Monthly Notices of the RAS 414
July(I) 2011
- 2011MNRAS.414.1793A
- The massive star clusters in the dwarf merger ESO 185-IG13: is the red excess ubiquitous in starbursts?
- Adamo, A. ; Östlin, G. ; Zackrisson, E. ; Hayes, M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.1813D
- Simulated evolution of the dark matter large-scale structure of the Universe
- DemiaNski, M. ; Doroshkevich, A. ; Pilipenko, S. ; Gottlöber, S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.1827T
- Multiphase dusty gas in the centre of NGC 4278
- Tang, Yuping ; Gu, Qiusheng ; Zhang, Shuinai ; Tang, Baitian
- 2011MNRAS.414.1840M
- A weak lensing detection of the cosmological distance–redshift relation behind three massive clusters
- Medezinski, Elinor ; Broadhurst, Tom ; Umetsu, Keiichi ; Benìtez, Narciso ; Taylor, Andy
- 2011MNRAS.414.1851O
- Detailed cluster lensing profiles at large radii and the impact on cluster weak lensing studies
- Oguri, Masamune ; Hamana, Takashi
- 2011MNRAS.414.1862D
- Order statistics of the early-type galaxy luminosity function
- Dobos, László ; Csabai, István
- 2011MNRAS.414.1875H
- Extending pure luminosity evolution models into the mid-infrared, far-infrared and submillimetre
- Hill, Michael D. ; Shanks, Tom
- 2011MNRAS.414.1887B
- The SAURON project – XVIII. The integrated UV–line-strength relations of early-type galaxies
- Bureau, Martin ; Jeong, Hyunjin ; Yi, Sukyoung K. ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Houghton, Ryan C.W. ; Davies, Roger L. ; Bacon, Roland ; Cappellari, Michele ; de Zeeuw, P.Tim ; Emsellem, Eric ; Falcón-Barroso, Jesús ; Krajnovic, Davor ; Kuntschner, Harald ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Peletier, Reynier F. ; Sarzi, Marc ; Sohn, Young-Jong ; Thomas, Daniel ; van den Bosch, Remco C.E. ; van de Ven, Glenn
- 2011MNRAS.414.1903G
- Infrared luminosity functions of AKARI Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies
- Goto, Tomotsugu ; Arnouts, Stephane ; Malkan, Matthew ; Takagi, Toshinobu ; Inami, Hanae ; Pearson, Chris ; Wada, Takehiko ; Matsuhara, Hideo ; Yamauchi, Chisato ; Takeuchi, Tsutomu T. ; Nakagawa, Takao ; Oyabu, Shinki ; Ishihara, Daisuke ; Sanders, David B. ; Le Floc'h, Emeric ; Lee, Hyung Mok ; Jeong, Woong-Seob ; Serjeant, Stephen ; Sedgwick, Chris
- 2011MNRAS.414.1914C
- Magnetic fields from OH maser maps at 6035 and 6030 MHz at Galactic sites 351.417+0.645 and 353.410-0.360
- Caswell, J.L. ; Kramer, B.Hutawarakorn ; Reynolds, J.E.
- 2011MNRAS.414.1927S
- Star formation trends in high-redshift galaxy surveys: the elephant or the tail?
- Stringer, Martin ; Cole, Shaun ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Stark, Daniel P.
