Monthly Notices of the RAS 399
November(I) 2009

Hydrodynamical simulations of Galactic fountains - II. Evolution of multiple fountains
Melioli, C.; Brighenti, F.; D'Ercole, A.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.
The SDSS DR6 luminosity functions of galaxies
Montero-Dorta, Antonio D.; Prada, Francisco
A model of polarized X-ray emission from twinkling synchrotron supernova shells
Bykov, A.M.; Uvarov, Yu.A. ; Bloemen, J.B.G.M. ; Herder, J.W.den ; Kaastra, J.S.
Rings and haloes in the mid-infrared: the planetary nebulae NGC 7354 and NGC 3242
Phillips, J.P.; Ramos-Larios, G.; Schröder, K.-P.; Verbena Contreras, J.L.
Origin and structure of the Galactic disc(s)
Schönrich, Ralph; Binney, James
Global environmental effects versus galaxy interactions
Perez, J.; Tissera, P. ; Padilla, N. ; Alonso, M.S. ; Lambas, D.G.
The unusual 2006 dwarf nova outburst of GK Persei
Evans, P.A.; Beardmore, A.P. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Wynn, G.A.
An analysis of infrared emission spectra from the regions near the Galactic Centre
Contini, Marcella
Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: discovery of a class of compact extremely star-forming galaxies
Cardamone, Carolin; Schawinski, Kevin ; Sarzi, Marc ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Bennert, Nicola ; Urry, C.M. ; Lintott, Chris ; Keel, William C. ; Parejko, John ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Thomas, Daniel ; Andreescu, Dan ; Murray, Phil ; Raddick, M.Jordan ; Slosar, Anze ; Szalay, Alex ; VandenBerg, Jan
2009MNRAS.399.1206H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/399/1206)
Properties of dusty tori in active galactic nuclei - II. Type 2 AGN
Hatziminaoglou, E.; Fritz, J. ; Jarrett, T.H.
Kinematics of SDSS subdwarfs: structure and substructure of the Milky Way halo
Smith, M.C.; Evans, N.W.; Belokurov, V. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Bramich, D.M. ; Gilmore, G. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Vidrih, S. ; Zucker, D.B.
Spectral analysis of the 91bg-like Type Ia SN 2005bl: low luminosity, low velocities, incomplete burning
Hachinger, Stephan; Mazzali, Paolo A. ; Taubenberger, Stefan ; Pakmor, Rüdiger ; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang
Binary formation with different metallicities: dependence on initial conditions
Machida, Masahiro N.; Omukai, Kazuyuki; Matsumoto, Tomoaki; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro
Spectroscopic analysis of nearby lower-main-sequence stars
Wang, X.M.; Shi, J.R. ; Zhao, G.
Tidal disruption of globular clusters in dwarf galaxies with triaxial dark matter haloes
Peñarrubia, Jorge; Walker, Matthew G. ; Gilmore, Gerard
The INTEGRAL complete sample of type 1 AGN
Molina, M.; Bassani, L. ; Malizia, A. ; Stephen, J.B. ; Bird, A.J. ; Dean, A.J. ; Panessa, F. ; De Rosa, A. ; Landi, R.
Chandra measurements of non-thermal-like X-ray emission from massive, merging, radio halo clusters
Million, E.T.; Allen, S.W.
Realistic analytic model for the prompt and high-latitude emission in GRBs
Genet, F.; Granot, J.
Implications of primordial black holes on the first stars and the origin of the super-massive black holes
Bambi, Cosimo; Spolyar, Douglas ; Dolgov, Alexander D. ; Freese, Katherine ; Volonteri, Marta
Simultaneous MITSuME g'RCIC monitoring of S5 0716+714
Stalin, C.S.; Kawabata, Koji S. ; Uemura, Makoto ; Yoshida, Michitoshi ; Kawai, Nobuyuki ; Yanagisawa, Kenshi ; Shimizu, Yasuhiro ; Kuroda, Daisuke ; Nagayama, Shogo ; Toda, Hiroyuki
Automatic morphological classification of galaxy images
Shamir, Lior
Exploring the active galactic nucleus and starburst content of local ultraluminous infrared galaxies through 5-8 µm spectroscopy
Nardini, E.; Risaliti, G. ; Salvati, M. ; Sani, E. ; Watabe, Y. ; Marconi, A. ; Maiolino, R.
