Monthly Notices of the RAS 410
January(I) 2011

Rotation of the Solar system planets and the origin of the Moon in the context of the tidal downsizing hypothesis
Nayakshin, Sergei
The distinction between star clusters and associations
Gieles, Mark ; Portegies Zwart, Simon F.
Enhanced core formation rate in a turbulent cloud by self-gravity
Cho, Wankee ; Kim, Jongsoo
The Subaru Lyα blob survey: a sample of 100-kpc Lyα blobs at z= 3
Matsuda, Y. ; Yamada, T. ; Hayashino, T. ; Yamauchi, R. ; Nakamura, Y. ; Morimoto, N. ; Ouchi, M. ; Ono, Y. ; Kousai, K. ; Nakamura, E. ; Horie, M. ; Fujii, T. ; Umemura, M. ; Mori, M.
Bar fraction in lenticular galaxies: dependence on luminosity and environment
Barway, Sudhanshu ; Wadadekar, Yogesh ; Kembhavi, Ajit K.
Diffusive cosmic-ray acceleration at the Galactic Centre
Melia, F. ; Fatuzzo, M.
Adaptive image ray-tracing for astrophysical simulations
Parkin, E.R.
Strong [O III] and [N II] emission lines in globular clusters from photoionized R Corona Borealis star winds
Maccarone, Thomas J. ; Warner, Brian
Magneto-elastic oscillations and the damping of crustal shear modes in magnetars
Gabler, Michael ; Cerdá-Durán, Pablo ; Font, José A. ; Müller, Ewald ; Stergioulas, Nikolaos
The specific star formation rate of high redshift galaxies: the case for two modes of star formation
Khochfar, Sadegh ; Silk, Joseph
Spectral evolution of Fermi/GBM short gamma-ray bursts
Ghirlanda, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Nava, L. ; Burlon, D.
The 2010 nova outburst of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cyg
Munari, U. ; Joshi, V.H. ; Ashok, N.M. ; Banerjee, D.P.K. ; Valisa, P. ; Milani, A. ; Siviero, A. ; Dallaporta, S. ; Castellani, F.
Erratum: Observational constraints on supermassive dark stars
Zackrisson, Erik; Scott, Pat; Rydberg, Claes-Erik; Iocco, Fabio; Sivertsson, Sofia; Östlin, Göran; Mellema, Garrelt; Iliev, Ilian T.; Shapiro, Paul R.
Resolved imaging of the HD 191089 debris disc
Churcher, Laura ; Wyatt, Mark ; Smith, Rachel
Group-finding with photometric redshifts: the photo-z probability peaks algorithm
Gillis, Bryan R. ; Hudson, Michael J.
Probing the nature of high-z short GRB 090426 with its early optical and X-ray afterglows
Xin, Li-Ping ; Liang, En-Wei ; Wei, Jian-Yan ; Zhang, Bing ; Lv, Hou-Jun ; Zheng, Wei-Kang ; Urata, Yuji ; Im, Myungshin ; Wang, Jing ; Qiu, Yu-Lei ; Deng, Jin-Song ; Huang, Kui-Yun ; Hu, Jing-Yao ; Jeon, Yiseul ; Li, Hua-Li ; Han, Xu-Hui
Cosmic microwave background polarization as a probe of the anomalous nature of the cold spot
Vielva, P. ; Martìnez-González, E. ; Cruz, M. ; Barreiro, R.B. ; Tucci, M.
Cosmic ray current driven turbulence in shocks with efficient particle acceleration: the oblique, long-wavelength mode instability
Bykov, A.M. ; Osipov, S.M. ; Ellison, D.C.
Grand unification of AGN activity in the ΛCDM cosmology
Fanidakis, N. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Benson, A.J. ; Bower, R.G. ; Cole, S. ; Done, C. ; Frenk, C.S.
A submillimetre survey of the kinematics of the Perseus molecular cloud - III. Clump kinematics
Curtis, Emily I. ; Richer, John S.
Bayesian exoplanet tests of a new method for MCMC sampling in highly correlated model parameter spaces
Gregory, Philip C.
Dynamical models of the elliptical galaxy NGC 4494
Rodionov, S.A. ; Athanassoula, E.
Acceleration of primary and secondary particles in galaxy clusters by compressible MHD turbulence: from radio haloes to gamma-rays
Brunetti, G. ; Lazarian, A.
Weak lensing from space: first cosmological constraints from three-point shear statistics
Semboloni, Elisabetta ; Schrabback, Tim ; van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Vafaei, Sanaz ; Hartlap, Jan ; Hilbert, Stefan
Discovery of two Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars in Circinus
Roman-Lopes, A.
