Monthly Notices of the RAS 394
April(I) 2009
- 2009MNRAS.394..577O
- ΛCDM predictions for galaxy protoclusters - I. The relation between galaxies, protoclusters and quasars at z ∼ 6
- Overzier, Roderik A.; Guo, Qi ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; De Lucia, Gabriella ; Bouwens, Rychard ; Lemson, Gerard
- 2009MNRAS.394..595V
- On the behaviour of stellar winds that exceed the photon-tiring limit
- van Marle, Allard Jan; Owocki, Stanley P. ; Shaviv, Nir J.
- 2009MNRAS.394..605F
- Can early dark energy be detected in non-linear structure ?
- Francis, Matthew J.; Lewis, Geraint F. ; Linder, Eric V.
- 2009MNRAS.394..615C
- Stability of C60 and C70fullerenes toward corpuscular and γ radiation
- Cataldo, Franco; Strazzulla, Giovanni ; Iglesias-Groth, Susana
- 2009MNRAS.394..624R
- The clustering of the first galaxy haloes
- Reed, Darren S.; Bower, Richard ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Theuns, Tom
- 2009MNRAS.394..633D
- Imprints of recoiling massive black holes on the hot gas of early-type galaxies
- Devecchi, B.; Rasia, E.; Dotti, M. ; Volonteri, M. ; Colpi, M.
- 2009MNRAS.394..641Z
- The graininess of dark matter haloes
- Zemp, Marcel; Diemand, Jürg; Kuhlen, Michael ; Madau, Piero ; Moore, Ben ; Potter, Doug ; Stadel, Joachim ; Widrow, Lawrence
- 2009MNRAS.394..660C
- The mass of the black hole in Centaurus A from SINFONI AO-assisted integral-field observations of stellar kinematics
- Cappellari, Michele; Neumayer, N. ; Reunanen, J. ; van der Werf, P.P.; de Zeeuw, P.T. ; Rix, H.-W.
- 2009MNRAS.394..675H
- The UKIRT wide field camera ZYJHK photometric system: calibration from 2MASS
- Hodgkin, S.T.; Irwin, M.J. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Warren, S.J.
- 2009MNRAS.394..693M
- Properties of the ionized gas in HH202 - I. Results from integral field spectroscopy with PMAS
- Mesa-Delgado, A.; López-Martín, L. ; Esteban, C. ; García-Rojas, J. ; Luridiana, V.
- 2009MNRAS.394..704M
- Cosmological information in the gravitational lensing of pregalactic Hi
- Metcalf, R.Benton; White, S.D.M.
- 2009MNRAS.394..715L
- MRI channel flows and their parasites
- Latter, Henrik N.; Lesaffre, Pierre; Balbus, Steven A.
- 2009MNRAS.394..730P
- Oscillations of rapidly rotating stratified neutron stars
- Passamonti, A.; Haskell, B. ; Andersson, N. ; Jones, D.I. ; Hawke, I.
- 2009MNRAS.394..742O
- On the importance of satellite lines to the helium-like Kα complex and the G ratio for calcium, iron and nickel
- Oelgoetz, J.; Fontes, C.J. ; Zhang, H.L. ; Nahar, S.N. ; Pradhan, A.K.
- 2009MNRAS.394..751J
- Towards quantitative control on discreteness error in the non-linear regime of cosmological N-body simulations
- Joyce, M.; Marcos, B. ; Baertschiger, T.
- 2009MNRAS.394..774L
- Stellar mass estimates in early-type galaxies: procedures, uncertainties and models dependence
- Longhetti, M.; Saracco, P.
- 2009MNRAS.394..795W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/394/795)
- Asymptotic giant branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
- Whitelock, Patricia A.; Menzies, John W. ; Feast, Michael W. ; Matsunaga, Noriyuki ; Tanabé, Toshihiko ; Ita, Yoshifusa
- 2009MNRAS.394..810B
- Dissociation of the benzene molecule by ultraviolet and soft X-rays in circumstellar environment
- Boechat-Roberty, H.M.; Neves, R. ; Pilling, S. ; Lago, A.F. ; de Souza, G.G.B.
- 2009MNRAS.394..818A
- Perturbation theory of N point-mass gravitational lens systems without symmetry: small mass-ratio approximation
- Asada, H.
- 2009MNRAS.394..831M
- Giants in the globular cluster ω Centauri: dust production, mass-loss and distance
- McDonald, Iain; van Loon, Jacco Th. ; Decin, Leen ; Boyer, Martha L. ; Dupree, Andrea K. ; Evans, Aneurin ; Gehrz, Robert D. ; Woodward, Charles E.