- 2011MNRAS.414.1937M
- Observational constraints on the spin of the most massive black holes from radio observations
- Martìnez-Sansigre, Alejo ; Rawlings, Steve
- 2011MNRAS.414.1965L
- Contemporaneous Chandra HETG and Suzaku X-ray observations of NGC 4051
- Lobban, A.P. ; Reeves, J.N. ; Miller, L. ; Turner, T.J. ; Braito, V. ; Kraemer, S.B. ; Crenshaw, D.M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.1987N
- Statistical classification techniques for photometric supernova typing
- Newling, J. ; Varughese, M. ; Bassett, B. ; Campbell, H. ; Hlozek, R. ; Kunz, M. ; Lampeitl, H. ; Martin, B. ; Nichol, R. ; Parkinson, D. ; Smith, M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2005C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/414/2005)
- Cosmic Flows: Green Bank Telescope and Parkes H I observations
- Courtois, Hélène M. ; Tully, R.Brent ; Makarov, D.I. ; Mitronova, S. ; Koribalski, B. ; Karachentsev, I.D. ; Fisher, J.Richard
- 2011MNRAS.414.2017K
- On the origin of variable gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula
- Komissarov, S.S. ; Lyutikov, M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2029P
- Alignments of galaxy group shapes with large-scale structure
- Paz, Dante J. ; Sgró, Mario A. ; Merchán, Manuel ; Padilla, Nelson
- 2011MNRAS.414.2040C
- Anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background from dark matter with Fermi LAT: a closer look
- Cuoco, A. ; Sellerholm, A. ; Conrad, J. ; Hannestad, S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2055M – (Tables: VII/266)
- A survey of 286 Virgo cluster galaxies at optical griz and near-IR H band: surface brightness profiles and bulge–disc decompositions
- McDonald, Michael ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Tully, R.Brent ; Roediger, Joel
- 2011MNRAS.414.2069T
- Relativistic expansion of magnetic loops at the self-similar stage – II. Magnetized outflows interacting with the ambient plasma
- Takahashi, Hiroyuki R. ; Asano, Eiji ; Matsumoto, Ryoji
- 2011MNRAS.414.2087Y
- Polarization observations of 20 millisecond pulsars
- Yan, W.M. ; Manchester, R.N. ; van Straten, W. ; Reynolds, J.E. ; Hobbs, G. ; Wang, N. ; Bailes, M. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Champion, D.J. ; Coles, W.A. ; Hotan, A.W. ; Khoo, J. ; Oslowski, S. ; Sarkissian, J.M. ; Verbiest, J.P.W. ; Yardley, D.R.B.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2101U
- X-ray spectroscopy of the Virgo Cluster out to the virial radius
- Urban, O. ; Werner, N. ; Simionescu, A. ; Allen, S.W. ; Böhringer, H.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2112M
- Laboratory comparison of coronagraphic concepts under dynamical seeing and high-order adaptive optics correction
- Martinez, P. ; Aller-Carpentier, E. ; Kasper, M. ; Boccaletti, A. ; Dorrer, C. ; Baudrand, J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2125N
- Magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling at Jupiter-like exoplanets with internal plasma sources: implications for detectability of auroral radio emissions
- Nichols, J.D.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2139D
- The detectability of Lyα emission from galaxies during the epoch of reionization
- Dijkstra, Mark ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2148L
- Host galaxy–active galactic nucleus alignments in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7
- Lagos, Claudia del P. ; Padilla, Nelson D. ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Cora, Sofìa A. ; Hao, Lei
- 2011MNRAS.414.2163W
- The stellar kinematics and populations of boxy bulges: cylindrical rotation and vertical gradients
- Williams, Michael J. ; Zamojski, Michel A. ; Bureau, Martin ; Kuntschner, Harald ; Merrifield, Michael R. ; Tim de Zeeuw, P. ; Kuijken, Konrad
- 2011MNRAS.414.2173T
- Population study for γ-ray pulsars with the outer gap model – II. Millisecond pulsars
- Takata, J. ; Wang, Y. ; Cheng, K.S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2186J
- On different types of instabilities in black hole accretion discs: implications for X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei
- Janiuk, Agnieszka ; Czerny, Bozena
- 2011MNRAS.414.2195A
- A pre-outburst signal in the long-term optical light curve of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi
- Adamakis, S. ; Eyres, S.P.S. ; Sarkar, A. ; Walsh, R.W.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2204R
- The star formation history of the Large Magellanic Cloud star cluster NGC 1751
- Rubele, Stefano ; Girardi, Léo ; Kozhurina-Platais, Vera ; Goudfrooij, Paul ; Kerber, Leandro
- 2011MNRAS.414.2215P
- Electrode level Monte Carlo model of radiation damage effects on astronomical CCDs
- Prod'homme, T. ; Brown, A.G.A. ; Lindegren, L. ; Short, A.D.T. ; Brown, S.W.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2229B
- On the variability of the GeV and multi-TeV gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula
- Bednarek, W. ; Idec, W.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2235K
- SUNGLASS: a new weak-lensing simulation pipeline
