Monthly Notices of the RAS 382
November(III) 2007
- 2007MNRAS.382L...1N
- A Compton-thick active galactic nucleus powering the hyperluminous infrared galaxy IRAS 00182-7112
- Nandra, K.; Iwasawa, K.
- 2007MNRAS.382L...6S
- Extreme recoils: impact on the detection of gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries
- Sesana, Alberto
- 2007MNRAS.382L..11C
- HI and OH absorption in the lensing galaxy of MG J0414+0534
- Curran, S.J.; Darling, J. ; Bolatto, A.D. ; Whiting, M.T. ; Bignell, C. ; Webb, J.K.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..16J
- Discovery of a galactic wind in the central region of M100
- Jiménez-Vicente, J.; Castillo-Morales, A. ; Mediavilla, E. ; Battaner, E.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..21C
- How common are long gamma-ray bursts in the local Universequest
- Chapman, Robert; Tanvir, Nial R. ; Priddey, Robert S. ; Levan, Andrew J.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..26L
- On the crystallinity of silicate dust in the interstellar medium
- Li, M.P.; Zhao, G.; Li, Aigen
- 2007MNRAS.382L..30S
- Brown dwarf formation by gravitational fragmentation of massive, extended protostellar discs
- Stamatellos, Dimitris; Hubber, David A. ; Whitworth, Anthony P.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..35W
- New ammonia masers towards NGC6334I
- Walsh, A.J.; Longmore, S.N. ; Thorwirth, S. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Purcell, C.R.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..39P
- Effects of fluctuation on αΩ dynamo models
- Proctor, Michael R.E.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..43S
- Neutron star cooling after deep crustal heating in the X-ray transient KS 1731-260
- Shternin, P.S. ; Yakovlev, D.G. ; Haensel, P. ; Potekhin, A.Y.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..48T
- Asteroseismology of red giants: photometric observations of Arcturus by SMEI
- Tarrant, N.J. ; Chaplin, W.J.; Elsworth, Y. ; Spreckley, S.A. ; Stevens, I.R.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..53Y
- Discovery of 21-cm absorption in a zabs= 2.289 damped Lyman α system towards TXS 0311+430: the first low spin temperature absorber at z > 1
- York, Brian A.; Kanekar, Nissim; Ellison, Sara L.; Pettini, Max
- 2007MNRAS.382L..58A
- Gravitational arcs as a perturbation of the perfect ring
- Alard, C.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..63B
- Generalized Wiedemann-Franz law and temperature jump in space plasmas with ion-acoustic turbulence
- Bespalov, P.A.; Savina, O.N.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..67M
- Meteor luminosity simulation through laser ablation of meteorites
- Milley, E.P.; Hawkes, R.L.; Ehrman, J.M.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..72G
- Re-born fireballs in gamma-ray bursts
- Ghisellini, G.; Celotti, A. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Firmani, C. ; Nava, L.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..77G
- Did we observe the supernova shock breakout in GRB 060218quest
- Ghisellini, G.; Ghirlanda, G. ; Tavecchio, F.
- 2007MNRAS.382L..82G
- On the 2007 July flare of the blazar 3C 454.3
- Ghisellini, Gabriele; Foschini, Luigi ; Tavecchio, Fabrizio ; Pian, Elena
- 2007MNRAS.382L..87B
- Formation of the Galactic globular clusters with He-rich stars in low-mass haloes virialized at high redshift
- Bekki, Kenji; Yahagi, Hideki; Nagashima, Masahiro; Forbes, Duncan A.
- 2007MNRAS.382....2R
- Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator analysis of the PSCz local Universe: density field and cosmic flow
- Romano-Díaz, Emilio; van de Weygaert, Rien
- 2007MNRAS.382...29B
- The Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558 evidence shows modified gravity in the absence of dark matter
- Brownstein, J.R.; Moffat, J.W.
- 2007MNRAS.382...48G
- Wide-field mid-infrared and millimetre imaging of the high-redshift radio galaxy, 4C41.17
- Greve, T.R.; Stern, D. ; Ivison, R.J. ; De Breuck, C. ; Kovács, A. ; Bertoldi, F.
