Monthly Notices of the RAS 402
March(I) 2010
- 2010MNRAS.402.1409B
- The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - III. Comparisons of cold dust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, molecular gas and atomic gas in NGC 2403
- Bendo, G.J.; Wilson, C.D. ; Warren, B.E. ; Brinks, E. ; Butner, H.M. ; Chanial, P. ; Clements, D.L. ; Courteau, S. ; Irwin, J. ; Israel, F.P. ; Knapen, J.H. ; Leech, J. ; Matthews, H.E. ; Mühle, S. ; Petitpas, G. ; Serjeant, S. ; Tan, B.K. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Usero, A. ; Vaccari, M. ; van der Werf, P.; Vlahakis, C. ; Wiegert, T. ; Zhu, M.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1426D
- Complex magnetic topology and strong differential rotation on the low-mass T Tauri star V2247 Oph
- Donati, J.-F.; Skelly, M.B.; Bouvier, J.; Jardine, M.M.; Gregory, S.G.; Morin, J.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Dougados, C.; Ménard, F.; Unruh, Y.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1437H
- Formation of binary millisecond pulsars by accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs
- Hurley, Jarrod R.; Tout, Christopher A. ; Wickramasinghe, Dayal T. ; Ferrario, Lilia ; Kiel, Paul D.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1449D
- The cool side of Lyman alpha emitters
- Dayal, Pratika; Ferrara, Andrea ; Saro, Alexandro
- 2010MNRAS.402.1458K
- The α effect in rotating convection with sinusoidal shear
- Käpylä, P.J.; Korpi, M.J. ; Brandenburg, A.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1467Q
- A study of interstellar gas and stars in the gravitationally lensed galaxy `the Cosmic Eye' from rest-frame ultraviolet spectroscopy
- Quider, Anna M.; Shapley, Alice E. ; Pettini, Max ; Steidel, Charles C. ; Stark, Daniel P.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1480D
- ESO089-G018 and ESO089-G019: long-slit spectroscopy of emission-line galaxies
- da Rocha-Poppe, P.C.; Faúndez-Abans, M. ; Fernandes-Martin, V.A. ; Fernandes, I.F. ; de Oliveira-Abans, M. ; Rodrígues-Ardila, A.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1489R
- Structure, kinematics and chemical enrichment patterns after major gas-rich disc-disc mergers
- Richard, Simon; Brook, Chris B. ; Martel, Hugo; Kawata, Daisuke ; Gibson, Brad K. ; Sanchez-Blazquez, Patricia
- 2010MNRAS.402.1504D
- The circumstellar disc, envelope and bipolar outflow of the massive young stellar object W33A
- Davies, Ben; Lumsden, Stuart L. ; Hoare, Melvin G. ; Oudmaijer, René D. ; de Wit, Willem-Jan
- 2010MNRAS.402.1516K
- Black hole outflows
- King, A.R.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1523P
- The nature of Hiabsorbers in gamma-ray burst afterglows: clues from hydrodynamic simulations
- Pontzen, Andrew; Deason, Alis ; Governato, Fabio ; Pettini, Max ; Wadsley, James ; Quinn, Thomas ; Brooks, Alyson ; Bellovary, Jillian ; Fynbo, Johan P.U.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1536S
- The physics driving the cosmic star formation history
- Schaye, Joop; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio ; Booth, C.M. ; Wiersma, Robert P.C. ; Theuns, Tom ; Haas, Marcel R. ; Bertone, Serena ; Duffy, Alan R. ; McCarthy, I.G. ; van de Voort, Freeke
- 2010MNRAS.402.1561R
- The X-ray luminous cluster underlying the bright radio-quiet quasar H1821+643
