Monthly Notices of the RAS 392
January(III) 2009

Bayesian strong gravitational-lens modelling on adaptive grids: objective detection of mass substructure in Galaxies
Vegetti, S.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
Multiple clump structures within photoionized regions
Raga, A.C.; Henney, W. ; Vasconcelos, J. ; Cerqueira, A. ; Esquivel, A. ; Rodríguez-González, A.
Quantitative analysis of clumps in the tidal tails of star clusters
Just, A.; Berczik, P. ; Petrov, M.I. ; Ernst, A.
The mid-infrared colour-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster as measured by Spitzer-IRS
Clemens, M.S.; Bressan, A. ; Panuzzo, P. ; Rampazzo, R. ; Silva, L. ; Buson, L. ; Granato, G.L.
Broad-band X-ray spectral evolution of GX 339-4 during a state transition
Santo, M.Del; Belloni, T.M. ; Homan, J. ; Bazzano, A. ; Casella, P. ; Fender, R.P. ; Gallo, E. ; Gehrels, N. ; Lewin, W.H.G. ; Méndez, M. ; van der Klis, M.
2009MNRAS.392..998E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/392/998)
The kinematic signature of damped Lyman alpha systems: using the D-index to screen for high column density Hi absorbers
Ellison, Sara L.; Murphy, Michael T. ; Dessauges-Zavadsky, Miroslava
Cluster magnetic fields from galactic outflows
Donnert, J.; Dolag, K. ; Lesch, H. ; Müller, E.
Dynamical simulations of magnetically channelled line-driven stellar winds - III. Angular momentum loss and rotational spin-down
ud-Doula, Asif; Owocki, Stanley P. ; Townsend, Richard H.D.
2009MNRAS.392.1034O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/392/1034)
The low-mass initial mass function in the young cluster NGC6611
Oliveira, J.M.; Jeffries, R.D. ; van Loon, J.Th.
On the relationship between instability and Lyapunov times for the three-body problem
Urminsky, D.J.; Heggie, D.C.
The Fundamental Plane for early-type galaxies: dependence on the magnitude range
Nigoche-Netro, A.; Ruelas-Mayorga, A.; Franco-Balderas, A.
Head-tail Galaxies: beacons of high-density regions in clusters
Mao, Minnie Y.; Johnston-Hollitt, Melanie ; Stevens, Jamie B. ; Wotherspoon, Simon J.
A halo model of galaxy colours and clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Skibba, Ramin A.; Sheth, Ravi K.
The pulsating hot subdwarf Balloon 090100001: results of the 2005 multisite campaign
Baran, A.; Oreiro, R. ; Pigulski, A. ; Hernández, F.Pérez ; Ulla, A. ; Reed, M.D. ; Rodríguez-López, C. ; Moskalik, P. ; Kim, S.-L. ; Chen, W.-P. ; Crowe, R. ; Siwak, M. ; Armendarez, L. ; Binder, P.M. ; Choo, K.-J. ; Dye, A. ; Eggen, J.R. ; Garrido, R. ; Pérez, J.M.González ; Harms, S.L. ; Huang, F.-Y. ; Koziel, D. ; Lee, H.-T. ; MacDonald, J. ; Machado, L.Fox ; Monserrat, T. ; Stevick, J. ; Stewart, S. ; Terry, D. ; Zhou, A.-Y. ; Zola, S.
Reprocessing of X-rays in the outer accretion disc of the black hole binary XTE J1817-330
Gierlinski, Marek; Done, Chris ; Page, Kim
On the origin of the 511-keV emission in the Galactic Centre
Bandyopadhyay, Reba M.; Silk, Joseph ; Taylor, James E. ; Maccarone, Thomas J.
Simultaneous X-ray/optical/UV snapshots of active galactic nuclei from XMM-Newton: spectral energy distributions for the reverberation mapped sample
Vasudevan, R.V.; Fabian, A.C.
Compact groups in theory and practice - II. Comparing the observed and predicted nature of galaxies in compact groups
Brasseur, Crystal M. ; McConnachie, Alan W. ; Ellison, Sara L. ; Patton, David R.
Biases on the cosmological parameters and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich residuals
Taburet, Nicolas; Aghanim, Nabila ; Douspis, Marian ; Langer, Mathieu
Intermediate-term periodicities in sunspot areas during solar cycles 22 and 23
Chowdhury, Partha; Khan, Manoranjan; Ray, P.C.
2009MNRAS.392.1181D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/392/1181)
The long-term multiband optical observations and colour index for the quasar 3C 273
Dai, B.Z.; Li, X.H. ; Liu, Z.M. ; Zhang, B.K. ; Na, W.W. ; Wu, Y.F. ; Hao, J.M. ; Xiang, Y. ; Jiang, Z.J. ; Zhang, L.
Planetary microlensing signals from the orbital motion of the source star around the common barycentre
Rahvar, S. ; Dominik, M.
A structure and energy dissipation efficiency of relativistic reconfinement shocks
Nalewajko, Krzysztof; Sikora, Marek
A Roche model for uniformly rotating rings
Horatschek, Stefan; Petroff, David
Near-infrared polarimetry of the Red Rectangle
Gledhill, T.M.; Witt, A.N. ; Vijh, U.P. ; Davis, C.J.
Galaxy Zoo: chiral correlation function of galaxy spins
Slosar, Anze; Land, Kate ; Bamford, Steven ; Lintott, Chris ; Andreescu, Dan ; Murray, Phil ; Nichol, Robert ; Raddick, M.Jordan ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Szalay, Alex ; Thomas, Daniel ; Vandenberg, Jan
On `spoke approximation' in the stability theory of stellar systems with highly elongated orbits in near-Keplerian potentials
Polyachenko, E.V.; Polyachenko, V.L. ; Shukhman, I.G.
Periodicities in the high-mass X-ray binary system RXJ0146.9+6121/LSI+61°235
Sarty, Gordon E.; Kiss, László L. ; Huziak, Richard ; Catalan, Lionel J.J. ; Luciuk, Diane ; Crawford, Timothy R. ; Lane, David J. ; Pickard, Roger D. ; Grzybowski, Thomas A. ; Closas, Pere ; Johnston, Helen ; Balam, David ; Wu, Kinwah
Improved equations for eccentricity generation in hierarchical triple systems
Georgakarakos, Nikolaos
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