- 2007MNRAS.382...67T
- Fields and filaments in the core of the Centaurus cluster
- Taylor, G.B.; Fabian, A.C.; Gentile, G. ; Allen, S.W.; Crawford, C.; Sanders, J.S.
- 2007MNRAS.382...73T
- The formation of star clusters - II. 3D simulations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in molecular clouds
- Tilley, David A.; Pudritz, Ralph E.
- 2007MNRAS.382...95I
- PKS1932-46: a radio source in an interacting groupquest
- Inskip, K.J.; Tadhunter, C.N. ; Dicken, D. ; Holt, J. ; Villar-Martín, M. ; Morganti, R.
- 2007MNRAS.382..109T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/382/109)
- Strong size evolution of the most massive galaxies since z ∼ 2
- Trujillo, Ignacio; Conselice, C.J. ; Bundy, Kevin ; Cooper, M.C. ; Eisenhardt, P. ; Ellis, Richard S.
- 2007MNRAS.382..121H
- Strong lensing optical depths in a ΛCDM universe
- Hilbert, Stefan; White, Simon D.M. ; Hartlap, Jan ; Schneider, Peter
- 2007MNRAS.382..133W
- The excitation of molecular hydrogen by atomic hydrogen in astrophysical media
- Wrathmall, S.A.; Gusdorf, A. ; Flower, D.R.
- 2007MNRAS.382..139T
- A Rigid-Field Hydrodynamics approach to modelling the magnetospheres of massive stars
- Townsend, R.H.D.; Owocki, S.P. ; ud-Doula, A.
- 2007MNRAS.382..158G
- Cosmology with the Planck cluster sample
- Geisbüsch, Jörn; Hobson, Michael P.
- 2007MNRAS.382..177P
- A homogeneous sample of sub-damped Lyman systems - IV. Global metallicity evolution
- Péroux, Céline; Dessauges-Zavadsky, Miroslava ; D'Odorico, Sandro ; Kim, Tae-Sun ; McMahon, Richard G.
- 2007MNRAS.382..194N
- An XMM-Newton survey of broad iron lines in Seyfert galaxies
- Nandra, K.; O'Neill, P.M.; George, I.M. ; Reeves, J.N.
- 2007MNRAS.382..229S
- Impact of cosmic rays on Population III star formation
- Stacy, Athena; Bromm, Volker
- 2007MNRAS.382..239C
- The first high-amplitude δ Scuti star in an eclipsing binary system
- Christiansen, J.L.; Derekas, A. ; Ashley, M.C.B. ; Webb, J.K. ; Hidas, M.G. ; Hamacher, D.W. ; Kiss, L.L.
- 2007MNRAS.382..245S
- Updated Opacity Project radiative accelerations
- Seaton, M.J.
- 2007MNRAS.382..251D
- The metal abundance of circumnuclear star-forming regions in early-type spirals. Spectrophotometric observations
- Díaz, Ángeles I.; Terlevich, Elena; Castellanos, Marcelo; Hägele, Guillermo F.
- 2007MNRAS.382..270I
- Spatially resolved spectroscopy of passive spiral galaxies
- Ishigaki, Miho; Goto, Tomotsugu; Matsuhara, Hideo
- 2007MNRAS.382..279P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/382/279)
- The XMM-Large Scale Structure catalogue: X-ray sources and associated optical data. Version I
- Pierre, M.; Chiappetti, L. ; Pacaud, F. ; Gueguen, A. ; Libbrecht, C. ; Altieri, B. ; Aussel, H. ; Gandhi, P.; Garcet, O. ; Gosset, E. ; Paioro, L. ; Ponman, T.J. ; Read, A.M. ; Refregier, A. ; Starck, J.-L. ; Surdej, J. ; Valtchanov, I. ; Adami, C. ; Alloin, D. ; Alshino, A. ; Andreon, S. ; Birkinshaw, M. ; Bremer, M. ; Detal, A. ; Duc, P.-A. ; Galaz, G. ; Jones, L. ; Le Fèvre, J.-P. ; Le Fèvre, O. ; Maccagni, D. ; Mazure, A. ; Quintana, H. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Sprimont, P.-G. ; Tasse, C. ; Trinchieri, G. ; Willis, J.P.
