Monthly Notices of the RAS 412
April(I) 2011
- 2011MNRAS.412..705B
- The X-ray and radio-emitting plasma lobes of 4C23.56: further evidence of recurrent jet activity and high acceleration energies
- Blundell, Katherine M. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2011MNRAS.412..711T
- Radiation thermo-chemical models of protoplanetary discs - III. Impact of inner rims on spectral energy distributions
- Thi, W.-F. ; Woitke, P. ; Kamp, I.
- 2011MNRAS.412..727C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/412/727)
- Automated morphological classification of Sloan Digital Sky Survey red sequence galaxies
- Cheng, Judy Y. ; Faber, S.M. ; Simard, Luc ; Graves, Genevieve J. ; Lopez, Eric D. ; Yan, Renbin ; Cooper, Michael C.
- 2011MNRAS.412..748C
- Towards a complete treatment of the cosmological recombination problem
- Chluba, J. ; Thomas, R.M.
- 2011MNRAS.412..765H
- Galaxy and Mass Assembly: FUV, NUV, ugrizYJHK Petrosian, Kron and Sérsic photometry
- Hill, David T. ; Kelvin, Lee S. ; Driver, Simon P. ; Robotham, Aaron S.G. ; Cameron, Ewan ; Cross, Nicholas ; Andrae, Ellen ; Baldry, Ivan K. ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Brough, Sarah ; Conselice, Christopher J. ; Dye, Simon ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; Liske, Jochen ; Loveday, Jon ; Norberg, Peder ; Peacock, John A. ; Croom, Scott M. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Graham, Alister W. ; Jones, D.Heath ; Kuijken, Konrad ; Madore, Barry F. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Parkinson, Hannah R. ; Phillipps, Steven ; Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Popescu, Cristina C. ; Prescott, Matthew ; Seibert, Mark ; Sharp, Rob G. ; Sutherland, Will J. ; Thomas, Daniel ; Tuffs, Richard J. ; van Kampen, Elco
- 2011MNRAS.412..800S
- Measuring the escape velocity and mass profiles of galaxy clusters beyond their virial radius
- Serra, Ana Laura ; Diaferio, Antonaldo ; Murante, Giuseppe ; Borgani, Stefano
- 2011MNRAS.412..817B
- Particle reacceleration by compressible turbulence in galaxy clusters: effects of a reduced mean free path
- Brunetti, G. ; Lazarian, A.
- 2011MNRAS.412..825D
- The zCOSMOS-Bright survey: the clustering of early and late galaxy morphological types since z≃ 1
- de la Torre, S. ; Le Fèvre, O. ; Porciani, C. ; Guzzo, L. ; Meneux, B. ; Abbas, U. ; Tasca, L. ; Carollo, C.M. ; Contini, T. ; Kneib, J.-P. ; Lilly, S.J. ; Mainieri, V. ; Renzini, A. ; Scodeggio, M. ; Zamorani, G. ; Bardelli, S. ; Bolzonella, M. ; Bongiorno, A. ; Caputi, K. ; Coppa, G. ; Cucciati, O. ; de Ravel, L. ; Franzetti, P. ; Garilli, B. ; Halliday, C. ; Iovino, A. ; Kampczyk, P. ; Knobel, C. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Kovac, K. ; Lamareille, F. ; Le Borgne, J.-F. ; Le Brun, V. ; Maier, C. ; Mignoli, M. ; Pelló, R. ; Peng, Y. ; Perez-Montero, E. ; Ricciardelli, E. ; Silverman, J. ; Tanaka, M. ; Tresse, L. ; Vergani, D. ; Zucca, E. ; Bottini, D. ; Cappi, A. ; Cassata, P. ; Cimatti, A. ; Leauthaud, A. ; Maccagni, D. ; Marinoni, C. ; McCracken, H.J. ; Memeo, P. ; Oesch, P. ; Pozzetti, L. ; Scaramella, R.
- 2011MNRAS.412..835Y
- The energy budget for X-ray to infrared reprocessing in Compton-thin and Compton-thick active galaxies
- Yaqoob, Tahir ; Murphy, Kendrah D.
