Monthly Notices of the RAS 401
January(I) 2010

Infrared identification of 4U1323-619 revisited
Zolotukhin, Ivan Yu.; Revnivtsev, Mikhail G. ; Shakura, Nikolai I.
Mining the Galactic halo for very metal-poor stars
Salvadori, S.; Ferrara, A. ; Schneider, R. ; Scannapieco, E. ; Kawata, D.
First high-resolution detection of a warm absorber in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382
Torresi, E.; Grandi, P. ; Longinotti, A.L. ; Guainazzi, M. ; Palumbo, G.G.C. ; Tombesi, F. ; Nucita, A.
The virtues of frugality - why cosmological observers should release their data slowly
Starkman, Glenn D.; Trotta, Roberto ; Vaudrevange, Pascal M.
A maximum stellar surface density in dense stellar systems
Hopkins, Philip F.; Murray, Norman; Quataert, Eliot ; Thompson, Todd A.
Wavelet-based Faraday rotation measure synthesis
Frick, P.; Sokoloff, D. ; Stepanov, R. ; Beck, R.
Cold gas and young stars in tidally disturbed ellipticals at z = 0
Serra, P.; Oosterloo, T.A.
A giant planet in orbit around a magnetic-braking hibernating cataclysmic variable
Qian, S.-B.; Liao, W.-P. ; Zhu, L.-Y. ; Dai, Z.-B. ; Liu, L. ; He, J.-J. ; Zhao, E.-G. ; Li, L.-J.
Quantitative measure of evolution of bright cluster galaxies at moderate redshifts
Vikram, Vinu; Wadadekar, Yogesh; Kembhavi, Ajit K.; Vijayagovindan, G.V.
The discovery of a 21-kG magnetic field in the Ap star BD+0°4535
Elkin, V.G.; Kurtz, D.W. ; Nitschelm, C. ; Unda-Sanzana, E.
Submillimetre variability of Eta Carinae: cool dust within the outer ejecta
Gomez, H.L.; Vlahakis, C. ; Stretch, C.M. ; Dunne, L. ; Eales, S.A. ; Beelen, A. ; Gomez, E.L. ; Edmunds, M.G.
Deep multi-frequency radio imaging in the Lockman Hole - II. The spectral index of submillimetre galaxies
Ibar, Edo; Ivison, R.J. ; Best, P.N. ; Coppin, K. ; Pope, A. ; Smail, Ian ; Dunlop, J.S.
Origin of rotational kinematics in the globular cluster system of M31: a new clue to the bulge formation
Bekki, Kenji
Systematic variation in the apparent burning area of thermonuclear bursts and its implication for neutron star radius measurement
Bhattacharyya, Sudip; Miller, M.Coleman; Galloway, Duncan K.
Quasar feedback: more bang for your buck
Hopkins, Philip F.; Elvis, Martin
MAMBO observations at 240GHz of optically obscured Spitzer sources: source clumps and radio activity at high redshift
Andreani, P.; Magliocchetti, M. ; De Zotti, G.
The rapidly pulsating sdO star, SDSS J160043.6+074802.9
Rodríguez-López, C.; Lynas-Gray, A.E. ; Kilkenny, D. ; MacDonald, J. ; Moya, A. ; Koen, C. ; Woudt, P.A. ; Wium, D.J. ; Oruru, B. ; Zietsman, E.
The Imperial IRAS-FSC Redshift Catalogue: luminosity functions, evolution and galaxy bias
Wang, Lingyu; Rowan-Robinson, Michael
Radio haloes from simulations and hadronic models - I. The Coma cluster
Donnert, J.; Dolag, K. ; Brunetti, G. ; Cassano, R. ; Bonafede, A.
Correlated optical/X-ray variability in the high-mass X-ray binary SAX J2103.5+4545
Reig, P.; Slowikowska, A. ; Zezas, A. ; Blay, P.
