Monthly Notices of the RAS 386
May(III) 2008
- 2008MNRAS.386.1169T
- Probing the slope of cluster mass profile with gravitational Einstein rings: application to Abell 1689
- Tu, H.; Limousin, M. ; Fort, B. ; Shu, C.G. ; Sygnet, J.F. ; Jullo, E. ; Kneib, J.P. ; Richard, J.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1179S
- Hypervelocity stars from the Andromeda galaxy
- Sherwin, Blake D.; Loeb, Abraham; O'Leary, Ryan M.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1192L
- Cosmic dynamics in the era of Extremely Large Telescopes
- Liske, J.; Grazian, A. ; Vanzella, E. ; Dessauges, M. ; Viel, M. ; Pasquini, L. ; Haehnelt, M. ; Cristiani, S. ; Pepe, F. ; Avila, G. ; Bonifacio, P. ; Bouchy, F. ; Dekker, H. ; Delabre, B. ; D'Odorico, S. ; D'Odorico, V. ; Levshakov, S. ; Lovis, C. ; Mayor, M. ; Molaro, P. ; Moscardini, L. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Queloz, D. ; Shaver, P. ; Udry, S. ; Wiklind, T. ; Zucker, S.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1219B
- Photometric redshifts for the Dark Energy Survey and VISTA and implications for large-scale structure
- Banerji, Manda; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Lahav, Ofer ; Lin, Huan
- 2008MNRAS.386.1234D
- Magnetospheric accretion on the T Tauri star BP Tauri
- Donati, J.-F.; Jardine, M.M.; Gregory, S.G.; Petit, P.; Paletou, F.; Bouvier, J.; Dougados, C.; Ménard, F.; Cameron, A.C.; Harries, T.J.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Unruh, Y.; Morin, J.; Marsden, S.C.; Manset, N.; Aurière, M.; Catala, C.; Alecian, E.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1252H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/386/1252)
- Properties of dusty tori in active galactic nuclei - I. The case of SWIRE/SDSS quasars
- Hatziminaoglou, E.; Fritz, J. ; Franceschini, A. ; Afonso-Luis, A. ; Hernán-Caballero, A. ; Pérez-Fournon, I. ; Serjeant, S. ; Lonsdale, C. ; Oliver, S. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Shupe, D. ; Smith, H.E. ; Surace, J.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1265F
- Evolution of the metal content of the intracluster medium with hydrodynamical simulations
- Fabjan, D.; Tornatore, L.; Borgani, S.; Saro, A.; Dolag, K.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1274L
- Three-dimensional simulations of accretion to stars with complex magnetic fields
- Long, M.; Romanova, M.M.; Lovelace, R.V.E.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1285V
- On the importance of high-redshift intergalactic voids
- Viel, Matteo; Colberg, Jörg M. ; Kim, T.-S.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1294V
- Three-dimensional stability of magnetically confined mountains on accreting neutron stars
- Vigelius, M.; Melatos, A.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1309M
- Towards a holistic view of the heating and cooling of the intracluster medium
- McCarthy, I.G.; Babul, A. ; Bower, R.G. ; Balogh, M.L.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1332C
- Testing the AGB scenario as the origin of the extreme-helium population in ω Centauri
- Choi, Ena ; Yi, Sukyoung K.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1338P
- The electronic bands of CrD, CrH, MgD and MgH: application to the `deuterium test'
- Pavlenko, Ya.V.; Harris, G.J. ; Tennyson, J. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Brown, J.M. ; Hill, C. ; Yakovina, L.A.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1347P
- Jupiter and Super-Earth embedded in a gaseous disc
- Podlewska, E.; Szuszkiewicz, E.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1355G
- Integrated field spectroscopy of E+A (post-starburst) galaxies with the Kyoto tridimensional spectrograph II
- Goto, Tomotsugu; Kawai, Atsushi ; Shimono, Atsushi ; Sugai, Hajime ; Yagi, Masafumi ; Hattori, Takashi
- 2008MNRAS.386.1366N
- BF Eridani: a cataclysmic variable with a massive white dwarf and an evolved secondary
- Neustroev, V.V.; Zharikov, S.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1380K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/386/1380)
- CCD photometric and mass function study of nine young Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters
- Kumar, B.; Sagar, R.; Melnick, J.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1398B
- Dynamic stabilization of non-spherical bodies against unlimited collapse
- Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S.; Tsupko, O.Yu.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1404U
- ATCA observations of the very young Planetary Nebula SAO 244567
- Umana, G.; Trigilio, C. ; Cerrigone, L.; Buemi, C.S. ; Leto, P.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1411B
- The expansion and radio spectral index of G21.5-0.9: is PSR J1833-1034 the youngest pulsar ?