- 2011MNRAS.412..843S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/412/843)
- The Stellar Abundances for Galactic Archaeology (SAGA) data base - II. Implications for mixing and nucleosynthesis in extremely metal-poor stars and chemical enrichment of the Galaxy
- Suda, Takuma ; Yamada, Shimako ; Katsuta, Yutaka ; Komiya, Yutaka ; Ishizuka, Chikako ; Aoki, Wako ; Fujimoto, Masayuki Y.
- 2011MNRAS.412..875U
- A new frequency-luminosity relation for long gamma-ray bursts?
- Ukwatta, T.N. ; Dhuga, K.S. ; Morris, D.C. ; MacLachlan, G. ; Parke, W.C. ; Maximon, L.C. ; Eskandarian, A. ; Gehrels, N. ; Norris, J.P. ; Shenoy, A.
- 2011MNRAS.412..883G
- Foreground maps in Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe frequency bands
- Ghosh, Tuhin ; Delabrouille, Jacques ; Remazeilles, Mathieu ; Cardoso, Jean-François ; Souradeep, Tarun
- 2011MNRAS.412..900M
- The final candidate from the JVAS/CLASS search for 6-15 arcsec image separation lensing
- McKean, J.P.
- 2011MNRAS.412..905R
- The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect due to hyperstarburst galaxy winds
- Rowe, Barnaby ; Silk, Joseph
- 2011MNRAS.412..911C
- High-accuracy power spectra including baryonic physics in dynamical Dark Energy models
- Casarini, L. ; Macciò, A.V. ; Bonometto, S.A. ; Stinson, G.S.
- 2011MNRAS.412..921A
- On the interaction of a thin, supersonic shell with a molecular cloud
- Anathpindika, S. ; Bhatt, H.C.
- 2011MNRAS.412..935P
- Simulations of galaxy formation with radiative transfer: hydrogen reionization and radiative feedback
- Petkova, Margarita ; Springel, Volker
- 2011MNRAS.412..947B
- The stellar and hot gas content of low-mass galaxy clusters
- Balogh, Michael L. ; Mazzotta, Pasquale ; Bower, Richard G. ; Eke, Vince ; Bourdin, Hervé ; Lu, Ting ; Theuns, Tom
- 2011MNRAS.412..960T
- Starburst radio galaxies: general properties, evolutionary histories and triggering
- Tadhunter, C. ; Holt, J. ; Delgado, R.González ; Zaurìn, J.Rodrìguez ; Villar-Martìn, M. ; Morganti, R. ; Emonts, B. ; Almeida, C.Ramos ; Inskip, K.
- 2011MNRAS.412..979W
- Top-heavy integrated galactic stellar initial mass functions in starbursts
- Weidner, C. ; Kroupa, P. ; Pflamm-Altenburg, J.
- 2011MNRAS.412..987R
- Orbital similarity functions - application to asteroid pairs
- Rozek, A. ; Breiter, S. ; Jopek, T.J.
- 2011MNRAS.412..995C
- Optimal linear reconstruction of dark matter from halo catalogues
- Cai, Yan-Chuan ; Bernstein, Gary ; Sheth, Ravi K.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1011R
- Studies of quasi-periodic oscillations in the black hole transient XTE J1817-330
- Roy, Jayashree ; Agrawal, P.C. ; Paul, B. ; Duorah, K.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1023H
- Reducing distance errors for standard candles and standard sirens with weak-lensing shear and flexion maps
- Hilbert, Stefan ; Gair, Jonathan R. ; King, Lindsay J.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1038C
- On the optimality of the spherical Mexican hat wavelet estimator for the primordial non-Gaussianity
- Curto, A. ; Martìnez-González, E. ; Barreiro, R.B.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1047C
- A carbon-enhanced metal-poor damped Lyα system: probing gas from Population III nucleosynthesis?
