Monthly Notices of the RAS 410
January(III) 2011
- 2011MNRAS.410.1409W
- The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey – IV. Velocity dispersions in the molecular interstellar medium in spiral galaxies
- Wilson, C.D. ; Warren, B.E. ; Irwin, J. ; Knapen, J.H. ; Israel, F.P. ; Serjeant, S. ; Attewell, D. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Brinks, E. ; Butner, H.M. ; Clements, D.L. ; Leech, J. ; Matthews, H.E. ; Mühle, S. ; Mortier, A.M.J. ; Parkin, T.J. ; Petitpas, G. ; Tan, B.K. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Usero, A. ; Vaccari, M. ; van der Werf, P. ; Wiegert, T. ; Zhu, M.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1423I
- The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey – V. The CO(J= 3–2) distribution and molecular outflow in NGC 4631
- Irwin, Judith A. ; Wilson, C.D. ; Wiegert, T. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Warren, B.E. ; Wang, Q.D. ; Israel, F.P. ; Serjeant, S. ; Knapen, J.H. ; Brinks, E. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; van der Werf, P. ; Mühle, S.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1441C
- Can eccentric binary millisecond pulsars form by accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs?
- Chen, Wen-Cong ; Liu, Xi-Wei ; Xu, Ren-Xin ; Li, Xiang-Dong
- 2011MNRAS.410.1447I
- Amino acids in comets and meteorites: stability under gamma radiation and preservation of the enantiomeric excess
- Iglesias-Groth, Susana ; Cataldo, Franco ; Ursini, Ornella ; Manchado, Arturo
- 2011MNRAS.410.1454N
- Extending the domain of validity of the Lagrangian approximation
- Nadkarni-Ghosh, Sharvari ; Chernoff, David F.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1489J
- Flares, broadening of the pulse-frequency peak and quasi-periodic oscillations in the transient X-ray pulsar 4U 1901+03
- James, Marykutty ; Paul, Biswajit ; Devasia, Jincy ; Indulekha, Kavila
- 2011MNRAS.410.1496S
- Constraining the molecular gas in the environs of a z ∼ 8 gamma-ray burst host galaxy
- Stanway, Elizabeth R. ; Bremer, Malcolm N. ; Tanvir, Nial R. ; Levan, Andrew J. ; Davies, Luke J.M.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1503K
- The Waldmeier effect and the flux transport solar dynamo
- Karak, Bidya Binay ; Choudhuri, Arnab Rai
- 2011MNRAS.410.1513W
- Pulse-phase-resolved spectroscopy of continuum and reflection in SAX J1808.4-3658
- Wilkinson, Tony ; Patruno, Alessandro ; Watts, Anna ; Uttley, Philip
- 2011MNRAS.410.1521B
- Modelling the time-dependence of the TeV γ-ray source at the Galactic Centre
- Ballantyne, D.R. ; Schumann, M. ; Ford, B.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1527H
- The impact of the warm outflow in the young (GPS) radio source and ULIRG PKS 1345+12 (4C 12.50)
- Holt, J. ; Tadhunter, C.N. ; Morganti, R. ; Emonts, B.H.C.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1537H
- Galaxy protocluster candidates around z ∼ 2.4 radio galaxies
- Hatch, N.A. ; De Breuck, C. ; Galametz, A. ; Miley, G.K. ; Overzier, R.A. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Doherty, M. ; Kodama, T. ; Kurk, J.D. ; Seymour, N. ; Venemans, B.P. ; Vernet, J. ; Zirm, A.W.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1550A
- The optical morphologies of the 2 Jy sample of radio galaxies: evidence for galaxy interactions
- Ramos Almeida, C.; Tadhunter, C.N. ; Inskip, K.J. ; Morganti, R. ; Holt, J. ; Dicken, D.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1577O
- Gamma-rays from molecular clouds illuminated by cosmic rays escaping from interacting supernova remnants
- Ohira, Yutaka ; Murase, Kohta ; Yamazaki, Ryo
- 2011MNRAS.410.1583S
- Radio emission and active galactic nucleus feedback in post-starburst galaxies
- Shin, Min-Su ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Tojeiro, Rita
- 2011MNRAS.410.1593W
- Optical versus infrared studies of dusty galaxies and active galactic nuclei – I. Nebular emission lines
- Wild, Vivienne ; Groves, Brent ; Heckman, Timothy ; Sonnentrucker, Paule ; Armus, Lee ; Schiminovich, David ; Johnson, Benjamin ; Martins, Lucimara ; LaMassa, Stephanie
- 2011MNRAS.410.1611C
- Probing the very high redshift Universe with gamma-ray bursts: prospects for observations with future X-ray instruments
- Campana, S. ; Salvaterra, R. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Kouveliotou, C. ; Grindlay, J.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1617F
- Papaloizou–Pringle instability of magnetized accretion tori
- Fu, Wen ; Lai, Dong
- 2011MNRAS.410.1631E
- WASP-25b: a 0.6 MJ planet in the Southern hemisphere
- Enoch, B. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Anderson, D.R. ; Lister, T.A. ; Hellier, C. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Queloz, D. ; Smalley, B. ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. ; West, R.G. ; Brown, D.J.A. ; Gillon, M. ; Hebb, L. ; Lendl, M. ; Parley, N. ; Pepe, F. ; Pollacco, D. ; Segransan, D. ; Simpson, E. ; Street, R.A. ; Udry, S.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1637S