- Russell, H.R.; Fabian, A.C. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Johnstone, R.M. ; Blundell, K.M. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Crawford, C.S.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1580O
- Stellar populations of Lyα emitters at z = 3-4 based on deep large area surveys in the Subaru-SXDS/UKIDSS-UDS Field
- Ono, Yoshiaki; Ouchi, Masami; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro ; Akiyama, Masayuki ; Dunlop, James ; Farrah, Duncan ; Lee, Janice C.; McLure, Ross ; Okamura, Sadanori ; Yoshida, Makiko
- 2010MNRAS.402.1599S
- Formation of isolated dwarf galaxies with feedback
- Sawala, Till; Scannapieco, Cecilia ; Maio, Umberto ; White, Simon
- 2010MNRAS.402.1614L
- Quasi-periodic flares from star-accretion-disc collisions
- Lixin (Jane) Dai; Fuerst, Steven V.; Blandford, Roger
- 2010MNRAS.402.1625K
- Dynamics and depletion in thermally supercritical starless cores
- Keto, Eric; Caselli, Paola
- 2010MNRAS.402.1635R
- Spatially resolved study of the physical properties of the ionized gas in NGC 595
- Relaño, M.; Monreal-Ibero, A.; Vílchez, J.M.; Kennicutt, R.C.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1649G
- Fast TeV variability from misaligned minijets in the jet of M87
- Giannios, Dimitrios; Uzdensky, Dmitri A. ; Begelman, Mitchell C.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1657P
- The nature of G52.381-0.849 and G56.240-0.345: young stellar objects associated with extended mid-infrared emission ?
- Phillips, J.P.; Pérez-Grana, J.A. ; Ramos-Larios, G. ; Velasco-Gas, S.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1667P
- Large prebiotic molecules in space: photophysics of acetic acid and its isomers
- Puletti, Fabrizio ; Malloci, Giuliano ; Mulas, Giacomo ; Cecchi-Pestellini, Cesare
- 2010MNRAS.402.1675G
- Composite spectra Paper 16: HR 3222, a 2.5-yr binary with a metallic-line secondary
- Griffin, R.E.M.; Griffin, R.F.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1685B
- Open cluster survival within the solar circle: Teutsch145 and Teutsch146
- Bonatto, C.; Ortolani, S. ; Barbuy, B. ; Bica, E.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1693H
- Mergers, active galactic nuclei and `normal' galaxies: contributions to the distribution of star formation rates and infrared luminosity functions
- Hopkins, Philip F.; Younger, Joshua D.; Hayward, Christopher C. ; Narayanan, Desika ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2010MNRAS.402.1714K
- Electron-positron energy deposition rate from neutrino pair annihilation in the equatorial plane of rapidly rotating neutron and quark stars
- Kovács, Z.; Cheng, K.S.; Harko, T.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1729V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/402/1729)
- Near-infrared properties of 12 globular clusters towards the inner bulge of the Galaxy
- Valenti, E.; Ferraro, F.R. ; Origlia, L.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1740R
- The role of disc self-gravity in the formation of protostars and protostellar discs
- Rice, W.K.M.; Mayo, J.H. ; Armitage, Philip J.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1750G
- On the velocity dispersion of young star clusters: super-virial or binaries ?
