Monthly Notices of the RAS 408
October(II) 2010
- 2010MNRAS.408L...1H
- Integral-field spectroscopy of type II QSOs at z = 0.3-0.4
- Humphrey, A.; Villar-Martín, M. ; Sánchez, S.F. ; Martínez-Sansigre, A. ; Delgado, R.González ; Pérez, E. ; Tadhunter, C. ; Pérez-Torres, M.A.
- 2010MNRAS.408L...6L
- The 13Carbon footprint of B[e] supergiants
- Liermann, A.; Kraus, M.; Schnurr, O.; Borges Fernandes, M.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..11B
- Origin of optically passive spiral galaxies with dusty star-forming regions. Outside-in truncation of star formation ?
- Bekki, Kenji; Couch, Warrick J.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..16G
- On the mass-radius relation of hot stellar systems
- Gieles, Mark; Baumgardt, Holger ; Heggie, Douglas C. ; Lamers, Henny J.G.L.M.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..21S
- The number density of superdense early-type galaxies at 1 < z < 2 and the local cluster galaxies
- Saracco, P.; Longhetti, M. ; Gargiulo, A.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..26P
- Was the progenitor of the Sagittarius stream a disc galaxy ?
- Peñarrubia, Jorge; Belokurov, Vasily ; Evans, N.W. ; Martínez-Delgado, David ; Gilmore, Gerard ; Irwin, Mike ; Niederste-Ostholt, Martin ; Zucker, Daniel B.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..31D
- Limits on the molecular gas content of z ∼ 5 LBGs
- Davies, L.J.M.; Bremer, M.N. ; Stanway, E.R. ; Birkinshaw, M. ; Lehnert, M.D.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..36N
- Formation of planets by tidal downsizing of giant planet embryos
- Nayakshin, Sergei
- 2010MNRAS.408L..41T
- A model for nulling and mode changing in pulsars
- Timokhin, A.N.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..46G
- UHECRs from magnetic reconnection in relativistic jets
- Giannios, Dimitrios
- 2010MNRAS.408L..51O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/408/L51)
- 2M1938+4603: a rich, multimode pulsating sdB star with an eclipsing dM companion observed with Kepler
- Ostensen, R.H.; Green, E.M. ; Bloemen, S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Laird, J.B. ; Morris, M. ; Moriyama, E. ; Oreiro, R. ; Reed, M.D. ; Kawaler, S.D. ; Aerts, C. ; Vuckovic, M. ; Degroote, P. ; Telting, J.H. ; Kjeldsen, H. ; Gilliland, R.L. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Borucki, W.J. ; Koch, D.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..56L
- The discovery of a very cool, very nearby brown dwarf in the Galactic plane
- Lucas, P.W.; Tinney, C.G. ; Burningham, Ben ; Leggett, S.K. ; Pinfield, David J. ; Smart, Richard ; Jones, Hugh R.A. ; Marocco, Federico ; Barber, Robert J. ; Yurchenko, Sergei N. ; Tennyson, Jonathan ; Ishii, Miki ; Tamura, Motohide ; Day-Jones, Avril C. ; Adamson, Andrew ; Allard, France ; Homeier, Derek
- 2010MNRAS.408L..61H
- The magnetic field and the evolution of element spots on the surface of the HgMn eclipsing binary AR Aur
- Hubrig, S.; Savanov, I. ; Ilyin, I. ; González, J.F. ; Korhonen, H. ; Lehmann, H. ; Schöller, M. ; Granzer, T. ; Weber, M. ; Strassmeier, K.G. ; Hartmann, M. ; Tkachenko, A.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..66N
- The tidal tails of the ultrafaint globular cluster Palomar 1
- Niederste-Ostholt, M.; Belokurov, V. ; Evans, N.W. ; Koposov, S. ; Gieles, M. ; Irwin, M.J.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..71B
- Near-infrared studies of the 2010 outburst of the recurrent nova U Scorpii
- Banerjee, D.P.K.; Das, R.K. ; Ashok, N.M. ; Rushton, M.T. ; Eyres, S.P.S. ; Maxwell, M.P. ; Worters, H.L. ; Evans, A. ; Schaefer, B.E.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..76F
- Is there a metallicity gradient in the Large Magellanic Cloud ?
