820-30
Kusmierek, K. ; Madej, J. ; Kuulkers, E.
Be/X-ray binaries as the progenitors of the supergiant fast X-ray transients IGR J18483–0311 and IGR J11215–5952
Liu, Q.Z. ; Chaty, S. ; Yan, J.Z.
Chandra X-ray spectroscopy of the very early O supergiant HD 93129A: constraints on wind shocks and the mass-loss rate
Cohen, David H. ; Gagné, Marc ; Leutenegger, Maurice A. ; MacArthur, James P. ; Wollman, Emma E. ; Sundqvist, Jon O. ; Fullerton, Alex W. ; Owocki, Stanley P.
Estimating the mass of the debris disc in HD 69830
Heng, Kevin
Violent interaction between the active galactic nucleus and the hot gas in the core of the galaxy cluster Sérsic 159-03
Werner, N. ; Sun, M. ; Bagchi, J. ; Allen, S.W. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Sirothia, S.K. ; Simionescu, A. ; Million, E.T. ; Jacob, J. ; Donahue, M.
Mass accretion to young stars triggered by flaring activity in circumstellar discs
Orlando, Salvatore ; Reale, Fabio ; Peres, Giovanni ; Mignone, Andrea
2011MNRAS.415.3393F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/415/3393)
Global properties of `ordinary' early-type galaxies: photometry and spectroscopy of stars and globular clusters in NGC 4494
Foster, Caroline ; Spitler, Lee R. ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Pota, Vincenzo ; Bekki, Kenji ; Strader, Jay ; Proctor, Robert N. ; Arnold, Jacob A. ; Brodie, Jean P.
Chemical abundances and spatial distribution of long gamma-ray bursts
Artale, M.C. ; Pellizza, L.J. ; Tissera, P.B.
The updated luminosity correlations of gamma-ray bursts and cosmological implications
Wang, Fa-Yin ; Qi, Shi ; Dai, Zi-Gao
Alfvén wave amplification and self-containment of cosmic rays escaping from a supernova remnant
Fujita, Yutaka ; Takahara, Fumio ; Ohira, Yutaka ; Iwasaki, Kazunari
Star formation efficiency as a function of metallicity: from star clusters to galaxies
Dib, Sami ; Piau, Laurent ; Mohanty, Subhanjoy ; Braine, Jonathan
Nova V5579 Sgr 2008: near-infrared studies during maximum and the early decline phase
Raj, Ashish ; Ashok, N.M. ; Banerjee, D.P.K.
Detecting extrasolar planets from stellar radial velocities using Bayesian evidence
Feroz, F. ; Balan, S.T. ; Hobson, M.P.
Physical conditions of the interstellar medium of high-redshift, strongly lensed submillimetre galaxies from the Herschel-ATLAS
Valtchanov, I. ; Virdee, J. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Swinyard, B. ; van der Werf, P. ; Rigopoulou, D. ; da Cunha, E. ; Lupu, R. ; Benford, D.J. ; Riechers, D. ; Smail, Ian ; Jarvis, M. ; Pearson, C. ; Gomez, H. ; Hopwood, R. ; Altieri, B. ; Birkinshaw, M. ; Coia, D. ; Conversi, L. ; Cooray, A. ; De Zotti, G. ; Dunne, L. ; Frayer, D. ; Leeuw, L. ; Marston, A. ; Negrello, M. ; Portal, M.Sanchez ; Scott, D. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Vaccari, M. ; Baes, M. ; Clements, D. ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Dannerbauer, H. ; Serjeant, S. ; Auld, R. ; Buttiglione, S. ; Cava, A. ; Dariush, A. ; Dye, S. ; Eales, S. ; Fritz, J. ; Ibar, E. ; Maddox, S. ; Pascale, E. ; Pohlen, M. ; Rigby, E. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Temi, P. ; Carpenter, J. ; Bolatto, A. ; Gurwell, M. ; Vieira, J.D.