- Kiessling, A. ; Heavens, A.F. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Joachimi, B.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2246H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/414/2246)
- The morphologies and masses of extremely red galaxies in the Groth Strip
- Hempel, A. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; Prieto, M. ; Trujillo, I. ; Balcells, M. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Abreu, D. ; Eliche-Moral, M.C. ; Domìnguez-Palmero, L.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2265C
- Spherical galaxy models as equilibrium configurations in non-extensive statistics
- Cardone, V.F. ; Leubner, M.P. ; Popolo, A.Del
- 2011MNRAS.414.2275K
- Relativistic effects in the chaotic Sitnikov problem
- Kovács, T. ; Bene, Gy. ; Tél, T.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2282S
- Catalogue of known Galactic SNRs uncovered in Hα light
- Stupar, M. ; Parker, Q.A.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2297I
- Turbulence production and turbulent pressure support in the intergalactic medium
- Iapichino, L. ; Schmidt, W. ; Niemeyer, J.C. ; Merklein, J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2309O
- Far-ultraviolet emission in the A2597 and A2204 brightest cluster galaxies
- Oonk, J.B.R. ; Hatch, N.A. ; Jaffe, W. ; Bremer, M.N. ; van Weeren, R.J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2337T
- Designing decisive detections
- Trotta, Roberto ; Kunz, Martin ; Liddle, Andrew R.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2345C
- Modelling the broad-band spectra of MCG-6-30-15 with a relativistic reflection model
- Chiang, Chia-Ying ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2354F
- The seed magnetic field generated during recombination
- Fenu, Elisa ; Pitrou, Cyril ; Maartens, Roy
- 2011MNRAS.414.2367K
- The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models
- Kim, Han-Seek ; Baugh, C.M. ; Benson, A.J. ; Cole, S. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Lacey, C.G. ; Power, C. ; Schneider, M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2386P
- The effect of the regular solution model in the condensation of protoplanetary dust
- Pignatale, F.C. ; Maddison, S.T. ; Taquet, V. ; Brooks, G. ; Liffman, K.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2406L
- Period switching in the symbiotic star BX Mon
- Leibowitz, Elia M. ; Formiggini, Liliana
- 2011MNRAS.414.2413S
- Kepler photometry of KIC 10661783: a binary star with total eclipses and δ Scuti pulsations
- Southworth, John ; Zima, W. ; Aerts, C. ; Bruntt, H. ; Lehmann, H. ; Kim, S.-L. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Pavlovski, K. ; Prsa, A. ; Smalley, B. ; Gilliland, R.L. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Kawaler, S.D. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Cote, M.T. ; Tenenbaum, P. ; Twicken, J.D.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2424V
- Dust-correlated cm wavelength continuum emission from translucent clouds ζ Oph and LDN 1780
- Vidal, M. ; Casassus, S. ; Dickinson, C. ; Witt, A.N. ; Castellanos, P. ; Davies, R.D. ; Davis, R.J. ; Cabrera, G. ; Cleary, K. ; Allison, J.R. ; Bond, J.R. ; Bronfman, L. ; Bustos, R. ; Jones, M.E. ; Paladini, R. ; Pearson, T.J. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reeves, R. ; Sievers, J.L. ; Taylor, A.C.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2436C
- Extreme value statistics of smooth Gaussian random fields
- Colombi, Stéphane ; Davis, Olaf ; Devriendt, Julien ; Prunet, Simon ; Silk, Joe
- 2011MNRAS.414.2446M
- Mass models of the Milky Way
- McMillan, Paul J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2458V
- The rates and modes of gas accretion on to galaxies and their gaseous haloes
- van de Voort, Freeke ; Schaye, Joop ; Booth, C.M. ; Haas, Marcel R. ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio
- 2011MNRAS.414.2479R
- Absolute properties of BG Ind – a bright F3 system just leaving the main sequence
- Rozyczka, M. ; Kaluzny, J. ; Pych, W. ; Konacki, M. ; Malek, K. ; Mankiewicz, L. ; Sokolowski, M. ; Zarnecki, A.F.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2486K
- Steady-state evolution of debris discs around solar-type stars
- Kains, N. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Greaves, J.S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2498S
- Slowly breaking waves: the longevity of tidally induced spiral structure
- Struck, Curtis ; Dobbs, Clare L. ; Hwang, Jeong-Sun
- 2011MNRAS.414.2511V
- Molecular cloud evolution – IV. Magnetic fields, ambipolar diffusion and the star formation efficiency
- Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; Banerjee, Robi ; Gómez, Gilberto C. ; Hennebelle, Patrick ; Duffin, Dennis ; Klessen, Ralf S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2528P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/414/2528)
- The LBA Calibrator Survey of southern compact extragalactic radio sources – LCS1
- Petrov, Leonid ; Phillips, Chris ; Bertarini, Alessandra ; Murphy, Tara ; Sadler, Elaine M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2540F