Debris disc stirring by secular perturbations from giant planets
Mustill, Alexander J.; Wyatt, Mark C.
Cross-entropy optimizer: a new tool to study precession in astrophysical jets
Caproni, A.; Monteiro, H. ; Abraham, Z.
A large-scale survey of X-ray filaments in the Galactic Centre
Johnson, S.P.; Dong, H. ; Wang, Q.D.
Constraining the orbital orientation of η Carinae from H Paschen lines
Falceta-Gonçalves, D.; Abraham, Z.
The Hi gas content of galaxies around Abell 370, a galaxy cluster at z = 0.37
Lah, Philip; Pracy, Michael B. ; Chengalur, Jayaram N. ; Briggs, Frank H. ; Colless, Matthew ; De Propris, Roberto ; Ferris, Shaun ; Schmidt, Brian P. ; Tucker, Bradley E.
Towards multiple-star population synthesis
Eggleton, P.P.
The initial shear field in models with primordial local non-Gaussianity and implications for halo and void abundances
Lam, Tsz Yan; Sheth, Ravi K.; Desjacques, Vincent
On the theory of astronomical masers - II. Polarization of maser radiation
2009MNRAS.399.1506P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/399/1506)
Infrared dark cloud cores in the SCUBA Legacy Catalogue
Parsons, H.; Thompson, M.A.; Chrysostomou, A.
Soft X-ray polarization in thermal magnetar emission
van Adelsberg, Matthew; Perna, Rosalba
SY Cnc, a case for unstable mass transferquest
Casares, J.; Martínez-Pais, I.G. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P.
Post-Newtonian limitations on measurement of the PPN parameters caused by motion of gravitating bodies
Kopeikin, S.M.
Optical-to-X-ray emission in low-absorption AGN: results from the Swift-BAT 9-month catalogue
Vasudevan, R.V.; Mushotzky, R.F. ; Winter, L.M. ; Fabian, A.C.
Swift observations of GW Lib: a unique insight into a rare outburst
Byckling, K.; Osborne, J.P. ; Wheatley, P.J. ; Wynn, G.A. ; Beardmore, A. ; Braito, V. ; Mukai, K. ; West, R.G.
The formation of submillisecond pulsars and the possibility of detection
Du, Y.J.; Xu, R.X. ; Qiao, G.J. ; Han, J.L.
The long-term X-ray spectral variability of AGN
Sobolewska, M.A.; Papadakis, I.E.
The sizes of minivoids in the local Universe: an argument in favour of a warm dark matter modelquest
Tikhonov, A.V.; Gottlöber, S.; Yepes, G.; Hoffman, Y.
Unusual optical quiescence of the classical BL Lac object PKS 0735+178 on intranight time-scale
Goyal, Arti; Gopal-Krishna ; Anupama, G.C. ; Sahu, D.K. ; Sagar, R. ; Britzen, S. ; Karouzos, M.; Aller, M.F. ; Aller, H.D.
Viscous propagation of mass flow variability in accretion discs
Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Kawabata, Ryoji; Mineshige, Shin
Radio monitoring of NGC 7469: late-time radio evolution of SN 2000ft and the circumnuclear starburst in NGC 7469
Pérez-Torres, M.A.; Alberdi, A. ; Colina, L. ; Torrelles, J.M. ; Panagia, N. ; Wilson, A.; Kankare, E. ; Mattila, S.
Relic Hii regions and radiative feedback at high redshifts
Mesinger, Andrei; Bryan, Greg L. ; Haiman, Zoltán
Clustering of luminous red galaxies - IV. Baryon acoustic peak in the line-of-sight direction and a direct measurement of H(z)
Gaztañaga, Enrique; Cabré, Anna ; Hui, Lam
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