2011MNRAS.410..166L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/410/166)
Galaxy Zoo 1: data release of morphological classifications for nearly 900 000 galaxies
Lintott, Chris ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Bamford, Steven ; Slosar, Anze ; Land, Kate ; Thomas, Daniel ; Edmondson, Edd ; Masters, Karen ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Raddick, M.Jordan ; Szalay, Alex ; Andreescu, Dan ; Murray, Phil ; Vandenberg, Jan
Puzzling thermonuclear burst behaviour from the transient low-mass X-ray binary IGR J17473-2721
Chenevez, J. ; Altamirano, D. ; Galloway, D.K. ; in 't Zand, J.J.M. ; Kuulkers, E. ; Degenaar, N. ; Falanga, M. ; Del Monte, E.; Evangelista, Y. ; Feroci, M. ; Costa, E.
2011MNRAS.410..190T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/410/190)
A catalogue of young runaway Hipparcos stars within 3 kpc from the Sun
Tetzlaff, N. ; Neuhäuser, R. ; Hohle, M.M.
The quasar mass-luminosity plane - II. High mass turn-off evolution and a synchronization puzzle
Steinhardt, Charles L. ; Elvis, Martin
Satellite kinematics - III. Halo masses of central galaxies in SDSS
More, Surhud ; van den Bosch, Frank C. ; Cacciato, Marcello ; Skibba, Ramin ; Mo, H.J. ; Yang, Xiaohu
Pre-main-sequence stars in the star-forming complex Sh 2-284
Cusano, F. ; Ripepi, V. ; Alcalá, J.M. ; Gandolfi, D. ; Marconi, M. ; Degl'Innocenti, S. ; Palla, F. ; Guenther, E.W. ; Bernabei, S. ; Covino, E. ; Neiner, C. ; Puga, E. ; Hony, S.
Clustering properties of high-redshift red galaxies in SA22 from the UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey
Kim, J.-W. ; Edge, A.C. ; Wake, D.A. ; Stott, J.P.
Corotating light cylinders and Alfvén waves
Gourgouliatos, K.N. ; Lynden-Bell, D.
Testing the correlations between ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and the Veron-Cetty and Veron catalogue of quasars and active galactic nuclei
Zaw, Ingyin ; Farrar, Glennys R. ; Berlind, Andreas A.
Gravitational effects of Nix and Hydra in the external region of the Pluto-Charon system
Pires dos Santos, P.M. ; Giuliatti Winter, S.M. ; Sfair, R.
The colour-magnitude relation of elliptical and lenticular galaxies in the ESO Distant Cluster Survey
Jaffé, Yara L. ; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso ; De Lucia, Gabriella ; Jablonka, Pascale ; Rudnick, Gregory ; Saglia, Roberto ; Zaritsky, Dennis
A torque formula for non-isothermal Type I planetary migration - II. Effects of diffusion
Paardekooper, S.-J. ; Baruteau, C. ; Kley, W.
Very massive runaway stars from three-body encounters
Gvaramadze, Vasilii V. ; Gualandris, Alessia
PPAK Wide-field Integral Field Spectroscopy of NGC 628 - I. The largest spectroscopic mosaic on a single galaxy
Sánchez, S.F. ; Rosales-Ortega, F.F. ; Kennicutt, R.C. ; Johnson, B.D. ; Diaz, A.I. ; Pasquali, A. ; Hao, C.N.
A parametric physical model for the intracluster medium and its use in joint SZ/X-ray analyses of galaxy clusters
Allison, James R. ; Taylor, Angela C. ; Jones, Michael E. ; Rawlings, Steve ; Kay, Scott T.
Multiband light curves of tidal disruption events
Lodato, Giuseppe ; Rossi, Elena M.
The γ-ray brightest days of the blazar 3C 454.3
Bonnoli, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Foschini, L. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Ghirlanda, G.
Modelling spectral evolution of pulsar wind nebulae inside supernova remnants
Bucciantini, N. ; Arons, J. ; Amato, E.
Corotational instability, magnetic resonances and global inertial-acoustic oscillations in magnetized black hole accretion discs
Fu, Wen ; Lai, Dong
Are brightest halo galaxies central galaxies?
Skibba, Ramin A. ; van den Bosch, Frank C. ; Yang, Xiaohu ; More, Surhud ; Mo, Houjun ; Fontanot, Fabio
Higher-order moment models of dense stellar systems: applications to the modelling of the stellar velocity distribution function
Schneider, Justus ; Amaro-Seoane, Pau ; Spurzem, Rainer
Exchange orbits: a possible application to extrasolar planetary systems?
Funk, B. ; Schwarz, R. ; Dvorak, R. ; Roth, M.
The entropy core in galaxy clusters: numerical and physical effects in cosmological grid simulations
Vazza, F.