Multiwavelength study of Cygnus A - III. Evidence for relic lobe plasma
Steenbrugge, Katrien C.; Heywood, Ian ; Blundell, Katherine M.
Helium reionization and the thermal proximity effect
Meiksin, Avery; Tittley, Eric R. ; Brown, Calum K.
The rest-frame ultraviolet spectra of GRBs from massive rapidly rotating stellar progenitors
Robinson, Peter B.; Perna, Rosalba ; Lazzati, Davide ; van Marle, Allard J.
Changes in the red giant and dusty environment of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi following the 2006 eruption
Rushton, M.T.; Kaminsky, B. ; Lynch, D.K.; Pavlenko, Ya.V. ; Evans, A. ; Eyres, S.P.S. ; Woodward, C.E.; Russell, Ray W.; Rudy, Richard J.; Sitko, Michael L.; Kerr, T.
Tidal tails of star clusters
Küpper, Andreas H.W.; Kroupa, Pavel; Baumgardt, Holger; Heggie, Douglas C.
Swift observations of the X-ray and UV evolution of V2491 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2008 No. 2)
Page, K.L.; Osborne, J.P. ; Evans, P.A. ; Wynn, G.A. ; Beardmore, A.P. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Bode, M.F. ; Ibarra, A. ; Kuulkers, E. ; Ness, J.-U. ; Schwarz, G.J.
Globular clusters in modified Newtonian dynamics: velocity dispersion profiles from self-consistent models
Sollima, A.; Nipoti, C.
Radiatively heated, protoplanetary discs with dead zones - I. Dust settling and thermal structure of discs around M stars
Hasegawa, Yasuhiro; Pudritz, Ralph E.
2010MNRAS.401..160A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/401/160)
AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts
Austermann, J.E.; Dunlop, J.S. ; Perera, T.A. ; Scott, K.S. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Almaini, O. ; Chapin, E.L. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; Clements, D.L. ; Coppin, K.E.K. ; Dunne, L. ; Dye, S. ; Eales, S.A. ; Egami, E. ; Farrah, D. ; Ferrusca, D. ; Flynn, S. ; Haig, D. ; Halpern, M. ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. ; van Kampen, E. ; Kang, Y. ; Kim, S. ; Lacey, C. ; Lowenthal, J.D. ; Mauskopf, P.D. ; McLure, R.J. ; Mortier, A.M.J. ; Negrello, M. ; Oliver, S. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Pope, A. ; Rawlings, S. ; Rieke, G. ; Roseboom, I. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Scott, D. ; Serjeant, S. ; Smail, I. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Stevens, J.A. ; Velazquez, M. ; Wagg, J. ; Yun, M.S.
Mass loss from the inner regions of accretion discs due to centrifugally driven magnetic wind flows
Campbell, C.G.
On the interaction of internal gravity waves with a magnetic field - I. Artificial wave forcing
Rogers, T.M.; MacGregor, K.B.
A quantitative determination of the AGN content in local ULIRGs through L-band spectroscopy
Risaliti, G.; Imanishi, M. ; Sani, E.
The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a first look at Orion B with HARP
Buckle, J.V.; Curtis, E.I. ; Roberts, J.F. ; White, G.J. ; Hatchell, J. ; Brunt, C. ; Butner, H.M. ; Cavanagh, B. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Davis, C.J. ; Duarte-Cabral, A. ; Etxaluze, M. ; Di Francesco, J. ; Friberg, P. ; Friesen, R. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Graves, S. ; Greaves, J.S. ; Hogerheijde, M.R. ; Johnstone, D. ; Matthews, B. ; Matthews, H. ; Nutter, D. ; Rawlings, J.M.C. ; Richer, J.S. ; Sadavoy, S. ; Simpson, R.J. ; Tothill, N.F.H. ; Tsamis, Y.G. ; Viti, S. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; Wouterloot, J.G.A. ; Yates, J.
