Monthly Notices of the RAS 397
July(III) 2009
- 2009MNRAS.397L...1S
- A parsec scale X-ray extended structure from the X-ray binary Circinus X-1
- Soleri, P.; Heinz, S. ; Fender, R. ; Wijnands, R. ; Tudose, V. ; Altamirano, D. ; Jonker, P.G. ; Klis, M.van der ; Kuiper, L. ; Kaiser, C. ; Casella, P.
- 2009MNRAS.397L...6W
- Discovery of a large and bright bow shock nebula associated with low-mass X-ray binary SAX J1712.6-3739
- Wiersema, K.; Russell, D.M. ; Degenaar, N. ; Klein-Wolt, M. ; Wijnands, R. ; Heinz, S. ; Read, A.M. ; Saxton, R.D. ; Tanvir, N.R.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..11J
- Discovery of a short orbital period in the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J16479-4514
- Jain, Chetana; Paul, Biswajit ; Dutta, Anjan
- 2009MNRAS.397L..16G
- Is the HR8799 extrasolar system destined for planetary scattering ?
- Gozdziewski, Krzysztof; Migaszewski, Cezary
- 2009MNRAS.397L..21R
- Constraints on the absorption-dominated model for the X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15
- Reynolds, C.S.; Fabian, A.C. ; Brenneman, L.W. ; Miniutti, G. ; Uttley, P. ; Gallo, L.C.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..26C
- Red Clump stars in the Boötes III stellar system
- Correnti, M.; Bellazzini, M. ; Ferraro, F.R.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..31L
- Cosmic queuing: galaxy satellites, building blocks and the hierarchical clustering paradigm
- Lagos, Claudia del P.; Padilla, Nelson D. ; Cora, Sofía A.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..36G
- What does a universal initial mass function imply about star formation ?
- Goodwin, Simon P.; Kouwenhoven, M.B.N.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..41C
- The velocity-shape alignment of clusters and the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
- Cunnama, D.; Faltenbacher, A. ; Cress, C. ; Passmoor, S.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..46H
- 1 Gyr in the life of the globular cluster NGC 6397
- Heggie, Douglas C.; Giersz, Mirek
- 2009MNRAS.397L..51K
- RS Ophiuchi: thermonuclear explosion or disc instability ?
- King, A.R.; Pringle, J.E.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..55B
- On the identification of the Fermi/LAT source 0FGL J2001.0+4352 with a BL Lac
- Bassani, L.; Landi, R. ; Masetti, N. ; Parisi, P. ; Bazzano, A. ; Ubertini, P.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..60D
- The scaleheight of NGC 1058 measured from its Hi power spectrum
- Dutta, Prasun; Begum, Ayesha; Bharadwaj, Somnath; Chengalur, Jayaram N.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..64A
- Disc formation and the origin of clumpy galaxies at high redshift
- Agertz, Oscar; Teyssier, Romain ; Moore, Ben
- 2009MNRAS.397L..69E
- Can X-rays provide a solution to the abundance discrepancy problem in photoionized nebulae ?
- Ercolano, B.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..74M
- Can collisional activity produce a crystallization of Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt comets ?
- Marboeuf, Ulysse; Petit, Jean-Marc ; Mousis, Olivier
- 2009MNRAS.397L..79H
- Constraining white dwarf kicks in globular clusters - IV. Retarding core collapse
- Heyl, Jeremy; Penrice, Matt
- 2009MNRAS.397L..82T
- Radial velocity study of the post-period minimum cataclysmic variable SDSSJ143317.78+101123.3 with an electron-multiplying CCD
- Tulloch, S.M.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Dhillon, V.S.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..87L
- On the common mass scale of the Milky Way satellites
- Li, Yang-Shyang; Helmi, Amina; De Lucia, Gabriella; Stoehr, Felix
- 2009MNRAS.397L..92B
- A second black hole candidate in a M31 globular cluster is identified with XMM-Newton
- Barnard, R.; Kolb, U.
- 2009MNRAS.397L..96C
- Laboratory evidence for the non-detection of excited nascent H2 in dark clouds
- Congiu, E.; Matar, E. ; Kristensen, L.E.; Dulieu, F. ; Lemaire, J.L.
- 2009MNRAS.397L.101I
- Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations spectra and Lense-Thirring precession
- Ingram, Adam; Done, Chris ; Fragile, P.Chris
- 2009MNRAS.397L.106C
- Old open clusters in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy tidal stream - kith or kin ?
- Carraro, Giovanni; Bensby, Thomas
- 2009MNRAS.397....2E
- Hierarchical star formation: stars and stellar clusters in the Gould Belt
- Elias, F.; Alfaro, E.J.; Cabrera-Caño, J.