- Bietenholz, M.F.; Bartel, N.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1417G
- Support vector machines and kd-tree for separating quasars from large survey data bases
- Gao, Dan ; Zhang, Yan-Xia; Zhao, Yong-Heng
- 2008MNRAS.386.1426K
- The intrinsic fraction of broad-absorption line quasars
- Knigge, Christian; Scaringi, Simone ; Goad, Michael R. ; Cottis, Christopher E.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1436B
- Near-Earth Objects in the Taurid complex
- Babadzhanov, P.B.; Williams, I.P.; Kokhirova, G.I.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1443B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/386/1443)
- A 2dF spectroscopic study of globular clusters in NGC 5128: probing the formation history of the nearest giant elliptical
- Beasley, Michael A.; Bridges, Terry; Peng, Eric; Harris, William E.; Harris, Gretchen L.H.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Mackie, Glen
- 2008MNRAS.386.1464R
- A deep X-ray observation of M82 with XMM-Newton
- Ranalli, P.; Comastri, A.; Origlia, L.; Maiolino, R.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1481B
- Dimensionless measures of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic dissipation rates
- Blackman, Eric G.; Field, George B.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1487M
- Probing the properties of convective cores through g modes: high-order g modes in SPB and γ Doradus stars
- Miglio, Andrea ; Montalbán, Josefina; Noels, Arlette ; Eggenberger, Patrick
- 2008MNRAS.386.1503F
- Detecting `Temperate' Jupiters: the prospects of searching for transiting gas giants in Habitable Zones
- Fleming, S.W.; Kane, S.R. ; McCullough, P.R. ; Chromey, F.R.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1521C
- Water maser 353.273+0.641, the prime example of a class dominated by a blueshifted outflow
- Caswell, J.L.; Phillips, C.J.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1527N
- X-ray spectra from magnetar candidates - I. Monte Carlo simulations in the non-relativistic regime
- Nobili, L.; Turolla, R.; Zane, S.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1543Z
- Multimass spherical structure models for N-body simulations
- Zemp, Marcel; Moore, Ben ; Stadel, Joachim ; Carollo, C.Marcella ; Madau, Piero
- 2008MNRAS.386.1557C
- The nature of the intranight variability of radio-quiet quasars
- Czerny, B.; Siemiginowska, A. ; Janiuk, A. ; Gupta, A.C.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1568D
- Orbital periods of cataclysmic variables identified by the SDSS - III. Time-series photometry obtained during the 2004/5 International Time Project on La Palma
- Dillon, M. ; Gänsicke, B.T.; Aungwerojwit, A. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Barros, S.C.C. ; Szkody, P. ; Brady, S. ; Krajci, T. ; Oksanen, A.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1579M
- Constraining spiral structure parameters through Galactic pencil-beam and large-scale radial velocity surveys
- Minchev, I.; Quillen, A.C.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1588S
- Forming galaxies with MOND
- Sanders, R.H.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1597Z
- The GRB luminosity function: predictions from the internal shock model and comparison with observations
- Zitouni, H.; Daigne, F.; Mochkovich, R.; Zerguini, T.H.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1605M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/386/1605)
- Luminous K-band selected quasars from UKIDSS
- Maddox, Natasha; Hewett, Paul C. ; Warren, S.J. ; Croom, S.M.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1625C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/386/1625)
- The old open cluster NGC 2112: updated estimates of fundamental parameters based on a membership analysis
- Carraro, G.; Villanova, S.; Demarque, P.; Bidin, C.Moni; McSwain, M.V.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1635P
- Waves in the solar photosphere
- Pandey, B.P.; Vranjes, J.; Krishan, V.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1644S
- Homogeneous studies of transiting extrasolar planets - I. Light-curve analyses
- Southworth, John
- 2008MNRAS.386.1667B
- FIGGS: Faint Irregular Galaxies GMRT Survey - overview, observations and first results
- Begum, Ayesha; Chengalur, Jayaram N. ; Karachentsev, I.D. ; Sharina, M.E. ; Kaisin, S.S.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1683G
- The impact of a percolating IGM on redshifted 21-cm observations of quasar HII regions
- Geil, Paul M.; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1695S
- The star formation history of the Universe as revealed by deep radio observations
- Seymour, N.; Dwelly, T. ; Moss, D. ; McHardy, I. ; Zoghbi, A. ; Rieke, G. ; Page, M. ; Hopkins, A. ; Loaring, N.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1709C
- An XMM-Newton study of the environments, particle content and impact of low-power radio galaxies
- Croston, J.H.; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Birkinshaw, M. ; Worrall, D.M. ; Laing, R.A.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1729T
- Multifrequency spectral analysis of extragalactic radio sources in the 33-GHz VSA catalogue: sources with flattening and upturn spectrum
- Tucci, M.; Rubiño-Martin, J.A. ; Rebolo, R. ; Genova-Santos, R. ; Watson, R.A. ; Battye, R.A. ; Cleary, K.A. ; Davies, R.D. ; Davis, R.J. ; Grainge, K. ; Hobson, M. ; Saunders, R.D.E. ; Scaife, A. ; Scott, P.F.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1739P
- Searching for evidence of interaction between the Of star HD 229196 and the interstellar medium
- Pineault, S.; Arnal, E.M. ; Cappa, C. ; Cichowolski, S. ; Normandeau, M. ; St-Louis, N.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1750K
- δSct pulsation in magnetic Ap stars: the discovery of δSct pulsations in HD218994AB and measurement of the magnetic fields of HD218994A and HD21190
- Kurtz, D.W.; Hubrig, S. ; González, J.F. ; van Wyk, F. ; Martinez, P.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1756E
- Formation and evolution of W Ursa Majoris stars: fallacies and corrections
- Eker, Z.; Demircan, O. ; Bilir, S.
- 2008MNRAS.386.1759C
- Erratum: Source subtraction for the extended Very Small Array and 33-GHz source count estimates by
- Cleary, Kieran A.; Taylor, Angela C.; Waldram, Elizabeth; Battye, Richard A.; Dickinson, Clive; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Genova-Santos, Ricardo; Grainge, Keith; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Pooley, G.G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, Alberto; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Titterington, David; Watson, Robert A.
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