- Feast, Michael W.; Abedigamba, Oyirwoth P. ; Whitelock, Patricia A.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..80L
- Lepto-hadronic origin of γ-rays from the G54.1+0.3 pulsar wind nebula
- Li, Hui ; Chen, Yang; Zhang, Li
- 2010MNRAS.408L..85J
- GCN: a gaseous Galactic halo stream ?
- Jin, Shoko
- 2010MNRAS.408L..90S
- Forming the first planetary systems: debris around Galactic thick disc stars
- Sheehan, C.K.W. ; Greaves, J.S.; Bryden, G. ; Rieke, G.H. ; Su, K.Y.L. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Beichman, C.A.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..95K
- AGN have underweight black holes and reach Eddington
- King, A.R.
- 2010MNRAS.408L..99R
- Observations of radio pulses from CU Virginis
- Ravi, V.; Hobbs, G. ; Wickramasinghe, D. ; Champion, D.J. ; Keith, M. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Norris, R.P. ; Bray, J.D. ; Ferrario, L. ; Melrose, D.
- 2010MNRAS.408L.104H
- Boosting hierarchical structure formation with scalar-interacting dark matter
- Hellwing, Wojciech A.; Knollmann, Steffen R. ; Knebe, Alexander
- 2010MNRAS.408....2P
- SS433's circumbinary ring and accretion disc viewed through its attenuating disc wind
- Perez M. Sebastian; Blundell, Katherine M.
- 2010MNRAS.408....9K
- NGC1300 dynamics - II. The response models
- Kalapotharakos, C.; Patsis, P.A.; Grosbol, P.
- 2010MNRAS.408...22P
- NGC1300 dynamics - III. Orbital analysis
- Patsis, P.A.; Kalapotharakos, C.; Grosbol, P.
- 2010MNRAS.408...40K
- On the long and short nulls, modes and interpulse emission of radio pulsar B1944+17
- Kloumann, Isabel M.; Rankin, Joanna M.
- 2010MNRAS.408...53P
- Modelling the diffuse ultraviolet radiation observed by Dynamics Explorer 1
- Puthiyaveettil, Shalima; Murthy, Jayant; Fix, John D.
- 2010MNRAS.408...57P
- Constraining reionization using 21-cm observations in combination with CMB and Lyα forest data
- Pritchard, Jonathan R.; Loeb, Abraham ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
- 2010MNRAS.408...71V
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in smoothed particle hydrodynamics
- Valcke, S.; De Rijcke, S.; Rödiger, E. ; Dejonghe, H.
- 2010MNRAS.408...87M
- The Type Ic SN 2007gr: a census of the ejecta from late-time optical-infrared spectra
- Mazzali, Paolo A.; Maurer, I. ; Valenti, S. ; Kotak, R. ; Hunter, D.
- 2010MNRAS.408...97K
- The SAURON project - XVII. Stellar population analysis of the absorption line strength maps of 48 early-type galaxies
- Kuntschner, Harald; Emsellem, Eric ; Bacon, Roland ; Cappellari, Michele ; Davies, Roger L. ; de Zeeuw, P.Tim ; Falcón-Barroso, Jesús ; Krajnovic, Davor ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Peletier, Reynier F. ; Sarzi, Marc ; Shapiro, Kristen L. ; van den Bosch, Remco C.E.; van de Ven, Glenn
- 2010MNRAS.408..133V
- High-velocity feature of the class I methanol maser in G309.38-0.13
- Voronkov, M.A.; Caswell, J.L. ; Britton, T.R. ; Green, J.A. ; Sobolev, A.M. ; Ellingsen, S.P.
- 2010MNRAS.408..139P
- Host galaxy colour gradients and accretion disc obscuration in AEGIS z ∼ 1 X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei
- Pierce, C.M.; Lotz, J.M.; Salim, S. ; Laird, E.S. ; Coil, A.L. ; Bundy, K. ; Willmer, C.N.A. ; Rosario, D.J.V. ; Primack, J.R. ; Faber, S.M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..157M
- Ammonia observations of bright-rimmed clouds: establishing a sample of triggered protostars
- Morgan, L.K.; Figura, C.C. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Thompson, M.A.