- Gieles, M.; Sana, H. ; Portegies Zwart, S.F.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1758S
- The orbital decay of embedded binary stars
- Stahler, Steven W.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1767B
- X-ray emission characteristics of two Wolf-Rayet binaries: V444 Cyg and CD Cru
- Bhatt, Himali; Pandey, J.C. ; Kumar, Brijesh ; Singh, K.P. ; Sagar, Ram
- 2010MNRAS.402.1780M
- The impact of Lyman series photons on the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization
- Meiksin, Avery
- 2010MNRAS.402.1796W
- Modelling galaxy stellar mass evolution from z ∼ 0.8 to today
- Wang, Lan; Jing, Y.P.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1807C
- Clues on the origin of galactic angular momentum from looking at galaxy pairs
- Cervantes-Sodi, B.; Hernandez, X.; Park, Changbom
- 2010MNRAS.402.1816C
- X-ray observations of SU UMa throughout six outbursts
- Collins, David J.; Wheatley, Peter J.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1824C
- Physical properties of IP Pegasi: an eclipsing dwarf nova with an unusually cool white dwarf
- Copperwheat, C.M.; Marsh, T.R. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Hickman, R. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Southworth, J.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1841C
- Numerical simulations of tidal tails for the open cluster NGC 188
- Chumak, Yaroslav O.; Platais, Imants; McLaughlin, Dean E. ; Rastorguev, Alex S. ; Chumak, Oleg V.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1854Z
- Lorentz factor constraint from the very early external shock of the gamma-ray burst ejecta
- Zou, Yuan-Chuan; Piran, Tsvi
- 2010MNRAS.402.1863C
- Breaking the curtain: the old open cluster VdB-Hagen 67 in the background of the Vela Molecular Ridge
- Carraro, Giovanni; Costa, Edgardo
- 2010MNRAS.402.1870D
- XMM-Newton and Swift observations prove GRB090709A to be a distant, standard, long GRB
- De Luca, A.; Esposito, P. ; Israel, G.L. ; Götz, D. ; Novara, G. ; Tiengo, A. ; Mereghetti, S.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1877A
- Localizing the VHE γ-ray source at the Galactic Centre HESS Collaboration
- Acero, F. ; Aharonian, F. ; Akhperjanian, A.G. ; Anton, G. ; de Almeida, U.Barres; Bazer-Bachi, A.R. ; Becherini, Y. ; Behera, B. ; Bernlöhr, K. ; Bochow, A. ; Boisson, C. ; Bolmont, J. ; Borrel, V. ; Braun, I. ; Brucker, J. ; Brun, F. ; Brun, P. ; Bühler, R. ; Bulik, T. ; Büsching, I. ; Boutelier, T. ; Chadwick, P.M. ; Charbonnier, A. ; Chaves, R.C.G. ; Cheesebrough, A. ; Conrad, J. ; Chounet, L.-M. ; Clapson, A.C. ; Coignet, G. ; Dalton, M. ; Daniel, M.K. ; Davids, I.D. ; Degrange, B. ; Deil, C. ; Dickinson, H.J. ; Djannati-Ataï, A. ; Domainko, W. ; Drury, L.O'C. ; Dubois, F. ; Dubus, G. ; Dyks, J. ; Dyrda, M. ; Egberts, K. ; Eger, P. ; Espigat, P. ; Fallon, L. ; Farnier, C. ; Fegan, S. ; Feinstein, F. ; Fiasson, A. ; Förster, A. ; Fontaine, G. ; Füssling, M. ; Gabici, S. ; Gallant, Y.A. ; Gérard, L. ; Gerbig, D. ; Giebels, B. ; Glicenstein, J.F. ; Glück, B. ; Goret, P. ; Göring, D. ; Hauser, M. ; Heinz, S. ; Heinzelmann, G. ; Henri, G. ; Hermann, G. ; Hinton, J.A. ; Hoffmann, A. ; Hofmann, W. ; Hofverberg, P. ; Holleran, M. ; Hoppe, S. ; Horns, D. ; Jacholkowska, A. ; de Jager, O.C. ; Jahn, C. ; Jung, I. ; Katarzynski, K. ; Katz, U. ; Kaufmann, S. ; Kerschhaggl, M. ; Khangulyan, D. ; Khélifi, B. ; Keogh, D. ; Klochkov, D. ; Kluzniak, W. ; Kneiske, T. ; Komin, Nu. ; Kosack, K. ; Kossakowski, R. ; Lamanna, G. ; Lenain, J.