Type I X-ray bursts, burst oscillations and kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in the neutron star system IGRJ17191-2821
Altamirano, D.; Linares, M. ; Patruno, A. ; Degenaar, N. ; Wijnands, R. ; Klein-Wolt, M. ; van der Klis, M. ; Markwardt, C. ; Swank, J.
Grey Milky Way extinction from SDSS stellar photometry
Gorbikov, Evgeny; Brosch, Noah
The role of ballast in the helium-shell flash
Harpaz, Amos
A silhouette envelope around GGD30IR detected by Spitzer
Smith, R.G.; Wright, C.M.
Exploring accretion theory with X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Coe, M.J.; McBride, V.A. ; Corbet, R.H.D.
2010MNRAS.401..257K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/401/257)
Synchronization and circularization in early-type binaries on main sequence
Khaliullin, Kh.F.; Khaliullina, A.I.
The relation between the most-massive star and its parental star cluster mass
Weidner, C.; Kroupa, P.; Bonnell, I.A.D.
2010MNRAS.401..294S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/401/294)
Optical identification of XMM sources in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey
Stalin, C.S.; Petitjean, Patrick ; Srianand, R. ; Fox, A.J. ; Coppolani, F. ; Schwope, A.
3D spectroscopy of merger Seyfert galaxy Mrk 334: nuclear starburst, superwind and the circumnuclear cavern
Smirnova, Aleksandrina; Moiseev, Alexei
Dynamical friction for accelerated motion in a gaseous medium
Namouni, Fathi
SDSS J092609.45+334304.1: a nearby unevolved galaxy
Pustilnik, S.A.; Tepliakova, A.L. ; Kniazev, A.Y. ; Martin, J.-M. ; Burenkov, A.N.
Relative phase analyses of long-term hemispheric solar flare activity
Li, K.J.; Gao, P.X. ; Zhan, L.S. ; Shi, X.J. ; Zhu, W.W.
Magnetic field evolution in simulations with Euler potentials
Brandenburg, Axel
Decade time-scale modulation of low-mass X-ray binaries
Durant, Martin; Cornelisse, Remon ; Remillard, Ron ; Levine, Alan
Counterstreaming magnetized plasmas with kappa distributions - II. Perpendicular wave propagation
Lazar, M.; Tautz, R.C.; Schlickeiser, R.; Poedts, S.
Pixel-based correction for Charge Transfer Inefficiency in the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys
Massey, Richard; Stoughton, Chris ; Leauthaud, Alexie ; Rhodes, Jason ; Koekemoer, Anton ; Ellis, Richard ; Shaghoulian, Edgar
Non-variability of intervening absorbers observed in the UVES spectra of the `naked-eye' GRB080319
D'Elia, V.; Fiore, F. ; Goldoni, P. ; D'Odorico, V. ; Campana, S. ; Covino, S. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Meurs, E.J.A. ; Norci, L. ; Tagliaferri, G.
iShocks: X-ray binary jets with an internal shocks model
Jamil, O.; Fender, R.P. ; Kaiser, C.R.
Kinematics of the ring-like nebula SuWt 2
Jones, D.; Lloyd, M. ; Mitchell, D.L. ; Pollacco, D.L. ; O'Brien, T.J. ; Vaytet, N.M.H.
On the efficiency of production of the Fe Kα emission line in neutral matter
Yaqoob, T.; Murphy, K.D. ; Miller, L. ; Turner, T.J.
CoRoT photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the interacting eclipsing binary AU Monocerotis
Desmet, M.; Frémat, Y. ; Baudin, F. ; Harmanec, P. ; Lampens, P. ; Pacheco, E.Janot ; Briquet, M. ; Degroote, P. ; Neiner, C. ; Mathias, P. ; Poretti, E. ; Rainer, M. ; Uytterhoeven, K. ; Amado, P.J. ; Valtier, J.-C. ; Prsa, A. ; Maceroni, C. ; Aerts, C.