- 2010MNRAS.408..170K
- Recent star formation in local, morphologically disturbed spheroidal galaxies on the optical red sequence
- Kaviraj, Sugata
- 2010MNRAS.408..181P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/408/181)
- Multiple major outbursts from a restless luminous blue variable in NGC 3432
- Pastorello, A.; Botticella, M.T. ; Trundle, C. ; Taubenberger, S. ; Mattila, S. ; Kankare, E. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Benetti, S. ; Duszanowicz, G. ; Hermansson, L. ; Beckman, J.E. ; Bufano, F. ; Fraser, M. ; Harutyunyan, A. ; Navasardyan, H. ; Smartt, S.J. ; van Dyk, S.D. ; Vink, J.S. ; Wagner, R.M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..199B
- Cold fronts by merging of shocks
- Birnboim, Yuval; Keshet, Uri; Hernquist, Lars
- 2010MNRAS.408..213C
- The age-redshift relation for luminous red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Carson, Dan P. ; Nichol, Robert C.
- 2010MNRAS.408..234M
- Ultra-luminous X-ray sources and remnants of massive metal-poor stars
- Mapelli, M.; Ripamonti, E. ; Zampieri, L. ; Colpi, M. ; Bressan, A.
- 2010MNRAS.408..254S
- Early-type galaxies at large galactocentric radii - I. Stellar kinematics and photometric properties
- Spolaor, Max; Hau, George K.T. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Couch, Warrick J.
- 2010MNRAS.408..272S
- Early-type galaxies at large galactocentric radii - II. Metallicity gradients and the [Z/H]-mass, [α/Fe]-mass relations
- Spolaor, Max; Kobayashi, Chiaki ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Couch, Warrick J. ; Hau, George K.T.
- 2010MNRAS.408..293F
- Longitudinal magnetic tube wave fluxes in stars of low metallicity
- Fawzy, Diaa E.
- 2010MNRAS.408..300G
- Halo model description of the non-linear dark matter power spectrum at k ≫ 1Mpc–1
- Giocoli, Carlo; Bartelmann, Matthias ; Sheth, Ravi K. ; Cacciato, Marcello
- 2010MNRAS.408..314S
- Analysis of the MOST light curve of the heavily spotted K2IV component of the single-line spectroscopic binary II Pegasi
- Siwak, Michal; Rucinski, Slavek M. ; Matthews, Jaymie M. ; Kuschnig, Rainer ; Guenther, David B. ; Moffat, Anthony F.J. ; Sasselov, Dimitar ; Weiss, Werner W.
- 2010MNRAS.408..322K
- The non-isothermal stage of magnetic star formation - II. Results
- Kunz, Matthew W.; Mouschovias, Telemachos Ch.
- 2010MNRAS.408..342B
- Deep, ultra-high-resolution radio imaging of submillimetre galaxies using Very Long Baseline Interferometry
- Biggs, A.D.; Younger, J.D.; Ivison, R.J.
- 2010MNRAS.408..352D
- Seeing through the trough: outflows and the detectability of Lyα emission from the first galaxies
- Dijkstra, Mark; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
- 2010MNRAS.408..362F
- Directly imaging damped Lyman α galaxies at z>2 - I. Methodology and first results
- Fumagalli, Michele; O'Meara, John M. ; Prochaska, J.Xavier ; Kanekar, Nissim
- 2010MNRAS.408..383R
- Discovery of the afterglow and host galaxy of the low-redshift short GRB 080905A
- Rowlinson, A.; Wiersema, K. ; Levan, A.J. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Rol, E. ; Hjorth, J. ; Thöne, C.C. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Jakobsson, P. ; Pagani, C. ; Stamatikos, M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..392D
- The evolution of dwarf galaxies: a comparison of UBVR photometry
- Dunn, Jacqueline M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..400S
- Seyfert galaxies that are undergoing merging but appear non-interacting
- Smirnova, A.A.; Moiseev, A.V. ; Afanasiev, V.L.
- 2010MNRAS.408..407B
- Investigation of the unique nulling properties of PSR B0818-41
- Bhattacharyya, Bhaswati; Gupta, Yashwant ; Gil, Janusz
- 2010MNRAS.408..422S
- Using the ROSAT catalogue to find counterparts for unidentified objects in the first Fermi/LAT catalogue
- Stephen, J.B.; Bassani, L. ; Landi, R. ; Malizia, A. ; Sguera, V. ; Bazzano, A. ; Masetti, N.
- 2010MNRAS.408..430S
- An MHD study of SN 1006 and determination of the ambient magnetic field direction
- Schneiter, E.Matias; Velázquez, Pablo F.; Reynoso, Estela M.; De Colle, Fabio
- 2010MNRAS.408..436L
- Diffuse X-ray emissions from dynamic planetary nebulae
- Lou, Yu-Qing; Zhai, Xiang
- 2010MNRAS.408..448F
- Does the gamma-ray flux of the blazar 3C454.3 vary on subhour time-scales ?