-P. ; Lohse, T. ; Marandon, V. ; Martineau-Huynh, O. ; Marcowith, A. ; Masbou, J. ; Maurin, D. ; McComb, T.J.L. ; Medina, M.C. ; Méhault, J. ; Moderski, R. ; Moulin, E. ; Naumann-Godo, M. ; de Naurois, M. ; Nedbal, D. ; Nekrassov, D. ; Nicholas, B. ; Niemiec, J. ; Nolan, S.J. ; Ohm, S. ; Olive, J-F. ; de Oña Wilhelmi, E. ; Orford, K.J. ; Ostrowski, M. ; Panter, M. ; Arribas, M.Paz ; Pedaletti, G. ; Pelletier, G. ; Petrucci, P.-O. ; Pita, S. ; Pühlhofer, G. ; Punch, M. ; Quirrenbach, A. ; Raubenheimer, B.C. ; Raue, M. ; Rayner, S.M. ; Reimer, O. ; Renaud, M. ; Rieger, F. ; Ripken, J. ; Rob, L. ; Rosier-Lees, S. ; Rowell, G. ; Rudak, B. ; Rulten, C.B. ; Ruppel, J. ; Ryde, F. ; Sahakian, V. ; Santangelo, A. ; Schlickeiser, R. ; Schöck, F.M. ; Schönwald, A. ; Schwanke, U. ; Schwarzburg, S. ; Schwemmer, S. ; Shalchi, A. ; Sikora, M. ; Skilton, J.L. ; Sol, H. ; Stawarz, L. ; Steenkamp, R. ; Stegmann, C. ; Stinzing, F. ; Superina, G. ; Sushch, I. ; Szostek, A. ; Tam, P.H. ; Tavernet, J.-P. ; Terrier, R. ; Tibolla, O. ; Tluczykont, M. ; van Eldik, C.; Vasileiadis, G. ; Venter, C. ; Venter, L. ; Vialle, J.P. ; Vincent, P. ; Vivier, M. ; Völk, H.J. ; Volpe, F. ; Wagner, S.J. ; Ward, M. ; Zdziarski, A.A. ; Zech, A.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1883E
- A rival for Babcock's star: the extreme 30-kG variable magnetic field in the Ap star HD75049
- Elkin, V.G.; Mathys, G. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Hubrig, S. ; Freyhammer, L.M.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1892O
- The last breath of the young gigahertz-peaked spectrum radio source PKS1518+047
- Orienti, M.; Murgia, M. ; Dallacasa, D.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1899K
- The grouping, merging and survival of subhaloes in the simulated Local Group
- Klimentowski, Jaroslaw ; Lokas, Ewa L.; Knebe, Alexander ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Martinez-Vaquero, Luis A. ; Yepes, Gustavo ; Hoffman, Yehuda
- 2010MNRAS.402.1911T
- The impact of feedback on the low-redshift intergalactic medium
- Tornatore, L. ; Borgani, S. ; Viel, M.; Springel, V.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1927D
- Faint-end quasar luminosity functions from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
- Degraf, Colin; Matteo, Tiziana Di ; Springel, Volker
- 2010MNRAS.402.1937L
- Analytic orbits in any central potential
- Lynden-Bell, D.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1942C
- Galaxy assembly bias on the red sequence
- Cooper, Michael C.; Gallazzi, Anna; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Yan, Renbin
- 2010MNRAS.402.1959O
- Mapping the ν☉ secular resonance for retrograde irregular satellites
- Otto, J.Correa; Leiva, A.M. ; Giuppone, C.A. ; Beaugé, C.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1969T
- Very Small Array observations of the anomalous microwave emission in the Perseus region
- Tibbs, Christopher T.; Watson, Robert A. ; Dickinson, Clive ; Davies, Rodney D. ; Davis, Richard J. ; Buckmaster, Simon ; del Burgo, Carlos ; Franzen, Thomas M.O. ; Génova-Santos, Ricardo ; Grainge, Keith ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Padilla-Torres, Carmen P. ; Rebolo, Rafael ; Rubiño-Martín, José Alberto ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Scaife, Anna M.M. ; Scott, Paul F.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1980H
- High star formation activity in the central region of a distant cluster at z = 1.46
- Hayashi, Masao; Kodama, Tadayuki ; Koyama, Yusei ; Tanaka, Ichi ; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro ; Okamura, Sadanori
- 2010MNRAS.402.1991W
- The relation between column densities of interstellar OH and CH molecules
- Weselak, T.; Galazutdinov, G.A.; Beletsky, Y.; Krelowski, J.