- 2009MNRAS.394..857D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/394/857)
- The UKIDSS-2MASS proper motion survey - I. Ultracool dwarfs from UKIDSS DR4
- Deacon, N.R.; Hambly, N.C. ; King, R.R. ; McCaughrean, M.J.
- 2009MNRAS.394..872R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/394/872)
- Spot activity in the RS CVn binary DM Ursae Majoris
- Rosario, M.J.; Heckert, P.A.; Mekkaden, M.V.; Raveendran, A.V.
- 2009MNRAS.394..882F
- Introducing a hybrid radiative transfer method for smoothed particle hydrodynamics
- Forgan, Duncan; Rice, Ken ; Stamatellos, Dimitris ; Whitworth, Anthony
- 2009MNRAS.394..892H
- Light curve morphology study of UW CrB - evidence for a 5 d superorbital period
- Hakala, Pasi; Hjalmarsdotter, Linnea ; Hannikainen, Diana C. ; Muhli, Panu
- 2009MNRAS.394..900C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/394/900)
- Unveiling the birth and evolution of the Hii region Sh2-173
- Cichowolski, S.; Romero, G.A. ; Ortega, M.E.; Cappa, C.E.; Vasquez, J.
- 2009MNRAS.394..916H
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as a tool to study the distribution of ultra-high energy cosmic ray sources
- Harari, D.; Mollerach, S.; Roulet, E.
- 2009MNRAS.394..923K
- Prediction for the Hei λ10830 Å absorption wing in the coming event of η Carinae
- Kashi, Amit; Soker, Noam
- 2009MNRAS.394..929C
- Galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing: a promising union to constrain cosmological parameters
- Cacciato, Marcello; van den Bosch, Frank C.; More, Surhud ; Li, Ran ; Mo, H.J. ; Yang, Xiaohu
- 2009MNRAS.394..947C
- Modelling clusters of galaxies by f(R) gravity
- Capozziello, S.; De Filippis, E. ; Salzano, V.
- 2009MNRAS.394..960C
- Inside-out or outside-in: the topology of reionization in the photon-starved regime suggested by Lyα forest data
- Choudhury, Tirthankar Roy; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Regan, John
- 2009MNRAS.394..978P
- Post-common-envelope binaries from SDSS - V. Four eclipsing white dwarf main-sequence binaries
- Pyrzas, S.; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Aungwerojwit, A. ; Rebassa-Mansergas, A. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. ; Southworth, J. ; Schreiber, M.R. ; Gomez-Moran, A.Nebot ; Koester, D.
- 2009MNRAS.394..995D
- Binarity and multiperiodicity in high-amplitude δ Scuti stars
- Derekas, A.; Kiss, L.L. ; Bedding, T.R. ; Ashley, M.C.B. ; Csák, B. ; Danos, A. ; Fernandez, J.M. ; Furész, G. ; Mészáros, Sz. ; Szabó, Gy.M. ; Szakáts, R. ; Székely, P. ; Szatmáry, K.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1009R
- Three-dimensional numerical model of the Omega Nebula (M17): simulated thermal X-ray emission
- Reyes-Iturbide, J.; Velázquez, P.F.; Rosado, M.; Rodríguez-González, A.; González, R.F.; Esquivel, A.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1016L
- Modelling galaxy-galaxy weak lensing with Sloan Digital Sky Survey groups
- Li, Ran; Mo, H.J. ; Fan, Zuhui ; Cacciato, Marcello ; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Yang, Xiaohu ; More, Surhud
- 2009MNRAS.394.1031G
- Kinetic properties of coronal mass ejections corrected for the projection effect in Cycle 23
- Gao, Peng-Xin; Li, Ke-Jun ; Li, Qi-Xiu
- 2009MNRAS.394.1037E
- Mutual occultations and eclipses of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter in 2002-2003: final astrometric results
- Emelyanov, N.V.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1045K
- Stellar overdensities in the halo: the extent of the Virgo overdensity
- Keller, Stefan C.; Da Costa, Gary S.; Prior, Sayuri L.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1051S
- Light element abundances in carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars
- Stancliffe, Richard J.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1061H
- Shattering and coagulation of dust grains in interstellar turbulence
- Hirashita, Hiroyuki; Yan, Huirong
- 2009MNRAS.394.1075H
- Local effects in astrometric binary orbits: perspective transformation and light-travel time
- Halbwachs, J.-L.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1085T
- Gauss's method for secular dynamics, softened
- Touma, J.R.; Tremaine, S.; Kazandjian, M.V.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1109C
- A simple model to link the properties of quasars to the properties of dark matter haloes out to high redshift
- Croton, Darren J.
- 2009MNRAS.394.1120S
- Erratum: A radio survey of seven southern X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies
- Slee, O.B.; Andernach, H.; McIntyre, V.J.; Tsarevsky, G.
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