Monthly Notices of the RAS 391
December(II) 2008
- 2008MNRAS.391.1009L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/391/1009)
- Radial kinematics of brightest cluster galaxies
- Loubser, S.I.; Sansom, A.E. ; Sánchez-Blázquez, P. ; Soechting, I.K. ; Bromage, G.E.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1029T
- A new perspective on the irregular satellites of Saturn - I. Dynamical and collisional history
- Turrini, D.; Marzari, F. ; Beust, H.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1052J
- Shock heating in the group atmosphere of the radio galaxy B2 0838+32A
- Jetha, Nazirah N.; Hardcastle, Martin J. ; Ponman, Trevor J. ; Sakelliou, Irini
- 2008MNRAS.391.1063A
- Shaping planetary nebulae by light jets
- Akashi, Muhammad; Soker, Noam
- 2008MNRAS.391.1075C
- Centimetre-wave continuum radiation from the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud
- Casassus, Simon; Dickinson, Clive ; Cleary, Kieran ; Paladini, Roberta ; Etxaluze, Mireya ; Lim, Tanya ; White, Glenn J. ; Burton, Michael ; Indermuehle, Balt ; Stahl, Otmar ; Roche, Patrick
- 2008MNRAS.391.1091S
- The structure of molecular clouds and the universality of the clump mass function
- Smith, Rowan J.; Clark, Paul C. ; Bonnell, Ian A.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1100F
- Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from the radio lobes of active galactic nuclei
- Fraschetti, F.; Melia, F.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1107L
- Integral field spectroscopy of HH 262: the spectral atlas
- López, R.; García-Lorenzo, B.; Sánchez, S.F.; Gómez, G.; Estalella, R.; Riera, A.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1117P
- The cosmic evolution of metallicity from the SDSS fossil record
- Panter, Benjamin ; Jimenez, Raul; Heavens, Alan F.; Charlot, Stephane
- 2008MNRAS.391.1127G
- Observations of the Corona Borealis supercluster with the superextended Very Small Array: further constraints on the nature of the non-Gaussian cosmic microwave background cold spot
- Génova-Santos, Ricardo; Rubiño-Martín, José Alberto ; Rebolo, Rafael ; Battye, Richard A. ; Blanco, Francisco ; Davies, Rod D. ; Davis, Richard J. ; Franzen, Thomas ; Grainge, Keith ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Lasenby, Anthony ; Padilla-Torres, Carmen P. ; Pooley, Guy G. ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Scaife, Anna ; Scott, Paul F. ; Titterington, David ; Tucci, Marco ; Watson, Robert A.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1137L
- Galaxy merger morphologies and time-scales from simulations of equal-mass gas-rich disc mergers
- Lotz, Jennifer M.; Jonsson, Patrik ; Cox, T.J.; Primack, Joel R.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1163P
- The impact of mergers on relaxed X-ray clusters - III. Effects on compact cool cores
- Poole, Gregory B.; Babul, Arif ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Sanderson, A.J.R. ; Fardal, Mark A.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1176F
- A semi-empirical model of the infrared emission from galaxies
- Ford, D.C.; Nikolic, B. ; Alexander, P.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1191B
- A search for the most massive galaxies - II. Structure, environment and formation
- Bernardi, M.; Hyde, J.B. ; Fritz, A. ; Sheth, R.K. ; Gebhardt, K. ; Nichol, R.C.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1210W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/391/1210)
- Profile and polarization characteristics of energetic pulsars
- Weltevrede, Patrick; Johnston, Simon
- 2008MNRAS.391.1227P
- An AzTEC 1.1mm survey of the GOODS-N field - I. Maps, catalogue and source statistics
- Perera, T.A.; Chapin, E.L. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Scott, K.S. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Halpern, M. ; Pope, A. ; Scott, D. ; Yun, M.S. ; Lowenthal, J.D. ; Morrison, G. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Bock, J.J. ; Coppin, K. ; Crowe, M. ; Frey, L. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Kang, Y. ; Kim, S. ; Mauskopf, P.D.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1239G
- Dynamics of the solar tachocline - II. The stratified case