- 2010MNRAS.402.1995M
- Luminosity function and radial distribution of Milky Way satellites in a ΛCDM Universe
- Macciò, Andrea V.; Kang, Xi ; Fontanot, Fabio ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Koposov, Sergey ; Monaco, Pierluigi
- 2010MNRAS.402.2009S
- On lensing by a cosmological constant
- Simpson, Fergus; Peacock, John A. ; Heavens, Alan F.
- 2010MNRAS.402.2017G
- Obscured star formation at z = 0.84 with HiZELS: the relationship between star formation rate and Hα or ultraviolet dust extinction
- Garn, Timothy; Sobral, David ; Best, Philip N. ; Geach, James E. ; Smail, Ian ; Cirasuolo, Michele ; Dalton, Gavin B. ; Dunlop, James S. ; McLure, Ross J. ; Farrah, Duncan
- 2010MNRAS.402.2031C
- Galaxy evolution from strong-lensing statistics: the differential evolution of the velocity dispersion function in concord with the Λ cold dark matter paradigm
- Chae, Kyu-Hyun
- 2010MNRAS.402.2049H
- The Octave (Birmingham-Sheffield Hallam) automated pipeline for extracting oscillation parameters of solar-like main-sequence stars
- Hekker, S.; Broomhall, A.-M. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Elsworth, Y.P. ; Fletcher, S.T. ; New, R. ; Arentoft, T. ; Quirion, P.-O. ; Kjeldsen, H.
- 2010MNRAS.402.2060W
- Heavy-element abundances in low-gravity globular cluster stars: 47 Tuc
- Worley, C.C.; Cottrell, P.L. ; McDonald, I. ; van Loon, J.Th.
- 2010MNRAS.402.2075A
- The spectral energy distribution of D-type symbiotic stars: the role of dust shells
- Angeloni, R.; Contini, M.; Ciroi, S. ; Rafanelli, P.
- 2010MNRAS.402.2087V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/402/2087)
- Variability and stability in blazar jets on time-scales of years: optical polarization monitoring of OJ 287 in 2005-2009
- Villforth, C.; Nilsson, K. ; Heidt, J. ; Takalo, L.O. ; Pursimo, T. ; Berdyugin, A. ; Lindfors, E. ; Pasanen, M. ; Winiarski, M. ; Drozdz, M. ; Ogloza, W. ; Kurpinska-Winiarska, M. ; Siwak, M. ; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D. ; Porowski, C. ; Kuzmicz, A. ; Krzesinski, J. ; Kundera, T. ; Wu, J.-H. ; Zhou, X. ; Efimov, Y. ; Sadakane, K. ; Kamada, M. ; Ohlert, J. ; Hentunen, V.-P. ; Nissinen, M. ; Dietrich, M. ; Assef, R.J. ; Atlee, D.W. ; Bird, J. ; DePoy, D.L. ; Eastman, J. ; Peeples, M.S. ; Prieto, J. ; Watson, L. ; Yee, J.C. ; Liakos, A. ; Niarchos, P. ; Gazeas, K. ; Dogru, S. ; Donmez, A. ; Marchev, D. ; Coggins-Hill, S.A. ; Mattingly, A. ; Keel, W.C. ; Haque, S. ; Aungwerojwit, A. ; Bergvall, N.
- 2010MNRAS.402.2112D
- Erratum: The structure of the jet in 3C 15 from multiband polarimetry by
- Dulwich, F.; Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Padgett, C.A.; Perlman, E.S.
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