Monthly Notices of the RAS 403
April(III) 2010

3D models of radiatively driven colliding winds in massive O + O star binaries - II. Thermal radio to submillimetre emission
Pittard, J.M.
3D models of radiatively driven colliding winds in massive O + O star binaries - III. Thermal X-ray emission
Pittard, J.M.; Parkin, E.R.
Hydrodynamical N-body simulations of coupled dark energy cosmologies
Baldi, Marco; Pettorino, Valeria ; Robbers, Georg ; Springel, Volker
A long-period planet orbiting a nearby Sun-like star
Jones, Hugh R.A.; Butler, R.Paul ; Tinney, C.G. ; O'Toole, Simon ; Wittenmyer, Rob ; Henry, Gregory W. ; Meschiari, Stefano ; Vogt, Steve ; Rivera, Eugenio ; Laughlin, Greg ; Carter, Brad D. ; Bailey, Jeremy ; Jenkins, James S.
Mesoscale optical turbulence simulations at Dome C: refinements
Lascaux, F.; Masciadri, E.; Hagelin, S.
Ionized gas in the starburst core and halo of NGC 1140
Westmoquette, M.S.; Gallagher, J.S. III ; de Poitiers, L.
Pulsations in the atmosphere of the roAp star HD24712 - II. Theoretical models
Saio, Hideyuki; Ryabchikova, Tanya ; Sachkov, Mikhail
The axis of evil - a polarization perspective
Frommert, M.; Ensslin, T.A.
Hierarchical models of high-redshift galaxies with thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars: comparison with observations
Tonini, Chiara; Maraston, Claudia ; Thomas, Daniel ; Devriendt, Julien ; Silk, Joseph
Detailed characterization of Hβ emission line profile in low-z SDSS quasars
Zamfir, S.; Sulentic, J.W. ; Marziani, P. ; Dultzin, D.
Large-scale structure and dynamics of the most X-ray luminous galaxy cluster known - RX J1347-1145
Lu, Ting; Gilbank, David G. ; Balogh, Michael L. ; Milkeraitis, Martha ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Wake, David A. ; Edge, Alastair C. ; Bower, Richard G.
Gas dynamics of the central few parsec region of NGC 1068 fuelled by the evolving nuclear star cluster
Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Krause, M. ; Camenzind, M. ; Meisenheimer, K. ; Davies, R.I.
The variation of the galaxy luminosity function with group properties
Robotham, Aaron; Phillipps, Steven; De Propris, Roberto
Local kinematics and the local standard of rest
Schönrich, Ralph; Binney, James ; Dehnen, Walter
Dynamical erosion of asteroid groups in the region of the Phocaea family
Carruba, V.
Ionized gas outflow in the isolated S0 galaxy NGC 4460
Moiseev, Alexei; Karachentsev, Igor ; Kaisin, Serafim
Second-order Lagrangian perturbation theory initial conditions for resimulations
Jenkins, Adrian
A compact pulsar wind nebula model of the γ-ray-loud binary LS I +61 303
Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Neronov, Andrii; Chernyakova, Maria
The observable effects of tidally induced warps in protostellar discs
Nixon, C.J.; Pringle, J.E.
New insight into the relation between star formation activity and dust content in galaxies
da Cunha, Elisabete ; Eminian, Celine ; Charlot, Stéphane ; Blaizot, Jérémy
A joint Chandra and XMM-Newton view of Abell 3158: a massive off-centre cool gas clump as a robust diagnostic of a merger stage
Wang, Yu; Xu, Haiguang; Gu, Liyi ; Gu, Junhua ; Qin, Zhenzhen ; Wang, Jingying ; Zhang, Zhongli ; Wu, Xiang-Ping
Global collapses and expansions in star-forming clouds
Gao, Yang; Lou, Yu-Qing
The nature of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies in various classes based on morphology, colour and spectral features - III. Environments
Lee, Joon Hyeop; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Park, Changbom; Choi, Yun-Young
2010MNRAS.403.1949K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/403/1949)
UBV(RI)CJHK observations of Hipparcos-selected nearby stars
Koen, C.; Kilkenny, D. ; van Wyk, F. ; Marang, F.