- Cooke, Ryan ; Pettini, Max ; Steidel, Charles C. ; Rudie, Gwen C. ; Jorgenson, Regina A.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1059Z
- Intergalactic dust extinction in hydrodynamic cosmological simulations
- Zu, Ying ; Weinberg, David H. ; Davé, Romeel ; Fardal, Mark ; Katz, Neal ; Keres, Dusan ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1070K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/412/1070)
- Supernova dust for the extinction law in a young infrared galaxy at z∼ 1
- Kawara, K. ; Hirashita, H. ; Nozawa, T. ; Kozasa, T. ; Oyabu, S. ; Matsuoka, Y. ; Shimizu, T. ; Sameshima, H. ; Ienaka, N.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1081W
- The GALEX Arecibo SDSS survey - III. Evidence for the inside-out formation of Galactic discs
- Wang, Jing ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Overzier, Roderik ; Catinella, Barbara ; Schiminovich, David ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; Moran, Sean M. ; Haynes, Martha P. ; Giovanelli, Riccardo ; Kong, Xu
- 2011MNRAS.412.1098M
- The evolution of dwarf galaxies in the Coma supercluster
- Mahajan, Smriti ; Haines, Chris P. ; Raychaudhury, Somak
- 2011MNRAS.412.1105P
- Survey of O VI absorption in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Pathak, A. ; Pradhan, A.C. ; Sujatha, N.V. ; Murthy, J.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1123P
- The rising star formation histories of distant galaxies and implications for gas accretion with time
- Papovich, Casey ; Finkelstein, Steven L. ; Ferguson, Henry C. ; Lotz, Jennifer M. ; Giavalisco, Mauro
- 2011MNRAS.412.1137C
- From pre- to young planetary nebulae: radio continuum variability
- Cerrigone, L. ; Trigilio, C. ; Umana, G. ; Buemi, C.S. ; Leto, P.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1145P
- Abundance determination in H II regions from spectra without the [O II]λ3727+λ3729 line
- Pilyugin, L.S. ; Mattsson, L.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1151B
- Herschel-ATLAS: statistical properties of Galactic cirrus in the GAMA-9 Hour Science Demonstration Phase Field
- Bracco, A. ; Cooray, A. ; Veneziani, M. ; Amblard, A. ; Serra, P. ; Wardlow, J. ; Thompson, M.A. ; White, G. ; Auld, R. ; Baes, M. ; Bertoldi, F. ; Buttiglione, S. ; Cava, A. ; Clements, D.L. ; Dariush, A. ; De Zotti, G. ; Dunne, L. ; Dye, S. ; Eales, S. ; Fritz, J. ; Gomez, H. ; Hopwood, R. ; Ibar, I. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Jarvis, M. ; Lagache, G. ; Lee, M.G. ; Leeuw, L. ; Maddox, S. ; Michalowski, M. ; Pearson, C. ; Pohlen, M. ; Rigby, E. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Temi, P. ; Vaccari, M. ; van der Werf, P.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1162S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/412/1162)
- Wind-driving protostellar accretion discs - II. Numerical method and illustrative solutions
- Salmeron, Raquel ; Königl, Arieh ; Wardle, Mark
- 2011MNRAS.412.1181E
- High-precision automated follow-up transit photometry with a 50-cm robotic telescope
- Eibe, M.T. ; Cuesta, L. ; Ullán, A. ; Pérez-Verde, A. ; Navas, J.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1187B
- Submillimetre observations of galaxy clusters with the BLAST: the star formation activity in Abell 3112
- Braglia, Filiberto G. ; Ade, Peter A.R. ; Bock, James J. ; Chapin, Edward L. ; Devlin, Mark J. ; Edge, Alastair ; Griffin, Matthew ; Gundersen, Joshua O. ; Halpern, Mark ; Hargrave, Peter C. ; Hughes, David H. ; Klein, Jeff ; Marsden, Gaelen ; Mauskopf, Philip ; Moncelsi, Lorenzo ; Netterfield, Calvin B. ; Ngo, Henry ; Olmi, Luca ; Pascale, Enzo ; Patanchon, Guillaume ; Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Rex, Marie ; Scott, Douglas ; Semisch, Christopher ; Thomas, Nicholas ; Truch, Matthew D.P. ; Tucker, Carole ; Tucker, Gregory S. ; Valiante, Elisabetta ; Viero, Marco P. ; Wiebe, Donald V.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1203N
- Through thick and thin: kinematic and chemical components in the solar neighbourhood
- Navarro, Julio F. ; Abadi, Mario G. ; Venn, Kim A. ; Freeman, K.C. ; Anguiano, Borja
- 2011MNRAS.412.1210M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/412/1210)