The UV-optical colours of brightest cluster galaxies in optically and X-ray selected clusters
Wang, Jing; Overzier, Roderik ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Linden, Anja von der ; Kong, Xu
A search for molecules in the atmosphere of HD 189733b
Barnes, J.R.; Barman, Travis S. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Barber, R.J. ; Hansen, Brad M.S. ; Prato, L. ; Rice, E.L. ; Leigh, C.J. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Pinfield, D.J.
A submillimetre survey of the kinematics of the Perseus molecular cloud - I. Data
Curtis, Emily I.; Richer, John S. ; Buckle, Jane V.
High-energy emission from the starburst galaxy NGC 253
Rephaeli, Yoel; Arieli, Yinon ; Persic, Massimo
Wind-driving protostellar accretion discs - I. Formulation and parameter constraints
Königl, Arieh; Salmeron, Raquel; Wardle, Mark
Dwarf nova oscillations and quasi-periodic oscillations in cataclysmic variables - VIII. VW Hyi in outburst observed with the Southern African Large Telescope
Woudt, P.A.; Warner, B. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Buckley, D.A.H. ; Still, M. ; Romero-Colemero, E. ; Väisänen, P.
The host galaxy of a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, RE J1034+396, with X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations
Bian, Wei-Hao; Huang, Kai
Nuclear physics of reverse electron flow at pulsar polar caps
Jones, P.B.
On the dynamic efficiency of internal shocks in magnetized relativistic outflows
Mimica, P.; Aloy, M.A.
Deep Gemini/GMOS imaging of an extremely isolated globular cluster in the Local Group
Mackey, A.D.; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Martin, N.F. ; Huxor, A.P. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Ibata, R.A. ; Lewis, G.F. ; McConnachie, A.W.
Constraints on large-scale inhomogeneities from WMAP5 and SDSS: confrontation with recent observations
Hunt, Paul; Sarkar, Subir
2MASS photometry of edge-on spiral galaxies - I. Sample and general results
Mosenkov, A.V. ; Sotnikova, N.Ya.; Reshetnikov, V.P.
The fraction of binary systems in the core of five Galactic open clusters
Sollima, A.; Carballo-Bello, J.A. ; Beccari, G. ; Ferraro, F.R. ; Pecci, F.Fusi ; Lanzoni, B.
The Nyquist frequency for time series with slight deviations from regular spacing
Koen, Chris
Quick Detection System for Planck satellite
Aatrokoski, J.; Lähteenmäki, A. ; Tornikoski, M. ; Valtaoja, E. ; Maino, D. ; Galeotta, S. ; Zacchei, A. ; Pasian, F.
The structure of the hydrodynamic plasma flow near the heliopause stagnation point
Belov, N.A.; Ruderman, M.S.
On the surface extraction of electrons in a pulsar
Diver, D.A.; da Costa, A.A. ; Laing, E.W. ; Stark, C.R. ; Teodoro, L.F.A.
2010MNRAS.401..621T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/401/621)
UBV(RI)C photometry of the open clusters Be 15, Be 80 and NGC 2192
Tapia, M.T.; Schuster, W.J.; Michel, R. ; Chavarría-K. C.; Dias, W.S. ; Vázquez, R. ; Moitinho, A.
Modelling the orientation of accretion discs in quasars using Hα emission
Down, E.J.; Rawlings, S. ; Sivia, D.S. ; Baker, J.C.
Reconstructing galaxy fundamental distributions and scaling relations from photometric redshift surveys. Applications to the SDSS early-type sample
Rossi, Graziano; Sheth, Ravi K. ; Park, Changbom
Variability and spectral energy distributions of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei: a simultaneous X-ray/UV look with Swift
Pian, E.; Romano, P. ; Maoz, D. ; Cucchiara, A. ; Pagani, C. ; Parola, V.La
Precession and nutation in the η Carinae binary system: evidence from the X-ray light curve
Abraham, Z.; Falceta-Gonçalves, D.
Parametrization of single and binary stars
Malkov, O.Yu.; Sichevskij, S.G. ; Kovaleva, D.A.
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