Double-double radio galaxies: further insights into the formation of the radio structures
Brocksopp, C. ; Kaiser, C.R. ; Schoenmakers, A.P. ; de Bruyn, A.G.
The 1997 event in the Crab pulsar revisited
Graham Smith, F. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Jordan, C.
The star formation history in the far outer disc of M33
Barker, Michael K. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Cole, A.A. ; Ibata, R. ; Irwin, M. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Smecker-Hane, T.A. ; Tanvir, N.R.
Kepler observations of rapidly oscillating Ap, δ Scuti and γ Doradus pulsations in Ap stars
Balona, L.A. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Brandão, I.M. ; Gruberbauer, M. ; Saio, H. ; Ostensen, R. ; Elkin, V.G. ; Borucki, W.J. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Koch, D.G. ; Bryson, S.T.
Properties, evolution and morpho-kinematical modelling of the very fast nova V2672 Oph (Nova Oph 2009), a clone of U Sco
Munari, U. ; Ribeiro, V.A.R.M. ; Bode, M.F. ; Saguner, T.
Towards the use of asteroseismology to investigate the nature of dark matter
Casanellas, Jordi ; Lopes, Ilìdio
Black hole candidate XTE J1752-223: Swift observations of canonical states during outburst
Curran, P.A. ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Casella, P. ; Evans, P.A. ; Landsman, W. ; Krimm, H.A. ; Brocksopp, C. ; Still, M.
Halo occupation distribution of massive galaxies since z= 1
Matsuoka, Y. ; Masaki, S. ; Kawara, K. ; Sugiyama, N.
On the fragmentation criteria of self-gravitating protoplanetary discs
Meru, Farzana ; Bate, Matthew R.
Luminosity functions of local infrared galaxies with AKARI: implications for the cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution
Goto, Tomotsugu ; Arnouts, Stephane ; Inami, Hanae ; Matsuhara, Hideo ; Pearson, Chris ; Takeuchi, Tsutomu T. ; Le Floc'h, Emeric ; Takagi, Toshinobu ; Wada, Takehiko ; Nakagawa, Takao ; Oyabu, Shinki ; Ishihara, Daisuke ; Mok Lee, Hyung ; Jeong, Woong-Seob ; Yamauchi, Chisato ; Serjeant, Stephen ; Sedgwick, Chris ; Treister, Ezequiel
2011MNRAS.410..585S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/410/585)
Fourteen months of observations of the possible super-Chandrasekhar mass Type Ia Supernova 2009dc
Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Ganeshalingam, Mohan ; Li, Weidong ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Miller, Adam A. ; Poznanski, Dovi
High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the F supergiant protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18095+2704
Sahin, T. ; Lambert, David L. ; Klochkova, V.G. ; Tavolganskaya, N.S.
A wide-angle outflow with the simultaneous presence of a high-velocity jet in the high-mass Cepheus A HW2 system
Torrelles, J.M. ; Patel, N.A. ; Curiel, S. ; Estalella, R. ; Gómez, J.F. ; Rodrìguez, L.F. ; Cantó, J. ; Anglada, G. ; Vlemmings, W. ; Garay, G. ; Raga, A.C. ; Ho, P.T.P.
New limits on H+3 abundance on Neptune using Keck NIRSPEC
Melin, H. ; Stallard, T. ; Miller, S. ; Lystrup, M.B. ; Trafton, L.M. ; Booth, T.C. ; Rivers, C.
Analytical solution of a satellite orbit disturbed by lunar and solar gravitation
Xu, Guochang ; Xu, Tianhe ; Yeh, Ta-Kang ; Chen, Wu
Analytical solution of a satellite orbit disturbed by atmospheric drag
Xu, Guochang ; Tianhe, Xu ; Chen, Wu ; Yeh, Ta-Kang
Instability of the parallel electromagnetic modes in Kappa distributed plasmas - I. Electron whistler-cyclotron modes
Lazar, M. ; Poedts, S. ; Schlickeiser, R.
The clearing of discs around late-type T Tauri stars: constraints from the infrared two-colour plane
Ercolano, Barbara ; Clarke, Cathie J. ; Hall, Alex C.
Fast variability as a tracer of accretion regimes in black hole transients
Munoz-Darias, T. ; Motta, S. ; Belloni, T.M.
Thermal fluctuations and nanoscale effects in the nucleation of carbonaceous dust grains
Keith, Adam C. ; Lazzati, Davide
The peculiar horizontal branch of NGC 2808
Dalessandro, E. ; Salaris, M. ; Ferraro, F.R. ; Cassisi, S. ; Lanzoni, B. ; Rood, R.T. ; Fusi Pecci, F. ; Sabbi, E.
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