Monthly Notices of the RAS 409
December(II) 2010
- 2010MNRAS.409..881P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/409/881)
- Mapping and spectroscopy of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 in the visual and infrared
- Phillips, J.P. ; Cuesta, L.C. ; Ramos-Larios, G.
- 2010MNRAS.409..903P
- Signature of long-term class evolution in GRS 1915+105 at a high accretion rate
- Pahari, Mayukh ; Pal, Sabyasachi
- 2010MNRAS.409..913G – (Tables: VIII/96)
- The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue – II. Galactic longitudes 6° to 20°
- Green, J.A. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Avison, A. ; Breen, S.L. ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Gray, M.D. ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Quinn, L. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Voronkov, M.A.
- 2010MNRAS.409..936P
- Local and global environmental effects on galaxies and active galactic nuclei
- Padilla, Nelson ; Lambas, Diego Garcìa ; González, Roberto
- 2010MNRAS.409..953W
- A kinematical approach to gravitational lensing using new formulae for refractive index and acceleration
- Walters, S.J. ; Forbes, L.K. ; Jarvis, P.D.
- 2010MNRAS.409..963B
- Water in the atmosphere of HD 209458b from 3.6–8 µm IRAC photometric observations in primary transit
- Beaulieu, J.P. ; Kipping, D.M. ; Batista, V. ; Tinetti, G. ; Ribas, I. ; Carey, S. ; Noriega-Crespo, J.A. ; Griffith, C.A. ; Campanella, G. ; Dong, S. ; Tennyson, J. ; Barber, R.J. ; Deroo, P. ; Fossey, S.J. ; Liang, D. ; Swain, M.R. ; Yung, Y. ; Allard, N.
- 2010MNRAS.409..975P
- Analysis of radial velocity variations in multiple planetary systems
- Pál, András
- 2010MNRAS.409..985D
- Jet-regulated cooling catastrophe
- Dubois, Yohan ; Devriendt, Julien ; Slyz, Adrianne ; Teyssier, Romain
- 2010MNRAS.409.1002D
- IC 2602: a lithium depletion boundary age and new candidate low-mass stellar members
- Dobbie, P.D. ; Lodieu, N. ; Sharp, R.G.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1013L
- Blue straggler formation via close binary mass transfer
- Lu, P. ; Deng, L.C. ; Zhang, X.B.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1022V
- Quasi-stars and the cosmic evolution of massive black holes
- Volonteri, Marta ; Begelman, Mitchell C.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1033M
- Broad-line region physical conditions along the quasar eigenvector 1 sequence
- Marziani, P. ; Sulentic, J.W. ; Negrete, C.A. ; Dultzin, D. ; Zamfir, S. ; Bachev, R.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1049N
- Hot gas haloes around disc galaxies: O VII column densities from galaxy formation simulations
- Ntormousi, E. ; Sommer-Larsen, J.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1057D
- High-redshift formation and evolution of central massive objects – I. Model description
- Devecchi, B. ; Volonteri, M. ; Colpi, M. ; Haardt, F.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1068Z
- A holistic abundance analysis of r-rich stars
- Zhang, Jiang ; Cui, Wenyuan ; Zhang, Bo
- 2010MNRAS.409.1077B
- The influence of nondipolar magnetic field and neutron star precession on braking indices of radiopulsars
- Barsukov, D.P. ; Tsygan, A.I.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1088B
- ISM properties in hydrodynamic galaxy simulations: turbulence cascades, cloud formation, role of gravity and feedback
- Bournaud, Frédéric ; Elmegreen, Bruce G. ; Teyssier, Romain ; Block, David L. ; Puerari, Ivânio
- 2010MNRAS.409.1100S
- Neutrino masses from clustering of red and blue galaxies: a test of astrophysical uncertainties
- Swanson, Molly E.C. ; Percival, Will J. ; Lahav, Ofer
- 2010MNRAS.409.1113A
- Hydrodynamical wind on a magnetized ADAF with thermal conduction
- Abbassi, S. ; Ghanbari, J. ; Ghasemnezhad, M.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1120H
- Scalings of the synchrotron cut-off and turbulent correlation of active galactic nucleus jets
- Honda, Mitsuru
- 2010MNRAS.409.1127L
- Swift observations of the Be/X-ray transient system 1A 1118-615
- Lin, Lupin Chun-Che ; Takata, Jumpei ; Kong, Albert K.H. ; Hwang, Chorng-Yuan
- 2010MNRAS.409.1136A
- Type I X-ray bursts and burst oscillations in the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17511-3057
- Altamirano, D. ; Watts, A. ; Linares, M. ; Markwardt, C.B. ; Strohmayer, T. ; Patruno, A.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1146G
- The Galactic Centre star S2 as a dynamical probe for intermediate-mass black holes
- Gualandris, A. ; Gillessen, S. ; Merritt, D.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1155D
- Spectroscopy of z∼ 5 Lyman break galaxies in the ESO Remote Galaxy Survey
- Douglas, L.S. ; Bremer, M.N. ; Lehnert, M.D. ; Stanway, E.R. ; Milvang-Jensen, Bo
- 2010MNRAS.409.1172S
- Sources of the radio background considered
- Singal, J. ; Stawarz, L. ; Lawrence, A. ; Petrosian, V.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1183V
- Monte Carlo simulation of electromagnetic cascades in black hole magnetosphere
- Vincent, S. ; LeBohec, S.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1195D
- Orbital period analyses for two cataclysmic variables: UZ Fornacis and V348 Puppis inside the period gap
- Dai, Z.-B. ; Qian, S.-B. ; Lajús, E.Fernández ; Baume, G.L.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1203K
- The effect of spatial and spectral heterogeneity of ground-based light sources on night-sky radiances
- Kocifaj, M. ; Aubé, M. ; Kohút, I.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1213T
- C, N and O abundances in red clump stars of the Milky Way
- Tautvaisiene, G. ; Edvardsson, B. ; Puzeras, E. ; Barisevicius, G. ; Ilyin, I.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1220D
- Discovery of the 51.47-d orbital period in the supergiant fast X-ray transient XTE J1739-302 with INTEGRAL
- Drave, S.P. ; Clark, D.J. ; Bird, A.J. ; McBride, V.A. ; Hill, A.B. ; Sguera, V. ; Scaringi, S. ; Bazzano, A.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1227D
- Compact groups from the Millennium Simulations – I. Their nature and the completeness of the Hickson sample
- Dìaz-Giménez, Eugenia ; Mamon, Gary A.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1244S
- Does Kepler unveil the mystery of the Blazhko effect? First detection of period doubling in Kepler Blazhko RR Lyrae stars
- Szabó, R. ; Kolláth, Z. ; Molnár, L. ; Kolenberg, K. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Bryson, S.T. ; Benkö, J.M. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Borucki, W.J. ; Koch, D. ; Twicken, J.D. ; Chadid, M. ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; Jeon, Y-B. ; Moskalik, P. ; Nemec, J.M. ; Nuspl, J.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1253V
- Pulsar glitch recovery and the superfluidity coefficients of bulk nuclear matter
- Van Eysden, C.A. ; Melatos, A.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1269B
- Kinematics and velocity ellipsoid of the F giants
- Branham, Jr., Richard L.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1281F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/409/1281)
- Old star clusters in the FSR catalogue
- Froebrich, D. ; Schmeja, S. ; Samuel, D. ; Lucas, P.W.
- 2010MNRAS.409.1289A
- X-ray photodesorption from methanol ice
- Andrade, D.P.P. ; Rocco, M.L.M. ; Boechat-Roberty, H.M.
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