Monthly Notices of the RAS 390
October(II) 2008

Is there a standard measuring rod in the Universe ?
Jackson, J.C.
Updated analysis of the dynamical relation between asteroid 2003 EH1 and comets C/1490 Y1 and C/1385 U1
Micheli, Marco; Bernardi, Fabrizio ; Tholen, David J.
Large-scale modulation of star formation in void walls
Ceccarelli, L.; Padilla, N. ; Lambas, D.G.
The puzzling origin of the 6Li plateau
Evoli, Carmelo; Salvadori, Stefania ; Ferrara, Andrea
Density probability distribution functions of diffuse gas in the Milky Way
Berkhuijsen, E.M.; Fletcher, A.
Formation of a giant Hi bridge between M31 and M33 from their tidal interaction
Bekki, Kenji
Rapid optical and X-ray timing observations of GX 339-4: flux correlations at the onset of a low/hard state
Gandhi, P.; Makishima, K. ; Durant, M. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Miller, J.M. ; Shahbaz, T. ; Spruit, H.C.
The 2008 May burst activation of SGR1627-41
Esposito, P.; Israel, G.L. ; Zane, S. ; Senziani, F. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Rea, N. ; Palmer, D.M. ; Gehrels, N. ; Tiengo, A. ; De Luca, A. ; Götz, D. ; Mereghetti, S. ; Romano, P. ; Sakamoto, T. ; Barthelmy, S.D. ; Stella, L. ; Turolla, R. ; Feroci, M. ; Mangano, V.
On buckyonions as an interstellar grain component
Li, Aigen; Chen, J.H.; Li, M.P.; Shi, Q.J.; Wang, Y.J.
Low-frequency radio spectrum and spectral turnover of LS 5039
Godambe, Sagar; Bhattacharyya, Subir; Bhatt, Nilay ; Choudhury, Manojendu
Analytic expressions for the surface brightness profile of gamma-ray burst afterglow images
Granot, Jonathan
The luminosity-diameter relations for globular clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies
van den Bergh, Sidney
The apparent overdensity of open clusters in the Canis Major overdensity
Piatti, Andrés E.; Clariá, Juan J.
The trigger of the asymptotic giant branch superwind: the importance of carbon
Lagadec, Eric; Zijlstra, Albert A.
Dark matter halo concentrations in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe year 5 cosmology
Duffy, Alan R.; Schaye, Joop ; Kay, Scott T. ; Vecchia, Claudio Dalla
Disc instabilities and semi-analytic modelling of galaxy formation
Athanassoula, E.
An inhomogeneous jet model for the rapid variability of TeV blazars
Boutelier, T.; Henri, G. ; Petrucci, P.-O.
Puzzling X-rays from the new colliding wind binary Wolf-Rayet 65 (WC9d)
Oskinova, L.M.; Hamann, W.-R.
On the detection of internal gravity waves in the solar photosphere
Stodilka, M.I.
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, spiral galaxies and magnetars
Ghisellini, G.; Ghirlanda, G. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Fraternali, F. ; Pareschi, G.
Sound waves in the intracluster medium of the Centaurus cluster
Sanders, J.S.; Fabian, A.C.
Probing feedback in protogalaxies: multiphase gas in a DLA at z ~ 2.4
Lehner, N.; Howk, J.C. ; Prochaska, J.X. ; Wolfe, A.M.
Where is the radiation edge in magnetized black hole accretion discsquest
Beckwith, Kris; Hawley, John F. ; Krolik, Julian H.
Unlensing HST observations of the Einstein ring 1RXS J1131-1231: a Bayesian analysis
Brewer, B.J.; Lewis, G.F.
A search for OH 6 GHz maser emission towards supernova remnants
McDonnell, Korinne E.; Wardle, Mark ; Vaughan, Alan E.
2008MNRAS.390...59L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/390/59)
Chandra observation of the edge-on spiral NGC 5775: probing the hot galactic disc/halo connection
Li, Jiang-Tao; Li, Zhiyuan ; Wang, Q.Daniel ; Irwin, Judith A. ; Rossa, Joern
Measuring the inclination and mass-to-light ratio of axisymmetric galaxies via anisotropic Jeans models of stellar kinematics
Cappellari, Michele
High-precision geometry of a double-pole pulsar
Kramer, Michael; Johnston, Simon
The SAURON project - XII. Kinematic substructures in early-type galaxies: evidence for discs in fast rotators
Krajnovic, Davor; Bacon, R. ; Cappellari, Michele ; Davies, Roger L. ; de Zeeuw, P.T. ; Emsellem, Eric ; Falcón-Barroso, Jesús ; Kuntschner, Harald ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Peletier, Reynier F. ; Sarzi, Marc ; van den Bosch, Remco C.E. ; van de Ven, Glenn
Estimating the redshift distribution of photometric galaxy samples
Lima, Marcos; Cunha, Carlos E. ; Oyaizu, Hiroaki ; Frieman, Joshua ; Lin, Huan ; Sheldon, Erin S.
A subhorizon framework for probing the relationship between the cosmological matter distribution and metric perturbations
Amin, Mustafa A.; Wagoner, Robert V. ; Blandford, Roger D.
A H13CN/HN13C linelist, model atmospheres and synthetic spectra for carbon stars
Harris, G.J. ; Larner, F.C. ; Tennyson, J.; Kaminsky, B.M. ; Pavlenko, Ya.V. ; Jones, H.R.A.