The velocity function of gas-rich galaxies
Zwaan, M.A.; Meyer, M.J. ; Staveley-Smith, L.
A resonance model with magnetic connection for 3:2 HFQPO pairs in black hole binaries
Huang, Chang-Yin ; Gan, Zhao-Ming ; Wang, Jiu-Zhou ; Wang, Ding-Xiong
Study of sdO models: mode trapping
Rodríguez-López, C.; Moya, A. ; Garrido, R. ; MacDonald, J. ; Oreiro, R. ; Ulla, A.
Effect of plasma composition on the interpretation of Faraday rotation
Park, Kiwan; Blackman, E.G.
An application of Galactic parallax: the distance to the tidal stream GD-1
Eyre, Andy
The role of r-mode damping in the thermal evolution of neutron stars
Yang, Shu-Hua; Zheng, Xiao-Ping; Pi, Chun-Mei ; Yu, Yun-Wei
2010MNRAS.403.2012M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/403/2012)
popstar evolutionary synthesis models II: optical emission-line spectra from giant HII regions
Martín-Manjón, M.L.; García-Vargas, M.L. ; Mollá, M.; Díaz, A.I.
The rotational structure of methanol and its excitation by helium
Rabli, Djamal ; Flower, D.R.
2010MNRAS.403.2041V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/403/2041)
Optical polarization observations in the Scorpius region: NGC 6124
Vergne, M.Marcela ; Feinstein, Carlos; Martínez, Ruben ; Orsatti, Ana María ; Alvarez, María Paula
Radiative transfer in disc galaxies - IV. The effects of dust attenuation on bulge and disc structural parameters
Gadotti, Dimitri A.; Baes, Maarten ; Falony, Sarah
2010MNRAS.403.2063F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/403/2063)
X-ray groups and clusters of galaxies in the Subaru-XMM Deep Field
Finoguenov, A.; Watson, M.G. ; Tanaka, M. ; Simpson, C. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Farrah, D. ; Akiyama, M. ; Ueda, Y. ; Smolcic, V. ; Stewart, G. ; Rawlings, S. ; van Breukelen, C. ; Almaini, O. ; Clewley, L. ; Bonfield, D.G. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Barr, J.M. ; Foucaud, S. ; McLure, R.J. ; Sekiguchi, K. ; Egami, E.
On the overconcentration problem of strong lensing clusters
Sereno, M.; Jetzer, Ph. ; Lubini, M.
Study of a homogeneous QSO sample: relations between the QSO and its host galaxy
Letawe, Y. ; Letawe, G.; Magain, P.
Modelling the spectral behaviour of night skylight close to artificial light sources
Kocifaj, M.
Tight constraints on the existence of additional planets around HD 189733
Hrudková, M.; Skillen, I. ; Benn, C.R. ; Gibson, N.P. ; Pollacco, D. ; Nesvorny, D. ; Augusteijn, T. ; Tulloch, S.M. ; Joshi, Y.C.
A multifrequency method based on the matched multifilter for the detection of point sources in CMB maps
Lanz, L.F.; Herranz, D. ; Sanz, J.L. ; González-Nuevo, J. ; López-Caniego, M.
Note on galaxy catalogues in UHECR flux modelling
Koers, Hylke B.J.; Tinyakov, Peter
Convolution- and deconvolution-based estimates of galaxy scaling relations from photometric redshift surveys
Sheth, Ravi K.; Rossi, Graziano
The slope of the mass profile and the tilt of the Fundamental Plane in early-type galaxies
Humphrey, Philip J.; Buote, David A.
More on lensing by a cosmological constant
Ishak, M.; Rindler, W.; Dossett, J.
2010MNRAS.403.2157H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/403/2157)
Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - X. Radiative budgets on Gl 867A and AU Mic (dM1e), and a two-component model chromosphere for Gl 205 (dM1)
Houdebine, E.R.
Observations of the quiescent X-ray transients GRS 1124-684 (=GUMus) and Cen X-4 (=V822Cen) taken with ULTRACAM on the VLT
Shahbaz, T.; Dhillon, V.S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Casares, J. ; Zurita, C. ; Charles, P.A.
Erratum: A 3D dynamical model of the colliding winds in binary systems by
Parkin, E.R.; Pittard, J.M.
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