- 2009MNRAS.397...14M
- Formation of interstellar clouds: Parker instability with phase transitions
- Mouschovias, Telemachos Ch.; Kunz, Matthew W. ; Christie, Duncan A.
- 2009MNRAS.397...24B
- Dust settling in magnetorotationally driven turbulent discs - I. Numerical methods and evidence for a vigorous streaming instability
- Balsara, Dinshaw S.; Tilley, David A.; Rettig, Terrence; Brittain, Sean D.
- 2009MNRAS.397...44R
- A dark matter disc in three cosmological simulations of Milky Way mass galaxies
- Read, J.I.; Mayer, L. ; Brooks, A.M. ; Governato, F. ; Lake, G.
- 2009MNRAS.397...52H
- The excitation of spiral density waves through turbulent fluctuations in accretion discs - I. WKBJ theory
- Heinemann, T.; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
- 2009MNRAS.397...64H
- The excitation of spiral density waves through turbulent fluctuations in accretion discs - II. Numerical simulations with MRI-driven turbulence
- Heinemann, T.; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
- 2009MNRAS.397...75G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/397/75)
- On the origin of the scatter around the Fundamental Plane: correlations with stellar population parameters
- Gargiulo, A.; Haines, C.P. ; Merluzzi, P. ; Smith, R.J. ; Barbera, F.La ; Busarello, G. ; Lucey, J.R. ; Mercurio, A. ; Capaccioli, M.
- 2009MNRAS.397...90P
- Evolution of the u-band luminosity function from redshift 1.2 to 0
- Prescott, Matthew; Baldry, Ivan K. ; James, Phil A.
- 2009MNRAS.397..103S
- Optical polarization of the Crab pulsar: precision measurements and comparison to the radio emission
- Slowikowska, A.; Kanbach, G. ; Kramer, M. ; Stefanescu, A.
- 2009MNRAS.397..124G
- The ultraluminous X-ray source population of NGC 4485/4490
- Gladstone, Jeanette C.; Roberts, Timothy P.
- 2009MNRAS.397..135K
- Feast and Famine: regulation of black hole growth in low-redshift galaxies
- Kauffmann, Guinevere; Heckman, Timothy M.
- 2009MNRAS.397..148L
- M31* and its circumnuclear environment
- Li, Zhiyuan; Wang, Q.Daniel; Wakker, Bart P.
- 2009MNRAS.397..164R
- A new formula describing the scaffold structure of spiral galaxies
- Ringermacher, Harry I.; Mead, Lawrence R.
- 2009MNRAS.397..172G
- AGN with strong forbidden high-ionization lines selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Gelbord, Jonathan M.; Mullaney, James R.; Ward, Martin J.
- 2009MNRAS.397..190S
- Numerical simulations of hot halo gas in galaxy mergers
- Sinha, Manodeep; Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly
- 2009MNRAS.397..208C
- The structures of distant galaxies - II. Diverse galaxy structures and local environments at z = 4-6: implications for early galaxy assembly
- Conselice, Christopher J.; Arnold, Jessica
- 2009MNRAS.397..232B
- The dependence of star formation on initial conditions and molecular cloud structure
- Bate, Matthew R.
- 2009MNRAS.397..249P
- Quantifying the fast outflow in the luminous Seyfert galaxy PG1211+143
- Pounds, K.A.; Reeves, J.N.
- 2009MNRAS.397..258L
- Identifying nearby field T dwarfs in the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey
- Lodieu, N.; Burningham, B. ; Hambly, N.C. ; Pinfield, D.J.
- 2009MNRAS.397..265S
- The evolution of star formation in quasar host galaxies
- Serjeant, Stephen; Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia
- 2009MNRAS.397..281I – (Tables: J/MNRAS/397/281)
- Deep multi-frequency radio imaging in the Lockman Hole using the GMRT and VLA - I. The nature of the sub-mJy radio population
- Ibar, Edo; Ivison, R.J. ; Biggs, A.D. ; Lal, D.V. ; Best, P.N. ; Green, D.A.
- 2009MNRAS.397..299M
- Dark matter halo creation in moving barrier models
- Moreno, Jorge; Giocoli, Carlo; Sheth, Ravi K.
- 2009MNRAS.397..311D
- Estimating cosmological parameters from future gravitational lens surveys
- Dobke, B.M.; King, L.J.; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Auger, M.W.
- 2009MNRAS.397..320L
- Evidence for a long-term variation of the dynamo action responsible for the solar magnetic cycle
- Lopes, I.; Passos, D.
- 2009MNRAS.397..325P
- Detection of non-radial pulsation and faint companion in the symbiotic star CH Cyg
- Pedretti, E.; Monnier, J.D. ; Lacour, S. ; Traub, W.A. ; Danchi, W.C. ; Tuthill, P.G. ; Thureau, N.D. ; Millan-Gabet, R. ; Berger, J.-P. ; Lacasse, M.G. ; Schuller, P.A. ; Schloerb, F.P. ; Carleton, N.P.