Bayesian galaxy shape measurement for weak lensing surveys - II. Application to simulations
Kitching, T.D.; Miller, L. ; Heymans, C.E. ; van Waerbeke, L. ; Heavens, A.F.
Counterstreaming magnetized plasmas with kappa distributions - I. Parallel wave propagation
Lazar, M.; Schlickeiser, R.; Poedts, S.; Tautz, R.C.
A cellular automaton model of pulsar glitches
Warszawski, L.; Melatos, A.
The stochastic gravitational-wave background from massive black hole binary systems: implications for observations with Pulsar Timing Arrays
Sesana, A.; Vecchio, A. ; Colacino, C.N.
Transition redshift: new kinematic constraints from supernovae
Cunha, J.V.; Lima, J.A.S.
Emission-line activity in type 2 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Villar-Martín, M.; Humphrey, A. ; Martínez-Sansigre, A. ; Pérez-Torres, M. ; Binette, L. ; Zhang, X.G.
Spectral variability of GX 339-4 in a hard-to-soft state transition
Santo, M.Del; Malzac, J. ; Jourdain, E. ; Belloni, T. ; Ubertini, P.
Optical observations of PSR J0205+6449
Shearer, A.; Neustroev, V.V.
The rotational excitation of SiS by para- and ortho-H2
Klos, Jacek; Lique, François
The role of environment in the mass-metallicity relation
Cooper, Michael C.; Tremonti, Christy A.; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Zabludoff, Ann I.
On the spectroscopic nature of the cool evolved Am star HD151878
Freyhammer, L.M.; Elkin, V.G. ; Kurtz, D.W.
The distant activity of Short Period Comets - II.
Epifani, E.Mazzotta; Palumbo, P. ; Capria, M.T. ; Cremonese, G. ; Fulle, M. ; Colangeli, L.
Properties of analytic transit light-curve models
Pál, András
2008MNRAS.390..289J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/390/289)
Radio observations of the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster - I. A3158: excess star-forming galaxies in a merging clusterquest
Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Sato, M. ; Gill, J.A. ; Fleenor, M.C. ; Brick, A.-M.
Fifteen new T dwarfs discovered in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey
Pinfield, D.J.; Burningham, B. ; Tamura, M. ; Leggett, S.K. ; Lodieu, N. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Mortlock, D.J. ; Warren, S.J. ; Homeier, D. ; Ishii, M. ; Deacon, N.R. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Osori, M.R.Zapatero ; Martin, E.L. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Venemans, B.P. ; Day-Jones, A.C. ; Dobbie, P.D. ; Folkes, S.L. ; Dye, S. ; Allard, F. ; Baraffe, I. ; Navascués, D.Barrado y ; Casewell, S.L. ; Chiu, K. ; Chabrier, G. ; Clarke, F. ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Magazzù, A. ; McCaughrean, M.J. ; Nakajima, T. ; Pavlenko, Y. ; Tinney, C.G.
Non-thermal processes in the cluster of galaxies Abell 3376
Araudo, Anabella T.; Cora, Sofía A. ; Romero, Gustavo E.
Identifying deficiencies of standard accretion disc theory: lessons from a mean-field approach
Hubbard, A.; Blackman, E.G.
Mid-Infrared spectroscopic properties of ultra-luminous infrared quasars
Cao, Chen; Xia, X.Y.; Wu, Hong ; Mao, S. ; Hao, C.N. ; Deng, Z.G.
Mass distribution and orbital anisotropy of early-type galaxies: constraints from the mass plane
Nipoti, C.; Treu, T.; Bolton, A.S.
Radio continuum properties of young planetary nebulae
Cerrigone, L.; Umana, G. ; Trigilio, C. ; Leto, P. ; Buemi, C.S. ; Hora, J.L.
Modelling rapid TeV variability of PKS2155-304
Katarzynski, K.; Lenain, J.-P. ; Zech, A. ; Boisson, C. ; Sol, H.
Rotational velocities of the giants in symbiotic stars - III. Evidence of fast rotation in S-type symbiotics
Zamanov, R.K.; Bode, M.F.; Melo, C.H.F. ; Stateva, I.K. ; Bachev, R. ; Gomboc, A.; Konstantinova-Antova, R. ; Stoyanov, K.A.
2008MNRAS.390..383Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/390/383)
E+A and companion galaxies - I. A catalogue and statistics
Yamauchi, Chisato; Yagi, Masafumi; Goto, Tomotsugu
Absolute dimensions and apsidal motion of the eccentric binary V731 Cephei
Bakis, V.; Zejda, M. ; Bulut, I. ; Wolf, M. ; Bilir, S. ; Bakis, H. ; Demircan, O. ; Lee, J.W. ; Slechta, M. ; Kucerová, B.
The NGC 672 and 784 galaxy groups: evidence for galaxy formation and growth along a nearby dark matter filament
Zitrin, Adi; Brosch, Noah
On the evidence for narrow, relativistically shifted X-ray lines
Vaughan, S.; Uttley, P.
Disassembling the Galaxy with angle-action coordinates
McMillan, Paul J.; Binney, James J.
The mass density field in simulated non-Gaussian scenarios
Grossi, M.; Branchini, E.; Dolag, K.; Matarrese, S.; Moscardini, L.
A decade of radio imaging the relativistic outflow in the peculiar X-ray binary Circinus X-1
Tudose, V.; Fender, R.P. ; Tzioumis, A.K. ; Spencer, R.E. ; van der Klis, M.
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