- The lifetimes of spiral patterns in disc galaxies
- Sellwood, J.A.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1647A
- The effect of massive neutrinos on the matter power spectrum
- Agarwal, Shankar ; Feldman, Hume A.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1655M
- A new globular cluster black hole in NGC 4472
- Maccarone, Thomas J. ; Kundu, Arunav ; Zepf, Stephen E. ; Rhode, Katherine L.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1660D
- On the evolution of the velocity–mass–size relations of disc-dominated galaxies over the past 10 billion years
- Dutton, Aaron A. ; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Faber, Sandra M. ; Simard, Luc ; Kassin, Susan A. ; Koo, David C. ; Bundy, Kevin ; Huang, Jiasheng ; Weiner, Benjamin J. ; Cooper, Michael C. ; Newman, Jeffrey A. ; Mozena, Mark ; Koekemoer, Anton M.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1677K
- Path integral marginalization for cosmology: scale-dependent galaxy bias and intrinsic alignments
- Kitching, T.D. ; Taylor, A.N.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1687D
- The properties of the interstellar medium within a star-forming galaxy at z= 2.3
- Danielson, A.L.R. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Smail, Ian ; Cox, P. ; Edge, A.C. ; Weiss, A. ; Harris, A.I. ; Baker, A.J. ; De Breuck, C. ; Geach, J.E. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Krips, M. ; Lundgren, A. ; Longmore, S. ; Neri, R. ; Flaquer, B.Ocana
- 2011MNRAS.410.1703F
- Smoothly rising star formation histories during the reionization epoch
- Finlator, Kristian ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. ; Davé, Romeel
- 2011MNRAS.410.1725T
- Abundance stratification in Type Ia supernovae – III. The normal SN 2003du
- Tanaka, Masaomi ; Mazzali, Paolo A. ; Stanishev, Vallery ; Maurer, Immanuel ; Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E. ; Nomoto, Ken'ichi
- 2011MNRAS.410.1739D
- Non-LTE time-dependent spectroscopic modelling of Type II-plateau supernovae from the photospheric to the nebular phase: case study for 15 and 25 M☉ progenitor stars
- Dessart, Luc ; Hillier, D.John
- 2011MNRAS.410.1761K
- Orbital solutions for six spectroscopic binaries with circular or nearly circular orbits
- Komonjinda, Siramas ; Hearnshaw, John B. ; Ramm, David J.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1774L
- Nitrogen enrichment in atmospheres of A- and F-type supergiants
- Lyubimkov, Leonid S. ; Lambert, David L. ; Korotin, Sergey A. ; Poklad, Dmitry B. ; Rachkovskaya, Tamara M. ; Rostopchin, Sergey I.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1787B
- Kepler observations of the beaming binary KPD 1946+4340
- Bloemen, S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Ostensen, R.H. ; Charpinet, S. ; Fontaine, G. ; Degroote, P. ; Heber, U. ; Kawaler, S.D. ; Aerts, C. ; Green, E.M. ; Telting, J. ; Brassard, P. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Handler, G. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Silvotti, R. ; Van Grootel, V. ; Lindberg, J.E. ; Pursimo, T. ; Wilson, P.A. ; Gilliland, R.L. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Borucki, W.J. ; Koch, D. ; Jenkins, J.M. ; Klaus, T.C.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1797S
- Constraints on turbulent velocity broadening for a sample of clusters, groups and elliptical galaxies using XMM–Newton
- Sanders, J.S. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Smith, R.K.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1813T
- The orbital solution and spectral classification of the high-mass X-ray binary IGR J01054-7253 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Townsend, L.J. ; Coe, M.J. ; Corbet, R.H.D. ; McBride, V.A. ; Hill, A.B. ; Bird, A.J. ; Schurch, M.P.E. ; Haberl, F. ; Sturm, R. ; Pathak, D. ; van Soelen, B. ; Bartlett, E.S. ; Drave, S.P. ; Udalski, A.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1825R
- Two years of monitoring supergiant fast X-ray transients with Swift
- Romano, P. ; La Parola, V. ; Vercellone, S. ; Cusumano, G. ; Sidoli, L. ; Krimm, H.A. ; Pagani, C. ; Esposito, P. ; Hoversten, E.A. ; Kennea, J.A. ; Page, K.L. ; Burrows, D.N. ; Gehrels, N.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1837P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/410/1837)
- The architecture of Abell 1386 and its relationship to the Sloan Great Wall
- Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Andernach, Heinz ; Fishlock, Cherie K. ; Roseboom, Isaac G. ; Owers, Matthew S.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1849Z
- The dynamics of Neptune Trojans – II. Eccentric orbits and observed objects
- Zhou, Li-Yong ; Dvorak, Rudolf ; Sun, Yi-Sui
- 2011MNRAS.410.1861W
- Escaping stars from young low-N clusters
- Weidner, C. ; Bonnell, I.A. ; Moeckel, N.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1870L
- V605 Aquilae: a born-again star, a nova or both?