- 2009MNRAS.397..335Z
- Metallicity and photospheric abundances in field GKM giants and dwarfs
- Zboril, M.
- 2009MNRAS.397..341L
- Non-parametric strong lens inversion of SDSS J1004+4112
- Liesenborgs, J.; De Rijcke, S.; Dejonghe, H. ; Bekaert, P.
- 2009MNRAS.397..350J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/397/350)
- An extensive photometric study of the Blazhko RR Lyrae star DM Cyg
- Jurcsik, J.; Hurta, Zs. ; Sódor, Á. ; Szeidl, B. ; Nagy, I. ; Posztobányi, K. ; Váradi, M. ; Vida, K. ; Belucz, B. ; Dékány, I. ; Hajdu, G. ; Kovári, Zs. ; Kun, E.
- 2009MNRAS.397..361Z
- A systematic description of shocks in gamma-ray bursts - I. Formulation
- Ziaeepour, Houri
- 2009MNRAS.397..386Z
- A systematic description of shocks in gamma-ray bursts - II. Simulation
- Ziaeepour, Houri
- 2009MNRAS.397..405S
- Pre-main-sequence variability across the radiative-convective gap
- Saunders, Eric S.; Naylor, Tim ; Mayne, Nathan; Littlefair, S.P.
- 2009MNRAS.397..411T
- Damped Lyman α systems in high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations
- Tescari, E.; Viel, M. ; Tornatore, L. ; Borgani, S.
- 2009MNRAS.397..431V
- How flat can you get ? A model comparison perspective on the curvature of the Universe
- Vardanyan, Mihran; Trotta, Roberto; Silk, Joseph
- 2009MNRAS.397..445S
- Matter temperature during cosmological recombination
- Scott, Douglas; Moss, Adam
- 2009MNRAS.397..447W
- Extremely anisotropic scintillations
- Walker, M.A.; de Bruyn, A.G. ; Bignall, H.E.
- 2009MNRAS.397..453K
- Two new pulsating DB Stars from the EC survey, EC 04207-4748 and EC 05221-4725
- Kilkenny, D.; O'Donoghue, D. ; Crause, L.A. ; Hambly, N. ; MacGillivray, H.
- 2009MNRAS.397..458D
- A photometric study of the field around the candidate recoiling/binary black hole SDSS J092712.65+294344.0
- Decarli, R.; Reynolds, M.T. ; Dotti, M.
- 2009MNRAS.397..467E
- Assessing the dust selection bias in quasar absorbers at 0.7 < z < 1.6: Zn/Fe abundances in a radio-selected sample
- Ellison, Sara L.; Lopez, Sebastian
- 2009MNRAS.397..479C
- Peculiar nature of hard X-ray eclipse in SS433 from INTEGRAL observations
- Cherepashchuk, A.M.; Sunyaev, R.A. ; Postnov, K.A.; Antokhina, E.A.; Molkov, S.V.
- 2009MNRAS.397..488P
- Recurrent gas accretion by massive star clusters, multiple stellar populations and mass thresholds for spheroidal stellar systems
- Pflamm-Altenburg, Jan; Kroupa, Pavel
- 2009MNRAS.397..495K
- Fitting power-law distributions to data with measurement errors
- Koen, C.; Kondlo, L.
- 2009MNRAS.397..506K
- Dry mergers: a crucial test for galaxy formation
- Khochfar, S.; Silk, J.
- 2009MNRAS.397..511B
- A joint model for the emission and absorption properties of damped Lyα absorption systems
- Barnes, Luke A.; Haehnelt, Martin G.
- 2009MNRAS.397..520W
- Bayesian photometric redshifts with empirical training sets
- Wolf, Christian
- 2009MNRAS.397..534C
- Two-phase galaxy formation
- Cook, M.; Lapi, A. ; Granato, G.L.
- 2009MNRAS.397..548S
- Hi content and star formation in the interacting galaxy Arp86
- Sengupta, Chandreyee; Dwarakanath, K.S.; Saikia, D.J.
- 2009MNRAS.397..558K
- Detrending time series for astronomical variability surveys
- Kim, Dae-Won; Protopapas, Pavlos ; Alcock, Charles ; Byun, Yong-Ik ; Bianco, Federica B.
- 2009MNRAS.397..569H
- Revisiting the relativistic ejection event in XTE J1550-564 during the 1998 outburst
- Hannikainen, D.C.; Hunstead, R.W. ; Wu, K. ; McIntyre, V. ; Lovell, J.E.J. ; Campbell-Wilson, D. ; McCollough, M.L. ; Reynolds, J. ; Tzioumis, A.K.
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