Monthly Notices of the RAS 390
November(I) 2008

2008MNRAS.390..881D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/390/881)
Photometric characterization of a well-defined sample of isolated galaxies in the context of the AMIGA project
Durbala, A.; Sulentic, J.W. ; Buta, R. ; Verdes-Montenegro, L.
Stellar population constraints on the dark matter content and origin of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies
Chilingarian, Igor V.; Cayatte, Véronique ; Bergond, Gilles
The CMB cold spot: texture, cluster or voidquest
Cruz, M.; Martínez-González, E. ; Vielva, P. ; Diego, J.M. ; Hobson, M. ; Turok, N.
Mass loss of galaxies due to an ultraviolet background
Okamoto, Takashi; Gao, Liang ; Theuns, Tom
Extremely red stellar objects revealed by IPHAS
Wright, N.J.; Greimel, R. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Drew, J.E. ; Cioni, M.-R.L. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Corradi, R.L.M. ; González-Solares, E.A. ; Groot, P. ; Irwin, J. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Mampaso, A. ; Morris, R.A.H. ; Steeghs, D. ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Walton, N.
Numerical investigation of lens models with substructures using the perturbative method
Peirani, S.; Alard, C. ; Pichon, C. ; Gavazzi, R. ; Aubert, D.
Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the selected Algol-type binaries - III. LL Aquarii, MP Delphini and NSV 20913
Ibanoglu, C.; Evren, S. ; Tas, G. ; Cakirli, O. ; Bozkurt, Z. ; Afsar, M. ; Sipahi, E. ; Dal, H.A. ; Özdarcan, O. ; Camurdan, D.Zengin ; Camurdan, M. ; Frasca, A.
Determining the extragalactic extinction law with SALT
Finkelman, Ido; Brosch, Noah; Kniazev, Alexei Y.; Buckley, David A.H.; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Hashimoto, Yas; Loaring, Nicola; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Still, Martin; Sefako, Ramotholo; Väisänen, Petri
Optical and near-infrared photometric study of the open cluster NGC 637 and 957
Yadav, R.K.S.; Kumar, Brijesh ; Subramaniam, A. ; Sagar, Ram ; Mathew, Blesson
An MCMC fitting method for triaxial dark matter haloes
Corless, Virginia L.; King, Lindsay J.
The structures of MASH and MASH II planetary nebulae at mid-infrared wavelengths
Ramos-Larios, G.; Phillips, J.P.
Newly confirmed and candidate Galactic SNRs uncovered from the AAO/UKST Hα survey
Stupar, M.; Parker, Q.A. ; Filipovic, M.D.
Modelling ultrafine structure in dark matter haloes
Fantin, Daniele S.M.; Merrifield, Michael R. ; Green, Anne M.
A bright, dust-obscured, millimetre-selected galaxy beyond the Bullet Cluster (1E0657-56)
Wilson, G.W.; Hughes, D.H. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Ezawa, H. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Doyle, S. ; Ferrusca, D. ; Hernández-Curiel, I. ; Kawabe, R. ; Kitayama, T. ; Kohno, K. ; Kuboi, A. ; Matsuo, H. ; Mauskopf, P.D. ; Murakoshi, Y. ; Montaña, A. ; Natarajan, P. ; Oshima, T. ; Ota, N. ; Perera, T.A. ; Rand, J. ; Scott, K.S. ; Tanaka, K. ; Tsuboi, M. ; Williams, C.C. ; Yamaguchi, N. ; Yun, M.S.
Ultraviolet radiative feedback during the advanced stages of reionization
Mesinger, Andrei; Dijkstra, Mark
Observation and modelling of main-sequence stellar chromospheres - VII. Rotation and metallicity of dM1 stars
Houdebine, E.R.
Coupling MOAO with integral field spectroscopy: specifications for the VLT and the E-ELT
Puech, M.; Flores, H. ; Lehnert, M. ; Neichel, B. ; Fusco, T. ; Rosati, P. ; Cuby, J.-G. ; Rousset, G.