- Lau, Herbert H.B. ; De Marco, Orsola ; Liu, X.-W.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1877S
- Variability of the 3C 390.3 nucleus in 2000–2007 and a new estimate of the central black hole mass
- Sergeev, S.G. ; Klimanov, S.A. ; Doroshenko, V.T. ; Efimov, Yu.S. ; Nazarov, S.V. ; Pronik, V.I.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1886S
- X-ray study of HLX1: intermediate-mass black hole or foreground neutron star?
- Soria, Roberto ; Zampieri, Luca ; Zane, Silvia ; Wu, Kinwah
- 2011MNRAS.410.1895Z
- Observational biases in determining extrasolar planet eccentricities in single-planet systems
- Zakamska, Nadia L. ; Pan, Margaret ; Ford, Eric B.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1911C
- Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation – II. Non-universality of the halo mass function
- Courtin, J. ; Rasera, Y. ; Alimi, J.-M. ; Corasaniti, P.-S. ; Boucher, V. ; Füzfa, A.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1932Z
- Modelling peculiar extinction curves
- Zonca, A. ; Cecchi-Pestellini, C. ; Mulas, G. ; Malloci, G.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1939Z
- Strong-lensing analysis of a complete sample of 12 MACS clusters at z > 0.5: mass models and Einstein radii
- Zitrin, Adi ; Broadhurst, Tom ; Barkana, Rennan ; Rephaeli, Yoel ; Benìtez, Narciso
- 2011MNRAS.410.1957H
- A high-velocity narrow absorption line outflow in the quasar J212329.46 - 005052.9
- Hamann, F. ; Kanekar, N. ; Prochaska, J.X. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Ellison, S. ; Malec, A.L. ; Milutinovic, N. ; Ubachs, W.
- 2011MNRAS.410.1975W
- Satellite galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way sized galaxies
- Wadepuhl, Markus ; Springel, Volker
- 2011MNRAS.410.1993S
- Effects of cosmological model assumptions on galaxy redshift survey measurements
- Samushia, Lado ; Percival, Will J. ; Guzzo, Luigi ; Wang, Yun ; Cimatti, Andrea ; Baugh, Carlton ; Geach, James E. ; Lacey, Cedric ; Majerotto, Elisabetta ; Mukherjee, Pia ; Orsi, Alvaro
- 2011MNRAS.410.2003J
- Generalized Schwarzschild's method
- Jalali, Mir Abbas ; Tremaine, Scott
- 2011MNRAS.410.2016V
- Jet simulations and gamma-ray burst afterglow jet breaks
- van Eerten, H.J. ; Meliani, Z. ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Keppens, R.
- 2011MNRAS.410.2025X
- The earliest galaxies seen in 21 cm line absorption
- Xu, Yidong ; Ferrara, Andrea ; Chen, Xuelei
- 2011MNRAS.410.2043S
- Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies: introducing the artificial neural network
- Silva, L. ; Schurer, A. ; Granato, G.L. ; Almeida, C. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Lacey, C.G. ; Paoletti, L. ; Petrella, A. ; Selvestrel, D.
- 2011MNRAS.410.2057B
- Polarization as an indicator of intrinsic alignment in radio weak lensing
- Brown, Michael L. ; Battye, Richard A.
- 2011MNRAS.410.2075L
- Solving the corner-turning problem for large interferometers
- Lutomirski, Andrew ; Tegmark, Max ; Sanchez, Nevada J. ; Stein, Leo C. ; Urry, W.Lynn ; Zaldarriaga, Matias
- 2011MNRAS.410.2081J
- Modelling redshift space distortions in hierarchical cosmologies
- Jennings, E. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Pascoli, S.
- 2011MNRAS.410.2095V
- A selection of hot subluminous stars in the GALEX survey – I. Correlation with the Guide Star Catalog
- Vennes, S. ; Kawka, A. ; Németh, P.
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