- Garaud, P.; Garaud, J.-D.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1259O
- Initial orbit determination algorithms for cataloguing optical measurements of space debris
- Olmedo, Estrella; Sánchez-Ortiz, Noelia ; Lerate, Mercedes R. ; Belló-Mora, Miguel ; Klinkrad, Heiner ; Pina, Fernando
- 2008MNRAS.391.1273H
- European VLBI Network observations of 6.7-GHz methanol masers in a candidate circumstellar disc
- Harvey-Smith, L.; Soria-Ruiz, R.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1279J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/391/1279)
- Multiwavelength study of a young open cluster NGC7419
- Joshi, Himali; Kumar, Brijesh ; Singh, K.P. ; Sagar, Ram ; Sharma, Saurabh ; Pandey, J.C.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1301H
- The clustering and abundance of star-forming and passive galaxies at z ∼ 2
- Hartley, W.G.; Lane, K.P. ; Almaini, O. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; Foucaud, S. ; Simpson, C. ; Maddox, S. ; Smail, I. ; Conselice, C.J. ; McLure, R.J. ; Dunlop, J.S.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1308Q
- Mapping the galactic gravitational potential with peculiar acceleration
- Quercellini, C.; Amendola, L. ; Balbi, A.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1315F
- Optimal integrated Sachs-Wolfe detection and joint likelihood for cosmological parameter estimation
- Frommert, M.; Ensslin, T.A. ; Kitaura, F.S.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1327U
- On the local theory of stellar convection with µ-gradient using one-point correlation functions
- Umezu, Minoru
- 2008MNRAS.391.1332W
- Association of the 3:2 HFQPO pairs with the broad Fe K line in XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40
- Wang, Ding-Xiong; Gan, Zhao-Ming ; Huang, Chang-Yin ; Li, Yang
- 2008MNRAS.391.1341M
- The density contrast of the Shapley supercluster
- Muñoz, Joseph A.; Loeb, Abraham
- 2008MNRAS.391.1350L
- The structure of the inner Oort cloud from the simulation of its formation for 2 Gyr
- Leto, G.; Jakubík, M.; Paulech, T. ; Neslusan, L.; Dybczynski, P.A.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1359J
- Detection of blueshifted emission and absorption and a relativistic iron line in the X-ray spectrum of ESO323-G077
- Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Krongold, Y. ; Bianchi, S. ; Matt, G. ; Santos-Lleó, M. ; Piconcelli, E. ; Schartel, N.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1369S
- Magnetohydrodynamic instability in differentially rotating compressible flow
- Sharma, Mradul
- 2008MNRAS.391.1373B
- On the axisymmetric thin disc model of flattened galaxies
- Bratek, Lukasz; Jalocha, Joanna ; Kutschera, Marek
- 2008MNRAS.391.1384F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/391/1384)
- Deep MERLIN 5GHz radio imaging of supernova remnants in the M82 starburst
- Fenech, D.M.; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Beswick, R.J. ; Pedlar, A. ; Argo, M.K.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1403S
- Radial structure, inflow and central mass of stationary radiative galaxy clusters
- Saxton, Curtis J.; Wu, Kinwah
- 2008MNRAS.391.1437L
- Localized magnetorotational instability and its role in the accretion disc dynamo
- Lesur, Geoffroy; Ogilvie, Gordon I.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1451G
- Astrometric effects of non-uniform telescope throughput
- Gai, M.; Cancelliere, R.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1457K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/391/1457)
- The transverse proximity effect in the z ∼ 2 Lyman α forest suggests quasi-stellar object episodic lifetimes of ∼1 Myr
- Kirkman, David; Tytler, David
- 2008MNRAS.391.1472A
- The highest dynamical frequency in the inner region of an accretion disc
- Alpar, M.A.; Psaltis, D.
- 2008MNRAS.391.1477T
- A growing dynamo from a saturated Roberts flow dynamo
- Tilgner, Andreas; Brandenburg, Axel
- 2008MNRAS.391.1482P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/391/1482)
- Trumpler 20 - an old and rich open cluster
- Platais, I.; Melo, C.; Fulbright, J.P.; Kozhurina-Platais, V.; Figueira, P.; Barnes, S.A.; Méndez, R.A.
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