`Normal' Fanaroff-Riley type II radio galaxies as a probe of the nature of X-shaped radio sources
Lal, Dharam V.; Hardcastle, Martin J. ; Kraft, Ralph P.
Interferometric imaging of the high-redshift radio galaxy, 4C60.07: an SMA, Spitzer and VLA study reveals a binary AGN/starburst
Ivison, R.J.; Morrison, G.E. ; Biggs, A.D. ; Smail, Ian ; Willner, S.P. ; Gurwell, M.A. ; Greve, T.R. ; Stevens, J.A. ; Ashby, M.L.N.
Kinematics of the H2 O masers at the centre of the planetary nebula K3-35
Uscanga, L.; Gómez, Y. ; Raga, A.C. ; Cantó, J. ; Anglada, G. ; Gómez, J.F. ; Torrelles, J.M. ; Miranda, L.F.
2008MNRAS.390.1133B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/390/1133)
The anisotropic distribution of satellite galaxies
Bailin, Jeremy; Power, Chris; Norberg, Peder; Zaritsky, Dennis; Gibson, Brad K.
Improved optical mass tracer for galaxy clusters calibrated using weak lensing measurements
Reyes, R.; Mandelbaum, R.; Hirata, C. ; Bahcall, N. ; Seljak, U.
G25.5+0.2: a possible symbiotic bipolar outflow
Phillips, J.P.; Ramos-Larios, G.
Constraints on the correlation between QSO luminosity and host halo mass from high-redshift quasar clustering
White, Martin ; Martini, Paul ; Cohn, J.D.
2008MNRAS.390.1185A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/390/1185)
Near-infrared photometry and radio continuum study of the massive star-forming regions IRAS 21413+5442 and IRAS 21407+5441
Anandarao, B.G.; Raman, V.Venkata; Ghosh, S.K.; Ojha, D.K.; Kumar, M.S.N.
Aggregate dust model to describe polarization properties of Comet Hale-Bopp
Das, H.S.; Das, S.R. ; Sen, A.K.
A discontinuity in the low-mass IMF - the case of high multiplicity
Thies, Ingo; Kroupa, Pavel
Direct X-ray spectral deprojection of galaxy clusters
Russell, H.R.; Sanders, J.S. ; Fabian, A.C.
A broad-band spectral analysis of eight radio-loud type 1 active galactic nuclei selected in the hard X-ray band
Molina, M.; Bassani, L. ; Malizia, A. ; Bird, A.J. ; Dean, A.J. ; Fiocchi, M. ; Panessa, F. ; De Rosa, A. ; Landi, R.
Properties of X-ray-selected broad absorption-line quasars
Blustin, A.J.; Dwelly, T. ; Page, M.J. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Seymour, N. ; Kennea, J.A. ; Loaring, N.S. ; Mason, K.O. ; Sekiguchi, K.
On the nature of unabsorbed Seyfert 2 galaxies
Brightman, Murray; Nandra, Kirpal
A search for rapid pulsations in the magnetic cool chemically peculiar star HD3980
Elkin, V.G.; Kurtz, D.W. ; Freyhammer, L.M. ; Hubrig, S. ; Mathys, G.
HD179949b: a close orbiting extrasolar giant planet with a stratospherequest
Barnes, J.R.; Barman, Travis S. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Leigh, C.J. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Barber, R.J. ; Pinfield, D.J.
A test suite for quantitative comparison of hydrodynamic codes in astrophysics
Tasker, Elizabeth J.; Brunino, Riccardo ; Mitchell, Nigel L. ; Michielsen, Dolf ; Hopton, Stephen ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Bryan, Greg L. ; Theuns, Tom
The ultraviolet luminosity function and star formation rate of the Coma cluster
Cortese, L.; Gavazzi, G. ; Boselli, A.
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