- 2007MNRAS.382..291B
- Investigation of MgO as a candidate for the primary nucleating dust species around M stars
- Bhatt, Jayesh S.; Ford, Ian J.
- 2007MNRAS.382..299P
- Structure and clumping in the fast wind of NGC6543
- Prinja, R.K.; Hodges, S.E.; Massa, D.L.; Fullerton, A.W.; Burnley, A.W.
- 2007MNRAS.382..308K
- Probing galactic dark matter in dense environments: on the strong lensing efficiency of galaxies in rich clusters
- King, Lindsay J.
- 2007MNRAS.382..315M
- Bayesian galaxy shape measurement for weak lensing surveys - I. Methodology and a fast-fitting algorithm
- Miller, L.; Kitching, T.D. ; Heymans, C. ; Heavens, A.F. ; Van Waerbeke, L.
- 2007MNRAS.382..325B
- The observed ionization rate of the intergalactic medium and the ionizing emissivity at z ≥ 5: evidence for a photon-starved and extended epoch of reionization
- Bolton, James S.; Haehnelt, Martin G.
- 2007MNRAS.382..342C
- Spectral analysis of Swift long gamma-ray bursts with known redshift
- Cabrera, J.I.; Firmani, C. ; Avila-Reese, V. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Nava, L.
- 2007MNRAS.382..356K
- Determination of the axial rotation rate using apsidal motion for early-type eclipsing binaries
- Khaliullin, Kh.F.; Khaliullina, A.I.
- 2007MNRAS.382..367B
- γ-ray production in young open clusters: Berk 87, Cyg OB2 and Westerlund 2
- Bednarek, W.
- 2007MNRAS.382..377W
- Survey requirements for accurate and precise photometric redshifts for Type Ia supernovae
- Wang, Yun; Narayan, Gautham; Wood-Vasey, Michael
- 2007MNRAS.382..382M – (Tables: VIII/82)
- The second epoch Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey: compact source catalogue
- Murphy, T.; Mauch, T. ; Green, A. ; Hunstead, R.W. ; Piestrzynska, B. ; Kels, A.P. ; Sztajer, P.
- 2007MNRAS.382..393R
- The short-period end of the contact binary period distribution based on the All-Sky Automated Survey
- Rucinski, Slavek M.
- 2007MNRAS.382..397A
- Joint deprojection of Sunyaev-Zeldovich and X-ray images of galaxy clusters
- Ameglio, S.; Borgani, S.; Pierpaoli, E.; Dolag, K.
- 2007MNRAS.382..412O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/382/412)
- SDSS J131339.98+515128.3: a new gravitationally lensed quasar selected based on near-infrared excess
- Ofek, Eran O.; Oguri, Masamune ; Jackson, Neal ; Inada, Naohisa ; Kayo, Issha
- 2007MNRAS.382..419S
- Global lopsided instability in a purely stellar galactic disc
- Saha, Kanak; Combes, Francoise ; Jog, Chanda J.
- 2007MNRAS.382..433D
- The mass assembly of fossil groups of galaxies in the Millennium simulation
- Dariush, Ali; Khosroshahi, Habib G. ; Ponman, Trevor J. ; Pearce, Frazer ; Raychaudhury, Somak ; Hartley, Will
- 2007MNRAS.382..443M
- Modelling the chemical evolution of ω Centauri using three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations
- Marcolini, A.; Sollima, A. ; D'Ercole, A. ; Gibson, B.K. ; Ferraro, F.R.
- 2007MNRAS.382..455G
- Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope low-frequency observations of extrasolar planetary systems
- George, Samuel J.; Stevens, Ian R.
- 2007MNRAS.382..461R
- A search for electron cyclotron maser emission from compact binaries
- Ramsay, Gavin; Brocksopp, Catherine ; Wu, Kinwah ; Slee, Bruce ; Saxton, Curtis J.
- 2007MNRAS.382..466H
- γ-ray emission associated with cluster-scale AGN outbursts
- Hinton, J.A.; Domainko, W. ; Pope, E.C.D.
- 2007MNRAS.382..473B
- Limits on the 2.2-µm contrast ratio of the close-orbiting planet HD 189733b
- Barnes, J.R.; Barman, Travis S. ; Prato, L. ; Segransan, D. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Leigh, C.J. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Pinfield, D.J.
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