Weak lensing reconstruction through cosmic magnification – I. A minimal variance map reconstruction
Yang, Xinjuan ; Zhang, Pengjie
Synthetic line and continuum linear-polarization signatures of axisymmetric Type II supernova ejecta
Dessart, Luc ; Hillier, D.John
AGN feedback and iron enrichment in the powerful radio galaxy, 4C+55.16
Hlavacek-Larrondo, J. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Taylor, G.B.
The Kepler view of γ Doradus stars
Balona, L.A. ; Guzik, J.A. ; Uytterhoeven, K. ; Smith, J.C. ; Tenenbaum, P. ; Twicken, J.D.
Global asteroseismic properties of solar-like oscillations observed by Kepler: a comparison of complementary analysis methods
Verner, G.A. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Campante, T.L. ; Corsaro, E. ; Gaulme, P. ; Hekker, S. ; Huber, D. ; Karoff, C. ; Mathur, S. ; Mosser, B. ; Appourchaux, T. ; Ballot, J. ; Bedding, T.R. ; Bonanno, A. ; Broomhall, A.-M. ; Garcìa, R.A. ; Handberg, R. ; New, R. ; Stello, D. ; Régulo, C. ; Roxburgh, I.W. ; Salabert, D. ; White, T.R. ; Caldwell, D.A. ; Christiansen, J.L. ; Fanelli, M.N.
On motions around the collinear libration points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem
Hou, X.Y. ; Liu, L.
Power-density spectrum of non-stationary short-lived light curves
Guidorzi, Cristiano
The effect of thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch stars on the evolution of the rest-frame near-infrared galaxy luminosity function
Henriques, Bruno ; Maraston, Claudia ; Monaco, Pierluigi ; Fontanot, Fabio ; Menci, Nicola ; De Lucia, Gabriella ; Tonini, Chiara
Standardizing the gamma-ray bursts with the Amati Ep,iEiso relation: the updated Hubble diagram and implications for cosmography
Demianski, Marek ; Piedipalumbo, Ester
On linear dust–gas streaming instabilities in protoplanetary discs
Jacquet, Emmanuel ; Balbus, Steven ; Latter, Henrik
Accuracy of the thin-lens approximation in strong lensing by smoothly truncated dark matter haloes
Frittelli, Simonetta ; Kling, Thomas P.
A numerical experiment on light pollution from distant sources
Kocifaj, M.
Analysing derived metallicities and ionization parameters from model-based determinations in ionized gaseous nebulae
Dors Jr, O.L. ; Krabbe, Angela ; Hägele, Guillermo F. ; Pérez-Montero, Enrique
Galaxy Zoo: bar lengths in local disc galaxies
Hoyle, Ben ; Masters, Karen.L. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Edmondson, Edward M. ; Smith, Arfon M. ; Lintott, Chris ; Scranton, Ryan ; Bamford, Steven ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Thomas, Daniel
Contribution to the diffuse radio background from extragalactic radio sources
Vernstrom, T. ; Scott, Douglas ; Wall, J.V.
The effects of galaxy formation on the matter power spectrum: a challenge for precision cosmology
van Daalen, Marcel P. ; Schaye, Joop ; Booth, C.M. ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio
CLARA's view on the escape fraction of Lyman α photons in high-redshift galaxies
Forero-Romero, Jaime E. ; Yepes, Gustavo ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Knollmann, Steffen R. ; Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Prada, Francisco
Two-fluid ambipolar diffusion for molecular clouds with realistic heating and cooling
Tilley, David A. ; Balsara, Dinshaw S.
Observational evidence of dissipative photospheres in gamma-ray bursts
Ryde, Felix ; Pe'er, Asaf ; Nymark, Tanja ; Axelsson, Magnus ; Moretti, Elena ; Lundman, Christoffer ; Battelino, Milan ; Bissaldi, Elisabetta ; Chiang, James ; Jackson, Miranda S. ; Larsson, Stefan ; Longo, Francesco ; McGlynn, Sinead ; Omodei, Nicola
Numerical overcooling in shocks
Creasey, Peter ; Theuns, Tom ; Bower, Richard G. ; Lacey, Cedric G.
Bondi flow from a slowly rotating hot atmosphere
Narayan, Ramesh ; Fabian, Andrew C.