- Foschini, L.; Tagliaferri, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Bonnoli, G.
- 2010MNRAS.408..452L
- Log-Poisson non-Gaussianity of Lyα transmitted flux fluctuations at high redshift
- Lu, Yi; Zhu, Weishan ; Chu, Yaoquan ; Feng, Long-long ; Fang, Li-Zhi
- 2010MNRAS.408..464Z
- Physical parameters of components in close binary systems - VII
- Zola, S.; Gazeas, K. ; Kreiner, J.M. ; Ogloza, W. ; Siwak, M. ; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D. ; Winiarski, M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..475H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/408/475)
- A large sample of photometric rotation periods for FGK Pleiades stars
- Hartman, J.D.; Bakos, G.Á. ; Kovács, G. ; Noyes, R.W.
- 2010MNRAS.408..490M
- General relativistic magnetospheres of slowly rotating and oscillating magnetized neutron stars
- Morozova, Viktoriya S.; Ahmedov, Bobomurat J. ; Zanotti, Olindo
- 2010MNRAS.408..503B
- Dynamics of planetesimals due to gas drag from an eccentric precessing disc
- Beaugé, C.; Leiva, A.M. ; Haghighipour, N. ; Otto, J.Correa
- 2010MNRAS.408..514J
- The relevance of prior inclination determination for direct imaging of Earth-like planets
- Janson, M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..522K
- The pulsation of AGB stars in the Magellanic Cloud clusters NGC1978 and 419
- Kamath, D.; Wood, P.R.; Soszynski, I.; Lebzelter, T.
- 2010MNRAS.408..535C
- Stratified dust grains in the interstellar medium - II. Time-dependent interstellar extinction
- Cecchi-Pestellini, C.; Cacciola, A. ; Iatì, M.A. ; Saija, R. ; Borghese, F. ; Denti, P. ; Giusto, A. ; Williams, D.A.
- 2010MNRAS.408..542C
- Modelling the autocovariance of the power spectrum of a solar-type oscillator
- Campante, T.L.; Karoff, C. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Elsworth, Y.P. ; Handberg, R. ; Hekker, S.
- 2010MNRAS.408..551L
- Evidence for a truncated accretion disc in the low-luminosity Seyfert galaxy, NGC 7213 ?
- Lobban, A.P.; Reeves, J.N. ; Porquet, D. ; Braito, V. ; Markowitz, A. ; Miller, L. ; Turner, T.J.
- 2010MNRAS.408..565R
- The nuclear outflow in NGC 2110
- Rosario, D.J.; Whittle, M.; Nelson, C.H.; Wilson, A.S.
- 2010MNRAS.408..580C
- The stable archipelago in the region of the Pallas and Hansa dynamical families
- Carruba, V.
- 2010MNRAS.408..601W
- Explaining the hard excesses in active galactic nuclei
- Walton, D.J.; Reis, R.C. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2010MNRAS.408..607F
- Wide-field Global VLBI and MERLIN combined monitoring of supernova remnants in M82
- Fenech, D.; Beswick, R. ; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Pedlar, A. ; Argo, M.K.
- 2010MNRAS.408..622S
- The kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations during the Z and atoll phases of the unique transient XTE J1701-462
- Sanna, Andrea; Méndez, Mariano ; Altamirano, Diego ; Homan, Jeroen ; Casella, Piergiorgio ; Belloni, Tomaso ; Lin, Dacheng ; Klis, Michiel van der ; Wijnands, Rudy
- 2010MNRAS.408..631N
- Tides and tidal engulfment in post-main-sequence binaries: period gaps for planets and brown dwarfs around white dwarfs
- Nordhaus, J.; Spiegel, D.S. ; Ibgui, L. ; Goodman, J. ; Burrows, A.
- 2010MNRAS.408..642Z
- Long-term monitoring of LS I +61°303 with INTEGRAL
- Zhang, S.; Torres, D.F.; Li, J. ; Chen, Y.P. ; Rea, N. ; Wang, J.M.
- 2010MNRAS.408..647C
- Host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts in the Millennium Simulation
- Chisari, N.E.; Tissera, P.B. ; Pellizza, L.J.
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