- Characterizing Kepler asteroseismic targets
- Molenda-Zakowicz, J. ; Latham, D.W. ; Catanzaro, G. ; Frasca, A. ; Quinn, S.N.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1221B
- The deepest radio study of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9: still no evidence for the supernova shell
- Bietenholz, M.F. ; Matheson, H. ; Safi-Harb, S. ; Brogan, C. ; Bartel, N.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1229B
- The evolution of the large-scale emission in Fanaroff-Riley type I jets
- Bordas, P. ; Bosch-Ramon, V. ; Perucho, M.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1237C
- Local stellar kinematics from RAVE data - I. Local standard of rest
- Coskunoglu, B. ; Ak, S. ; Bilir, S. ; Karaali, S. ; Yaz, E. ; Gilmore, G. ; Seabroke, G.M. ; Bienaymé, O. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Campbell, R. ; Freeman, K.C. ; Gibson, B. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Munari, U. ; Navarro, J.F. ; Parker, Q.A. ; Siebert, A. ; Siviero, A. ; Steinmetz, M. ; Watson, F.G. ; Wyse, R.F.G. ; Zwitter, T.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1246G
- On the nature of the H II regions in the extended ultraviolet disc of NGC 4625
- Goddard, Q.E. ; Bresolin, F. ; Kennicutt, R.C. ; Ryan-Weber, E.V. ; Rosales-Ortega, F.F.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1259G
- A search for interstellar naphthalene and anthracene cations
- Galazutdinov, G. ; Lee, Byeong-Cheol ; Song, In-Ok ; Kazmierczak, M. ; Krelowski, J.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1265A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/412/1265)
- Old open clusters and the Galactic metallicity gradient: Berkeley 20, Berkeley 66 and Tombaugh 2
- Andreuzzi, Gloria ; Bragaglia, Angela ; Tosi, Monica ; Marconi, Gianni
- 2011MNRAS.412.1283L
- The nature of assembly bias - I. Clues from a ΛCDM cosmology
- Lacerna, Ivan ; Padilla, Nelson
- 2011MNRAS.412.1295M
- The galaxy population of Abell 1367: the stellar mass-metallicity relation
- Mouhcine, M. ; Kriwattanawong, W. ; James, P.A.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1309S
- Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
- Smith, A.M. ; Lynn, S. ; Sullivan, M. ; Lintott, C.J. ; Nugent, P.E. ; Botyanszki, J. ; Kasliwal, M. ; Quimby, R. ; Bamford, S.P. ; Fortson, L.F. ; Schawinski, K. ; Hook, I. ; Blake, S. ; Podsiadlowski, P. ; Jönsson, J. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Arcavi, I. ; Howell, D.A. ; Bloom, J.S. ; Jacobsen, J. ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Law, N.M. ; Ofek, E.O. ; Walters, R.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1320S
- Modelling the equatorial emission in a microquasar
- Smponias, T. ; Kosmas, T.S.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1331F
- Tidal excitations of oscillation modes in compact white dwarf binaries - I. Linear theory
- Fuller, Jim ; Lai, Dong
- 2011MNRAS.412.1341D
- The growth of massive black holes in galaxy merger simulations with feedback by radiation pressure
- DeBuhr, Jackson ; Quataert, Eliot ; Ma, Chung-Pei
- 2011MNRAS.412.1361C
- An analysis of the blue straggler population in the Sgr dSph globular cluster Arp 2
- Carraro, Giovanni ; Seleznev, Anton F.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1367T
- Chemical abundances in the protoplanetary disc LV 2 (Orion): clues to the causes of the abundance anomaly in H II regions
- Tsamis, Y.G. ; Walsh, J.R. ; Vìlchez, J.M. ; Péquignot, D.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1381M
- Non-linear electromagnetic waves in magnetosphere of a magnetar
- Mazur, Dan ; Heyl, Jeremy S.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1389N
- Fast variability of γ-ray emission from supermassive black hole binary OJ 287
- Neronov, A. ; Vovk, Ie.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1394L
- Instabilities in neutron stars with toroidal magnetic fields
- Lander, S.K. ; Jones, D.I.
- 2011MNRAS.412.1401Z
- Using the topology of large-scale structure to constrain dark energy
- Zunckel, Caroline ; Gott, J.Richard III; Lunnan, Ragnhild
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