A novel approach for accurate radiative transfer in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
Petkova, Margarita ; Springel, Volker
The effects of a hot gaseous halo in galaxy major mergers
Moster, Benjamin P. ; Macciò, Andrea V. ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Naab, Thorsten ; Cox, T.J.
Dissecting the colour–magnitude diagram: a homogeneous catalogue of stellar populations in globular clusters
Leigh, Nathan ; Sills, Alison ; Knigge, Christian
Solar-like oscillations from the depths of the red-giant star KIC 4351319 observed with Kepler
Di Mauro, M.P. ; Cardini, D. ; Catanzaro, G. ; Ventura, R. ; Barban, C. ; Bedding, T.R. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; De Ridder, J. ; Hekker, S. ; Huber, D. ; Kallinger, T. ; Miglio, A. ; Montalban, J. ; Mosser, B. ; Stello, D. ; Uytterhoeven, K. ; Kinemuchi, K. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Mullally, F. ; Still, M.
A simple model for AGN feedback in nearby early-type galaxies
Kaviraj, Sugata ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Silk, Joseph ; Shabala, Stanislav S.
On the alleged duality of the Galactic halo
Schönrich, Ralph ; Asplund, Martin ; Casagrande, Luca
Resonant trapping of stars by merging massive black hole binaries
Seto, Naoki ; Muto, Takayuki
2011MNRAS.415.3831A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/415/3831)
AzTEC millimetre survey of the COSMOS field – III. Source catalogue over 0.72 deg2 and plausible boosting by large-scale structure
Aretxaga, I. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Aguilar, E. ; Alberts, S. ; Scott, K.S. ; Scoville, N. ; Yun, M.S. ; Austermann, J. ; Downes, T.P. ; Ezawa, H. ; Hatsukade, B. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Kawabe, R. ; Kohno, K. ; Oshima, T. ; Perera, T.A. ; Tamura, Y. ; Zeballos, M.
Large-scale environmental bias of the high-redshift quasar line-of-sight proximity effect
Partl, A.M. ; Müller, V. ; Yepes, G. ; Gottlöber, S.
A deep insight into the Mg–Al–Si nucleosynthesis in massive asymptotic giant branch and super-asymptotic giant branch stars
Ventura, P. ; Carini, R. ; D'Antona, F.
Maser maps and magnetic field of OH 337.705-0.053
Caswell, J.L. ; Kramer, B.Hutawarakorn ; Reynolds, J.E.
Two-component model of the interaction of an interstellar cloud with surrounding hot plasma
Provornikova, E.A. ; Izmodenov, V.V. ; Lallement, R.
Mass-loss in 2D zero-age main-sequence stellar models
Lovekin, C.C.
The density and pseudo-phase-space density profiles of cold dark matter haloes
Ludlow, Aaron D. ; Navarro, Julio F. ; White, Simon D.M. ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Springel, Volker ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Frenk, Carlos S.
Dissecting the size evolution of elliptical galaxies since z∼ 1: puffing-up versus minor-merging scenarios
Trujillo, Ignacio ; Ferreras, Ignacio ; de la Rosa, Ignacio G.
Meteor shower features: are they governed by the initial formation process or by subsequent gravitational perturbations?
Williams, I.P. ; Ryabova, G.O.
Photometric detection of non-transiting short-period low-mass companions through the beaming, ellipsoidal and reflection effects in Kepler and CoRoT light curves
Faigler, S. ; Mazeh, T.
Non-gravitational contributions to the clustering of Lyα selected galaxies: implications for cosmological surveys
Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Dijkstra, Mark
Pulsar–black hole binaries in the Galactic Centre
Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André ; Loeb, Abraham
Erratum: An X-ray spectral model for Compton-thick toroidal reprocessors
Murphy, Kendrah D.; Yaqoob, Tahir
Erratum: On the efficiency of production of the Fe Kα emission line in neutral matter
Yaqoob, T.; Murphy, K.D.; Miller, L.; Turner, T.J.
Erratum: Possible conversion of a neutron star to a quark star in the presence of high magnetic field
Mallick, Ritam; Sinha, Monika
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