- Faraday rotation measure synthesis for magnetic fields of galaxies
- Frick, P. ; Sokoloff, D. ; Stepanov, R. ; Beck, R.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2550K
- The first evidence for multiple pulsation axes: a new rapidly oscillating Ap star in the Kepler field, KIC 10195926
- Kurtz, D.W. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Saio, H. ; Bigot, L. ; Balona, L.A. ; Elkin, V.G. ; Shibahashi, H. ; Brandão, I.M. ; Uytterhoeven, K. ; Frandsen, S. ; Frimann, S. ; Hatzes, A. ; Lueftinger, T. ; Gruberbauer, M. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Kawaler, S.D.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2567H
- Evolution of a buried magnetic field in the central compact object neutron stars
- Ho, Wynn C.G.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2576S
- On the understanding of pulsations in the atmosphere of roAp stars: phase diversity and false nodes
- Sousa, J.C. ; Cunha, M.S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2594H
- Characterization of red giant stars in the public Kepler data
- Hekker, S. ; Gilliland, R.L. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; De Ridder, J. ; Stello, D. ; Kallinger, T. ; Ibrahim, K.A. ; Klaus, T.C. ; Li, J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2602D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/414/2602)
- Random forest automated supervised classification of Hipparcos periodic variable stars
- Dubath, P. ; Rimoldini, L. ; Süveges, M. ; Blomme, J. ; López, M. ; Sarro, L.M. ; De Ridder, J. ; Cuypers, J. ; Guy, L. ; Lecoeur, I. ; Nienartowicz, K. ; Jan, A. ; Beck, M. ; Mowlavi, N. ; De Cat, P. ; Lebzelter, T. ; Eyer, L.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2618M
- Prospect of polarization measurements from black hole binaries in their thermal state with a scattering polarimeter
- Maitra, Chandreyee ; Paul, Biswajit
- 2011MNRAS.414.2629M
- Effect of magnetic activity saturation in chromospheric flux–flux relationships
- Martìnez-Arnáiz, R. ; López-Santiago, J. ; Crespo-Chacón, I. ; Montes, D.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2642L
- Spectral components in the bright, long GRB 061007: properties of the photosphere and the nature of the outflow
- Larsson, J. ; Ryde, F. ; Lundman, C. ; McGlynn, S. ; Larsson, S. ; Ohno, M. ; Yamaoka, K.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2650C
- Designing a cross-correlation search for continuous-wave gravitational radiation from a neutron star in the supernova remnant SNR 1987A
- Chung, C.T.Y. ; Melatos, A. ; Krishnan, B. ; Whelan, J.T.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2664W
- Three-dimensional two-layer outer gap model: Fermi energy-dependent light curves of the Vela pulsar
- Wang, Y. ; Takata, J. ; Cheng, K.S.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2674G
- The transition between BL Lac objects and flat spectrum radio quasars
- Ghisellini, G. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Foschini, L. ; Ghirlanda, G.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2690V
- High-resolution near-infrared spectra of NGC 6624 and 6569
- Valenti, E. ; Origlia, L. ; Rich, R.M.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2696G
- Helicity and α-effect by current-driven instabilities of helical magnetic fields
- Gellert, M. ; Rüdiger, G. ; Hollerbach, R.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2702M
- Possible conversion of a neutron star to a quark star in the presence of high magnetic field
- Mallick, Ritam ; Sinha, Monika
- 2011MNRAS.414.2709S
- Type Ia supernova diversity: white dwarf central density as a secondary parameter in three-dimensional delayed detonation models
- Seitenzahl, I.R. ; Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, F. ; Röpke, F.K.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2716B
- Did the Hilda collisional family form during the late heavy bombardment?
- Broz, M. ; Vokrouhlicky, D. ; Morbidelli, A. ; Nesvorny, D. ; Bottke, W.F.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2728Y
- Equilibrium and dynamical evolution of a self-gravitating system embedded in a potential well
- Yoon, Ilsang ; Lee, Hyung Mok ; Hong, Jongsuk
- 2011MNRAS.414.2739B
- Evidence for a circumnuclear and ionized absorber in the X-ray obscured broad-line radio galaxy 3C 445
- Braito, V. ; Reeves, J.N. ; Sambruna, R.M. ; Gofford, J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2751B
- The structure and evolution of quasi-stars
- Ball, Warrick H. ; Tout, Christopher A. ; Zytkow, Anna N. ; Eldridge, John J.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2763S
- Prospects of the detection of circumbinary planets with Kepler and CoRoT using the variations of eclipse timing
- Schwarz, R. ; Haghighipour, N. ; Eggl, S. ; Pilat-Lohinger, E. ; Funk, B.
- 2011MNRAS.414.2771D
- The luminosity function of the NoSOCS galaxy cluster sample
- De Filippis, E. ; Paolillo, M. ; Longo, G. ; La Barbera, F. ; de Carvalho, R.R. ; Gal, R.
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